HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000057 Plan - Approved 2020-12-04ALBEMARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction. within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the. permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontaLvertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concretepipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe- Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This list is in addition to the General Construction Notes) 1. All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified at the time of construction. Additional guardrail maybe required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VDOT (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. 5. Where rural cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PFA _ 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. 8. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed limits to be posted on speed limit signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by VDOT for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross -drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is requiredfor all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera inspection procedure. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conductedin a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because slides sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall he temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silttra s are to be cleaned gg g P Y P when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-2046.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans. 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechnical engineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riserjoints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ENGINEER SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONING DISTRICT TAX MAPS/PARCELS ZONING RIVANNA DISTRIC"T' ALBEMARLE C:Oi?NT1', VIRGINIA GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david®southern-classic.com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM -BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 -PROPOSED TOPO FROM NORTH POINTE SECTION 1 PLANS BY TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING DATED 06/01/2020 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 RIVANNA PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA- 2013- 00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.06 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes Last Revised: February 2011 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority m January 15, 1998, except as modified below or modified in Special Notes. 2. RWSA shall approve all constructionmaterials and methods of construction. A preconsbnction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of airy work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 4. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 exL 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities m weekends or holidays without special written perrnission fiom RWSA 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the exi stem All doghouse manholes must be essure-tested before a connection is made to � system- gh Pi the system 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement tnless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utifity crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the spriugline of the existing pipe- 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples approved prim to making any permanent connection to the public water system - Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement This inchudes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement. APPLICANTS NAME. GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. "0000010 � -- .& VAR1OC806 r TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC N W 0 Ww U1W tY _> _J r /dO Crid 00 0 z \a NOT TO SCALE AIRPORT PO ®PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 66.72 AC (WPO#201500073, WPO#201500078. WPO#) Im PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 2.04 AC (WPO####) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 68.78 AC ROAD AND DRAINAGE i CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE I] 'L DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. Q PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED ---100--- EXISTING CONTOUR - 100 - PROPOSED CONTOUR x 100.00 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS + 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/c WDAD (T/C - TOP OF CURB) �Rl BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. t® VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND -i-----�- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T_ SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS i 3 120400,00 MANHOLE NO. W/ STATION OR 15COORDINATE LOCATION WATER EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP REDUCER Know what's below. Call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #**** & #**** CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION CLUBHOUSE IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. PCE e3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 INLET PROTECTION 3,09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 . TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM GDOOOO LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3,32 PERMANENT SEEDING MU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL SI TE ND Dl/lF' De LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT DATE O M to N (no C CU O � U O Z a) 1-4 E ��� W U �W ��U Zb�� r� � U '_4 Q) o ZCd�M W W .2I W w ��:- 0 W N4 _4 � ��21t>i a a _ N �U�11 O C4 ►t U rBRIANCHELI 5724 77/23/2020 ` P°FFSS70NALENG\�� ti W N C)O �� W INDEX TO SHEETS # LATESTSHEET REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 11-23-2020 COVER SHEET C-1A 11-23-2020 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B 11-23-2020 MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN C-2 11-23-2020 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 11-23-2020 SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-4 11-23-2020 GRADING PLAN C-5 11-23-2020 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE 1 C-6 11-23-2020 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE 11 C-7 11-23-2020 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C-8 11-23-2020 HYDRAULICS C-9 11-23-2020 PROFILES C-10 11-23-2020 DETAILS C-11 11-23-2020 CBPA COMPLIANCE PLAN C-11A 11-23-2020 CBPA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS REVISIONS APPROVED DATE 1112jz12020 PER CC by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date December 4, 2020 File # SDP202000057 Application Type Initial Site Plan Chris Perez/Cameron Lan ille Lead Reviewer: DATE g 07-31-2020 SCALE O Z C1) Y C0 Q BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. BCM / LEN 20190267 SHEET // C - 1 it M�OFALBEMARLP. Diona'sonsto taw. I.Pas 321 East Mom StSuN 400 VA 229m RE: SP201�3 Nom Pointe Middle E., ... claimants-, 0 November 11, 2013 the Added of'Shanamicare main schan I li-Special Use Pral operational O,di.., a TIMPI 032000000020raced 032010tharecall in Il Special He, tral ...,-,ad S, he Acteadmilles Plus head,-. be C .. 1, nood ahl no uses an the property an loornonall ancel may hawfulso, aa M all applcabeuppercuts be- So. insured -it courel... huran This holtshin compliance volh conditions Mush SIPWIAL USE PERMIT; fficial of." aph. SITE PLAN;­d pp,.tal.(.WNJNC,�WUANCEC��CE ...... David finish Cc CWH Pool Limited Partial P 0 am5526 RESOLUTIONTOAPPROVE SP 21 NORTH PUhNTT MIDDLE �CE �MWW whoraboranduyl 0I nor Virom Hill AloseentioneriLl it don rbcwdJ-mTa, W�.1 Proud ..a ZMAMOO W�VRovWmAu��2006,�mv,ng"�ANmit WHERE do, Overster to hurnallixess desel.noreal �SP2007 03 was arvierval an hall 20D7,whion site �am coal -or. that flomesen al Breach Came and reade, .ad Nationals DHI I accurce ar ull a. Sol Narth wRzxdzAs, tan onother file appcationfar. anuo cal -it I coushad at appeal far SP 20n 03 1. adify remithers ,mr, cre choused ran B-a C� in.flarvesob .... add flocapplical is drooliand ash Sxuoiddl Lon P.L201540003 Not Picture Middle Earcence, Arnold.., ("SP20154ar'sand �A's, an Hormone 10. 2015, day, exhaust null 6.Al�.k Cxmy mannered enormous thour are no 1.91, abould. sold nee ancitiont museveral c-d.ma an nource, and union .. Mountain C.-, d noil public hiscring an SP201"3 NOW, �M�. BE IT MOL� 64 on, conscialmormunafthe far SP 2015-03 carbodall ofia, amendments, else submission proustand a the Public he�& �it. Shall Careent, Code 118 33.9, cat of Stormical loosely ameaccut SP 2015-03, subject W me counifince, touched wat LEflut W. Erdxc dichaterne, car, wph, Recdcat do, hadol by use short ofSu� clinical Call Vicapal arsoureducaped boW�wammium,,6,ghldmNm.=�,r-11.2015. AN Bar Mr. furad Y Damon Y Mora Y blissful X NO Pat-, Y Mr. Sarifficul Y Federal Emerg"l lyinloniont AII 1 1117 L I Rl IFJF I III art it 1 111, 1 ...... . . . ......... I ..... t..... .. 1311, . .. ........ tl c II . ........ ..... ...... le ... .... ait t ...... I T,.,,, in A Federal Enifiruencie anapentent Agenct, 1 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT ...... ... .... to F FIF I . `11.205 "tar, Forfeit al Enorgericv anagernent Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUEDf COMMUNITY INFORMATION wm .... ....... 1. Prior to rioned madown waval deuterium, ral shouni amd a refined Emser,mr, All (HEMA) a mareffitical I., of cres, -loan ULOMR on CLOI arat tar tar and form ITIMAblearcurtafroarresidearatexiWar LOMA), 1. eadiffificar. thicipplichout thal thermal Universal all conesperadcomwith FEMA, 2� Thooll ander Nourshand, Driod mll an M annual smand wor An ..l doestral 'Noah Ell SP Consion, offer Sol p�p� by Trost U. pappearring vion A residon data ardor 20, 20 1 �, rome 2 cry Othe "Thers 1. To I in "a,., shosecal with as Plan. accelerator brall reflon are, prim] s�.�g�K W l�mofMccuN� M��a�o,sto�cP���b donc'cmffl.' sop the channel above hany be mounted hadi I the review and metal r the Caurd, Fiscal 1 Prim to obtaining appealed of on, used sive .6 -1.. abol dedimem contral plans For Nothadde Drism acanthuses, herall Ali drabound ma Israel Pin by the Too on the Ell it Ill. b. Plastic mfo�p��gofm,xW�ud�bs�ics�d,it�W�,,�for burnmed and 1.1, a schat opics to the . f,buracconed Plant and prom -.1, it Paul harry and. comp tide Marthands Divisional On admi aaand cause-mlif (I'll) mens mic nernme an to(400) Not ball armRe.. 29 North Deria, Plauxur. 5, If us fee unis Ili, Social am ench is l�u� is and encountered by CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) t ttI. ... .... es, I, .... ......... I 1 I I . .. . ..... Ili ....... ur in no..... . ........ .. ..... . n I 1 21 ainient Agentiv Fedora] Erneigil Manlig CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMEal NFOREI CONTINUID1 . . ...... linlelgenuI "llaiigement geney I CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMADON (CONTINUED) Iala . ... ... ....... % I AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPIJCATION: #ZMA-211100-9119, SP -2002-72 ZMA 2013-0400107 North Fellow Proffer Amendment To. Map 32 Parcels: 20,20A, 20AI, MA2,20A3,291,23,23A, 23B, 23C� 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, and 23J. Approxhmtely 229 seem zomd Planned Development - Mixed Commercial ("PDMC'5) August 5, 2013 With respect to the Property described I. �ning application WZMA-2000-09 and SP-2002-72 (the "Originl ZMI CWH Properfin Limited Partnership is the fee simple owner and North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC is the contract purclopsaw of Tax Map 32, Parccls 20, 20A, 20A 1, 201 20A3 and 291 (the "North Pointe Property"), and Viola Hill Associrms, L.L.C. is the fice simple o� ofirax Map 32, Parcels 23, 23A, 23B, 23Ci 23D, 2311i 23F, 23G, 23H and 231 (the i7iolot Bill property"). The respective parfilw an collectively referred So founin as the "Oonfer", which � shall include any in interest The North Pointe Property and the Viola Hill Property we mfeffed to collectively as the "JImperlys". all of which is the subjea of waying map mmdmmt application number ZMA 2013-00007 known a the "ZMA A�dmmi.1 P�mt to Section 33.3 of tbe Albmule Comfy Zoning Ordi�m, Onprour hereby cauntary proffers the conditions listed in this Ammded and Entered Prefer Statemmt, which Shall be applied to lhc North Pointe Property if the ZMA Amendmmt is approved by AlbmaAe County. 71yeshe conditions am proffered as per of the ZMA Ammdrnmi and it is agreed that (1) the ZMA Amendment i�elfgi� rise to the mind for the wndifi� and (2) spol conditions have a mwnable rotation to the �ning requested, 006 (the 'Me Original ZMA. togth� with HE pruffary dd July 20. 2 "Original Proffer Smiemmi'l, law approval by [he Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, an August 2� 2006, and also included Tax Map 34 Parcel 22K (which parcel 212K was at the time mmprised of two Sapulpa parcels 22H and 221 which have since beem combined into a single paud 22K) which is owned by Neighborhood literature - Nil, LLC (the "Iticighborlamel invmtm� Propeol The chainjoes reflected in this ZMA Amendment shall not apply to the Neighborhood Investment Property. in all other reeppons, this ZMA Ammwmmi amends and mi said proffers in their entianty ad the Ammd.d ad Restated Proffer Statement shall pulate to the mulfi�page application plan -fitted 'North Pointe C�munity". prepared by K=ey & Cn., Architects, as =,lead thmugh J. 13, 2006 and achold hermy RE Exhibit A (the "Application Plarl and the Albemarle County Code in client as ofthe date ofthe Original proffe, Sut�m (the oCounty Code-). The North Pointe r�nimmily shall be refund so as the 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED if. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Cristion, of . 40-FiNA Buffer aws, the Cortislor. Within six (6) months after the wonfolsome, by the Virginia Department of Tr�pomliun ("VEOT) of the Rm6 Improvements as defined in Section 5.3 the m along the northbound train of U.S. Route 29, Owner shall plant and thereafter maintain at all tire= a landscaped buffor, including hedgermarl along the Ennmm Corridor ft=Wge parcels owned by Daiwa. The buffer will consist of a mitum= 40-fam *tie mOnuom visual landscape am that shall be subject 0 Albemarle County Ar16twournal Ral Bowd ("ARISP) review wild approval (the "Buffer"). The Buffer maybe locowd poly an the O�a's reoperty, and party an VDI proppery, bathe event VDOT at my time in the formic red� my portion of the Buffar lociated ory VDI malmy, the Charlie shall �p=me far such Deduction by mtwding the Buffer On O�ees pmpwy in order to maintain a tWnim= 410-goot Buffer, even if'such wmpmsation shall require the =oval oparking adjacent to such Buffer. 2.2 Ammrwm of Storm Water Mannappent (I-SAM-1 Facifitim, The SWM Imflues, visible from the En�m Coorider idwtified He the Application Flem (Mumanoter mmagmmt facilities 1, 2, and 10) shall be shown on a plan and be subject to ARE rombeas and approval. SWM I shall be designed such that its shape, placental and land form (grading) transition beetwom the adjacent �ation ant and the adjacent bud edge of the puking lot and buildings, The plan for SWM I shall be submitted in the ARE with the fing ARIB submission for Building 14 or 19 identified on Sheet B to the Application Plan ("Shabot Sol or my such building that is proposed to be located where Building 14 is loctithed on Sheet B pursuant to the terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shall have a more strumured appam" data SWM 10 (sec below) and shall be designed Such that its shape, pl=mmt, and land face (grading) transition between the adjacent conservation � and the adjacent bud edge of the puking lot and buildingS. The plary for SWM 2 shall be submitted to the ARE With the fire ARE Submission for my of Buildings 26 through 31. S" 10 shall be designed such thin its shape, plachemint, it land tam (grading) am integral with the adjacent conceparicatim area. Thic plan felt SWM 10 Shall be submitted to the ARE at the time mad plans are sisturnifted to the County and VDOT fier NoOhwmt Pawal ill. DENSITIES 3.1 Total Buildhout. The total nmba of dwelling units within the Ill shelf not concened eight hundred oney-firece f893). Subject to Scalm, 3.2, the building footprint and gross floor areas of w..acial, office, and other uses, and the building ficoularints of howls shelf not fted than. sel forth I. the Land Use Breakdown Table on Sbw A to the Application Plan ("Shug A"). 3.2 Limited Adiustment, to the Elements of the Application Plan, The gross floor am of the building used for m�=ial, offics, other uses, and hotels sboval on Sheet A may be adjusted within a range of up to Ion pu�t (I DI providend that the maximum gross floor for each category of win show an Sheet A is nor ftcmded. The finsoperies ofBaildings 6, 14 and 36 as Shown on Shead A can be interchanged. NotwiOwftnding the layout Ofthis Section 3.2 to the dm1pvY, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 89,500 Square feet, provided, however, after two years following the Repay" of the comfical of occuppincy first Building 14, that Building 14 my be adjusted within a range of up to we percent (I 05f), and if Building 14 is located in the location Shown M Shea 5, my web expansion sW be ]Opened to the so that the additional spaces Is losaind along North Pointe Boulevard. Notwithstanding the terms offifis Seen= 3.2 by the contrary, but Subject to Me Provisions of Section 9.1, the Comfy MRY zRHhoriwBu[1ding 21 as shown on Sheet A to be adjusted by mom than ten percent (1051 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION IV. plalgl The ups, of the lifif-juser flood plain within the Prathart shall remain 4.1 Flood imper and fear lemmings, and presidential =dL�rbed except for Dead meanings, public utility fact and inifing, trails, and only to the Intent such excePtims m Permitted by County ordinarecter and regulations, Upon the request of the County, Owner shall provide a survey dud prepare the ty necessary do�wtation and dedicate the land within such flood plain to the Cow 41 an ... metal phis, The g=w�Ibmt mmgmmt paractices an. ad all swm�ta �agammt facilities for the ("Wiffu plan all be prespin ar discharge, from Priiject Shall be designed and =�,td, to �.dte all �t storrywall a project Tax Map PuTt] 032AO-02-00-00400 ('No�h�ds Mobil. Home Park Development) and from the existing developments on the northeast and frouthwonat �m off,rieffif Road md U.S. Rome 29, specafiadly the following parcels shown on the m�l Aib=mie County tax sampol =map IA,24AI,2-IB,2-ICamd2-ID. 12, parcels 38.38A, 39, and 391 tax map 32A, pel 24, 2 The suppressor management ficilities; shall mifigate thas sionmeavather quality will quarift impacts, for the surmount grearatind both within the Project and for such existing oli ditiom as dal heein, a thol the =tire pamiging condition of the drainage anda is an undeveloped wooded aim and is being developed to the existing off -site mediums and the tram offibuty-form and Proposed osy�fite conditions. In addition, Notion shall =prim a minim onethird p�t (33 1/3%) of the total required parking lot landscapped areas within the such Commercial A., is defireal on Shect G or the "Commemial Am" or the Initial 0 Application Plan ("Shed 0"). 43 Fssion ad Sediment Control. it. Such Th. 0"� gral to the "-,-Xim= "�t Fm�imble, Pmvi immi contrul ..s� that axped State and Local additional appropriate msion and sod "maximum mm=t regarding whether the wouland of minimum standards. If there is a disag same rmentiodbul is satisfied. the Virginia Department of Conservation and Ruireatim, will be provided an opportunity to wants, and advise on such question. The Own. shall, to the (b) Post-Corillogi Si.m� MMAMOME maximum samil pacticable. provide POW-�mctim stionessuff Brill's 'no% are digned to 80% as publigned by the Carter for whonvot an average annual sediment ��1-1 rate Of fThe Practice arviratEpthad Propeour, (20DO edition). Watershed Protection in Article 1 0 'Mm will include, but we not lingled full bi��ioN bi�mim filtm and we mi�ion buins. 4A S�s, Buffer $Rd Restoration. Upon the mmmm�wt of the applicable cmmmt period, the Owner grall notify the Comfy Rod pmvide the Comfy with a copy Of MY applunation(s) To the U.S. Amy Corps ofEngimem androl for my s�� dieurbance. In addition, ifnccmsuy, after first looking; on-sittly for mitigation OPPO�ni6- assilgilly to satisfy the permitting jewpose, the Owner shall courdect the Comfy for a list Of Off -site OPPO�rdtim within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation opportunities off -sit. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Internal Strm CO2El-cflOu Standards Public wastes, which In my cvmt shall include at lent Lesko Road, North Pointe Boulevard, �MmOe "Ilve Ent and Nortbaterst pawaget shall be (I) constructed in accord with the illustrative urban steel mow sm'dom she" an Sh� D-I w the Application Plan C'Shart Dl it aim in Mmrdmw with VDOT design stmd�ds prominent ED detailed plans agreed to belasomin Owwy and VDOT, and (if) dedimted SIT public unic and offered for adeeplance into the state highway system. TT= (with a maximum spacing of filly (50) fing), landscaping and sidewalks as sboI on Shall D-1 shall be installed and maintained by ft Deeper in accordance with County Or VDOT standards, =less VDOT or the Comfy agrees in writing to assume this Tesponsibility. 5.2 TiranafComplethal, for 18ternal Strem, BefOrci�MwOfcerLifi�Of occupancy, Oveneli shall complete that Segment or an Intense sued as shown on Show D-1 within the Project which serves the building or rmidwm for whict, a ocalificate of occupancy is sought with at least The storic base and all but the final loyer of plary-mix asphalt, The final layor of plant -mil asphalt shall be installcd within one (1) yew following the issuance Of the ficall cartificates Of comparacy for a building in residence scrived by the affecleal stain segmmt. 5.3 Road impm"ments. Ovarper shall design and �tma all of the mad improvements refemeed in Sections 5.3.1 (a), 53. 1 (b) and 5,3 3 (c) below, which sych also show cra Slaux D-1 to the Application Plan and on Show E to the Application Plan aritled "External Road firripvemon, plan,- f-Shas Eli) wallearvely, the "Road Improvements"i onloss such made phimess offlo, Road Road improvements we first command or bonded by othm, "a va -aided copy of Sheet B that is improvemarm we also shown for illustrative purproures an a color attached hereto as Exhibit B. Owner shall defficashe W public use my requited rigbi-of-way thg it mwmhc=fLuownsinfnsimple, For purposes of this Scale, 5.3, the use offire tam "rearad" as it applies 10 internal myeas shot[ aim how the mine meaning as the word in the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordimnee (Chapilu 14 of The Albemarle County Code) where, applical 5.3.1 position ad Phasing, All Road I-p�ov=m� shall be designed and phased follow.: Design, The Road Improvmmts shall be shown on detailed Toad plans satisfying VDICT dmign standards which shall be Submitted by the Owner felt review and, what satisfactory, approval by VIDOT =it the Comfy (mmpt for the Read Imp�MU M U.S. Route 29, which shall be subject only In VDOT approval) fincrignalfifer, the "Approved Road Plars"). The Apporrand Road Plans shall show the width and leogth (except as Specified in Sections 5.13(al and (v) and Section 5.31(bl kxwOn. type of Section, and Eameftim of all [me impm�=N as required by VDOT design standinds. All of the Road impm�mts shall be construclond in compliance with the Appyboved Road Plans. The Road Impmv�b to U.S. Route 29 shall be budiand on the thm�t VDOT design speed and cripa-slum req�mu, Notivithwarading the previsions of this paragraph to the contrary, in the event dist the internal raindardial strat designs as shown on Sheet D-I m ant accepted by VDI the O�a shall submit dowiled road =�dion plane for Each streas to the County for review and, when Satisfactory, approval. subial else 0 the County's approval Offarrivate s�� mdu the Subdivision Ordimcc (Ch. 14 ofthe Alb=wle Comfy Coda). plotting. The Road Impmvmm� shall be =Mcted and cmplded in thm phasm as ad forth below: (a) Phase I Read Impmvmmts. Prior to approval 01 the find w�=iBJ subdivision plat or site plan within the Project, Ovmw shall obtain all associated Permit and post 'Them I all ussociand bonds requimd for the constriedifin of the fiellournessing (collectivity. ft Road (1) Swith�om Ewm�- on Ll Route 25l (i) U.S. Rome 29 Soutialsound �.dn of the vulical cureartore in the roadway just moth office (il U.S. Route 29 Soniflabsound -ciingru of a continuous 12 foot wide through lone (with shoulders or gaW tail AS required by VDOI starting at a point that is I ODO fize orth offlue smah�om =trmm and atteding Ewfly to Airport Road. (ill) US. Route 29 Southbound - w�ction of dual larfliturn lances with squar at the fiv) U.S. Room 29 Southbound - �cdon offight herst lam av to SR 1515. US, Rome 29 NorthbOlmd ,construction of a mntinums I 12 That wide thmugh base I th shoulders or gword rail a may be required by VDOT) mtmding finern Proffit (Airport) Road (Route 649) to the Northwest Passage mtrum. rill U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn fares at the Southernmost camenCel the geometries of which will be subject In VDOT approval. (fill U.S. Row. 29 Northbound consmaction of lcfi han Ism with taper into SR 1515. (vffi) SIR 1515 Eastboand - construction and/or mariping to provides left him fism with wpm. (is) Installation of a beffic aimed with a phase timing, video boactien und wenciecid uporawflon impro�mb ill die inWmwfion with U.S. Route 29. (X) Class existing umwva at U.S. Route 29 and Soud�m Enhance to SR 1515- (xj) n%wcd Entrance Road bet� North Pointe Boulevard and U.S. Rw� 29. (2) Noah Pointe Boulevard, LaskshRosed will Preffit Road, (I) Leake Road and North Pointe Boulevard, in acmrdmm with the design mu..cti� shown on Shm D-1, from Proll Road to either Nardiside, Drive Essal or, if Nintiall Drive East has not lan bm =Mcted to the roundabodur at North Pointe Boulevard, North Palms Boulevard shall be expanded W Northwest Paimage. no Owm shall provide a fifty (50) foot public righlbsof-way along Leake Road Rod shall �ot a two -Iwo public street to be accepted by VDOT and as much of the other impro�=� sho" on the �s.secfiom a prousible within file available right-of-way as rmwnably determined by the County Enlpn=. (ii) The fourdiatem, or sumb after impmvmmts a my be approved by VDOT will die Comfy, at the intersection of Luke Road and Pmffit Road shown on Shml B and an additional powbound right wary ]me on Preal Road from Lial Road to U.!L Route 29 as pown on Sheet E. In addition. for Property acquisition that is required for the off - Site public right-of-way for con�cfim of the impmve�u required by this Section 5.3.1a)(2)(fi), the D� shall make a cash contribution or provide a letter of credit in a Amm approved by the County A�ey for such pumme in the �t as thousand necessity, for the property aquisition by the County Attorney, providend the( such �omi shall not mcmd one hundred fifty percent (150%) Of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and wndmmtion purpecoses. The club =�ibution or Impar of credit described in this Section 5.3.1 (al shall be used to pay for the fast mat cribs light ofivary acquisition. Thetolialopest of the right of way acquisition for the off-sitc, property, intensity to =�ot the impmvmmts required by this Section 5.3.1(a)(2)(ii) shall include the name] cma associated ith acquiring land, buildings, �=, c�mis and other authorized interests by condemnation or by purchase including, but as limited to, land acquisition, thinginmings, surveying. and reasonable attorneys face. The web contribution or the letter of credit shall be poovidcd by the Consiner within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. If the prophourty, is acquired by purchases, the �ttibutim for fire purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifly percent (15(r/u) of the County's fair market value appimistal prepared I& wndmmlim purposes without the wn=l of theOwn�. Ifflaccoust oftheright ofwaywitifishkin exceeds the mount Previously contributed, than the Owner she) reimburse the County all such mass costs within thirty (30) days upon requese by the Comfy. The County shall refund to the Owner all excess contributions upon onampletion of the land sequence, (iii) Inimtimally Omitted fiv) An addificipal through Jaw mialhound on Pmffit Road ficary U.Si Ro�29 to the roundabout at the jecurstaction ofLnk. Road and Preffil Read. Inaddition for Property acquisition the is required for theoff-sue public nightfall fier construction cribs impm�m� required by this Section line Owner Shall make a cash mntdbWim provido a bether oforedil in a flown approved by the Comfy Attorney for web jourposph, in the =out a darned aacssary for the pmpwy acquisition by the County Attorney, proidd thin such omi shal I not exceed a hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair make vahs, appraisal preppared for acquisition and comidentriefiat purphoures The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this Section 5.3, lf[a)(2)(iv) shall be used to pay for the total cong cribs right of wayaquisition. The total met of the Tight of my acquisition fin the Off -site PmP�Y n�ssuY to mns� the improvisation required by this Section 5.11(a)(2)(ye) shall include the w�l buildings, dructures, minimum and other mthoized costs associated with acquiring land, interests by wnd�ofin OT by purchase including, but pain limited to, land acquisition, anginesering, Surveying, and �nabla attorneys fees. 'the cash contribution or the leftes, of caudit shall be pro Aded by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon request by the Comfy. tribe property is acquired by puralmse, the =tibudm for the pu,.h.. price she]] pay "c4-d -a hundred III ficrocra (151ya) of the County's fair marke value appraisal prepared for condemnation purposes without the mmOM Of the Owner- my sition excuds the mo=t previously contributed, than the 0"� shall Hfirplaurre the if the are of the right of on 8-9 If thirty (30) days upon request by the Conal The Comfy Comfy all such excess mysts withi nbibu�� upon completion ol land acquisition. shall refund to the Owner all mft an Comoletion of the Phase I Read l�mmtl. Within fiftseen (15) months affur the L�.m of the first building permit for a �amw building within the lands subject to the fire outcome subdivision Plot or site plan within the Project, Or V1Iw to the i-su-m Of building, whicliftor is cwIi all of the Phase I Road swilicaus of occorphaticy for suclo [mpmemmu "I be accepted by VDOT flat public use or bonded for VDOT's amep�= if such Rand lmpmv=mw aw a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public me or bonded to the County for VDOI �pimee irsuch Road Improvements are a secondary highway. fil ft,, If Read Prim to approval of me foot Saw Phat that would authorize the aggregate mmmmial, officas and hotel gross it= � as she. an Sheet A within the Project to named Iwo hundred many thousand (290,000) square fast, Owner shall obtain all afterjound permits and post all sociawd bonds Tutoring for the w��ion of the following (collectively, the Thus If Road Impamomal Nadlisidgn Ehiye Eal (1) Midifie &tmHm on UJI. Ill 29 R co-imusidus, (i) U.S. Room 29 Southbol of 12 foot wide dirrouldo law (with shouldol or guard rall as may Ile required by VDOT) starting at It Entrance and mtmding to the point when it point the is 1000 fee earth of the Midd with the promon oftheimem�meted pursuant to Section (if) US. Rous, 29 Soahbomd - of dual left I=. with tam. turn (III) U.S. Route 29 Southbumd - ��im of a right ]me with tal fiv) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - mnstrudion of a right had Win lanse at the Middle Brimunce, the g�ebim ofwhicb will besubject to VDOTapproval, (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - mns�efim of left him Isaw With (apa. (vi) SR 1570 Eagbowd -constructiodsoforrestriping oflasses to in$ off in separate 14 ffimugh and right turn mov=mts. ion of a traffic signal (vil Enhance mad Weebound - insualle 29 with 8 phase timing, vidthe detection and Sexual intm�im impmvme� on U S. Route - III Existing momva 9 Cyp� Drive - =MOM to close the =mva. (ix) Frontage, mad ftwn Cypress Drive to SR 1570 - construction ol public street in save propperaties, �dy accessing U.S. Route 29 thmugh Cypress Drive. and North Point. (2) Norfleside Drive East be�mp U.S- Route 29 Boulevard in she" on Sheet D- 1. Completion of the Phase If Road Improvements. Within fill= (15) months after the issumm of the first building permit for a building within The Inds subject by the fing subdivision plat or site plan that would authorize the aggregate, m=mial, officas and hotel gross floor arm as shown on Shea A within the Project to exceed two hundred ninety thomd (290.000) Hpwv hall Of prior to the immee of a candonew of oncesquany for my building that musely such gross fair man to mceW two hundred ninety thomd (290.000) square fact, whichever is earlier, all of the Phase 11 Road Impm�ma she)] be accepted by VDOT for public use or handed for VDl amseptance if Such Road lmpm�ents me a primary highway, in accepted by VDOT for public use a bonded to if. County for VDOT's acospoiscit ifsuch Road Impmvmmts smandary highway. (c) Phl Ill Road Improvements. Prior to the WIIW of: (1) the approval of the first Subdivision plat or site plan that would the allipmgme numbor of dwelling wits within the Pri in exceed five hundred thirty-three, (533); (if) the approval of a subdivision plat or site plan for my development of the Neighborhood Investment Pmpwty or my portion thereof, or (Ili) the five (5) year winitioneary of the time of ispothance of the first certificate of occapanny, for a building or proursess within fix, Project, Own" shall obtain all associated pull and past all associated bonds requited for the copparactian Ul following road imF�mts (colharvely. the upwat, in Road impro�ts-) by the agent my such mad improvements have not emady base camplowd: (1) North�mt Enhance fqWMdw Leads & Clark Drive) On U.S. Route 29, (I) U.S. Route 29 Southbomd - �cfi= Of 11419, turn b= With taper, (if) Northwest Passage from U.S. Rmate 29 w North Points, Boulevard. (Ili) US. Rom 29 Nalfibround - of a right hand times The gwrouticey Dfwbicb will be subject W VDOT approval. (iv) Ifed abndy �cW. North Poinu Boulevard bo� Norflisidis Drive East and Northwmt Passrujile (i) If the ftaffic signal To be mostructed by offers is in place prim to Owner Optimal wait On this Norffi�oe En�� and such mffic signal Only includes ill= legs, Owner BMI add the formily log to the signal, which shelf include additional in= Miles, signal hands arld mcillwy equipment necessary, to suppon Northwasa Pacessins use of the in�don, as deperrained by VDOT. If Each traffic signal is not in place and the vehicular firaffic, gencrapend by the Project costs the VDOT signal warrants in be mat it VDOT requires flat a traffic signal be installed as a cDn&bon cribs � permit. D� shall install such �ff'ic signal. (2) Notwithstanding my What pravision =Wnw in this Prefer Stalume, within one hundred eighty (180) days aft" written notice firmn die County that it intends to build an doinclortary School on the School Lot (as "School Lai' is defined in Section 9. 1). the Owner shall Submit mad plus for the consfamian of Northwest Passage than North Points Boulevard to U.S. Route 29 to VDOT it to the C�ty for iew, and whw sawfantal approval. Purth�m within Waive (12) months after issuance of the building permit for wm�ion of the elementary istmal and if not already completed, Owner ill complete (I) Northeast Passage from NOUh Pointe Reslearand to US. Rome 29, (if) the improvmmu Sat forth in Swim 5.11(c)(1) above. and (ill) North Pointe Boulevard from Northadc Drive East to Northwest Possal To allow the deverymnera of the School Lol the Owner shall grant Oil Hlopmery �wts as n�my to allow trillion and allow for vehicles and construction equipment, grading, the installation and maintenance of erosion and scifirricut ammul nowa or mnwm, and my other associated mns�ion memories as such mrappereary, mmmts are shown on the subdivision plat or site pim for the School Lot and mutually agized to bylloOnwou and diedeadopper fthe School Lan. Completion of the Phase HI Road Imumlenmts. Within twelve (12) months after the natural of the applicable annot in Section 5.3.1(c) which required the Owner to obtain all associated permits and post ail associated bonds required for the conestructiorn of the Phase III Road ]mprovemmts, all of the phase III mad iml>m�mts "I he accepted by VDOT ficer public whe or bonded for VDOI acceptance if web Road ]mpmvcmmts am a prmarry highway, or accopund by VDOT for public use or bonded to th, County for VDI accepmcc ffsuch Road bnpmvmm� aft a secondidly highway. 5.32 Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution ta the Comfy or VDOT the the cost of& able orradinelms radio system that will link one or mom offla, Signals between Lewis and Clark Drive and Airport Road; Final 1wwwl the the total cash cantribution shall not mcmd thirty-five thousand doBars (S35,10(fil Subject to matters offerce, majwrei if die County douns, pill request the funds, or does request the funds but the =S�uim of the system it= Out begin by rise latur of D�ba 31, 2010 a three (3) yew after completion of all of the ROM funds "I be neflanded to the Owner. 5.3.3 Prim to the approval ofplms for impmvm� at My U.S. Route 29 informal owner shall preavide VDCT Hisciffic aging network timing plans that VDOT finds mceptably address fla, impacts of the proposed trffin, signals far peak mI periods. 5.3.4 Real .. I Traimportations Stal Cash Cotribution. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cub contribution of one hmdred thousand dollars ($100000) to the Comfy for the purposes of funding a regarrud transportation Study for the Route 29 carrier, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Riv� River and the Hollympand Growth Arco of which North Pointe is a pan. The intiflutim shall be made within thirty (30) days after requested by the Comfy anythrose after the plawayingisapproved. tribe request is not made within one (1) you afta the date ol'approval of the first final site plan for the first w�ards; building within the Project, Us Proffer Shall become null and Vol If mult caugh ponwbmw is not expended for the stated purpose within III= (3) years firmin the date the fings � contributed to the County, all un"pmdcd foods shall be refinialm to the Dwnm. till. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND GREENWAY 6.1 rdg&i,, Pathway,. All pedestrian pathways shall be classified as shown on the Peaceful Pathway Key an Shoof G and, OXCW for the pathways In be constructed by the County, shall be shown on die subdivision plat or into plan finer the underlying or adjacent lands within the Project. The pathways shall be constructed by Gramer as Class A or Class S trails as idantifial on Sheet G, Sold in accordhy with the applicable deep and consum.ticary s�dwds in the Comfy's Design Standards Manual, Such conestniction shall be in conjunction with the impmvmmls for the subdivision plat or site plan, SO the � may be, and bonded with the simple if the pathways am a subdivision improvement, or with a performarnes bond if the pathways am a site plan impmvment. The pathway show OR Shout G along Flat Branch north d South illikersaide Drive East shall not continue through a culvest He advise is used for the same, arafting. The pathway infiended for the culvert b�wm Park E and Park F vnda North Pointe Boulevard Shll conform to the applicable stiondeards Ili VDOI "Subdivisim Street Gold==" it Owner shall maintain the pabratily if it is not accepted by VDOT far ainimmu. 6.2 kgjfa Upon TcquaM by the Comfy, Owner shall dedicate to the Comfy the lake she" an fific Application Fin for public useb provided thin web lake will be available for use by O�u for shoureater martalwarent as described in Sheet C to the Application Plan emitted "StommW M.,smat and S� Couppervation Plan' C'Sheet C"). VIL THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED VID. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 9.1 Branch Litasm (a) Upon request by the County. Owner swill dedicate In the Comfy the fidy simple among in the Ind shown on Sheet B as a library, consisting are 15,000 square foot fay graded pad all with utilidest to accommodate a 12,500 square foot hateful footprint a five foot pmime� strip and up to a 25,000 square foot building, together with a �mmi to the sulaccal common am for ing� agress, c=�aion staging and sufficielst Comfy Code required parking, stomwa� defication and water quality fucilifiers for the location of a fi��ding Jeffmm-Madison Regional 11brary and such Who unit that ary, compatible, With the proposed surrounding um, as d�ined by the County (the "Library Lon. the library building require a larger boyllffing footprint, the County may authorize the library building Nowifttmding the � offlue prim �t� TO the w�uy, tribe requirements far footprint to be law than as stated in the prim mt=w, provided, howeves, that the size ofthe arm shown as "Pink FP' on Sheet B ("Pink H") andlor the size of the adjacent parking area i�edleely nwh office Library Lot an Shod B (the"Library Puking Lot") shall be adjusted accordingly to �n=odate such larger building finalprim. Tbe Owner guall not be responsible for my uffility tap fees, Ill Owner Shelf apmpIaw =�dim of the Library Parking Lot and other parking =in Having the Library LOL TIS, Owner shall Permit the Comfy to use the Library Puking Lot andhor, if not already w��ed, Pink Its for rempasum of construction lowends to begin staging. Within twelve (12) months Star wH� notim the County that it int curnstrunnion of the library, the Cwnu shall make the access reads and the am, of the Library Parking Lot available with at least a firm inch comparpowl s� base for use Sir seem and Panitawfion staging. Such grang access serving the Liberady Lot and the library Parking Let shill be completed and available for ow no later than ran 00) Rwmhs spur, i..mw of the building permit for the library, provided, however, that asphalt Pavemew in � used for consfirmfion gaging by the Comply shall not be required to be installed until thirty (30) days (or such lDnga�nablc lismassuall necessary due to weallicromfitions) aflutheCounly has removed its =stmaian-rdated materials and equipment Upon the request ol Comfy, Park N shall aim be deadicatted to public thic but the Oel shall not be responsible for maintaining trips Limory Parking Lot and other such pink. Owner shall be responsible for maintmnm a have an obligation to be a poembor parking spm sperving, the Library Lot and the County shall of any Town's assoiliation. The Comfy's request for dedication of the ]slid for the Library Lot and Park H shall thanage within three [3) ymn jullossingfibe ladcarto occur of(i) immoc Tribes first residegiall building permit within the Project. (III Ourpral completion OF the infiristructine (including bill not limited I S�, will", sell electia, gas) required for the . of the Library Lent or (Ili) December 31. 2016 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extimplad by written mumal ag�mi oftheovioner and the Comfy). Ifurequatibrwbdediwtionisnot made within thin (3) years finflowing the later ofthent dams, this pareffier will be null and vidd. (b) G� goo In the cvm that the requi�wft for the library building larger building footprint, and the Comfy cleas to selarrize the library building require a footprint to be larger than 12,500 square fbe p�mt to section 8. l(e above, and in the fwthw mat the the building is developed a a condominium and the Carol requests the Owner to amme oweacrehip for a portion of the begin building, Owner shall accept such ownership at a parties may �.Ily allow and whall =tibute to the County, resizeable prim upon which fb a Pin raw basis bared on the proportional sin offlor portion ofthe library building owned by the Ownew misfive In the sin of the library building as a whole, due cost of designing and =�cting web building Them main may inchal ifilusired by the County, installation ofa gmn nal and My additiong exp� associated with Metal reinfimpeng the war RE whoway, to Support the green Half. Within ran (10) days afficar Temipt Of a request for payment by the County that is a�pwied by d�tatiDn in support the progress payment mount a provided a the w�edon contract the O"w shall submit such payments DO the County. Allgively, in the event the Comfy show w design the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Envim==W III ("LEED") building, the Owner shall wroTib� to the C�ty, on a prin HIS basis band an the proportional aim of the portion of the Iftyray building owned by the Owner relative NO the size of the library building a a whols, the additional =Sol of constructing the library building to obtain LEED �ifimfion for ffic building Within top (10) days arterial al request filarpayment by the County dust is accompanied by do�w�tion to supphin the progress payment ancrunt an proided in the w�cfion w�M the Owner shall submit web payments to flip County. The design of the grism mol or the criteria utilized to obtain the LEED unification, as applichablet shall be in the County's discroxion. 8.2 Affordable Houses . Sul to the tables and conditions of ties Startion 8.2, the Owner Shelf pmvide a minimum of forty (40) aftar-sualty" readential tharfling =In as affordable dwelling units, a minimum of sisityex, (66) "Animus residiscratial dievelling units as offourciabil. dwelling confils, it . min=. of few (4) Centel He. Units res Carriage Home Units am defined in Swan 9.2(d)). The tufty (40)"ficar-age"residenfial dwelling units shall be comprised of the following typeas of dwelling unity: twelve (12) firom multi-fmily, twelve (12) front "othol (consisting of to�ho� duplexes. afteachend housing, condominiums in the � and other unidentified housing types); and siximan (16) frourn single family diffaclust, mch lat the sale prim suit unday the terms and forudificons ad forth in this Section 8.2. the subsequent The Owner "If convey the responsibility of �mcting the affbardabic units to owners Of less Within the property. (a) Mlilti-Tamily and "Other" foritige Affordable Uni . For multi -family and nother"for-sew, affordable dwelling units within the Property, such affordable units shall be affordable to hawasholdit with i.mmm Ins than eighty perchre (11MA) of the aria median family man= (the "Affmdablc Unit Qualifying such that the housing costs congsting of principal, intal real eggs tuft and [Removal inwmnm prill, do not exceed thirty percent (IVA) Of the Affordable Unit Qualifying Inwm� provided, however, that in no event shall the selling join of such affordable units be ]as than the greater of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Four Handred Dollars ($190,400) or sixly-five perreend (65%) of the applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority ("l muim= mortgage for finn-timbe home buy= at the beginning of the 90-day Identification and qualification facriod mf�eed in Section 92(f). fil Sionde Full Detached For -Sale Affordable Units ("Modmiely-Pri Unifis". Fur single family demosed for -sale affordable units within the Property ("Moderately - Priced Unitil sugh Moduately-Pricnal Units shall be affudable to households with mwmm ]an than One hundmd twenty patient (120%) of the am, median family income (the "Modmwly.Priced Unit Qualifying Incomes). Such (hat the housing costs consisting OfPM do not excmd thirty pmmt (30%) of the Mod�ely-Nced Unit Qualifmg; Income, Provided, howal flat in no store shall the selling prim of Such Modarawlywilificed Units be required in be less than the girmw of Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars ($238,000) or eighty percent (80%) of the applicable VHDA maim= mortgage Are firat-tion, home buyery at the beginning ofthe 90-day identification and qualificams, period rd�r=cW in Swim 8.2f). (c) For -Rent Affordable Units. For a piefrod offive (5) Foods following the data the artifichate ofoompmey is issued by the Comfy for each fbr.� affordable unft, or me] the units are mid as low or moderaw Met unifis quillif!IlIng as such under either the Virginia Housing Development Authority Fmm Horam Admini�tim, or Housing and Urban Developing, Section 8, whichever corsom Erg (the "Affordable Terry"i such units goal be funds] to homeholds with inames, 1. than the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income. No finorent affordable uyit may be counted mow than mm towards Re number of for-�t affordable dwelling units required by this Section 8.2. (1) Campanian. of All deeds combayinfir my interest in the for. =I affordable =its during the Affordable Term shaft =tam language Talking that such Unit is subj�totbct=softMsSm6m8.2(c). In addition, all contracts pawning sy R mnvaymmof am my Rai affordable unit, or MY Part th�t during the Afrmdable Term, shall cont complets, and full disclosurre of the restrictions and =tols �blisbed by lips Section 9.2(c). prim to the Theveyeace, of my interest in my fir -Pent affordable unit during the Affordable Term, the thw�w�t owner dun notify the County in writing of the coinveyounady and provide the nmeb address and telephone numbu of the pdpcMaI grantee, and state that the requirements ofthis Sectiess, il have bases satisfied. (ii). Annual RwWin During the Affordable Term and within nicely (90) days following the end of mch caleander you, the then�� owner Shall provide In the Albemarle County Housing Offm a annificed annual report of all fier-runt affordable =its for the immediately premading year in a tam and saysence mmmbly werfal to the Comfy Housing Office Subject to gal federal, state and local housing laws, and upon �mablc nolim during the Affordable Tom, the thm-=enl Owner shall make available to the County at the thm-cur=O�a'sp=L�,ifmqu�ted,mymp�.wpimof=mI orleaseag�en�.� other data pertaining to =Is[ rates SO the County may tu�blY Hall (it) Corisse House Ul Careful He.. Units shall main the requient; for a single family dwelling as defined in the Virginis Uniform Suatowide Building Col shall be an the Hope pardal as (he primary dwelling unit to which it is ��ry, and shall pol be Subdivided from the primary nosidence, CiCandage Howe Units"). The subdivision restriction shall his included on the plat �dng such panels and be incorporated into clach dead conveying title to such Parcels. (e) Both Subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property, which insuchicift affordable units (which, their this Seckan 8.2(t) shall include Modmtcly-Priced Units) shall detaignal the tax or units. Re applicables thin will, subject to the Illinois and cmwiOons of this proffer, incorporate affordable units as diescribund hwda. The first such fribilivision plat a site plan shall include a minim= of ffim (3) such affordable units. Thereafter, and until the Hill number of affordable dwelling units proffered h�d� shall have beat fibilfilled, the Owner shall provide a minimum offifice (3) web affmdoblc dwelling units pher year. Eachfinal subdivision plat and ficall site Film also Shall include a �ng total of the numb" and p�tagc of affordable its previously provided and Imposed al be provided by the Subdivision phday site Plan. Fin lYurP� Of this Slaction 8 2(e), Such units shall be declined to have base provided wwo the subsequent o�albuil(let providess written post to the County Housing Officc a its designee thin the ual will be available for miss as required by Section 8.2(f) below. In the "ant flat the Owner provides mine thein face (3) affordable dwelling units in a single Pan, the Owner may "wery over" Or abankin credits for such affordable mile, such thin rise additional affordable unts which mcced the niinimm annual requimmmt may be allocated toward the inimum number of affordable units required to be provided for my Rom year. no maximum number of affordable units that may be anied overy car bmw shall Thin exased twelve (12) per year. Notwithstanding the terms of this Section 8.2(c) to the contrary, upon the wild= request of the Owner, the Comfy may autbacrize, an alternative pmccmi andlor schedule for the provision Miller delivery of web affordable units upper, a da�imtim that the request is ing�l �d with the purpose mid intem ofEenction 8.2 and/or o6�io firribers, the goals ofMviding affordable houaI the County. All purchasm of the flar-age affordable mits Shall be approved by the Alompare County Housing Off= in it desigruse. The mbsqu� o"w/build� shall pmvide the County or its dwipm a Poland of ni�y (90) days No idmfify and prequalify an eligible -day period shall normal upost written notice purchaw for the affordable unit The ninety (90) from tkthm-.�t aosenflaulder thin the ul will be available formic. IftheComtyorits designsic do" not provide a qualified parchamor who mmulm a wnmd of fourplasse during fine ninety (901 period, the then-�i oweverblder, Shod) haw the right to Sal the arl willyoul my Dependent on Sales prim or inmme cribs purchissims), provided, however, that my Hill mid without smb restriction shall prouracless be comped towwd the numba of affordable units required to be pricisdal puEmam to this � or this Section 8.2. The requirements ofthis Section 9.2 shall apply onlyhothefired salcofeach offlur affordable units. (g) The County shall have the right, fi� time to time, an Tmwnable nedfice, and subject to all applicable privacy laws. to impoat the records of Owner or my mc�m in in�t for the purposes ofassunng compliance with this proffer. fil Comply, THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days after the Baud of Supparviscurs approval of ZMA 201)(IfOO9, the Obviner shall cause to be contributed three hundred thousand deltas ($300,000) cash to the County of Albemarle for the Albmulc Housing Initiative Fund or such other simflar fund as may be established or nuthorized by the County, The contribution shel be to fund affordable home ownership hat japgraw within the Project and other � of Armature County, including those provided by myl hawing Signal such As the Pialmont Housing Alliance, Bell for Humanity, and the Albemarle Housing hnpmvmmt Prognum. If such cash contribution is ded file the stated purpose within five (5) years from the time the fiands were of =Pan contributed He the County, all uncespyanded funds shall be refunded to the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES Elemental School Sim. Within tam hundred seventy (270) days following 9.1 request by the County, Owner after dedicate to the Comfy the Ind shown an the Application are Layout", consfisfing of approximately 12.85 Plan w'Tl=mtmy ScIal 12,83 Acres School Saw (or ampeaflarportiory ofshuch land in the Cowy's soledissfortion) (the "School Lorl"). Price by dedication, the School Lan shall be graded and compound! by Owner to a minimum of 95% compaction as measured by a standard Proachar thet with sul metals] for building ��mian as certified by a professional coginew or as otherwise approved by the County The Engineer in establish a fully graded pad sit. to accommodar. an eacentary schoul recreationg tied impmvm� shown on the Application Plan shall be fine graded and have t It so!] and wil mmdmmts added, and the sins See an undermund irrigation system sherving the �timW field. shall be installed, Such impm�mts shall be msombly equivalent to than existing a the recreational fieds ill Baker-Buther Momentary School, exclusive of my above ground imponvoments. The peninsular pathways sa shown on the perimeter cribs School Lot no the Application Plan shall be reftected ory the Subdivision plat prepared by Owner aftting the School Lot and file pathways shot) be installed when the site is goodul ficar the recall fields. 'Me Owner shall provide all utilities to the School Lot. rib. dedication shall include e�mm won Owner's land for � fic and we of S� Water Basins 5 and 10 shown on the Application Plary, together with all impomry =�mdim mm� to allow St�wd� Been 10 to be redesigned and enlarged, ffromossary, ta a�=odaw the School Lot s�wat�. The School LAI shall be used a an -I-wtwY School sfte� bid if the County examines that the School Lot will not be used as an alcohol school sites it shall be used by die Comfy the park and Dislocations] purposes saying both the North Pointe �unity and the region. If the County it= cm request that the School IAI be deficaund by the hiver of D�bw 31, 2016 (Which Dilso 31,2016 deadlimpray be =tended by writion mutual egalitarian ofthe Chal and the County), or three (3) yew after the immm of the film residential building permit within the Ismica, the Owner shall be under no further obligation N, donfichm the School Lot for the purpose described ropencin, but shall, by JaUMy 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such lata daw, confiribute five hundred thousand deltas (11500,000) cub W the Col to be wed by the Cxmty for projeas identifind in the Coul CIP reasordably related to the news offlue North Pointe community, and in suat evem the School Lat may be used for Other residential purpsoushas for an ammdmni to the Application, Plan. in approved by the County affin request by Owner Affair dfication and before the Comfy � the School Lot fifir a school or for park and untional purposes, and ifiequwd by the County, Owner shall maintain the School Lot twit quested by the county to put lorl do SO, subject to the Obvieris right to =elusive Use, of the Dual pg�m, Such park and �tional purposes shall be oat School Lot for pink and r�� Y a am that includes tha flachan am shown an an approved final she plan a Subdivision plot for th School Lot. Upon being requested by the County, Owner shall mow all me and maintenance of the School Lot and T�ove all impmvemmu �blisbed by O� that the County requests be removed. The Comfy shall ant be obligated to pay Owzez for any improvcmmft established by Ownw that the County Maine. The dead of dedication Fin the School Lot dual provide that if the Comfy accept tide to the School Lot and ffim does not construct either a park or a school within twenty (20) years following the date the Board of Surpersisms app�� the ZMA Amendment. than upon O�'s request title to the School Lm shall be �f�d to Owner at no ap� to Owner. 9.2 Bus Stop Turnoffs. Bus Stop i.peov...nts, and Bus Siorin (a) Ownm shall ��et in (10) Public bus HOP WmQffs as shown On the Application Plan, Or officarefirse two (2) in the wuth�ost raidmAial � four (4) in the wnmmTial was and four (4) in the other nesidental areas, mch in a lomfion mutually spatial to Owner and the County. The bus stop mmoffs shall be approved with s�w constraction plans for the Project and bonded and minstruded with the grengs. fill Upon ft request by the County, Owner shall cannibute the Wier spin of tweray, five thowmd dollwa ($25,000) cam towards the Design and ��efim of the above ground bus Stop impmvmmm such as bwohm and shelf= ymging Standards atablisland by the County at ewh bus stop, Ifthe Comfy docsmtrequ� the funds, or requests the fonds but docs not wanted the bus stop impmvmmts by the later of Dmmb� 31, 2015 or thin (3) years aim completion of the mad network that includes the blue Stop turnoffs, than subject in meator of face majadial the �pmded fings shall, in the discretion of the County, either be T�med to Owner or applied in a project identified in The County�s capital impro�wt pmg� within or adjacent to the Fail that bransfits the Project. (c) Within thirty (30) days either the intruduction of public vmp=ation To the Projects Owner shall contribute Eventyfive lhommd dollars (S25,000) cast to the Comfy to be used for operating experaft related ty such spervice, and shall thareafter annually countribute Tworty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,00(f) cash to the County W be used for operating expeoureft related to such Sol for . pmod of nine (9) additional years, such that the real fiandist mumbutd to the Comfy pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) shall not "cmd Two Hundred Fifty ThoomdDallm($250,000). Hire introduction otpublictrandipparthationto the Pmjwtdum not common by the later of too (10) years after the Howard of Supernal aisproves the ZMA Amendment, or seven (7) years after the date offlue iss=m cribs fast cerfificate ofmcuponcy fir (be fast wmmmial building within the I'miesi, this Section 9.2(c) shall moymc null and void. X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Dedi,ationofRiehi-ef-W-Y-E-1�--i--IOP.r�12ZE Unless the dedication ofpublic rigibEol-way and the mngrpmixn ofuch grow are required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code 14-409 and related sections, or that ��ors: Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) foot wide right-of-way, located within the an shown on Sheet B and identified as a -50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" wn=ting a right- oll from the propossed middle m�ft mad into North Points in the mutb= property line of Tax Map 3Z Parcel 22F rfMP 32-221fal. Prior to the issumm of a building permit for Building 32 an shown an the Application Plan, Ovanner shall accord in the Clerk's Offiess of the Cacm Court ofA]bmaric County, a �% irrevocable dead ofilledical dofficating to public use for road purpol the � labeled "50PILOW. Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges the it it is red pw of a subdivision plat approved by the County, Such offer of dordicationsidust be first T.Amed and approved by the Bodard ofSupervempat and accepted bythe Board. Sud, dawd of dedication shall include the following conditions: fir flaw TMP 32-22E shall battle been upsoned; and (11) that prior to Is use for mad purpostass, them shall have beat construcand am the land so dodicatend a mad approval by the County and accepted by VDI for public use a bonded for VISOT'S accepted=. At the time of the consainuction offifily access mind serving Building 32, the O�m shall wnma the intersection curb radii or the mad serving TMP 32-22E and extend ��dim of such mad for at Iwo a minim= of one hmdmd (100) fact films NoUtheide Drive East. The Omm shall aim plum al the and of Such extended road, , sign, appmved by the Comfy, advising and notifying the public that such ight-of-way is the location of a future road =�sion. O�a sal giant temporary ww�ctim m�mm as tied TMP dutmined necessary by the County Engineer in allow for the mad to be saw to 32. 22E, which =mcdon common, shall be an O�u's property and outside of the dedicated right-of-wity, Rod shall be established by the applichal site Plat No impmvmmts shall be located within the temporary mweraction mmmm until �ion of such road loss been completod. 10.2 A.., to Tai Map 32A. Section 2. Parcel 4 (�u�t Northwoods Mobile Home Park Poprtyl Unless the carlicum of public right�liway and the mmimction of such stred ares required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat under Albmul County Code § 14-409 and Traded smitions, cor their �sm: Owner shall reszore m wa I. the 1=6. labeled "i R.O.W. R�d for Future Deflonfiver, in the ant= und of the main mm.=W wzzsa laid film U.S. Route 29 on Sheet B for access to Tax Map 32A, Section 2, Fmcal 4 ("Tholl? 32A.24"). Prim Do the issumm of a building parout for Building 6 or Buildings V I tbmugh V6, each a shown on the Application Plan hichve, is Owner shall word I. the Clerk's Offer of The Cirmil Coadia of Ally a County. a cun=� univiscable dead of dedication dedicating to public crew for mad purphystes, Has am labeled ll R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges that if it is nor part of. subdivision plat approved by the County, such ol of dedication mm be fl, adwed and approval by the Baud of Suppaysisons and accepted by the Badard. Such claw of dedicalky, Shall include the following conditions: (I) that TIVII 32A-2-4 shall have beei upwared; and (ii) that prior to itsuseformad purpmm, thmsball have been construched on El, land an dolicated a mad approrood by the County and accepted by VDOT for public use o bonded ficir VDI aompt�. At the time of the construction of the anymbabout sell Building 6 and Buildings VI through V6 the Dual Shall censtmot the int�im curb radii and extend �t�aim of the mad for a distance, of at lent thirty feet beyond the maindual The Owner "I aim place at the and of such extended mad, a sign, approved by the Coyhnn� advising and notifying the public that such tijjlht-oyf�way is the lomtim of a fuwm mad extension After ddionfire and hot= the conditions of the dedication bove ban Satisfied, and ifrequesterld by the Comfy, Owner shall maintain the defficated land unfit requested by the County to no longff do so, Subjea In the Owner's right to exclusive over of the dedicated land felt park, recreigioal, ansilm gmmspam purposes. Upon bat mqumted by the Comfy, Owerear Shelf � all use it aint�w offlic dediciffid Ind it rawle -11 improvements established by Own" (if my) died the County requame be removed. Own" shall grant temporary WW�im as detwinincod necessary by the Comfy Engineer to allow for the mad w be extended to TMP 32A.24, which coproduction mmmls shall be an O"el�s Property and crieside of the dedicated right -of -al and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No impmvmmts shall he limited within the tanpDwy mn�ction ==aim =61 m�metim of web mad has base completed. XLSIGNATORY 12.1 CeytWicp&. The unclensigned �ify the they are the only am= offla Property, which is the subject cribs ZMA Amwdmmt. 112 The O�. Th= proffmas shall run with the Property and eftly mfmwm to O�w within fl� proffers shall include within its meaning, and shall be binding Upon, Owther's swmmi(s) in intense and/or the developer(s) of the Property Or my portion of am property, (Signmm Pages imadimely Follow) This pmft Smtmmt nay be signed in wwtap� and/or via fisetinfile with the mine full fallen and affect as fruit egreuress Were original andon me doommit. Sinnymm, Contm.IP.rdImr�d6,ll N B It Date: lalt.3 COMMONWEALTH OF V13LGINIA Cri OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Puil T the juristfich . my aliment hereby andifil that U �oap Ind NO2. i Q9 and �Vh. f Cir� Eastmn Managerial Company, 4 D Virginia finfitud liability company is signed to LL 1St�m.1 bear& the data asoNo P 2d Regald ffC� ded M?f a! owconegAfron '11. LLC 2013, ukwwiedged the mine before me in my jurisdiction aftermsed an hat of sniff it liability company. Gimdmyh.,�dthis.0-dayofA/m�013. IU my.mm "Phase. 0 hinglin a )71 3 jaw M7 [SEALI Notary Pal'. 0 DOC COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE dersigrand Notary Pblic in and for it aft id but outiffies thist 1TV" 0-whose name al win Mmagmt Company, Mr= .-Iflit'a'Hill Assudischates, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability complany, is signed TO the Amended and Restated Proffeer SMtmmt homing the data as of 2013, I acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction afiresadd an behalf o liability Perry Given mdw my hand this 1-3 day of lVallmlItr 2013. Myw�issionexpim: JSEALJ 00wirms�,'ibli OA YOSK03 MYC�.Eg Wo-t P ES L' All PAR H IrP OF PRO By: I p�, Cl To. Limitd Part die, I p�. Y Y: Gredif Eastim Date; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNT OF ALBEMARLE I ad Notary Public al for jurisdiction fbE..id hereby catifies that u a f Gmt Eastern Manag=mt company, 04G..- kiedYK Partner of CWH Propmiu Limited P�whip, a Virginia limited pulp by it t Eli fQMTD Ationded and Restated Proffer Smtcmmt bearing the We m of , 2013, acknowledged the none before me in my,jurisdiction aforesaid DO behalfofmid ife eiv=undwmyharidthisi5_dyofMOkytigId 2013. My�MIPT.Mm. 20a ( f'I (SEAL] NqmryP I. 0 M LO lal %ad (n 0 C.0 1"as is V) Q) Z 1-4 co 0 -1 LU assul 0 C: Z > 4) Q) c) .,.4 C LLI UJ CC) 0 0 LU 0 CO 0 Of 0 C) LTH BRIAN C. MIR"CHELI Lic, No, 035724 1112312020 DA TIE REVISIONS DA TIE 07-31-2020 SCALE NO SCALE U) < C/D �r4 41 44 BRL4N C. MITCHELL, P.E. BCM LEN .0 0 E W V 0 0 0 Q) 3: - 0 !E 0 W 0 0 C; 0 .2 0 0 I If C LLI 4) -.Lj W 0 0 CL 0 0. 4) r- is 0 0 r_ 4) 20190267 SHEET # C - 1A \ (GI-LU,T'�i W1' \ SUMPS DI. \\ TO GRAVI J l •11 , I \ ' jpr^�, ,' - / ) % -\ \, ,I 1:/ ! l� q>�) • % /`� '�-� ) l %lr i�� �_- �� �� ,1 PARKS / �i —__ _i% \ 11 / /' v�•% / / ``^�\ // // / //// / 1 J ) SIZE MODIFIED //' ,• / / I \\\ \ / / I j ;\ / / ` -�- \ ', i , J /{ 1 ;,i,'` ` , (� '�--" \ 1 MARK TYPE LANDSCAPING ACTIVITY iso c*I SIZE9(S.F.) CRITICAL SLOPE j \_, •' \ ,\`_— \ 1 ; I \ /^ A Residential ub Park Landscaped grass & benches Passive 19,500 NIA 11 D Natural public amphitheater Grass bowl Passive 12995 WA 98 a / �I I` \ —\ \ \ \ \ \\\ % / 3, i / l� C Residents] Street Island Landscaped grass Passive 16,457 6,936 - PRESERVED ��i �1 �� _"�! \ \ \ ♦ �' — \ \ \ \ \ + i /// D Natural Valley Enhance Nature] woods & benches Passive 27,923 29,370 �V D % i 1 % ��—' > •♦ \ 1 1 / / / / /— % / , E South Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active I Passive 46,507 65,872 /\� ♦-+� \ \\ \\ 1 1 I / %�! i i , \ \ ` isi.. w.a w o<o�i.uw,e..a� r �.\ \ , , , , i ` F South Club House Picnic Area Play =ourtsm neural woods Aotire 53.fi00 47'267 MANAGED W / \ / ' / i 1, G Exercise Pathway - MANAGED /■ 1 I //!/ � + I I io.F.ee�..mu�Hahaoa wm o.eno.®..rm.m� Landscaped walk 86encMs Active 38,544 WA R 1 • + +� • � �/! H Urban.P]aza (landscaped) Landscaped walkways Passive 12,1U0 WA I Nod Club House Recreation Am Pool and natural woods Active / Passive 50.669 64,087 / �j I l —. - EuamWUlWmrweY ❑ - ASCA CREATED/MAN \ , J Nat ual Valley Entrance and Play Area Play court in natural woods Active / Passve 11,586 12,392 G 63 � �� ♦• ( � "�___� � �\` \—_—i ,/// / �—� \ \ .` TOTAL 284,881 307,083 G _ l , v / , / a c / c / n a \ �..1 •••-'--- -- -� � / '1 I / {I j �. +� / i' '/ /' � h �\, `� ���_` \,� ., . \1Ii -,/�/ 'J1p1'y//%/ �/ i / (/ � � /' �•i I\` I� Jgth ' '\1 \ll �, �I j � �/ ti iI I ; ; ,, % + i J 92 / 9M� :•T'• 4 '�� .`/ : �" / / '// l I,i/ ;/ i __ `\ .\. \\, `, Il't !jl 1/ R f I ��/ I' ,R 1, 1 i \�r'' _/ i i li !'T �i i/,/ .� 1. 1t /1 �-� / -117 - 5 , .� 6 � � - ` �� `- -, '•\ �\ \ I �/� ti O ! ` � J � 1 1 � � I11, 1, ���\ ,1 \ � � i •� `'•,, .� ., �� \ ,/, / / / 1 r • �/ `, 4 �� ,• ♦••• a , ,` 1 \,aJ- / i r / �/ 'I / / (\\ \ \ ' f .q., %% �EMFR' Cy -�� \ '•. -ToL.o -SAC ' i �`\ \ \ \ \ \ VI I I 5 2 24 / --� 1 � r' \ \ \'1 �\ 1\; \ IJ I ! ! '/ •'��- -�,�, f ii / If - A CESi� \ �*--- _-- ... d %.l /_I s _ _ :•` / "_ .- I b,,.. ,e...�/ / \ � I 1 , it ' ; I di�i / : / I i t.' 21 0 ti.MO t ' GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESMLLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL. E.I.T. PHONE (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E—MAIL: davld®southem—alaselamm TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING CBRIAN C. P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD. SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD. VA 2383STERFIELD, 2 74 2383 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 asx usewr E—MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOANES.COM ,a m 7 a 2 tie 4 5 0 0 CLUBHOUSE -C / 172 171 167 158 137 1�.� OFFICE LM a — r D \\o o � \ N � P 1 I 1 S DRIVE o ' �`: \�,����� DIIIF,III IIED APPLICATION PLAN QU R D WITH d \ \\ \,\ .� \ �` iZOA-D MP OVEME S NLES& :T'ROFF AMEN - \•.\\ `� I t `-� ) 1 --bAPPROV TO EMO IT._ /.,; - \\\ ;! --\ p �\ �1 ;\1 11 11 - /,,NOIRTH POINTE --- ICI ANNA DISTRICT ALB]E AIRLE COUNTY, IRGINIA /'' `- - - - i- ` of GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT REV 06/11/14 Townes SITE ENGINEERING 9850 Lori Road, Suite 201 Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 Phone:(804) 748-9011 Paz: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW 0 0 Q c Wo U O _Z E4 .--I o �W U Z '4 � a� Ht O Z�4 E 4 �" rn Ion W " LLI �wE� CO �Q1 1� *3 -it P <N W � V • � H r� 0 a�1 O No .-i C N L) O U �y. +4 a C ° \ 0 �0 O = 61 vJ N Q 3 E rn EpLTH 0� c ` T C BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic, No, 035724 D 1112312020wc n POFFSS/ONALE2 ►'�Ir71� II H REVISIONS 01 DATE ITEM w 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS I0 a 0 a DATE \ C 07- 31-2020 J SCALE C NOT TO SCALE o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o Gl DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY -� C: C C) PROD.# c 20190267 3 2 SHEET # O C-1B r I- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ ♦ \ \ l I 1 1 I I \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ `_ , I ' I I I 1 I I I I I l '�, / / / / / / T----- --- ------------------- ------------- ` \ \\ \\ ` \ I I i i i / / T------------------------------------------ ---------- I`. - ------------------------ --- ------------------------------------ It \\- - - - - --------- i I ' I i ' --- ---'---------------- _- \ 111 ; l / i i i i i i / i------------- "- ------------------_ l /�'"1 \ / / / / / r-------- --" __-------------- -�\ I 1 / /, \ \ / i % % / i i i % i---------- __ ' I I I I I I Itl r I I / l l l l i I i f i i // I I I l'---j -- -� \\ / i i i // // i i i / i i I I l I ,r l r l r / 1/ I I' i ryN; I I i' ' '� / i i i/// i i i / i i i /__`---------------------------------'-------------------------_ 1 l l I l ! l , , , l I Il , 7 I 11 , /l /l I� - l \``��- /' /, �' /� // /' / /� / i / i //- - - - - -1-7 --------------------- / - - - --- - - \ \ \\\\ i ��I ,� Iil ,il f� f� i' II III I I // /I'' / / Il I ,I Ir II II III /I i ,�l �- EX 20' DRAINAGE.., �' �' i / i / / /�r // i / /�--- a l r i Il i l I i i i I l rr II I Ir l l /1 i ill I /l� 111 / EASEMENT v`, /' / i /r/ /i it /i/ i �r�i'__ l I I I l l l qg / ___--------------------------- `\ \\ i I I I % I II % % / lI II , l I . ; � � / / � / / � / ; , I I I I LINE TABLE LINE# LENGTH DIRECTION Ll 255.912 N73a 08' 35.11'E L2 68.084 N36a 57' 46.96'E L3 129.632 N48a 10' 23.81'E L4 60.701 N32a 46' 39.13'W L5 107.950 S36a 12' 54.91'W L6 20.396 S240 54' 19.16'W L7 52.911 S36' 12' 54.90'W L8 17.705 S49a 54' 19.87'W L9 14.485 S36` 44' 33.25'E CURVE TABLE CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Cl 25.432 830,500 001,7546 C2 101.714 369.500 015.7720 C3 124.663 75.000 095,2352 C4 118.963 645.500 010.5593 C5 37.048 25.000 084.9089 C6 44.481 264.500 008.9580 C7 24,778 284.287 004.9938 l l I ! I /Lf VAI�IAVLE I'Y19PF I I , / i I r r% / I !/ 1---� / ` / / / % / / / / / / / / / / / / _ ------ ii$ lTf4Rrl1' 6EAWtR i 1// 1, I r , / _.----------------------'''i/ l 1, r r I I I, I 1, /I / l, r l %'-- l T /,, ----------------''', / _-- i II l i i i i I i i l, l l l ' / i i i i/ 7L/ '/ i i -- 100 YEAR BACKWATER i i i l I i I I l i I l / ,l I l / / EX 20' RA/NAGS / i/ /�L ELEVA770N 462.3E --' / i I \ `\ / /--1 l l _ l l // i / / / / / / / / L3� ---- i i i , . 1 r I l l � EASEME T / / / / / / / / _ ----- \ / I / I l III l rl Il IlIf l III II l I -��' l''+-/--1--- l / / j % / / / / / / j / / / /—___ 1 ¢$/j — —_--� v A V A l // i l I I l / / , / / / If If If If l l - - - C1 % % / / / / _. \ \ 1 , / , , / / / / , / / I //��/ / / / , / / , / / / ! 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I •. ! I I \ / / �+ + \�C/ If If ,0 1 / I � i i / I / / � ♦ , i DEMO EX CURBQ-- _ I £ I & SIDEWALK / I / = Q VAR/ABLE WIDTH l / \`\ � � a l I + j , SANITARY SEWER / .\ r EASEMENT /� 1 i +p , ,'' .•ae..' \ o.. 1 I LATER i / i------, �/ ��J�� .a / i -/-----------F --- Q i/ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l ll Q I / % / / `` \---- EX B" SSWR /j / / j / .'. -jam - - - - - -495— - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ (7 I l I l 1 / / a • z _— BUS a _---------- -_--- 1 '---- _ - - - - - L7 . SNEL TER _" __ -�' \♦ I I 'I 1\ - - - e d 4 C3 C a C4 , a. ;EX .lOd lk, If TIDEWALK. . a ,a .'\\ a ao�, '<P 4 < f '4. \. ,... ' � , I I/\� ♦\ � ea. e . IRR.. a EX 1" �'BUS a � \ � a ' .e,, '`� " • ° i . C1S EX BUSS P / ETER W -- \ \ a' • .a . a 'a I / I \ \ 14 EX g„ 0.1. W/L - -w - - -� - - `W� - —w - -w - - -w - - - -w - - n - - -w - - -w - - -w - w - - —w - - _w / - -w - - —w - - —w / -w - - -w - - -W - -w - - -W - - -w - - w \ j� EX 12" D.L W/L �' /� // -W - - -W /- - -w - - ARV ,♦ \\\ \ \\� \ 1 / EX FIRE �♦\ `\ \\\ HYDRANT CLIFFSTN\IE BOULEVARD'\ a F _ 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED \ \ GS-7 - PU\BLIC - 8,000 VPD�� \wy GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 -TL'� 'tea' ® 4 .. + ' ( IN FEET) I \ ---- _-------- __- ____-------- 1 inch = 20 ft. I _//�---------------465 -- --" O O C 0 Z U O � �i (D E-1.--I O �r � N A° W C: U Z w M rrC� h+l ,w U � 'J .-1 � c 'C C ZO a--1 F' E� �" oa u� c W w400 ) � � � <� O w r Orr N 3 0 v Jig 00 P4 O o U c 0 U O 71 O 2 °1 vJ N o Q 3 c N E ° O+ 0T c KLTH ` T c ° .o+ BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic• No, 035724 11/23/2020 r OFFSS/ONALENa n c d rn c U RI c n 'c ^a\I 3 r v � 3 w p01 � W � � w •o Old '0 rn ° ° rn O !~Y ,7i c .a 0 r` V Vr ° N V O r^�r^ U_ vl � � N L y c REVISIONS 01 DATE ITEM w 112312020 PER COMMENTS o in rn 0 c 3 H 0 d a 0 a DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE c 1" = 20, 3 O r PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY ° C O PROJ.' c 20190267 3 0 SHEET=2# C - r SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: SITE SUMMARY: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING / USE: CLUBHOUSE UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONNECTION POINTS, RECEIVING PIPE SIZES, INVERTS, AND PIPE MATERIALS / FOR UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY UPON FINDING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA A DIFFERENCE IN FIELD CONDITIONS AND WHAT IS DEPICTED ON THE PLANS. / 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE MISS UTILITY OR A PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE TO MARK ALL / UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ZONING DISTRICT PD—MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, RELOCATIONS, NEW SERVICES, AND TEMPORARY SERVICES WITH THE UTILITY OWNER PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) / 4. MAILBOX LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED WITH UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. / 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) O ADA NOTE: 03200-00-00-02910 ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMPS MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY r� / ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DESIGN INFORMATION AND ADA REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 CONSTRUCTION. ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE EX ZO" DRAINAGE EASEMENT PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.04 AC EX VAR/ABLE WIDTH l / /l /l RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA — JACOBS RUN — — SANITARY SEWER / / / FEMA MAP 51003C0145D /DATED FEB. 4, 2005 /ZONE 'X' EX 20" gLjRAINAGE _ EASEMENT L3� BUILDING: 3,800 SF (TOTAL AREA) 2,600 SF (USEABLE RECREATION AREA _ — — — C1 PARKING*: BUILDING: 1 PER 125 SF USEABLE REC. AREA l / EX — _ _ 2600/125 = 21 SPACES — — — — / 20 — — — — — — — EX P/L —L2 — — SWIMMING POOL: 1 PER 125 SF WATER SURFACE 4545/125 = 36 SPACES L=7'WP5zD=2' f- — 29 SPACES PROVIDED 23 SPACES REQUIRED (57 SPACES REDUCED BY 607.) W/ FILTER FABRIC 27 STANDARD SPACES /— —/— — — — 9 2 ADA SPACES *THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR A RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL FACILITY WITHIN A SUBDIVISION SHALL BE REDUCED BY THE PERCENTAGE OF DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE — SUBDIVISION WITHIN ONE —QUARTER MILE OF THE FACILITY. A7 REQUIRED SETBACKS: COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FRONT = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SIDE = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM REAR = OMINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SITE IMPERVIOUS: 0.93 AC / 40,463 SF ,�\\ �•�, C.O------ C. 0. 4 1 HCP </ (S SIGN SIGN HCP CG-12 BUMPER 4' VIN FENCE i \ °a' 4 BLOCK (TYP.) I / ` -r_ 1 C2 II a... 1 •a . z - a -,�, u.. ", �I�.e _' •.. (IrN).... ............ �i.Tr,'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. / G/ ^ / ::::.. 124'. � . �Q/ 4 £ a I II � a e � • I ° � I / � /I I y II �♦ 3 ` s.n 11'' C ..�..�..� .�'� �..�..� '.��'� VARIABLE WIDTH U <. SANITARY SEWER / J •ei ^ EX^S a _^ EASEMENT a a v n< _ a ♦ e e CiNJCRETE SI®WALK LATER. -n.---------- QkQJ� n I. 9 4 d X• .� - --------------------- a e ♦ a < N ` d 3 — — o — — — — — — — / / 4' VINYL FENCE. — — — — — — C.O. 2 — — — — — 6" SAN. SERVIICE 3 a C.O. EX 8" SSWR 1. W SERVICEW / • c — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — L7 •S EBTER EX 8" D.I. W/L W __w_— GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. I 3 3 1 1 C8 • 9 d' EX R W .4 10/ - ''_ • f v d' a d a • � • .. � °' a' $ .° e < 'EX .ID£WALK' . o 'd • d <. b d. d ° EX BUS STOP W — — —W — —W — — —W — \ r_r �w� 3 s / — — — — — — — — . v / \ \ — — — — _ _ \ •d, a •. EX \ — — —W — — —W — — —W — i iW — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — —W — — ARV \\ _ W _ _ 3 EX FIRE \ \ HYDRANT \ ^ _ ^ ea — _ —:✓ _ _ W/alp/ CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD 35 MPH DESIGN SPEED GS-7 — PUBLIC — 8,000 VPD �W �W u O O IO O Z � O � U (D E-4 '-' O ��� ° W U CZmo �4-4� yr ZO -� N ai W wco ow LW x0� � CC)a Lei � O U) Y U) Q Ill BRIAN C. M$rCHELI Lic, No. 035724 o°, 1112JI2020 i REVISIONS DATE ITEM 11 2J 2020 PER COMMENTS DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJ.# 20190267 SHEET # C — 3 T C O Al 4-. C N C C O U N N 0 \--------- - .31 VRM UF%M 11\ 11V 1 LJ: \\ \♦ ♦` ♦` \ \`\ \`\\\\ ♦`\ \ \ \`\ \ 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I �' /�--`` `. / / / / / / T--------- \ \ ` ` \ \ ♦ \ \ \ \` \ I I I I - __________ 1. ALL PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURE TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE. It t \ `` ♦` `\ ♦ \ \ \ \ \` \ '-� I I I it 2. VDOT STANDARD ST-1 STEPS REQUIRED ON ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4' TALL OR HIGHER \ � \ \ \ ♦ ♦ \ \ \ �-- / I 1 I , I I 1 I � l -.\ � / � / / / � / �--_____ 3. RCP PIPE TO BE CLASS III UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ----- --- 4. ALL ROOF DRAIN PIPE FROM BUILDING TO RCP STORM SEWER SHALL BE HDPE OR EQUAL ♦ \ \ ` ` ♦ \ 1 I ----'--- 5. ALL STORM SEWER WITH INVERTS BELOW THE NORMAL POOL OF SWM BASIN TO BE 0-RING PIPE \ I I 1 �� / r _ -- \ _ 6. BOOT CONNECTORS REQUIRED FOR ALL PLASTIC PIPE CONNECTIONS INTO STORM STRUCTURES `\ `\ \ \ `♦ ` `\ \ ` ` i I i j / / / / / ' / / / r ___------___ 7. ANY STRUCTURE PROPOSED TO BE MODIFIED MUST BE REPLACED IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE DURING MODIFICATION f I f 11 / i/ i i i/// i i i-------------------------------- \` I I I/'----\� _ _ - \ \ ) r i i l i r ' l I i ' l i l ' i f �� / i i i / ///// ' i i //---------- - - - - - - - ' ----------- -- -- ------------- - \ l I ' l I r �l I / l / / / - - l-------------------------- ----- -'----------------- _-------------------- 1 -- -_--- ---- Structure Table Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION 1 TOP = 484.500 VpOT DI-5 INV OUT = 481.000 TOP = 485.010 3 INV IN = 480.785 DI-313-72in (6ft) INV OUT = 480.685 TOP = 485.002 5 INV IN = 479.693 DI-313-721n (6ft) INV OUT = 476.486 TOP = 471.000 7 INV IN = 466.000 M/H INV OUT = 465.900 9 TOP - 465.958 EW-1 INV IN = 464.000 Storm Pipe Table PIPE FROM STIR TO STIR INV IN INV OUT PIPE SIZE PIPE LENGTH Slope 2 1 3 481.00 480.78 15 IN. CL. III RCP 21.51' 1.00% FSTORM 4 3 5 480.68 479.69 15 IN. CL. III RCP 99.17' 1.00% 6 5 7 476.49 466.00 15 IN. CL. III RCP 69.91' 15.00% 8 7 9 465.90 464.00 15 IN. CL. 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No, 035724 1112312020 .IX a rn C Q) N C I/ \7 O U 3 •m r w � ,ro, 3 o w 1( 1� O 0 N S 0 U L , ^I j wlI—fflp-' C N N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 1/23/2020 PER COMMENTSI: V1 IIA DATE 07-31-2020 J SCALE c 1 " = 20' 0 0 � L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN r CHECKED BY o _ c o PROD.; c 20190267 ; _ o SHEET // � C - 4 r i `. , / / / / T----------EROSION CONTROL ------------ ---------- ------ --------- _ ,---------------------- `\ \` `\ \` \ \ \ ♦ \ ` \�` 1 I ' I li / / / / , - ---__ — — — — — — — — — — "-_ - — N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK I I I IlI STD. & SPEC. — — — — — — — — — — — — — ` ------ \`.------------------------------- / / / I 1 I I ���1 .� / / / / / / / / i r_______________________________ _ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ____ j � `'�, ``i i / i i i � / / / -- ----------- _ — — — ,-''-,----------- IIII 111 1 I 1 302 -------------------------------------------' _ -----" `\ I i' 'I 1 I /______________________ _____________ 3 5 SILT FENCE i ___________________ lI ' ' I' INLET PROTECTION ----_—-------- ------------------ I I I I __ ________________ _-_______________ , \I\ I I I I I I I I ' I I 3,09 —�—]_ TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE / DD j / ;/ ,?lx / \\ // / //////////'________________ _- 1 I I , I/ II '' TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP � ' l I � ' I 1, I / \% % _____________________-_ _____________-___ \ \` I I I 1 I ' ; ' ' 1I ,l 1/ I I I -' `---------------- ---- , , I , I I,, 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I ST l i i' 'i;' i ,� f' 1 /l---j---�,,� \\ / i /' - it , 1 1 I I J 1 1 i I I 3.I3 ------------------ ,' l / l', I l jl' '' / i / % / / j i / % / i / / ,r__-- -_ ____ _'' ----------------------------- It______---\ I , / ' I I I I I / / / / l / ' ! ,�i I ,�\ / i % -- ��O LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION lI l l I /'/'�I' I j l l' 1/ // /// /-- h79----- / / / / / / ------------------- �' - � \ -__ - - - - - - - - - '' ------ 1 1 l 1 1 / I l i' i i l r l/ /; 'l l' ✓l� l l /, // /// /// /// /------------- '' ------------------'-''-__ I I I 1 It l i ; ; ,ter; ; ;'; ';------------------------------------- --__----------------- -I- 1_/ /' l jl !' �' / l l �l ' l l 1' /� /l l l /j i ' / i i i /' �/ ' / i i --------_ - . \ \ , I / / / / / 1 I I 1 I I 1 I / ! ! l� 7 t - l r / i d{ / l / ��.L--------------- -- l / / . . . 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MITCHELL, P.E. - m 'm v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN 4) CHECKED BY 0 _ C O PROD. ¢' c 20190267 3 _ o SHEET �/ � C - 5 '------- / \ \♦ \ \\ \ \♦ ♦ `♦ ` \ \ \♦ \ `. \ `♦ ♦ `\ ♦ \\ `\ `\ \ \` l ,I I 11 II 1 I 1 II I `�/"/' //- - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------- -. EROSION CONTROL ---—------ / ------- --------------- EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA -----------------------------"// it N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK \\\`\``♦``♦\`\\\\`♦\`♦\`\``♦\♦`\``��1 I " I/I If / /� / / %--�86L------------.-----.---� 1\ STD.&SPEC. \` \ `` `♦ \` `♦ \ `` `\ `` \\ \ \�� ' I ' I I 1 I ' ' I 1 I/ -__-__ l \�` i i i i i / T---- -------------- 1 \\ \ \\ \♦ \\ \♦ \ ♦ \ ♦ \ � 1 � 1 � I � I l 1 1 I ���1 ``� i i / i i / � / / _----____----------------- CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . , I I I j 1 j 1 If/ / % % / / I I / __ --- 111 j i I 3.02 `\ 111 I ' 1 I I ' I I 1 j I it I j l ' ' ' I l / i / i i / / ' / / INLET PROTECTION __________________________ - ' /i /'i r_________________________________________ __ _ .` `♦ \♦ \ ♦♦ `\ `\ `) � l I I � I 1 1 � I I `p j 1 j � 11 ___ __________ ' 3.07 �/�/p�',� /p -_-__ 1 1 I I j I l I � I I � I I l // / __ ----__ I I I l l l I I I I I I I - I , \ / / / / / ' ' /- - - - 1L73- - - _ _ _---------------- I i i I I I I nn ` ♦ \ \ \ 1 / ' ' I I ' I I I I ' I , \ \`\ / / / / / / // / /��♦`\ 111 II / I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 3,09 —J1— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ♦ I, I I I 1, I I I I I I I I I I I,)/Il __ ---------------- \ \ ♦\`\ ♦% / // / / I i I / / it Il ' i 1 /I I /1 it \I '/ ! / \ \ / i i / i / / / / // // / / / /------------------------ ----------------------------------" \ \ II 1 I I I II 1 1 iI I I I I i I i I sr / ----- 1 , I I , I 1 1 I I I I I I I // / / ///-----___-_- --- 1 I I I I j I 3.13 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP % %--------------- - - - - - \ Ii I I i i ' ' / 1 I I 1 I ' I ' I i i I ------------------------------------------- / / / /--------------------------'" / / / / / / / / / LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION I // / i i i / i i,--____---------------------------'-------------------------------- �` I i l ' I I f I i i i i/ l I 1 I 1 i I l / \'��� / / // / / --- _ 1 , l I 1 I I l 1 I i i l I i�'l l / / // ///// ///---------------- I I l 1 I l I l I I I I l 1 1 / / / // % % / /------------ ------------�\ '\\ I II / / 1 I l ' l l `� / / / / / / / / / / /- - - - � - - - \ ' I I ' 1 ' 1 I I 1 I I I I l / -''------- 1 i i __-------' ��----_--- ---�-� r I l l l r l 1, l I, I I I / ,,I// I/ iii // i i i / i / __------ i/ l i l rl i 1 i l i I i 'll ' 7/ l l .` i i i/ // i i i /i i % /i l J / � ,' / l i i i l / 1 � � l 1 1 / i � 1 // / � f l / `� / / / i 4� / ' /__-----------------------------'"�� ,,,_'- ,, f 1 l// // l/ 1 1 1/ l i l 1 1 I r l l I I I l' // f-' / i l i I / i l / i / �� l i / ' l / �l l l %'��, / / ' / / / / i i i i / / i - ------ '' `` `. /I I 1 / I �� i r l �I it i it 1 �I it i r I I I i i i l% i i1 �I l i i/ r l i I i / l l l //// i // ,/ ///// /''----- ---------------------------.. _ / I I l I r/ // r I' 1 I I I 1 1 I I /, I i / i i i I I // / / _ f00 YEAR BACKWATER ''' 1 �r/% T' -� I / l r / l / l I l / / // i i % % % i / , / _ _--ELTVR 77BN-462.M-------- \ ♦ I / I I I I l l / ' l 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I i f l � l i i i i l � i /1�1 l` T- -4 --1. -1 �l l j I /l l l l \ \\ j i / / j / i / � / / � / � ' i i / /� / i i/ j / / _ / i �1--__ I / l If i / l' l / i iI! l T it l - / _ \`\\ i / // / i / / / / / i i / r/ i' i//If I \ }I i/ i/ it I •�[7" 'Y--�-�j/ ' l l ' 11 l l - _ / ---- / l i lr I r ll l/ it i i / i i i / i i i i --- -----. i /' /' i i i i i i i i I l l l EX ' \\. /I i /l// If If i // I ' l i i i i l 1 ,' 1 , r I r , ' 2p , �-- ..,� / / / / / y% i / / i i / ° o ° /' .' /' i I 1 I 1 r / / / / ° m, / / / . / / I I r- , / I/ r 1 r L l I l l l l I l % l ' ' 1 Iy' ' l r l /l / �!� A/ / y/ , / / / / i / i / / ///, G;/9 / �V -// �ST❑NE - - - i // / /'/ ,'/ / / /,/ /' // l l I i / l-i , rh f /- - _ _ /`�-f � �jr °/ UUTL - - - / l ' l ' r l l r ' / l r ' '/i l I l ----__ / i / ' / / / / /' / / / / / r liiirlliIil//ili/lI/1ilil'l l l ----- /// ii i i/ii i //,\� // %/ // i i 1 i i I I l r \\ i / i i i / / / /' /' l i l I l / l / 1 T /- / / / , / , / °d / l l l l l l 1 1 r l 1 / ,/ l / // I ��c BY�PAS$ i l l / i� iii i I / �� / I it i' i l i I ill / I l i /! . y1�\ DD/ l /l / y' l l / / / / / / / i I / i i / , / ip� /oo°/ I ' b �" (b' : " / X I I I I I i 1 11 l / / / / / / , .kl I+ I I I \ 1 I 1 1 I \ `'b l ' i i i i/// i // / q' // ,� 0 0n / , Y 7 l � / / i / / / � � / A I ' ' / / / / / / / / / / / / 42 I I i i' i l/' ' l ll/ yRpA �F / i i// l ! 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'mob •^ .. oa ` C SI / / a 1 11 / ii • \ _ - I�I/II - - ``W` _ -W - } -�I - - -\,/ - - _ -W - - - - -W - - -W - - -W - W - - -W - - <w - - -W - - -W _ - -W / -\d, - - -W _ - -W/ - -W - _ '' \\'ooc \ I O 1 \ % CLIFFSTbNE BOULEVARD'\ 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED \\ \ W \ 1 \\ GS-7 - PU'BLIC - 8,000 VPD�� w y \ GRAPHIC SCALE / 20 0 10 20 40 \4v ------- - ( IN FEET) \ \ °>` --- -- ---- __---------- _-------------- --------------- FBs ------------- 1 inch = 20 ft. I �'. as \� �'-------------- O m LO �0 w Oo � U O � Z M W (D EF-I O W �:) U W �Z U Z1W-4 -4 u bt /^ >Ld W W 'g C 00 W Nx -4 � ��21� a 00 tea+ a c 0 0 QI 3 Q) o c a��_pLTH 0/. ` c T C o�� o U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic. No, 035724 77/2312020 .IX o to C N N C �1 ° U C ^ZI rr/�--,, 3 v� 7 r r I� 3 Q I� V) N N O ' o� a O U W C {� U O ' a o r N REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 1 23 2020 PER COMMENTS �V Vl N N C 3 F O r C n 0 a DATE 07-31-2020 N SCALE c 1. = 20' ; 0 ---------------- PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN 4) CHECKED BY o c _ O PROD.' c 20190267 ; _ o SHEE C - 6 T �/ r I I I ®NERMAOTAPROSTAM TEMPORARYR' RIAB GROUND �••��•�.• i 167 L a• • s I •x � III r � ill . ••, a 1 ' e "Wju� \I ■'ll �._�- 67 CU. YD./ACRE 1.MAX V -_hall- - =_Ilan► - -.0 LATTER67 ORIGINAL _ FLA HER ELEV. ' \FILTER • GROUND -` . 1 . „ • . I•�dgd•�•�Q•�.4y: •4•.ddy.;Td• .�•�ddddy. *SEE PLATE 3.13-1 COARSE AGGREGATE CLAS- I RIPRAP:.��.�-::: ^::: •: � . ;:.�i IIII' • • • . . . IA 1 .1 1 .1 Iff•f.f..f.f.f.ffff.f.fl 1.•-•.f.-:f.--f.•--.•=• f.--f11_,.fq...,..e-...-1 •f.f... f..• ........:.............: ........... .. . . 1 ... ........... . CROSS SECTION OF OUTLET I.�f�.�f�f�f�f•.�f�.�f• �.�.�_, bar •��a•••I11.•�I 111�IIi= ,-llllll- ,� � I •�-,�- ,➢ 'Y.. �����!`���.>•. '�l3'•..\•'�I•,a .r =IIIII=' 'I = '' �' ' J'+m �3.°^u-�,�-�:-, ����!t�� V . . 1 1 4=_ ,��..�. .:,.:i;,. �, . .�;. �.�� �;::°•>.•.�, I 1" i 1 1r I • �V ray iS.; �'�'�'u. I --'���� - o ,�_ _ - I01 , G I r• OR COARSEPERSPECTIVE I VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW I.• 1 PLASTIC FENCE FENCE OUTLETMETAL J UMN Magma Iron useumanam or atraw aaa raanc miner carders tar coarsen, wanW,ye. ww6 1.. .1 VUUI IfVAU nnu tllaU4'c JIANUAM)b Sherwood and T mt VA DSWC SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET cIP PROTECTION 3.08 7- ENDWALL D151ANCE AS 6' MINIMUM IF ROW rs rowwD EMBANKMENT IOW OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION* * I 1.0' I r - I ir•♦+�j'11 ��� .Lk"•'MMI -•%mr 13, / 5 57 COARSE AGGREGATE 351.f.Ise OR / TO REFUGE SILT FENCE IN "HORSESHOE 'WHEN FNGH VEEOCIlY OF f10W 15 EXPEC)ED SOURCE: ADAPTED from VDOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSWC PLATE 3.08-1 DD TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE 3,09 I Compacted Soil 18" I I Area to be protected I I I I( I I .-Flow _-I I III I ICI ICI I l-1 � I-n 1 _-_-_- ��-I C I-� 11-1 11-1 11-I I �-I I I-i 11-1 I M I M I 1-1 �I I-III-III-IIII-III-III-III-III-I II I -III -III -I I I- h 4.5' min. •I SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.09-1 • , . IjVLET ® FIL I WATERGRAVEL FILTER 12* RUNOFF .1i'i��jFILTERED WATERWINE MESH ��Lr=_�..�•i IF CONCRE717 CUTTER CURD INLET THIS • • I = WV =u�'� IIIIII IIII! _IIIIII�IIIIII IIIII III � METHOD. WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INCONVENIENCE OR DAUAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED SOURCE: ✓A DSWC PLATE 3.07-6 Silt Trap 1 Area= 1.80 acres Wet Volume Req'd 3256 cf Dry Volume Req'd 3256 cf Bottom L = 37 ft Bottom W = 19 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 It Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 3269 cf Dry Volume Actual 3689 cf Stone Outlet L = 11 It Side SloP es= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 459.0 Top Width= 38.5 Top Length= 57.0 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.13-2 P SILT FENCE DROP INLET 3.07 PROTECTION 2 X 4- WOOD FRAME DROP INIET WITH GRAIT 1.5' MAX. FRAME 3" MIMIN. G41HER U _^ EXCESS U AT CORNERS �� PERSPECTIVE VIEWS STAKE FABRIC ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL A SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SOURCE: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 1988 PLATE 3.07-1 TABLE 3.31-C TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES SEEDING RATE NORTHb SOUTH' PLANT 311 5/1 8/15 2/15 5/1 9/1 SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 B/15 11/i 4/30 9/1 11/15 OATS 3 an. (up to 100 lbs., 2 lbs. X - - X - - Use spring varieties (e.g. Noble). (Avma mliva) not less than 50 lbs. ) RYE' 2 bu. (up 110 Ibs., 2.5 lbs. X - X X - X Use for late fall seedlings. winter 9 . (Secale cereale) a not less than 50 lbs. ) eovar. tolerates cold and law moisture. GERMAN RYEGRASS 50 tbs. a rox. 1 lbs. vv - X - - X - Warm -season annual. Dies at lost (Setaria italics) frost. May be ceded to summer mixes. ANNUAL RYEGRASSO 60 Its. 1 Yz lbs. X - X X - X May be added in mixes. Will (Callum multi-florum) mow out of most stands. WEEPING 15 lbs. 5 h ozs. - X - - X - Warm -season perennial. May LOVEGRASS bunch. Tolerates hot, dry slopes and acid, infertile soils. May be (Eregrostis curwla) added to mixes. KOREAN 25 tbs. approx. 1 h lbs. X X - X X - Warm seasonal annual legume. LESPEDEZA' Tolerates acil soils. May be (Lespedeza stipulacea) added to mixes. a Norther Piedmont and Mountain region. See Plate 3.22-1 and 3.22-2. b Southern Piemont and Coastal Plain. a May be used as a cover crop with spring seeding. d May be used as a cover crop with fall seeding. X May be planted between these dates. - May not be planted between these dates. TABLE 3.32-D (Revised June 2003) SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA SEED' LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Minimum Care Lawn Tall Fescuel 95-100% (Commercial or Residential) Perennial Ryegrass Kentucky Bluegrossl 0-5R 0-5R TOTAL' 175-200 Is. High Maintenance Lawn Toll Fescuel TOTAL 2DO-250 lbs. Tall Fescue 128 lbs. General Slope (3:1 or less) Red Top Grass or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse Crop2 2 Its. 20 Ibs TOTAL: 150 lbs. Tall Fescuel 108 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slone Red To Grass or Creeping Red Fescue P eP 9 Seasonal Nurse Crop2 2 Ibs. 20 Ibs. (Steeper than 3:1) Crownwtch3 20 lbs. TOTAL 150 lbs. 1 - When selecting varities of turfgrass, use the Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA) recommended turfgrass variety list. Quality seed will bear a table indicating that they are approved by VCIA. A current turgfgrass variety list is available at the local County Extenstion office or through VCIA at 804-746-4884 or at htto://sudon.cses.vt.edu/html/Turf/turf/publications2.html 2 - Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April .................................................... Annual Rye May tat through August 15th............................................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ................................................. Annual Rye November through February 15th .............................................Winter Rye 3 - Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Formvilie, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericeo, all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). If Flatpea is used increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. If Weeping Lovegrass is used, include in any slope of low maintenance mixture duing warmer seeding periods, increase to 30 - 40 SOURCE: VA DSWC CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLUBHOUSE THAT IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THE EXISTING SITE IS HAS BEEN CLEARED AND GREADED WITH NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 1 . THE SITE SLOPES TO TIE EAST T TO A CULVERT THAT WAS PROPSOED WITH NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 1. ADJACENT AREAS THE SITE IS BORDERED BY THE ROADS THAT WERE PROPOSED WITH NORTH POINTE SECTION 1, ROCKY CREEK DRIVE, NORTHPOINT'E BOULEVARD AND NORTHFORK DRIVE TO NORTH WEST AND SOUTH AND IS BORDERED BY A RESIDENTIAL LOT PROPOSED WITH NORTHPOINTE SECTION 1 TO THE EAST. OFFSITE AREAS THERE IS NO OFFSITE WORK PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. SOILS THE SITE IS CHARACTERIZED BY ELIOAK LOAM AND GLENELG LOAM. CRITICAL AREAS THIS SITE IS SET UP TO DRAIN TO A SEDIMENT TRAP WHICH WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED. THE SITE CONTAINS STEEP SLOPES THROUGHOUT THE DISTURBED AREAS. THESE DISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE SEEDED AND STABILIZATION ACHIEVED TO PREVENT EROSION FROM OCCURRING AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO TAKE CARE. TO KEEP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION IN ORDER TO NOT TRACK MUD ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. EROSION AND SEDHOENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE I 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT PERMANENT STABILIZATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GRASS STABILIZATION ON ALL DENUDED AREAS PRIOR TO TURNOVER OF THE PROJECT TO THE DEVELOPER. SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AS DICTATED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSIDERATIONS FOUR BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER Q UANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE A PORTION OF THE FUTURE RESIDENTIAL SECTION EAST OF THIS SECTION WITH NORTHPOINTE SECTION 1 AND THE CLUBHOUSE. T'IIF POST DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF WILL BE CONTAINED ONSITE IN TWO RETENTION BASINS AND TWO BIO-RETENTION FILTERS THAT ARE DESIGNED TO MAINTAIN A STORM POST - DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF RATE THAT IS LESS THAN THE STORM PRE -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF RATE FOR THE APPLICABLE SITE AREA. MS-19 FOR THE CLUBHOUSE IS. ACHIEVED BY THE EXISTING CULVERT INSTALLED UNDER FUTURE ROCKY CREEK DRIVE TO DEMONSTRATE THE 10 YEAR STORM WILL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE SYSTEM. MAINTENANCE IN GENERAL, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CIIECKED DAILY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SITE INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS SPECIFIED IN VARIO-PART II-F. ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: a. SEDIMENT TRAP WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK C. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DE1 OSI 1 SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILTQ FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. D. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT WILL PREVENT PROPER DRAINAGE. IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT, THE GRAVEL WILL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. E. DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE TO THE DIKES, FLOW CHANNELS, OUTLET OR SEDIMENT TRAPPING FACILITY, AS NECESSARY ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, WHE:1'HERA STORM EVEN HAS OCCURRF,D OR NOT', I HE MEASURE SHAI I BF. INSPFC IFD AND REPAIRS MADE: IF NEEDED. DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONS I RUCT'ION'TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACT'IVI.1'Y MUST BE REPAIRED BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY DUST CONTROL PORTION OF THE SITE, TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED DURING SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL CONSTRUCTION: REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT - VEGETATIVE COVER: IN AREAS SUBJECT TO LITTLE OR NO CONSTRUCTION STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR TRAFFIC, A VEGETATIVE, STABILIZED SURFACE WILL REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS. MORE THAN ONE YEAR. - MULCH: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AREAS WITHIN HEAVY TRAFFIC PATHWAYS. 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC - IRRIGATION: SITE TO BE SPRINKLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE SURFACE IS WET. ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY REPEAT AS NEEDED. IT OFFERS FAST PROTECTION FOR 14AUL ROADS AND (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS OTHER HEAVY TRAFFIC ROUTES. TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE II THOROUGILY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTROL HANDBOOK. FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN TRENCHES. SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND S'1'ABILIZA IION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS MORE THAN ONE YEAR. OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC D - RESTABILIZAHON SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY REGULATIONS. (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA- 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING TRENCHES. HIGHWAY". C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: DISCHARGED IN A MANNER TI IAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS 1. THE OWNER MUST GIVE THE COUNTY INSPECTOR 48 HOURS NOTIFICATION TO OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING THAT WILL BE HELD AT COUNTY D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 401 MCINTIRE ROAD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A REGULATIONS. LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 2. THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD) MUST ATTEND THE PRE- 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY CONSTRUCTION MEETING. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 3. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON THE ENTRANCE AS SHOWN. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENTBASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED 4. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS NEEDED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. TRAP. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF 5. INSTALL SEDIENT TRAP. A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 6. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IN THIS AREA AS SHOWN 8 - AT THE; TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST NECESSARY TO INSTALL ASSOICATED TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD FENCE TO DIRECT RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT TRAP. STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING 7. INSTALL ALL DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT FENCE HIGHWAY". 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR SEDIMENT TRAP OF SEDIMENT THAT BUILDS UP OVER TIME AND PERFORM ANY REPAIRS NEEDED FOR THE TRAP TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. 9. AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF SEDIMENT TRAP AND OTHER INITIAL EROSION CONTROL (EC) MEASURES, THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND CRLD MUST MEET TO INSPECT EC MEASURES BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHASE II. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB TO FINAL LIMITS OF CLEARING. 2. BEGIN SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. 3. BEGIN BUILDING PAD AND BUILDING CONTRUCTION. 4. INSTALL STORM SEWER PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION FOR THE DRAINAGE INLETS AS PROGRESSION OCCURS. 5. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER, STONE, AND PAVEMENT. 6. SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS. ONCE LAND DISTURBANCE AREAS HAVE BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAP AND OTHER EC DEVICES UPON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. In accordance with Minimann Standard 19 of the Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, adequacy of receiving channels or pipes must be verified by addressing one of the following Adequacy Situations: A. The drainage area from the project at the discharge point is less than or equal tome percent (1%) of the total drainage area at the discharge point (Project Drainage Area and Total Drainage Area are required), Or B. Natural channels must be analyzed to demonstrate that (1) the two-year storm will not overtop the channel banks and (2) the two-year storm will not cause erosion of the channel bed or banks (Qop,.n, Q, and V_ are required) Or C. Man-made channels roust be analyzed to demonstrate that (1) the ten-year storm will not overtop the channel banks and (2) the two-year storm will not cause erosion of the channel bed or banks, m (3) the 10-year storm will not cause erosion of the channel bed or banks for improvements within Comfy Drainage Easements (Q®p, w, Qro, and Vz/ V 1a are required), Or . 7.• Pipes and storm sewer systems must be analyzed to demonstrate that the ten-year storm will be contained within the system (Qcapacity, Qlo, and hydrerdic I. _FritdSJ" le dc1djI{oBs Ue legUirfdL............ .......................... . Or E. Runoff is discharged through an energy dissipator where flat poorly drained topography exists within the limbs of the 100-year floodplam. RPA. or Wetland and when acceptable velocities are demonstrated. A formal written variance request must be submitted to and approved by Env. Eng. Or F. The pare -development runoff rate is maintained by methods other than onsite detention for the Q2 (natural) or QIo (man-made) storm event during the same stoma event discharging into an adequate natural or man-made conveyance stern. If not adequate, a formal written variance request post -developed 8 8 eq Y Y 9 el must be submitted to and approved by Env. Eng. Or G. The 'e-development ment nmoff rate has been achieved via onsite detention. A formal written variance request must be submitted to and approved by Pr oP q PP Env. Eng Or H. A combination of the above methods to include detention and drainage improvements, or other measures acceptable to Environmental Engineering to prevent downstream erosion. (A fm•mal mitten variance request must be submitted to and approved by Env. Eng. ) Discharge Point Adequacy Situation Project Drainage Area Total Drainage Area Q�, my Q2 Qlo V2 Vto Cross Section. Profile, DA Map and Calculations Shown on Sheet X-Section A D 1.80 AC 8.97 AC 175.94 CFS NIA 24.89 CFS N/A 15.2 FPS C-6 O f� 0o �U Z (D H o WE �N�.° W w Z ,4 bo r� �4 1�1 O ,-4 ZE 4 Ira z/] I We OW w400 Q) *30et0 m 1� W1.4 x co �0_ r_ a�00 a a v J -tit o Fi 0 U L BRIAN C. MIifCHELI Lic, No, 035724 .o 1112JI202U .c DATE REVISIONS DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE NOT TO SCALE 0 U) U) Q BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. BCM / LEN 201 C - c 0 U 0 O rn m 0 U m J m m a •3 C as E m rn c w C T c 0 C c 0 v n r 2 m c m m c 0 U c 3 t 0 0 r 3 On c �3 0 -`o rn r `o e m d t 0 O rn c 0 U c 0 := U 7 0 0 0. m m t y O C m N c C W m :L in m c 3 H 0 an a a O a m L m C 3 O r m C OI ar as a1 L I C 0 O c 3 0 m L F - - - - - - - -------------- it I I I I I I I --------------- Ili - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / r---------- - - - - - - - - - ------------------------- -------------------------------------- `� __----------------- — — — — -' /-------------------------------------------------- 11 It i --- .\\ ---------------- \i/----------- --------------- \ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — - ---------------- / %/ / -- ---------------------------- `, l / , j , / �) / \ / i % / / % / r_____________________________'' --------------------- ---------------- `\ it l / / / / i i%------------------ --- i l i i l / r l l l / l l / l / / , / / / - ---- ----- ---------- ( i i l , / /--------------- --- /i/--------------- 1 / / l l r, l 1 1 // // i' // i i i i--------------- / l , l / 1/l l / / / , , / / _ - - 47B-------- --- l 1 / l l iii l' l I r ll' i 1/ / i i i i i i i / i / l 11 / ! l l / �lf ------------ -------- i / f 1 / I 1 / 1 I ! 1 / I 1 // / I l / 4P r ' / , / / / / / / ---___------------------"'" \ i I i i i i l l i l i i I i l i l l' f--- f-- / i/ i i/ i i i i/ i/------------ - I / l r l i 1 1/ I 1 I `\ 'l '" l� l l /// //// // i i/ i i/ / // i `-------------------------' �`\ /� 11 i ' I '' I' i' i i l �I r1 iI' l l' /'/ / //// // ,.__------------------ -- l/ l l l /// /' i i i / r/ /-- i / i-l� Tt�� l i i ,' r l i i / / l / l / / / ELT YEAR BACKWATER _ I l , 1/ //// i i i i/ i i i i/// — ELFVRLIBN-463.3�------------- `\ \\ �` i l i f / ii` i 1 i-1 -r'_ -1- 111 / l - l l �. / i / / / / / / / / , / / - - - !— _ -' ----- i / "i r '" 61'/ji I' r Ili l 'l� l l l __ i i "iL / / / / /it / / / I l/ r l �� l l EX20 ��T c Tr-/� i i i // i i /° o° l r 1 / l r , rll / /T ° ,, / l Tj-/� i i i lrll i `i 1_i I i l i r rll/1 / I l // J�/LLf�f/yi,/ / / / / / /i/i / / E '� °m°®° i r / i l r I l l i I i i l I I 1 I _' 1 1I/ 11 / <� A/ i i i / / / i / / ;/9 / / / � � °° °m m } L=7 xWP 5z� =2' /I r' / / / i/ // / i it l l l—i / r/T / s ° / / I 1 / l i i ' l r 1 1/ 1 l l -f- — — _ / / i / / ' / '� //�/ / I W/ FILTER F� RIC // i l iiil l --'� i'/ / i i / i i/�//// / / / \� I .' i ° s / i : % : / / / i / : % % i / / i i 1 I i I I , I I II `\ l !l i i1 it l l it I l li1 \.\ '/ '7L t-1 i i/ / /o a° ` 1 ' / / /' /' /. l / i i / : % ; / i / ! 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M v <p p < v i v < . as I a IDEWALK a < 2\\ a' ° ° °°° f\ <• ■ ■ 1 / \ EX BUSS P `\ '•`\ a i • 0 / ' \ ii —W \\ W\ — —W — — -- I — _ �'w' — —W — ; —W — — —W — — — —W — — /W — — —W — — —W — — —W — W — — —W _ _/ <w / — —W — — —W — — —%/- — —W — — —W — — —Wi / — —W — _ —W —W i _ —W 1 \ ' CLIFFSTbNE BOULEVARD'\ 35 MPH\DESIGN SPEED \ W \ \ 1 \ GS-7 - PUBLIC - 8,000 VPD�� W y GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ��TL'— a'a. d \ \ ° - - - - - - - ------------------------------------ - ( IN FEET) I \ °e4 - - - ----------- __------ _--------- ___--- ---------------ems ------------'- 1 inch = 20 ft.�-------------- - QI 3 c ° E 0 0) c a��pLTH OF ` c T C � � O U y � BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic• No, 035724 5 11123/2020 POFFss/ONALENG\�� a to C N 0c 3 REVISIONS c DATE ITEM w 1/23/2020 PER COMMENTSI: Vl Sri I� d 0 0 a DATE \ I N 07-31-2020 J SCALE l c I" = 20' J ; 0 L PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN 4) CHECKED BY 0 _ c O PROD.# c 20190267 ; _ o SHEET �/ � C - 8 r STORM1 PROFILE 50 m o N 00 cqto Mp 00 a M•-O� Oop 0; Mu~ � V -Vo 49 �eFz p e y02 da' II?O Fo» cn l E'nO Z yFZZ Go rnan / T M p0 +nllj 48 ^ II 4 \ NNo'> L 99.17 21.51 \ S 1.00% =1.00% _ S III S III A co \ o 0 o °f w a III o II— o \ N to MR9 L=6 .91 47 o m — " \ II RCP LASS II \ w o+ a :ODD=1 I O \af 10 \vl V) K 8 L 39.72 S 4.78% D 15" R P CLAS III i / I � RIPRAP 46 L= xW=S =2 �i W/ FILTER F BRIC i i i� 45 9+50 10 00 11+00 12 00 13 00 13+74 LEGEND SCALE: FINISHED GRADE AT C/L HORIZONTAL 1" = 50' — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT C/L VERTICAL 1 " = 5' LINE OF SIGHT PROFILE 520 515 ++ M F Q �N �w 1 1 1Za U Q 510 :3Z w 7 K O 00 Ld M 0 L) O 505 a a nS N� � w >¢ 7 0 w ~ zz 500 w M w HEIGHT OF z V) w D OBJECT 3.5' Yo U m 226 495 / I LO.S. 12' //� �� I -- — HEIGHT OF /- -� Li HEIGH3T50F / i OBJECT 3.5 / / / — / / i 485 / II � II 480 u l f 475 f 470800 I00 I I I I I I I +8+50 9 9+50 10 00 10 50 1+ 100 11+50 12 00 12 50 13 00 13• 50 14 00 14 50 ----------- -_- ___ --------- \ \ \ a r \ -4-/ \ 0S5` / +w a \ 0 0 SCALE: 1 " = 50' BRIAN C. NIifCHELI Lic. No. 035724 !o„ 1112312020 1 TE REVISIONS DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE AS SHOWN BRLIN C. MITCHELL, P.E. BCM / LEN 201 C - c 0 U O rn N 0 U d a N d c d E rn c c c 0 v c 0 0 r 0 0. N C N N c 0 U C N .3 5 r 0 0 L .3 rn c 0 v N L y 0 N N L 0 0 0 C 0 0 U C O U 0 O a 8 d r y C d Im c w d N N N C 3 O H 0 O T N 0 O 0. 0 r M c 3 0 t a� c rn 8 0 -o d L v c 0 rn c 3 0 v 0 r GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL I INITIAL BEDDING 3 STONE * STABLE SOIL ROCK * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION 4-MI INITIAL BACKFlLL 4M UNSTABLE a^ a" e' e" SOIL\ MIN MIN. h MIN MIN. #68 STONE r^` :GRANULAR FILL AS >: <. ^A:= APPROVED BY ACSA->'. < ., S CI(, Z STABLE SOIL OR ROCK' NOTE : 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 2.NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFlLL. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFlLL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRENCH. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING NTS FIG. W-2 TD-2 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 1/8 BEND 1' TYPE 'K' SOFT COPPER KI'K NOTE: No SWOTED FITTINGS DUAL SERVICE SINGLE SERVICE NOTE: 1) SADDLES SHALL BE USED ON PVC PIPE U4i O C 1' COMPRESSION N 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLING OR APPROND EQUAL FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDONTAL SERMCES OR DUAL RESIDMTAL AND IRRIGATION SERMODS. C7 <_ MNPRE59aM N 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLNG PPRONID EQUAL rOR USE ON DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESDENIIAL SCRAM MORE AN IRRIGATION PETER IS NOT PROMDED. TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NTS FIG. W-6A A EW-1.1A n I I SHAPE TO BE BEVELED -------- WITH MORTAR I FLOW DO NOT BEVEL B INVERT a F -- NOTES) 1. "H" MAY BE REDUCED UNTIL "X" REACHES A MINIMUM OF 4" WHERE ENDWALL WOULD PROTRUDE ABOVE SHOULDER LINE. 6. BEVEL EDGE IS REQUIRED ON THE HEADWALL AT THE INLET END OF THE IN NO CASE SHALL TOP OF ENDWALL PROJECT PROVE FILL SLOPE, CULVERT (WHERE THE FLOW ENTERS THE CULVERT). DITCH SLOPE, OR SHOULDER. 7. HEADWALL AT THE OUTLET END OF THE CULVERT MAY BE EITHER SQUARE 2. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. EDGE OR BEVEL EDGE. 3. ALL CAST N PLACE CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3. FOR PRECAST SEE 8. ON SHALLOW FILLS, WHERE EHDWALLS ME VOR LESS BELOW SHOULDER SHEET 101.02. UNE.THE TOP OF THE ENDWALL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PMALLEL TO THE 'CRAPE OF THE ROM. 4. THIS STANDARD TO BE USED WITH STRAIGHT CROSSINGS AND ALL SKEWS(0•TO 45•). 9, %11 CHAMFER MAY BE PROVIDED ON ALL EDGES AT MANUFACTURER'S OPTION. 5. HEADWALL TO BE BEVELED N ALL AREAS EXCEPT WHERE A CONFLICT WITH INVERT OR WINGWAL-S OCCUR EW-1 EW-MA ENDWALL FOR CIRCULAR PIPE DIAMETER OF PPE CULVERT W. 15" 1B" 21" OR 24" 7" OR 30'33" OR 36" A 0'-8" 0'-8" 0'-9" 0'-11" 1'-0.. 1'-, B J.-T. p_31. T-6.. T_T 2-01 C 1'-4' 1•_7" 1'-9.. 2•_2" 2•_6" 2'-9" D P_0. 1.-3.. 1'_6.. 2,_0" 2,-6" 3'-0" F O'-B" 0'-a" 0'-B" 1-9" 0'-9" 0'-9" H 2'-3" VAT' 3'-2• 3'-9" 4'-3" 4 V L 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" O 0.' 00'-.2 ' 00'-.-33�.i.0-t /i 0'-1%b _2 '311//4z"' 0-2 CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE CONIC. PIPE 1 0.241 1 0.492 0.69] 1.319 2.067 2.947 C.M. PPE 0.257 0.521 0.]39 1.398 2.19H 3.95 ENDWALL FOR ELLIPTICAL PIPE SIZE OF ELLIPTICAL PIPE CULVERT (SPAN N RISE) 23"K14" 30"K19" 34"x22" 38"K24" 4211K27" 45"K29" 49"N32" 53"N34" A 0'-W, 0'-B" 0'-10" 0'-H" 0'-11.. 11 1.-0.. B T-2" T-5" 1'-6.. 1'-e" 1'-W. 1'-10.. T-11" C 1'-8" 1'-11" 2'-1" 2'-4" 2'-5" 2,_7" 2'-1" 2'-9" D V-2" T-]" 1'-10" 2'-0" 2'-3" 2'-V' 2'-B" 2'-10" F O._9.. 01_9.1 0�_g.� 0f_91. O,_9.' 0,_9.. 0._9.1 H 2,_10" 3._7" 3._9„ 4,_0„ 4._V 4._5" 4'_7.. L 5'-5" 7'-2" 8'-6" 9'-2" 10'-2" 10'-11" 12'-1" 12'_11•' S 1'-11" 2'-8" V-10" 3'-2" 3'-6" 3'-9" 4'-1" 4'-5" Q 0%'/,, 0'-31/i' 0'-3%z' 0'-4" 0'-4%z' 0'-4)'i' 0'-5" 0'-SI/>;' b 0'_2" 0`21/," O'-2Y," 0'_3" 0'-31/x" 0'-3�i" 0'-4' O'-41/2" CUBIC YARDS d CONCRETE CONC.PIPE 0.502 0.855 1.238 1.500 1.811 2.X11 2.512 2.801 SPECIFICATION STANDARD ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS ��� REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STADMDS 105 12" - 36" CIRCULAR AND 23" x 14" - 53" x 34" ELLIPTICAL PIPES REVISION DATE SHEET I OF 1 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 101.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS NOTES) 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 F CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. CURB HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) WILL BE PAD FOR AS RADIAL CURB. 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" (15" DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS 3" (2V DEPTH)IN ORDER THAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB WILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE /8" AS SHOWN. NO MJUSfMNT IN THE PRICE BID IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH. 5. CG-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS METING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CG-6 AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL, N THE SECTION ON GS URBAN STANDARDS. 2 RADIUS ;e SURF, Sl BASE Y • �D D.� T D•� D e I, D. D ..D D.; D.; D ;A., e D•�T D•L�D D.t�D.1�D R SURFACE BASE yTi=]-)SYa CG-2 ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE IF CURB IS EXTRUDED SPECIFICATION XVDOT REFERENCE STANDARD 6" CURB ROM AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2o1.a1 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS TD-10 EMBEDMENT 8"MIN SPRING LINE OF PIPE NO. 68 STONE - REMAINING BACKFlLL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL LARGER THAN 5"IN ANY DIMENSION -INTIAL BACKFlLL* (6" LIFTS) * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER -HAUNCHING -BEDDING 6" max 4" min -FOUNDATION SHALL BE REQUIRED WH N SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE NOTE 1.OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFlLLED ENTIRELY WITH N0. 21A STONE. 2.FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE ' 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS SEE STANDMAO SL-1 FOR APPLICABILITY OF SAFETY SLABS B SECTION B-B BRICK CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS FIG. S-3 TD-34 HALF PLAN VIEW B HALF SECTION A -A (WITH FRAME AND COVER REMOVED) BRICK CONCRETE NOTES, 1. OUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR MANHOLE WITHOUT PIPES. THE AMOUNT DISPLACED BY PIPES MUST BE DEDUCTED TO TABLE OF QUANTITIES DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE CONCRETE ARMHOLE BRICK CONCRETE CONCRETE FEET THOUSANDS CU. YARDS CU. YARDS 4 0.7 OJ85 1.699 5 0.9 0.785 1.661 8 0.1.0 0.785 1.961 ] 1.2 0.]85 2.223 8 1.2 0.785 2.485 9 1.4 0.785 2.747 10 1.6 0.785 3.009 11 1.9 0.970 3.455 12 2.2 0.970 3.817 13 2.5 0.970 4.179 14 2.8 0.970 4.541 IS 3.1 OHM 4.903 T6 1 3.4 1 0.970 5.255 n 1 4.0 1 1.173 F032 INCREMENT 1 0.45 1 0.582 OBTAIN TRUE QUANTITIES. 2.A BASE THICKNESS OF 9" WAS USED N COMPUTING CONCRETE QUANTITIES. 3.INCREMENTS TO BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FOOT OF DEPTH. 4. MATERIALS MAY BE BRICK CONCRETE OR APPROVED CONCRETE MAMFIOLE BLOCK. S.IF BLDCKS ARE USED THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SAME IS TO BE 5". OTTER THICKNESSES ARE TO CONFORM TO WALL THICKNESS SHOWN FOR CONCRETE. 6. ALL CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AT 7. WHEN SPECIFIED ON PLANS THE AVERT IS TO BE SHAPED N ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD IS-1. THE COST OF FURNISHING AND PLACING ALL MATERIALS INCIDENT& TO THE SHAPING IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE FOR THE STRUCTURE. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE MANHOLE FOR 12" - 48" PIPE CULVERTS ROAD AND BRIDGESTANDARDS 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REVISION DATE SHEET 1 d 5 To8.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS NOTES: CG-6 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE. 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB 9 GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) SHALL BE PAID FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB M GUTTER. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER, THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB M GUTTER OOF SUBBASE COURSES MTO LTHETDDEPTH COPE THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CO-6 IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND R THE ROSPEED SIGN MANUAL IN APPENDIX HE SECTION F ON GS URBAN STANDARDS. • D • m A ' TNT e • , e D D D D D A BE CONCRETE OF THE CONTRACTOR REFERENCE COMBINATION 6" CURB AND GUTTER ROM AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION DATE SHEET I OF 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.03 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS FRAME & COVER (SEE FIG. S-I-D,E) SLOPED AREA_- �� STREET SURFACE OR NON -PAVED AREA 1'-O" MAX RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-0" MIN PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS 12�MIN "O" RING SEALS 16" MAX ELEVATION DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" 4'-0" FROM INLET TO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. DEPTH OF FLOW CONCRETE FILLETS VARIES CHANNEL TO BE 3 4 DIAMETER OF CONTRIBUTING ..♦ - SEWER. ° • 12" A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH "g .! TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET & OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING NOTE W/ NO. 68 STONE 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN SECTION A -A N.T.S FIG. S-I-A TD-25 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS THE LETTERS V.D.O.T. ARE OPTIONAL F USED THE LETTERS ARE TO BE CAST N THE DEPRESSION IN TOP OF COVER V WARE RASED $" HIGH AS SHOWN. ❑❑❑❑ A A 0000000 V. D. 0. T. ❑ LETTERING OPTIONAL O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ APPROXIMATE WEIGHT CAST IRON TOP FRAME 239 ± 12 CBS. COVER 137 ± 7 CBS. SECTION B-B BOTTOM �VpOT SPECIFICATION ROM AND BRIDGE STANDARDS STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER REFERENCE SHEET 2 OF 5 REVISION DATE 224 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 106.02 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS CG-12 "5 DOWELS, 8" LONG �, PERMISSIBLE AT 12"C-C 5'MIN. CONSTRUCTION 12-1 MAX LL o a y 12:1 MAX n 1 qL RAMP j RAMP J� fSEE TABLE) (SEE TABLE) A TRUNCATED DOMES SEE SHEET 1OF 5 FOR DETAILS 5'-C" MIN SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB BACK OF CURB 48 20:1 48 1 .MIN' SECTION A -A PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION 3 JOINT ff_ SECTION B-B NOTES: FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, SEE SHEET 1 OF 5. THE REQUIRED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAMP IS LIMITED TO 15 FEET, REGARDLESS OF THE SLOPE. TYPE 8 PARALLEL APPLICATION ROADWAY GRADE IN PERCENT MINIMUM RAMP LENGTH IN FEET 4" NR8 6" CURB 0 4 6 1 5 1 7 2 5 B 3 8 9 4 8 12 5 10 15 fi 14 15 XVDOT ROM AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SHEET 3 OF 5 REVISION DATE 203.07 07/i6 CROSSWALK wno PURREAD AR OROSSWuf THE (G'T'vflomsswk. MEAD TYPICAL PLACEMENT CURB 5SIMW&K STRIP AT INTERSECTION WITHIN CROSSWALK DIAGONAL PLACEMENT L ArvLwG ae,,MAx. LOPE LANHNG 48.1 NAIL LARANG 49.I MAN. SLOPF SLOPE CURB CUR9 qJ MP% x� CROSSWALK s RO' CROSSWALK 12;1 `CAS CURB n N n OURB WITH BUFFER STRIP CONCRETE 0 WITHOUT BUFFER STRIFV CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SPECIFICATION REFFERENCEERENCE TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION 105 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS ��. • �RAL�/AYL�J •. - 4 /ACHES CONCRElF 10 BE CUSS AJ e. D..p. SEE CURE VARIES OE/A/L SIDEWALK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ELEVATION VIEW SOUD BOARD GATE SOLID BOARD FENCE DUOPSTER SCREENING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TO RE USED FOR ALL STORM SEWER PIPES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT NO PROJECTION OF WE ABOVE GROUND LINE TO/ OF FILL IM a ILL TaB OF Au r ai01M LIE 9TLPR0 LIE % DRON)O LIE_: - EARTH II •"/ IIDbt DR / EAFTH G ♦ UMYELD04 K a {+ 3 90< )TmdN6 - 11ATT1114 7�� IEa Vtp D MMG�MM 1!Y ML V'D D^ X D % MATEIN& % 0 % Y� KR TdN {IL a"M MAX 2V FOMDA71ON SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE W. t6 K O MILL 1.5 c 0 HIL 1. K O MH t K O i• N. Mt K O TOP OF FILL 'or-- TOP OF FILL iDP Dr %4 lNJN - 2 ♦ / JfJ/ L7TOIWD f ORDIRlD _ //N/N /Ni/////_ylp� TM -.L 1RV1D 7KVO:2,1� 0 % D % SEOONO . - SO4 % 0 X M. VC D BEDC" EAM H w IT. BEDDING VATFIRMIL MAIL x"' MATERIAL FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROC( FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABI E MATERIAL BEDDING MAIENNAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTES: ® SFACT04 302 OF THE ROM AND RIDGE SPSCi1GT%NS BMKFLL MATERIAL 9MLL BE FOR PLASM Ptr THE LANTS d TIE [HE *I CMA95I BMI WTEIIAI. N ACCORDANCE L%iCAELO i0 7' ABOVE THE TOP d IK *PL JKK WTN ggECTI011 JX12 d 11[ ROAD AO 9m('E SHSCF•IUi1pIS FOR GENERAL VOTES DIM PPE BEOCMC SEE NSTALLATIDM OF PPE [V.vFR`5 AND,3T01Y SLTTERS 4 Rem NOTES 6i 9EE1 OT. on RECUL BMKFtL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE ICTDN WTH 3D2 OF THE ROM AND BRT.aF CRUSHED CLASS COKORHMC TO THE 92F REQUIREMENTS FOR M.S.ER PAN SMOHICATIONS MCIEGATE SIZE 25 AND 26 MAY BE USUED N PLACE OF 6 S I BACR6Ll Q EMBANKMENT `VcCTT INSTALL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS ti>I cs fA LLTI R MF ROM AND BRIDGE STADAROS CIRC. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFlLL -METHOD "A" 3D2 SKIT I OF. REVISION DATE VNGNA L•LI'Av'MLNt OI 'gMSPPU n,I C:N '�3 q 2.Dl 0 0 U7 co 0 dM U "14 _Z ll,CL) E4 o P �W U Z a� Uli q-I O c Z O }% E-�o� B pqH� -F-4 �1 LLJ 4 CO 1� � P <N OW W xl4 B dl�"1' cz a 00a N 0 q" I O N U O'y a P-4 c ° \ 0 O v, N B Q •3 c d E rn EpLTH ACHELL OC)BRIAN C. NIo LicF, No, 035724 A11123/2020 r OF`S:tS/ONLa°B V) J�_J N REVISIONS DATE ITEM LLJ 112,312020 PER COMMENTS !n I In a 0 0. DATE \ o L 07-31-2020 J m SCALE c NO SCALE 3 O PROJECT MANAGER in BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn 0) DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN 0) CHECKED BY v 1= 0 PROJq c 20190267 3 SHEET # � C - 10 r _ I - PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 51 PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX SD 4. Calculate the pollutant load removed bythe proposed BMP(s): Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Lremoved = EffBMP x LBMP (Equation 5-24) Page 1 of 3 Page 1 of 4 Where: Lrem° ed = Post -development pollutant load removed by proposed BMP STEP 1 Determine the applicable area (A) and the post -developed impervious cover Summary of Situation 2 criteria: from calculations procedure STEP 1 thru STEP 3, Worksheet 1: (pounds per year) (Ipost) EffBMP = pollutatn removal efficiency of BMP (expressed in decimal form) Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres LBMP = relative post-devlopment total phosphorus load entering Post -development impervious cover: (Post=(total post -development impervious cover/A) x 100= 43% proposed BMP (pounds peryear) Structures = acres parking lot = acres * The area subjectto the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, Lremoved/BMP3 = 65 x 21.516 = 13.985 pounds peryear roadway= acres consult the locality for proper determination of this value. other: Iwatershed = 1fi% Lremoved/BMP2 = 50 x 1.820 = 0.910 pounds peryear = acres I total post -development impervious cover/ A) x IOC 0% lexisting p P p = acres Total = acres lexisting 0% < Iwatershec 16% Lremoved/13MP3 = 65 x 48.815 = 31.730 pounds peryear Ipost 43% > lwatershec 16% (post=(total post -development impervious cover A) x 100= 43% Lremoved/BMP4 = 50 x 1.411 = 0.705 pounds peryear STEP 4 Determine the relative pre -development pollutant load (Lyre). * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, 5. Calculate the total pollutant load removed by the BMP(s): consult the locality for proper determination of this value. Lpre(watershed)=[0.05+(0.009xlwatershed)]xAx2.28 (Equation5-16) Lremoved/total = Lremoved/BMP3+Lremoved/BMP2+Lremoved/BMP3+Lremoved/BMP4 STEP 2 Determine the average land cover condition (Iwatershed) or the existing Where (.watershed) = relative pre -development total phosphorus load (pounds peryear) impervious I P (existing) Iwatershed = average land cover condition for specific watersh or locality or Lremoved/total= 13.99+ 0.91 + 31.73 + 0.71 the Chesapeake Bay default value of 16% (percent expressed in Average land cover condition (Iw„eRhed): whole numbers) = 47.33 Pounds peryear A = Applicable area (acres) If the locality has determined land cover conditions for individual watersheds within its 6. Verify compliance: jurisdiction, use the watersheds ecificvalue determined b the locality as I p Y Y watershed Lpre(watershed) _ [0.05 + (0.009) x 16% )] x 83.34 x 2.28 = 36.863 Pounds peryear Lremoved/total RR Iwatershed = 1 00 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 47.33 > 46.70 Worksheet 1 Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 3 Existing impervious cover (I,„";no): Determine the existing impervious cover of eth development site if present. Existing impervious cover: Structures = acres parking lot = acres roadway = acres other: Total = acres acres = acres I exiting =(total post -development impervious cover/A) x 101 0% * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. STEP 3 Determine the appropriate situation. The site informtaion determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to determine the appropriate development situation underwhich the performance criteria will apply. Check ( ) the appropriate development situation as follows: Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is less than orequal to the average land cover condition (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (IPost) which is less than orequal to the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) (post Iwatershed Worksheet 1 Page 3 of 3 X Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (Ioxisting) is less than orequal to the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (lpost) which is greaterthan the average land cover condition (Iwatershed). lexisting 0% < Iwatershed 16% Ipost 43% > Iwatershed 16% Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover(lexisting)is greaterthan the average land covercondition (Iwatershed) lexisting lwatershed Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is served by an existing stormwater management BMP (s) that addresses water quality If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1, than the low density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situations 2, 3 or4, then proceed to STEP 4 on the appropriate worsheet. STEP 5 Determine the relative post -development pollutant load (Lpost). LPost = [0.05+(0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where: Loos, = relativepost-development total phosphorus load (pounds peryear) (post = post -development percent impervious cover (expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpost = [0.05 + (0.009) x 43% )] x 83.34 x 2.28 = 83.563 Pounds peryear STEP 6 Determine the relative poluutant removal requirement (RR). RR = Lpost - Lpre(watershed) RR = 83.563 - 36.863 46.700 Pounds peryear STEP 7 Identify best management practice (BMP) for the site. 1. Determine the required pollutant removal efficiency forthe site: EFF = ( RR / Lpost) x 100 Where: EFF = required pollutant removal efficiency (percent expressed in whole numbers) RR = pollutant removal requirement (pounds peryear) Lpost = relative post -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) EFF = 46.700 / 83.563 x 100 = 56% 2. Select BMP (s) from Table 5-15 and locate on the site: BMP 1: BMP 2: BMP 3: BMP 4: BMP 5: 3. Determine the pollutant load entering the proposed BMP(s) LBMP = [0.05+(0.009x IBMP)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-23) Where: LBMP = relative post -development total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds peryear) (post = post -development percent impervious coverof BMP drainage area percent expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area of proposed BMP (acres) Lamp, = [0.05 + (0.009) x 43 )] x 21.60 x 2.28 = 21.516 Pounds peryear LBMP2 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 41 )] x 1.91 x 2.28 = 1.820 Pounds peryear 4MP3 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 53 )] x 40.31 x 2.28 = 48.815 Pounds peryear LBMP4 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 39 )] x 1.54 x 2.28 = 1.411 Pounds peryear Water Quality Volume Calculations: Vwq (ft)= Impervious area (ft) x 0.5 (in) / 12 (in./ft Vwq (ac.ft.) = Vwq (ft) / 43560 ftz/ac. SWM/BMP1: Drainage Area = 21.60 acres Impervious= 43% = 9.2852 acres Vwq (ft) = 16,853 ft3 Required 4 x Vwq = 67,411 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 101,646 ft3 SWM/BMP2 : Drainage Area = 1.91 acres Impervious = 41% = 0.781 acres Vwq (ft) = 2,835 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious are; Provided WQvolume = 4,929 ft3 SWM/BMP3 : Drainage Area = 40.31 acres Impervious = 53% = 21.5495 acres Vwq (ft3) = 39,112 ft3 Required 4 x Vwq = 156,449 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 174,449 ft3 SWM/BMP4 : Drainage Area = 1.54 acres Impervious= 39% = 0.602 acres Vwq (ft) = 1,093 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious are; Provided WQvolume = 2,359 ft3 ARFOC CI IMMARY TARI P ONSITE OFFSITE (NOT AD[ SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP.% BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 2 0.84 26 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 3.84 0 BYPASS 6 0.64 10 DA-1 21.60 43 DA-1A 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 )ED TO APPLICABLE APPLICABLE SITE AREA = 83.34 ACRES Ipost = 43% 0 0 LID 0 �6#61 dt U _Z Gat (D E-I.--I O �r ��� ° W �W U Z a .� ,w U C-)r C Z O F.) E 4 �" �, In Q) W " LLI �wt� co �Q1 1�+5� P iN W x0 0 a 00a N U � c O U O 71 O 2 °1 vJ N V1 W Q 3 c E rn LTH ACHELL o BRIAN C. MIo Lic, No, 035724 0 11/23/2020 n POFFwc SS/ONALEN2 0. c d /^` m �! 1 U c iu d REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 112,312020 PER COMMENTS in m c 3 Ike DATE \ ° 07-31-2020 J m SCALE c _ NO SCALEo 0 PROJECT MANAGER m BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn _ m DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN r CHECKE=BY v C O PROJ.# c 20190267 3 _ o SHCEE-=4A#� r