HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-18 adjJanuary 18, 1989 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on January 18, 1989, at 1:30 P.M., Meeting Room #7, County
Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. The meeting
was adjourned from January 11, 1989.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs.
Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:35 P.M.),
Walter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; and Mr. John
T. P. Horne, Director of Planning and Community Development.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at
1:36 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: Comprehensive Plan.
The work session began on Page 218 with Neighborhood 3.
Mr. Lindstrom said he feels the Board needs to think through the ration-
ale for setting the neighborhood boundaries, so that when requests come in
later for expansion, the whole philosophy does not have to be rehashed. Mr.
Horne said the general intent of the boundaries was to make the areas func-
tional for utilities. Therefore, they are based on watershed boundaries where
there is a creek or low area where a sewer line can be brought in or there is
an elevation that the regionalwater system can serve. Mr. Horne said he
thought the only possible boundary on the east for Neighborhood 3 would be the
topographical boundary which would be the top or bottom of the Southwest Moun-
tains, or the utility functional line. He said the Planning Commission was
concerned about the visual effect of urban or suburban scale development up
the side of the mountain.
The Board then discussed options of extending the boundaries of this
neighborhood into Ashcroft, Franklin, or Key West. One factor discussed was
that including Key West would involve very few developable acres.
Following that thinking, the logical step would be to go north of Key
West and include some of that area. There was the thought that Key West
residents may not want to be included in the growth area. Mr. Home said
there does not seem to be any physical reason~why Franklin could not be
included. However, the owner of Franklin House is not at all interested in
being included in the urban area. Another factor discussed was whether Route
20 could handle any additional traffic north of Key West. Ashcroft has
development potential of at least 100 more lots.
Mr. Lindstrom said, for the record, he wonders about the wisdom of
leaving out an adjoining suburban density deVelopment, even though it could
not be developed more. He said the Comprehensive Plan is not just a develop-
ment plan, but that other kinds of urban services and regulations need to be
cons idered. ' ~:
Mr. Bowie said he knows that Key West residents have made no petitions to
be included because the road north will not h~ndle the traffic. Secondly,
they perceive themselves as a rural subdivision and want to stay that way.
Also there is the possibility that the northern part would develop first and
create another higher density subdivision north of Key West.
Mr. Bowie suggested that the references to Elks Drive on the bottom of
Page 219 and in the third recommendation on Page 220 be clarified as that part
of Elks Drive which will be closed off when the Rivanna Park is constructed,
and there will be a new access.
Mr. Lindstrom said he would like to see everything shown in the Compre-
hensive Plan as recommended by the Planning C~mmission put into the Capital
Improvement Program so that the Board will kndw they have not left out some
significant things. Mr. Bowie said he feels that prices should also be
included in the Comprehensive Plan on recommended items. He said that
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possibly one year's projects could be allocated, leaving the other five years
for the next budget cycle. He also felt it would make more sense to shift the
budget cycle to the fall.
Mr. Agnor said staff could make a list of capital projects triggered by
the Comprehensive Plan and identify Whether they are to be funded by private
or public funds. There can even be a time element and a range of numbers for
a speculative price so the proposed projects are not lost in the planning
process. He said that staff has discussed the possibility of moving the
capital planning process to the fall of the year.
Mr. Horne said that in terms of the capital list, there is to be an
on-going public facilities plan and a utilities master p~an adopted as part of
the Comprehensive Plan. What is listed in this plan are the projects which
must be done or which were in the works already. The complete list will be an
out-growth of the facilities and utilities master plans. He felt a list for
the November cycle of capital planning would be more real~istic than one for
the spring cycle.
Mr. Lindstrom said a committee is working on capital needs for the School
Division, and he does not believe those needs can be funded without a bond
referendum. A comprehensive list of all needs will help make the case to the
public for a bond referendum in 1990. Mr~ Horne said his staff could have a
list available by October or November. Mr. Lindstrom then moved that there be
a comprehensive CIP list for evaluations by the Planning Commission and Board
by October 1, 1989, as the beginning of recycling the CIP?process. Mr. Horne
was not sure of the time needed by the Planning Commission for review.
Mr. Agnor suggested that staff finish a calendar schedule with a target
date for the adoption of the CIP in the fall cycle and present it to the
Board. Mr. Lindstrom then withdrew his motion.
The Board recessed at 3:11 P.M. and reconvened at 3:125 P.M.
On Page 223, under the "Recommendations" heading, Mrli Way noted there is
no mention of an interchange at Avon Street and 1-64. He.~ felt that should be
included. He said the chance of having it approved might~.?be better later when
it is known how much industrial land will be in this area;.
The Board asked staff to ascertain the status of the. Planning and Coordi-
nation Council studies for discussion at the next work session. Mr. Lindstrom
suggested a recommendation referencing the City/County/University PACC be
added on Page 226 and to other sections where it is applicable. He also
suggested that an item be added under the Transportation Improvements recom-
mendation that Sunset Avenue be improved to accommodate development consistent
with the PACC recommendation.
Mr. Bain suggested that the reference to Fontaine Avenue at the bottom of
Page 228 be clarified as Old U.S. Route 29 South.
Mr. Lindstrom suggested adding a recommendation on P~ge 231 that the
abandoned CSX railway tracks be considered for linear park use. Mr. Horne
said that staff is monitoring the status of the possible abandonment and would
give the State a call to determine Amtrak's formal position.
Mr. Lindstrom felt strongly that the recommendation On Page 231 which
calls for "widening Georgetown Road to three lanes and el~znatlng horizontal
curvature problems", should be deleted. He said it is a ~esidential area, and
he does not feel that more traffic should be encouraged t~ use it as a bypass.
Mr. Horne said staff's thinking is that Barracks Road and Mydraulic Road are
the two most heavily travelled secondary roads in the County, and there is a
serious need for a connector road that can handle high voi~%ames of traffic in
that section of the County. Georgetown Road is presently ~ot adequate to
serve as the connector without these improvements. The feeling of the Commis-
sion is that all turning points on that road should have ~hrn lanes. In
reality the road is functioning as more than a residential! street. It is
functioning as a collector road, and turn lanes were felt to be the minimal
improvements that could be made to improve traffic. Mr. Main mentioned that
the Board had received from VDOT a Notice of Willingness tb hold a public
hearing for this project. Mr. Lindstrom said he thought t~e Board should
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request a public hearing on this project because there are a lot of people in
that area who use that road and will be affected. The consensus of the Board
was to continue discussion of the widening of Georgetown Road at the next work
session after staff determines the specific plans of the Department of Trans-
Mr. Horne said there is an additional project which should be referenced
on Page 231 under Utility improvements. The Canterbury Hills sewer pumping
station is to be replaced by a gravity fed sewage line.
The next work session will begin with discussion of the Community of
Crozet on Page 233.
Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matters. There were no other matters to come
before the Board.
Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M.