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SUB202100159 Plan - Revision 2022-03-17
ROAD PLAN LEGEND EXISTING NEW 10 10 1.00' --310--- ---312---- 311.5 x 311.5 TC x 311.5 TW x 311.5 BW x 10 12 5rX 5rx'X 5rX'' 57a'X'* ZEL A_N DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK ACCESS EASEMENT SITE TEXT NOTES PARKING COUNT DIMENSION GROUND GRADING EASEMENT INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION RETAINING WALL STAIRS BUILDING BUILDING ROAD -EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD- CENTERLINE CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG-6 STANDARD 6" CURB AND GUTTER CG-12 STANDARD ACCESS RAMP SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE l� HANDICAP PARKING 0 MATERIAL o CONCRETE/PAVEMENT-SIDEWALK RIP -RAP 0 ASPHALT GRASS EC-3 MATTING 0 EC-2 MATTING 0 WETLAND -,-,-,-.- -x-,-„-x- TREELINE FENCE STREAM UTILITY ♦ UTILITY EASEMENT ® UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE OVERHEAD UTILITY SANITARY & SEWER RD C Ro STORM SEWER q Oq ROOF DRAIN DRAIN INLET DRAINAGE EASEMENT SWM FOREST/ OPEN SPACE EASEMENT O1 SANITARY SEWER W. LATERAL SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY EASEMENT -wL,Tw- WATER o WATER LINE W. SERVICE ® WATER METER * WATER VALVE FHA FHA FIRE HYDRANT WATER EASEMENT GAS NOTE: GAS LINE 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. OWNER/DEVELOPER The Housing Lab LLC 92 Oak Forest Circle Charlottesville VA, 22901 ZONING R-4 Residential The property is subject to the proffers of approved ZMA 2019-16 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Crozet SOURCE OF TITLE DB 5079-303 (TMP 55-68C), DB 5079-303 (TMP 55-68D) SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & topography provided by Meridian Planning Group LOAR (2)-foot topography provided by Virginia Geographic Information Network, 2016 BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 1988 FLOODZONE FEMA flood insurance rate map (community panel 51003CO229D), effective date February 4, 2005 shows this property is not within zone AE and no portion of the property lies within the 100-year flood plain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Dam Break Inundation Zone (State). This site is within Lickinghole Creek watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES This project lies within the ACSA jurisdictional area for both water and sewer and will be served by ACSA utilities. WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE The stream buffer(s) shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance AFFORDABLE HOUSING The property will provide two (2) for -sale affordable dwelling units, to be located on Lot 3 and Lot 4 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This Ian as drawn may not accurate) reflect the requirements of the 9 p N � p Y Y 4 permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. 13. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. ITE TRIP GENERATION Use ITE Code Quantity AM PM Daily Total In Out Total In Out Total Single Family Detached 210 4 Dwelling Units 2 6 8 3 2 5 54 Multifamily (Low -Rise) 220 2 Dwelling Units 0 1 1 1 1 2 15 Total 2 7 9 4 3 7 69 Trip generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic as well as weekday traffic. EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Single Family Residential & Single Family Attached Gross density of 4.85 DUA Net density of 9 DUA SETBACKS FRONT: 5' SIDE: 5' REAR: 20' Any part of structure must be 10' from any other structure, unless attached, per approved ZMA2019-16 LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 0 SF 0.0% Pavement 0 SF 0.0% Sidewalk 0 SF 0.0% Open space 53,884 SF 100.0% Total= 53,884 SF (1.237 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 20,185 SF 37.4% Pavement 6,710 SF 12.5% Sidewalk 1,351 SF 2.5% Open space 25,638 SF 47.6% Total= 53,884 SF (1.237 ac.) GENERAL PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION NOTES 1. The properties lie in a dam break inundation zone. 2. There are no known places of burial in the property. 3. This property is within an Albermale County and/or City of Charlottesville water supply watershed. 4. Stream buffers are shown on plan. 5. The location, area and dimensions of a building site on each proposed lot complying with the requirements of section 18-4.2. 6. Lots contain building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data for locating all underground utilities for coordination of the p tY 9 Y 9 9 work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. The streets in this subdivision may not meet the standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways and will not be maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation or the County of Albemarle. 6. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 7. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 8. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 9. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 10. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 11. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 12. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 13. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR PRIVATE STREETS 1. Streets in this subdivision may not meet the standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways and will not be maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation or the County of Albemarle. 2. A private street maintenance agreement, which meets all requirements set forth in County Code 14-317, shall be prepared and recorded for these streets. BAMBOO GROVE SUB 202100159 TAX MAP 55, PARCEL 68C ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1200' ,es © CROZET CROSSING � ORCHARD ACRES s•a ,n GRAYROCK GRAYROCK ORCHARD WAYLANDSJ� " a` WAYLAND PARK JARMAN GRANT k P ESTATES Jerme�e pAP Re'm^r� d .� Crozet Plz: a s Cule Pie Bake Shop Q E \ �TE ® 5 tr BARGAMIN PAR \ a ' ii rnee ,nached Rd • y„a,u�,,,, um„„��,` MSmoked Kitchen and rap p da' REA \\ „r i arre r. u. a ,ns ® ARMANS PARKSII. Old Trail Golf Club® Map provided by Google.com GAP ROAD VI L LAGI Crozet Park 5 Community Building© N� Claudius Ctwt Park s PARK VIEW o UcµMg�'Cr� �3 A#Ttle Lodge at Old Trall 9 BROOKY. �t "SCOLD TRAIL "e„ WHITE OAKS w tr 4_ The Summit SHEETINDEX C1 COVER SHEET C2 EX. CONDITIONS C3 SITE PLAN C4 UTILITY PLAN C5 GRADING PLAN C6 UTILITY PROFILES C7 LANDSCAPE PLAN C8 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE & ROAD PROFILE C9 ACSA DETAILS C10 VDOT DETAILS C11 SITE, ACSA & VDOT DETAILS C12 MOT PLAN SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@$HIMP-ENGINEERING.COM v� O H v )I41N4P a Lic. o.45183 �o 4 j1-L SSIONAL Elf ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. COVER 20.053 C1 A6007 / I A5007 �� TMP 55C-OA-1 �a LOEZ, ROBLERO & NOHEMI MORALES ..._ \ 6g2 MORALESDEED l \ ��"-• V BOOK/PG 05363/0774 90 \ \ P S83'37'22" 95.75' ` •� \ (619.65IF ' \ 06 / \ 1 \ \ O .oG\ \ \ DAM BREAK INUNDATION \� 6 2` C 3 ` / / ZONE (AS SHOWN ON ALBEMARLE GIS) WV I \, \ A \ sF �o• � ,y/\ \ sS9�\ BENCH6 K B N-39131 8.68 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.C,- \ 72 E-1142 88.29 ELEV-6$ 8 0j• DESC-IRR 1 PIN A60 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 694 \ rRFF<�jL \ \ • . \ i 68g \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 696 \ F \ \OIF 00 \ \ �02 \ \ \ I yvV \ \\ \' pA� \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ INV HDP \ o� hip \ \ � \ \ \ \ � \ \ o INV=684. J �� A0 g A \ V A \ \ TMP: 05500-00-00-067A0 }ro o STEVEN GREGORY HUGHES OR 1w JAMIE KRISTINA FORD HUGHES DB 1927 PG 72 g Z I I ) \ \ �\ ITMP 55 8C / - \ \"� 690 A6020 \ 1 \ Cl N/F TE HO<�SING LAB LLC ' �. \ \ \ ui o I I 507� PG 03 \ ` \ \ \ °m°=1 I 60" HDPE 1 I \ / o S DB ,a34 Pro 366 AT) INV=684.62 \ I I 684 ImoI\ SS ♦5011 I I \ DAM BREAK II�UNDA,TIO ZONE \ I �/ C I \ �NG P (AS SHOWN 9N ALBEMARLE IS) A5�03 00 V — �M WAI \ N \ A5020 \ 696 m \ / I S89'5\V 2 7�23' \ /F 698 "o- \ \ Oe �qY / As1512c366 IW \ 1 \ f \ \ >0p\ \� To \ \ m \ / , 1p6 I \ \ \ EX. 2 ACSA \ �I SEWER ESMT \ \ \ \ V \ TMP 55-68D >0? ® \ \ DB 10 3 PG 6491 \-R/F—THE HOUSING LAB LLC \ \ DB �84)--PG 303 -� DB 5134 PG 366 (PLAT_ \ \ DRAT gESMT GE \ 706 0.356 AC. \ \ \ co°j DB 4 \ PG 391 @16.83' \ SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 4jv� O v HIMP a �o Lic. o.45183 �,. 3In��2 IONAI Elf ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE / PF \ \I I\ \ - ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA N89'45'191�.'W 110.19' PF \ N89°54'37"W 113.06' \ IFw:F \ \ 7 0 \ SUBMISSION: TMP: 05500-00-00-067C0 \ JARMANS GAP 72 ] TMP: 55ab<00-OD-O680A0 2021.09.15 TMP: 05500-00-00-06880 -- -- DENTAL OFFICE LLC AUDREY HADOW MICHIE 1 5'+� JA AN GAP ` - DB 3332 PG 553 I DB 4763 PG 25 I SYLVIA M HALLOCK & BENCHMARK A I AD (RTE 691 REVISION: ROSA JIMENEZ-VAZQUEZ N-3912903.91 E . DB 4321 PG 364 E-11422992.17 I FHA 1)2022.03.17 ELEV-698.77 \ DESC-IRON PIN I I I -- FILE NO. 20.053 - - _ EXISTING CONDITIONS C2_ I TMP 55C-OA-1 LOEZ, ROBLERO & NOHEMI MORALES ... - MORALESDEED BOOK/PG 05363/0774 mi NE 0, PEDESTRIApS GF / PUBLIC ACCESS \ \,'.\, EASEMENT WV \ \ - BENCHMARK B \ \\\ N-3913108.68 E-1 1422988.29 /`CRFF/f ELEV-688.8. 38 8 I �. DESC-IRO PIN W /oe TRA/J \ \ W/OF TRgi giO0eO c \ o/ qT . \. � 1 TMP: 05500-00-00-067A0 0 UpFF x STEVEN GREGORY HUGHES OR \ R \ �` \ �\ JAMIE KRISTINA FORD HUGHES \ \ \ \ EW 10' DB 1927 PG 72 �\ \ PEDESTF IA } PUBLIC C SS EW V.W. \ \� EASEMENT PIVATE N `1•x� STREET OPEN SPACE 1 :EEASEMENT � 29,758 SF \ SAFETY FENCE \ w \x \\ IN. 42" HEIGHT LOT 10 .E- 1 \ \ g w 3,7440 SFe ti\�S FEE 707 \ SAF T F SHIMP _ ENCE _ \ 1 (MIN. 4R H&IGGHT - s' GR Q PARKING ENGINEERING2. Sip h G. GUAR' IL SIGN F � LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT S'pR SFTegC _ � 2Sg9, � V ` g .31' STONE-..SWALE\ 'I' / SFTe B 0 PA K \ \ o 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 SIGN TO E / -u CT I CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 60 S A E a,:EIP g o R-2 j 0 A RNASPAC D 8� 7� GUARDRAIL EW V. - XOo \ \ I RIVAT V/ LOT 2 �'1 7 20"qMg TREET o m 4,180 SF v. — — 0 3 ASE NIT °J A FFE 705 ' GREEN SPACE ^�' O 93�" ,oyOe qT CRp� Fp i NA EETI w m r� o F NAME SIGN v 800 SF EW V.G AN PRIVATE CCSp \ i c) o Y 5' J .' STREET SI \ FFpSHAf2€ - a Q FRON EASEMENT MAILBOX�� - u � % ;S Tgq �i J 15 MPH w / v HIMP a N Oki SF ,, SPEED Lic. o. 45183 LIMIT SIGN L `1 o SF?ggOK ' �Oti Sp�gN/,� �- l0'�36 + c , 10 00 r . c oo O `` �' �SSIONAL LOT 3 p STOP S GN�� ace �i4' 2,290 SF LOT 4 'J. FFE 703 2,030 SF LOT 5- h y� FFE 703 Q- 3,120 SF FFE 702.5 P �, Q � 5' FROM � E M EX. 20' ACSA �o ,NEW V.W..+. 2 qC SEWER ESMT PRIVATE TO DB 1063 PG 649 ROAD PLAN FOR q' STREET 1-CAR 'EASEMENT 0 CH BFE 698 GARAGE _ I BAMBOO GROVE EX. 12' WALL LOT 6 20' REAR 20' REAR TBACK 2 REAR SETBACK 20' REAR SETBACK 01 4,825 SF DRAINAGE ESMT I: DB 473 PG 391 SETBACK Q- FFE 707 N6 58' 5 SID10969 E SET¢AC ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: TMP: 05500-00-00-067C0 I JARMANS GAP TMP: 05500-00-00-068AO L 2021.09.15 DENTAL OFFICE LLC AUDREY HADOW MICHIE TMP: 05500-00-00-068BO 1 5'+ JARMANS GAP DB 4763 PG 25 SYLVIA M HALLOCK & BENCHMARK A R AD (RTE 691) DB 3332 PG 553 I I ROSA JIMENEZ-VAZQUEZ N-3912903.91 I E . V REVISION: DB 4321 PG 364 E-11422992.17 I FHA 1)2022.03.17 ELEV-698.77 DESC-IRON PIN I I I I I -- -- FILE NO. 20.053 SITE PLAN I I � C3_1 A6007 TMP: 05500-00-00-067AO STEVEN GREGORY HUGHES OR JAMIE KRISTINA FORD HUGHES DB 1927 PG 72 IF @16.83 I A5007 TMP 55C—OA-1 LOEZ, ROBLERO & NOHEMI MORALES MORALESDEED BOOK/PG 05363/0774 � cRFF� _ P� 06 � IF P \ WV \ I / F� 2\\\ \. V A B [BENCHMARK N-3913108.68 E-11422988.29 ELEV-688.88 A6000IDESC-IRON PIN \ q o 11/6 o, qr A5010 \ ASS�TFO P 9 -- E R ENCY c\ .\ OA. • `30 ` S IFA Y \ SAFETY FENCE 4L O (MIN. 42" HEIGHT H NTEROUNK 6 Q - �RY �z e 20 40O�FTF \ LOT 1 W8 3,740 SF \ \ \\ \ \\ 90' BEND \ \ \ \ \ \ EX Sf•�� 6" GV -TONE SCALE\ \� y . .. FH S UAL - 8/ 8" SDR-< 5/8'. W -/y o A5 LOT 3 2,290 SF LOT 4 2,030 OF 'N 5 SWAL_ � 4 °+ xW P W a 22.5° BEND o I it 6001 1-CAR I GARAGE LOT 6 4,825 SF m V �60" HDPE INV=684.51 :2!-60" HDPE NV=684.62 i o A5003 o I A A O / 1 O m co A N � N A � rrCONNECT TO I.EX. NE WITH 8"X6" TS&V I I EX, 20' ACSA SEWER ESMT DB 1063 PG 649 EX. 12' DRAINAGE ESMT DB 473 PG 391 1A AP [ON NONWOVEN FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT STONE SWAL_E DETAIL_ C 4 NOT TO SCALE SHIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O H v )i4lN4P a Lic. o.45183 ��0 3�,� jtiz � IONAL Elf ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE PF pp IF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TMP: 05500-00-00-067CO A6005 I SUBMISSION: JARMANS GAP TMP: 05500-00-00-068A0 2021 .09.15 DENTAL OFFICE LLC AUDREY HADOW MICHIE TMP: 05500-00-00-06880 1 5'+ JARMANS GAP DB 4763 PG 25 SYLVIA M HALLOCK & BENCHMARK A R AD (RTE 691 DB 3332 PG 553 ROSA JIMENEZ—VAZOUEZ N-3912903.91 I E . REVISION: DB 4321 PG 364 E-11422992.17 I FHA 1)2022.03.17 ELEV-698.77 DESC-IRON PIN I I I I I FILE NO. 20.053 UTILITY PLAN I I I I I � I I I C41 I / \� TMP 55C-OA-1 _ �a LOEZ, ROBLERO & NOHEMI MORALES \ _ \ 69" MORALESDEED \ l / A ��"-• V BOOK/PG 05363/0774 \ \ �..690 A \ \\ �Rn- \ I 692 wV \ I \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ 94.\ 68 \ \ 6 \ I \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ 6 96,\ oO v v v v v�� 686 v I �V TMP: 05500-00-00-067A0 05 N o o� STEVEN GREGORY HUGHES OR ` JAMIE KRISTINA FORD HUGHES / \ E } \� \ — ------ DB 1927 PG 72 \ \ dr, I \ EI ` 690 1 92 A3 I \ \ / coo' o n R 0 O 8 ^ . n �( 3I �0, / ^ / ))`7440 SF / Ol' �� 0 q PF01 E 707 / / p p I I 9g \ 96 9Rx9� 9�j a I I �_6\\ SSM O \\ I o / 1. EX / 02 0- 0 0 2 I p /xes i , Y 4 1O0 SF � � a 0 \ 4i kk \ 6" 95Sp 95 ak x035D � / (\ ...,� - � 94 x � OC 75 95 19$ — 95'� 2.0% W 9595 LOT 85 2,290 SF LOT 4�� \ > FFE 703 2,030 SF LOT 5 0 \ FFE 703 3,120 SF �, ..574.l- - / -fFE-702.5 zo \ \ V - 10X � � � 2 -97 Y \ 02 x2 TORY \ 1 1 ORCH 1-CAR \ I \ \ 704 \ \ '. BFE GARAGE \ \I \ \ ` / O 1 80 - \ WALL O6B0 LOT 6 08 `:.\ 6 \ > \ _ _ x0, 5° 4,825 SF \ _ \ FFE 707 SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O H v HIMP a Lic. o.45183 ZONAL Elf ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE 05p \ \ \ \ \ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA \ ''o \ � � _ _ \ \ \ � � SUBMISSION: TMP: 05500-00-00-067C0 >72\ _ _ JARMANS GAP _ ] TMP: 055ab<00-00-068A0 TMP: 05500-00-00-06880 2021.09.15 -- -- DENTAL OFFICE LLC AUDREY HADOW MICHIE ZE SYLVIA M HALLOCK & \ \ DB 3332 PG 553 DB 4763 PG 25 ROSA JIMENEZ-VAZOUEZ I E . REVISION: DB 4321 PG 364 I FHA 1) 2022.03.17 I I FILE N0. 20.053 GRADING PLAN I I I C�j5 710 E 705 700 695= X w 690 685 z 0 z Y 680 � 0 O 2A z o m Q O" N +n =om NEW + N o c o zsD o- 6RABE:2 o- - w o-co o _ Z ct- <,o EX. GRADE tO - N r — - -LAW RAC DLES - 00 6 N_ � O - T 03% 196 o _ (6 INVERT TO BE m FIELD -VERIFIED =o z > - z_ 10+50 11+00 11+ > M Z � SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 1 A-2A C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' 705 700 695 690 685 680 10 705 700 695 690 685 +No STORM SEWER PROFILE Al-A2 \ C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' i o o a o � � — N O J ¢ u� I O 00 10+50 11 705 700 695 690 685, 705 700 695 690 N• 4 STORM SEWER PROFILE C C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' 710 705 700 695 690 710 705 700 695 690 685 L• • IV VV IVtJV "' 1 B2 705 705 700 695 690 z 0 0 685 O 680 z 7 )E 700 695 6 692.80 690 685 66780 6 510100 10+50 11+005 STORM SEWER & BMP PROFILE B1-B2 ,� C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' 695 690 0 685 0 z i�i • wa�r�4y •P • 694.1C rDAM ��\I�M1111Ci7 _ ._• •• -�` it=_ir�� n �F•� ivu 695 690 56885 ...10 00 10+50 0 5 STORM SEWER PROFILED C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' D X. ' GRADE OUNTERSiNK-6'' 4"0-LF- 1g"-HDpE- 00 N +m o_W aw Nw 00 a> - 00 o o� (Vm NM N� +m +rn +o 0co aw "BAMBOO GROVE" aw a> �W V.W. PRIVATE ROW ow NW I —I— 20' ASPHALT 00 > �> 15 MPH DESIGN SPEE » VI ELEV. 694,92 AAD- fig °VI ELEV. 699.80 40.00VC ,._�. N OPJONTAL 20.00VC 62.10SD 7'=i' - VERTICAL 468.76SD 5.46K-Val 13.81K-Va PROP. GRA 3.43 A. GHADE— SAG-STA.10+35.38-= SAG ELEV.U95.25 --- - - -ND - - STA. 1-1to M (0 ro n vi m c 0 nri c vN w 1011 00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+ WATERLINE PROFILE C6 VERT: 1"=10', HORZ: 1"=30' 710 705 700 695 OAD 32.77 690 685 am, SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 4c.;o,. Hemp a 45183 �'j Fss..T,„A, ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. UTILITY PROFILES 20.053 PULL POTTING MIX AND ROOT MAT APART TO DIRECT THE OUTER ROOTS INTO THE ADJACENT SOIL. DO NOT LEAVE CIRCLING ROOTS NATIVE BACKFILL SOIL AMENDED WITH 15% DECOMPOSED ORGANIC COMPOST SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL PREPARE SUBSOIL TO WITH MOUND TO PREVENT SETTLING 2x ROOTBALL DIAMETER DIM SET TOP OF ROOT CROWN 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 3" DOUBLE —SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. WATERING BERM SHAPE SOIL SURFACE TO PROVIDE 3' DIA. WATERING RING FINISHED GRADE TREE PIT DEPTH EQUALS ROOTBALL DEPTH. MEASURE BEFORE DIGGING 1. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. IF SPACING NEEDS ADJUSTING CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. PRIOR TO MULCHING, LIGHTLY TAMP SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL IN 6" LIFTS TO BRACE SHRUB. DO NOT OVER COMPACT. WHEN THE PLANTING HOLE HAS BEEN BACKFILLED, POUR WATER AROUND THE ROOT BALL TO SETTLE THE SOIL. SET TRUNK PLUMB, SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING ONE CENTRAL LEADER (NO CODOMINANT LEADERS UNLESS SPECIFIED) ARBOR TIES, OR EQUIV. 2"X2" SQ. OAK STAKES SET 180 DEGREES APART OUTSIDE ROOT PACKAGE TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS. NO MORE THAN 1" OF MULCH ON TOP OF ROOT BALL. ROUND —TOPPED SOIL BERM 4" HIGH X 8" WIDE ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND THE ROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL PERIPHERY. REMOVE BURLAP, STRING, AND WIRE FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOT BALL. BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL RESTS ON EXISTING OR RECOMPACTED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING SLOPE AND ROUGHEN SIDES OF LOOSENED SOIL. SEE TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR STAKING ROOT BALL MODIFIED AS REQUIRED ROUND —TOPPED SOIL BERM 4" HIGH X 8" WIDE ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE ROOT BALL FOR 240. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL PERIPHERY. 4" LAYER OF MULCH. NO MORE THAN 1" OF ON TOP OF ROOT SHRUB PLANTING — SECTION Not to Scale L I— 3X ROOTBALL DIAMETER DIM. I 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL C7 Not To Scale FINISHED GRADE EXISTING GRADE ORIGINAL SLOPE SHOULD PASS THROUGH THE POINT WHERE THE TRUNK BASE MEETS SUBSTRATE/SOIL PRIOR TO MULCHING, LIGHTLY TAMP SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL IN 6" LIFTS TO BRACE TREE. DO NOT OVER COMPACT. WHEN THE PLANTING HOLE HAS BEEN BACKFILLED. POUR WATER AROUND THE ROOT BALL TO SETTLE THE SOIL. LOOSENED SOIL. DIG AND TURN THE SOIIL TO REDUCE THE COMPACTION TO THE AREA AND DEPTH SHOWN. SLOPE AND ROUGHEN SIDES OF LOOSENED SOIL. ORIGINAL GRADE EXISTING SOIL s IF i.83' AUDREY HADOW MICHIE IDS 4763 PG 25 TMP 55C—OA-1 LOEZ, ROBLERO & NOHEMI MORALES ✓ SYLVIA M HALLOCK & ROSA JIMENEZ—VAZQUEZ DB 4321 PG 364 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Total Canopy Total Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF O'\ Large Deciduous Tree Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak 1j" Cal. 4 31 299 1196 } �� Large Deciduous Tree Betula nigra River Birch 10-12' Ht. 6 25 397 2382 Medium Deciduous Tree Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam 1" Cal. 1 20 177 177 > Evergreen Shrub Viburnum utile "Conoy" Conoy Viburnum 12" Ht. 13 4 18 234 p Deciduous Shrub Fothergilla gardenii Dwarf Fothergilla 12" Ht. 35 2 3 — TOTAL SF: 3989 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 20% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA 53,884 SF x 20% = 10,777 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 10,777 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 10,859 SF (3,989 SF OF NEW CANOPY + 6,870 SF OF EXISTING TREELINE TO REMAIN) STREET TREES ( SEC. ORCHARD DRIVE, LARGE SHADE TREES, 50' O.C. OR MEDIUM SHADE TREES, 40' O.C. 165 LF OF FRONTAGE REQUIRED: (120/50) = 2 LARGE SHADE TREES (45/40) = 1 MEDIUM SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 3 LARGE SHADE TREES & 1 MEDIUM SHADE TREES PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING (SEC. 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA SHALL BE LANDSCAPED 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA: 5,613 SF x 5% = 281 SF REQUIRED; 281 SF PROVIDED: 822 SF NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 4i r� v )I41N4P a �o Lic. o.45183 SSIOtVAI Elf ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. LANDSCAPE PLAN 20.053 3X WIDEST DIMENSION OF ROOT BALL �TREE ON SLOPE @ 25% (4: 1) to 50% (2: 1) C � C ] Not To Scale I I w —w —w —w —Aw —w —w —w w —w —w w I I' SIGHT DISTANCE LEFT 1 )HORIZONTAL SIGHT DISTANCE CSCALE: 1"=30' 8' 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 im 9, a \ m 9 69 J \ 4 PC1 +25 s m DISTANCE RIGIiT 245 HEIGHT OF OBJFCT 15� � HEIGHT OF OBJECT_ ROP. GRLDE 00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 VERTICAL SIGHT DISTANCE SCALE: 1"=30' 31ULYVMLM STRIP PARKING IMHVLLVVHI SWALE BAMBOO GROVE STREET SECTION SUALL: 1 =5 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 -EARTH, MULCH, OR STONE DUST PRIMITIVE TRAIL 10.00' _ PEDESTRIAN _ PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT PUBLIC TRAIL SECTION SCALE: 1"= � < I ct Vi- ♦ \\ /�� a �\ b \\ 1 m OOtLL \\ J� VO � 1 a \y m \ \ GoF^ 710 705 700 695 690 685 0 00 0- 0, NNO) NM N7 + m + m + m + O OLp O(O —QD rh aw aw "BAMBOO GROVE" aw aw �w Nw V.W. PRIVATE ROW DOw mw 20' ASPHALT aaPVI STA to+a?or¢a 15 MPH DESIGN SPEEDPAAi 11+:4i,.op 710 -PVI-EL€V -691k9-2 AADT=69 PVI ELEV. 599.80 NEw FHA 40.00VC 20.o0VC 1"=30' HORIZONTAL 62.1OSt7 - 468.76SD 5.46K-Val 1'=10' VERTICAL 13.81K-Val 1" CORP. STOP 705 PROP._GRA I� 42" MIN. COVER 3.43%. - 700 695 ----- �,ST-A.10+35.38-- — LF 6'-INTERIOR CEMENT ZIN N SAECEV.695.25 - - - 196 -LINED. Eg1ERI0R WATERLINE I" CORP._STOP ND OF CAD — -- _ MORTAR 5 52 DIP COATED CLPS TO SERVICE LINE 3TA. 11 82.77 X. -WATERLINE ON �1" CORP. STOP 1" MRP STOP TO SERVICE LINE 690 N ORCHARD DR. TO SERVICE LINE M1 U) wRh-8'X6" TS&V— + I - 685 - n 710 n _ T rn rn. m 0) vl o� co 0 o QD (0 10t0 c n 8o 00 10+50 11 +00 11 +50 12+�17 �BAMB00 GROVE ROAD PROFILE SCALE: 1"=30' SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. 20.053 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE & ROAD PROFILE 12" 3000 PSI CONC. BASE BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW CHANNEL 1/4" : 1' MIN 2" BRANCH FLEXIBLE CONNECTION NOTE: WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE F CONNECTION " BOOT " INSTALLED TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN SHOWING BRANCH TIE - IN NTS FIG. S—I—B 1 ACSA: TYPICAL MH TIE IN PLAN VIEW C9 NOT TO SCALE 2500 P.S.I CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK — PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH r,APPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS 4S DIRECTED- MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL FINISHED GRADE --- ADJUSTABLE TRAFFIC RATED VALVE BOX W/ LID M.J. GATE VALVE 2'x 2' BEARING AREA. NOTE : IN REMOTE AREAS. VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE. TYPICAL GATE VALVE NTS FIG, W-5 2 ACSA: GATE VALVE LTYP C9 NOT TO SCALE FRAME & COVER (SEE FIG. S—I—D,E) SLOPED AREA STREET SURFACE OR NON —PAVED AREA 1'—O" MAX RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS CAST IN PLACE N PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS 12"- MIN "0" RING SEALS A 16" MAX V5� MINIMUM ELEVATION T DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5' 4'-0 FROM INLETTO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. DEPTH OF FLOW CONCRETE VARIES CHANNEL TO BE FILLETS 3/4 DIAMETER OF CONTRIBUTING SEWER. q a4.. 12" A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH ad TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET & OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING NOTE W/ NO. 68 STONE 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS, 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON —EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN N.T.S FIG. S—I—A TD-25 3 ACSA: TYP. MANHOLE SECTION BRANCH TIE-IN C9 NOT TO SCALE NOTE; MIN. 60' DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED, O q • M.H. STEP ° (TYP.) q DROP MANHOLE PVC CROSSv4, USE APPROVED FLEXIBLE RUBBERRnnT o4 0 6' GASKETED STOP COUPLING — 27PIPE STRAPS' ° (STAINLESS STEEL) o SPACED EVERY 2' VERTICALLY RESTRAINED BEND > 'e G, e F A ..A P 4,7 PIPE Ia PLAN PROFILE MIN, 6' BEDDING WITH NO. 68 STONE 1. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN TWO (2) FEET. 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE SDR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKET JOINT. 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPS SHALL BE MADE OF STAINLESS STEEL. 4. SHAPE INVERT AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT TO SPRING LINE OF MANHOLE INVERT. S. DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL BE ORIENTED AT 45 DEGREES, INTO THE FLOW. 6. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. 7. MINIMUM 72" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR ASINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR TWO 8" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTIONS. STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION N.T.S. FIG. S-1-C2 TD-30 ACSA: INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION C9 NOT TO SCALE .- GUMPRESSION ..114' MALE PIPE Cnu=UN:: OR A.PPROVEO E•DUAL 1' TfPE -M" SOFT COPPER NOTE NO SYaEA7£a FlTnNG5 )UAL SERVICE I' TYPE iC SOFT COPPER SINGLE SERVICE nnTE t:.:A WLE- ::HALL =E U:EU ON PVC PIPE 76' MIN 1/8 BEND 0OUPUNC D ls, 7FE 101 FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SE141::ES OR DUAL RE54DENTIAL AND IRRIGATION 9'FNGES R 1' COMPRESSION r 3/4' MALE PIPE CCt1PUNC OR APPROVED EQUAL F6 I:SE ON DETALMED ANGLE FAMILY RE51GENLIAL SERVICE IMISE AN 1"IGARON METER IS NOT P GMCED IRON UP. FlNISIIED GRADE 2•= `- _ BOX ./ LCORPORATO4 STUV / ::(.i-�5:..'•�; r'�;�;�"'% `NE-_E A: J/// NA-:: N:f .•'.1J,, NEDESSARY SANG OR DUST UNDER r • -:Y: �' s• G STONE POCKET. PPE 7 BOX AND 9iT1ER (2-INCii i;'_'.,`,ity 'F �. F• 4+; •T: 1� LONG STLwE POCKET. VOOT MINIMUM THCKNES5 ;�.i,.e ar�r�p••-•{•y�+?r: �7(`i %i;: `PEC. 201 NO 5) AC EC.ATE I :.. t, •.S.A TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1 J1 METERS) NTS FIG. W-6A TD-?0 ACSA: TYP. SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION C9 NOT TO SCALE GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL INITIAL BACKFILL BEDDING 8 STONE * STABLE SOIL ROCK * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION UNSTA SOIL INITIAL BACKFILL 4aMl a' a` MIN MIN• #68 STONE LAIR FILL AS 2OVED BY ACSA STABLE' SOIL OR ROC\ NOTE 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRENCH. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES, DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING NTS FIG. W-2 ACSA: DIP INSTALLATION C9 NOT TO SCALE SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED , THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED TO THE MANHOLE. 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% (1/4" PER FOOT ) 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER DIAMETER OF 4". 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 FEET. / MAIN LINE 2' MIN I I SALT TREATED FINISHED GROUND 2 x 4 MARKER R SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION N.T.S. FIG. S-2 TD-33 ACSA: SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION NUI IU SCALL NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- VILLE THREADS WHICH IS THE LOCAL STANDARD. 1 LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 6' MIN t 2' TO 10' (270') 18"-22 V 7 CU. FT. ALVE BOX #68 STONE 5" GATE 42"MIN " VALVE •I1° 8" X 6" TEE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE BASE AND THRUST BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED STABLE SOIL. STEEL PILE RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. NOTE 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT ( INCLUDING DITCHES ) 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL N.T.S. FIG. W-4 SHIMP ENGINEERING2- LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM xImp a Lic- 0.45183 :[1 `rslrl:LYA7 ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. ACSA DETAILS 20.053 ACSA: FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY NOT TO SCALE VDOT: STD. METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS NOT TO SCALE 2 VDOT: STD C1 NOT TO SCALE ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS VDOT: PRECAST MANHOLE NOT TO SCALE NOTE: DUE TO REVISED VDOT PLAN REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE AUTUMN 2021, VDOT STANDARD DETAILS CAN NO LONGER BE SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE LATEST DETAILS & STANDARDS. REFER TO VDOT ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS FOR LATEST DETAILS. AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: HTTP://WWW.VIRGINIADOT.ORG/BUSINESS/LOCDES/ VDOT_ROAD_AND_BRIDGE_STANDARDS.ASP VDOT: FLARED END SECTION CORRUGATED PIPE CULVERT DETAIL NUI IU SUALL VDOT: STD. MEDIAN DROP INLET 8 NOT TO SCALE C10 VDOT: DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BEDDING NUI IU SUALL VDOT: TYP. CONCRETE SAFETY SLAB NOT TO SCALE VDOT: STD. CURB DROP INLET NUI IU JUALL VDOT: PIPE CULVERT MANHOLE NOT TO SCALE 10 C10 VDOT: STD. COMBINATION UNDERDRAIN NOT TO SCALE VDOT: STD. COMBINATION UNDERDRAIN NOT TO SCALE VDOT: STD MH FRAME & COVER NOT TO SCALE 2. SHIMP ENGINEERIN G1 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM . xrmr a Lic. 0.45183 :SS/ro�rAI E�G ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. VDOT DETAILS 20.053 clo 1 C11 I' CCMPRESSM x 3/0' MALE PIPE CdWUNC Lq pPPROYED FWAL 0 P iYPE'K' 5F WPPER fOR USE CN PTiACXEp SINCIE FNAILY RE9CFNI AL s OR oUK RESICExn.LL ON SEER AxO IwfIGAnW YRNC6. N'N' WE Q E NO No SMEATEO i1rnNM ,1. DUAL SERVICE R. 1' WMPRESSON x }/C MALE PIPE COUPLING OR APPROVED EQUAL C TYPE'K- S £i WPPM USE ON SINGLE FAMILY RFORES ARMCNEO L YRNCE YRIERE AN IRRIGAIIgi METER IN METER IS NOT PRONGED. SINGLE SERVICE NOTE: 1) Si0DLE5 MARL GE USED W PYL PIPE CAST IRW OO iNIA® GRACE 12'-15' 9NLWIH,^. ME ALW BOX NanE° 35' VEIN. CWPEftSETIFR 1/0 MD COUPLING METER BRICK AS CgiPdUMNI GTCP Yt' GNECESSARY swo OR qKr uxoER A- aAAMM WAIN PIPE. IY 80X AXO SFiIER (3-IXCX :L7.. i. ET. WOT SPEC. M.ENO..557 AGGREGATE YXMUM TIIIXXE4I ti�z4 =:`vmu y:.tix TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NTS FIG. W-6A TD-10 ACSA:5/8" 1" WATER METER INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE is 375 375 I 5' z d875' RESERVED 2D 425 I25 1 PARKING- 2C # R - I 4 fi a875 51?5 1 75 ##R z U12 R7$ NO PARKING LEGEND— GREEN (RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE (RETROREFL) BACKGROUND — WHITE (RETROREFL) 'Reduce spacing 50%. "`See page 631. 'A "See page 6-2 for arrow design. G o —I I l l V N AC EC SSIBLt— N IF A RM .ALAI R74b MwAL183WE A B C D F F G N J K L R 28 9355 1]BAY 'L]5 " '20 b I 1S0 1ST 15 IB 1M 5M 5)U 13 1 I PNYOLGAkIGIIAN NNCIMMILAPP`Ckm REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL MLOW UGEND -GREEN BE]RUEFif1:IMf)LMGMICIC E0.dF5 LE" -N1xIE RETRUNFU NEI RrnrxaPm MME IPnRamFLEcnh/ BrnDRaAm BLUE IRFRRtlrtAEC1NEl NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION 12 HC PARKING SGNAGE 24"MI SHIMP INTIAL BACKFILL* 8"MIN (6" LIFTS) c11 NOT TO SCALE EMBEDMENT SPRING LINE #THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED ENGINEERIN2. MECHANICAL TAMPER OF PIPE O HAUNCHING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT NO. 68 STONE — — BEDDING 6" max 4" min FOUNDATION (SHALL BE 912E.HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 REQUIRED WHEN SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@$HIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ALL PIPE) NOTE : 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT—OF—WAY SHALL BE BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH N TS FIG. S-3 ACSA: SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION I NOT TO SCALE 3 TYPICAL C11 NOT TO SCALE 4" — 3,000 PSI CONCRETE 4" — VDOT #21A BASESTONE COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED SIDEWALK SECTION 2" OF SM-9.5A TYP. ) o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 0000000000000000 6 — VDOT #21A BASESTONE —-i—i—i COMPACTED SUBGRADE 7 MIN. CBR=6.0 I"91 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 4 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION C11 NOT TO SCALE VDOT: ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING NOT TO SCALE VDOT: CG-12 TYPE B NOT TO SCALE VDOT: CG-12 METHOD OF INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE NOTE: DUE TO REVISED VDOT PLAN REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE AUTUMN 2021, VDOT STANDARD DETAILS CAN NO LONGER BE SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE LATEST DETAILS & STANDARDS. REFER TO VDOT ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS FOR LATEST DETAILS. AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: HTTP://WWW.VIRGINIADOT.ORG/BUSINESS/LOCDES/ VDOT_ROAD_AND_BRIDGE_STANDARDS.ASP 8 �VDOT: CG-12 GENERAL NOTES C15 NOT TO SCALE 9 )VDOT: CG-12 TYPE A C11 NOT TO SCALE VDOT: METHOD OF TREATMENT IP[RA�1�1.1N.11a 11 VDOT: MH-1 DETAIL C11 NOT TO SCALE 131VDOT: CG-2 C11 NOT TO SCALE 14 VDOT: STD CURB DROP INLET DETAIL C11 NOT TO SCALE 17*0r- mp a Lic. ;o.445IM83 11�1a Fss..n,7A, E�'C3 ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. SITE, ACSA & VDOT DETAILS 20.053 Cil Work Beyond the Shoulder Operation (Figure TTGI.I) MOT PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE Project Narrative Stage 1 shall include all work that can be completed on the Project site without encroaching on the shoulder. This involves grading and beginning new entrance construction off of Orchard Dr. Use MOT Standard TTC 1.1. Stage 2 shall include all work on the Project site that requires shutting down the shoulder. This involves constructing the site entrance and culvert installation. Use MOT Standard TiC 6.2. Stage 3 shall include all work on the Project site that requires shutting down a lane of traffic. This involves pavement Mill & Overlay. Use MOT Standard TTC 23.2. Site Notes: 1. Signs W20-1, W9-3R, W9-2L, W4-2R, and G20-2(V) shall be mounted on posts. 2. All striping shall be painted within 24 hours of laying new pavement. 3. During Stage 2, the contractor shall maintain 11' travel lanes in both directions. 4. If edge lines are removed, a temporary edge line shall be installed. Maintenance Of Traffic Plan General Notes 1. It is not the intent of this plan to enumerate every detail which must be considered in the construction of each stage but only to show the general features necessary to provide for proper handling of traffic. The construction techniques ultimately used by the Contractor are to be reviewed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit traffic control plans not expressly outlined in the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual for approval at least 30 days prior to performing the work. No deviations from the plans will be allowed without prior approval from the Engineer. 2. The phases in this sequence of construction shall be followed unless the contractor submits an alternate sequence and secures the approval of the engineer for a sequence which will both expedite construction and lessen the effect of such construction upon the traveling public. Portions of roadways in the different phases may be constructed provided they do not interfere with existing traffic flow and/or do not cause any delay in project completion. 3. Under no circumstances will concurrent construction left and right of any lane be allowed unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or shown on these plans. 4. All work is to be performed in accordance with the latest revisions of each of the following: the 2011 MUTCD the Virginia 9 9 supplement to the MUTCD the 2011 Virginia Work Area PP 9 Protection Manual, 2020 Road and Bridge Specifications, 2016 Virginia Road and Bridge Standards, and as directed by the Engineer. 5. At the end of each day no more than 2 inches grade difference between travel lanes will be allowed during construction of the proposed roadway. 6. The clear zone is to be free of stored materials and parked equipment. See the Maintenance of Traffic Typical Sections for the required clear zone. Also, horizontal and vertical sight distances shall not be impacted by parked construction equipment. 7. All areas excavated below pavement surfaces at the conclusion of each workday shall be backfilled with aggregate base material to form an approximate 6:1 wedge against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic as outlined within Appendix A of the Va. WAPM 2011 (latest revision). All costs for furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removing the 6:1 wedge shall be included in the price bid for other items in the contract and no additional compensation will be allowed. 8. Existing pedestrian access shall be maintained during construction. If existing condition cannot be maintained a pedestrian diversion or detour shall be installed meeting ADA requirements. 9. The contractor shall provide temporary drainage as required to prevent ponding of the water on the roadway and adjacent properties. Any temporary drainage on the project is the contractor's responsibility. The cost to install temporary drainage structures is to be included in the price bid for other items in the contract and no other compensation will be allowed. 10. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of 2 lanes 11 ft. wide, with the exception of pavement overlay operations. All lane closures to be proceeded b variable message sign P Y 9 9 notification of closure. When one lane of traffic is maintained, said lane is to be 14 ft. wide, including gutterpan. 11. All travel lanes shall be asphalt throughout construction unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 12. Only uniformed law enforcement officers are allowed to directed traffic through an operating signal (see section 46.2-834 of Highway Laws of Virginia). Floggers do not have the authority and shall not direct traffic through a signalized intersection. 13. When proceeding from one phase of construction to another phase, any existing or construction pavement markings that conflict with the new traffic pattern shall be eradicated and re -striped accordingly. 14. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining any existing signs, unless otherwise advised by VDOT Engineer to remove or relocate. 15. Existing signs no longer applicable or in conflict with intended traffic control shall be removed or covered with opaque material. All other signs are to be maintained. 16. The contractor shall submit a Traffic Control Plan to the engineer for approval prior to the beginning of each phase. The Traffic Control Plan shall show all necessary traffic control devices, including signs, pavement markings and channeling devices. 17. All permanent pavement is to be constructed through the base course only in the initial stages. The final surface course is to be applied prior to switching traffic onto the new location or as approved by the Engineer. 18. The contractor shall review with the engineer j rothe final P an to maintain traffic for all phases of work. An significant P P Y 9 changes in Phase of Construction will require approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Traffic Engineer. Minor adjustments of the maintenance of traffic plan shall be approved by the Project Engineer. 19. All signs mounted to Type III Barricades shall be crashworthy and shall be in accordance with the 2011 Virginia Work Area Protection Manual (latest revision). 20. All protective devices shall be in place to protect all signal foundations and poles prior to exposing to traffic. 21. The existing posted speed limits shall be maintained during construction unless otherwise approved by the engineer. 22. The Contractor must have at least one person certified in Work Zone Training at the Intermediate Level to design and at least one person certified at the Basic Level to install and maintain the work zone. 23. Flagging operation shall not hold traffic longer than 5 minutes without approval of the Engineer. 24. The Contractor shall provide notice to the Police, Fire, and Rescue, and the School Superintendent 48 hours in advance concerning all detours and road closures of any nature. 25. The contractor is responsible for coordinating the construction, signing and traffic management plan with other adjacent project under construction. 26. No traffic pattern switches will be allowed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and/or the day before a holiday or as directed by the project engineer. 27. A suitable foundation shall be provided for channelizing devices and all associated cost shall be included in the price of Group II channelizing devices. 28. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of one 11 ft. wide lane in each direction at all times except during temporary P 9 P Y lane closure or as directed by Engineer. ineer. 9 29. All pavement markings and traffic flow arrows are schematic only. The actual location and application of pavement markings shall be made in accordance with section 512 & 704 of the applicable VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, the MUTCD, the Virginia supplement to the MUTCD, the Road and Bridge Standards or as directed by the Engineer. Public Communications Plans and Transportation Operations Plan Notes Each lane closure will be governed by the times established by the Regional Traffic Engineer and the Traffic Operations Center as shown within the contract. The contractor and VDOT are to coordinate in notifying the public of proposed Lane Closures. The process developed by the Traffic operations Center for this purpose is as follows: a. Contractor submits to the Project Manager or Designee planned lane closures for the following week by 3 P.M. on Tuesday. b. Project Manager or Designee submits planned lane closures for the upcoming week using the Lane Closure Form. This form is to be submitted to the Traffic Operations Center and the Culpeper District Public Affairs office by Noon on Wednesday for the following week. c. Traffic Operations Center is to review the planned lane closure schedule and return it to the Project Manager or Designee by 9 A.M. Friday. d. Contractor to update the Project Manager or Designee of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure as previously scheduled. e. Project Manager or Designee to advise Regional Operations Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Project Manager or Designee to have VA -Traffic operator enter data in VA -Traffic and to update the Traffic Operations Center daily during lane closures activities. f. The Culpeper District Public Affairs Office will use various media publications to announce planned lane closures. g. The contractor shall contact Traffic Operations center, (540) 332-9500, when lane closures will be placed and once they are removed. The process to notify the Regional Traffic Operations Center to place lane closure information on the 511 system and VOIS will be: a. Contractor to advise VDOT project inspector and/or Construction Manager of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure. b. Construction Manager to advise Residency Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Maint. Mgr. to have VOIS operator enter data into VOIS and also advise Smart Traffic Cneter. The following is a list of local emergency contact agencies that shall be posted in clear sight in case of emergencies: Virginia State Police (varies by project location), 911 Center - 911, Haz-mat Center (if spill involved) - 911 Procedures to respond to traffic incident that may occur in the work zone: a. Contractor to notify Virginia State Police, VDOT Inspector in Charge and Regional Traffic Operations Center. b. Depending upon severity of incident, contractor may have to cease work. c. Upon arrival on scene, Virginia State Police to determine response necessary to allow traveling public around incident. d. Inspector to notify Construction Manager/Area Construction Engineer of incident and take pictures as necessary, especially pictures of contractor's Work Zone to verify the proper set up. Process of notification of incident to be followed is: Contractor to call: Project Maintenance of Traffic Coordinator (Inspector) TBD (VDOT) Project Manager (Construction Manager) TBD (Site Contractor) Area Construction Engineer TBD (VDOT) Residency Administrator TBD (VDOT) Regional Work Zone Safety Coordinator Forester Wright 540-569-6985 Regional Traffic Engineer Jamison Strasser (VDOT) 540-829-7411 The Virginia State Police report of the incident will be reviewed by the Area Construction Engineer to determine if any modification of the Temporary Traffic Control Plan is necessary. If it is determined that it is necessary to alter the plan, then a meeting will be called with the contractor, VDOT project personnel, VDOT traffic safety representatives and the Virginia State Police (if necessary) to discuss modifications and implementation of any improved traffic control plan. Typical Traffic Control Work BcDrand the Shoulder Operation (Figure TTC-1.1) NOTES Citudance: 1. The minimum distance bettreen the sign and work vehicle should be 1300'4500' on Limited Access highwTn. and on all other roadlr'ays 500'400'tvhere the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 350' 500' where the posted speed limited is 45 mph or less. C) ion: 2- The ROAD WORK AHEAD (W20-I) sign mad be replaced with other appropriate sigtls such as the SHOULDER WORE: (W21-5) sign. The SHOULDER WORK sign may he used for work adjacent to the Shoulder. 3. The ROAD WORK AHEAD sign marbe omitted where the work space is behind a barrier, more than 4 feel behind vertical curb (Standard CCi-2 and CCi-61 on urban roadwavc or outside of the clear zone for all other roadways. For clear zone values see Page .A-4 of Appendix A. 4- For short-term- short duration or mobile operations . all signs and channelizing devices may be L_scd. .Standard: 5. N"ehide hazard Warning signals nals shall not he used instead of the vehicle's high -intensity amber g h rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard w2ri ing signals can be used to supplement high -inter sih• amber rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights. 6. If the work space is in the median of a divided highway, an advance warning sign shall also be placed on the left side of the directional roadway. Typical Traffic Control Shoulder closure nYth BRWler Operation (Figur TTC-6-1) LQ= Guidance 1. Sign spacing should be I300'-1500'ter Limited .iccess ldghw>zys. For all other roalunys, the sign spacing should be 500:800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 350'500' where the posted.speld Imatts 45 mph ar less Standard: -'. On divided highways haling a nedianwider than 8', right and left sign assemblies shall be required 3. Groan'- CLarmeflzine desire macine shall beat the fisHowino:. Grwp 2 Ctunneltain Device S Location Spacing Speed Linty ( h) Location Spacing Speed Lint Imt l Location SPacing 9 35 36 • Speed Limit (mr, 8 35 3B+ Transition 2o' 40 Trm4wa 4o' 60 'Canlru�fim Ar»3ss W 120' 'Cmstn.rim arress viartmay beinaeascd to this di5ance, but shall rant e._-_d one .xms Y.rnL 4. The minimum lengtk fora shoulder taper shall be 30" on Limited Access highways. and L for all other roadways (see Note 7 of TTC-5 for values of L). 5. IN -hen the barrier transition slope is on a horizontal ali_wnent, the total offset shill be prorated a round the curve in lieu of a straight-line slope. 6. End treatment of a barrier in order of preference: a. Rhea enardrafl exists, attach to barrier with appropriate toed object attachment. J It. Rheie cut slope exist btuI barrio into cut slope and?I mide for draimaee is needed. P s, P r. Extend end of bonier until it is bev-and the established ideal• zone (see Figure . on Pane A- 4 in.hppendix :1 for clear zone values). d. When barrier end is inside the established clear zone, attenna for senice Tape I or Type II shill be used. Contact LSD StandardsiSpecral Design Section for approved attenuators. '. Barrier panels 8 inches in width and L' inches in height shall be placed on top of the concrete barrier and spaced on 40' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 30' centers along the parallel or tangent sections. Ref ectorized surface shall be fluorescent orange prismatic Ims; sheeting. The light at the beginning of the harrier urn and at the breakpoint where the harrier becomes parallel to the roadway shall be a Tspe B flashing light. Barrier delineators shall be installed along the traffic side of the concrete barriers. Barrier delmalors shall be spaced on 20' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers' in-between the barrier panels approximately''-4 inches up from the roadway surface. tiom S. The betties shown in this typical application is an example of one method that npy- be used to close a shoulder of a lone-termotoiect. 9. The RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5aR) srrm may be eliminated from all roadways except Limited Access hiehways. Guidance: 10. lfdrrswm cannot see a puRoff asa beyond the closed shoulder, ratfamarron regarding the length of the shoulder closure shall be prolided in feet m miles, as appropriate. 11. An emergency puffaffarea should beprovided per Section 66.I8 and Temporary TrafRc Control Figure TTC-8 1: Rermm 1-ia,2015 2:Revidu2-9112019 Tspical Traffic Control Lane Closure al n Two -Lane Roadway I -sing Flaggers (ings re TTC-23.2) \OYES Guidance1. Sign spacingdtstanrce should be 350'-500' where thepostedspeed limit is 45 mph or )ass, and 500'-SW where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph 2. Corn should be arercised when establishing rho limits ofthe uark_one to insure maaimum possible sighr distance in advance of the flogger station and n'ansition, based on the posted speed limit and at least Tal ro sir gromerthanrhevaluesm Table tW-3. Genovikspenking, motorists should Irma a clear line iohr;m rho graphic f)agver symbol sign to rile Ogger 3. To mamrom afJtctett waffle low in a ffaggingoper slim on a rwo-Iane roadom, the maximum time motorists should be slapped at q)la,.aer station is S minutes for high whime roaduays iaremAe daily n•alhc of 500 or more vehicles per dnr) to a mazr mmi of 12 ensimW fur- lose volume rooahtays pass than 500 vehicles per&I For additional infomadon see Section 6E07..' Staudai d: 4. Portable Temporary Rumk Strips (PTRS) shall be used as noted in Section 61 5. Rigging stations shall be located far enough in advance of [he nork spare to pet rnrI approaching It r to reduce speed and'or stop before passing the work space and allow" sufficient ddistince for dePacting traffic in the left Line to return to the right lane before reackins opposing uaffrc (see Table 614-3 on Page 611-5). 6. all fliggers shag be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when pertain', flagging duties (see Section 6E.01. Quakfica¢ous for FLazgen). 7. Cone spacing shall be ba sad on the posted speed and the values in Table 6H4 on Paige 611-6.' 8. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating. fiaskiu,, or' oscillating light shall be parked 80'-120' in advance of the first work: crew. os 8. A STOW 1-V I0 s ' ma • be ed in tins area to enm advance warn' of the operation ahead by slowing approaching traffic prior to reachna d�flaeeer station a queued Gutdanre: 9. the ?netts of traffic nimhes the BE PREP.IRFD TO STOP (Tf 3-4) sign then the signs and if used die shot be rend/lured argreater drsiannres 10. When a highuvn'-rail crossing eatris *Nita or upstream of the transtnon area and it is anu[cipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might eracod through the highwary-rail grade rn mg rho temporary " c control =one should be extended so that the transition arBa proredas the highu m-rml nassrrrg !see Igwe TIC-R1 for acd iffonal information on hieivay,mrl crossings). Standard. 11. :V night. fla„er stations shill be illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 61 Qp_bcn 12. Cones may be eliminated when mine a pilot vehicle 2perstica or when the total roador• width is 20 feet or less. 13. For Ion-tniture situations uTth short work zones on & T.-W roadways where the flaeeer is %issbleto toad standard:' 14. Ulm used', three portable temporal,- rumble (PTR.S) strips shall be installed across the entire travel Line adjacent to the BE PREP -ARID TO STOP (R3-) sign. The portable tempormry ramble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as IaKessan" during the nork shift to ensure proper klcement on the roadway. When the PTR.S are installed, the RITNIBLE STRIPS AHE:1D (1120- -6) sign shall also be utilized. 1: Berivm 1-412mF 2: Rnivaa 2-942019 BARRIER FLARE RATE 2: Reridaa2-slaW19 VEMENT NOTE 3 So'- 129 WORK VEHICLE W2D.1 SEE NOTES 2 AND 3 Shoulder Closure with Barrier Operation (Figure TTC 1) _ r2o-z ry> 77t 1 TRAFFIC BARRIER BARRIER PANEL SEE NOTE 7 BARRIER DELINEATOR - - SEE NOTE 7 TYPL B WARNING LIGHT BARRIER PANEL SEE NOTE 7 BARRI ER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE 7 BARRIER TRANSITI ON SLOPE RATIO ' SEE NOTE; FOR GROUP 2 DEVICE SPACING SEE NOTE 3 e TYPE B w 7jI' � ! WARNING LIGHT SEE NOTE 1 ♦ W21-SOR Wit-VP1 IIIIIIIIIIII� OPTIONAL SEE NOTE 10 SEE NOTE 1 / W21-YA SEE NOTE 1 ♦ W20-1 Lane Cli stare on a "Two -Lane Roadway Using 11aggers (Fgure TTG23.2) 1: aevivr 1-LIMB 2: Havisiaa 2-9/VAN SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 is 10D FLAOGER STATION SEE NOTES 2.15 A 8 van-V25 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@$HIMP-ENGINEERING.COM . xrntlr a Lic. 0.45183 31141a :SS/rurAT EI�G ROAD PLAN FOR BAMBOO GROVE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.09.15 REVISION: 1) 2022.03.17 FILE NO. MOT PLAN 20.053 C12