HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000012 Other 2022-03-09 (3)SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA202000012 Montclair Request for Private Street Authorization To Whom It May Concern, In accordance with Section 14-233(A) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, we, on behalf of the property owner, Spainhour, Adelaide W Trust C/O Leslie John -James Executor and Highlands West L.P. (the "owner"), request for the commission to authorize private streets "A," `B," "C," "D," and "E" in Block 1 and 3 of the rezoning application for Montclair (the "project'). The application proposes rezoning TMP 05600-00-00-091AO and TMP 056EO-00-00-00200 from Rural Areas and Light Industry to a Neighborhood Model District for a maximum of 157 units. Section 14-233(A)(1) enables the commission to authorize one (1) or more private streets in a subdivision that could more fully implement neighborhood model principles in the following circumstances: (i) The subdivision would have a streetscape more consistent with the neighborhood model, Pedestrian Orientation As private streets "A" and `B" provide vehicular access to the rear of the homes and perpendicular parking areas, pedestrian orientation is strengthened. While units along private road A and B gain frontage from these private streets, they will be internally oriented towards the shared amenity spaces, or face existing public roads, Route 240 Three Notched Road and Park Ridge Drive. Although streetscape activity should be supported in more densely urban spaces, this development orients pedestrians away from the private streets "A" and `B," effectively functioning as alleyways, and towards shared common spaces that encourages community interaction, which is more appropriate within a less dense and more suburban circumstance. With front porches and pedestrian access surrounding communal amenity areas and away from private streets, residents are encouraged to walk and engage in neighborhood activity. Units on private 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com streets "C" and "D" are internally oriented towards the private street, as these streets frame a common space. Sidewalks are provided along the homes, allowing for access to this common greenspace area. Interconnected Streets & Transportation Networks Private streets are proposed within the framework of public streets. Public streets provide the primary movement throughout the site, facilitating traffic to and from Park Ridge Drive, Route 240, and Wickham Way. Public streets are designed with on -street parking, landscaping, and sidewalks adjacent to the roadway as public streets are proposed as a shared streetseape. Private streets act as `microconnections' for only residents that live directly off the private street, functioning as alleys. As private streets are to provide vehicular access to garages, sidewalks are not proposed along all private streets, but only where needed (see Pedestrian Orientation above). Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space As a Neighborhood Model District, Montclair is designed around shared common areas where neighbors and commercial users are encouraged to take part in the active public streetscape and enjoy pockets of amenities and open space. Private streets within the project act as a means for garage access, and allowing for a separation from driveways for Private Roads "A" and `B' further enhances this overall network of pedestrian walkways, shared amenity space, and public streets. Open space within predominately residential areas creates opportunities for community members to engage with one another. Private streets enable necessary vehicular access without requiring sidewalks where they are not called for. Requiring sidewalks where they do not further improve the overall network takes area away from surrounding amenity and greenspaces that serve as significant neighborhood destinations. Private Roads "C" and "D" provide sidewalks on one side of the street, providing access to Public Road C and Block 3's common area that is framed by Private Roads "C" and "D." Relegated Parking Parking is to be provided within individual driveways and garages and within parking areas. Parking is relegated from existing public streets, Three Notched Road and Park Ridge Drive, and new public streets, B and C. Building fronts are positioned towards Three Notched Road and Park Ridge Drive, relegating parking away from these roadways. To achieve the desired density, a mixture of housing types, and the required parking needs, driveways, garages, perpendicular and parallel parking are provided throughout the development. Private streets enable perpendicular parking within Block 1, providing a relegated parking area along Private Streets A and B, which act as vehicular alleyways. On -street parallel parking is proposed along public streets, creating a more urban streetscape along these public `main' thoroughfares and enhancing the buffer for pedestrians in addition to landscape strips. The subdivision design would allow it to better achieve the density goals of the comprehensive plan; The 2021 Crozet Master Plan designates the property as Greenspace, Middle Density Residential, and Neighborhood Density Residential. With a maximum of 157 units proposed, gross density is proposed as 14 DUA and net density is proposed as 17 DUA; Middle Density Residential allows for 6-18 DUA and Neighborhood Density Residential allows for 3-6 DUA. Providing a mixture of public and private streets supports a diversity of housing types within one development, as well as a mixture of affordability through the construction of `missing -middle' housing, as recommended by the Crozet Master Plan. Due to the proposed density and the presence of a significant stream buffer in the southern portion of the property, a network of public and private streets allows for efficient circulation and increased activity within public streetscapes and community amenity areas. Because private streets may be designed to more flexible standards, such density goals can be better achieved in efficient land use, ample greenspace, and robust public streets, where proposed. Private streets permit alternate designs, such as 20' travelway widths and perpendicular parking, which is appropriate for street sections that serve low -volume vehicular traffic, while directing pedestrian activity towards amenity areas and public streets. (in) Rear vehicular access to buildings would be provided so that the buildings may face a common amenity; Units of Montclair have rear vehicular access along from the proposed private streets "A" and "B" and front along common greenspace where neighbors may congregate and, overall, fosters a sense of place. Pedestrian connections are provided along these front doors, rather than along private streets "A" and `B," which primary purpose is to provide garage and parking access for residents in Block 1 rather than promote an active streetscape of engagement. Activity, instead, is encouraged to take place around front porches, greenspace pockets, and public streets. (tv) A significant environmental resource would be protected A significant stream buffer is present at the southern portion of the property. Private streets contribute to overall site design, bringing the property to the desired density and affordability, while preserving the stream buffer area as passive community amenity space. Montclair is designed around this stream buffer and a network of pocket amenity areas throughout the site to create an integrated neighborhood of middle- and low -density housing and programmed greenspace areas. (v) Relegated parking would be provided to a greater extent than could otherwise be provided. Please see above in the analysis of Neighborhood Model Principles. In addition to the follow circumstances, please consider the following findings in your evaluation of this private street request, in accordance with Sec. 14-234(C): 1. The private street will be adequate to carry the traffic volume which maybe reasonably expected to be generated by the subdivision. Each of these private streets are 20' urban street sections. Private Road A would serve 38 dwelling units and 225 daily trips. Private Road B would serve 45 dwelling units and 292 daily trips. Due to its location and function, daily trips for Private Road C are likely very conservative. Private Road C provides a north/south connection from Public Road C Wickham Way, which proposes an entrance on Park Ridge Drive. However, Park Ridge Drive does not provide easy and convenient access to other public roads, although it does eventually provide a connection to Crozet Avenue. The majority of residential trips would utilize the Three Notched Road entrance and travel onwards to Private Roads A, B, D, and E. Conservatively, Private Road C would serve 34 dwelling units and 195 trips. Private Road D would serve 13 dwelling units and 57 daily trips. Private Road E would serve 7 dwelling units and 12 daily trips. While these private roads act as the needed access for garages, public streets provide for ingress and egress of the site, serving all residents and commercial users. Low traffic is anticipated for the private roads as they would serve only the residents within that particular block, acting as alleyways for vehicular circulation and parking needs. 2. The comprehensive plan does not provide for a public street in the approximate location of the proposed private street; The 2021 Crozet Master Plan does not recommend any public streets in the approximate location of the proposed private streets. Public Road C, extension of Wickham Way, is recommended on the Master Plan and provided for in the plan. 3. The fee of the private street will be owned by the owner of each lot abutting the right-of-way thereof or by an association composed of the owners of all lots in the subdivision, subject in either case to any easement for the benefit of all lots served by the street; The private streets would be owned by an HOA and an easement will be established for the benefit of all lots served by the street prior to the approval of the final subdivision plat. 4. Except where required by the commission to serve a specific public purpose, the private street will not serve through traffic nor intersect the state highway system in more than one location; and Private roads "A," "B," "C," "D," and "E" each terminate on a public or private road, thus will not intersect the state highway system, and will not serve through traffic. 5. If applicable, the private street has been approved in accordance with section 30.0, flood hazard overlay district, of the zoning ordinance and other applicable law. This property does not lie in the flood hazard overlay district and therefore is not applicable.