HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201400193 Bond Reduction 2022-02-24�qoF Atg 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 County of Albemarle o � GPM Telephone:434-296-5832 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 1'tRG173tt' Road bond inspection Bond Title: Whittington Phase B2&B4 File Number: SLJB201400193 Date of inspection: 02/16/2022, 02/18/2022 Original Bond Amount: $513,830 Reviewer: John Anderson Current Bond Amount: $513,830 Phone: (434) 296-5832 -x3069 Updated Bond Amount: $102,766 Bond Inspection Checklist date: Feb 24.2022 Your bond inspection request has been processed. This list contains an update on the items received and approved. Received Y N Approved Y N N/A VDOT ■ ❑ Completed inspection request and fee ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ As -built plan, updated, sealed to current date, per As -built policy* * ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Copies of recorded plats for right-of-way, easements ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ VDOT approval AM-4.3, or partial completion via punchlist ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ Letter from P.E. certifying improvements to date are built to plan ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Current certification form completed by owner/developer (for release) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ CBR test reports for each road; Also. item 2.- below ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Stone depth and material inspection reports (or core tests) ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Pavement depth and material inspection reports (or core tests) ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Compaction test reports for fill areas under road ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Pipe trench inspection reports (if available ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ Pipe interior inspections reports and video ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Concrete test reports for structural concrete, curbing, aprons, etc.* ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ Structural inspection reports for any bridges or box culverts ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ County road name signs and posts, or a sign agreement for alt. posts ❑ ❑ ❑ Road Name signs installed, but also. item 8.- below. ' No concrete curb or sidewalks, but VDOT may request concrete reports for wingvalls; photo, below. ' . RGA As -built is not sealed, but stamped Progress Print -this is unusual (unacceptable). For bond release: 1. Acceptance of public street by VDOT (Phase B2&B4 streets: Warbler Way and Dubine Drive). 2. Provide As -built pavement design using (as -built) base /surface asphalt values /depth and F&R CBR values. a. F&R reports for Warbler Way: Sta. 11+00, 24+00, 31+00: CBR values 10.8, 8.8/6.7, 5.9, respectively. b. BM25 base asphalt thickness for Warbler Way, Sta. 10+50 to Sta. 19+50 ("as specified"). F&R report bituminous density report, 11/14/2016, for samples collected 11-5-16 indicates 4" BM25, Sta. 20+35-33+00. Please provide explicit reference to base asphalt thickness (3" BM-25.OA required), Sta. 10+50 to 19+50. See 7/29/16 F&R field report date; Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 7 Determination: As specified. Engineering requests confirmation that 3" BM-25.OA was placed, 7/29/16 or other date/s, or, alternatively, 4 core samples evenly distributed along Warbler Way Sta. 10+50 — 19+50 to determine base and final asphalt depths for this section of Warbler Way. c. Ensure As -built condition meets design (DP > D,). Ensure As -built drawing captures or reports this information (As -built pavement section meets design, though layer depths may vary). 3. A resident drew attention to grade at eastern edge of Warbler Way cul-de-sac, which appears to form a depression in pavement with effect grade may concentrate storm runoff across cul-de-sac and direct runoff toward Lot 68. Non -positive cul-de-sac grade would pose issue for Albemarle NDOT during road acceptance process. County requests Engineer confirm positive grade exists at eastern edge of cul-de-sac, that runoff at this location has no tendency to concentrate, and is sheet flow. Design shows sheet flow from cul-de-sac; As -built condition should match design. 4. Patch asphalt at water valve lid; photo, below. 5. Establish ditch grade (Lot 70), per As -built sheet 1 road section (3:1, 2:1 side slopes). As -built ditch flattens where it turns toward driveway pipe (see photo), which, according to resident, causes runoff to jump relatively flat grade to paved surface of Warbler Way /cul-de-sac. Revise grade to match road section to ensure runoff is conveyed to driveway pipe, Lot 69, to eliminate tendency of storm runoff to skip onto paved surface. 6. Recommend increase paved radius (2'-3') at intersection Warbler Way and Victor Place since off - pavement vehicle wheel tracks may create first -year maintenance issues, or thereafter. Photo, below. 7. Provide As -built pavement design for Dubine Drive using (as -built) base depth (surface asphalt not placed as of date of inspection; see photos, pp. 5-6, this report) and F&R CBR value; 8_4. a. F&R report for Pine Knot Road [Dubin Drive] center of cul-de-sac; test date, 2-Jun-16. b. Construction binder includes base stone (21A), compaction, and utility trench installation reports. Engineering cannot locate base asphalt reports for Pine Knot Rd (Dubin Dr); please famish base asphalt reports for Dubine Drive, or core samples that verify BM25 3" depth. 8. As -built (AB): a. Submit sealed As -built drawings with future bond reduction or release requests. b. Ensure assigned street names are shown on As -built drawing. For example: Dubine Drive, rather than Pine Knot Rd. i. Ref. F&R Ensure county road name signs /posts meet requirements at Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual, rev. Oct-20, 2021, especially sign /lettering reflectivity: c. Confirm as -built grade at east edge of Warbler Way cul-de-sac; that pavement is crowned, without reverse (swale-like) pitch that may concentrate runoff and direct it toward Lot 68. Photo, below. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 7 2/16/22 (all Warbler Way photos): Eastern edge of cul-de-sac, Warbler Way; Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 7 Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 7 Recommend additional 2'-3' paved inside radius at intersection Victor PI — Warbler Way (since rutted gravel) to limit future maintenance issues /should also protect water valve lids, if set in pavement 2/18/22 (all Dubine Drive photos): Above right, below left -right: worn /'alligator' /fractured base pavement. Place ­Iz a' tbove,below,A Drive, Phase B4 yi� p — OU 1 9..2 A' b Engineering Review Comments Page 7 of 7 Please refer to on-line content at Engineering Applications ( httos://www.albemarle.org/government/community-development/applly-for/en ing eering-gpl2lications ) for road inspection checklist and public /private road acceptance procedures. bond inspection checklist _SUB201400193_Whittington_Phme B-Bl_021922.docx