HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500159 Bond Reduction 2022-03-18Wintergreen Farm Final Road Plan (Phase 1, only) Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500159 Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Pfister Avenue station 16+00 to 25+56 road length 956.0 ft aggregate base 6.0 in of 956.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 836.5 too $35.00 29,M.50 80% $5,855.50 bladed or primeMouble seal 956.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 2655.6 sy $10.00 26,555.56 80% $5,311.11 asphalt base 4.0 in d 956.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 585.6 tons $100.00 58,555.00 80% $11.711.00 asphalt surface 1.5 in d 956.0 ft L 25.0 If W 219.6 tons $120.00 26,349.75 80% $5,209.95 curb CG-2 0.0 ft $13.00 0.00 80% $0.00 curb c&6 IMIDft $15.00 26,610.00 80% $5.322.00 sidewalk concrete (5) 17120 ft $17.00 29,104.00 80% $5.820.80 ramp CG-12 2 each $350.00 700.00 80% $140.00 street name sign 1 each $200.00 200.00 80% $40.00 traffic control sign 6 each $200.00 1,200.00 80% $240.00 Street Landscape 36 each $150.00 5,400.00 80% $1.080.00 guardrail 0.0 ft $17.00 0.00 80% $0.00 drop inlet or grate 17 each $3,500.00 59,500.00 80% $11.900.00 standard manhole from lap (not inlet) 0 each $500.00 0.00 80% $0.00 manhole structure (per ft. rise) 126 ft $450.00 56,700.00 80% $11.340.00 pipe, rop, crop (15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EG-1 1003.6 ft $35.00 35,126.00 80% $7.025.20 pipe, rop, crop (15 to 48") 18.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EG-1 75.2 ft $40.00 3,008.00 80% $601.60 pipe, rop, crop (15 to 48') 24.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EG-1 1712 ft $50.00 8,610.00 80% $1,722.00 rip -rap, placed 0.0 ft of 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 ton $60.00 0.00 80% $0.00 matting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 0.00 80% $0.00 clear and grub (for woodetl sites) ft L ft W 3.7 acre $24,000.00 88,800,00 85% $13.320.00 cut grading 136620 cy $4.00 M.648.00 83% $9.454.10 fill grading 17562.0 cy $9.00 158,058.00 80% $31,611.60 as -built drawings Ilk +prim per 0.1 mi.) 956.0 ft L 0.18106 m1. 21sum $2,000.00 5,000.00 80% $1,000.00 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 956.0 ft L 0.18100 mi. 2 Isum $2,000.00 5,000.00 80% $1,000.00 mobilization 0Isum $500.00 0.00 80% $0.00 materials testing 956.0 ft L 1.912 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 600.00 80% $120.00 compaction testing 956.0 ft L 1.912 im of 500' 3 each $200.00 600.00 80% $120.00 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 956.0 ft L 1.912 inc, of 500' 3 each $200.00 600.00 80% $120.00 stone depth inspections 956.0 ft L 1.912 inc, of 500' 3 each $200.00 600.00 80% $120.00 pavement inspections 956.0 ft L 1.912 inc, of 500' 3 each $200.00 600.00 80% $120.00 pipe and drainage video irepections 0 ft $1.00 0.00 80% $0.00 VDOT surety (1 lane) 956.0 ft L 0.18106 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 7,242.42 $7,242.42 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In al, 1 yr) 956.0 ft L 0.18106 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 543.18 $543.18 VDOT admin. Cast recovery fee(1 lane) 956.0 ft L 0.18106 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 362.12 $382.12 cost sum 689,549.53 $1387512.59- Contingency 68,954.95 $13,851.26 Total 758,510.00 $152,370 1k\2014-2016\PROJ comments\bonds\bond redux inspec\RP_bond_CE_AL_SUB201500159_Wintergreen Farm - Phase I - RP_bond-est_Nov20l5_O3l822redm.xlsx 3/182022 Wintergreen Farm Final Road Plan (Phase 1, only) Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500159 Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Cooper Court station 9+50 to 13+16 road length 366.0 ft aggregate base 6.0 in tl 366.0 O L 25.0 ft W 320.3 ton $35.00 $11.208.75 80% $2,241.75 blo0ed or prim&double seal 366.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 1016.7 sy $10.00 $10.166.67 80% $2,033.33 asphalt base 3.0 in tl 366.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 168.1 tons $100.00 $16.813.13 80% $3.362.63 asphalt surface 1.5 in tl 366.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 84.1 tons $120.00 $10.087.88 80% $2,017.58 wrb CG-2 0.0 ft $13.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 wrb CG-6 760.0ft $15.00 $11.400.00 80% $2,280.00 sidewalk, concrete (6) 762.0 ft $17.00 $12,954.00 80% $2,590.80 ramp CG-12 2 each $350.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 street name sign 1 each $200.00 $200.00 80% $40.00 traffic control sign 4each $200.00 $800.00 80% $160.00 Street Lantlscepe 12 each $150.00 $1,800.00 80% $360.00 guardrail 0.0 ft $17.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 tlmp inlet or grate 8each $3,500.00 $28.000.00 80% $5,600.00 standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 3 each $500.00 $1.500.00 80% $300.00 manhole structure (per ft. rise) 108 ft $450.00 $48.600.00 80% $9,720.00 pipe, W crop (15 to 4a) 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 470.5 ft $35.00 $16.467.50 80% $3,293.50 pipe, of crop (15 to 4a) 24.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 454.5 ft $50.00 $22.725.00 80% $4,545.00 pipe, of crop (15 to 48') 30.0 in d 1 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 89.5 ft $65.00 $0.317.50 80% $1,253.50 rip+ap, placed 0.0 8 d 0.0 0 L 0.0 8 W 0.0 ton $60.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 malting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 dear and grab (for wordetl sites) ftL ftW 2A acre $24,000.00 $57.600.00 80% $11,520.00 ct grading 3642.0 cy $4.00 $14.568.00 80% $2,913.60 All grading 32008.0 cy $9.00 $288.072.00 80% $57,614.40 as -built drawtngs(lk+ price par 0.1 mi.) 366.0 ftL 0.06932 mi. 1Isum $2.000.00 $3.000.00 80% $a00.00 survey and layout (price per of mi.) 366.0 ft L 0.06932 mi. 1 Isum $2.000.00 $3.000.00 80% $a00.00 mobilization 0 suro $500.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 materials testing 366.0 ftL 0.732 inc of 500' teach $200.00 $360.00 80% $72.00 compaction testing 366.0 ftL 0.732 inc of 500' teach $200.00 $360.00 80% $72.00 CBR tests n every 0.1 mi. par road) 366.0 ft L 0.732 inc of 500' 2 each $200.00 $360.00 80% $72.00 stone depth inspections 366.0 ft L 0.732 inc of 500' 2 each $200.00 $360.00 80% $72.00 pavement inspections 366.0 ft L 0.732 inc of 500' 2 each $200.00 $360.00 80% $72.00 pipe and drainage video inspections 0 ft $1.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 'MOT surety (1 lane) 366.0 ft L 0.06932 mi. 2 Lanes $2.000.00 $2,772.73 0% $2,772.73 'MOT maintenance fee (1 In rtl, 1 yr) 366.0 ft L 0.06932 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $207.95 0% $207.95 'MOT admin. Cost recovery posit lane) 366.0 ft L 0.06932 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $138.64 0% $138.84 cost sum $570,899.73 $116,675.40 contingency $57.089.97 $11,667.54 Total $627,990 $128,350 D:\work12014-20161PROJ comments\bonds\bond redux inspecIRP_bond_CE_AL_SU6201500159_Wntergreen Farm - Phase I - RP_bond_est_No2015_031822redm.xlsx 3/18/2022 Wintergreen Farm Final Road Plan (Phase 1, only) Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500159 Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Galena Street station 10+12 to 17+48 road length 736.0 ft aggregate base 6.0 in d 736.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 644.0 ton $35.00 $22.540.00 80% $4,508.00 blo0etl or prim &double seal 736.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 2044.4 sy $10.00 $2g444.44 80% $4,088.89 asphalt base 3.0 in d 736.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 338.1 tons $100.00 $33.810.00 80% $6.762.00 asphalt sudace 1.5 in d 736.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 169.1 tons $120.00 $20.286.00 80% $4,057.20 wrb CG-2 0.0 ft $13.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 wrD CG-6 1577.0 ft $15.00 $23.655.00 80% $4731.00 sidewalk, cenmete (6) 1577.0 ft $17.00 $26.809.00 80% $5,361.80 ramp CG-12 2 each $350.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 street name sign 1 each $200.00 $200.00 80% $40.00 traffic control sign leach $200.00 $1.400.00 80% $280.00 Street Lantlscepe 31 each $150.00 $4.650.00 80% $93o00 guadrail 0.0 ft $17.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 tlmp inlet or grate 13 each $3.500.00 $45.500.00 80% $9,100.00 standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 1 each $500.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 manhole structure (per ft. rise) 107 ft $450.00 $48.150.00 80% $9,630.00 pipe, w crap (15 to 4s) 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 636.6 ft $35.00 $22.281.00 80% $4,456.20 pipe, w crap (15 to 4s) 18.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 365.1 ft $40.00 $14.604.00 80% $2,920.80 pipe, rcp, crap (15 rots) 24.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 134.9 ft $50.00 $0.745.00 80% $1,349.00 rip+ap, placed 0.0 6 d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 ton $60.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 malting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 dear and gmb (for wcadetl sites) ft L ft W 5.2 acre $24.000.00 $124.800.00 80% $24,960.00 cut grading 12508.0 cy $4.00 $50.032.00 80% $10,006.40 All grading 19648.0 cy $9.00 $178.632.00 80% $35,726.40 as -built drasings(1k+ price par 0.1 mi.) 736.0 ftL 0.13939 mi. 21sum $2.000.00 $5.000.00 80% $1,000.00 survey and layout (price par 0.1 mi.) 736.0 ft L 0.13939 mi. 2 Isum $2.000.00 $5.000.00 80% $1,000.00 mobilization 0Isum $500.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 materials testing 736.0 ftL 1.472 inc of 500' 3each $200.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 compaction testing 736.0 ftL 1.472 inc of 500' 3each $200.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. par road) 736.0 ft L 1.472 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 stone depth inspections 736.0 ft L 1.472 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 pavement inspections 736.0 ftL 1.472 inc of 500' 3each $200.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 pipe and drainage video inspections 0 ft $1.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 'MOT surety (1 lane) 736.0 ft L 0.13939 mi. 2 Lanes $2.000.00 $5.575.76 0% $5.575.76 'MOT maintenance fee (1 In d, 1 yr) 736.0 ft L 0.13939 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $418.18 0% $418.18 'MOT admin. Cost recovery fee(l lane) 736.0 ftL 0.13939 mi. 2Lanes $100.00 $278.79 0% $278.79 cost sum $664,511.17 $137,920.42 contingency $66.451.12 $13.792.04 Total $730,970 $151,720 D:\work12014-20161PROJ comments\bonds\bond redux inspedRP_bond_CE_AL_SU6201500159_Wntergreen Farm - Phase I - RP_bond_est_No2015_031822redm.xlsx 3/18/2022 Wintergreen Farm Final Road Plan (Phase 1, only) Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500159 Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Maroon Creek Court station 9+50 to 17+95 road length $45.0 it aggregate base 6.0 in d 845.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 739.4 ton $35.00 $25.878.13 80% $5,175.63 blo8etl or prim Mouble seal 845.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 2347.2 sy $10.00 $23,472.22 80% $4,694.44 asphalt base 3.0 in d 845.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 388.2 tons $100.00 $38.817.19 80% $7,763.44 asphalt sudace 1.5 in d 845.0 ft L 25.0 ft W 194.1 tons $120.00 $23.290.31 80% $4,658.06 wrb CG-2 0.0 ft $13.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 wrD CG-6 1798.0 ft $15.00 $26.970.00 80% $5,394.00 sidewalk, concrete (6) 1798.0 it $17.00 $30.566.00 80% $6,113.20 ramp CG-12 2 each $350.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 street name sign 1 each $200.00 $200.00 80% $40.00 traffic control sign 5each $200.00 $1.000.00 80% $200.00 Street Lentil $4 each $150.00 $5.100.00 80% $1,020.00 guardrail 0.0 it $17.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 dmp inlet or grate 14 each $3,500.00 $49.000.00 80% $9,800.00 standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 3 each $500.00 $1.500.00 80% $300.00 manhole strudure (per ft. rise) 135 ft $450.00 $60.750.00 80% $12,150.00 pipe, of crop (15 to 4s) 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 680.9 ft $35.00 $23.831.50 80% $4,766.30 pipe, w crop (15 to 4s) 24.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 428.6 ft $50.00 $21.430.00 80% $4,286.00 pipe, rcp, crop (15 to 48') 30.0 in d 1 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 345.3 ft $65.00 $22,944.50 80% S4,588.90 rip+ap, placed 0.0 8 d 0.0 8 L 0.0 8 W 0.0 ton $60.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 malting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 dear and gal (for modetl sites) ftL ftW 2.2 acre $24,000.00 $52.800.00 80% $10,500.00 col grading 36608.0ry $4.00 $148,432.00 80% $29,286.40 All grading 27634.0 cy $9.00 $248.706.00 80% $49,741.20 as -built drawtngs(lk+ price per 0.1 mi.) 845.0 ftL 0.16004 mi. 21sum $2.000.00 $5.000.00 80% $1,000.00 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 845.0 ft L 0.16004 mi. 2 Isum $2.000.00 $5.000.00 80% $1,000.00 mobilization 0Isum $500.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 materials testing 845.0 ftL 1.69 inc of 500' 3each $200.00 $540.00 80% $108.00 compaction testing 845.0 ftL 1.69 inc of 500' 3each $200.00 $540.00 80% $108.00 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 845.0 ft L 1.69 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 $540.00 80% $108.00 stone depth inspections 845.0 ft L 1.69 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 $540.00 80% $108.00 pavement irepections 845.0 ft L 1.69 inc of 500' 3 each $200.00 $540.00 80% $108.00 pipe and drainage video inspections 0 ft $1.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 V OT surety (1 lane) 845.0 ft L 0.16004 mi. 2 Lanes $2.000.00 $6,401.52 0% $6,401.52 V OT maintenance fee (1 In id, 1 yr) 845.0 ft L 0.16004 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $480.11 0% $480.11 V OT admin. Cost recovery posit lane) 845.0 ft L 0.16004 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $320.08 0% $mog cost sum $823,289.55 $170,419.27 oontingency $82.328.96 $17,041.93 Total $905,620 $187,470 D:\work12014-20161PROJ comments\bonds\bond redux inspec RP_bond_CE_AL_SU6201500159_Wntergreen Farm - Phase I - RP_bond_est_No12015_031822redm.xlsx 3/18/2022 Wintergreen Farm Final Road Plan (Phase 1, only) Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500159 Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost (installed) % compete cost remaining Note: 19,305 sf of roatl expansion. 40,209 at of new pavement surface (19,305 sf l,a posed and 20,904 sf re -paved existing). Sunset Avenue Extended (expansion of existing road) station 8+35 to 21+88 road length 1353.0 ft aggregate base 6.0 in tl 19305 0 sq. ft. 675.7 ton $35.00 $23.648.63 100% $0.00 blottetl or primeMouble seal 40209 0 sq. ft. 4467.7 sy $10.00 $446]6.6] 100% $0.00 asphalt base 4.0 in tl 19305 0 sq. ft. 473.0 tons $100.00 $47.297.25 100% $0.00 asphalt surface 2.0 in tl 40209.0 sq. ft. 492.6 tons $120.00 $59.107.23 80% $11.821.45 curb CG-2 0.0 ft $13.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 curb CG-6 1268.0ft $15.00 $19.020.00 80% $3,804.00 sidewalk, concrete (6) 0.0 ft $17.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 ramp CG-12 0 each $350.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 street name sign 0 each $200.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 traffic control sign 0each $200.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 Street Landscape 0each $150.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 guardrail 0.0 ft $17.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 drop inlet or grate leach $3.500.00 $3.500.00 80% $700.00 standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 0 each $500.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 manhole structure (per ft. nse) 9 ft $450.00 $4,050.00 80% $810.00 pipe, rcp, crop (15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 125.0 ft $35.00 $4,375.00 80% $875.00 np+ap, placed 0.0 0 d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft w 0.0 ton $60.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 malting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft w 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 dear and grub (for worsted sites) flL ftw 0.1 acre $24,000.00 $2.880.00 80% $576.00 cut grading $49.0 ry $4.00 $3.396.00 80% $679.20 All grading 2334.0 cy $9.00 $21.006.00 80% $4,201.20 as -built drawings (1 k+price per 0. l mi.) 1353.0 flL 025625 mi. 31sum $2.000.00 $7.000.00 80% $1,400.00 survey and layout (pace per 0.1 mi.) 1353.0 ft L 025625 mi. 3 Isum $2.000.00 $7.000.00 80% $1,400.00 mobilization 01sum $500.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 materials testing 1353.0 ft L 2.706 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $760.00 80% $152.00 compaction testing 1353.0 ft L 2.706 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $760.00 80% $152.00 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 1353.0 ft L 2.706 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $760.00 80% $152.00 stone depth inspections 1353.0 flL 2.706 inc of 500' 4each $200.00 $760.00 80% $152.00 pavement inspections 1353.0 flL 2.706 inc of 500' 4each $200.00 $760.00 80% $152.00 pipe and drainage video inspections 0 ft $1.00 $0.00 80% $0.00 V OT surety (1 lane) 1353.0 ft L 025625 mi. 2 Lanes $2.000.00 $10.250.00 0% $10,250.00 V OT maintenance fee (1 In rtl, 1 yr) 1353.0 ft L 025625 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $768.75 0% $768.75 V OT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lane) 1353.0 ft L 025625 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $512.50 0% $512.50 cost sum $262,288.02 contingency $28,228.80 Total $288,5201 $38,558.10 $3,855.81 $42,420 D:Xmrk12014-20161PROJ comments\boriftbond redux inspec RP_bond_CE_AL_SU6201500159_Wntergreen Farm - Phase I - RP_bontl_est_Nov2015_031822redm.xlsx 3/18/2022