HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201700117 Other 2022-03-04COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA
Matthew J. Strickler P.O. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 Director
Secretary of Natural Resources (540) 574-7800 Fax (804) 698-4178
www.deq.virginia.gov Amy Thatcher Owens
Located at 4411 Early Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 Regional Director
March 26, 2021
Brookhill Investments, LLC
c/o Mr. Alan Taylor
455 Second Street, SE, Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email: alan(a)riverbenddev.com
Re: Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Individual Permit Number 16-1133
Brookhill, Albemarle County, Virginia
Approval of Minor Modification of VWP Individual Permit
Dear Mr. Taylor:
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) received a Minor Modification request for
VWP Individual Permit No. 16-1133. The permit was issued on June 9, 2017.
In the letter dated January 14, 2021 and received January 19, 2021, Avi Sareen (TNT Environmental)
requested, on your behalf to revise the project layout and associated surface water impacts. Following
the layout changes, the total permanent impacts are proposed as 0.08 acre (3485 ft) of PFO wetland,
0.11 acre (4,792 ft) of PEM wetland, 579 linear feet (3,682 ft) of ephemeral stream, 604 linear feet
(3,265 ft) of intermittent stream, and 533 linear feet (5835 ft) of perennial stream. In addition,
temporary impacts are proposed to 76 linear feet of perennial stream and 32 linear feet of intermittent
stream. The unauthorized impacts and mitigation for these unauthorized impacts are being addressed
through a Notice of Violation (NOV No. 2102-001699), issued on February 1, 2021 and Notice of
Violation (NOV No. 2003-001423), issued on May 12, 2020.
In accordance with your request and pursuant to the VWP Permit Program Regulation 9 VAC
25-210-180 and § 401 of the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1977, Public Law 95-217, DEQ approves
your request to modify the above referenced permit. DEQ has determined that this request qualifies for a
Minor Modification in accordance with VWP Permit Program Regulation 9 VAC 25-210-180.E.
As provided by Rule 2A:2 of the Supreme Court of Virginia, you have 30 calendar days from the date of
service (the date you actually received this decision or the date it was e-mailed to you, whichever
Brookhill Investments, LLC
VWP Permit No. 16-1133
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occurred first) within which to appeal this decision by filing a notice of appeal in accordance with the
Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia with the Director, Department of Environmental Quality. In the
event that this decision is served on you by mail, three days are added to that period. Refer to Part 2A of
the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia for additional requirements governing appeals from
administrative agencies.
Alternatively, an owner may request a formal hearing for the formal taking of evidence upon relevant
fact issues under Section 2.2-4020 of the Administrative Process Act. A petition for a formal hearing
must meet the requirements set forth in 9 VAC 25-230-130.13 of the Virginia Administrative Code. In
cases involving actions of the board, such petition must be filed within 30 calendar days after notice of
such action is sent to such owner by certified mail.
Please note that this letter is an official component of the permit. Please retain this letter in your files and
replace the original permit with the revised permit provided herein.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Wright at (540) 574-7804 or
B. Keith Fowler
Deputy Regional Director
Enclosures: SPGP Authorization Letter, Permit Cover Page, Part I - Special Conditions, Part II -
General Conditions, Attachment 1: Monthly VWP Permit Inspection Checklist,
Attachment 2: VWP Permit Construction Status Update Form
cc: Avi Sareen, TNT Environmental
Vincent Pero, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Joseph Simpson, Simpson e atlasconstructionmanagement.com
Molly Joseph Ward PO Box 3000, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 David K. Paylor
Secretary of Natural Resources (540) 574-7800 Fax (540) 574-7878 Director
www.deq.virginia.gov Amy Thatcher Owens
Located at 4411 Early Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 Regional Director
March 26, 2021
Brookhill Investments, LLC
c/o Mr. Alan Taylor
455 Second Street, SE, Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email: alan(a)riverbenddev.com
Re: State Program General Permit (17-SPGP-01) Authorization
Permit Number: 16-1133
Brookhill, Albemarle County, Virginia
Dear Mr. Taylor:
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has received and completed technical review
of your application dated January 14, 2021 and received January 19, 2021. Based on DEQ's technical
review, DEQ has determined the proposed project satisfies the terms and conditions contained in the
Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District State Program General Permit (17-SPGP-01). You are required to
adhere to all terms and conditions contained within the attached 17-SPGP-01 and any Special Conditions
listed below. Your 17-SPGP-01 verification is effective as of the date on this letter and remains effective
until May 31, 2022.
The impacts are associated with the construction of a mixed use residential/commercial community and
associated infrastructure. The applicant is hereby authorized to permanently impact 0.08 acre (3485 ft2)
of PFO wetland, 0.11 acre (4,792 112) of PEM wetland, 579 linear feet (3,682 ft2) of ephemeral stream,
604 linear feet (3,265 112) of intermittent stream, and 533 linear feet (5835ft2) of perennial stream. In
addition, temporary impacts are proposed to 76 linear feet of perennial stream and 32 linear feet of
intermittent stream.
The conceptual mitigation plan submitted with your application indicated that mitigation will include the
purchase of 1,660 stream credits and 0.29 wetland credits from an approved mitigation bank, in -lieu fee
fund, or a combination thereof that is authorized and approved to sell credits in the area in which the
impacts will occur and has credits available. The application indicates that the mitigation will be
completed in phases as described in the DEQ VWP Individual Permit No. 16-1133, Permit Part I.H. This
mitigation shall be completed and documentation shall be submitted to DEQ prior to commencement of
project impacts.
VWP General Permit Authorization No. 16-1133
Permit Coverage Letter
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SPECIAL CONDITIONS: The Department of Historic Resources (DHR) has received the landscape plan
for the Brookhill project (DHR File No. 2016-3952; NAO-2015-02084). The proposed vegetative
screening is sufficient to avoid adverse effects on the Brookhill Plantation (DHR Inventory No. 002-
0008). As noted in previous correspondence, dated April 26, 2016, the nineteenth-century components of
sites 44AB0673 and 44AB0338 are considered potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places. It is DHR's opinion that a finding of no adverse effect is appropriate for the undertaking
provided that the vegetative screening is installed as proposed, and that sites 44AB0673 and 44AB0338
are avoided. To minimize the potential for inadvertent ground disturbances, DHR recommends that
fencing be installed around the potentially eligible portions of the sites during construction.
This letter shall serve as verification to proceed with the project as proposed. The permittee shall be
responsible for contacting DEQ to revise this verification, including provisions for compensatory
mitigation, if the location or amount of the impacts changes.
Please contact Cathy Wright by phone at (540) 574-7804 or by email at
catherine.wright@deq.virginia.gov if you have any questions or concerns regarding the information
contained herein.
B. Keith Fowler
Deputy Regional Director
cc: Avi Sareen, TNT Environmental
Vincent Pero, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Joseph Simpson, simpson@atlasconstructionmanagement.com
VWP Individual Permit Number 16-1133
Effective Date:
June 9, 2017
Minor Modification Date 1:
December 14, 2017
Minor Modification Date 2:
October 24, 2018
Minor Modification Date 3:
March 26, 2021
Expiration Date:
June 8, 2032
In compliance with § 401 of the Clean Water Act, as amended (33 USC § 1341) and the State Water
Control Law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the board has determined that there is a reasonable
assurance that this VWP permit, if complied with, will protect instream beneficial uses, will not violate
applicable water quality standards, and will not cause or contribute to a significant impairment of state
waters or fish and wildlife resources. In issuing this VWP permit, the board has not taken into
consideration the structural stability of any proposed activities.
Permittee: Brookhill Investments, LLC
Address: 455 Second Street, SE, Suite 400, Charlottesville, VA 22093
Activity Location: The project is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Seminole Trail
(US Route 29) and Polo Grounds Road in Albemarle County, Virginia.
Activity Description: The permittee proposes to construct a mixed use commercial and residential
development and associated transportation, utility, and stormwater infrastructure on an approximately 278
acre parcel known as `Brookhill". Permitted activities shall be conducted as described in the Joint Permit
Application dated July 7, 2016, received on July 13, 2016, and supplemental materials, revisions and
clarifications received through February 20, 2017, and the Minor Modification requests received on
November 19, 2017, October 7, 2018, and January 19, 2021.
Authorized Surface Water Impacts: This permit authorizes the total impact of 0.52 acre of surface
waters, consisting of 0.50 acre of permanent impacts and 0.02 acre of temporary impacts as described in
Part I.A.1. of the Permit.
Approved Compensation: The permittee shall compensate for the authorized surface water impacts as
described in Part I.H. of the Permit.
VWP Individual Permit No. 16-1133
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The permitted activity shall be in accordance with this Permit Cover Page, Part I - Special Conditions, and
Part II - General Conditions.
March 26, 2021
B. Keith Fowler, Deputy Regional Director
VWP Individual Permit No. 16-1133
Part I
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Part I — Special Conditions
A. Authorized Activities
1. This permit authorizes the total impact of 0.52 acre of surface waters, consisting of 0.50 acres of
permanent impacts and 0.02 acre of temporary impacts.
a. Permanent impacts consist of 0.08 acre of PFO wetland, 0.11 acre of PEM wetland, 579
linear feet of ephemeral stream, 604 linear feet of intermittent stream, and 533 linear feet
of perennial stream.
b. Temporary impacts to 76 linear feet of perennial stream and 32 linear feet of intermittent
c. Authorized impacts shall be as depicted on the impacts map entitled "Wetlands and Waters
of the U.S. Impact Map -Sheet 1 of 4" (4 pages), dated July 6, 2016 with the latest revision
date of January 14, 2021 and received January 19, 2021. Any changes to the impacts map
that affect permitted areas shall be submitted to DEQ immediately upon determination that
changes are necessary, and DEQ approval shall be required prior to implementing the
2. The permittee shall conduct authorized activities as described in the Joint Permit Application
dated July 7, 2016, and received July 13, 2016, and supplemental materials, revisions and
clarifications received through February 20, 2017, and the Minor Modification requests received
on November 19, 2017, October 7, 2018, and January19, 2021. Any changes to the authorized
activities or impacts map that affect permitted areas shall be submitted to DEQ immediately upon
determination that changes are necessary, and DEQ approval shall be required prior to
implementing the changes.
3. The permit authorizes the temporary use of mechanical equipment in surface waters in accordance
with all applicable permit conditions.
4. The permittee shall notify the DEQ of any additional impacts to surface waters, including
wetlands; of any modifications of the intake structure; and of any change to the type of surface
water impacts associated with this project. Any additional impacts, modifications, or changes
shall be subject to individual permit review and/or modification of this permit.
B. Permit Term
1. This permit is valid for 15 years from the date of issuance. A new permit may be necessary for the
continuance of the authorized activities or any permit requirement that has not been completed,
including compensation provisions. The permit term shall not exceed 15 years.
2. The permittee shall notify DEQ in writing at least 120 calendar days prior to the expiration of this
permit if reissuance will be requested.
C. Standard Project Conditions
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1. The activities authorized by this permit shall be executed in such a manner that any impacts to
beneficial uses are minimized. As defined in § 62.1-10(b) of the Code, "beneficial use" means
both instream and offstream uses. Instream beneficial uses include, but are not limited to, the
protection of fish and wildlife habitat, maintenance of waste assimilation, recreation, navigation,
and cultural and aesthetic values. Offstream beneficial uses include, but are not limited to,
domestic (including public water supply), agricultural, electric power generation, commercial, and
industrial uses. Public water supply uses for human consumption shall be considered the highest
2. No activity shall substantially disrupt the movement of aquatic life indigenous to the water body,
including those species that normally migrate through the area, unless the primary purpose of the
activity is to impound water.
3. Flows downstream of the project area shall be maintained to protect all uses.
4. No activity shall cause more than minimal adverse effect on navigation, and no activity shall block
more than half of the width of the stream at any given time.
5. The activity shall not impede the passage of normal or expected high flows, and any associated
structure shall withstand expected high flows.
6. Continuous flow of perennial springs shall be maintained by the installation of spring boxes,
French drains, or other similar structures.
7. All excavation, dredging, or filling in surface waters shall be accomplished in a manner that
minimizes bottom disturbance and turbidity.
8. All in -stream activities shall be conducted during low -flow conditions whenever practicable.
9. All construction, construction access, and demolition activities associated with this project shall
be accomplished in a manner that minimizes construction materials or waste materials from
entering surface waters, unless authorized by this permit. Wet, excess, or waste concrete shall be
prohibited from entering surface waters.
10. All fill material placed in surface waters shall be clean and free of contaminants in toxic
concentrations or amounts in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
11. Measures shall be employed at all times to prevent and contain spills of fuels, lubricants, or other
pollutants into surface waters.
12. Machinery or heavy equipment in temporarily impacted wetlands shall be placed on mats or
geotextile fabric, or other suitable means shall be implemented, to minimize soil disturbance to the
maximum extent practical. Mats, fabrics, or other measures shall be removed as soon as the work
is complete in the temporarily impacted wetland.
13. Stream channel restoration activities shall be conducted in the dry or during low flow conditions.
When site conditions prohibit access from the streambank or upon prior authorization from the
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Part I
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Department of Environmental Quality, heavy equipment may be authorized for use within the
stream channel.
14. Temporary disturbances to wetlands, stream channels, and/or stream banks during project
construction activities shall be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
15. All temporarily disturbed wetland areas shall be restored to preconstruction conditions within 30
calendar days of completing work in the areas, which shall include re-establishing pre -
construction contours, and planting or seeding with appropriate wetland vegetation according to
cover type (emergent, scrub/shrub, or forested), except for invasive species identified on DCRs
Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia list. The permittee shall take all appropriate measures to
promote and maintain the revegetation of temporarily disturbed surface waters through the second
year post -disturbance.
16. All temporarily impacted streams and stream banks shall be restored to their original elevations
and contours within 30 calendar days following the construction at that stream segment, and the
banks shall be seeded or planted with the same vegetative cover type originally present along the
banks, including supplemental erosion control grasses if necessary but not including invasive
species identified on DCR's Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia list. The permittee shall take
all appropriate measures to promote and maintain the revegetation of temporarily disturbed surface
17. All materials (including fill, construction debris, excavated materials, and woody materials, that
are temporarily placed in wetlands, in stream channels, or on stream banks) shall be placed on
mats or geotextile fabric, shall be immediately stabilized to prevent the material or leachate from
entering surface waters, and shall be entirely removed within 30 calendar days following
completion of that construction activity. After removal, disturbed areas shall be returned to
original contours, shall be stabilized, and shall be restored to the original vegetated state within 30
calendar days. The permittee shall take all appropriate measures to promote and maintain the
revegetation of temporarily disturbed surface waters.
18. Temporary in -stream construction features such as cofferdams shall be made of non -erodible
19. Virginia Water Quality Standards shall not be violated in any surface waters as a result of the
project activities.
20. All non -impacted surface water and any required upland buffers that are within the project or
right-of-way limits, and that are within fifty feet of any project activities, shall be clearly flagged
or demarcated for the life of the construction activity within that area. The permittee shall notify
all contractors and subcontractors that no activities are to occur in these marked areas.
21. All required notifications and submittals shall include project name and permit number and be
submitted electronically to vro.vwp@deq.virginia.gov or mailed to the DEQ office stated below,
to the attention of the V WP permit manager, unless directed in writing by DEQ subsequent to the
issuance of this permit: Department of Environmental Quality- Valley Regional Office, PO Box
3000, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
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21. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by DEQ shall be signed by the
permittee or a person acting in the permittee's behalf, with the authority to bind the permittee. A
person is a duly authorized representative only if both criteria below are met. If a representative
authorization is no longer valid because of a change in responsibility for the overall operation of
the facility, a new authorization shall be immediately submitted to DEQ.
a. The authorization is made in writing by the permittee.
b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the
overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of plant manager,
superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility. A duly authorized representative may
thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.
22. All submittals shall contain the following signed certification statement:
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualfedpersonnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "
23. Any fish kills or spills of fuels or oils shall be reported to DEQ immediately upon discovery at
(703) 583-3800. If DEQ cannot be reached, the spill shall be reported to the Virginia Department
of Emergency Management (DEM) at 1-800-468-8892 or the National Response Center (NRC) at
24. DEQ shall be notified in writing within 24 hours or as soon as possible on the next business day
when potential environmentally threatening conditions are encountered which require debris
removal or involve potentially toxic substances. Measures to remove the obstruction, material, or
toxic substance or to change the location of any structure are prohibited until approved by DEQ.
D. Installation of Utilities
All utility line work in surface waters shall be performed in a manner that minimizes disturbance
in each area. Temporarily disturbed surface waters shall be restored in accordance with Part
I.C.15, C.16, and C.17, unless otherwise authorized by this permit.
2. Material resulting from trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast into wetlands not to exceed
a total of 90 calendar days, provided the material is not placed in a manner such that it is dispersed
by currents or other forces.
3. The trench for a utility line cannot be constructed in a manner that drains wetlands (e.g.,
backfilling with extensive gravel layers creating a French drain effect).
E. Road Crossings
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Part I
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Access roads authorized by this permit shall be constructed to minimize the adverse effects on
surface waters to the maximum extent practicable and to follow as near as possible pre -
construction contours and elevations.
2. Installation of pipes and road crossings shall occur in the dry via the implementation of
cofferdams, sheetpiling, stream diversions or other similar structures.
3. All surface waters temporarily affected by a road crossing shall be restored to their original
elevations immediately following the removal of that particular temporary crossing. Temporary
access roads shall be removed entirely following activity completion.
4. Impact Numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14. At crossings of streams, pipes and culverts must be installed
to maintain low flow conditions and shall be countersunk at both inlet and outlet ends of the pipe
or culvert, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Department of Environmental
Quality on a case -by- case basis, and as follows: The requirement to countersink does not apply to
extensions or maintenance of existing pipes and culverts that are not countersunk, floodplain pipes
and culverts being placed above ordinary high water, pipes and culverts being placed on bedrock,
or pipes and culverts required to be placed on slopes 5.0% or greater. Bedrock encountered during
construction must be identified and approved in advance of a design change where the
countersunk condition cannot be met. Pipes and culverts 24 inches or less in diameter shall be
countersunk three inches below the natural stream bed elevations, and pipes and culverts greater
than 24 inches shall be countersunk at least six inches below the natural stream bed elevations.
Hydraulic capacity shall be determined based on the reduced capacity due to the countersunk
position. In all stream crossings appropriate measures shall be implemented to minimize any
disruption of aquatic life movement.
5. Stream bottom elevations at road crossings shall be measured at the inlet and outlet of the
proposed structure and recorded prior to construction and within one week after the completion of
construction to ensure that the design elevations were met. This information shall be recorded on
the Monthly VWP Permit Inspection Checklist (Attachment 1) completed after the crossing is
F. Stormwater Management Structures
The outfall and overflow structure shall be constructed and maintained to prevent downstream
sediment deposition, erosion, or scour that may be associated with normal flow and any expected
storm flows. Construction shall include the use of an appropriately sized riprap outlet protection
apron at the outfall site.
2. Maintenance excavation shall follow the approved stormwater management plan and shall not
exceed the original contours of the facility. A complete stormwater facility maintenance plan shall
be submitted to the DEQ for each stormwater management facility authorized by the permit.
Maintenance excavation shall follow the approved maintenance plan, and shall not exceed the
original contours of the facility as constructed.
3. Draining of a stormwater management facility shall be performed by a method that prevents
downstream sediment deposition, erosion, or scour.
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Part I
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G. Project Construction Monitoring and Submittals (Impact Sites)
The permittee shall submit written notification at least 10 calendar days prior to the initiation of
land disturbance or construction activities in permitted areas. The notification shall include a
projected schedule for initiating and completing work at each permitted impact area.
2. Site inspections shall be conducted once every calendar month and recorded on the Monthly
VWP Permit Inspection Checklist (Attachment 1) by the permittee or the permittee's qualified
designee during active construction within authorized surface water impact areas. Monthly
inspections shall be conducted in the following areas: all authorized permanent and temporary
impact areas; all avoided surface waters, including wetlands, stream channels, and open water;
surface water areas within 50 feet of any land disturbing activity; and all on -site areas designated
for permanent preservation. The Monthly VWP Permit Inspection Checklist (Attachment 1) shall
be completed in its entirety for each monthly inspection and shall be kept on -site and made
available for review by DEQ staff upon request during normal business hours.
3. The VWP Permit Construction Status Update Form (Attachment 2) enclosed with this permit shall
be completed in June and December of every year, and submitted and received by DEQ by
January 10 and July 10 of every year, for the duration of this permit. The VWP Permit
Construction Status Update Form (Attachment 2) shall include reference to the VWP permit
authorization number and one of the following statements for each authorized surface water
impact location:
a. Construction activities not yet started;
b. Construction activities started;
c. Construction activities started but are currently inactive, or;
d. Construction activities complete.
4. The permittee shall notify DEQ within 24 hours of discovering impacts to surface waters
including wetlands, stream channels, and open water that are not authorized by this permit. The
notification shall include photographs, estimated acreage and/or linear footage of impacts, and a
description of the impacts.
5. The permittee shall submit written notification of completion within 30 calendar days after the
completion of all activities in all permitted impact areas authorized under this permit.
H. Compensatory Mitigation
1. The permittee shall compensation for permanent impacts associated with Phases I and 11 of the
project in accordance with the following:
a. Phase I (includes Impact Numbers 1, 2, 4, 5)
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Part I
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i. Compensation for 1191 linear feet of stream channel impacts shall be provided
through the purchase of 1034 stream credits.
ii. Compensation for 0.04 acre of PFO impacts and 0.01 acre PEM impacts shall be
provided through 0.09 wetland credits.
b. Phase II (includes Impact Numbers 6, 7, 7A, 8, 8A, 813, 9, 9A, 913, 9C, 9D 10, 11, 11A, 12,
13, 14, 14A)
i. Compensation for 525 linear feet of stream channel impacts shall be provided
through the purchase of 626 stream credits.
ii. Compensation for 0.05 acre of PFO impacts and 0.10 acre of PEM impacts shall be
provided through the purchase of 0.20 wetland credits.
c. Stream and wetland credits required under this condition shall be purchased from a DEQ
approved mitigation bank, in -lieu fee fund, or a combination thereof that is authorized and
approved by DEQ to sell credits in the area in which the impacts will occur and has credits
available (as released by DEQ). Compensatory mitigation credits shall be purchased
according to the priorities presented in 9VAC25-210-116.C.2. The credit sale shall be in
accordance with the approved Mitigation Banking Instrument for the mitigation bank.
2. This permit authorizes the compensation requirement be met in phases in accordance with Part
I.H.1. The permittee shall provide compensation sufficient to mitigate authorized surface water
impacts associated with each respective phase prior to initiating construction activities in those
surface water impacts. The phased compensation requirement is considered met for the purpose of
this condition when the permittee submits the information required by Part I.H.3.
3. The permittee shall submit documentation to DEQ prior to initiating work in permitted impact
areas associated with each phase of the project identified in Part I.H.1 that wetland credits and
stream credits were acquired and debited from the ledger of a DEQ approved mitigation bank, in -
lieu fee fund, or a combination thereof, sufficient to compensate for authorized impacts associated
with that phase of the project. Compensation information shall also be provided as noted in the
V WP Permit Construction Status Update Form (Attachment 2) enclosed with this permit.
VWP Individual Permit No. 16-1133
Part II
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Part 11— General Conditions
A. Duty to Comply
The permittee shall comply with all conditions of the VWP permit. Nothing in the VWP permit
regulations shall be construed to relieve the permittee of the duty to comply with all applicable federal
and state statutes, regulations and prohibitions. Any VWP permit violation is a violation of the law,
and is grounds for enforcement action, VWP permit termination, revocation, modification, or denial of
an application for a VWP permit extension or reissuance.
Nothing in this VWP permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil and criminal
penalties for noncompliance.
B. Duty to Cease or Confine Activity
It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to
halt or reduce the activity for which a VWP permit has been granted in order to maintain compliance
with the conditions of the VWP permit.
C. Duty to Mitigate
The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any impacts in violation of the
permit which may have a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the
D. VWP Permit Actions
A VWP permit may be modified in whole or in part, revoked and reissued, extended, transferred, or
terminated in accordance with 9 VAC 25-210-180.
1. During the drafting and authorization of a permit modification, only those conditions to be
modified shall be addressed with preparing a draft modified permit. VWP permit terms and
conditions of the existing permit shall remain in full force and effect during the modification of the
2. This VWP permit may be modified upon the request of the permittee or upon board initiative
when any of the following developments occur:
a. When new information becomes available about the projector activity covered by the
VWP permit, including project additions or alterations, that was not available at VWP
permit issuance and would have justified the application of different VWP permit
conditions at the time of VWP permit issuance;
b. When a change is made in the promulgated standards or regulations on which the VWP
permit was based;
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Part II
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c. When changes occur that are subject to "reopener clauses" in the VWP permit; or
d. When developments applicable to surface water withdrawals as specified in 9VAC25-210-
380 occur.
3. When this VWP permit authorizes surface water withdrawals, it may be modified when any of the
following developments occur:
a. When the board determines that minimum instream flow levels resulting directly from the
permittee's withdrawal of surface water are detrimental to the instream beneficial use,
existing at the time of permit issuance, and the withdrawal of surface water should be
subject to further net limitations or when an area is declared a surface water management
area pursuant to § § 62.1-242 through 62.1-253 of the Code of Virginia, during the tern of
the VWP permit.
b. Significant changes to the location of the surface water withdrawal system are proposed
such that the Department of Environmental Quality determines a new review is warranted
due to the potential effect of the surface water withdrawal to existing beneficial uses of the
new location.
c. Changes to the permitted project or the surface water withdrawal, including increasing the
storage capacity for the surface water withdrawal, that propose an increase in the
maximum permitted withdrawal volumes or rate of withdrawal or that cause more than a
minimal change to the instream flow requirements with potential to result in a detrimental
effect to existing beneficial uses.
d. A revision to the purpose of the surface water withdrawal that proposes to include a new
use or uses that were not identified in the permit application or a modification of the
existing authorized use or uses such that the use description in the permit application and
permit is no longer applicable. Examples of uses include, but are not limited to agricultural
irrigation, golf course irrigation, public water supply, manufacturing, and electricity
4. When the permittee has submitted a timely and complete application for reissuance of an existing
VWP individual permit, but through no fault of the permittee, the board does not reissue or reissue
with conditions a VWP individual permit or the board does not provide notice of its tentative
decision to deny the application before an existing VWP individual permit expires, the conditions
of the expiring VWP individual permit shall be administratively continued in full force and effect
until the effective date of a reissued permit or the date on which the board denies the application.
Timely application shall be a minimum of 180 days for an individual permit or a minimum of 270
days for an individual permit for a surface water withdrawal, unless otherwise specified in the
existing permit.
5. Any permittee desiring to continue a previously permitted activity after the expiration date of this
VWP permit shall apply for and obtain a new permit or, if applicable, shall request an extension in
accordance with 9VAC25-210-180. Any permittee with an effective VWP permit for an activity
that is expected to continue after the expiration date of the VWP permit, without any change in the
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activity authorized by the VWP permit other than as may be allowed under 9VAC25-210-180,
shall submit written notification requesting an extension. The permittee must file the request 90
days prior to the expiration date of the VWP permit. VWP permit modifications shall not be used
to extend the term of a VWP permit beyond 15 years from the date of original issuance. When a
permit term, other than that of an Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permit, is less than 15
years, an extension of the permit terms and conditions may be granted in accordance with
9VAC25-210-180. Emergency Virginia Water Protection Permits shall not exceed a duration of
one year or shall expire upon the issuance of a regular Virginia Water Protection Permit,
whichever comes first.
6. This VWP permit may be transferred to a new permittee only by modification to reflect the
transfer, by revoking and reissuing the permit, or by automatic transfer. Automatic transfer to a
new permittee shall occur if the current permittee: a) Notifies the board of the proposed transfer of
the permit and provides a written agreement between the current and proposed permittees
containing the date of transfer of VWP permit responsibility, authorization, and liability to the
new permittee; and b) the board does not within 15 days notify the existing permittee of its intent
to modify the VWP permit.
7. After notice and opportunity for a formal hearing pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:02 of the Code of
Virginia, a VWP permit can be terminated for cause. Reasons for termination for cause are as
a. Noncompliance by the permittee with any condition of the VWP permit;
b. The permittee's failure in the application or during the VWP permit process to disclose
My all relevant facts or the permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any
c. The permittee's violation of a special or judicial order;
d. A determination by the board that the permitted activity endangers human health or the
environment and can be regulated to acceptable levels by VWP permit modification or
e. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or
elimination of any activity controlled by the VWP permit; and
f A determination that the permitted activity has ceased and that the compensation for
unavoidable adverse impacts has been successfully completed.
8. The board may terminate this permit without cause when the permittee is no longer a legal entity
due to death, dissolution, or when a company is no longer authorized to conduct business in the
Commonwealth. The termination shall be effective 30 days after notice of the proposed
termination is sent to the last known address of the permittee or registered agent, unless the
permittee objects within that time. If the permittee does object during that period, the board shall
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follow the applicable procedures for termination under § 62.1-44.15:25 of the Code of Virginia
and 9VAC25-230.
9. This VWP permit may be terminated by consent, as initiated by the permittee. The permittee shall
submit a request for termination by consent within 30 days of completing or canceling all
permitted activities and all required compensatory mitigation requirements. When submitted for
project completion, the request for termination by consent shall constitute a notice of project
completion. The director may accept this termination on behalf of the board. The permittee shall
submit the following information:
a. Name, mailing address, and telephone number;
b. Name and location of the activity;
c. The VWP permit number; and
d. One of the following certifications:
For project completion: "I certify under penalty of law that all activities and any
required compensatory mitigation authorized by a VWP permit have been
completed. I understand that by submitting this notice of termination that I am no
longer authorized to perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the
VWP permit, and that performing activities in surface waters is unlawful where the
activity is not authorized by a VWP permit, unless otherwise excluded from
obtaining a permit. I also understand that the submittal of this notice does not
release me from liability for any violations of this VWP permit."
ii. For project cancellation: "I certify under penalty of law that the activities and any
required compensatory mitigation authorized by this VWP permit will not occur. I
understand that by submitting this notice of termination that I am no longer
authorized to perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the VWP
permit, and that performing activities in surface waters is unlawful where the
activity is not authorized by a VWP permit, unless otherwise excluded from
obtaining a permit. I also understand that the submittal of this notice does not
release me from liability for any violations of this VWP permit, nor does it allow
me to resume the permitted activities without reapplication and issuance of another
iii. For events beyond permittee control, the permittee shall provide a detailed
explanation of the events, to be approved by DEQ, and the following certification
statement: "I certify under penalty of law that the activities or the required
compensatory mitigation authorized by this VWP permit have changed as the result
of events beyond my control (see attached). I understand that by submitting this
notice of termination that I am no longer authorized to perform activities in surface
waters in accordance with the VWP permit, and that performing activities in
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surface waters is unlawful where the activity is not authorized by a VWP permit,
unless otherwise excluded from obtaining a permit. I also understand that the
submittal of this notice does not release me from liability for any violations of this
VWP permit, nor does it allow me to resume the permitted activities without
reapplication and issuance of another permit.
E. Inspection and Entry
Upon presentation of credentials, the permittee shall allow the board or any duly authorized agent of
the board, at reasonable times and under reasonable circumstances, to conduct the actions listed in this
section. For the purpose of this section, the time for inspection shall be deemed reasonable during
regular business hours. Nothing contained herein shall make an inspection time unreasonable during
an emergency.
1. Enter upon any permittee's property, public or private, and have access to, inspect and copy any
records that must be kept as part of the VWP permit conditions;
2. Inspect any facilities, operations or practices (including monitoring and control equipment)
regulated or required under the VWP permit; and
3. Sample or monitor any substance, parameter or activity for the purpose of ensuring compliance
with the conditions of the VWP permit or as otherwise authorized by law.
F. Duty to Provide Information
The board may request (i) such plans, specifications, and other pertinent information as may be
necessary to determine the effect of an applicant's discharge on the quality of state waters or (ii) such
other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. Any owner,
permittee, or person applying for a VWP permit or general permit coverage shall provide the
information requested by the board.
G. Monitoring and Records Requirements
1. Monitoring of parameters, other than pollutants, shall be conducted according to approved
analytical methods as specified in the VWP permit. Analysis of pollutants will be conducted
according to 40 CFR Part 136 (2000), Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of
2. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the
monitored activity.
3. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and
maintenance records and all original strip chart or electronic recordings for continuous monitoring
instrumentation, copies of all reports required by the VWP permit, and records of all data used to
complete the application for the VWP permit, for a period of at least three years from the date of
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the expiration of a granted VWP permit. This period may be extended by request of the board at
any time.
4. Records of monitoring information shall include:
a. The date, exact place and time of sampling or measurements;
b. The name of the individuals who performed the sampling or measurements;
c. The date and time the analyses were performed;
d. The name of the individuals who performed the analyses;
e. The analytical techniques or methods supporting the information such as observations,
readings, calculations and bench data used;
f. The results of such analyses; and
g. Chain of custody documentation.
H. Property rights
The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or
any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize injury to private property or any invasion of personal
rights or any infringement of federal, state or local law or regulation.
I. Reopener
Each VWP permit shall have a condition allowing the reopening of the VWP permit for the purpose of
modifying the conditions of the VWP permit to meet new regulatory standards duly adopted by the
board. Cause for reopening VWP permits includes, but is not limited to when the circumstances on
which the previous VWP permit was based have materially and substantially changed, or special
studies conducted by the board or the permittee show material and substantial change, since the time
the VWP permit was issued and thereby constitute cause for VWP permit modification or revocation
and reissuance.
J. Compliance with State and Federal Law
As to the permitted activity(ies), compliance with a VWP permit constitutes compliance with the
VWP permit requirements of the Law and regulations.
K Severability
The provisions of this VWP permit are severable.
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L. Civil and Criminal Liability
Nothing in this VWP permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil and criminal
penalties for noncompliance.
M. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability
Nothing in this VWP permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of legal action or relieve the
permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject
under § 311 of the Clean Water Act or §§ 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the State Water
Control Law.
N. Unauthorized Discharge of Pollutants
Except in compliance with a VWP permit, unless the activity is otherwise exempted or excluded, no
person shall dredge, fill, or discharge any pollutant into, or adjacent to surface waters; withdraw
surface water; otherwise alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of state waters regulated
under this chapter and make them detrimental to the public health, to animal or aquatic life, or to the
uses of such waters for domestic or industrial consumption, for recreation, or for other uses; excavate
in wetlands; or on or after October 1, 2001, conduct the following activities in a wetland:
New activities to cause draining that significantly alters or degrades existing wetland acreage or
2. Filling or dumping;
3. Permanent flooding or impounding;
4. New activities that cause significant alteration or degradation of existing wetland acreage or
VIR61�P:\I✓ NT OI'
An inspection of all permitted impact areas, avoided waters and wetlands, and permanently preserved
waters, wetlands and upland areas must be conducted at least once every month during active construction activities.
Maintain this record on -site and available for inspection by DEQ staff.
Project Name
VWP Permit #
Inspection Date
Inspector Name &
Phone # & Email
Based on reading of VWP permit No. 16-1133 including authorized impacts map entitled "Wetlands and Waters of
the U.S. Impact Map -Sheets 1 of 4" (4 pages), dated July 6, 2016 with the latest revision date of January 14, 2021 and
received January 19, 2021, and my inspection on the date referenced above, to the best of my knowledge this project
(_is in compliance / _ is not in compliance) with the VWP Permit.
I certify that the information contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Signature of Inspector Date
Notes & Corrective Action Taken / Date
Completed (use back of page if necessary)
Unauthorized impacts to surface waters, including
wetlands, or upland preservation areas have occurred.*
(This includes sedimentation impacts due to inadequate
or ailed erosion controls)
Non -impacted wetlands, streams and preservations areas
within 50 feet of construction are clearly marked to
prevent un ermitted impacts.
Temporary impacts are being restored to original
contours, stabilized, and allowed to re-establish with
wetland vegetation.
Construction activities are not substantially disrupting
vatic life movement.
E&S controls are present, properly maintained, and
In -stream work is being performed in the dry with the
appropriate use of cofferdams, sheetpiling, etc., to
minimize stream bottom disturbance and turbidity.
Pipes and/or culverts for road crossings are countersunk
to provide for the re-establishment of low flow fish
passage and/or a natural stream bottom.
Time -of -year restrictions regarding impacts to surface
waters are beingadhered to.
Water quality monitoring is being conducted during
stream impacts.
Streams and wetlands are free from any sheen or
discoloration that may indicate a spill of oil, lubricants,
concrete or other pollutants. **
Heavy equipment is placed on mats or geotextile fabric
when working in wetlands.
Exposed slopes/stream banks are stabilized immediately
upon completion of work in each impact area.
* If unauthorized impacts have occurred, you must email or fax a copy of this report to DEQ within 24 hours of discovery. Email:
vwp.mo@deq.virginia.gov Fax:703-583-3821
** Any fish kills, or spills of fuels or oils must be reported immediately upon discovery to DEQ at 804-527-5020. If outside of normal business
hours, contact Virginia Dept. of Emergency Management at 1-800-468-8892 or the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.
Attached to Permit No. 16-1133
March 26, 2021 -Minor Modification
Date (check one): ❑ June_, / ❑ December.
VWP Permit No: 16-1133 / Project Name: Brookbill
Status within each authorized surface water impact location, as identified on "Wetlands and Waters of the U.S.
Impact Map -Sheets 1 of 4" (4 pages), dated July 6, 2016 with the latest revision date of January 14, 2021 and
received January 19, 2021: (check one of the following status options for each impact number/location. Attach
additional sheet(s) if needed.)
activities not
activities started but
Impact number
currently not active
Phase I
Compensation stream channel impacts provided through the purchase of 1034
stream credits.
Compensation for PFO impacts and PEM impacts provided through 0.09
wetland credits.
Impact number
activities not
activities started but
currently not active
Phase II
V WP Permit No. 16-1133
Phase II
Compensation for stream channel impacts provided through the purchase of 626
stream credits.
Compensation for PFO impacts and PEM impacts provided through the
purchase of 0.20 wetland credits.
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and
evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or
those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting
false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violation.
Authorized Signature:
Print Name: