HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202200052 Other 2022-03-10VIRGINIA VDHOF HEALTH DEPARTMENT Protecting You and Your Environment Pagel of 3 Albemarle County Health Department 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 972-6219 Voice (434) 9724310 Fax OSE Construction Permit November 29, 2021 Stuart Collier APPROVED 146 Reas Ford Road Earlysville, VA 22936 RE: 456 Future Oak Lane, Earlysville, VA 22936 Tax Map #: 19-7A FIDID: 101-21-0447 Reserve: 100% reserve area provided System Capacity: Residential, 3 Bedrooms, 450 gallons per day Dear Stuart Collier: This letter and the attached drawings, specifications, and calculations (12 pages) dated November 12, 2021, constitute your permit to install a sewage disposal system on the property referenced above. Your application for a permit was submitted pursuant to §32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia, which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Onsite Soil Evaluator (OSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an OSE for residential development. VDH is not required to perform a field check to verify the private evaluations of OSEs or PEs and such a field check may not have been conducted for the issuance of this permit. The soil absorption area ("site") and sewage system design were certified by Thomas Warby, PE as substantially complying with the Board of Health's regulations (and local ordinances if the locality has authorized the local health department to accept private evaluations for compliance with local ordinances). This permit is issued in reliance upon that certification. VDH hereby recognizes that the soil and site conditions acknowledged by this permit are suitable for the installation of an onsite sewage system. The attached plat shows the approved area for the sewage disposal system; there are additional records on file with the Albemarle County Health Department pertaining to this permit, including the Site and Soil Evaluation Report. This construction permit is null and void if any substantial physical change in the soil or site conditions occurs where a sewage disposal system is to be located. If modifications or revisions are necessary between now and when you construct your dwelling, please contact the OSE/PE who performed the evaluation and design on which this permit is based. Should revisions be necessary during construction, your contractor should consult with the OSE/PE that submitted the site evaluation or site evaluation and design. The OSE/PE is authorized to make minor adjustments in the location or design of the system at the time of construction provided adequate documentation is provided to the Albemarle County Health Department. The OSE/PE that submitted the certified design for this permit is required to conduct a final inspection of this sewage system when it is installed and to submit an inspection report and completion statement. As the owner, you are responsible for giving reasonable notice to the OSE/PE of the need for a final inspection. If the designer is unable to perform the required inspection, you may provide an Tax Map #: 19-7A Page 2 of 3 HDID:101-21-0447 inspection report and completion statement executed by another OSE/PE. The Albemarle County Health Department is not required to inspect the installation but may perform an inspection at its sole discretion. No part of this installation shall be covered until it has been inspected by the OSE/PE as noted herein. The sewage system may not be placed into operation until you have obtained an Operation Permit from the Albemarle County Health Department. This Construction Permit is null and void if conditions are changed from those shown on your application or if conditions are changed from those shown on the Site and Soil Evaluation Report and the attached construction drawings, specifications, and calculations. VDH may revoke or modify any permit if, at a later date, it finds that the site and soil conditions and/or design do not substantially comply with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, 12 VAC 5-610-20 et seq., or if the system would threaten public health or the environment. This permit approval has been issued in accordance with applicable regulations based on the information and materials provided at the time of application. There may be other local, state, or federal laws or regulations that apply to the proposed construction of this onsite sewage system. The owner is responsible at all times for complying with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. This construction permit is transferrable until expired or deemed null and void. A permit transfer form may be found on the VDH website at http://www.vd1i.vir ig nia.gov/environmental-health/gmp-2015-01- forms/ . If you have any questions, please contact me. This permit expires: May 29, 2023. Sincerely, J''j. Travis T. Davis Environmental Health Specialist, Sr. Albemarle County Health Department CC: Thomas Warby Tax Map #: 19-7A HDID#: 101-21-0447 WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO GET YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATION PERMIT Page 3 of 3 • Your system must have a satisfactory inspection at the time of installation. This will be done by either a representative of the local Health Department, a private OSE, or a PE, depending on the designer of your permitted system. If your system is designed/inspected by an OSE or PE, they must submit a copy of the inspection results, complete with an as -built diagram, to the Health Department. • Please ensure that your contractor turns in a Completion Statement to the local Health Department after installation. Allow 5 business days after the last piece of documentation is received for the Operation Permit to be issued. To avoid delays, clearly label each piece of documentation with the property Tax Map/GPIN number and HDID number shown above and on your construction permit. Please note that due to the individual circumstances ofyour permit there may be additional required items not covered by this checklist. If you have any questions about any of the items on this list, please do not hesitate to contact the Albemarle County Health Department at (434) 972-6219. PAGE 6 OF 12 DETAIL A �A I=F IPF 76'8" Hi-2 W-i q 2 v �l 100, 50' ��r4� 1 O EXISTING WELL Ol 100' 200, CMW HAND AUGER BORING NOTES: I. THE SEPTIC SYSTEM CONSISTS OF A TRADITIONAL DRAIN FIELD DF 6 LINES, 65' LONG, 3' WIDE, 9' CENTER TO CENTER, INSTALLED 34' DEEP WITH EZ FLOW USED INSTEAD OF GRAVEL„ 2. FENCE OFF THE DRAIN FIELD AREA DURING C❑NSTRUCTION. USE EROSION CONTROL METHODS AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY, 3. KEEP ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AT LEAST 10' FROM THE DRAIN FIELD. 4. INSTALLATION IS TO BE DONE IN DRY CONDITIONS ONLY, 5. THE EXISTING HOUSE IS TO BE RENOVATED AND SLIGHTLY ENLARGED. CMW SOIL CONSULTANTS, LLC DATE 11-12-21 13235 MATTS LANE CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 SCALE, v = 1c0' TEL: (540) 937-6623 FAX (540) 937-6624 DRWN JDT J CI784 I' DEVELOPMENT PLAN rWG• NO` 'Y i9-7A — ALBEMAR'LE COUNTY, VIRGINIA APPROVED Page 1 of 11 OSF.PF: Report liar Construction 1XI Repair [ J Voluntary Lpgrade [ ] Certification I j Subdivision Permit Permit Permit letter Approval Properly Location 911 Address: Cite: Lot _. Section . Subdivision GI'IN ur l as Map ;. iyl 19-7A Ilealth Dept. ID = jQ Z Latitude _ Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Stuart Collier Street: 146 Reas Ford Rd Cit}: 6arlvscille State: Va. Zip( ode: _ 22436 -- Prepared by: OSE Name Thomas A. Warbv License = 1940-001009 Address 13235 Marts Ln Cit) _ Culpeper . State Virginia Lip Coale 22701 1'. L-. Name Thomas A. Warbv License = 0402018466 _ Address 1 1235 Mails Ln _ City — __Culneper . State Virginia _ Lip Code 22701 Date of Report \wember I 12021 Date of Revision '-' 1 OSE/PEJob \umber C1784. Date ol'RevisionQ ContentOndea of' this report: Certification Pace _ Application I tme__ Site Location MA12 S:ut SUrVe\!Site Dev Plan. Soil Reoor0roriles _ Abbreviated Designs Design Calculations Construction Spec Page_, (crulkation SlawnicAtis) I herch� eeniP that the cvalualions and'or dcsigr,: ontain.d herein ttse c..mductul its aceor dune ttilh the SeV _e I lundlirg laid Uisty?atl RegWation. (12 VAC5-610). the Mule IN ell Regulation, (12 VAC5-63o). the Re_ulaiun> Grt Alternwke Onsite Sewau Sistems (12VACS-61 31 and all other apptic:inlr lau.. recur:nion>;tnd holicic, implemented b< the Vittinia Depanmcnt lit Health. I runher eenilj that I cturrnliv pose., any liw1w re:(uired by the laws and rcgnlations of the Commonwealth that hate hull duly issttui h\ the applicttldc lrgenct eharget! with Iiecnsure to per!onr the stork eonmincd herein. the powilli7.l :irr butte conventional ,and al lei natit c on.ne sett aec systenn hiv, been discus>cd with the ownarap)iicanL I j the stork attached to this cuter page has been c(nuluacd wader on exemption lu the practice al engineering. specincalh the <sen'rption in Cale of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.I I i recommend that a i,elcei line) construction permit 1XI wiirwwion letter I I suhdir ision approval I i repair permit j 1 wluntar.% upgrade I I he t•rlcct anc) issued 1XI denied I I i OSli l'L• Signature___ �.^�^^� tt� IJ 11 - 1' 'DH Use OnFv Commonwealth of Virginia Health Deptnntem It) f 0_-2I-0497 Application for: [X) Sewage System [ 1 Water Supply Due Date Owner StuultCollier, Phona 4 soo-ii7.ld, Mai Ling Address 146 Ri,as Lord, Rd Phone F.arlvsville. VA 22936 Fax Agent Mr. Thomas A. Warbv Phone Mailing Address _I}2�,Slatt�lI)__,_.. Phone--.—_.—� Cal reper. VA 22701 Fax (�01937-06Zil _ Site Address ys trfUk AK — Fninil ' FAIZUSVUE. VA Z293fa _— — Directions to Property: From Charlottesville. take Routc 29 north. Lett on 649. Let! on 606. Rislit on Earlysville Rd. Left on Buck Mountain Rd Right on Buffido River Rd The lot is on Ihq leli ut the intorscction of Future Qak Rd. Subdivision Section 13look Lot Tax Map _'IM 19-7A Other Property Identification Sewage System I ype of appros:d: Applicants for new construction are advised to apph for a cenilicatiun letter to tlrtennine if nand is suitable for a sewage system and to an Iv for a construction Penn it (%'slid li,r 18 months) only ,%hen ready to build. I I Certification Letter IXi Construction Permit [XI voluntary Upgrade ( I Repair Proposed Use: (XI Single Flintily Hotne(VumberofBedrooms_) ( 1Muhi-Fnnilyl)wellingirotalkumberofBedroomsi [ I Other(describe) _ Basement' _No . Walk -nut Basement? Vo • Fixtures in Basement: \Q_ i Conditional pomtit tiesirotl" ..No. If yes, which conditions do you wa:u( I J Reduced water now ( (I,imitcd occupancy ( J Intermittcm or seasonal use I J Seasonal or temporary use not to exceed I year. Do you wish to apply for a benemtcnt loan eligibility letter? I'hcm is a S50.01) tec for determination of eliAN ity. Water Supply I Will the water supply be Public or Private? Private_ Is the water supply Fxisting or Proposed? Existing_, If proposed, is this a replacement well? \'.A . Will the old well be abandoned? \_A .. Will any buildings within 50' of the proposed well be tennite treated? -Yes. All Applicants — --- I. this at private sector OSt. 11'. application yes I.XI no I l Eves Is the DSI TI- pnekage anach�xi yes IX) no I, this propen) indeed to ser, c it, your (owner) principal place of residence'.' Ycsl I no Ili order for VDl I to prosem your application for sewage s}stem you must attach it plat of the property Laid a she sketch. For w:uer supplies. a plat of die property is reconunended and at sits skeish is :dways ra.lui vd. fhe sire sketch should show your property lines. acutul andfor proposed buildings and the Joshed location ul'your wail and 'or Sewage ,ystcm. Whcu the site c%;dua:irm is conducted the property lines. building locution and the proposed well and s. vaee System sites must be clearly marked and sutiiciewly visible to see the topography. I _ivr permission it, the Virginia Department of I Icalth to cater onto the property descrihai during Minimal busir Os hours for the purpose of processing this application and I„ perlimn quality asurmec checks ofeviduations anti :lesigns certified by a private scctnr UnAte Soil Iivaluator or I'rotessionat Fn�ineer as n"us,,am until the sewage disposal :}elan mtdvrr prtsvte water .uppl, has been constructed and nppruced. d'& \ 1Li1 N.gnmure o , cr: gent ne This form contains personal information subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act to Ear Union Churl SITE PAGE 3 OF 13. ;vine :tesVill'e-albemarle/� Airport , �X r Star 1 Polr SITE LOCATION MAP `I:M 19-7A ALBEIMARLE COU;VTY, VIRGLNIA CM\V.PROJ.ECT VO. C1784 <y� PIPF f'OUI6I 7. N. 19-BU LOT 17, NC•9TVIEH DREGORY 9267A-YTi88 KIMALLVITA O.B. f1pS I 3U.0.19PLAT NL2'34'5.7-11 45.42' ]W FOL' NB2'34'1.3'N 99.90' Inc FOIA N51'43'17-K--- 13.47' Inc 1. M. 19-OV SC LOT 18. HESTVIEM 5=TT MANG S ANNIKA WING 0.8.3S99-120 0,8.1906-256 PLAT ELIZA LANE - GRAYEI ROAR 1 EUND: FOG fIUED OPi TC CABLE PAMEII -P UVERIPt AD UTILITY tiNE L9 UTILITY DDX OFSt<I. amN UNCERTAIN OWNERSHIP T.M,19-7A2 PARCEL C-2 CONNIE C.JOW-.S 0.8.2627-5117 O.B.lu5-B00 PLRI S DOG KENNEL EN—MOACH T,M. 19. 34 ROOERT F.IIMLEY S OOLORES E.TINMEY P. D. 1582-24H O.O. I1N5-135 PIAT T.M.19-7A 4.61 ACRES X -- cI1APHTf: SCAT F 1-� too, 0 100 200 300 I:1 A - 2-37'41' R •1401.85' L.-^64.3D' -32. 16' C-64.29' ❑1-!:27'SO'43'w I1 `1 ! B'OF 40DI11ONAL R.0 M. t I I.R. 19-7E (O.B.583-16).�`�MI10144 CASIECI 7.H.19-7U PARCEI B 0.0.1747-37 (1 f P .JAW S H.1 LAK1 S LIMA T.LCAKF. IL B. 666-3'f 0.8.602-216 IS PLAT �! i IRON 'i1l1 1 C IRON FOUND POLE FOUND-y I _7 N32`0!'33'f 505. PH- 6RAYEL ••f``'1.-9 !� 1',1 RIVE �� �TrT wN YAHI1 - MCA :ROAGIE (01 YAIIU n 1� OVFJ4ffA0 UTILITY 1 o� RIVE rs7 r-.._._ . N I FDC 1f07.56,-...... 1P GRAVE,. j�.. ........ RDh� (130')' 1212, 56' PI/LF.� , 18 f ... .._ \--T.N.I9-34A ��-�... f y7._ C1 _. ..__. ET. RT. 604 (40`) O.B.335-39i I HALTER R.SHIF(l IT POLL _. -w- S THE'RESA K.SHIFR ET7 _ - 6111'Al0 RIVER AO D.B.12B0-46 UNCFRTATN� 0.O. 4-i3--624 PI. AT OHNEN911IP 1XIN TKIN- LCR17R fill Sr fit IT 111 R A3:7-B251 NOTES 9NI)RFLCTS S. O11NER(S) A18T IFG7J REFF.TIENCLS: FUTUfF T.N.E DAVIS OAK BOUNDARY SURVEY LANE .0.-3 0.0.4644B4-134, 136 ML.T 4.61 ACRES rzA SITE (�ij O.B.340-61 OESC. ❑,( R. V.17- 30B DESC, THE PROPERTY OF BONNIE DAVIS i LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 604(BUFFALO RIVER ROAD)- BUTT AID 2. THE SMIMARY DATA %AIWN 14CREUN IS FUTURE OAK LANE AND ELIZA LANE �� ruFFA o HILLS-- RIVER ROAD BASED DN A rliffENT FIELD SURVEY. ABOUT 0.3 MILE NORTH OF STATE ROUTE 664 aRlnNs y ROAD 3. Ma TTTLE REPORT FURNISHED. WHITE MALL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Tic. No.00YlBI _ RAVI SOME CASEMEMTS SMITH. THIS PROPERTY I5 SUBJECT ITT ANY ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA &-l5-21 BB3 LAW ADDITIONAL COM1UITIONS.077u11M SCALE: 1' - 100' DATE: JUNE 15.2021 SIMMDNS EASEMEWS. AND/(91 COVENAMIS ual. V6s- GAP M G THAT MAY EXIST. FOR. ANGF.IA SULLIVAN WIT MAP 1' 20D0'•P. Gl ROE•I:R N.HAY K ASWC.. INC. 1363 S5RKMAH COURT PIAlt!DTIESVILLE. VIRDINIA 22^EUf TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 RAYS19IvFYTMG.COM a. 0 i� NOTE 1. THE EX: DRAIN-FIEL AND IS TO ABANDONED. ARE NO OTI OR DRAIN-F WI-HIN 200 PROPOSED `* CMW SOIL CONSULTANTS, LLC 13235 MATTS LANE CULPEPER, VIRGINIA 22701 TEL: (540) 937-6623 FAX: (540) 937-6624 i SANITARY SURVEY TM 19-7 - ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA PAGE 5 OF 12 WELL O' 200' 400' I i 1 I i DATE: 11-12-2: SCALE: 1- = 2oc' DRWN: JDT I C1784 DWG. NO: Page 7 of 12. VUH 4se Only Iladth Nparutiou ID+, _ Dw Dald: Site and Soil Evaluation Report (For certification letters and subdivisions) General Information Date: November 1". 2021_ Albemarle County Health Department Applicant: Stuart Collier. Telephone Number: (434) 566-6718 . Address: 146 Reas Ford Rd Earlvsvilie. VA 22936 . Owner: Same. Address: Same. Location: TM 19-7A: Albemarle County. VA . Subdivision: Block/Section _ Lot _ Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? X yes _ no Describe: Side slope. 2. Slope 3-5 °t) 3. Depth to rockfintpervious strata Max. 54" Min. 52" None _ 4. Prce water present? _ yes X no Range in inches N/A . 5. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): _ inches (primary) _ inches (reserve) 6. Soil percolation rate estimated: Yes X Texture group I j I [XI 11 iXi III I i IV No Estimated rate 60 min/in. 7. Percolation test performed: Yes _ Number of percolation test holes — No X Depth of percolation test holes _ Average percolation rate _ mpi. Name and title of evaluator: _fhomas A. Warbv. OSE, P.E. . Signature: Department Use Site approved: Drainlield trench bottoms to be placed at3l finches) depth at site designated on permit. _ Site disapproved: (check al that apply j I. _ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. _ Insufficient depth or suitable soil over hard rock. 3. _ Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4.. Rates orabsorption too slow. Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield. andtor Reserve Area. 6. Proposed system too close to well. 7. _ Other (Specify) Pa=C Sof,1?. SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Date of E' altlation: November 12, 2021 . Propemy 1D: TM 19-7A' Albemarle County. Viruinia . Where the local health department conducts tlto Soil evaluation. the tocatiun of profile hulas maN he Ahmcn on the schematic dniwing oo the construction pannit ol'the sketch st:hminrd with the application. Il'suii cc;Jwttions a:c rondnricd b+ a private• soii scianiA:. 4w tion of protile holes and sketch or the area inecstigwai. including all .trixturul fc:aure, t i.a. sCivae: dispoaul ,%..ucm.. odlls. cic.) {iiihm IINI' ul'vua (Sec >ection 4) and re.serce site ihall he shown fnt the reserve side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this limn. See application sketch _See conetrttaiou permit — see sketch on reverse aide or page ahachel to this time Hula Horizon Depth. in. Soil Description \4 1 — . ... i E t.._ 0-3 7.?YR3!3 Dark- brown silt loam Bt Tic 3-19 ... .. _.__ __�_._.- �l R4(4 Reddish brown claylow n , - �13_C I I( 45- l OYR4 6 Dark yellowish brown clnv loans i ;- _ IOYR4.6 Dark yellowish brown, IOYRdi4 Dart. 3 y yellowish brown silt loam_. AR on Cr at.51- 7.SYR3'4 Dark brown silt loam ­-- �I Bt 2-28 5YR4;6 Yellowish red silty clay loam with 3 Y` _-- --- ----..__ quaJUuruyel _1 C 28-54 j 7.5YR5i6 Strong brown. I0YR416 Dark ,,'_ j yellowish brown silt loans to loam. AR on Cr at j J4„ — _} — — W-3 F 0-2 7.5YR3i3 Dark brown silt loam ,-- Bt 2?4 ! 5YR4i6 Yellowish red silty clay loam with' 3 quartz gray cl C 24 52 1OR4/6 Red. 5YR4/6 Yellow•ieh retl I OYRNA ; Brownish yellow silt loam with sand to sandx loam. AR on Cr at 5"" i Page 9 of 12. Abbreviated Design Forin This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow. and lots pressure distribution (LPDI sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter ar subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the [ I primary and reserve. I X I only the priman area. [ ) only the reserve area for TM 19-7A; Albemarle Count. Va. Design basis total length of available area: _AL.. Iittal width ofavailahle area: 75' Lstiniated Pere. Rate: 00 at 34 in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): C'onvcyance method': arm ihy. Distribution method D Boa . Dispersal systc+u basil: 'fable 5.4 of,5111A. LGlvll required? _lvo . I-Alluent quality required: __Prjjppjj_. (Pritnan. Secondary. Advanced Secondary) Square tact per bedroom: 339 . "total trench bottom area required: _ 1017.. Gravity, pump. siphon Lnhanced flow, LPD or Drip Dispersid 'Table 5.4 of SI IDR or identiA, the GMP used Area Calculations Number of inches: 6 . (Note if pitd is used) I.ength of pad or trenches: L) .. Width of paid or trenches: _3; Center io center spacing: 9'7tlairs . Reserve squired?: _,Yes Percent reserve area required: 100%, Total width of absorption area required: _ 48' , Total trench bottom area provided: 1 170_ 'The required width is oalculated by multiplying the center to center spacing by one less than the nuni her of trenches and adding one trench width plus any squired reserve area. If the topography is not unilbmt across the length of the site, the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs, it is nccessary to use a center to center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope. than is required. Pane Ill of 12 . Abbreviated Design Form This font is for use with gravity. putup to gravity, enhanced lloty, and lust pressure distribution 0 RM sevvage sy:stetn designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the I J primary and reserve. only the primary area. (XI only the reserve area liu 'I'Iv1 194A; Design basis Total length of available area: 65' .. Total width of available area:=5-48'=27' . Estimated Pere. Rate: 6D- at 34 in. (depth) Number ofbedroonts (or GPD): ? WO) . Conveyance method': drat: itv . Distribution method D Box . Dispersal system basis': _[able ) of 12V GCS-¢ 13,, i.G1 11 required? No . Effluent quality required: Advanced Suctmtlarv_ (Primary, Seeundan, Advanced Secondary) Square Nci per bedroom: 150l1=150 . Total trench bottom area required: 4>0 . 'Gravity, pump, siphon -,Enhanced flow. I_PD or Drip Dispersal 'Table 5.4 of SHDR or identify the G.M11 used Area Calculations \umher of trenches: 3 , (Note if pad is used) Length of pad or trenches: 65;. Width of pad or trenches:. 3 Reserve inquired?: Center to ecnrer spacing: 9_---,_ (lairs . Percent reserve area required: 1 t10j'o .. Total width of ahsorption area required: 2? . Total trench bottom area provided: 585 'The required width is calculated by multiplying the center to center spacing by one loss than the number of trenches and adding one trench width plus any required rescrce area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site. the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs. it is necessan ut use a center to center spacing that accnuntS for the Flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable u1 have more area available, especially up and dottn the slope. than is required. Page Il of 12. Design Calculations Property ID: _I:h9 19-7;1;, Llibcmarle_Cutmty. Va____.,._, _ Flow Show Calculations Here' type of use (residential, etc.) nisi a niAl .. No. of bedrooms: No. of employees: \/A . Square footage of buildin, space: Daily flow (peak design) in Gill): XO . Treatment No. ol'septic tanks: I . Size of septic tank(s): 1000 gallons . Pretreatment required? X* yes X no If yes, speed% type of treatment device: Absorption area design Soil Texture Group: _=.3 Reserve area required: X yes _ 5001, X 100% _ other Specify other Show Calculations I lerel * Pretreatment onh required for the resene, If pump system, enhanced flow, or L IlD shue no calculations here or on a separate sheet. (dosing volume. head, pump design, etc.) Water Supply —� Class ol'well: existing . Describe (laored, drilled): bored. Distance between septic tank(s) and "ell: , 50__, Distance between absorption area and "ell: . 100_ Information and calculations required for commercial andor conditional use applications only. page. 12 of_...1.. System Specifications Property ID: Tyt 194A: Albemarle County. Va. Applicant Information Name: StuartCollier Phone (4341566-6719. - Address: lab Reas Ford Rd I.arivsvillc, VA 2'1936 Location Information Tax Map No. j9-7A Property address GPIN No. Directions fmin Charlottesville, take Route 29 Subdivision non eft on 649 ho Block j Lot _ harhsulle RBI I efon 0uek \Iountan1Rd. Right of Bufl9 River e_ ita { intersection of Puuue Oak Rd. General n orma ton System Type Traditional drainlield . I Number of bedrooms I, (ag. septic tank, drainlield) I Daily Ilow 4i0 (gpd) Type of property residential . l (e.g. commercial, residential. etc.) Conditions Sewer Line I Septic Tank - InletlOutlet Structure Scheduled 40 PVC, 4" _ or equivalent Capacity: gallons (add check or describe equivalent below) -Lfta 2ie septic tank NIA gallons j Per the 2000 Sewage Handling & Disposal i Regulations. Check which option chosen: Septic tank with inspection port k .. Septic tank with effluent filter Reduced maintenance septic tank Conveyance line/force main Information Distribution box Information Method gravitc . No. of boxes I . fc.g. gravigv, pumping. dosing siphon) No. of outlets 6. If pumping, attach Pump Spec Sheet Sure or splitter box required: Material Yes No { Pipe diameter 3" .. _ -X. Slone of nine 6'10(1' in inches Header line Information Percolation line Information/Absorption Area 1500 pound crush strength Yes X . Center to center spacing 9 t Ft. Minimum slope is TV100 FL Yes X . Required spacing 9 11, Installation Depth 34 inches Aggregate depth 172 FLOW inches � No. of Laterals 6 Lateral length 65 fl, I ateral bottom slope 1.3-2.6 inches Lateral width _16 inches CMW SOIL CONSULTANTS, LLC - 1323s MA PrS LANE (1.4, ER. VIRGINIA 22701 • TEI.: (.:40( 9J7.66n F&X: � V019.17.604 INVOICE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES November 12, 2021 To: Mr. Stuart Collier 146 Reas Ford Road Earlysville, VA. 22936 Re: Septic Evaluation 8t Design TM 19-7A Albemarle County. Virginia CMW Project No. Cl784 CMW Invoice No. C2384 Item 1 1-3-21 Septic Evaluation of one lot Very Truly Yours. Thomas A. Warty, P.E. uantit Unit Rate Cost $900.00 ca. S900.00 Total Amount Due: $900.00