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WPO201800033 Correspondence 2018-12-27
0 • MERIDIAN Engineering• Surveying• Planning I'1_ANNiN•t;GROUP,LLC 440 Premier Circle,Suite 200 C lurlottesvdle VA 22901 December 27, 2018 Phone 434 83 2 0121 nu n rnendunwbe corn David James County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Room 227 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: WPO-201800033— EARLYSVILLE BUSSINESS PARK VSMP AMENDMENT David, Attached are two copies of the revised plans. The following are responses to the comments in your letter dated May 16, 2018 A. Administrative/ General 1. Two applications were submitted, and only a VSMP application was needed. Please submit VSMP application when you resubmit. • VSMP application has been combined into one set. 2. Please combine the SWM plan & ESC plan into one plan set—the VSMP plan. • SWM plan and ESC plan have been combined into one set. 3. Cove . a. Change the title to `Earlysville Business Park VSMP Amendment' and the WPO #to `WP0201800033'. Revised title on C-400. . Remove any text that says `minor' in front of amendment. b . • Revised text on C-400. V c. include Drillers Lane 'SUB201700197' number under Site Data. • Revised text on C-400. 4. Comments from the road plan may alter VSMP plan comments. • Comment Noted. B. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405 A SWPPP must contain (I)a PPP, (2)an ESCP, (3) a SWMP,and (4)any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Registration Statement: a. Complete section 1. • Refer to attached registration statement Does Uu by( 40 c lCr ©cr f D/d /h f/r;t Jed- /ew b. Change name to `Earlysville Business Park VSMP Amendment' for section 3. d r • Name revised on registration statement. (JpcDa-fe ekes %/1 c. Change HUC from `JA41' to `JR08' in section 6. C • HUC revised on registration statement. Vi Q/D l ;(; Insert copy of General Permit coverage when obtained. / • Copy of general permit coverage will be included upon final submittal /3. Insert copy of PPP `exhibit sheet' of the site that is to be updated with any changes in the UVV field during construction. • An 11x17 copy of C-521 is attached. 0. Qualified person to be provided prior to pre-construction meeting. • A Qualified person shall be provided prior to pre-construction meeting. Owner to complete Signed Certification. • Signed Certification will be included upon final submittal. j6. Complete Delegation of authority section if needed. • Not required. IInsert copy of the General Permit. • General Permit will be inserted when available. C. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404 1. Show any proposed clearing/grading activities, paving operations,landscaping �/ operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow,fueling, waste disposal, vehicle/equipment washing, concrete washout locations on the PPP. • Refer to C-521 for Pollution Prevention Plan. D. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403 11. Correct to scale shown; appears to be 1"=30', not 1"=40'. • Scales corrected on sheets as needed. 2. Show all existing easements with deed book& page numbers. Remove the callouts that say "New Engineered Level Spreader" it should be existing. • All known existing easements are shown with deed book and page. / • Text referring to new engineered level spreader has been revised to existing. \J 3. No constructed grades adjacent to proposed road should be over 3:1. • Refer to C-411 for revised grading plan. L/ 4. Relocated proposed swale outside of drainage drain field. • Refer to C-411 for revised location of SCC-1. j5. Show all drainage structures (pipes/ditches) in the drainage area maps. / • Refer to C-421 for drainage area maps for storm sewer. L/ 6. Provide storm/drainage design calcs (can be submitted separately in a packet). • Refer to C-420 for storm sewer calcs. 7. Verify your rainfall intensity of 4"/hr for inlet computation. I think it should be higher. .1 • VDOT requires a 4" rainfall intensity for inlet calculations. V 8. The slope of the channel is as high as 3:1. You're only showing roadside ditch calcs, show i for channel to SMF. • Refer to C-420, LD-268 for channel calculations. 19. Show drainage area map to inlets, channels/ditches. • Refer to C-421 for drainage areas for Storm Sewers • Refer to C-420 for drainage areas for conveyance channels 110. Correct label for post-development summary table. • Refer to c-421 for revised Label VII. How are you treating the runoff for the disturbance near entrance?Include that area in drainage area maps. • VDOT determined existing road does not have to be realigned.VDOT only requires curb be added to existing entrance. • Refer to C-421 for drainage area map. . • Refer to C-423 for pre and post run-off calculations. 12. Is the site draining to a natural channel? Will have to verify it meets energy balance criteria under 9VAC25-870-66. • Refer to 1/C-423 for Storm Water Management Narrative 13. Basin orifice diameter needs to be 3" minimum. • Refer to 6/C-423 for Basin office changed to 6". 14. Submit a new SWM facility deed of easement & plat. • SUB201800040 has been submitted under separate cover. 15. Show future development area (Lot 2). • Plan now includes development of lot 2. 16. Nutrient credit agreement required. Proof of purchase required. Please contact Ana Kilmer regrading nutrient credit purchase requirements. • Nutrient Credit information shall be provided upon final submittal. E. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44 15 55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP This plan is disapproved. and the reasons are provided in the comments below, The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402 Again, correct the scale. • Scales corrected on sheets as needed. 2. Show all existing easements with deed book references, locations & dims. V/ • All known existing easements are shown with deed book and page. V". how existing right-of-way with street name, route number& width labeled. • Refer to C-400 for street name information 4. Show proposed street name and right-of-way. • Refer to C-400 for street name information, proposed street is just an extension of Drillers Lane. \. Show paved construction entrance detail, see page 3 of 23 of the County's Design Construction Manual. Remove current detail. • Refer to 1/C-520 for paved construction entrance detail. 6. Add perimeter controls(SF) along both sides of road. C_5i1 jhe4/ 5-F- peri11'4er Color' ( CIlc1q ro,olt w i4x,d,^:.q / ` ` • Silt Fence is not required along road since it drains to sediment trap. 7. Identify the boxed areas / symbols adjacent to road near stockpile. \./ • Refer to 1/C-521 for Pollution Prevention Plan for legend. 8. Basin orifice diameter needs to be 3" minimum. • Refer to 6/C-423 for Basin office changed to 6". 9. Provide OP shape & stone size calcs (see VADEQ ESC HB Spec. 3.18). • Refer to 2/C-520 for outlet protection sizing. Additional Comments: Provide runoff, CN determinations: pre-/post-development conditions, with worksheets. • Refer to C-423 for CN worksheets. Provide time of concentration: pre-/post-development conditions, with worksheets. Specify assumptions used. • Refer to c-423 for Time of concentration worksheets. Show stage-storage curve for the basin &stage-discharge for the control structures. • Refer to 4/C-423 for stage discharge reports., refer to 5/C-423 for stage discharge curve. Show barrel inlet/outlet control analysis. Show SCC design & lining material. • Barrel inlet/outlet control not required. • Refer to 2/C-420 for SCC calculations. Show 10' (min)wide vehicle access to SWM facility with easement over access and facility.Access ade over 20% must be surfaced with gravel or pavement. [DSM, pg.r 12]. • Refer to C-411 for access easement and location of gravel. Please let me know if you need any additional information Sincerely, Timothy Miller, P E. L S Principal 1N3Wd013A34 )JJNf1WW00 1.i.it 8 Z 33a O3A13O31