HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100087 Review Comments Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2022-02-22�q off pig 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WWW,ALBEMARLE.ORG ��BGIN�Q' Site Plan review Project title: Caliber Collision (SDP000000413), Major Amendment Project file number: SDP202100087 Plan preparer: Todd Burnett, PE [tbumett(d�fk-inc.coml Ankita Kot [ akot(a),fk-inc.com ] Freeland and Kauffman, Inc., 209 West Stone Ave., Greenville, SC 29609 Owner or rep.: Tap Investments LLC, 2903 E. Augusta St., Staunton, VA 24401 labailey@trianglerealtors.net Plan received date: 15 Nov 2021 (Rev. 1) 2 Feb 2022 Date of comments: 12 Dec 2021 (Rev. 1) 22 Feb 2022 Plan Coordinator: Manah Gleason Reviewer: John Anderson Engineering has reviewed this Major site plan Amendment and offers these review comments. SDP202100087, Caliber Collision, Rt. 29 1. Title sheet: List Area of Disturbance (demolition /construction /utility work), x..x\ (Rev. 1) Addressed. f0.09 Ac. 2. Sheet 1 a. Provide deed bk.-pg, ref. for U.S. Rt. 29. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Provide deed bk-pg. ref for multiple existing utility (or other) easements that intersect or u parcel, or project. (Rev. 1) Addressed/NA. Applicant response (letter d. 1/13/22): `There are no easements that intersect or affect parcel.' 3. Sheet 3 a. Label U.S. Rt. 29 right-of-way. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Note: A VDOT Land Use Permit (LUP) is required to work within public RW. (Rev. 1) Applicant: `Acknowledged.' c. Please coordinate LUP with VDOT; coordinate Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plan with VDOT. (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant: `VDOT has reviewed the Caliber Collision plans.' Note: site plan review and LUP permit are separate review and approval processes. 4. Sheet 4 a. Since exit is right -out only, recommend revise pavement marking arrow to indicate right -turn, only. Also recommend sign advise patrons that exit is right-tum, only (No Left Tom). (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Recommend label area between existing sidewalk (to remain) immediately adjacent to building and proposed 14' wide shared use path. If area is turf, please label turf (Rev. 1) Addressed. c. Revise Pavement Design Note reading "Asphalt pavement shall be per the specifications outlined in the Virginia DOT Standards... " since VDOT standards apply within public or private street right-of-way. Provide asphalt pavement design specific to this site, for aisles and parking, specific to vehicle class anticipated to use this facility. Plan Note shifts design responsibility to owner, or contractor, neither of whom may be prepared/able to design asphalt pavement, per VDOT Pavement Design Guide. (Rev. 1) Addressed. As follow-up: Note 3 states: `Unless otherwise noted, pavement shall be standard duty asphalt.' Recommend provide typ. detail for standard duty asphalt. Perhaps overlooked on S-1, S-2, or S-3. d. e. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 Provide vehicle access aisle centerline with radius at NW comer of building. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Vehicle access aisle radius is not provided, but distance, corner of building to dumpster enclosure, is—25.4'(f). There appears to be a concrete landing at NW comer. 25.4' dimension appears problematic since Autotum indicates conflict (next comment), and aisle appears too narrow for vehicles rounding NW comer of building. At this potential pedestrian - vehicle conflict point, there is little safety or sight provision for either personnel exiting building at NW comer (if exit exists at this location), or for drivers approaching this blind comer. Provide Autotum for SU truck, 20' wheelbase, as this or longer wheelbase (typical) waste management vehicle must round NW comer of building. Reverse maneuver from proposed dumpster location is impermissible if sight distance or proximity to U.S. Rt. 29-Rio Road exit ramp impede or compromise visibility, or vehicle or pedestrian safety, as they would appear to. link, p. 8 of VDOT document [Road Design Manual Appx. B1] at https://www.virginiadot.org/business/resources/LocDes/RDM/AppendBLpddf ) (Rev. 1) Persists. Applicant: `Autotum — truck route has been shown in exhibit drawing.' As follow-up: Image from exhibit, below, appears to show truck path striking dumpster enclosure. If this is the case, please resolve conflict. Blue circle indicates dumpster enclosure /truck path apparent conflict. f. Label U.S. Rt. 29 SBL Rio Rd. exit ramp, for clarity. (Rev. 1) Addressed. g. Show and label dumpster enclosure. (Rev. 1) Addressed. h. Label distance from NW comer of building to SE corner of dumpster enclosure as was done for the SW comer wing of building (25', corner of building to paint markings). (Rev. 1) Addressed. i. Recommend note clarify that the row of parking spaces against 6' high chain link fence is reserved for collision vehicles to be repaired, not employees or customers. (Rev. 1) Addressed. j. Legend. EE: Revise description to include parenthetical (VDOT CG-12). (Rev. 1) Addressed. k. Recommend label identify brick -like linework at entrance/exit, for clarity. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 1. Design pedestrian accommodations along existing sidewalk, including safety barrier/s, warning placards, and unobstructed transit of site during construction/demolition. Ref. image (blue circle): (Rev. 1) Not addressed. Applicant response that `Safety fence will be provided along existing sidewalk during construction of proposed 8' wide shared use path,' is assurance in a letter that should translate to final site plan as notes Aabels that guide contractor to install specific measures (safety barriers, warning placards, for example) designed to protect pedestrians. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 5. Sheet 5 a. Submit VSMP Application, if required, with a VSMP/WPO plan. A VSMP/WPO plan is required for this site plan if area of land disturbance associated with project>10,000. Link: https://www.albemarle.org/home/showpublisheddocument/170/637631758586300000 (Rev. 1) Addressed/NA. Disturbed area is 0.09 ac. VSMP application not required. b. Transfer general and specific ESC /SWM data from the site plan to the WPO plan, if WPO plan is required. A site plan cannot approve a WPO plan. A WPO plan cannot approve a Site Plan, but WPO plan approval is prerequisite to site plan approval. Feel free to contact Site Plan reviewer if any questions. (J. Anderson, 434.296-5832-x3069) (Rev. 1) NA. WPO plan is not required. c. Retain grading elements of sheet 5, remove ESC elements, which would be reviewed/approved as part of the WPO plan. (Rev. 1) NA. WPO plan is not required. d. Label Str. 2 in storm drain profile with VDOT nomenclature (DI-1?). (Rev. 1) Addressed. e. Provide calculations for storm pipe (LD-229) and grate inlet (LD-204). (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `Existing inlet is within proposed shared use path. Existing inlet will be converted to manhole and new inlet will be placed outside the shared use path. As discussed on the phone, for minor changes to storm drain system, calculations are not required.' Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -x3069 ( landerson2(a),albemarle.or ). Thank you J. Anderson SDP202100087_Maj_Caliber Collision_Rio-U.S.Rt29_022222revl.doc