HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-16 adj1 November 16, 1988 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page_ 1) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on November 16, 1988, at 1:30 P.M., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was adjourned from November 9, 1988. BOAP~ M~BERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr. (arrived at 1:35 P.M.), Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:41 P.M.), Walter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way. BOARD MEMBE~ ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney; and Mr. John T. P. Home, Director of Planning and Community Development. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way. Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session on ComPrehemsive Plan. The work session began with Chapter 3, Page 131 of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Way said he objected to the statement under the first goal, that "the preservation of agricultural and forestal activities is the highest priority." He said it was one priority among many. Mr. Bowie said it may sound like the County is forcing farming activities, when the goal is to preserve the rural atmosphere. The Board agreed that the wording of "efficient service delivery" under Item No. 2 of the first goal is misleading to readers. Mr. Home said the intent is not to provide, services previously ~unavailable to rural areas but to make any that are available more efficient. Mr. Bowie said he was concerned as to how the goal on Page 132 which states, "Strongly support and effectively implement the County's growth m=nagement priorities in the planning and provision of transportation, and public facilities and public utilities.", was going to be implemented. He suggested making a parenthetical notation indicating how the action would OCCUr. On Page 135, first paragraph, the Board agreed that references to rural areas should be in bold face print and treated similarly in other sections mentioning the rural areas, so the reader will clearly see the differentiation between services to growth areas and rural areas. On Page 139, Strategy 1, states, "Utilize the local functional classifi- cation system consisting of maps and appropriate standards which specify road design and function." The Board agreed that ithe word "local" should be clarified. Strategy 2 states, "Amend the Comprehensive Plan annually to reflect the adopted Six Year Road Plan priority projects list resulting from the criteria based rating system." Mr. Bowie suggested that the location of the listing referred to should be stated. He also felt ~hat an annual amendment to the Comprehensive Plan might not be feasible. Mr. Bowie suggested that for clarity to the reader the terms "MPO" and "CATS" should be spelled out in the first paragraph under "Planning Efforts" on Page 148. Also in that paragraph, the last sentence should indicate where the CATS document referenced is located. Mr. Bain suggested on Page 149, Item three under No. 2 which states, "Abide by the adopted Private Sector Process", that the term, "Private Sector" be defined. The Board agreed that staff should pursue the possibility of applying for recreation access funds and any other funds that may be available for con- struction of bicycle lanes, as a result of their discussions on the first paragraph on Page 153. At 3:22 P.M., the Board recessed and reconvened at 3:35 P.M. 2 November 16, 1988 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 2) Mr. Bowie asked staff to verify that the Cardinal line runs to Chicago as indicated on Page 155 in the first paragraph under "Railroads". Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the sites of the Hatton Ferry and the Warren Ferry be shown on the map on Page 158. On Page 159, the Board agreed that Table 40 relating to school facilities should be reworked to show "remodeled" dates and to verify the accuracy of the acreage figures shown. Mr. Perkins asked that Claudius Crozet Park be added to the list of facilities in Table 41 on Page 161. Also, he thought a notation should be made under the "Facilities" column indicating whether the facility had been rebuilt. Mr. Bowie suggested adding distinguishing headers tO the various para- graphs under "Solid Waste Management", beginning on Page~165 and. going on to Page 166. Various subjects such as recycling, hazardousiwaste, etc. are discussed in that section and need to be distinguished. IMr. Lindstrom suggested adding some language in this section to the effect that the Board is trying to get service district legislation in order to better deal with the issue of solid waste management. Mr. Bowie said a strategy should be added at the end of the solid waste management section that the County is to make increased use of voluntary measures to recycle. In Table 42, Page 169, Mr. Bain said there should be clarifying language that these projects are still pending or give their curr~nt status. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the section on "Fire Protection" on Page should be reviewed after the December 7, 1988, Board meeting in which a study will be presented on fire and rescue service. It may be:that results of that study will need to be included in this section. On Page 180, Mr. Bowie suggested highlighting the last sentence in paragraph five which states, "Those in the outlying rural area should not anticipate an equal level and range of services as are provided in the growth At 4:10 P.M., the Board interrupted its work session on the Plan to address the next agenda item. Agenda Item No. 3. Resolution: Approval of Airport Authority Bond. Mr. Agnor said the Airport Authority is planning to issue revenue bonds for construction of the terminal building and a hanger b~ilding. These bonds are sold as "tax exempt", which means the bond holders dd not pay incom~ on their interest earnings. The bonds are considered "p~ivate activity" bonds, which means some of the proceeds are used for areas of' the buildings which are occupied by private businesses. Internal Revenue Service regulations require thai t~ie iss,Jmnce of activity bonds be approved by the governmental unit having jurisdiction issuer to meet IRS rules that allow bonds to. be does not obligate the County and City with the creo~nworBnlness os nme monas or with their repayment. The resolution serves only to nleet; income tax regulations. Mr. Bowie suggested that Item No. 2 on Page 2 should have language added that there is no obligation for repayment of the bonds oq the part of the County. Motion was then made by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to adopt the proposed resolution for approval of the airport bond~ as amended and set out below. Roll was called and the motion carried by th~ following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. November 16, 1988 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 3) WHEREAS, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority ("Authority"), has undertaken the issumnce of the Authority's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 ("Bonds") (i) to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new terminal building consisting of approximately 59,541 square feet and related facilities, including approximately 150 additional public parking spaces, to be located at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, in Albemarle County, Virginia ("Airport"), (ii) to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a general aviation hangar with attached office space consisting of approximately 21,600 square feet to be located at the Airport; (iii) to refund the outstanding principal balance of the Authority's $1,800,000 Parking Revenue Bond Anticipation Note, issued September 9, 1985; (iv) to refund the outstanding principal balance of the Industrial Develop- merit Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia, $575,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bond (JBC Limited Partnership), issued May 16, 1984; (v) to make a deposit into a reserve fund established for the Bonds; and (vi) to pay the costs of issiu%nce of the Bonds (collec- tively, the "Projects"), and has held aipublic hearing thereon on November 10, 1988; WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), provides that the $overnmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of privatelactivity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed wit~ the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Albmm~rle County, Virginia ("County"); the facilities comprising a~pOrtion of the Projects are to be located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia ("Board"), censtitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the terms to be agreed upon, and a certificate of the public hearing have been filed with the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the issuanc~ of the Bonds by the Author- ity, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code to permit the Author- ity to undertake to finance the Project~; 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does not consti- tute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Projects or the !Authority, or obligate the County for the repayment of the Bonds; 3~ Pursuant to the limitations co~tained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section 5f.103-2(f)(1), ~this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of one year from ~the date of its adoption; 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The Board resumed its work session on the Comprehensive Plan at 4:21 P.M. On Page 184, next to the last paragraph, Mr. Perkins suggested that the statement "Water usage dropped by 65,000 gallons per day in Crozet from 1982 to 1986, primarily due to decreased activity at the ConAgra food processing plant.", be reworded to eliminate the negativ~ connotation. He suggested using the words, "change in activity at-the COnAgra .... " 4 November 16, 1988 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 4) Mr. Bain pointed out that Table 44 on Page 185 shows no figures for the Avon Street Storage Tank or Sugar Hollow Reservoir. Mr. Bowie said it would be helpful to clarify the terms "finish clearwell", "clearwell", and "drilled well". The status of the "two open concrete basins" was questioned as well as what is included in "three ground storage t~nks". Mr. Bain asked that clarification be made at the bottom of Page 187 with regard to current total usage of public water and how far into the planning cycle current water facilities will be viable. He said it would be helpful to know how close to the identified capacity we are and at what rate the supply is being consumed. The Board agreed that Strategy No. 2 on Page 191 which states, "Only allow changes in jurisdictional areas outside of designated growth area boundaries in cases where the property is very near or adjacent to existing lines and public health or safety is endangered.", should be clarified by adding "...1) adjacent to existing lines and 2) public health or safety is endangered." Mr. Way suggested that the names of the villag.es be added to strategies on Pages 193 and 194 where villages are referenced. The Board agreed that the entire section under "Water and Sewer Service to Village and Rural Areas" on Page 193 be brought back to the Board after st~ff review. The work session on the Comprmhensive Plan ended on Page 194, to be resumed again on November 30, 1988, at 2:00 P.M. Agenda Item No.5. Other Matters Not Listed on the ~enda from the Board and Public. Mr. Tucker briefed the Board regarding the Meadow Creek Park~¢ay Proposal. He said staff is beginning the interviewing process for consultants. Before any negotiations begin, staff wanted to mmke the Board aware of the range of costs involved in the project as follows: Task Range ~f Costs Preliminary Alignment and Interchange R/W, Final.Design and Construction Drawings, and Construction Management $1.45 ~ $2.9 million Actual Construction Cost Estimates $20 - $30 million Compared to preliminary estimates presented this s,,mmer: From Rio Road to South Fork Rivanna River $5 million Hollymead Area $15 million Mr. Tucker said staff has looked at purchasing land~,in three to five years. The Virginia Department of Transportation had made no commitment to and funding at this time. Mrs. Cooke said she felt the Board should move forward with the Meadow Creek Plans, showing a "good faith" move to VDOT, hoping they will also participate in funding this project. Mr. Perkins asked if the Board proceeds with the project, would it be possible to get funds back if VDOT did not participate. Mr. Home said that was highly unlikely. A firm decision would have to be made before the acquisition process begins. Mr. Agnor said moving quickly is a concern to staff~ A Route 29 study must be completed, and staff did not want to disrupt synchronism with VDOT on the project. November 16, 1988 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 5) The Board agreed that staff should proceed with. the ranking of consul- tants for hiring and the negotiation process. At that point the Board would again look at the project. Agenda Item No. 6. Adjourn. At 5:00 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss legal matters regarding the nativity scene and personnel matters. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and. Way. NAYS: None. The Board reconvened into open session at 5:13 PoM. and immediately adjourned.