HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900123 Correspondence 2019-09-190 ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. *8P A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION I.ANL78BRYEYING Se ing Vr nia Since 195G ENC,INERµ1NC. LAND PLAMONG 1AWNEP.RINO DEPARIMLNI WRVLI'11EMIUMI.N1- 172SM'I'IIPANHIPSDRIVE STF.A 914 AION I W131.1.0, ROAD 11M 1..'IAOGAKI RE, CI IARLO I'rESVII.I.EI VA M911 CIIARLOT1'INVILLE VA 219U1 DON I'BANCO. P.E. PI]ONE (434)979-H 121 PI IONS µ3419774P05 N"ILLBRI I. D.. JAMISON. L.S. DAVID M. ROBINSON. P.L. I'AN (434, 979-1681 IiAX (4141296-52211 Bl(IAN D. 1Ap115(1N. L.S. A:NIMY IN. GFORGE. PLA KRIS I OP1ILR (. WIN "I'CBS. L.S. INF(➢nlUX DABU51LCOlI NIC'1I0LASM. 1IITU IINSON.I..S. Transmittal Cover Sheet To: Albemarle County Community Development Date: 9/19/2019 Attn: Cameron Langille Address: 401 McIntire Road Transmitted: By Mail Charlottesville, VA 22902 From: Bethany Velasquez �X By Hand Application: SUB201900123 By Email Project: SUBDIVISION OF TAX MAP PARCEL 46-18 ED For Pick-up Project #: 8587 115 Received By: Date: Delivered by: 0 RGA FiClient 0 Other CC: For Pick-up: OBelmont Office =Pantops Office 0-i ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION LAND SDRVEYINc Scrtring 1/irgdnda 5'ince 1956 ENGINEERING NAND PLANNING ENGINEERING UF.PARI'MF'.N I' SURVEY DEPARTNIEN'1 172 SOUTH PAN rolls DRIVE. STE. A 914 MUM ICELLD ROAD JIM L.'I'AGGAR'I'. P.E. C'11ARLC1'I-I'ESVILLL'. VA_12911 CI IARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 DON FRANCO, RE. PI1(JNE (434) 979-8121 PI IONS (434) 977-U-05 R'11.1.1AM J. LEUREI"fER. L.S. FAX (434) 979-1681 BRIAN D. JAMISON, L.S. AM11\1Y M. (iEORCiI'., PLA FAX (434) 296-5220 NIC'11o1.AS M. IiP I'C'111NSON. L.S. INFOla RDUDAaUSI LC oM September 18, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Attn.: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner Re: SUB201900123 Brookhill — Subdivision of Tax Map Parcel 46-18 Dear Mr. Langille, We have reviewed your comments provided on August 15, 2019, and provide the following responses: 1. [General Comment] A boundary line adjustment plat (SUB201900063) was approved by Albemarle County on May 22, 2019. This was a boundary line adjustment to TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2. The parcel boundaries and acreages shown on the current plat under review do not match the adjustments that were approved with SUB201900063. Please address the following: a. Property records from Albemarle County GIS do not indicate that the most recent subdivision approval for TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 was the two -lot division (SUB201800188) creating what is now known as TMP 46-19A2. This was recorded in DB 5150 pages 40-47. For purposes of this review, staff comments will assume that SUB201900063 was not recorded, and the parcel data/boundaries as shown in DB 5150, pp. 44-47 is correct. b. Was SUB201900063 ever recorded? If so, please send staff the deed book and page number of the recorded instrument. c. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the parcel boundaries of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 shown on the existing boundary conditions (Sheets V2 and V3) should match the recorded instrument. d. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the recorded instrument number should be stated in the property labels of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 on Sheets V2 and V3. e. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the acreages stated in the property labels of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 should match the recorded instrument on Sheets V2 and V3. Response: SUB201900063 was recorded in deed book 5169 PG 235. TMPs 46-19A1 and 43-19A2 are shown per this plat and assuming that SUB201900117 will be recorded prior to this. A placeholder (DB XX PG XX) has been added so that it may be updated once recorded. Acreages for 46-19A1 & 46-19A2 were removed as they are not affected by this subdivision. ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. s A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION g p rANDSURVEY1NG ,Serving Virginia Since 1956 P.NGINI RWIG LANDPIANWNG LNGINELRING DLPARI'MBYISURVEY DEP,ARTMEN7 172 SOU111 PAN 10PS DRI VL. S I I... A 914 MON71C'ELLO ROAD JIM L.'1'AOOAR'1'. RE CIIARL.On'EIVILLE. VA22911 L'I IARLOTTESVILLE, VA 229112 WILLIAM J. LEDBETIT.R, L.S. DON PRANCO, P.E. PIIONE (4341979-8121 11110NE (434) 977.105 BRIAN D. JAMISON, L.S. AM.MY M. GEORGE. PLA FAX (434) 979-1691 PAX (4M) 29(r522II NI('I1(ILAS AA. I11AY'IIINSON, L.S. INEOa ROUDABUSI LC'O-M 2. [General Comment] Due to the number of plats and deeds that are being recorded with the Albemarle County Clerk's office, it is difficult to track what plats and deeds apply to each parcel. Please provide a note for each parcel that lists all recorded instruments (plats, deeds, etc.) for TMPs 46-18, 46-18A, 46- 19A 1, 46-19A2, and 46-19B3, a. Please be aware that there is currently another Brookhill plat under review, SUB201900117. This plat will need to be updated prior to approval to incorporate updated instrument references, acreages, etc. assuming that SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first. Response: A table has been added to the cover sheet with all recorded deeds/plats to date. 3. [General Comment] Per previous conversations between Alan Taylor (Brookhill developer) and County staff, the developer has indicated that the road names of Stella Lane and Archer Avenue need to be switched. Staff informed the developer that this can be done so long as the names are shown on the plat dedicating the right-of-way to the County. Staff has noticed that the road names have not been switched on this plat. If Stella Lane right-of-way is dedicated, the names can't be switched at a later date. Please work with the developer to ensure that the road names shown on this plat reflect the names the developer wants. Response: Road names have been switched. a. Assuming SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first, the labels for Salamander Street, Stella Lane, and Archer Avenue will need to be updated on all applicable sheets so that it states the deed book and page number of the recorded plat that created the right-of-way. Response: A placeholder (DB XX PG XX) has been added so that it may be updated once recorded. 4. [General Comment] Please remove the words "Parcel 8A revised" from the parcel label for TMP 46- 19A1 on Sheets V2-V4. Response: Removed. 5. [14-302 (A)(4)] On all applicable drawings, please show the location of the existing private easement recorded in deed book 459, pages 3-4. The easement should be labeled as public or private and should state the instrument number. Response: Easement was quit -claimed in deed book 5123 page 433. 6. [14-302 (A)(4)] Please clarify the easements shown on Sheet V4. Are these existing or proposed easements? It appears that some of the easements shown already exist and are recorded in DB 5121, pages 644-675, but the labels do not reference a recorded plat. Response: All easements are existing. DB/PG references have been added to labels. I also moved them to the existing conditions sheet and eliminated sheet V4 as I believe it was confusing. 0 ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A PROFESSIONAL. CORPORATION g p LAND SURVEYING ServinK VirginiaSince 1950 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING UEPARI'MENT SPRVEY UEPARI'VIENT 172 SOVI I I PAN POPS DRIVL STE. A 914 MORTI( ELLO ROAD JIM I..TAG(iAR'r. RF CIIARLOITESVILI.E. VA 22911 CIIARL01-1 ESVILLE. VA2290- µ'ILLIAM J. LEDBEI"1[X LS, DON FRANCO. P.E. PIZONE(434)979-8121 PI IONE (43 4) 977-0205 .4MIMY M. OEORGE. PI_A FAX (434) 979-1681 1'AX (4341296-5220 BRIAN U. JAINSONL.S. NI('lIU1.A5 M. IIU'I'CIIINSON. L.S. INFOm ROI JDABUS] LCOM 7. [14-302 (A)(11)] Per Comment #2a, please revise the statement of title on Sheet V 1 so that it references the most recently recorded instrument for TMP 46-18 assuming SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first. Response: A plaeeholder (DB XX PG XX) has been added so that it may be updated once recorded. 8. [14-302 A)(11)] Per Comment #2a, please revise the parcel labels so that they include the recorded instrument deed book and page number for the most recently recorded instruments for all of the visible parcels. Response: DB/PG references have been added for all adjoining parcels. A plaeeholder (DR XX PG XX) has been added on lots that will be affected by 201900117 so that they may be updated once recorded. 9. [14-302 (A)(15)] Please state the names and addresses of the easement holders for the existing 50' easement recorded in deed book 459, pages 3-4. Response: Easement was quit -claimed in deed book 5123 page 433, 10. [14-302 (A)(5) and 14-303 (L)] On all sheets, please show and label the land reserved for future dedication to public use along Polo Grounds Road right-of-way reservation as recorded in DB 5121, pages 644-675. Response: R/W reservation added. 11. [14-302 (A)(11)] In the property labels on all drawings, please state the most recently recorded instrument that applies to each property. Response: DB/PG references have been added for all adjoining parcels. A plaeeholder (DR XX PG XX) has been added on lots that will be affected by 201900117 so that they may be updated once recorded. 12. [14-302 (13)(1)] Please add a date of last revision to each sheet. Response: Revision date added. 13. 114-302 (11)(4)] Note #10 on Sheet VI needs to be revised. Per the plat recorded in DB 5150, pages 40-47, there is a place of burial on TMP 46-18. a. Please show the place of burial on the plat. Response: Note revised and cemetery shown. 0 ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. B APROFESSIONAL CORPORATION g p LAND SURVEYING Suring Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING UEPARI MEN SHRVE'Y I* PAR I'MENI 172 Sol - I I I PAN I ( IPS DRI VE. S I E. A 914 MONI I(1=1.1.0 ROAD JM L.'1'AGGARL P.E. CI IARLO'r1'ESVILLE, VA 22911 C1IARLOTIESVILLE. V122902 DON FRANCO. P.E. NIONE(4341979-8121 1'lIDV1: 1434)477-02115 WILLIAM J. Liamm rt:R. L.S. IAX (434) 979-1681 o BRIAN D. JAdMISON.1. S. AMMY M. GEORGE. PLA I-AX (434) _96-5_ (I VI('I IOLAS.\I. Ill/'I'('IIINSON. LS. INFOaROUDABUSI U OM 14. [14-302 (B)(5)] Please revise note 5 on Sheet VI. It lists the zoning classifications of TMP 46-19A 1 and TMP 46-19A2. These parcels are not part of this plat and their zoning classifications do not need to be stated in a note. The note should state the zoning classifications of the revised TMP 46-18 and the new manor house lot. a. TMP 46-18 is zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD) and is subject to the Code of Development of ZMA201500007, the proffers of ZMA201800011, and SP201500025. It lies within the EC -Entrance Corridor Overlay and the AIA- Airport Impact Area Overlay. Portions of TMP 46-18 lies within the Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District. b. New Manor House Lot is zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD) and is subject to the Code of Development of ZMA201500007, the proffers of ZMA201800011, and SP201500025. It lies within the EC -Entrance Corridor Overlay and the AIA- Airport Impact Area Overlay. c. Please verify whether the new manor house lot will contain portions of the Managed Steep Slopes, Preserved Steep Slopes, or Flood Hazard Overlay Districts. Based on staff s review of Albemarle County GIS, it appears the new lot will may contain areas within the Managed Steep Slopes overlay district. Response: Zoning notes have been updated. 15. [14-302 (B)(9)] Please show the limits of the Flood Hazard Overlay District on all applicable parcels and all applicable sheets. Response: Flood Hazard Overlay shown. 16. [General Comment] New easements that will be public will require deeds for review and approval. Response: No new easements proposed with this plat. 17. [General Comment] Please revise the statement of consent to division so that it states "The platting or dedication of the subdivision of TMP 46-18..." Response: Note has been revised and a placeholder (DB XX PG XX) has been added so that it may be updated once recorded. Thank you for taking the time to review this plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, Bethany Velasquez