HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-07 adjDecember 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 1) 43 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on December 7, 1988, at 1:30 P.M., Meeting Room #5, County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was adjourned from November 30, 1988. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:42 P.M.), Walter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; and Mr. John T. P. Horne, Director of Planning and Co~unity Development. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 1:40 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way. Agenda Item No. 2. Report: 1987-88 County Audit. Mr. Bowie said the Board had received a copy of the Financial and Compli- ance Report for the year ended June 30, 1988, (Audit) from McGladrey and Pullen, the auditing firm. The Audit Committee met with the auditors twice. The first meeting was a preaudit meeting where areas of concern by the Board were passed to the auditors for their consideration in the audit. The ar- rangement was that if there were any problems, the Audit Committee would meet with the auditors as needed. Mr. Bowie said he was pleased to report there were no problems, although they had stayed in touch by phone. The final meeting was the exit interview on November 30. He said in the entire audit, there was only one finding. That was a mino~ one, and it has been corrected. Mr. Bowie felt this was one of the best audits he had ever seen. The County is in compliance with all requirements, with!the exception of that one minor finding. He thanked staff for their work inlcoordinating the work between the Audit Committee and the auditors. Mr. Bowie introduced Mr. James Harris who was in charge of the audit for the County. Mr. Harris said McGladrey and Pnllen is the eleventh largest firm in the country and serves about 500 municipalities. They have make financial reports for the County since 1986. He said the financial statements show a very good financial condition for the Countyi, and an excellent low per capita debt ratio. He said he had talked with the Audit Committee and made his views known to them regarding the Comprehensive Plan, and that at some point,, the Board may want to consider projecting revenu9 "streams" and probable expendi- ture levels that would be the result of decisions made in the comprehensive planning process. Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Perkins to accept the Financial and Compliance Report for AlbeJarle County for the year ended June 30, 1988. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. ~indstrom, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Way. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 3. Work Session: Comprehensive Plan. The work session on the Comprehensive PJan began on Page 202 with "Growth Areas". Mr. Home said the Board should no~e that if public water and sewer is provided to villages, there would have to ibc some change in the "Functional Description . Mr. Lindstrom felt it would be helpful t,0 have an estimate of the maximum potential of the population in designated growth areas. Mr. Horne said staff could do that, and that was the basic analysiiS staff had used to reestablish the urban area in preparing the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Bowie suggested that Table 47 on Pag9 215 have a subtotal under "Developable Acreage". Mr. Bain suggested that having existing population December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 2) figures along with potential population figures for developable acreage shown somewhere together in a chart would be helpful. Mr. Perkins asked if the County's Comprehensive Plan ties in with the City's Comprehensive Plan since they mutually affect each other. Mr. Horne said the City had commented on this draft once, and some ~things had been amended based on their comments and coordination of the two plans. He said they are the Area B Land Use Planning Areas, which are essentially subareas surrounding the University and the City. These are jointly planned and are intended to be amendments to this Comprehensive Plan as they are adopted. Mr. Horne said statistical matching will be done through a common table of con- tents of joint issues so that the County's and City's growth estimates will have some consistency. The Board discussed looking at villages on an individual basis and determining what the philosophy is for each village and then determine the density needed on that basis. Mr. Wayne Cilimberg, Chief of Community Devel- opment, said the Albemarle County Service Authority is doing a new cost analysis specifically in North Garden and Stony Point to see the sizing needed and costs associated with water and sewer and treatment facilities, assuming one dwelling unit per acre. Mr. Lindstrom asked why these two villages were being studied. Mr. Horne said these two areas are beinglanalyzed primarily because they are outside of the South Fork Rivanna watershed area. Mr. Lindstrom asked if Ivy was recognized as a Village mainlyibecause it is there. Mr. Home said the major issue in talking about sewer is ipreventing flow into the watershed. He said water is less of an issue. In Ea~lysville, it is possible to have water only and keep growth out of the So~th Fork Rivanna watershed. Mr. Home said staff had also been talking with som~ilreal estate inter- ests as to their opinion in terms of the market villages ~iEht serve. There issome uncertainty that the rural market would be attrac~e~ if true urban densities were used. He said there is no question about i~he inefficiency of building utilities for one acre lots. Mr. Lindstrom aske~ if staff could provide its information on villages by the next work session. The Board agreed that all standards referenced at th~ bottom of Page 205, be ~put into one appendix for reference purposes and for ease in using the Comprehensive Plan. There would also be a cross referenc~ as to its location in.~the Comprehensive Plan. After the appendix is compile~,, the Board can then determine if some standards need to be dropped. Mr. Perkins suggested that to eliminate confusion inlireading the Compre- hensive Plan, the use of the same term in different conte~ts should be clari- fied. He noted the use of the terms "Neighborhood Servic~ and "Village " " " T" Service", and the use of Neighborhood and Village hav ng no correlation. Mr. Bowie noted a typographical correction on able !6, Page 209 under "Community Service Areas" column. The figure should be 2~0,000 for gross floor area in square feet. The Board also discussed removing ".7 Floor Area Ratio" from the "Industrial Service Areas" column and allow staff to recommend changes to the zoning ordinance, to institute a zone or zodes that would be useful in this format. On Page 210, Mr. Bowie suggested that a table listin~iall seven neighbor- hoods, showing where they are located and the potential d~elopment of each be placed at the beginning of the neighborhood section. At 2:56, the Board recessed and reconvened at 3:11P.~. with Mr. Agnor not in attendance . Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the strip of land betwee~ Woodburn Road and the Reservoir in Neighborhood 1 be considered for recreational use. The Planning staff is to report on the condition and use of th~ land at the present time. Mrs. Cooke said she felt it was very important to consider recreation facilities in areas where high density is planned. Mr. Home said the problem with showing areas as recreational facilities~ pn the map isthat the County does not own the land. If it is shown in the Cgmprehensive Plan, there ought to be a commitment that the County is going tolpurchase it. Mrs. Cooke said she felt the Board should consider setting aside some areas and December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 3) making those expenditures. Mr. Horne said there are two options for dealing with Mr. Lindstrom's suggestion. A linear park could be designated now, or it could be addressed through the Facilities Plan in the recreation section. Mr. Perkins suggested that staff look into the effects that recreational use would have on the area. Mr. Home said he could go to the area with Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks and Recreation, and look at what could be done. Mr. Lindstrom said if right of way could be 6btained now for a trail connect- ing the Ivy Creek Natural Area to this area, that would be a very nice facili- ty to absorb some pressure for recreation. It was noted also that references to "SPCA Road" be changed to "Woodburn Road" on Page 213. Mr. Horne said the next recommendation concerns the property on Whitewood Road. Mr. Way said this Board has requested~the School Board to send its recommendations for use of that property. Mr. Horne said he is aware of that, and staff hopes that the use of the property will be decided in this Plan. On Page 214, Mr. Bowie suggested that the second and third paragraphs be reworded to be consistent with the other recommendations for proposed actions rather than accomplished facts. The Board discussed deleting the recommendation on Page 217 which states, "connector road linking Woodbrook and Carrsbrook Subdivisions. Right-of-way has been dedicated." Mr. Horne said the Planning Commission had considered that and decided to keep this recommendationi~in the Comprehensive Plan because of the problem of traffic on Route 29 to get~access between the two areas. Mrs. Cooke assured the Board that if the con~ection were ever made, that neighborhood would make "Pearl Harbor look like a firecracker." She strongly recommended that it be deleted because of this reaction and because there is no more land to be developed in this residen~!al area. Mr. Horne said Mr. Bowerman, a member of the Planning Commissio~ from that neighborhood, is aware of that probable response from the community,.:but he supported putting it in the Plan because he felt it needed to be done~ Mr. Bain said he would hate to take it out because of the traffic problems on Route 29. The consensus of the Board was to leave it in, knowing that there are many other road projects that would come first. Mr. Horne pointed out that the Board would have to approve any funding if the connector road is ever proposed. On Page 217, in the last paragraph, Mrs.i~Cooke suggested that staff ensure that the right to do channel improvements in the future to the sewage lagoon property in Woodbrook Subdivision be r~tained when the property is sold. ~ Mr. Bowie suggested that on Page 218, th9 second paragraph should be reworded to clarify the action of the recommendation which states, "Relief line for three segments of the Meadow Creek s~wer interceptor." He asked to see the rewording at the next work session. ~ Mr. Bain asked that staff ascertain wher$ the seven acres of developable land having Regional Service shown on Page 21~, Table 48 is located. Also staff is to clarify the area on the map showing office services in the field next to Squire Hills. ~ The work session ended at 4:02 P.M. The~i~next work session will begin on Page 218. if Agenda Item No. 4. Report: Recommendations for Enhancement of Fire and Rescue Services in Albemarle County. Mr. Agnor introduced Dr. Kenneth B. Perk%ns, a consultant and practi- tioner in the field of volunteer fire services. He is well known in the State of Virginia and nationally for his research i~ the area of volunteer fire and rescue services. Dr. Perkins was engaged to ~onduct this study for Albemarle County. ~[ Dr. Perkins said his report is the resul~ of joint meetings with all the volunteer fire company chiefs, individual meeCings~ with volunteer chiefs, review of by-laws and regulations, meeting wi~h representatives of all three rescue squads, and results from a questionnairle filled out by each of the fire and rescue services. Along with this report prepared for the Board, Dr. Perkins said he sent confidential letters to each fire and rescue organization December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 4) containing specific recommendations for recruitment and retention of volun- teers. Dr. Perkins said that even though he was not asked to specifically make recommendations to the Board, he felt obligated to make them based on the information received during the course of his research. He said the purpose of his report is to address specific ways that Albemarle County can strengthen its emergency services. He said the key is to develop goal-oriented relation- ships founded on open communication; establish an administrative unit which can support highly efficient volunteer service; and provide coordination and control. Presently, the volunteer non-profit corporations are willing to have more involvement by the County, and the County should take advantage of this and become a partner in providing emergency services. DC. Perkins said his recommendations address two objectives which the County should embrace: 1) to enhance and promote volunteer services, and 2) to assume authority of fire and rescue service delivery. His specific recommendations are: A new position of Emergency Services Administrator should be immediately established. The employee would report to the County Executive. me A new position of Volunteer Coordinator shouldi~be immediately established. The employee would report to the~Emergency Services Administrator. 3. Reallocate in the form of county owned units, ~he fire service resources currently being housed and administered in the City of Charlottesville. 4. An emergency medical services squad should be d~veloped on the campus of the University of Virginia. This new unit should be administered by a paid manager. 5. The County should initiate legislation requiring sprinklers for all residences (single and multiple units) where the infra- structure can support this. Where water lines ~eannot now support residential sprinklers, there should b~~ development toward this end. 6. The County should establish a pension program ~or volunteers who have had continuous service to Albemarle CGunty for 15 years and an acceptable participation rate. TI{~ fund should be administered through the office of Emergency Services Adminis- trator. 7. The County should initiate utilization of the e~pty Charlottesville/Albemarle Rescue Squad (C.A.R.S!) building adjacent to Seminole Trail Fire Department. 8. The County should purchase aerial apparatus to ~e located in one or more of the urban ring departments. Dr. Perkins concluded by saying that Albemarle Count~ is at the point of either facing squarely the issues of promoting voluntaris~ and taking control of emergency services, or being pushed eventually into that situation. He said the. County should be seen by its citizens as doing everything feasible to provide emergency services. Mr. Lindstrom asked Dr. Perkins to address the question of mixing volun- teer and professional services. His perception is that t~ere is some resis- tance with the idea that the volunteers would get short c~anged. He would not want to do anything that would jeopardize the volunteer p~iogram already established. ~ Dr. Perkins said there is usually turf protection an~a struggle for the domain of the organization when you have unionized employees and volunteers. However, in his experience, when volunteers are defined a~ volunteer profes- sionals and trained with paid employees and viewed as pro~essionals as far as the local government is concerned, they can provzde servzqe. He sazd mt is not usually smooth, but it can work. It is difficult to Curn a traditionally December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 5) volunteer organization into a combination unit. The other alternative is to make the positions fully paid, eliminating any mixture. Mr. Lindstrom said another alternative is to make a distinction between providing paid companies in urban areas and volunteer services in rural areas. He said that would require legislation allowing the assessment of service fees. The distinction would be made because of the intensityof demand in urban areas, not because of competency of personnel. Mr. Bowie spoke regarding the fifth recommendation. He said part of the problem is the water pressure required to support sprinkler systems. He asked if Dr. Perkins had developed any similar statistics about smoke detectors. Dr. Perkins said he had not, but the International Association of Fire Chiefs has a great deal of information on that subjHct. Regarding the recommendation for a pension program for volunteers, Mr. Bowie asked if there were statistics on how to institute such a program. Dr. Perkins said the most successful program he had looked at was in the State of Minnesota, and he would be happy to supply the facts and figures to the Board on that program. Dr. Perkins further stated there are ways this program could be instituted in Virginia as well. Mr. Bain asked Dr. Perkins to address recommendation No. 3 in which three areas of the County were cited as needing predictable fire protection. Dr. Perkins s.aid he based this on information frHm the planning department regard- ing the expected growth trends in the County. From interviewing a number of fire service professionals, he felt that there should be fire departments with defined locations, rather than the current situation where the County fire trucks housed by the city could go in any direction. It is a more efficient and effective way to use the service. He stressed that the recommended Emergency Services Administrator would make those decisions. Dr. Perkins also suggested that should Che Board implement the sugges- tions he made in the report, the first step would be to implement the govern- ment structure so that a qualified employee of the government would be involved from the initiation of the changes in service. Mr. Bain asked if Dr. Perkins had looked at the possibility of consolida- tion of fire and rescue services. Dr. Perkins said that fire and rescue ser- vices adhere to different state regulations with.different types of training criteria. In his experience, the two units ~ecruit different kinds of people. He said consolidation is a possibility, but each corporation has its own by-laws and constitution. He said this would~be a problem that the Emergency Services Administrator would address. He is imot saying that ideally there should be one unit with three separate stations. Mr. Perkins said one question the report~.did not answer concerns the allocation of funds currently given to fire and rescue squads by the County. Dr. Perkins said he feels the County needs an individual who can oversee budget development and assure accountability for the money given by the County. That would be one of the duties of al~government employee recommended in his report. As to whether or not the County is currently giving enough, Dr. Perkins said he was not able to address that question. One of the prob- lems all the units face is a serious problem With recruitment and retention. It is his personal feeling that those issues 'Are not being addressed in an innovative way by volunteer corporations in H~neral. Dr. Perkins said there is a need for accountability and more systematic budget development in terms of objectives of each unit and an overall review of that in terms of the needs for the whole County. Mr. Perkins asked if there are other ways to increase volunteerism besides the pension program recommended. Dr. !Perkins said that is a very real · concern. He feels that volunteer corporat~on~ sometimes work against them- selves by defining recruitment as something they cannot control and projecting that image to the public. He has outlined somme thzngs to each unzt in the letters written to them in terms of streamlining applications, procedures, and involving more minorities and women, to give i few examples. He said the local government probably could not do a whole, lot in terms of recruitment until individual units begin to work to chang~ their image. The key is held by the corporations themselves. Mr. Perkins ~aid he was thinking in terms of 48 December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 6) what could be done to make it more attractive to become involved in a volun- teer organization. Dr. Perkins said one specific thing is that some high schools set up emergency medical and fire courses that provide a recruitment pool for local rescue and fire services. He said that many times the recruit- ment techniques such as posters and media blitzes give the impression of a sinking ship. Mr. Agnor said the request for this study originated with the Jefferson Country Fire Fighters Association, and the Board expanded it to include rescue squads. He suggested that perhaps Mr. Ted Armentrout, President of the JCFFA, would like to make some comments. Mr. Armentrout said that this request came about because a number of volunteer companies are extremely lacking in volunteer manpower during week days. JCFFA had originally asked the County to study the volunteer problem and the long range needs of the County. He said that JCFFA meets tonight to review Dr. Perkins' report and will revise or adapt it as necessary and report back to the County. Mr. Tony Iachetta spoke as an affiliate of Station ~ Fire Department. He said the time has come for the County to begin to assume ;authority for fire control as Dr. Perkins indicated. He said the County is spending enough money now paying for three men to bring the County engine from ~the city station to start a department of its own. He feels that ultimately in the urban area more paiR. fire service is going to have to be provided. The growth the County wil~icontinue to have will require that. He said the potential for different ~inds of fires to occur is larger, and the investments are larger in terms of property damage as a result of growth. He said that recommendation No. 3 needs real attention by the Board. He feels a disadvantage of emergency services~ manned by volunteers is that during the day time, these volunteers will probably not be at the station. Someone has to leave their job and go to the fire station to bring out the equipment to the fire. There is the need to address the response problem. Mr. Iachetta said he does not feel that the consolidation of fire and rescue units would be successful. Mr. Iachetta felt the Board should also give particular attention to the recommendation for utilizing the C.A.R.S. station and for.~'providing aerial apparatus for urban departments. He mentioned the aerial: equipment because it is so expensive that it is unreasonable to expect volunteer companies to raise the money for that equipment. He noted that James City C~unty has a combined volunteer and paid group which works fairly well. Even t~ough the arrangement is difficult, it may be necessary in order to provide suff~icient coverage during the day when volunteers are at their respective jo~s. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the most critical problem, as~.Mr. Iachetta sees it, is getting the equipment to the site during the day t: getting the manpower to the site. Mr. Iachetta said that ing the manpower, there are usually enough people arrivinl the problem is being able to depend on someone being in ti respond with an engine. He said his station does not have getting volunteers. me and beyond that is correct. Regard- at the site, but e firehouse to a problem in Mr. Mark Adams, President of the Western Albemarle R~scue Squad, said he felt Dr. Perkins' report was incomplete in terms of rescue services. There was minimal input requested from rescue squads; consequen~ly it contains very few useful items for rescue units. He said he mildly disagrees with the previous statement that emergency units are "o.k." in terms of volunteers. In the case of Western Albemarle, the call load has ripled Since 1978, and there is no decrease in sight. He pointed out that the service !.~reas for rescue are huge, resulting in increased response times. The training: time for an average emergency medical technician is over 110 hours plus re-certification every three years at that level. There is beyond this a great b~Urden on rescue units to raise funds. Mr. Adams said the rescue squad needs additional County support to take the administrative burden of fund raising i~ff the officers so that more time can be spent on recruitment, retention and !~raining. He said the perception among volunteers sometimes is there is more~ thought given to property than to lives. Fires are dramatic and attention ~etting. However, in emergency medicine the maneuvers are not as dramatic, b~t are every bit as December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 7) important because they save lives. He said this is not meant in a derogatory way to the fire services. They are counterparts to rescue services. But over thirteen times the amount of money given to rescue services is given to fire services. It seems that three volunteer organizations are expected to run on $60,000 while fire departments are given over $700,000, and may not be ade- quately funded at that. Both services cover the same area. What rescue ser- vices are asking for is assistance in funding so that the volunteer issues can be addressed. The cost to replace volunteers with paid personnel would be exorbitant and taxpayers would scream. He said he understands that a sum of money had been set aside for this study, and if all of it had not been used, perhaps it could be used for rescue services. Mr. John Hood said he is a member of the Charlottesville/Albemarle Rescue Squad and Fire Station #2 at Keswick. He said he did not want to see the emergency services problem degenerate into a.special interest situation. He suggested that the Board consider providing a vehicle where the County and Jefferson Country Fire Fighters Association can together review this study for long range planning for the County. There are three rescue squads with vary- ing volunteer problems and seven fire stations with similar problems. He thinks it is possible to come up with a plan that will be a solution for all these services. He said there is no doubt that funding is a large part of the problem. Mr. Hood urged the Board to provide the structure in which all the services could work together to come up with solutions. The expertise lies within the services themselves as far as emergency services. The financial expertise and administrative aspects lie primarily within County government. He feels these should all get together on a regular and immediate basis to sit down and develop a plan. Mr. Way said he concurs with several statements made, and especially with the last speaker that there is the need to decide how to address the problems presented in Dr. Perkins' report. He feels that getting rescue and fire groups together with the County to discuss the report is a good place to begin. Mr. Lindstrom agreed that a structured review of the problem is necessary. Mr. Bain suggested that a time frame be set up to work with. Mr. Bowie suggested that the JCFFA may need time~o review Dr. Perkins' report, and then a joint meeting could be set up. H~ also noted that the fire depart- ments have a central organization that oversees funding, while the rescue squads do not. He feels there should be a similar organization for the rescue squads so there is coordinated input. Mr. Way asked how much input the rescue ~quads have to JCFFA, and do they represent the rescue squads. Mr. Armentrout said the JCFFA had given all three rescue squads associate membership status. At this time, they are not voting members. Each fire department in the City and county is a voting member. Mr. Hood added that the budget cycle for rescue squads has never been a part of JCFFA. The associate membership is a tactic of working together and training only. Mrs. Cooke said it is her feeling that the Board make a commitment to support the fire and rescue services from a financial standpoint. It has been her feeling that as this County grows and becgmes heavily populated, it is the responsibility of the government to look out for the safety and well being of of its citizens. A way of doing that is to be involved in the rescue organ- izations of this County. Before the Board can expect rescue services to get their act together, the Board must determine Whether it will help fund this effort. Mrs. Cooke said she recommends further that the Board adopt a resolu- tion of intent' to support these efforts; staff to draft a resolution and have it available at the next meeting. She said she would put that in the form of a motion if necessary. Mr. Lindstrom said if the motion is to financially support the notion of volunteer fire and resc6e squads which the Board has been doing, he did not think anyone on the Board would disagree with asking for input from the people providing the services as to what their long range needs are. He would support a motion of suppQrt if that is what is needed. He said he thinks what the rescue services wogld really like is the money, and what he would like to know is how they are going to spend it. Mr. Bowie said he feels the next step should be to determineithe~ response to the report just given by Dr. Perkins. ~ 5O December 7, 1988 (Adjourned Afternoon Meeting) (Page 8) Mr. Walter Perkins said he would second the motion. He had asked Mr. Agnor to look into, and perhaps JCFFA could look at it as well, the way the funds are distributed. Mr. Perkins feels that perhaps they are not distri- buted fairly. He suggested the possibility of the County funding the opera- ting costs of rescue squads and fire companies, rather than giving them a lump sum of money. They could develop a budget so the Board could be aware of their operating costs. Mr. Agnor said that Nelson County does that. The fire departments and rescue squads turn in their budget needs to a central committee very similar to JCFFA. That committee makes the presentation to the county, and the county provides the money for those operational needs. The money is distributed from the county to the association, and they divide it out. He said it is geared to the previous year's operating costs which are reported by each squad. Mrs. Cooke said her intent was a resolution by the Board to take a more in-depth role in the funding of rescue services. In order to do that there has to be work and planning on the part of the groups to come up with a budget. Mr. Agnor summarized the next steps JCFFA should take to review Dr. Perkins' report. An organization to study the overall needs should be put together with representatives from each fire company, each rescue squad, and the city as a part of that joint effort, along with county administration. The idea would be to have a long-range incremental plan set up by mid- February. Mrs. Cooke said she would withdraw her motion and see what results from the joint meeting. Then the Board could address the financial aspects. Mr. Perkins withdrew the second. Mr. Way asked staff to report back to the Board by December 21, 1988, the results of any meetings and how this planning is progressing. Mr. Perkins said that the Board should consider appropriating any money left from the study to emergency services, particularly the three rescue squads, since they do not receive as much. Mr. Bowie said he thought the Board should wait to hear the results of some of these meetings before allo- cating any money. Agenda Item No. 5. Adjourn. At 5:50 P.M., motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel matters. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom~i Perkins, and Way. NAYS: None. The Board reconvened into open session at 7:29 P.M. ~nd i~gnediately adjourned.