HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202200029 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-03-24VSH PREMIER CIRCLE ARB PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW March 21, 2022 We are pleased to present to the Architectural Review Board a conceptual building design for the new 81 unit, Single Resident Occupancy (SRO) building developed by Virginia Supportive Housing at Premier Circle. This affordable housing project will provide SRO units and on -site program support for formerly homeless residents. The project is financed by Low - Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) that were awarded in 2021, with an anticipated start of construction in early 2023. This is the first new construction on the site since recent rezoning approval in 2020. The building is set within a larger vision for the entire site, one which ultimately and strategically combines housing for homeless and formerly homeless and affordable housing - providing as many as 140 affordable multifamily homes while continuing to provide housing for homeless over the next several years. To achieve this goal, the project is phased and this building will be constructed in the middle of the overall site so that the existing, former motel units may remain in operation during and after construction to provide multifamily housing for the homeless population. At final build -out and after anticipated subdivision, this building will be located one parcel off of the Entrance Corridor of Route 29, thereby sandwiched between future new construction. At final build -out, the site's anticipated pattern will place this building between a new non-residential building that fronts the E.C. and, on the other side, an affordable multifamily building at the rear of the site. Though the building is not in the parcel directly adjacent, it will be visible from the E.C., as indicated in our perspective images. This Application Narrative focuses on presenting the building design intent as it will be at initial build -out, showing it in the site surrounded by the existing context. That being said, this application does provide a perspective image to give a sense for the building in the context of anticipated future build -out. Without knowing the final design of the adjacent buildings, we can only anticipate building mass per allowable building heights and areas (See Appendix). The proposed building will begin to transform the site from the existing single - story buildings to a higher density mixed -use hub. Although the building will comprise 81 SRO units, the building design, form, and materials are meant to provide a metered building that is pleasant from the vantage of the E.C. and meant to 'break down the scale' of the building for the pedestrian on site. Care has been taken in designing the building shape to minimize disruption to existing utilities, allow for phased development, and so that the building's future residents can enjoy some adjacent green space and optimal site circulation. The 'I -shaped' building form also reduces overall length of any one side of the building and provides a semi -enclosed meditative and community garden space on the south (E.C.) side of the building. Much of the garden and ground floor will be hidden from view along Route 29 due to existing site topography and anticipated future development in the parcel fronting route 29, however we have developed these spaces (as well as the overall building) utilizing themes central to the ARB. The goal for the building design is to allow residents to 'own' and identify their units within the building. Therefore, at the rhythm of the SRO units within, the building 'bumps -out' with a contrasting material; contrasting the light brick (which encompass the majority of the building) with a darker metal cladding. As it is a tight site anticipating higher density than seen today, site sidewalks will be close to unit windows in some instances. Therefore, as the building's 'bump -outs' meet the ground they recede to the plane of the building and transform into exterior brick planting boxes to encourage natural screening and provide another way to extend and redefine the experience of the resident within and create a pleasant, softening of the building from afar. Overall, we see the idea of 'breaking down the scale' as working hand in hand with creating a more human scale destination and home along an active vehicular corridor. We hope to provide a comfortable, pedestrian environment appropriate for residential uses while responding to surrounding context and anticipating future phases. We respectfully ask for the ARB guidance in finding the best possible solution for the building and site's redevelopment in its relation to the Entrance Corridor. PROJECT NARRATIVE VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 0 (U NEW ENTRANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ACCESS TO EXISTING PARKING (CONCEPN LOCATION SHOWN) Q VARIOUS EXISTING EASEMENTS TO RENkAN - SEE EXISTING CONDITIONS -- ©EXISTING PARKING TO REMAIN PHASE' PRENAEK CIRCLE ®EXISTING UNITS TO REMAIN FOR TIACH USE AS EMERGENCY SHELTER EXISTING UNITS POSSIBLY TO REMAIN FOR TIACH USE AS EMERGENCY SHELTER BLOCK 2 ERLDOUT EIANS IANDSC,APE BUFFER- NEWLY PLANTED OR EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN TO MEET FQQUIRFMETNS PER COD ® 2,500 SF MIN. OF NEW AMENITY AND © NEMEFIRE HYDRANT, SEWER, AND WATER 0.5 NECESSARY TO KEEP EXISTING TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS IN OPERATION AND TO BUILDING AND ZONING REGULATIONS AND SLW DARDS. ROUTE 29 (P!hase 1 - AFFORDABLE UNITS CONSTRUCTED EET) � •wv CONCLUSION OF PHASE CONSTRUCTION EARLIEST POSSIBLY CONSTRUCTION O SIDEWAU( PAD FOR FUTURE BUS STOP BY THE CONCLUSION OF PHASE CONSTRUCTION (CONCEPUAL LOCATION SHOWN) 0 PREMIER CIRCLE _ _ NOTE: IF ADDITIONAL PARING REDUCTIONS ARE APPROVED DURING 511E PLANNING, OR LESS PARKING 15 REQUIRED, BUILDINGS MAY ALSO BE LOCATED WITHIN PARKINGAREASOF BLOCK I. PHASING PLAN FROM ZMA 2020-00011. This project will initiate BUILDING COMPLETE �%OR NON.RDIDEM PARCEL DEVELOPED (CONCEPTUAL SHOWN) (CONCEPTIJAL LOCATIONS SHOWN) ® NEW ENTRY COMPLETE ACCESS CONSTRUCTED - SCREENED PER 32797 NEW PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALKS AND INTERNPLCONNECTIONSCOMPUEE IANDSCAPE AT ENTRANCE CORRIDORCOMPTEIE PRUNERCIROIE POLITE 29 Phase 2 - RESIDIENTIAL BUILD -OUT CONTINUES EEi1 -w" Sy BLOCK 2 BUIIAOUT PHASE 1 COMPLETE /BLOCK 2 BOR I W C 141.E NEW PARKING MR NEW BUIIOING(9 CONSMUCIED ®TEMPORARY PARKING ACCESS ROAD WHILE 2ND ENTRANCE 15 RENOVATED - SCREENED PER (CONCEPTUAL LOCATION SHOWN) O RENOVATION OF 2ND ENTRANCE PEPARE LARD FOR SALE AND$CPPE BUFFER MAINTNNED AND REPLANTED AS NECESSARY ® NEW AMENITY AND GREENSPACE COMPLETE BLOCK 2 (CONCEPUAL LOCATIONS SHOWN) BY THE CONCLUSION OF PHASE 2 CONSTUCTION NEW ENTRANCE CORRIDOR STREET TREES NOTES ABOUT PHASING: 1. BUILDING LAYOUT, PARKING LAYOUT, AND SIDEWALKS ARE CONCEPTUAL. EXACT LOCATION AND AREAS WILL BE DETERMINED AT SITE PLAN 2. THE PHASES ILLUSTRATED ARE INTENDED TO BE DIAGRAMMATIC AND THE SEQUENCE OF PHASING COULD VARY PHASING PLAN VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 3 LEGEND \ DS 3662 / 0 WATER VALVE / \ ® WATERMETER \ \ �2XA51 F/REHYORRNT WATER VAULT ® STORMINLET(GRATE) R® STOFORCE CONCRETEPIPOLE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE II \ FEnsE PVC POLY-VINVL CHLORIDEPIPE I I ^ SIT. `ro °ARxI"G® 111M 121 \ I V \sEraacx uNE / CURVE TABLE CURVE RAD/US LENGTH TANGENT DELTA CNORDBEARING CHORD Cf 251.f0' 182,14' 1 95,28' 4P33'34" 1 S44"2623WV 1)81)' C2 1 190.00' 1 259"' 1 15475' 78"1921' S15-3005-E 2399)' C3 1 Sam, 1 4712' 3000 90"GO'CP 5999'45"E 42.0.3' CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE msN / BENJAMINMRL a CARLVERIN / \ ® SANITARYMANHOLE II ® CLEAN-0Ur sM9s 0 TELECOM PEDESTAL I - `I OB.1,, PG 602 \ _ _ ® HVAC UNITORAS NOTED O UTILITVPOLE LIGHTFOLE GHT (D Q ELECTRLECTRICBOX CH DO 4ARER 572 Q ELECTRIC METER DB.O&9, PG BTI 53 c ® GAS METER SAN SANITARYPIPE �I Ili r / r\ �- `I °>° 11 SETBALKUNE / \\ % L / SFROMSERKELEv / 1B moP81M.1.zz w WATER-LINECIRCLE, LLC / OB a99. PG 39J O® LNCOMMONWEALTX OB 5UU PG 69S — — —uRo— — — UNDERGROUND TELECOM UTILITY I \ rill III / / GR UNDERGROUND POWEWELEC UTILITY \ \ r,IRA I l / aM OVERHEAD POWER UTILITY \ I'll q.l I / �.Uw \\ _ EHY a//F xx FENCE -LINE I I I I /�� y I c \ \`�\,qy� moPSfM.l.zl I I I l / 00 b / d' I / G THOMAS M 8 PAULA CAL Y / TMP 61W-1-Cb R r J / l I P� / O - \ ` _ \ �O). / XAUS 342 TRUSTEES CENTERLINE SWALE/DITCH THE ze GROUP uC I,/ \ - "1lj DB 3915. PG. f26 GB .5998, vG f3 I / r / / r (MOTEL),tEVEL EDGE OF PAVEMENT(EP) / FRAME&STUCCO BUILD"' \ qq 3W SERIES TREE -LINE p'/ / / / ' ROOM NUMBERS) I / (MOTELI CC L r I a" A �• , v aurN may, CONIFEROUS TREE (CNFR) IS l Ee STULGOy I IS g / IMP 61M-6 �� / \ LrNK/ Y Ra DECIDUOUS TREE (DEC) I / 9// ROOM NUR4 H PREMIER CIRCLE LL wlN i (\/; � I �Bn FFr/cE / CASTPUIOGaAV Yu' rr / r/ I a OB SS51, Pc 55 L5P LANDSCAPED AREA /// / n'N / PROPERTYADDRESS' /p/ (MOTELI+LEVEL / /�\ y^��/v \ \ / Il FIREWALL D / 905 PREMIER CIRCLE , I / FFAMEe STUCCO BUILDI f _ 'El rn SIDEWALK / iI w I 1 A� G',` IE3 p /cJ 7 r9 grca{ V ^^ /g9Lrz, / SIGN i /NVOw hh"ETONE COL o j ROOM NUMBERS�e ® BOLLARD 14%1.c-2If.9$f0'AArFlE ^ / MAILBOX Roue. LLc / sT.M'E y 3y,'0p �� )NVL96aT/'J+"M�'P _FA rLG ITv \INV \\ I I PG va1� INv. 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W., PG 510 II l(� LOLi LK Y14' \ �0s JI \\ INV OU}�NW'19"RCP I 11IAb n5 )LJ' AVEG sTovFcoL.�� TdlFca alrs.r.Fl �I r %r A H �/ 12 O I it \ \ iI rt, I IMDTEL)ILEVEL 015 1 �9 I I EX III'AAE WATERLINE v " EEVIRS NT TMP a,MJ $ r4I i 0 FRAME& SNCCO BUILDING aEVYmS m, I Lw✓pm S'EEs I I• I - _ .PG ill JAISHIV LLC D815Jz, PG ES Ir y J v BID SbEP (OFHCEB IP)BEftIES ROOAINUMBERSI -D IREIYAtL P e7 I I ^ CMMNEV IAa 1�l I I g (EMIRI M45T5/GK IfFLY Ii oR' sTFFs ( / s1pVE COL 19 IrLa F sNErwr GRATE w£O CNMEN / I � rz1F211 INGv�ou•-4rous'la"xv I / , l S' `` ` VET E11.1AVL , /� 9 G �°EL vas ' II l EG. (APPROXIMATE) IIDYARN/NG SPACEa) L —I l -9)L ON aM E «P —� FLEA_ 5� = - — - —= /F-uP � RG`a'' I EXISTING SITE PLAN — --__ --_ - --- - -=65"�'''�" 1885a' = ---------- -R - VSH PREMIER CIRCLE --- -------- -------- - ------------- ---_---- - ce0 --- - - iB'RCP March 21, 2022 a _ �� 3111ET 11111E IRON (FJ 16® 09e 995. PO 3v yp l N gO 18 ION (SI 5000RR 900VRR INL 1G /s'vEPCO EASEMENr 11' 59 /a /1 P B NV OalTH. �MNe RCP RCOP INVV IXRoar MSPECIFlEO WIOMPO(£LWE EASEMENT 054V PG.6� P'fA'ANx/ fo ING /FCM s[rww FGRNRGINGELEURICBPOwERCOMPANY (APP.—TO 9ETBAll UlE A OS. La., ES 171 06. 999. 1. 3JJ 4 U.S. RTE. 29 SBL SEMINOLE TRAIL VAR. WIDTH RN✓ / rr rr / TMP 61 WAY / CFLLLLENGERWAYLLC OR <Te3. PG. cie JMP61W I C-2 TNEz9 GRGP, LLC D9..0 , vG 13 .29 GROUP. LLC G6 S 8. PG. 13 PLANT KEY TREES BOTANICAL NAME QUE BIC IQUERCUS BICOLOR QUE PHE IQUERCUS PHELLOS ULMALL JULMUS PARVIFOLIA'ALLEE SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME ILE WIN ILEXVERTICILLATA AP6uvr-1-22 fO6 PoWEA MMGNLM / `\bg5.\ _ _ - V _ CIRCLE LLC os 6fo1PG mlv PAUz r V TNOMAGM I PAULAOALY \ / NAUGHE25 PC PG rzs I TMP P, 3ers U. \ `\� \ _ _ \ \ THE3 GROUP, OR 48,P13 l , 'l/ • / i �o �r vA v / �4B9 / G N / / / MF,OITAT,tlE / (PARDE�, f� 2 ULM ALL S (31 QUE BIC N r PROPOSED BUILDING 9 (2) p Exlsnrvc BUILDING -_ _ --TT--i _ _-/6/ / l L / I 41 WIN�r- PHE I\ ALL �y,5r •// 5 Al I r' r � m nr V i PROPOSED SITE PLAN VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 5 cm .r` 6_ _ ,'t - - �Ce m\eC G\C c\e 0 ''".'yq ` 4��. %y •. .: 'u '�J'Y. I �.��.. ', .. ti I � .A . . .,i, .. y � � ` .. i ; � < <�/ '!� �', `VS�., '. v r h �� �._ �. r L. ^� !� i �= I �_. _� � k. EXISTING PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE RENDER PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING NORTH FROM RT.29 VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 TIE LILT L ELEVATION - EAST - PARTLY VISIBLE FROM E.C. Scale: 1 /16" = V-0" SEA M-1 1 RECESSED SOLDIER COURSE 240' TOP OF PARAPET Il TRUSS BEARING n 4,'-8. V — LEVEL A� 32'-8-8. '..IV LEVELS 22'-0' V — LEVEL 2 I\ r — LEVEL, n 0' - 0. 1 b _ TOP OF PARAPET —TRUSS BEARING 41'-8- _ _ V T PIT a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — _ _ _ _ _ _LEVEL4 32'-8 m a s LEVELS ID — — LEVEL2 n — 11-4 V 0 0 �-1 in M-T 111 BR -I RECESSED BRIC K SOLDIER COURSE 0'-0'—�I GRADE BLDG r. a• m'-e" 14'-a' 9•.r HGT 2'- , 3/16' 164,_a. ELEVATION - NORTH - PARTLY VISIBLE FROM E.C. Scale: 1 / 16" = 1'-0" MATERIAL PALETTE BR-1: BRICK: Dover White (>80%) M-1: Brake Metal RRM - Slate Black SF-1: Al Storefront w/ clear glazing (<7% reflectivity) WINDOWS: Pella 250 Vinyl - Black WINDOWS alt: Interstate Vinyl 6800 - Clay NEW - ELEVATIONS VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 9 PERSPECTIVE RENDER - REAR - NOT VISIBLE FROM E.C. ]I PERSPECTIVE RENDER - REAR - NOT VISIBLE FROM E.C. PERSPECTIVE RENDER - PARTLY VISIBLE FROM E.C. PERSPECTIVES VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 10 COMPATIBILITY COMPATIBILITY WITH ENTRANCE CORRIDOR GUIDELINES • STRUCTURE DESIGN - Building form and features relate to multiple scales of the site - the E.C. and the pedestrian on site - by breaking down the meter through facade variation and breaking down the overall mass of the building through building shape. - Care has been taken in siting the building to allow for accessible site circulation, conform to existing site development patterns, and provide for pedestrian and vehicular connections and circulation per the site's anticipated build out. • ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT - Rendered studies along the E.C. indicate that proposed mechanical equipment on the building's roof will not be visible at the typical hight of a vehicle or pedestrian north or southbound along route 29. - All utility transformers and refuse will be located on the opposite side of the E.C. - The community meditative garden and plaza in the 'crook' of the I -shaped building GUIDELINES will require a continuous fence per the building regulations for Virginia Supportive Housing to allow residents to fluidly move from indoors to garden and back. This fence will be see -through and will be softened by a brick seat wall to match the building brick. The fence is not visible from the E.C. due to existing grade and existing (and possibly also proposed future) building on the parcel directly along the E.C. • LIGHTING All lighting on site for parking, pedestrian walkways, and decorative landscape lighting will comply with Entrance Corridor Guidelines. • LANDSCAPING - This project will provide all required landscaping along project specific interior roads such as the new parking access road, pedestrian walkways, and will provide all required landscaping along the building. - Specifically, a meditative garden and community garden space as well as a patio and planting areas are integral components of the building design and are designed by a landscape architect. - A landscaping contractor will oversee and maintain these gardens and planting beds. • DEVELOPMENT PATTERN - The building and site plan for the project are organized to provide ease of travel on and off site within the existing context and in planning for future building on the site. - Similarly, the building and site plan allow the possibility of future pedestrian connections to the southern -most adjacent parcel(s) and, therefore, the nearest existing bus stop, to the south. - Pedestrian walkways are also designed to provide access to proposed garden space, parking, and the potential future bus stop along Premier Circle. • GRADING - This project will comply with Universal Design standards for accessibility. Therefore, the site circulation is no different. This is yet another piece of the design that has contributed to careful site placement to minimize grading while allowing all walkways to comply with accessibility standards. Furthermore, the surrounding existing buildings on site will remain in use during and after construction and place further limits on site grading. - An existing berm along the southwest property line of the site may require a retaining wall, however, the applicant hopes to obtain a grading easement to eliminate this wall. If the wall must remain, it will not be visible from the E.C. Please see site plan for location. 11 APPENDIX ■ , ■ Yam. EXISTING PERSPECTIVE PERSPEC R PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING NORTH FROM RT.29 - FUTURE MAXIMUM BUILD -OUT VSH PREMIER CIRCLE March 21, 2022 12