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SUB198400021 Action Letter 1989-10-05
o��Fnc� e4.77191 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 October 5, 1989 Jesse Hurt Director of Inspections County of Albemarle Dear Jesse: It is this department' s understanding that Cynthia Deupree has applied for a building permit for Tax Map 73 , Parcel 2 in the Mike Wholley Subdivision. It is also this department' s understanding that you will not issue a building permit because VDOT will not grant a private entrance permit to the Deuprees as the second dwelling unit on Tattershell Farm Lane due to inadequate sight distance. As you can see from Amelia Patterson' s May 2, 1989 letter (attached) , this road should have had an entrance built to the private street commercial standards of VDOT. However, this has never been done and VDOT has released the bond. In the letter of May 2, 1989 , the County indicated this requirement would not be enforced until the issuance of a third building permit on Tattershall Farm Lane, allowing the entrance to remain a private entrance for the first two dwelling units in accordance with VDOT standards. The County did not verify that the existing private entrance met private entrance standards. It is now apparent from VDOT' s action that it does not. The Deuprees have requested that they be allowed their building permit, siting their conditions outlined in the May 2, 1989 letter. I believe it is an arguable point as to whether that letter implied no improvements would be necessary for the second dwelling unit. I am reluctant to recommend the requirement for upgrading the entrance be set aside and the building permit issued. There is an obvious safety issue such an improvement would address. But, I can understand the impression the May 2, 1989 letter may have given that no further improvements would be necessary until Jesse Hurt October 5 , 1989 Page 2 construction of a third dwelling unit. I , therefore, am recommending issuance of the building permit with the understanding that the conditions of the May 2 letter remain and will be enforced on the third dwelling -unit. Please let me know if you have an questions or concerns . Sinc rely, a)G7.4"-V. +Waylimber Direct Plan in and Community Development VWC/meb cc: Cynthia Deupree Amelia Patterson Jeff Echols Steve Cresswell Michael or Kathleen Wholley Michael Elswick William or Lynda Stephens Patricia Slohoda David or Maureen Booth �IIII y� 47. ciaGoz- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 ji jou May 2, 1989 l Cynthia Deupree 210 18th Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Mike Wholley Subdivision - Tattershall Farm Lane - Tax Map 73 , Parcels 17 , 17A, 17D and 17E; Rt. 682 Dear Ms. Deupree, This letter serves to provide written record of what we have discussed by telephone last week on several occasions. The questions relate to entrance and road approval on the above-noted. It appears that the entrance has not been installed as approved. This subdivision was approved by the Albemarle County Planning Commission on January 31, 1984. The road was to serve Lots #1, 2, 5 and 6. Tattershall Farm Lane was approved by the County Engineering Department in its existing condition, with no requirement for upgrading. These private road regulations have since been amended on several occasions. In any event, there was no need for a road bond because no improvements were necessary. Access to the above-noted lots is restricted to the internal road, in accordance with the County goal to reduce entrances or conflict points. Waiver from this restriction must be received by the Planning Commission under Sections 18-36f and 18-36h of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, the required entrance, a private street commercial entrance according to Virginia Department of Transportation standards, has not been installed to date. A permit was issued and bond posted; however, the permit expired and the bond was returned. Apparently the entrance will need minor realignment and some work to obtain sight distance. In lieu of proceeding to vacate the plat, we will delay the entrance construction requirement until issuance of the third building permit on the private road. A copy of this letter is being sent to the original developer. Therefore, if your house will constitute the second dwelling on this road, the entrance may remain a private entrance, in accordance with Virginia_Department of Transportation standards. However, the herd residential building permit will not be issued until the required entrance is permitted, and the certificate of occupancy will not be issued until it is complete. If the Virginia Department of Transportation continues to release bonds when work has not begun and been completed, the County shall double-bond entrance improvements. In the future, a bond for that work will also be held by the County of Albemarle. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Cpv L0,41-Zrt.- 61 • if'elileui_et, Amelia M. Patterson p-c() Senior Planner U' n , 4 L AMP/meb cc: Jesse Hurt Jeff Echols 11721 Steve Cresswell Michael'or Kathleen Wholley (pArcel 17) Michael Elswick (parcel 17A)— A " 4 I 6/t9 , William or Lynda Stephens (parcel 17B) Patricia Slohoda (parcel 17C) David or Maureen Booth (parcel 17D and 17E) -1 . 1E1111.11.111111P' a' . '3I/01r7,._t.r..M.• s•.re••Ir..... 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VA Of al• O,HIGHWAYS•• rPANSPOsrTAIT 4 �1.- -,70•S7•06•.• 1•`4 itCe. Q� MA 3 THE•,LN? IV CL[AR AS RTOUIPTD 0 e„, /se••• ' _. IIC, 1fAJ.IrAIN rH,E RS0USIGHT,W0 ZJO.OF SIT •f 70'S7'SI•,• •`.•• R 0,3 rA7sCt IT THE tN MAWS'f AUNT,FM LOTS e•KZ Si' ••MI Sa' 40 Of. ,,A•l !•• i A114 .0'0,•.v 1,r70• - - --- 4 STATE ROUTE 437 yp -r , .l'. iltinna.4 Igela • TATTERSHALL FARM SUBDIVISION cl.::. • 1`''' ` 1 A DIVISION OF PARCEL 17, TAX MAP 73, j" 7 ,tOCATED-AT THE INT. OF STE.RTES. 637 & 682, 4'4\ SAMUEL MILLER MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, '` / :ui ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ' 1 n\j`cy t*LLIAM��;'' ..6u - OATE: FEBRUARY 17, /044 SCALE: 1• 400• ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS • CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA