HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100065 Plan - Approved Final Site Plan and Comps. 2022-03-28LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE a ®� ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT ODD 10 PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY - - - - INDEX CONTOUR - - - - - - - - INTERVAL CONTOUR 311.5 x� SPOT ELEVATION 311.5 TC x TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x� TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 31.1.5 BW x � BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION ... m ... - STREAM T STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING m. RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT --� - ------ --- - --- ROAD CENTERLINE - FRONT OF CURB -------- BACK OF CURB g006000 CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME --- -- SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING MATERIAL CQNCRETE RIPRAP :• ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE - ---- X - X FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE m GUY WIRE OHu 6HU OVERHEAD UTILITY UGU UGu UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE E::- 'i L__L0_1 DROP INLET STORM SEWER -.--� - ROOF DRAIN SANITARY O SANITARY MANHOLE -� SANITARY SEWER MAIN S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER W W WATER LINE O 0 WATER METER F-1 WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS ----- GAS------ - GAS- GAS LINE EASEMENTS - - CONSTRUCTION - " - GRADING ACCESS - - - - - - - - SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE - - - - - - SANITARY - -' WATERLINE - - GASLINE NOTE: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. "Atwill - b CIE -i - 191 *:If 11 OWNER/DEVELOPER 5th Street Forest LLC 250 W Main Street, Suite 201 Charlottesville, VA 22902 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 227-5140 ZONING Neighborhood Model District In accordance with the Application Plan and the Code of Development of ZMA2019-00003, approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 7, 2020. Special exception to waive the requirement for a Neighborhood Model District to have a minimum of two housing types approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 7, 2020. Overlays: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, Steep Slopes - Managed SDP2020-00066 Albemarle Business Campus - Initial Site Plan granted conditonal administrative approval on December 18, 2020. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Samuel Miller & Scottsville SOURCE OF TITLE DB 5531 PG 570 DB 5145 PG 626 (76-46A & 76-54) DB 5519 PG 331 DB 5519 PG 331 DB 3039 PG 209 (76-46F) SETBACKS & STEPBACKS Per approved ZMA201900003, setbacks & stepbacks are provided as follows: SETBACKS BLOCK 1 Front 5' Min Side 5' Min Rear None STEPBACKS BLOCK Front None BUILDING HEIGHT Per approved ZMA201900003, building heights and stories are as follows: Block 1 Stories* 1 Min - 3 Max Height 45' Max *Minimum and maximum building story ranges provided are for above grade stories. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & utilities survey provided by: Brian S. Ray, Roger W. Ray & Assoc. Inc., September 26, 2018 Topographic survey with two (2) foot contours provided by: Terra Engineering & Land Solutions, August 22, 2007, revised November 4, 2009 BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 FLOODZONE According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO269D), this property is not located within a Zone AE 100-year floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Moores Creek Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by ACSA public water and sewer. LIGHTING Lighting shall comply with Section 4.17 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. LANDSCAPE Landscape shall comply with Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN U S 0 BLOCK 1 CAM P 0 EXISTING USE Forest PROPOSED USE Multifamily (128 units) 15% of total dwelling units, or 20 units, to be designated as affordable. See approved ZMA2019-00003 Code of Development. LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 0 SF 0% Pavement 0 SF 0% Sidewalk 0 SF 0% Open Space 221,720 SF 100% Total= 221,720 SF (5.09 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 48,325 SF 21.8% Pavement 67,098 SF 30.3% Sidewalk 16,030 SF 7.2% Open space 90,267 SF 40.7% Total= 221,720 SF (5.09 ac. ) PARKING SCHEDULE Multifamily, 1- & 2-bedroom units 1-bedroom units, 1.50 spaces/unit (38) 1-bedroom units * 1.50 = 57 spaces 2-bedroom units, 2 spaces/unit (90) 2-bedroom units * 2.00 = 180 spaces REQUIRED: 237 spaces* PROVIDED: 210 spaces 30 bicycle parking spaces provided *Reduction of 12.2%, or a total of 208 spaces, approved by County letter of determination, dated October 25, 2021 GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at [east 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water, sewer and fire lines require new inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department (ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection.The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the mete rs)/building(s). The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. 13. Accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with [CC ANSI Al17.1-09 and the 2015 Virginia Construction Code. 14. Where the flood [eve[ rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. 15. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. ITE TRIP GENERATION Block 1 AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out Total In Out Total Total Multifamily (Mid -Rise) 221 128 Units 12 34 46 34 22 56 696 GREENSPACE & AMENITIES Greenspace & amenities shall comply with conditions of approved ZMA20190003. 20% of Block Ts area shall be in greenspace and amenities and 20% of Blocks 2-5's area shall be in greenspace and amenities. Block 1 Amenities: 44,257 SF required. 47,282 SF provided. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. FIRE MARSHAL NOTES A knoxbox is required for each structure. Location to be coordinated with the fire marshal's office staff. FIRE FLOW Total estimated fire flow at existing hydrant on Country Green Road is 1,244 gpm. AWWA Q20 calculation not provided, indicating insufficient pressure drop for Q20 at time of testing. VDOT NOTES 1. VDOT will only maintain within drainage easements to the extent necessary to protect the roadway from flooding or damage. 2. A Traffic Maintenance Plan (TMP) is required to obtani a permit to work within VDOT Rlght of Way. The TMP shall be prepared by an Advanced Work Zone Certified person, certification card and verification number is required on the TMP submittal. 3. Pavement designs for areas and entrances in the R/W shall be developed using the Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia and must be based on in place material at the time of construction. VSMP PLAN Refer to WP0201800044 VSMP Plan Amendment 92, ABC Block 1 Mass Grading - Major Amendment For Multifamily (Formerly VSMP Plan Amendment, ABC Borrow Site, and prior to that Amendment, Formerly Royal Fern Phase 1) SDP2021-00066 TAX MAP 76, PARCEL 46AA ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VI RG I N IA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1"=1000' SHEET INDEX C1 COVER C2 APPROVED ZMA201900003 PROFFERS C3 ABC PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS: OVERVIEW C5 EXISTING CONDITIONS C6 SITE PLAN C7 UTILITY PLAN C8 GRADING PLAN C9 STORMWATER PROFILES C10 SANITARY SEWER & WATERLINE PROFILES C11 LANDSCAPE PLAN C12 LIGHTING PLAN C13 SITE DETAILS C14 SITE & VDOT DETAILS C15 ACSA DETAILS C16 SITE & ACSA DETAILS C17 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC Submittal Type and APProvbed e y the thO Reviewed ment D P Community Develop File#- f�{`i .� Signature APPROVALS IT) 70 U U -0 3) / - aR / c-) V c 'L�v lopment Planner Date Curre" t Development Engineer Date Archi ectural Review Board Date Fire Official Date Build,inq Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date rgimiV Department of Transportation Date r�fiin srfosnty F s R��tu�•Axrctdaaldir;Ylix�f5. � i IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOGGLE MAPS HIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227,5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. COVER f 11� I PROFFER STATEMENT Original Proffers X� Amendment ZMA Number and Names 2019-00003 Albemarle Business Campus Parcel ID Numbers: 07600-00-00-05400, 07600-00-00-046A0, and 07600-00- 00-046FO (portion) Owners: 5`11 Street Forest LLC and Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc. Date of Proffer Signature 1Z p} I "t' , 2020 10.17 acres to be rezoned from R-2 Residential to Neighborhood Model District 2.88 acres to be rezoned from R-10 Residential to Neighborhood Model District 0.58 acres to be rezoned from Commercial Office to Neighborhood Model District Total: 13.63 acres to be rezoned to Neighborhood Model District 5a` Street Forest LLC, a Virginia limited liability company is the owner- of Tax Parcels 07600-00- 00-05400 and 07600-00-00-046A0, and is the contract purchaser of a 0.58 acre portion of Tax Parcel 07600-00-00-046FO (collectively, the "Property"), which 'together are the subject of rezoning application ZMA No. 2019-00003, a project known as "Albemarle Business Campus" (the "Project"). Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc, is the current owner of Tax Parcel 07600-00-00-046F0. 5`1' Street Forest LLC and Region Ten Community Services Board, Inc. are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Owner." Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter: 18 of the Albemarle County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below, which shill be applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the requested Neighborhood Model District (NMD). These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning, and the Owner and applicant specifically deem the following proffers reasonable and appropriate, as conclusively evidenced by the signature(s) below. Each signatory below signing on behalf of the Owner: covenants and warrants that it is an authorized signatory of the Owner for this Proffer Statement. 1. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS: a. Prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy for any building with a use that solely or collectively (with other existing uses on the Property)' would generate more than 487 vehicle trips per day, the Owner shall contribute Five HLindred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) as a cash contribution (the "Cash Contribution") to Albemarle County's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) fund. I Owner of Tax Parcel 07600-00-00-046F0: REGION TEN COMMUNITY SERVICES' BOARD, INC. a Virginia corporation By: Q�QAe — — Lisa Beitz, Executiv irector 4 b. Prior to or concurrent with the Cash Contribution payment, the Owner shall dedicate for public use a portion of the Property, as shown on the "Single -Lane Roundabout Exhibit prepared by Shimp Engineering, dated March 18, 2019 with a revision date of March 16, 2020 (the "Roundabout Exhibit"), attached hereto. 2. TRIP GENERATION: Daily and peak hour vehicular trips shall be noted on all site plans and zoning clearances on the Property, Site plans and zoning clearances on the Property must contain,a note that itemizes each proposed use, and if applicable, each previously approved use that is expected to continue, with its affiliated daily and peak vehicular trips. Neither a site plan nor a zoning clearance shall` be issued if the combined uses on the Property are estimated to generate a number of daily vehicular trips exceeding 3,200 or a number of peak hour trips exceeding 509. Trip generation numbers shall be derived from the then -current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual and shall account for internal trip capture for mixed -use developments; as determined by the Director of Community Development or the Director's designee. 3. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT: The Owner shall develop the Property and the Project in accord with the terms and conditions of that certain Performance Agreement between Albemarle' County, the Albemarle County Economic Development Authority, and 50' Street Forest .LLC, dated April 15, 2020 (the "Performance Agreement"), as it may be amended in the future pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) WITNESS thefollowingsignatures: OWNER: Owner of Tax Parcels 07600-00-00-05400 and 07600-00-00-046A0: 5rii STREET FOREST LLC, a Virginia limited liability company l BY: / < Kyle Redinger, Manager COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this lW' day of 2020 by Kyle Redinger, Manager of Albemarle Land Development LLC. My Commission expires: 2 3 40 0 40 80 120 Graphic Scale: I"=40' otary Public SEANDELLE RENEE KORTE Notary Public Commonwealth of Virginia Regtstration No. 358491 My Commission Expires Jun 30 202 t ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ZMA201900003 BEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS SINGLE -LANE ROUNDABOUT EXHIBIT Sheet 1 of 1 This exhibit is shown for roundabout feasibility purposes. This exhibit shows a roundabout with a 150' inscribed diameter, slip lane, and pedestrian improvements. Approximately 0.05 AC (2350 SF) ROW dedication from the eastern portion of the project property may be required for a single -lane roundabout with a 150' inscribed diameter. Key Area on project property that may be required for roundabout improvements Parcel boundary TMP(s) 76-46A, 76-54, Portion of 76-46F Submitted 18 March 2019 Revised 17 June 2019 Revised 29 July 2019 Revised 13 September 2019 Revised 16 December 2019 REVISED 16 MARCH 2O20 project: 18.004 SHIMP ENGINEERING., P.C. HIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.CON FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021,12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. APPROVED ZMA201900003 PROFFERS 'Ix"la C2 d. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid from when the Developer has obtained the later of. (i) site plan approval or unenforceable, such provision shall be severable and the remainder or (ii) Architectural Review Board approval for a building on either Block of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. -` — - W1th suffie e_n sl acC,. A "k�rzmrar rl3nair s "Mls a Cori m 'al- o, � industrial. e. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple entity that produces goods or services locally and generates more than 50% counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and all of which of its sales revenues. from outside the .Charlottesville Metropolitan shall constitute one and the same instrument. Statistical Area (City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson, and Buckingham). f. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, without f. Lease to a Primary Business. Subject to Subsection (e) above, the reference. to conflicts of law principles, Developer agrees to lease or sell at least 25,000 of Class A Office Space to a credit worthy Primary Business at a fair market rate or fair market value g. Project Exhibit. The Project Exhibit is not a site plan for the Project, as the case may be. The Developer and the County agree to bargain in good but is intended to show the general locations of items referenced in faith to satisfy this condition. this Agreement. g. Enhanced Connectivity. The Developer will provide enhanced connectivity throughout the site to provide community access from the 2. DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS Project's southern boundary to its northern boundary. Enhanced a. Rezoning. The Developer has its modified application for rezoning of the connectivity will include pathways, paved sidewalks, and raised pedestrian property pending before the Albemarle County Planning Commission. The road crossings. The final design must substantially comport with the Developer shall use its best efforts to complete the rezoning from Project Exhibit. Residential Area (R-io & R-z) to Neighborhood Model District by July 31, h. Dynamic Transport Pick -Up. The Developer will provide space within 2020. the Project for automobile passengers to access for -hire, hailed transport b. Conceptual Plan. The Developer will submit a conceptual building plan services (i.e. taxicab, transportation network partner, JAUNT vehicle, or (including a rendering and/or architectural drawings) to the County's otherwise) as shown on the Project Exhibit. Office of Economic Development (EDO) within four (4) weeks of the i. Enhanced Bus Stop. The Developer must provide an enhanced bus stop Zoning Approval. The EDO will have one week to review the plan for along the Project's southern boundary to accommodate public approval and concurrence, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. transportation. The stop must include a glass shelter, lighting, adequate c. Governmental Approval & Permitting. The Developer shall for seating, and bicycle parking racks. The design and provisions are subject .apply and use its best efforts to obtain all governmental approvals and permits to the County's approval, which cannot be withheld unreasonably. necessary to construct a building or buildings with at least 25,000 square j. Bicycle Racks. The Developer must install bicycle parking racks at all feet of space in which to locate a Primary Business and provide Class A buildings within the Project. Office Space. In addition to the Rezoning, this includes the approval of a k. Dog Park. The Developer shall construct a Dog Park in the location final site plan. shown on the Project Exhibit unless the Developer and the County agree d. Capacity, The Developer (including the manager and all members and otherwise. partners) must demonstrate financial capacity to the County and pass a general background check, both satisfactory to the County. Such 3. COUNTVS OBLIGATIONS. proprietary information will be provided subject to a confidentiality agreement from the County in form and substance satisfactory to the a. The County, by and through its Economic Development Office, will create Developer. Any information provided subject to such confidentiality collateral material to provide to its consultant, Retail Strategies, to market agreement shall be exempt from disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of retail space in Block 4 of the Project for two years from final approval of Information Act. the site plan. e. Reserve Space for Primary Business. The Developer must reserve b. The County, by and through its Economic Development. Office, will co- at least 25,000 square feet of Class A Office Space within Block 2, Block,3, market the reserved 25,000 square foot space to prospective eligible or a combination of the Blocks (the Blocks are shown on the Project Primary Business tenants or purchasers and will provide Developer with Exhibit) as the Developer and the County may agree. This space leads until the space is occupied by a Primary Business or five years from reservation will continue for 6o months for a Primary Business to occupy the final site plan approval, whichever occurs sooner. 4 5 HIM ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227 6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK '1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03,02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. N il� ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT EXCERPT C3 'I'�\cGuE ,Ln �r r! frrt�rrr, rr�r rt rr ,� daG�R tZG CPO J LINE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING C1 14"02'41 1964.86 481.64 242.03 480.43 S69"20'20"W C2 20'32'06 502.76 180.19 91.07 179.23 S44"51'01 "W C3 48'40'38" 452.46 384.40 204.66 372.94 S58"59'34"W C4 29°40'22" 481.31 249.26 127.49 246.49 N81°47'46"W C5 14*15'06" 578.08 143.79 72.27 143.42 N85°50'49"E C6 25'23'26" 119.55 52.98 26.93 52.55 N65°58'00"E C7 15°56'56" 538.87 150.00 75.49 149.52 N45°19'29"E C8 18°52'24" 401.04 132.10 66.66 131.51 N27°49'16"E C9 3*01'13" 3044.10 160.47 80.25 160.45 N19°59'49"E C10 1 °07'32" 525.00 10.31 5.16 10.31 N30°16'12"E C11 7°31'22" 200.00 26.26 13.15 26.24 S76°14'42"E C12 26*12'51" 601.62 275.26 140.08 272.86 S02°48'46"E C13 0'28'02" 3044.10 24.82 12.41 24.82 N21 °44'27"E C14 0'53'42" 3044.10 1 47.55 23.78 47.55 1 N22*25'19"E LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S65°30'00"W 89.04 L2 S72°02'03"W 53.34 L3 S57°28'58"W 51.57 L4 S56°46'20"W 110.53 L5 S89°47'34"W 42.66 L6 N56°49'31 "E 25.00 L7 N87°55'38"W 91.84 L8 S56'49'31 "W 51.00 L9 N33°10'29"W 31.31 L10 S02°1239"W 17.83 L11 S83°12'36"W 176.56 L12 S06°37'57"E 25.00 L13 S83°22'03"W 47.69 L14 N78°31'14"E 30.72 L15 N 53"15' 37"E 23.02 L16 N 18"25' 37"E 137.78 L17 N30"4958"E 14.20 L18 N59"09'56"W 3.82 ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS (BLOCKS 2-5) NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SITE PLAN MANAGED SLOPES / �. '� ice= � �-�--, -' ' � `•- _,�'t --- - _-__ HIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227,5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] j 2021.07.26 (FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12,20 (ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP) 2022.02.24 (ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE N0. 18.004 EXISTING CONDITIONS: OVERVIEW I R ' N SET \ �� \\ . \ ` ` � \ \ ``�• \\ r\ l \�, -_. � .•""-_ � � �y �ro� OJT ...__� \ x Q,,°`� �9 T . M . % h �, 2 E�. ��11-� � �; ` �\\ \�` BOUNDARY LINE,e-�� �� ACCORDING TO PL WAYNE P OR VIRGINIA P COLLI R TD t °F \ /' r' \1\ \ \ \ \ \ �.. RECORDED IN / \\ r o� -- r 6RUC� V THOMAS / I \ lF. \ \ ' IF F y .,D.B.925-236 AN D.B.4457-592 / `\ \ t D.B.684-149 PLAT �,, ��} :�\ D.B.5010-420 - ---- 'ONE. R4 RESIDENTIAL \ \ . \\\ \ \ ! /'' ' ' // ' ~ \ \ \ `, ° ,~• ' \ ` < --J \ SE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 76 I, O _l - 'Oc'�'i% \ � \ \ \ ` \ - -- ! / ! ! / / ,.- ' /' 0 .;s , .- -' C - ,. / _�-,..-�: `=� ��•'��fi. \ �o mcF off''• ,, \ ` \ • �`. � \ 'p' /,., .-52P�\\ \ \, � _ IF -- �� '/'��ty 1�;� •��`i~�� "��t�� � e\\ 'u' \\ \ ,'```---� //'l/ / r 1 / 1 / % // RACE, PAUL JR do VALERIE F R,ACE D . B , 4 9 6 4 — ,1`9 7\\ _ /i — ;"'/'~� ��� -i- \ \ �\ � �.--/ a+u -- - _. ��.�• / / / / / / D.B.6� > 149 PLAT �\ \� i ! ! ! ZONE: R4 RESIDENTIAL spa, USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL,, �i _- -�- _ ! !! // r' /-`, % ,- I,-�'" - _ - \`' \�� -\ �'' ._--- � "''. `a + �/'`®!r-(•.J-' J` �'"_� 1. �� AC 01 � � � �Q i J , i 1' J /`/ , t �� � a ��.. � �� ,. � \ ` IRON d U N D \ � \ a � » 1 \ S80 47 E 3.78 [� I F CORNER l\ r _. 1`r) j y ! \ 2- 1 1 ,4 0• \ h/ r � / l / � _�--_� �% `�' rrr/ `CO J / -/�J / { ' ,' / / / /t - `,r1`� -Gt� � j 1 r 1 1 / T. M 46C1 1 f`` 5. 52 A R E ZONED: R `15 /' �'/ %'/ ` �,-' / ,' / J \\ OWNER. MOU 4NW00DSHIM � \ PROPERTIES LLC [� ((�� //��c�' _ ENGINEERING \ - D B 1 V V 8 7 �; - /� / � , � / \ - LAND PLANNING PROJECT MANAGEMENT \ \ / / ! `_ f T. D L� P �P PLAT/ t 1 \ 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 T . I \/ t . 1 -T Tl / / / t , _. t` (T i / \ u m O ~ / +-� i I / C CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.CONi [ ~". ;'�- _ /��' `\ l� !! ,/ //' / ,- — 5TN'STRiEET�FORST LLB �' ���� i]ii] t I1_J(- jl+ 4 / ` �+ / / r / L _C j c\' , cp _ D.B. 14.-626; �'+] �, _ 4 cam• � 4� $3. - - _ IWAL CAW\� �� �. \ - ' - _ __- ` i l �� MANAGED SLOPES �it� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE o - - - - - - = ter= 1 _� ,��_, - 3 - / - ( �� ti� �i t 1 T 1 '! J-�--t 1 f -- _ l -- F f�, I_r} S CAMPUS. — r i '\ `'`. -� `- _ = r 1\ ' `i�t ~C / 1� 1 F-I, BLOC K ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA `'1' ` "'• _ -- ._-. ` _ __ —� ' _ . �`L.y {t'-i, i is '� ���---,-1�/- Z-'�r�{�'i� ''���-v� {'T s. 2iS)�%F �`�"., �'`•► r -` _- -_ - '- `.�_.F SUBMISSION: w Q 20201005 INITIAL SDP .,� _ _ ._ ` " / t fly ' �\1 J F_ CcA' ,,`°.,, r +J -a•� �` `- . t/ h`; %%' 4yt fir- }-�" "" /— \ \ sf REVISION: 19 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 480 . . .._.,.. 2021.11.19 (FINAL SDP] i ✓ _.. *x \\ - / �(r,IS .�`t+.L t� `1tY 1 ! 4j _� t. C Lam/ , f `' \\ 2021.12.20[ARB] y j`'� ' 1 ' ` + \ f ! O 1('i 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] ! 2022.02.24 ACSA & AR3 2022.03.0 RAPPROV ] ,. i — 7 ,- i y r � � L T t''r .. j \ -' -i_ , •-` ) \ 2 [FOR AL SIDDH LLC~� /- _ T---- - - -- _ ` � D . B . 4 4 9 5 - 5 8 4, 5 8 8 P L A i 7_ONE. R4 RE�IDEN TiAL j�" ,� �_ ) - - __- - - - FILE NO t ti t - / / USE: COMMERCIAL ==J � _ � � + ��9 ` "' --- w ------ by .�.: - _ - _ ____ \ i �� r _ - -- ram= -� / ! , ; / � � � � -, � \ �J+,�� 14 18.004 5 . /I- 3 A C, �` \ c� _. \ \ - --- ---_, --- �, ____ w — _ �v w --- ---' \ } --, \ y A J [ \ - \ STATE .� , COUNTRY C�EN ROA �,5. EXISTING CONDITIONS ARIAS E }'xJTH i r Hwy `\�I ` & DEMO 30 0 30 60 90 T° ;o� Scale: 1"=30' EWER CONNECTION N 17 1 j `. lb lbl PROTECT EX. 12° ACSA WL DURING STORM AND SAN. �•, � � �, q � SEINER CONSTRUCTION. A� p -- vi u-- Chu `'•�-�\�� \ 12 INSERTION 40 REPLY EMENT i l - �a ql o 12" D WATEgLINE Nit Al co CA, APPROX. LOCATIO _ �`�/ NEW POL oA DOMINION BYEASEMENT OTHERS / //f`.'" .� (DESIGN BY \ O \ \ \ \ +. \ \ -.-' l: •:f �� OTHERS)-------------- ACSA UTILJTY \ • �ti; , ,' % ) k / EASEMENT APPROX. LOCATIO `3 ' ' :J ,- % , �\ \ r"' ` a•,. �o„u —"qDOMINION EASEMENT �' T., : \ �- - BOTHERS / DOWNSPOUT T \ ` ,� J 8" DRAIN (TYP.) � CSA UTILITY % � ••r: .;•.;-'ry C`� � ,�0 :• j . EASEMENT r PRIVATE J ;,: G �� q\ 0j °� ! __--�„'-•`�.� ��:� F. DOG PA ✓�`�• t. 1$ �\� q_ � •`'.•: Hp B3 PARK f/ \\� ��F �q \ OFF. 4 P \ U Z- a aw of v aa� . J^ • ,`. FF, `�q g oo;:-.,! 4. \,, o y w�, S j PORCH 1-3 ,.° �`. `� .� �°' �• `•' DRAIN TO 6" `2,r° C� \\'."•.:. `"°� ✓' ',. ::.t ".. / '` SINGLE -WALL DPE PIPE \ '' "�' a i +. � C \-'••"- Fj0\Tn. DRAINANlbGE1 �j l �/%' I?L I EASEMENT ti...�, 4" GV O• °.:`.:^ �\� FF �•:-. , � � rya SAP � r.� �:;= , � \7 \ \\ \ l`\ \ ` \ u— QiU— at \wu _:A,_ TW PA PROX:""t-OCATIO ff Y L \ •`••e, \ I \ cy `` ,` DOMINION EASEMEN —BY OTHER � `"lam'• \\ \•\ `� �`'\ _ -_ ` __- _-- IOU dill 00 OR PRIVATE -- 7$; 78�Q DOG PARKf. j X /78 IRV l f 81 0�1 1� % �\ 1 4 d E.Y.. y j �!..\� � �•'�';' \ \ � � / / / ' 3A h4: yr' �, �' '•\ 1,' \ S l l \{'• ` ~ -_ n f>�i+•+=V`h: + FS. .y. \� (.. \,\� \ram\t \�\� \., ♦ `'rev.. 10 S1 `. Y�— ' 4 901 P (fi I IAN GED SLOPESSHIM \\ t , , � •; fir;, I � � f��� r� .-� �.� -, � 1 _ -f,Xr',I[����s.'� [ \\ ENGINEERING2 �4 1C ,_[ t r LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT t, lT.No G. v 1 S�. 1.1 E' l3 OCK T ALL \ N RAIL \ \ 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 `' • ' �� t l �� T �, I // \ \ t CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.CONt :r r21 � s3���.� �It f.�_ '� �I` r��11 v F Ii \l, - 1 i l csN � -.t ,rC, 1 S3 t r1 C-[—� i XX. HT. SEG. \\ 1s BLOCK RET. WALL W. 42—HANDRAIL rV t \ , FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE Ia r''�..�-� BUSINESS CAMPUS: Alp \ _ /50 LP ; is b •T tg? ;ti.;:j: _ `vl _ - 1 i r•/., ` ��- O Gj 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] r ... , A "' `:=.::'':;•, »`'. ,._ t ��'' 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] �" ✓ �` m A 0 : 4 :; .<: of rj ! ` T$ . Y., :i . ..Iti .•! 1 i �„ Raf""+� j % t — a; ��,•.••-' 1•�:_+',:��.' y+� -�-� � �_, cC"'+•' \ -, 2022.03.02[FORAPPROVALj s. � °' � � � r;a �, -�- .% • i .i `11;- . w:--r -•"-�' �{ if.'E`•S•J""�=-"`T/i _T_ -ryaDi ,� �:�.•: r0� % � f- -=%_` __ � \ 1 I �% -•�. -=..\ 797 �'" �+ �+ �, lE? ' •.. 74 � _ _ �>�-t- '1 "• +� - ���an.,.7�R \ � \ \ � : � `. ..: ;: — --- t ''mot � _ ,-- • . , �,---- _ _ — \ 1 ) "' -- ,, ,...... • ... _ _ — -'- _ _ _ / — FILE NO. / r 77 _i U4 •,�...,,• UOU `// _—\ lJ \\ I \\ C f / 8,004 ONC. 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N j T mV --a0 m _ o 0 6 V � a a o � t9 a V c� U � a * o o . U o 1 2 3 4 5 . . 9 t0 11 12 13 - 15 ifi 17 t13I'll 19 2U 2t 22 A 24. HORZ: 1"=30' 12+50 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 12+5t45 485 480 475 470 i M 465 Z 460 455 450 ON N Cq "n �� 445 1--l-_ 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 440 435 430 13+00 425 485 480 475 470 r-3465.- = M z 46045gMANIFOLD OUT OF BMP 2 450 445 0440 -1 485 ---- --------T - ----- - --- -1 - ----- ---- --- - - - --- __ -- --' ---- ----- ---- ---- -- ------ --- _ --- NATiV _.._ _ _.GRADE-:_ _- - --- ---- - ----- - -- --- ---_ ____ - ._ _ _.. - -_ - -.... - ---- - ------ -__ __._ _ ,_ ___ .-_...---- - ----- ------ ------ -�- -_--- l-- ---- --- - ----- ---- -- -._- ___._._ ._ -- -- -- - -- -- - -- CURRENT-- --- -- ----- GRADE - - ----- - - - --- - _--__ ___-- - ._ -- - - - -- ---- - - - - . - - --- ---- ------ - - --------- _ -_-_ _ .__ _---- .- -- - - - - - - - _ _.. -- - -- _ . -�--_ __ _ - _ ._. .__.._.._ .___T_ ._ -- - _._ -_ -__r_ ---- - - ---------- -1- . - - - _ - --- ---__ _ ._.� a ------ - -----I------- -- -- -- ----- - - = - ------ - - - - -----___ --------__ o- --- ---- --- "J - -- ---- --- To h _NEW ---_ ____ - -_ _ __._ - _ - .- --_.- �- _ __ - __ __ __ .--_rn - r- _ - ___-___ __ ._-.--r_ dGRADE_- --- ------- -- -------- --- 0------- ----- _. .--------------- ------ ..---- -. - _ _' _,. . _ - - -- , - - _ - - S 6 #3 STONE BEDDING - - ---- _. _ _ --- ---- _.J ------ ' ------ - -- - _ _TOP=458.00 - - --- - 1t o -._ - - -- --- ._._ - _ -,_ _,_ -- r S- _ o :� .+ E J T.. a ar f _%a, F 100 YR WSE 5;sI __---- 456. -- --- - - -- T --- - - -- --- --- -- ---- ------ ------- TY----- �-"-.10-YR-WSE - -------- --- -- ------------1-16--MC= -(P f � LL F - -- --- -- -- - 00-STORMTECH--CHAMBERS-OR-- a - - - UIVALENT-INVERT-45 -,00- ------ Q 27 � - --- 1-YR-WSE-453.9 v--- --------- - �--------------- -.r ar� .>�'�T_{ .-u. -__ -_ .-_- __ ." --- .i ---------------------B--PERFORATE _ D_.N_=12--HDPE-OR-E UIVAL Q NT--UNDERDRAIN---0.4%--__ _ _- _. ---- -- --- ----- --- 0o m - ----- --- - Nrnr7 - m 3 STONE ------------------------ -------- WRAP-STONE- ---MIRAFI_--140N-- ------ NVELOPE WITH- --- - -- R-EQUVALENT---�--------- _ _ __._.__UPPERINVE - - --- ----------=449.70----- 3STON� -� BOTIOM=449.00 _ _..r_._______ ZZz_- - --- - -- _ -NONWOVEN-FILTER--FABRIC - - _ - - ------------- --- - ---- - - OTTOM=449 00 --- - »�_-- __-_ _ _ . ___. _ ____- ._ .___.__--_____...._ __._.. _ -----__..-- ..-__---_.--.__ ._ __._ _ _... .___---- -. 3 --N d ON4'A00 ___ _ _ . _-_ E -- - ----�---_,G�E­---_ _ ___- -- - C1A- &-------- --CURRENT_-_ �_ o I a ---- -GRADE -o �- o i- --- ---- -- __ ca a- o cD---- - - NEW---T` A_ _ - _ - _--_ - ,�A. rl -----... _ ..__GRADE---.---. d - z tea_ - - -- cn --- - - - MIN.-12"-- .... -SEPARATION --- -" - - - - �- - 6--WL WL - -- -- --- -- - __._15, __.__ Q - -- - ----- -_�' o� h1 Q - ai _.-- .c:) - ._ of _ ---HDP_'c � 8 - - 45'-HORIZONTAL -- -_o --BEND-®-2.0= -a z. FROM Mi �1 z -_ - tn _.-- tf1tN. ._ _.-. __ N _ =.. Via' - 20n,_SUMP _ . _ _ ..._ 11+00 11+50 2 STORM SEWER PROFILE: BMP 2 C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 485 480 480 475 475 i :I 470 2 1470 0. 465 465 460 460 MANIFOLD OU OF BMP 1 c 455 a 455 tr. c 450 � z 450 445 0o >ic (MAINTENANCE) 10+50 zz -- 4 NN 6 STORM SEWER PROFILE Cl-C1 A C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 480 480 475 475 470 CE 470 465 I 465 G2 .r 460 Z 460 455 .86 MANIFOLD 7 TO BMP 2 455 450 0 (V 0Ni cV r7 to rn -� 450 1-t- O 445 = a0 �� 445 440 N N ------- --- T - -------- ------ - -- __- -- - --- - -- - - - - - -- --------`. ----- - -- -------NATIVE - ---- ------------------------- - '------ E - -jtj____.�1- B2 >' B�- �GBAD --- - ---- --------- - - -= -------- - - - _m -- - -- --- -� - o...n -MCURRENT � - - - . oo-._. -- ^. --- -- - I- -GRAD---- -0mo0+ c+ DS no -to----- --� d-�--'-- -- -T ____---.--�."-----.___._�� - dr7._. ` -- ------q_ _ --_ _ (� EW.._ ------ --- - --- - - -- - - ----- ---- - ___ --- - �, -- - d 0 --- z 1- -7f --- --- - -- -2r=._ . .._ ----- 1 -_-- --- - ------ -7 777- --- -- - j- -- __.-_-__- _-_-__ .__ 1 _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ 21:65 ^Cf -o a -- - -- 87 LF-- __ _ 77-A LF-15-HDP�®-0:65%- -�-Q M-„ m r- - _ 21--- - - - ------ --- - - - -- - DPE M rri- - - �� - 15 H ri M �� u,- " HOP€-c,i ric�i � 0: 92%- _` a y� d d - d' v � --- - --- -._-- - ---- _ - - -- -- ' 91% - � 0. z ---- - -- - -- --- --- - --- - t z__.. _ .- In - F ZZ � O -- _ Z Z_____ - Z - - -- - -- - - ---- °°- ----2CL LlM�--- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - ___ -------INV= 50 50------T--------- ----- --- -- ------ - --- ---- 10+00 (MAINTENARCE)10+50 12+OQ4O -- --- - - _- - ------- --- T - -------- ------ - -- __- -- - --- - -- - - - - - -- --------`. ----- - -- -------NATIVE - ---- ------------------------- - '------ E - -jtj____.�1- B2 >' B�- �GBAD --- - ---- --------- - - -= -------- - - - _m -- - -- --- -� - o...n -MCURRENT � - - - . oo-._. -- ^. --- -- - I- -GRAD---- -0mo0+ c+ DS no -to----- --� d-�--'-- -- -T ____---.--�."-----.___._�� - dr7._. ` -- ------q_ _ --_ _ (� EW.._ ------ --- - --- - - -- - - ----- ---- - ___ --- - �, -- - d 0 --- z 1- -7f --- --- - -- -2r=._ . .._ ----- 1 -_-- --- - ------ -7 777- --- -- - j- -- __.-_-__- _-_-__ .__ 1 _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ 21:65 ^Cf -o a -- - -- 87 LF-- __ _ 77-A LF-15-HDP�®-0:65%- -�-Q M-„ m r- - _ 21--- - - - ------ --- - - - -- - DPE M rri- - - �� - 15 H ri M �� u,- " HOP€-c,i ric�i � 0: 92%- _` a y� d d - d' v � --- - --- -._-- - ---- _ - - -- -- ' 91% - � 0. z ---- - -- - -- --- --- - --- - t z__.. _ .- In - F ZZ � O -- _ Z Z_____ - Z - - -- - -- - - ---- °°- ----2CL LlM�--- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - ___ -------INV= 50 50------T--------- ----- --- -- ------ - --- ---- 10+00 (MAINTENARCE)10+50 12+OQ4O -- --- - - _- - 10+00 (MAINTENARCE)10+50 12+OQ4O -- --- - - _- - --- --- -- - - --WRAP STONE -ENVELOPE -WITH- _- __ ___ - - - - - _ - _ ---- _ __ _ _-__ - ._ .--,---------- -- -.--. __ _-MIRAF[-14-0N_OR__EQUIVALENT '6:' - - - n - NTONINOUEN_ FILTER_F�16RIC- ___._. - ._.---- - ---- ------ - - - -- -- - - .... - 00 0 NEW _ _ GR DE--- -: --- ---- -� ------ -T -- - -- ----- -------------------EX----------- #3-STONE-BEDDING ----- - --- TOP=467.00 -GRAD -1 _ ------�� - - --- ------- --- - - - - _... ter,. -_.- r r - -- ._ -- -- --- - ,.- _`-. _' -'_ __ -----I-------------,----- - .-_.__-.. r,c, _. _ `-a }. 11 : . ,. _ - r 100- - - -` - --- --- -- - - -. .. .--.- , -.1Q= ---- _- - Y" -_ -_.f _ _,_ _ ___-_ _--_._--- a _f,, (40} MG �I500 STORMTECH 't __-__---,_...--__-__- CHAMBERS OR EQUIVALENT , _-.____ -_-----..._-- ,),L._.,-....._ INVERT-461.00 �., .,=.1_ m _A �r---��- 1 r.- :r 1=).�..L`LL' ». ,_ 1.. -- "-- 6 PERFORATED-N-12 H N NOi �r._'r::_r" �sfr `1:_ £i �%_'` sc�.- `2-✓`}r -0 - PE R E UNALENT-UNDERDRAIN p Q '- --- �.: .. Sei6T �1,_s.' ;.-r-,[ _- ® 0.4% 6PPEBINEERRL___-- --II-—--- -- I_¢ --- - .____----_ .__. ,_ .._... z , _ - --- --- --- _ N --F:-. BOTTOM^ 12 _OF __ BMP-I--STONE-B€DDING---- __ #3--STONE---------- ---gELOW-UNDERDRAIN IS -NOT ------ ---- - ----#3-STONE----- f-=� z Zz-BOTTOM=458.00-_ _ECtGIBLI`FOR _STORAG C` - 4'a------- ------ - d NN = -- - ------------- k --- €D IN _ ---AND IS 'NOT-MOaELL - -- - _ - SWM DESIGN CALCULATIONS - _ -BOTTOM=458.00-- - ----- --- -- -- --'-- --- --..-- -- ---a ----- -- m L�-- - -- ---'- --- _ --. _ '--- ------ - - ,---,--------------1- --- ------ 10+50 11+00 7 STORM SEWER PROFILE: BMP 1 C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' r� LD-229[Storm Drain Design Computations, LATIONS: VDOT LD-204 & LD-229 AW I 0,00 0.00I 5.00 } 0-81 ; -8.90 1 448.55 446-50. ' 20,00 10.25% F2 F1 L- 460 cV455 In 450 ao 445 0 440 > Z -.--.sar4 ----- cm -+ O- N _ I Q_M------ _. _ zm °o v11--- _ - - 0 25.49-LF o - -- 15" HOPE N - _-_ - z _ __.- _ -o __> ._.._ ---- � __ _ __ __ a ----' _-_. 10+00 460 455 450 445 40 11 STORM SEWER PROFILE F1-F2 �91ORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' IN 180'- 3 STORM SEWER PROFILE B1-134 C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' 1 D2 480 �YR 0 a -- -r� 4 m N --- _- 1 475 = rn -- 4 -_-- _-� -- I o - -- N u�--.- _-_, 485 470 z ----NEW , -- t~il-1a---.-GRADES O O (D ------------ d. .--_--- 470 470 -- _---Z �' R-- 480 - 465 - - 15" 2 ------- 465 -5:60% . ----- WSE 465.79 MANIFOLD KDP_E - -- - --- ---- z R WSE 464.44 TO BMP - .-> -- ---- .. -- 475 460 WSE 461.81 L __ _ .r. - ._ 460 O `�'t O] �N-� N ------ --- --LO `=--E]I-Li ro--AT-95%- =ACTED TANDARD 470 455�� 1- I- -----to PROCTOR 455 » z-_ __ - - -- - - " - z ---- --- 0 0 455 �. > >_- - _I z _._ __ _ _-C, -- ___ �> - __.I---.-.-.-- 465 z _ 451a a -Z z __-- ----- >- A- 450 MANIFOLD ccl N - - nO--- - TO BMP 450 ---- ­______ -_ 20" SUMP-- 460 445 --.- ----INV M 459.50- rtT€ntANC( 445 0 c. _ 45 ._ _ - .­_.___1­­__­­_­_ '.. ---- ---- 455 11 +50 _ _ _ . _._ _.___ --__ = 440 10+00 _ - - --10+5040 Z 24- N rd' STORM SEWER PROFILE DI-D2 9 STORM SEWER PROFILE E1-E3 C9 HORZ: 1"=30' C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' VERT: 1 "=10' 480 480 475 475 I 470 470 � 465 c c 465 2 460 460 455 455 450 14 450 N c 445 a 445 440 10 40 -- - ---- --- -- - ---- --- r- - - - - __ .- - - - ----r - ---- ------ ---------} - - --- - -- - --' ------ -_- _ ---- -- ___________________________ -- -- - ---._ _. - - - - V -- ---- - N-�T] E ..... GRADE _ ._. _ _ __2__ _. ._ -- I _ --- --- __ _ .- - __-- _-_- - m -- - - -- I - - ---- ---------- I - o O o M _ _ - d� O .--- O as I - CURRENT C] i - ao - - �' __ =- < - --- GRADE -- -- 0.-- rn �- u7 �¢ -. z - --__ _ _ . _ __ _.r . -- ----- - - ----- _ _-._ ---- d 0- ---- _ 0 _". __ _ --. ___ -.. . - - - ---. --- --- _EL. o - - - - . _ - I- -- - - T - - -- --- - - ---- I - --------------------- - r_________=_ -NEW----.- - - - MI -- - - . -12 = -- --- -------------------- --- - - 8"-WL---- - - -- -- -- - - ---- -------_----------- - GRADE- SEPAR TION -- _. - --- -- ------------------------ - -- - ----- ---' ,..- _. _ ._ . _.. 0 _ _. cD ._ _- - _ _ 30.85-. 0 _ __._ 0 ...._ " ...-_ - _- 61 7 8 LF 15 _HOPE - _ � _ . - _ . " w - PE c-4 .- t5 HD o - rri _- - -- - - 0.65% Ira -ua - -- - - ri -_.___­_.._1____,___.____ r7- u3 rn an ® -0.65% d to d --- - - a ¢. -- - - - - I- z _ z - z--- - - --' _ --- - O - -- -� - - --_- f - -' . --- ---�-- - - -- z - -- ---- -- -- --- - . ,_ .- -.-- - - - --- -- -- �• Z .._ - -" - _..-.._.. _ _ . - -_..- - ..- --_._ . __I---- T --- ----'-- - --..,-. __ _� ---- - - ---- ------ - -. - .--- .. _ .---_ __.-.-'--- __ __ -_--------- - -- ------ 1-00 10+50 - 11+DO 114 4 STORM SEWER PROFILE B2-B2B C9 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' O' A4 WEIR WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY PRECAST MANUFACTURER. WALL I TO BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 100-YR WSE 457.86 - - --\ DI-7 TOP 458.00 100-YR HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. 1.50' EXPECTED MINIMUM 6" 10-YR WSE 456.37 40' WEIR TOP 456.50 REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL > a d _ THREADED & CAPPED 4" PVC 1-YR WSE 453.97 V-36' VEE NOTCH 454.00 MAINTENANCE ORIFICE, CAP ON DOWNSTREAM (DRY) SIDE OF WEIR - /� 1,%, "s / ` WALL. PVC PIPE ORIFICE SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH REINFORCEMENT TO WEIR WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY PRECAST MANUFACTURER. WALL 7:95 a a 6.00' ; Y _ 1. �-r` rPF_P, ct rl\l F (- R Is WEIR WALL AND INSTALLED AND BY TO BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND , ` 5.45' a , F. t RcrE_Rri- C PRECAST MANUFACTURER. CAP CAN 100-YR HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE.L v Yf1��: BE REMOVED BY MAINTENANCE EXPECTED MINIMUM 6"00' � CREW TO DRAIN SYSTEM IF 2.9" REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL. . -�- 'y irar 2.9" ORIFICE INV. 448.55 LOWER ORIFICE CLOGS. RTIFCE AND CAP MUST BE WATERTIGHT. THREADED & CAPPED 4" PVC MAINTENANCE ORIFICE. PROVIDE TRASH RACK CAP ON DOWNSTREAM (DRY) SIDE OF WEIR WALL TRASH RACK ON UPSTREAM (WET) SIDE. INV=450.55 TRASH RACK ON UPSTREAM (WET) SIDE (T2 A4 'STRUCTURE & WEIR PLATE DETAIL C9 SCALE: 1"=5' E1 T t� L: a rq. ---- --- - ----- I " 0 O' ___________- p7-rM-..___ _. I .__.__. _ .. ..____ _.._--__ . _.____ _-.-_._,._ _ _____ -_2 IQ . N 00 -, Cr- --- ---=I- o-------- - - .. ---- -- --- ..- --- ----Z Cr O_" � N -7- r __ _ - - --+�T-- --------------------I- v'GRADE-------------- ! r �. - _ I_. _ W � 0--.._ . ___._-_ _-- - _ ----_-__.__. r - - - ---- - - - _----- '--a ----- --- ------ -- _ - =--MIN: 12'- ---- �_ _- 1 1 -SERVICE'- -1 S€PARATI N- - " I _- ...... __ .__-- .. ... t_ -----.._... - -- ___._ .._ ...---4._V�L A -- --------- MIN._ 12-----..-- -- -- _ ._ -A -- __----_---- __- --- -.-- o __ , _6._-St. ___ ___ SEPARA ON - _- ___._ _-- • _ - ------ -- ____.- --- -- --1 . - - - ---- ____,_ T _.- -___ --------- 11 5 -------- ----- --- S - ----o - (-- - --- - --- ---- - - ___ _ _.- __ ----- - - -- -- 0 0I= _- _- - ------- ----I- -_--_-. -- - - - -. 6r - -r' n o -- -.. -, I --- -- --- 25 `c m cD h --- - - _. _.. - ._ -- _ - - - - - -_--- "-- .gip --¢ -`tom--- --- -- I ------------.._-------------..--------- -_---------_ --- - H �_��:6'�%? z-z--- - - -__ ---- - -----_ .-._--_ _ - o -- ------'------- --- - - --- -- --- - >> -- - > -- 0 z - -. _ _.._ 22 S1I P _ _ - _ __ _ _ -_ , _._ Z --INV-44 ..-50- - (MAINTENANCE) 10+50 11+00 11 + O' I 1 WEIR WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY C3 DI-3B TOP 469.30. PRECAST MANUFACTURER. WALL STRUCTURE HAS 60" TO BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 100-YR HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. / -1 BASE. WEIR IS OFFSET EXPECTED MINIMUM 6" / FROM STRUCTURE CL REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL / 4.50' 100-YR WSE 465.79 7', . . � 114 WEIR TOP 464.80 10-YR WSE 464.44 4 50 _ �I v �( ;/ 4 , 1-YR WSE 461.81 I '� l�F[ RF11K- ,_ 4" ORIFICE INV. 461.90 ,h �' ^9 � PROVIDE TRASH RACK ° 3:0o dt, J Y n j , STAIRS ON iii-�- 3 ORIFICE INV. 458.90 WEIR WALL PROVIDE TRASH RACK 13 C3 STRUCTURE & WEIR PLATE DETAIL C9 SCALE: 1"=5' 2P,85 470 465 460 5_55 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 4440 50 HIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNIN G PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHILIP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12,20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. = STORMWATER PROFILES Mpfq2- ---) ) ag �- a C9 O' I 1 WEIR WALL TO BE DESIGNED BY C3 DI-3B TOP 469.30. PRECAST MANUFACTURER. WALL STRUCTURE HAS 60" TO BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 100-YR HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. / -1 BASE. WEIR IS OFFSET EXPECTED MINIMUM 6" / FROM STRUCTURE CL REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL / 4.50' 100-YR WSE 465.79 7', . . � 114 WEIR TOP 464.80 10-YR WSE 464.44 4 50 _ �I v �( ;/ 4 , 1-YR WSE 461.81 I '� l�F[ RF11K- ,_ 4" ORIFICE INV. 461.90 ,h �' ^9 � PROVIDE TRASH RACK ° 3:0o dt, J Y n j , STAIRS ON iii-�- 3 ORIFICE INV. 458.90 WEIR WALL PROVIDE TRASH RACK 13 C3 STRUCTURE & WEIR PLATE DETAIL C9 SCALE: 1"=5' 2P,85 470 465 460 5_55 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 4440 50 HIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNIN G PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHILIP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12,20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. = STORMWATER PROFILES Mpfq2- ---) ) ag �- a C9 2P,85 470 465 460 5_55 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 4440 50 HIM ENGINEERING LAND PLANNIN G PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHILIP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12,20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. = STORMWATER PROFILES Mpfq2- ---) ) ag �- a C9 485 480 5. 480 475 470 465 460 465 450 4 ----------- ---------- ----------------- - ------- ----- ------- ---- --- ---- - - - -------- ---------------- 11 Ck� -O ---- - -- - - ----------------- __ - ---------- ----- - - ----- - -------- Ld • -- ------- - -- ---- T RF LAS INTERIOR r LI EXTE _RIOR-Zjt4C-- . .... .. ... ----------- -OVE - GRADE NATIVE------' -GRADE RR GRADE- ------- --------- -- ---------- ------- --------- DIP-WATE - ---- ------ ------------ --- ......... . ........... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ry -------- - ----- — ---------- ARE I- V LF a_.tjyT_ERm_x EM _EXTERIOR_. FAR -IN, -- - ---- — ------ GTE: NLL CROSSINGS UTILITY A BELOW WATERLINE AND ARE NOT - --- - ------ ------- - ---- ------ ------ --------- - ,___r ------ --------- ----- . ..... SHOWN ON WATERLINE PROFILES. MINIMUM S EPARATION 18' -52 - Dip - --PIPE ------- ------- TO TYPE A BOA -------------- - -- - --------- - - -- - --------- ----------- -- ------- ------- ------ % +00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 (�1WATER MAIN —BRANCH 1 Clo HORZ: V=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 485 - ---- -------- _Q _NEW NE--- 480 GRADE- 480 5- ' 114 475 -COVER— 475 -32-3-Lr-C KTER1ORJCEMENT7__ 470 MORTAR-LINEDj-EXTERIOR-ZINC- 470 COATED -CLASS-52-,DIP-WATERUNE- -- -- ----- 465 465 41% — +00 10+5060 K2_"�BLDG. 101 SERVICE Clo ,)HORZ: 1"=30' VERT- 1 "=10' 475 470 465 460 455 450 7 445 440 435 L -t w 430 425 10 485 480 475 470 465 46 - ------ - --------- GRADE----- 3:5'- MIN-.- 6RADE ------- _- - ME-------- —MoRTAR-UNEDj-E-XTERIOR-ZjNC- _C_oATEQjcLASS- '52-- DIR WATERLINE - - __-_ ------- 10 +00 10+50 3BLDG. 101 FIRE Clo HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 480 475 470 465 1 +0060 1 )+uu 490 485 480 475 470 465 460 4 — - ----NEW GRADE- --- - ---- COVER - -28;9-LF-6!-1NTERIOR-CEME MORTAR= UNEDi-- EXTERIOR- -ZING- EL __WA LIN ER 1 ------ - - --- ---- ---- - ---------- ------- - - L 485 485 480 480 475 475 470 470 465 465 460 460 55 %+ oo 10+5t 45 14+00 FGR'ADE--- GRADE- 3 .5' MIN.— - -------- - _316-LF-47-INTERIOR -CEMENT--- MORTAR=LINED, EXTERIOR -ZINC-- CQ_ATED­C_LASS_.-_ _52 -DIP W& 10RURE ------- -------- - 14+50 490 NOTE: 485 WATER VALVES, METERS, HYDRANTS, & FITTINGS SHOWN ON PLAN VIEW 480 475 470 465 460 A 1% +00 10+5Y' 4HYDRANT 1 (5CLUBHOUSE FIRELINE C1 0 HORZ: 1"=30' Clo HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' VERT: 1"=10' 15+00 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 45 50 15+ 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 --------- - _GRAD ATIV E_______ 3.5 MIN. -- - ---- OVER NEW- -GRADE---- -1,--.--.--- .1 m C ---- MORTAR= LINED -EXTERIOR-ZING --CQA WATE -TEQ�:CLASS�52-DIF _U ------ - ----- ----- . ....... - - --------- -------- -------- - ----------- -- --- ---- Foo 10+50 11+00 11-1 61WATER MAIN —BRANCH 2 HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=1 0' 475 470 465 460 � 455 450 - - ------ - URRENT--------- NEW -.GRADE-. ­39 -LF­40ANTERIOR -CEMENT A -LINW,_ GRI&R: Q(TERf0fL_ZIRG__. GATED -CLASS -52-DIP-WATERLINE . ..... 475 475 470 470 465 465 460 460 455 455 450 450 4 A t 41% +00 10+5 6BLDG 104 SERVICE— HORZ: 1"=30) VERT- 1"=10' --------- rGADE --------- - ----- ... ------ - ------- ------------ FGu N----------- G AD ----- - --77.5-LF-6- TER[ CEM MORTAR-LINED-,f -EXTERIOR" ZINC COATEDCLASS-52 _DIP'WATERUN 5- 00 10+50 ill o BL DG 104&105 FIRE HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1 "=10' --------------- - -------- ---------- - - - -------- --- --------- - ------------ ------- - --------- - ------ -- ---- ------ ----------- - ---- -- -- - ---- NATIVE AD ---------- V GRADE-- ........ ...... _F ........ .. I - GRA GRA - F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i - — -- I--< - 00 C, - - ------ ER------- - --- -------- - - - --------- ------- ---- - ------- STORM-- EPLARAvTn1O t ------- ---I STORM, 8- STORM C, MIN. -1 u') u_j - ----- t - - --------- ... . ....... ------ - ------- ------- MIN. 18m SEPARATION.' - ------------- --------­---- -- CONTRACTOR TO - VERIFY DEPTH BEFORE INSTALL REPORT ANY C> C) DISCREPANCIES. ----------- zz- -- ------- - -------------- --- - ----------- -------- . ...... — ----------- ------ ---------------- ==.,97.75_LF_8'_DIP __o 0L0 o MIN.--12" ..c cp ED ED -EP-ARATfON Lo-6- :z = -- - - -------- ------- --------- - ------ -------- ------ ...... .... . ... - - ----------- 00 10+50 o 11--)0 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 164 C) 13_SANITARY SEWER MAIN 1A-5A HORZ: 1"=301 VERT: 1"=10' C/o 2A C/o C/o C/o nc/O O- 460 z d 455 450 7 445 0 440 435 40 430 0 2f 425 420 V4 Lo NA VE--- DE --------- -- Q Z- -- --- ------ 0 ------ r13 NEW ------ ZD C> w ------- --------- LF oe ----- - - - ------- - ------------- L C�---- Fy 66 0 - -- CD 00 s 6. (JDCD__ -------- -- ------ -------- T - -- -------- ------- ------ - - ----- --- --- 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 (�14 BLDG. 104&105 SAN. LATERAL Clo HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 460 455 450 445 440 435 430 425 12 5t 485 4,80 475 470 465 Z: 460 7 455 450 445 O 440 O 435 T_ ------- - - ----- ------------ ------ NATIVE Rco co o0 i eo - ----- _2 Eo cr I rRAnF co +_6 NEW t-.-Lo ------------ ---- -- = cd ---------- - c:1 co ---- - A 0cc -6* , O q ra , Ca v :;35 3 667. 155 ----------- - -- --- .41 6--55 Lo C) -3 w - -3 .4-1.4- !� 0O :z 0 -------- - 10-00 A+50 11+00 11+50 r15_BLDG. 103 SAN. LATERAL �Cjo)HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 480 475 470 465 46 0 455 450 445 440 12+0035 485 480 475 470 465 460 L C) 455 r, Lo 4.50 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 440 435 430 5t15 - ----- ------ ........ ------- N 6 c> ----- --- + ------CURREN RA ZD C� r_ Ea (DLo . zE Lo Lc. f --GRA T - - -------- ;z MIN.--1 SDR-35-0 -1 cn c>-68,15-1-F- - --SDR1. 35 .22- EO r- co Lnu,) zz-- ----------- --- --- ----- ------------ - ------ - ----------- 445 10+00 10+50 11 00 16BLDG. 102 SAN. LATERAL � C_i V HORZ: 1 "=3 , VERT: 1"=10' 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 5 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 5t45 475 475 470 470 465 465 460 460 455 455 450 450 ()t45 445 441% 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 4 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 450 1% +00 10+50 11 +oyAA'r 7BLIDIG 102&103 SERVICE HORZ: 1"=30' VERT. 1"=10' . F -------------- ------ -- ------- ------ -GRAD _83 -LF,-4*-- INTERIOR -CEME - ------ MORTAR=LJNEE, -AS _LCL --EILINE _3n1P____WAT ---- ------- NC ---• ------- - ------------ - ----------- ------- --- - ----- ---------- - - ---------- - ------ - --F-n-R--*A-Dr--------------- ------ ----- ------- - --------- -- ---- ------ ------ ------ ----------- - ----------- ------------ -------- - ---------- - IN- ------- ___LE_4'_,_INTERI0 R CEMENT- -MORTAR-LINED-E XTERIOR-- Z[tf(j OA -- --- --- ----- ---- ---- ----- - ---- ------ ----------- - -- - ----- ------ - ------ ----- 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 OtJO (�1�113LDG 105 SERVICE HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 485 48Q 475 470 kTION 465 C) cq to to 460 45 5 480 475 470 465 460 10+00 10+50 ll+ot (--1-7 CLUBHOUSE SAN. LATERAL Clo HORZ: 1"=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 480 _.0 0 C> -- ----- - --- - ------------- - . ..... cz) in .. .. .. . .. .. RADE O --- - --- --- --- ------- - CURRENT . ..... ADE 0 0 CRq - --SDR=35 - - ------- r__ rl- (.0 Ko - ----- @ 14056._ ------- - ------ - ----------------------- ------ - -- - ------- ------- 475 zr 470 465 to co 460 Co 455 10 C/o 475 470 465 460 455 450 ------ EX. 35MIN--� -GRADE--- ---'-'-73-,0 -LF-6'-INTERIOR _MORTAR=L1NED, --EXTERIOR-ZINC ----COATED CLASS -62- DIP -WATE - ----- - LINE- ----- ------- --- -- - - ------- ---- -------- 475 465 460 455 450 5 A+oo 10+50 ll+OV 813LDG 102&103 FIRELINE_ �Cjo)HORZ: 1';--30- VERT. 1"=10' 445 445 - ----- Ld ------- ---- ----- zo T_ 52 COVER----, rCONNECT BEFORE DIP (POTHOLED) EX. 12' TEE 435 435 18 SEPARATION 12" SEPARATION-- 1?- INSERTION -VALVE-5--LF-BEFOR 430 2) -45-- 430 BENDS -W.- SPACER -PIPE NEEDED -.45-LF--12 -INTERIOR )k - EXTERIOR EMENT_ ORTA-UNEY,.[OR 425 --ZING--COATED-CLASS--52-DIP- 425 -WATERLINE.- (2)---45* -BENDS jO-- TIE=IN -BEFORE -EX_TEE___-_ 420 0420 _-5 10+00 10- �MOUNTAINWOCID RD WL REPLACEMENT HORZ: 1"=31C VERT: 1 "=10' /o o -------- --- - - ------ a- CD C.3 ------ CD co C14 Cw) NEW - GRADE- --- --- ---------- ... LF C, SD _-35 'DR 35 c, fo - ------ -7 uo oo— ---------- 00 10+50 11,00 ll+ 1_8�13LDG. 101 SAN. LATERAL Clo HORZ: 1=30' VERT: 1"=10' 485 480 475 470 465 460 5t55 SHIM ENGINEERING2- LAND PLANNING PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 [INITIAL SDPI REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SOP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SOP] 2021,12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. SANITARY SEWER & WATERLINE PROFILES 3) 3_90030 /9p-- c 10 f \ \ \ \4111 \ \% ' \ % +N % %\� A \OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING STREET TREES IF THEY ARE REMOVED \'\��` FOR ACSA WATERLINE MAINTENANCE. LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 10% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA 221,720 SF x 10% = 22,172 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 22,172 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 26,369 SF STREET TREES (ENTRANCE CORRIDOR INTERIOR ROAD & SEC. PORTION OF COUNTRY GREEN ROAD (280 LF) VISIBLE FROM 5TH STREET (ENTRANCE CORRIDOR): LARGE SHADE TREES (2� CAL.), 40' O.C. REMAINING PORTION OF COUNTRY GREEN ROAD: LARGE SHADE TREES, 50' O.C. REQUIRED: (280/40) = 7 LARGE SHADE TREES (670/50) = 14 LARGE SHADE TREES* PROVIDED: 8 LARGE SHADE TREES & 20 ORNAMENTAL TREES* *Due to an existing ACSA waterline along Country Green Road, small ornamental trees are proposed 35' O.C. as street trees to avoid possible conflicts in this area. OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD, LARGE SHADE TREES, 40' O.C., 250 LF REQUIRED: (250/40) = 6 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 6 LARGE SHADE TREES MOUNTAINWOOD ROAD, LARGE SHADE TREES, 50' O.C., 210 LF REQUIRED: (210/50) = 4 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 4 LARGE SHADE TREES PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING (SEC. 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA SHALL BE LANDSCAPED 5% OF TOTAL PAVED AREA: 67,098 SF x 5% = 3,355 SF REQUIRED: 3,355 SF PROVIDED: 11,420 SF NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Symbol planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Min' Cal./Height Quantity Total He ght(ft) Canopy SF Total Canopy in 10 Yrs SF 0 Large Deciduous Tree Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak 21' Cal. 8 31 370 2960 0 Large Deciduous Tree Platanus x acerifolio London Planetree 24' Cal. 7 28 368 2576 Large Deciduous Tree Ulmus americana American Elm 11' Cal. 17 22.5 397 6749 0 Large Deciduous Tree Tillo americana American Basswood 1r Cal. 13 26 191 2483 Evergreen Tree Cryptomerla japonica Cryptomerla 4-5' Ht. 8 25 123 984 1( J1 �(+ Medium Deciduous Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple 1r Cal. 3 20 177 531 ld� Ornamental Tree Lagerstroemio indica Crapemyrtle 6-7' Ht. 23 15 77 1771 Cc Ornamental Tree Cercis canadensl Eastern Redbud 6-7' Ht. 7 17 124 868 GOrnamental Tree Corpus kousa Kousa Dogwood 6-7' Ht. 6 15 128 768 Ornamental Tree Magnolia x soulangiana Saucer Magnolia 6-7' HL 3 17 145 435 Ornamental Tree Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' Ht. 7 le 113 791 G) Evergreen Shrub Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly 12" HL 11 6 23 253 Evergreen Shrub Viburnum x burkwoodi Burkwood Viburnum 24" Ht. 84 8 22 1848 ® Deciduous Shrub Comus sedcea Red Twig Dogwood 12" Ht. 11 8 72 792 Gv Deciduous Shrub Itea virginica 'Henrys "Henryls Gamet' 12' Ht 26 6 64 1864 Garnet" Sweetspire © Deciduous Shrub Viburnum nudum P� 3umhaw uum 12" Ht. 32 6 28 896 0 Deciduous Shrub Fothergilia gardenll Dwarf Fotherg111a 12' Ht. 34 2 72 — TOTAL SF: 26369 O 1^ 1 1 1 1 1 ` I r 1 t\/ HIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. LANDSCAPE PLAN M� 11 � C11 Project Name: _ Part Number: _ Type. BOLLARDS LED - - - NSW OUTDOORLIGHTING 407-478-3759 www.[Ip-inc.corn • Flat Top or Dome Top design with aluminum cone reflector • 42" extruded aluminum housing with flush mounting base and vandal -resistant screws, optional cut down 1 • Powder coat finish over a chromate conversion coating, available in black or bronze' • Custom color options available' • Stainless Steel housing available for Domed Top only (55) • Internal ballast tray for easy maintenance • Clear Polycarbonate Lens • Multiple beam spread options: 90°,180' & 270• • 8" anchor bolts (std.), optional 4", 12" & 15" • 120-277V Universal Voltage • 5 Year Warranty • ETL Listed for Wet Locations 'Contact factory for pricing 44 STEEL HORIZOI,frAL REINFORCING BARS - 2 LIGHT POLE Product Certifications L l+'45..7�N.iiYN'Y+"MIi - �� N6FA0 TI, f 4L 1 M I l�+ n"ns�®� yq c �IY as !< 3 tt8 VOERT CIDUIAL n"°Y` d REINFORCING BARS �rdenng (nforrnatipn nape �..;- ( ) MQuntiy CletaliS Page3 LISTED ��r+rc�ecs°' Intertek FORM 2' DIAMETER POLE 0 ttcaLjConfl ufatlonspe « t REPLACES A,'GRourJD p gEn A_ft 324WMH BASE EQUIVALENT- VALEENTT-REMOVE 'R SONOTUBEWHEN COMPLETE. CONDUIT pir SpeQi6patlor)s payed . _ r Energy,anc� Performance Data page4 Product Features Walkways Parking Lots + COntfQl:Q�tlOn$ pape5� �a i Boardwalks rw.wsa.rka,a>sv wn:`a vw;.< Quick Facts - ® > F0 0 + a 00 • Direct -mounted discrete light engine for improved optical uniformity and visual comfort Calculated L > • Lumen packages range from 7,500 - 41,000 nominal lumens (50W - 300W) ca- to 7p(TMz1) >5oK 50K. T • Replaces 70W up to 1,000W HID equivalents Delivered Lumens 1 402Im 1 221 Irn • Efficacies up to 1481umens per watt Total btput watts 17 w 1s w }o n +o i +a i +o o n. ir• �o.o - • Standard universal quick mount arm with universal drill pattern Lumhtalre Efficacy Rating (LER) 831nt/W 74 Im/W /� LIGHT POLE Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) 4000K 4000K / Dimensional Details _______._._.. __ _ _ __ _ Color Rendering Index (CRI) >80 >80 ------------- Prevail - •- -- -- -------- ----- ------ ,. 0.,1 ,.` o 1 0.0 U 0 Ambient Temperature Range f 110'F _ 110'F S� + + GROUND WIRE. BOND TO POLE BASE HAND HOLE Universal Driver 120-277 V 120-277 V r MJCHOR BCLrs 41D POLE I [17/mm) LED System data above based on 8LFT-l5WLED-UNN-i000K & 6LDT-lMED-ONiW WOK. ' / ,L ATTACHME(`rr BY FIXTURE LED Lunen maintenance estimates based on TM-21 projections for the tight source at 25'C ambient MANUFACTURER - - ------ ----- 0 0 00 0 - 0.2 01 "".1 0.1 U 1 OPTIONAL 3" BEVEL 3000 PSI CIP CONCRETE BASE I 13•16l16'(354mm1 26.73/16'[681. ��` \ �` GROUND WIRE PER ELECTRICAL CODE mmj ' 9 ; r ' +0 0 F0 0 : +0. 7:G v 11.4 +0 ! +0.1 i PAVEMENT Prevail XL r-1 RI FT FIAT- Rnllard F-linwi Fri n IINIV 19r1_977V nid r r]dnnnk ❑RPL Re placementPolycarbonaleLens 0 + `rY 1 }UP. 0U +0° + .a +00 00 00 nn _ rr; ]/ s 00 �°o 4{ UC� U 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.' + ♦ .. + + + + F1 F\ +9 f § .5 -15 -r°. U a. 0 +..�-'' j U U .- I-°. ° i-0;+4. . 4 +0 pan 00 0 0 0.0 or•Y ��\ -i-0.0 -♦°.0 BOA l"4:.(,� - =:_u.0 t°°° 4. +a° +°0 f)00 +u 0 0 ❑ BLDT Dome Top Bollard ❑ BLDT Dome Top Bollard SS +0.1 +9.1 +0. ❑ A84 Bracket & Three (3) 4" Anchor Bolts / ! r r _ El AB12 Bracket 8 Three (3) 12" Anchor Bolts i -'f SUBGRADE ❑AB15 Bracket S Three (3)15"Anchor Bolts LO U 0 TO U / F 2`2 1.z ) ❑90BS 90°Beam Spread � / +'��+ rj}�� z --- ❑180BS 180'BeamSpread \\ f A-26 20' �{(�+ -r ❑2708S 270°Beam Spread � tt f�+r"" /...s !�1 ui n-tl ill--iu i --n � i� i lii ui Ilit- ui n iii ui-..ii f ,,}, 5 a1 Lair iiC i�i ii[ , +oo +°° `.° �i +s , :�r'' S + + +=5� 5 +�`" + I(-(IIIT1-__({I 11.-11. 11�. 111-ITS. U.0 a� 4 1.1 5.4 107 1 7 ELEOCTF�DICALDPER CODE =F .[1r [i I��[�-���{L Ilil Ilf ,ill_ y. -III llE 1� II T _ ](I II I EH, (If_-111 I[ -III Ili_:i1.-111 <\ �✓ ..� 0,} 1Ca } Y.tz_f ,. I 1 ,- --I i T Ii 4 -I F + T t i-1 I r -II---1 T---! I t-I t--1 rr-y i r t t'f=FI / / 09 3.3 90 85 15 0.0 0 0 0 01 0 2 a 9 U O -' 1" PVC CONCUIT + +. F + + + r? E y + . + ..., + ! SWEEP (TYP) _ QA25P_20' ram, tv;iN :1 (4) 48 STEEL VERTICAL REINFORCING BARS. !�i�? r}: r, 6 5 k LENGTH EVENLY SPACED U.0 01 i 0 / 2 2.5 12 1.3 29 68 3 19 14 1B�1;jv 26 08 0` .00 t J t +', t -J- J i F + )1 ' 6< 3 44STEEL HORIZONTAL < w yr `< ( ) 7 ( COMPACTED SUBGRACE ✓ . •'B 37 3.5' t a BELOW BASE 2' -« [ REINFORCING BARS. 18" LONG nn nn _n'S / s.d%' 1 79 93 1d 9R Rai 7'R :i s7F� ?�� 16 99 42 n_2 _0 .0.0 _Uo a.0 +0.0 +0 .1 + 400 +0.0 r0a a0 +D 0 o a _,o. a 1+ 0 goo -- +00 +00 goo + LIGHT POLE BASE DETAILS C12 JNTS STATISTICS AVERAGE: 1.5 fc MAXIMUM: 13.3 fc MINIMUM: 0.0 fc Schedule Symbol Labe[ Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description Number of Lamps Filename Wattage Light Loss Factor COOPER LIGHTING PREVAIL AREA AND ROADWAY LUMINAIRE PRV-C40-D-UNV-T2- ❑ A 26 SOLUTIONS - LUMARK PRV-C40-D-UNV-T2-BZ-7030 (2) 70 CRI, 3000K LEDS AND TYPE II 2 BZ-7030.ies 131.0 1.00 (FORMERLY EATON) OPTICS, BRONZE PAINTED FINISH O B 33 Industrial Lighting Products BLDT-15WLED-UNIV-4000K Black aluminum housing, specular reflector, 88 White LEDs BLDT-15WLED-UNIV- 16.5 1.00 clear plastic enclosure 4000K.ies Lighting Notes: 1. Pole mounted fixtures shall be mounted at a height of 20' from the finished grade which includes the pole base. 2. Building mounted fixtures shall be mounted at a height of 10'. 3. Pedestrian walkway fixtures shall be mounted at a height of 35. 4. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a [amp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle. SHIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.10.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021,07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021,12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. �I LIGHTING PLAN M 1� 3/ C-4 �a C121 PoV b- ATE D G 0 P •m—'• AR 5, I�--,� Uzri.[.�,. • JO 490 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 45a SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. C> MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY 4" AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. a G PLANTING PIT. PREPARED SOIL FOR SHRUBS SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOILEll ) I :• . ri_�SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL. C� Not To Scale SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1" ABOVE EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 pO OF ROOTBALL Sao A 3" TALL WATERING BERM c a o 1 FINISHED GRADE S F '.•,11� BAIL, :'.' I -I iI v II^iII-1�i- F Z \ •*iRz r T^ i. I f- �., ii 3' C M Y. N r . :t rA 0. s,p1 /S fS � � \ �r4 H < � •t� i aw :�7 �s ; 1 • a _i�C_•n h•- -•4. �, a ■'i 5'I 'RIM i..� LOLL �4j ; ty � ��� �rj •�� .•�;� -'' / i — � CLUE1HOUSE $x.;) i�" f J�:iti. Ift1k 2,800 5� �;i;",` ' •ice 4 .t., ri/ A?tY��!? 9� Ofj 5F '/ ,/ —�' . x FFE 475.00+ ?`Y '(t f .i,+7-..•i fit. T•4;:.- li:,',.}St�: /•..T �i� J `--.�•"Y. � �■ .- ,` r`;�. + w-3y�'� k,''s„" k'd.*'. ,t,'r: ���X.- °, / '.' � � � i � / . %Y'�' i ' malt!-.��..' :: r• � .V Wit — lam= -------►ERSGTiON 33 SIGH TA -------- ----- --- -- -- -- ---- -_- ---- __30-MPH -COIUNTT�C-L00K1NG�NT RY EX, -- - GRAD -_ i -- _ - ----- - -------' ---- ---- _.------ --------- ------- - - - --- ---_ --.- -- --,------- }fCiT_ _-___ --- -- ----- ' --- -- -- --- ---- _�_ _ - - �—-- - - _.. - -- - - -- 1. --- _ -_:_ -._�-- - _ r _. _. - - .__ -T--- -- . - -- ---- -- - - - - --- .. _. - --- - N ------------- -- � ---- -� 1 ---- - - _ _ - --- �- /A/ffi_ - tc ---- - fir` __ .. - �---- --- - - -- --- - ------ -- - - _ - -- ---- - - -- _---_ -- � I 1- - --i .— -- T - � - ----- - -- - -------- ---- LOLL_ - --- - - — -- --- - - -_t-- -_LOLL-_ -------__- ----- --- �� ---- ----------- MP Dlsfq - - 5e . Ear EN� -,p``^/ A�J•� �pTh- - - - -- -- ---- -- - - -- _ _-- _ __-- _ --____-- _. _._ _ - ----- -----.._--- - ---- --- _ -_--�- _ - '--- — ----- --- - -- - - - -- - -- -- _ _ . _._ - - - - -----.._- -- ..- --� - - -LOLL - '- -- '- -- - -- - - - - - -------- _ - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- --- - -- - - ----- - ---- __LOLL_ ---- ---- - - --- -- ----'--- - _ _ - -- -- __ ....__._.. _ .__._ ._ _._ --. -- - - - .._ _ � ...-._ _ -- - -- -- --- - -�- LOLL__. . _ _..._.._._._. -------- _ . ---� _ _._ ._-- ....___.. _—_�_ _LOLL _ - --- — _---.-T— _-- _ _._ _._.__._. _._ LOLL—_ T - -- ' - --- -- - -- ---- - --' - I ---' -- —'— ---- -- — — --- -- --- --._ ' _—+_ _..-...--- +00 10+50 11+00 I I _rju I z-rvu I z-1-JU I JtuU I JtDU 14+UU 14+5U INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN & PROFILE 13 Plan/Horizontal Scale: 1 "=50' Vertical Scale: V=10' 485 480 iiTo 0 471`b+00 10+50 11 +0v ?5_t - - ---h-- L333�GRADE_- EX: --- 5.5 -- ---T-LNEw-- - ---- '- �Q -GRADE - - 485 480 475 70 7 5 ROW WAY ENTRANCE PROFILE C13 Horizontal Scale: 1"=50' Vertical Scale: 1"=10' 490 485 480 475 470 465 460 455 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+0050 I 41 611 I� 41 611 - I 6" Wooden Fence Board I 1 1 ( 4' x 4' Steel Columns for Gates 11 1� 4' 6" x 6' 6"Treated Wooded 7, O11 1 1 ; ' 1 1 Gate finish to match buildings 2" x 4" Rail (typ) I Concrete Pad DUMPSTER PAD ENCLOSURE 3 DUMPSTER PAD DETAILS C13 Not To Scale 0 6" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE LO AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. WIRE I _ REINFORCING OR #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. O�OQO�O�Q�OdO�Q'Of 4" COMPACTED VDOT #21A I-�GOMPACTED SUBGRADE �i MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED ('_4DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL C13 Nat To Scale NOTE: VDOT DETAILS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE USE OF MOST CURRENT VDOT STANDARD DETAILS FROM THE LATEST VERSION OF VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS. GENERAL NOTES: DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE PROVIDED TRUNCATED DOMES L THE ABLE 2, DETECTABLE WARNING 70 i£ CLASS A-3 CONCRETE (CLASS A-4 F PRECAST) WITH SLIP RESISTANT HTEGRA_ SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT N LENGTH N THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN WNNNIN MAY E USED OF MATERIAL WITH ME EEWANEEES DETECTIBLE 3. SLOPING SEES CIF CURB RIND MAY BE POURED MQNOLTHIQ&LY WITH RAM, TYPE A FLOOR OR BY USING. PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUGTICN JOHT FFWITH REQEUIRED.. BARS. PERPENDICULAR 41 THIATMAD.OIOOR IS MING FLARED S1 SDCMI BEET BE PROVIDEDCAST IN PLACE. VTIE PLACEI,ENT OF 50 PRECAST RANMP FLOOR. PR�ECHHAppST CONCRETE .SIILL BE: CLASS A-4.. _ ,� 5' CM BBOTH 31OE 0 IN ARE TRAMPEFLIaR, YD DEPTH OF RMF FFLLOOR.CYHMUM� I CONCRETE COVER Ii : L2+1 LAX_ B, CURB / CLRB AND GUTTER SLOPE TRMISITIoKs A 4ACENT TO CURB RAMPS ARE INCLLOED N PAYMENT FOR CURB / CURB Ail GUTTER. TYPE'_ B 7. CURB RAMPS ARE TO BE LOCATED IB SHOWN ON THE PLM43 OR AS DIRECTED PARALLEL BY THE ENGINEER. THEY ARE 10 ff PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREVER: AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE WTIHN THE RMT CIF WAY OF A HIGHWAY FAULTY CROSSES A CURB REGARDLESS OF WIETHER SIDEWALK 19 EXISTING PROPOSED, OR NONEXISTENT. THEY MUST UE LOCATED WITHIN PEDESTRIAN CRbSSWALKS- AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENIGItEER AND SHOULD NOT BE LOCATED BEHIND VEHICLE STOP LIES EXISTING LIGHI'f POLES PIPE •„a1j,IR HYDRANTS. DROP INLETS. ETC•: ACCESSIBLE ROUTES PROME A �CtNTNUWS LNGBSTRIJCTED STA3l FIRM SLIP R�SISTH4T PATH CIXitECTNO ALL A40EV9EU BYPEEDESiRLVSA FLUTY THAT CAf AFPROALHED, ENTERED B. RAMPS MAY BE PLACED ON RADIAL OR TANGENTIAL SECTIONS PROVIDED THAT T IAN AT ,YC . 2" HIGHER THAN THE CURB. OPENING ra PLACED 'MINN THE LIMITS OF THE CROSSWALK AO EDGE OF P IGHER T THAT THE SLOPE AT THE COM.ECIEN. OF THE CURB OPENING S PERPENDICULAR TO THE Q! AT XX , SALE AS TOP OF CUtB A jYP CpNH;pETE SD .WK IS 4" K. TE THE ENTRANCE RAVI CANNOT TYPE C PCC■O■ATi: 7FE TL REWRE�f)F PgTED HEAVY TRUCK . TRUCK IRPfFIR TO STClIARD CREICG-13.. RCIA• E RWCE N VY PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR p' WHEN CURB SSED IN EHAEFAIPATH,HE6W/RAMPS HALLaE F WIDTH CONJUNCTION USE PH L&" - 2.4" TRUNCATED DOFF C-C O O O Q 0 0 0 O O O O O O. 0 0 0 0,0 00 00 0 0 Q 0 ,H O O Q 0C, 0.0 Q 00 Q O Q O.0 0 Q O.Q O.Q. O OO 0 00 0 OQ O Q a °Q00000000000000 0.21, 50Y - B5X. OF BASE DIAMETER r 0 0 0 O O O. 00 0 0 0 0 O 0 .0 R O 0 0 0 0 0 Q.0 00 A 0 0 0 O DOB' - I.4•' I VARIABLEBASE gAIETER +'MINIMUM, PAY UNRS TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING DETAILSHEET 1 OF 4 CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACEPECFCMON REY 7/D5 GENERAL NOTES. �: 2g3,D5 VIRGINIA. DEPARTWENT OF TRANSPORTATION s CG-12 GENERAL NOTES C13 Not To Scale A - I PErU3SQLE CONST. 5' NIN JOINT g" 70 i A TRUNCATED DOMES SEE SHEET IOF 4 FOR DETALS TANGENT PLAN STO. CG-2 2'-0" 1 0'-0•• BALK OF CU 12 M A 20 1 4 �2' MN.-• LOLL SECTION A -A NOTE, FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, SEE SHEET IOF 4. TYPE C PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR APPLICATION ROADWAY GRAD' N PERCENT MNI.E)MIR MP LENGTH -- FEET CURB B' CURB 0 2 4 i 2 5 2 3 5 3 3 6 4 4 B 5 B 0 fi. 7 44 7 13 TS B 1 15 1 15 b 3 O a, CROSSWALK TYPICAL PLACEMENT AT INTERSECTION WITH BUFFER STRIP THE SELECTION OF. CURB TYPE AND THE CW.IGURAT)GN OF THE UTILITY STRIP MAY VARY TO MEET .EXISTING FELD CONDITIONS AND ROADWAY GEOME'TICS PROVIDING THE UIMNSIONS Al. SLOPES ARE AS NOTED. AT * . 2" HIGHER THAN EDGE OF PAVEMENT AT**.SAME AS TCP OF CURB THIS COMBINED (PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR) CESIGN FOR ALTERATIONS CAN BE USED WITH ADJOINING BUFFER STRIP. LAID,NG AT BOTTOM OF TWQ SLOPING SIDES WITH 60" X GO" MIN. DIMENSIONS. THE SHORT PEWEWACU_AR RUN TO THE STREET CAN BE PROIECIED BY A LANDSCAPED SETBACK CR CONNECTED TO THE SIDEWALK 'HRH A WARPED SURFACE, NOTE, THE REOURED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAMP IS LIMITED TO T5 FEEi,REGAROLE55 OF THE -SLOPE 4 CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACEnFDE REV. 7105 TYPE C (PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR) APPLICATION 105 2E07 VIRGINIA CEPARTLENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 9 CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING TYPE C C13 Not To Scale 403 DOWELS,. B:' LONG �Ar�, ERNISSF3LE AT 12. C-C -I COON TRUOVON 5' NW 12-1 MAX .I. t 12�1 1UX ;O -t- B 2' B L RAMP (SEE TABLE) - TFIANCATED DOMR A SEE SHEET 1 OF 4 FOR DETAILS MN SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB BALK OF CURB 48 -1 MAX 20 : 1 4 , 2 MN- SECTION A -A PETMSSIBLE �CONSIINGIICN JOINT 1 SECTION B-B NOTE, SEFOR GEEERAI OF TE$ ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE.4. TYPE B PARALLEL APPLICATION ROADWAY GRACE N PERCENT MNUMMIfl LENGTH 4" CLRB 8•' CURB O 4 I b 1 5 1 7 2 5 8 3 8 9 4 8 12 5 D 15 Q N F5 t CROSSWALK TYPICAL PLACEMENT AT INTERSECTION WITHIN CROSSWALK NUTE. THE REOURED LENGTH OF A PARALLEL RAM' IS LMTED TO 15 FEETi REGARDLESS OF IRE SLOPE. SHEET 3 OF 4 IlKanCiinE CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 02 TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION REV.7I05 . _ VIRGINIA . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 203.06 10 CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING TYPE B C13 Not To Scale cc; STREET MPRQACN SAME LAFALING fRh:FUS TD BE A^a I I As LAII' HDAD'YAY: RSA NOTE JI GENERAL NOTES SHDWN ON PLAtm IRAXU 10 -E AS, ON,P„LANSI b 'WREN USED aN CGN,a.NC71GM WITH SrMOAAO Cum 'I GR CQ, 7 TP£ gOUftB FACE ON THIS SrAJ0AR0 IS FfJ 'ADJiY,1rIf0 t STOWIi' CC-2 VR CG-+kEr BE TO MATCH the MOUNTABLE CLT?B GWI-G NA110L .. 2, SEE Sa FOR CURB.'N.Aw DMR TO::BE 'WITH SIDEWNk USED TH45 BTNNDAfiT. tiDTE9} ' i'LOW LT.PAYEq-SPACE � 1 J. MVNt .11 PAVEI1I1fT SHALL f% C.14rR,NCTED TON THE RAW LINE LEXCEP7-AHY SUBG . STA34QaTIGN: - _ RRUIREO FOR MALI.E PA EMEN r••WHCH CAT,BE EXPANSKN JONt : EK4T�N: OMITTED A IN THE ENTRKEJ ._ 1 _ 41 R'D,U L:: CLNB OR COWUNATiON CURD. GUTTER 5HIALL NOI BE CCNStRUCIED BEYOND Y i SUED LU'£. NOTLWDIH 0 2'-0 OR AS MAJILAE. ROAD;NAY EXCEPT FOR REPLAGENF-NT P,LEPOT£S. '.SHOWN ON TYPICAL SECTION` AIca+ . . PLAN VIEW ENTRANCE NOTES 5. ItHLEN .THE ENTRANCE RADA: CANNOT 4Cj2V!C i)NE. WJ,vN{I ¢(fAOYNAY LOPE. •TUOWIG REGURE4ENTS OF ARiOPATED FEAYY .}ROCK• TRAFFIC; THE DEPTH F,OR &'081' t &'CURB UIPS 11T PANUBOLIC CURVEIFHTRRFNGE 413Y1 WITHIN, THE LdI15:CF IkE: RADI5HOULO "E INCREASED 70 7". L5EE CG-}3H EDGE OFPAVEMENTSXT OpT;ONAL rLOW li)t:C— -5 iE CHANCE ®.:. — D '� p D. PAVSFFtE HO It+Q>CATE rl1RNGGNSTRUCTHO?d Of A fL0'M PRUYN)E H:ROS$ MAINLINEROADWAY NO�E 7}. r E IS REOLNRED,TQ POSIIIYE QRAVi lt£ ET4TRPilCE. . QX M4X. � � _' " "'- 7. THE -. DE5"I,E AID MAXIMUM ENTRANCE GRAOi CHANCES SLGP;E OHMAGE : �- •—' D.. D" ARE LISTENDR IN THE ALLOWABLE ENTRANCE GRADE' TABLE,: THESE VALUES ARE T APPLICADLE TO STREET � CCrcEC1KJN5. 5�. HUH. 2D' Mnw+.vM'roR C MMERCs eNNrRAA E INTERSECTION NOTES 0. WHEN CO-TI IS USF-C FORBiR£ET CQNWiECT1CIvS, TF9: (� CQt&THFJGr'RACE CHANCES W1RHH A PARADQtLIr :CURVE• - - CGHNECIION MUST UE CESIO4,EQ N ACCUROAN WITH AASNTQ POLICY MO rK APPLiILE R£OUN3EN£FCTS SECTION A - A of IM VGQT• ROAD OESHGN MANUAL. NCLUDTIG STOPPING" $1GHTCISTM'CE AtvO !( YALL fik.QLpRELENTS.: • P. OPTIONAL FLOWLNE WAY REQUIRE WARPING or:A 4'p PORTION DF CADENT tTI PROY!UE. POSUVE OHihNAi;E AUtW 7}E HNTERSECTIDN. ALLONN'ABLE ENTRANCE GRADE CHANGES CLASS AS VIV , :> F • i —�{.i COIffRETE. , s. •. - -'f SECTION C-C' 110 i`ALLOWABLE ENTH APPLKABLE Tt7. SPECcfATKSN METHOD OF TREATMENT`. AEiERfNCE.. �2 {CONNECTION FOR STREET INTERSECTIONS AND COMMERCIAL ENTRANCES} VU4UTtaA OEPARTMENI OF TRANSPORTATIUN: 11 ENTRANCE DETAIL C13 Not To Scale ENIRAyCE YO,LUME CM{AQE;�IA40E aEs�w,DLe rMAXiMLM IUGHI MORE-RIAN-NSW 'APO Dx -3x 'MEDIUM. 500-LBOQ;VPD 5,3.X- - fiX -. Low. LESS tzIAN 50o YPo s a a B x: TADLE ahot j QTPN$ NVEX AD NO ER GE STA DARD3 ;ION DATE 6HEET1. OF I 203.04 Hf-d NUFAHKIN(i (To be mounted below accessibility 9 sign) 9 ) 5 MC PARKING SIGN DETAILS a3,-I Not To Scale • ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0, 05 [INITIAL SDP] MWIffill 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021,12,20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FORAPPROVAL] FILE NO. SITE DETAILS M� C13 __, WP-2 IS-1 CC-6 ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING 12"x EDGE OF EASING PAVEMENT (AS DETERMINED N FIELD) TACK COAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION JOINT EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS PROPOSED ASPHALT LAYERS EXISTING SUBBASE PROPOSED SUBBASE --------------------------- COMPACTED SUDGRADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS TO EXISTING SUBBASE AND REPLACE WITH PROPOSED ASPHALT WIDENING LAYERS PROPOSED MINIMUM i %2 INCH THICK ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (SEE NOTE 5) x MINIMUM 12 INCHES, CR GREATER AS NECESSARY TO ABUT THE FULL THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT LAYERS AS DETERMINED BY CORES (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES( 1. ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SHALL HAVE A PAVEMENT DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT PROCEDURES AND BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. THE PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR ASPHALT PAVEMENT 'WIDENING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE DEPTHS AND TYPES OF THE LAYERS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE OF THE. EXISTING AND PROPOSED PAVEMENT SHALL BE A S DDRE SED IN THE PAVEMENT DESIGN. 3. A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES SHALL BE TAKEN ALONG THE CENTER OF THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE TO DETERMINE THE TYPE AND THICKNESS OF EXISTING PAVEMENT LAYERS. THESE CORES SHALL BE SPACED NO MORE THAN 500 FEET MART. 4. THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE SHALL BE MILLED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1V2 INCHES AND REPLACED WITH AN ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO MATCH THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT WIDENING SPRFACE COURSE, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE THE MILLING DEPTH OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE ADJUSTED TO ACHIEVE AN ACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT CROSS -SLOPE AND EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE. 6. EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 7. FINAL TRANSVERSE PAVEMENT TIE-IN SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315.05(c) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THAT ALL JOINTS AT TIE-IN LOCATIONS SHALL BE TESTED USING A 10'FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 315,07(a) OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. 1VDQ T- ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS REFERENCE SHEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE FOR WIDENING SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC 315 303.02 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VDOT: WP-2 DETAIL NOT TO SCALE lZow Of Gu,,. InVcai Lille i EirT �i 18in-; 3 iH 7�7k -11 x. E4. 71 4 L 3 t ,.,a 3 - • k n r NI.piidZT'� 4�faeT, t�,re�;�; Irrd>E. ire �ort�Tefi♦. 50oiiixrl Df cLllia in�y fl&ovt.sll�pe (Tf ; sUtkbase pTyvld a m[nimaulti;slp of � uncles is 1iialnl;�iTiecl: `�` It 11 UI p Ralitc.Curb' VDOT: CC-7 (ROLL TOP CURB,; NOT TO SCALE EG-96 C H OF WIDTH OF ENTRANCE EXIST BvC OR PROPOSED ExPAULS;ON JOINT- SOEWAL,K OR. SIOEW110C SPACE . F�.. ,i L Y U„ J - E(PANSICN JOINT - u E E oyy I Q 'P CORB INCLUDED IN ENTRANCE COTTER d � ,40 TLUvf ALINE z EXPANSION JOINT X ENTRANCE MIp 0ESIRAOLEE MIWINHUN IG' g� A95CLUT[ MINIMUM U, EDCE OF PAVLWENT ENTRANOE - NHS OF FED. F�"A CF PED.C$-RGUTE 9 NON-TRAYERSAEL .� LNPAYED. SPACE S1 OFF LNPAYEU. SPACE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE DETAIL AOf9TIONAL RICHT•OF.IYAY 5 REI%FZD IF THE IJJIT3 OF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (.:J E,,TEND BEYOND EXISTM OR PROPOSED. VDOT RIG11T-.OF WAY.JU P: ROUTCS PRO. CC A CONTINE5151A UNOBSTRUCTED. ED. SIMILE. T PATH fUJC1Ed STTr1LE FIRM AND ..LIP RESISTANT PATH COtWECTWG PILL ACCESSELE ELEldENIS OF A 20. c4oPo - FACINY TITAN CNN EE- APPROACHED: ENTEREp AND o-Ecuaewt ACCESS E"r SECTION F-F TO BACK tsHoruo$Ds +F IF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTES 9 ARE 3EINC OED, A MT WIDTH I ACROSS I3 RVIDED. O WITH A 7IV 3 RE H A JAX 2X CR SSL SLOPE- C.f ' a. a HALF PLAN ImatND WIZEN U5EO N CONJUNCTION rv" "Ah - CC --I CR C,C•7 THE CURB FACE BN THIS STANDARDTO BE ADJUSTED TD MATCH THE '• WOVNTAaLEi$ CURB CCNFIOURATON. Yq Yo4 b.o PARAeouD SECTION ON E-E usFAsloewnLK R FACE_ NORMAL. CUTIER� y xx 7 % CHANCE oY :a.vao.° ° �-CLA59.'.Ai NH.E.S:I I;NUlC: .° 'O o^.'4=•�a9z I •�6' M GR. BASE TYPE 1 SIZE 211 I POINTOFCHANGE 12X MAX. 5LDFE 9'-0• ;A ..GRADE. FOR CLAD AND GUTTER ONLY .FOR SIDEWALK, CURB AND CUTTER I x x 12 X MAXWUM NCRfASE IN SLOPE, AT MNIIJUN, 10'INTERVALS BU„.T COC,.URRENTLY SECTION 0-0 SECTI(] (-( $ s x 3 X NA%IM M ]ERREASE IN SLOPE FOR FIRST 1O'INIERYAL N MA%IMUM wNIMUW NTERYA�L4 AND R X OECREA5E. FOR SUCGEEDNG 10' EtR SPECFICENCERENCE REF STANDARD ENTRANCE STANDAENTRAGUTTER 1VIDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS. sD2 (FOR USE WITH UNPAVED SPACE BETWEEN CURE) & SIDEWALK) REVISION DATE EHEET 1.aF I VIRGINIA: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Du13 2OS.02 VDOT: CG-9 DRIVEWAY APRON NOT TO SCALE NOTE: VDOT DETAILS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE USE OF MOST CURRENT VDOT STANDARD DETAILS FROM THE LATEST VERSION OF VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS. SHAPE TO ELEVATION OF MID -POINT OF LARGEST PIPE.. I I I I SLOPE TO DRAIN TO INVERT OF OUTLET PPE CTION. A -A IF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS SLOPE TO DRAM , TO INVERT OF OUTLET PIPE e .. .4.;.. DETAILS OF INVERT SHAPING AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR EXAMPLE lHa < G PURPOSES ONLY. EACH MANHOLE OR DROP INLET IS TO BE SHAPED INDIVIDUALLY TO BEST FIT THE. PARTICULAR INLET AAA OUTLET CONFIGURATION AND FLOW LINES. SECTION B-B PLAN METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES XV00T SPECIFICATION STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING REFERENCE ROAD MD BRIDGE. STANDARDS MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS SHEET 1 OF 1 REVISION DATE 302 106.08 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VDOT: STD. METHOD OF SHAPING r4' MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS C14 NOT TO SCALE DI-7.IA. 78 DETAILS OF CONCRETE COVER AND GRATE 2" DIAMETER BAR n 10.Ba LBs.AFr. DETAILS OF GUTTER AND 5'-4" OR N0:14 BLLET STEEL BAR Y 7.65 LBSJFT,', (AST M A815, GRADE 60: METHOD OF PLACEMENT L GRATE A IS TO BE UTILIZED IN RATE A LOCATIONS NOT NORMALLY NOTES _ - - SUBJECT TO TROFFIC, ELD 1. OH-7 NO GUTTERS. 2, CRATE B IS BE UTILIZED R( DI-7A NO GUTTER IN ONE DIRECTION. ATI N NORMALLY LOC 0 S' DI- T IN THDIRECTIONS. ' o SUBJECT T TRAFFIC 7@ GUTTER BO A= , A 0 2. JOINTS BETWEEN GUTTERS eo d NAND. CGNCSMO COVER FOR DETAILS Cf LOAD CARR7NGARE TORE DOWELED WITH yl4 X 8"SMOOTN(s'xr'x :GRATE (CRATE B .SEE T D(•T is 1,RO 5" tI - T TT - 2 X 4" D APPROX. C G D PREVENT SE LE yy , yyTTUD SSHH AR L2%2'X2V2"XI/•" SHEET 103.00. MEE•.NTT. IN LIEU OF DOWELS -A 2" x 4' NOTCH MAY GCNNECTR. DETAIL A 4.. CONCRETE COVER AND GRATE SEE STANDARD. T-0I-3, 4 ALTERNATE DESIGN. I IVME TO BE FURNISHED AS A I� CRATE TYPE SINGLE LtUT, OUTSIDE 3, VARIABLE tat OR, FLATTER. B I OR RI 15X5'-0" BARS DIMENSIONS OF ATE TO PLAN VIEW (FROM PLANS) tt2 REQ'D.) BE 3'-4 X 2'-11 �' (CRATE A] 4, DITCH GRADE MUST BE ADJUSTED TO MEET I ., OR 3' 4" X 2'-Il i' (GRATE 0). DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION. SEE LONGITUDNAL 5 GETS a 5.. N.TERNATE METHODS OF SECTION. y iv - ANCHORING ANGLE ]RON WILL BE ,5. IF DEPTH (0) BECOMES LESS. THEN 4" LENGTH ACCEPTABLE IF APPROVED BY THE OF WINGS ARE. TO BE EXTENDED AS DIRECTED y/ • ENGINEER. BY THE ENGINEER. SECTION A -A SECTION B- S. GRATE AND COLLAR ARE TO BE GILVkiZED. 6. CURTAIN WALL TO BE LOCATED AT THE END OF GRATE AI THE PAYED DITCH SECTIONS OF THE of-7A 9 BAR SPACING CHART 7, CONCRETE COVER MAY BE DI-78 THAT .IRE NOT ABUTTEDBYOTHER APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES PRECAST OR CAST N PLACE. DRAINAGE. GRATE IAXIMAA DIMENSION CONCRETE REINFORCING. TYPE A B B..CONCRETE TO BE CLA55 A3 IF .CAST 7. IF NORMAL DITCH GRADE IS TOO FLAT TO ALLOW CLASS A3. STEEL IN PLACE. 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. FOR ADJVSTEDGRADE TO INLET A SF£CW. GUTTER DETAIL. WILL BE REQUIRE ON PLANS, 9.. GRATE BARFLOTO BE PARALLEL TO U175,-4" I ®INLET ti / 2•. i D-- SECTION A -A SEE NOTE 1 • f SEE NOTE 3 Y , SEE NOTE 3 1 SEE NOTE I. 8••4i 1q BOTH SLOPES FLAT ONE STEEP: SLOPE IAA ONE INTERMEDIATE SLOPE Nat DITCH INLETI'd, _ 4, INLET is '' ZtOa Dli H GUTTER GRADE TO BE PROVIDED BERM fSEE NOTE�' I D ADJUSTED TO MEET AS DIRECTED BY THE ' INLET ELEVATION ENGINEER (DH7A ONLY). TYPICAL ELEVATION SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE �4/ NORMAL H GRADE SEE NOTE 4J SEE NOTE 3 ,(oN FLATTETi ONE STEEP SLOPE -ONE FLAT SLOPE BOTH SLOPES STEEP APPROXIMATE QUANTITY FOR ONE CURTAIN WALL, LONGITUDINAL SECTION MEASURED FROM BOTTOM OF GUTTER (WHEN INLET IS LOCATED A.60YE NORMAL DITCH GRADE) CONCRETE .CLASS A3. 0.241.CU. YDS. SEE`NOTE 8; 1v=r SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET REFERENCE SHEET 2 (DP 3 REVISION DATE 12" TO 42" PIP 241 104.23 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 503 APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CONCRETE DI-7 p-7A DI-7B CLASS. A3 (W. Y05.) NONE 1.2R 2.148 VDOT: STD. MEDIAN DROP INLET (DI-7) NOT TO SCALE F. 4t11\ nEID❑or) `.. A )fIlDD0 D171El I].DEll) p `T TERX(G 1 _ zTTDHTN, rr'' �.f - D L 1 APPRDYC.. WEIGIiT tt?GEI( @O CBS, -?rah 22'" DIA SECTION A -A P�.,� '4-r-i�F=•-t.: MACH,AtIE4 'COVER . 8. ,'DD❑gd,7D'Dp Al A LETTERING. 11 f 7 L L-1 OPTl4(iAL Y p I'�j} -I © Q ! - `.�IuJ' ©. L-PI LCl J l(.1l TPPROX, 1YEiGIii 41T I t -S COVER 1p5 CBS:: #. y �Cfk p FRAME' TOP EITHER. COVER A OR. B, MAY BE WE0, WITH FRAME. AP. YER WEIGHT coven 170ems- ± �- SECTION A -A, SHEET , OF s 5P[crlCdcrl. - - . STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 224 402: VIRGINIA DEPARIMENT OF (RANSPORTAIICN. 'RE!cis1., I06.04 (a:)VDOT: STD MH FRAME & COVER NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. THIS REM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST W PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST N PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS. OF 300 FEET OR LESS SALONO FACE OF CURB) SHALL BE PAO FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYgEyR,.. THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB TOO TIE SLOPE-1 SUBBASET COURSES PARALLEL AND TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CG-S IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A 2" R OF THE VOOT ROAD DESIGN .MANUAL. NOTE: WHERE DIRECTED IN PLAN, MATCH GUTTER y D CROSS SLOPE TO PAVEMENT CROSS SLOPE (TYP. 2%) 8" • p p p •gyp p p•. p D P D P D a a a D THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND CUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED TT PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF 6' 2'-0" SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED MINIMUM DEPTH OF 7" 15 MAINTAINED. THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE AT THE OPTION,OF THE CONTRACTOR REFE(Z"cNCE COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTERCIS REV- 9106 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.03 VDOT: CG-6 NOT TO SCALE DI-3A,.3B, 3C -FOR DETAILS OF INLET • �_ 1 1 • , li II1� 11 �Irwi ��M{I nr wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww• w wol�rrwwrrwwrwrwwwwrrrwrw M11 ,rr.a,r.rrur u�r�r�rrrurrrr-rrrar�rr���rrr• r rr wr r r •a rr r rr r rrr r r rrrr wrr r. "A I 11 6' MIN. 1'M . PLAN EXPANSION KEYED JONI COAST, DARS,D JOIN I BAR G c BAR r = z BARS F 5 o O I SECTION A -A [-A 0 MAX. ! KEYED CONST. JOINT L-VARIABLE - MAX: 20' t 1 2'-IO'• 2`• WARPED GUTTER 2'•0" 8,. 2'-6" A� S 8• 3''03,. p" I 2•, APPROACH I� 3ARS A CUTTER n B S O I .•� 1- �'•` - -} - BARS F OARS E BBARS E n WEEP MILE BARS B FRONT ELEVATION BARS F a r-a" Ia" - - - - (CUTTER REMOVED) L: I 5XI/;' BENT PLAT r = SECTION B B TYPE A ,NOSE DETAIL SHALL BE USED WITH CG-3 5 CC-7 STANDARDS. '� 1/•" R L2 TYPE B NOSE DETAIL 5HALL BE USED WITH CC-2 4 CO-5 STANDARDS, TYPE A - I GALVANIZED TYPE B /2" X 4" STVD SHEAR CONNEOTOR WELDED GALVAHII2ED PLATE FOR TYPE A TO BE DENT ON AN ANGLE OF 68130' TO ANGLE IRON AT 21C-C. CONNECTORS AND IS TO BE ANCHORED 'KITH I/2' X 4" STUD SHEAR NOSE DETAILS WELDED TO BENT PLATE AT 2'G-C. 2„ :AP WARPED PAVEMENT 0I-3A L DI-38 L... DI-30 L 'r - - - - _ rL�N I. .FLOW 1 1 J DETAIL WHEN USED FOR USE ON GRADES ADJACENT TO CURB FOR USE IN SAGS WITHOUT GUTTER BOTH- SIDES TO BE SYMMETRICAL 1VDOT SHEGFICAIION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS STANDARD CURB DROP INLET REFERENCE SHEET I QF z REVISION DATE 12" - 30 PIPE* MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) " 8' 233 104,09 08110 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 VDOT: STD CURB DROP INLET (DI-3B&DI-3C) NOT TO SCALE VUU 1 . J 1 U. UURD URUC" IINLL I UI C14 NOT TO SCALE SEE STAANDMAO'5L-1FOR, APFLICA814TY CF SAFETY 5L7US.:.. Tii'®iIl®elo° , . i J�01�1®'1®i Id®�!•li I/b ®®®LAID® •I • 2 A BASE )HIGKNE5S'OF 9" WA5.U5E0 IN CL'NPUTk (+ C,QNCRETE QUANljflE . 3,INCREMENTS TO BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FCOT OF OEP-THI. 4.1 RROVED GONGRETERMANH.OLE BITOCK R 5,.IF. ,BLOCKS ARE USED THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF S%J,IE 15TCU BE 5'. OTHER THCKNESSEs ARE TO CONFORM - TOIWALL�.T'NICKNE55 SH10YIN FOR. CONCRETE: o. ALE..COUICRET�-70 BE CLASS A3- 7': WryryEEN SPECIFIED ON PLANS:THE IN`,ERT IS TO.8E,SHMED N ACCORDANCE- WITHI STANOARO IS-1, THE OF FURNISHING AND PLACING ALL MATEHII.S .INCOENTAL TO THE SHAP14G S TQ--.BE NCLUCE0 IN THE ,BIDS. PRICE FOR'THB. STRUCTURE. SPECIFICATION-.. '�VE)C7"T" REFERENCE MANHOLE FOR 12" - L�8" PIPE CULVERTS RgADF+N4,U.RIL10E-:STANDARDS 302 FOR Cfr3 h)ta9EHT �F Cr]iJ?fISPORTKiON REVISION: DATE SHEEr T OF ;5 _04(20 IG6:O) 'I 4 [,-p RAMS Q. d d' SURF/ d d d ,A d -d BASE A .a CI IRAd TABLE 0F' QUANTITIES CEPFH BRICK MPNHCLE, Cc) cR E ET. AANHIOLE BRICK: CONCRETE CONCRETE FEET :'THOUSANDS CU..YARDS CU,YARDS 4 0.5. 0.785' H:437 0.785 1,699 B 0.9 0.78.5 1,94I -7 LO -.. G-785.- 2.2 3. - 8 -1.2 0:l85 2.485 g to v/85 2.747 10 Ile O.78`s 3,000 t5 2.5 0"970: 4.179 2,8 0.970'- 4.551 0�3t4 0970- S2b5: INCRESIE}1T 0�45 - U682 VDOT: MH-1 DETAIL NOT TO SCALE �4" � �2.,. R d p f Q d d..'tS• d d•_�j• NOTEE 4 d -a ".a.• 6" BASE SUBBASE NOTES: L THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS AT IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. CURB HAVING A. RADIUS OF 300 FE T. OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB! WILL BE PAID FOR RADIAL CURB, THE DEPTHOF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH. AS 3" 4. 15" DEPTI pR INCREASED T MUCH AS 3" (21" DEPTH) W ORDER THAT THE.BOTTOL( OF CURB ��1Iq.L COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF ACOURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE THE DEPTH IS TO BE 18' AS SHOWN.NO ADJUSTMENT IN THE PRICE M IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR M INCREASE IN DEPTH. 5. CO-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROAD��yy qYS MEETING THE REWIRE�IENTS FOR CC 6 A5 %tI j d1 APPENDIX. A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESK MANUAL. SPE[FICATION.. - STANDARD 6" CURB 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REV-9/06 201,01 VDOT: CG-2 NOT TO SCALE 2" I ----• 5" .a I 3" .p-'• fI'R °.• E. D. • fi. SEE NOTE 4 t. p' Q.. K. p p VDOT: CG-3 NOT TO SCALE NOTES+ 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2: CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI F PRECAST. 3. CURB HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) WILL BE PAD FOR. AS. RADIAL CURB. 4. THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS WCH AS 3" (13" DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS 3"`09"' DEPTH) It1�HRDHE THATOT AOl t5E OF OF TIRB HEE PAVEMENT A�STRUCTURE. THERWISE THE DEPTH IS T% BE 16 SHOWN NO ADJUSTMENT THE PRICE BID IS TO BE FOR, DECREASE OR AN CREASE N DEPTH. S.CG-3 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CO-7 AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAD DESIGN MANUAL. I$ g p � �( 8, BAF(ERIERHCl1RBATPE '�[RPNSITIONEISn79 BE MADETWRHIN to, OR THE CHANGE IFI STANDARDS MADE AT REG LAR SURFACE BASE SUBBASE STANDARD 4" CURB VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION HIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.61,10 CHARLOTTESVILLEVA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 [FINAL SDP) 2021.12.20 [ARBj 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDPj 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARBj 2022.03.02 [FOR AP PROVALj FILE NO. 18.004 SITE & VDOT DETAILS C 14-11 _ 1''r,r a1N.e sIccl , sl4 1 RLI FlP.E copuTe 1iAF+PRQ','ED, GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL PLACE 5r6ALVANIZED "`° INIFNESS ' PQ$T °1 H N Q ,CAPP END5 PAINTED BLUE.IN REMQTE AREAS 'Q ' AS DIRECTED, &lARkER MAY 0E �U�uE �T i` TYPE K '-• •. ,. ., ,LOCA"T1OIN AI T4 HfGkiVfAY fJEPARTMEdT APPROVAL �GFi GAPER Ftr; use LrI �.T'fACHE REaij EJE LdI,iq .titUES OR UV�L E�ILE;NB 24"' IN INITIAL BACKFILL 24"bIIN 8" I e" B° MIN MIN. � MIN. MIN. NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- VILLE THREADS WHICH IS THE LOCAL STANDARD, 1 A c FINISI-fFU GRAUE- """-'"- "` w � - -, ` ._�-x ',I' TEZ '�, _ (I VARIES 'VALVE' BOX 6 ,..:.._ ..::: " BEDDING LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES - �+ 7• 1>. #68 STONE ' MIN 62' TO 10'5 �, r:P ShEATET FlTirsS TO METER (S� FIG: !,'t 6A (270') I Ci *STABLE SOIL ROCK l l AD J0STABLE TRAFFIC C�.4TEq� 18"-22" II VAL`+,+E �DJ4 ? LILT, DUAL SERVICE IL * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND V 7 CU. FT. ALVE BOX #68 STONE 211 W 1 1 CCrdFR52aH xJ*" Nx'�E" Purr' CR AFT,0,�4� EWAL THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. 6" GATE VALVE ` :. sF r esr�az ..; FLR f�J:.LEFAMILW:_...,.hE..J. l' a `� 1iAi£IE x COPPER, FITTIr�'1,•^. \4� IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION ,`X O I �E SEUa.I1ETakiEYj h£ApENgAl $Ek4I E,i}IE E VId I ila rtickY '``. WATER; MAINFOUNDATION : MEN15I{q;�.,14EP. :,P PLUG 7HREA,DED'FOR 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE e., 2" `VOMPRF,5SIOR FITTING BASE AND THRUST BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED STABLE (ATE VALVE SINGLE SERVICE . i} bADUIE NALL H£ utE) co{ P%1' pin, RE: IFIAINEO JUIINT FITTINGS:: SOIL. INITIAL BACKFILL 4' J 4,MI UNSTABLE B" g' STEEL PILE �\1 I RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS =---� �cxST-IRt�ritag g' 8' SOIL-, - MIN. MIN. - _ MIN MIN. WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION rd r1E1 all ?E C4J�JTE; - - #68 STONE -- •:;° % --=GRANULAR FILL AS „.; `= TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL cs' a= o GATEYA1VE1'iELLaE4'-UNLESSOT - >' APPROVED BY ACSA ':- ';-::; � �AB BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. NATEI. U.NE LCM•Mrr u�T,.. god. 1�r; T I 11 �EfFVICEDNET4 U1fNECTATIttAIPt,WfIHx"4"'TEE' E SOIL F2 ROCK= STABLE SOIL OR ROCKS I OUTLET y, i REFERTOFIG:ant - FriRTtIRUSTBiaeK,0ETAILscifrT>E:. _ 7a' lira 'REFER TO FIG., W- TOR, THRUST BLOCK Q£TAIES AND DEPTM CFCOV£R ON GATE VALVE -,NOTE NOTE 2500 ICSI>W- i74 5011 €SPDNU " P11GOPfCRETEH4ULEiDE,PC4URfR,OtEANYRAT©F7f{Ef1ES_Ikr�INED'lflltT:,(ISEPLFs"tTICSH€IitfG,A$> 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT _ c0111 ETE " ai 2'x 2 UEAI�INO AREA `4-kEfE# PFRC#iGTIOABF�IR�QL75_I 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ( INCLUDING DITCHES) 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND �; THRU I3LG K, r3 . USE 25001?5,LCONCRETE ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. VALVE BOX. " ".. �=at sancrr R �¢ b�1 K.As 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. 9 �f , • , .i �, w r.g E3 a�r> 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP 4 Srx3 aRu T �wu,-.. _ +' c+�irR s�sv�r r aa' r r F ; 4 IN THE TRENCH. HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF {f Bax,Alda.: rQa,ta-1N€N Sa: tr �r .. Ln40�re,Er�ctt�r,.'itWaT , sllntdr� plwil ss '*` ' '• ;aec a1 r«. �r ac w ntr REQUIRED TO BE IN 'NET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE "'' 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. Nf)TE, : IN REMOTE 'AFFAS, tVALVE f3QXI S ;'F ALL EX , NO €1X (6) I NCHE �' A OVE: fjf?APEE, 0 C I C p f T p TYPICAL SEI 4 �r�l �r t L A TI 1 � �i � I N STA L� L�t I T I N DUCTILE IRON WATER ('' 1 ` METERS)_ TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL TYPICAL SATE VLE LAZE METER 'SE°ICE 'LINE PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING N.T.S. NTS NTS NTS FIG. W-4 FIG-. 5"P> FIG,. W� A hfTS FIG. W-2 FID. W-6C TD-2 TD-8 TD-U, COVER LIFT NOTCH 14 1/2" 1 12 1/2" 2 3/8" WATER CAST IRON LID 18" METER BOX 2 18" 6" EXTENSION PIPE SLOT (2 PLACES) NOTES: (1) A 1-3/4" DIAMETER HOLE IS REQUIRED IN THE LID FOR TOUCH READ METERS. TYPICAL METER BOXES (5/8"-1" METERS) NTS FIG. W-7 TD-13 METER SIZE DIMENSION A DIMENSION B DIMENSION C 311, 510. 318' 2' 311, 5'0' 318, 3' 5' MIN. 10' MIN, 4' 5' MIN. 12' MIN, GREATER THAN 4" PROPOSALS WILL BE SUBMITTED. B DOOR HINGES um I I I I I I � I I � I I I I I I I LIFT HANDLE L------------- --- TYPICAL METER VAULT N.T.S. FIG, W-7A TD-14 SIDE VIEW 75' DIAMETER DRILLED TOLE FOR TOUCH READ INITS, TOP VIEW 3" DIAMETER FLAT BEARING SURFACE UNDERNEATH 24' X 36' ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH 18" MIN. 12" MIN. 9• 44" MIN. -..^i ] 6" MIN, q e. }-,+--- 17.5"o NOTES: 1. PROVIDE A 6" THICK GRAVEL BED BENEATH THE METER VAULT. 2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR -IN -PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4 MINIMUM 'NALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL BE 8". 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND. TYPICAL METER VAULT (1 1/2" METER NTS FIG. W-7B TD-15 VARIES " DIAM,ETER H ANtC'.H AND VALVE VALVE. BOX.' PLUG V 1NATEs+ #+FAIN RFSTRAINM JOINT FITTINf S. ON.^LINE THREADED OUPLItIG rh I. PVC SLEI='VE :CAP S NCf'ALE ANE? VG ±I QVBR�IuATE ALL, TH EAD , hdETER BOX (SEE' FIG,- W f)' VALVE NO-'57 STMIE -ate' PIiaE 'LOPED, I?Alrl-'IF El GDE All Ch ma's VA fE � AFI{E`r� 2" BRAS,S: PFE `-WATER MAIN ANO YAL°WE ARE sA E SCZE DEAF END (TYPE TYPIOAL BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE BASES SHALL BE FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART V, SECTION G OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. 4. ". . SET DOGHOUSE BASE .ti ° EXISTING SANITARY ON CONCRETE BLOCKS SEWER PIPE DOGHOUSE OPENING SHALL �, a MIN. 12" CLEARANCE BE PREFORMED BY ', BETWEEN EXISTING PIPE MANUFACTURER OR " AND STONE BEDDING SAW CUT TO FIT PIPE " OUTSIDE DIAMATER -A « a PLUS 6". , r 12" THICK VOOT 1, No. 88 STONE BEDDING Wx8'x16" AND 4"x8"x15" s SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS CENTER W/RISER WALL (4 DOGHOUSE MANHOLE BASE EACFI} MANHOLE ABOVE BASE SHALL' 1111111111111111111111111111111I FILL DOGHOUSE OPENING BE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN AROUND EXISTING PIPE ON FIGURE S-1-A WITH 3,000 PSI CONCRETE OR NON -SHRINKING GROUT ALLOW CONCRETE WRAP EXISTING PIPE WITH TO FLOW A MIN. V-0' BEYOND BASE NEOPRENE GASKET MATERIAL OF STRUCTURE BEFORE FILLING THE OPENING NEOPRENE SECURED BY 2 NON- CORROSIVE STRAPS, 1 ON EACH SIDE OF OPENING 4 12" MIN, CAST -IN PLACE 3,000 PSI CONCRETE BASE FOUNDATION SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1, CONSTRUCT A FORMED INVERT FROM NEW SEWER LINE TO ALLOW FLOW TO THE EXISTING PIPE. 2. POUR A SHELF TO THE LOWER HALF OF THE EXISTING PIPE. 3. CUT AND REMOVE THE TOP HALF OF EXISTING PIPE TO WITHIN 6" OF THE MANHOLE WALLS AFTER THE INVERT AND SHELF HAVE BEEN FORMED, AND THE MH HAS BEEN FULLY TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE SPECIFICATIONS. TYPICAL MANHOLE BASE SHOWING "DOGHOUSE" INSTALLATION N.T.S FIG. S-1-Al TD-26 FRAME & COVER (SEE FIG. S-I-D,E) SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: STREET SURFACE OR iv E w 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE NON -PAVED AREA W vs w= N E wN o �� 0a , LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE SLOPED AREA ''r ` ? �� L",w Jo o� oY a TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL �� o� _ TO THE MANHOLE. NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL V-0" MAX lf E EU, �,w "Y vc1 ° ��{ I �a [� I e - 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION Nw 00 , 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% 24"MI INTIAL BACKFILL* 3000 PSI CONC. BASE o (1/4" PER FOOT) 8 MIN (6" LIFTS) BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW g E ca 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN EMBEDMENT * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-0" MIN q 1.. CHANNEL 1 /4 1 MIN 4 4 o E oY D -a o E o EL 0 N co °n M Q 0 DIAMETER OF 4"• 5, ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER SPRING LINE OF PIPE BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER c,, :o E W N ca w HAUNCHING PRECAST REINFORCED 4 w� � E �L� o of 3 FEET. N0. 68 STONE _ CONCRETE SECTIONS 12" MIN "0" RING SEALS 16" MAX p' I �� `� �. ( J o E _ Lt/ �l �W > o SALT BEDDING 6" max 4" m i n a �. �� �� .K' o � TREATED MINIMUM ELEVATION -- BRANCH � E r FINISHED GROUND 2 x 4 FOUNDATION (SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN SOIL DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" .4-'-0" 12" -�- 1 I "'� N MARKER CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE FROM INLET TO OUTLET R i f� = v` Go -- - ALL PIPE) SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. �� Q c, E DEPTH OF FLOW CONCRETE VARIES �r FILLETS 4 '' J tom E CHANNEL TO BE 3/4 DIAMETER OF CONTRIBUTING -~ I 2 �u SEWER. 6 a. • y . <• Y .a. 12" O O PLUG END OF NOTE A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH MAIN LINE SERVICE LATERAL 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET &OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE FLEXIBLE CONNECTION NOTE: SECTION 45'0'0" BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO - BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL z AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 NOTE 1N/ N0. 68 STONE BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE a o­ �7 g 0 o� STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE w � CONNECTION BOOT E . E ¢E N E E a E ° o 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS, INSTALLEDIn s E '.' w N r.. n m '- BEDDING OF N0. 68 STONE 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE o CA a`J N" NJ �,� 11, EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. a 3, ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED IN LINE 'NYE-TEE INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN ° ° PLAN TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION - - VARIES TYPICAL SEWER PIPE SHOWING BRANCH TIE - IN SHOWING BRANCH FIE -IN R INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION N.T.S NTS FIG- S-1-A FIG. S-I-B N.T.S N.T,S, FIG. S-3 FIG S-1-D FIG. S-2 TD-25 I TD-27 TD-31 TD-33 TD-34 HIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020.1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [F I NAL SDP] 2021,11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. ACSA DETAILS M C15 G FOR ALL BENDS A-1.. -- -- 45 Max PLUG u I ' J 2 i FOR TEE OR WYE FITTINGS WIDEN TRENCH TO ACCOMMODATE ANCHOR IF REQUIRED. BEDDING AS - M REQUIRED \ SECTION 2-2 PPE I DEG REE BEND DIMENSIONS VOL. TEE AND PLUGS VOL. SZE OF (FEET) CU.YD. (FEET) CU.YD. BEND L H T L H T 90 2.50 2.50 3.01 0.24 4" & 6" 45 22 1 /2 2.00 1.50 2.25 2.00 2.60 2.52 0.15 0.10 2.00 2.25 2.50 0.15 11 1 /4 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.10 90 3.66 3.16 3.21 0.48 8 45 2.66 2.66 2.77 0.26 22 1/2 1.66 2.16 2.69 0.13 3.16 2.91 2.66 0.32 11 1 /4 1.66 2.16 2.67 0.13 90 4.83 3.83 3.42 0.83 45 3.33 3.56 2.95 0.43 3.83 4.00 2.83 0.52 22 1/2 2.33 2.58 2.B6 0.24 11 1 /4 1.83 2.33 2.84 0.18 1. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER THE PIPELINE : CHANCES DIRECTION, CHANGES SIZE, DEAD ENDS AND AT VALVES. 2. USE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. 3. NO CONCRETE SHALT_ BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JOINT. 4. THE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE VERIFY THE TYPE & SIZE OF ALL THRUST BLOCKS. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS NTS FIG. W-3 TDTD3 ACSA THRUST BLOCK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FINISHED GRADE =1TI=r n l ; f =. F1 T -IT- 7 rT=.TI -f-=- 1TIr Fr-= T a TRENCH 4REDUCER a � 4 �P 4 �-2500 P.S.I- CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK ----------------- �- __ UNDISTURBED 501E 9 18e MN. --------------- I i. PROFILE VIEW UNDISTURBED SOIL - EDGE - - - OF TRENCH24" MIN. - - - - - - - - --a - ------ - - - - - - - - - f- REDUCER 6' MN. 4 .Qa 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK-► MN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= UNDISTURBED SOIL - EDGEL-t OF TRENCH • ° 14 MN. NOTES: PLAN VIEW • NOT TO SCALE • NO CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE MECHANICAL JOINT. USE PLASTIC SHEETING AS PROTECTION FOR BOLTS. • .3 . MINIMUM HORIZONTAL PENETRATION INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL ON BOTH SIDES OF TRENCH, OR AS APPROVED BY THE ACSA. • 3' MINIMUM VERTICAL PENETRATION INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL, OR AS APPROVED BY THE ACSA. • CERTIFICATION OF 957 COMPACTION REQUIRED IN TRENCH. • THE CONSULTING ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY THE -TYPE AND SIZE OF ALL THRUST BLOCKS. TYPICAL REDUCER THRUST BLOCK NTS FIG. W-3D TD-7 A f-\ A I)F- nI IF-F) TI IF)I IC'T nl nnI/ Fll-'TA II NOT TO SCALE b3' � 6b x 2 THE STAPLE ab• The ever-classic"Stople" style bike rack is Portland City -- _ Code approved Lock It upl _ CONSTRUC HOW MATERIAL OPTIONS C 2'Sch. 40 Round Steel Pipe (shown) ar C 2'. 2• Square Steel Tubing GRADE (Pipecutter Pmoq ---- -- G a/8"x21l2'S1 eel Flat Bar (Pipecullor NOW) - Steel Hanges(Vades) Fiangeorin-Ground FlatBar&Flange Square Tubing &Flange DIMENSIONS 3P Length - 5.5" W Idth - 3W Height RECOMMENDED LAYOUT C Custom Sl:e NelghtlLenglh. NOTES: MOUNTING OPTIONS "Bike' Is 70° C Flange Mount (Shown) # Minimum Spacing (6).63' Mounting Holes (1) Recommended Spacing C In -Ground II' Leg Extensions FINISH OPTIONS C 1304 Stainless Steel 14 Satin Nnlsh C Hat Gipped Galvanized C Powder Coating C Thermoplastic Coaling ADDITIONAL OPTION$ (72) (72) k4b� VIM C Flange Cover (available at additional cost on round pipe only) CONTRACTOR: JOB: _ NOTES: Manufact-clinlhe---T-----'�--- -- Pacific Northwest PROVIDE (2) "THE STAPLE" RACKS OR EQUIVALENT FOR A TOTAL OF 4 SPACES. 3 BIKE RACK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE �3 � F1 1.5" SM9.5A ASPHALT 2.5" BM-25.0 ASPHALT BASE COURSE 00000000000000c,006" COMPACTED VDOT #21A -I I I -III -III -I I I_I� COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED �:4::�HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BLOCK 1 AMENITY CALCULATIONS: 1. DOG PARK 9,860 SF 2. OUTDOOR SEATING AREA 8,720 SF 3. LANDSCAPED WALKWAY 8,427 SF 4. CLUBHOUSE + POOL 11,127 SF 5. LANDSCAPED WALKWAY + SITTING AREA 9,148 SF 47,282 SF -9,860 SF DOG PARK --------------- 'IlF'80?o �l 8,720 SF OUTDOOR SEATING AREA �r d n B /SANL60; y r 2" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE inn n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0000000000000000 6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE IIII I II I II I I II I II I II I I- COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED ATYPICAL ASPHALT SECTION \ 016 / NOT TO SCALE 7 PAVEMENT MAP LEGEND HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT -SEE ABOVE FOR DETAIL ASPHALT (TYP.) - SEE ABOVE FOR DETAIL i:�L`.iRY rn2=rsY i0?y TYPE cJ0 N6 °-' ° 4 ,_•• A4 ° ,a 4" - 3,000 PSI CONCRETE -d A' 0000000000°o°oc 4" o- VDOT #21A BASESTONE on ���nor-) -I i I -I I II II I I I i Imo"-- COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED ATYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION C1 6 /NOT TO SCALE 0 7 VAVFMENT MAP C� 6 NOT TO SCALE SHIM ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 CHARLOTTESVILLEVA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 1 B FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN it ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: °`r v BLOCK 1 :r 1 J ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA PAR ��� � � v ,14P SF L ND GAPED SUBMISSION: wA 2020.10.05 [INITIAL SDP] �� EA¶NG ! REVISION: 2021.07.26 IFINAL SDP] 2021.11.19 IFINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 (ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 (ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 (FOR APPROVAL) FILE NO. SITE & ACSA DETAILS Work Beyond the Shoulder Operation (Figure 'TT1C-1.1) MOT PLAN FOR ABC BLOCK 1 MULTIFAMILY Project Narrative Phase 1 shall include all work that can be completed on the Project site without encroaching on the shoulder. This involves grading and beginning new entrance construction. Use MOT Standard TTC 1.1. Phase 2 shall include all work on the Project site that requires shutting down the shoulder. This involves constructing the site entrance and new curb and gutter along . Use MOT Standard TTC 6.2. Phase 3 shall include all work on the Project site that requires shutting down a lane of traffic. This involves pavement Mill & Overlay and utility installation. Use MOT Standard TTC 23.2. Site Notes: 1. Signs W20-1, W9-3R, W9-2L, W4-2R, and G20-2(V) shall be mounted on posts. 2. All striping shall be painted within 24 hours of laying new pavement. 3. During Phase 2, the contractor shall maintain 11' travel lanes in both directions. 4. If edge lines are removed, a temporary edge line shall be installed. Maintenance Of Traffic Plan General Notes 1. It is not the intent of this plan to enumerate every detail which must be considered in the construction of each stage but only to show the general features necessary to provide for proper handling of traffic. The construction techniques ultimately used by the Contractor are to be reviewed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit traffic control plans not expressly outlined in the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual for approval at least 30 days prior to performing the work. No deviations from the plans will be allowed without prior approval from the Engineer. 2. The phases in this sequence of construction shall be followed unless the contractor submits an alternate sequence and secures the approval of the engineer for a sequence which will both expedite construction and lessen the effect of such construction upon the traveling public. Portions of roadways in the different phases may be constructed provided they do not interfere with existing traffic flow and/or do not cause any delay in project completion. 3. Under no circumstances will concurrent construction [eft and right of any lane be allowed unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or shown on these plans. 4. All work is to be performed in accordance with the latest revisions of each of the following: the 2011 MUTCD, the Virginia supplement to the MUTCD, the 2011 Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, 2020 Road and Bridge Specifications, 2016 Virginia Road and Bridge Standards, and as directed by the Engineer. 5. At the end of each day no more than 2 inches grade difference between travel lanes will be allowed during construction of the proposed roadway. 6. The clear zone is to be free of stored materials and parked equipment. See the Maintenance of Traffic Typical Sections for the required clear zone. Also, horizontal and vertical sight distances shall not be impacted by parked construction equipment. 7. All areas excavated below pavement surfaces at the conclusion of each workday shall be backfilled with .aggregate base material to form an approximate 6:1 wedge against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic as outlined within Appendix A of the Va. WAPM 2011 (latest revision). All costs for furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removing the 6:1 wedge shall be included in the price bid for other items in the contract and no additional compensation will be allowed. 8. Existing pedestrian access shall be maintained during construction. If existing condition cannot be maintained a pedestrian diversion or detour shall be installed meeting ADA requirements. 9. The contractor shall provide temporary drainage as required to prevent ponding of the water on the roadway and adjacent properties. Any temporary drainage on the project is the contractor's responsibility. The cost to install temporary drainage structures is to be included in the price bid for other items in the contract and no other compensation will be allowed. 10. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of 2 lanes 11 ft. wide, with the exception of pavement overlay operations. All lane closures to be proceeded by variable message sign notification of closure. When one lane of traffic is maintained, said lane is to, be 14 ft. wide, including gutterpan. 11. All travel lanes shall be asphalt throughout construction unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 12. Only uniformed law enforcement officers are allowed to directed traffic through an operating signal (see section 46.2-834 of Highway Laws of Virginia). Flaggers do not have the authority and shall not direct traffic through a signalized intersection. 13. When proceeding from one phase of construction to another phase, any existing or construction pavement markings that conflict with the new traffic pattern shall be eradicated and re -striped accordingly. 14. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining any existing signs, unless otherwise advised by VDOT Engineer to remove or relocate. 15. Existing signs no longer applicable or in conflict with intended traffic control shall be removed or covered with opaque material. All other signs are to be maintained. 16. The contractor shall submit a Traffic Control Plan to the engineer for approval prior to the beginning of each phase. The Traffic Control Plan shall show all necessary traffic control devices, including signs, pavement markings and channeling devices. 17. All permanent pavement is to be constructed through the base course only in the initial stages. The final surface course is to be applied prior to switching traffic onto the new location or as approved by the Engineer. 18. The contractor shall review with the project engineer the final plan to maintain traffic for all phases of work. Any significant changes in Phase of Construction will require approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Traffic Engineer. Minor adjustments of the maintenance of traffic plan shall be approved by the Project Engineer. 19. All signs mounted to Type III Barricades shall be crashworthy and shall be in accordance with the 2011 Virginia Work Area Protection Manual (latest revision). 20. All protective devices shall be in place to protect all signal foundations and poles prior to exposing to traffic. 21. The existing posted speed limits shall be maintained during construction unless otherwise approved by the engineer. 22. The Contractor must have at least one person certified in Work Zone Training at the Intermediate Level to design and at least one person certified at the Basic Level to install and maintain the work zone. 23. Flagging operation shall not hold traffic longer than 5 minutes without approval of the Engineer. 24. The Contractor shall provide notice to the Police, Fire, and Rescue, and the School Superintendent 48 hours in advance concerning all detours and road closures of any nature. 25. The contractor is responsible for coordinating the construction, signing and traffic management plan with other adjacent project under construction. 26. No traffic pattern switches will be allowed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and/or the day before a holiday or as directed by the project engineer. 27. A suitable foundation shall be provided for channelizing devices and all associated cost shall be included in the price of Group 11 channelizing devices. 28. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of one 11 ft. wide lane in each direction at all times, except during temporary lane closure or as directed by the Engineer. 29. All pavement markings and traffic flow arrows are schematic only. The actual location and application of pavement markings shall be made in accordance with section 512 & 704 of the applicable VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, the MUTCD, the Virginia supplement to the MUTCD, the Road and Bridge Standards or as directed by the Engineer. Public Communications Plans and Transportation Operations Plan Notes Each lane closure will be governed by the times established by the Regional Traffic Engineer and the Traffic Operations Center as shown within the contract. The contractor and VDOT are to coordinate in notifying the public of proposed Lane Closures. The process developed by the Traffic operations Center for this purpose is as follows: a. Contractor submits to the Project Manager or Designee planned lane closures for the following week by 3 P.M. on Tuesday. b. Project Manager or Designee submits planned lane closures for the upcoming week using the Lane Closure Form. This form is to be submitted to the Traffic Operations Center and the Culpeper District Public Affairs office by Noon on Wednesday for the following week. c. Traffic Operations Center is to review the planned lane closure schedule and return it to the Project Manager or Designee by 9 A.M. Friday. d. Contractor to update the Project Manager or Designee of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure as previously scheduled. e. Project Manager or Designee to advise Regional Operations Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Project Manager or Designee to have VA -Traffic operator enter data in VA -Traffic and to update the Traffic Operations Center daily during lane closures activities, f. The Culpeper District Public Affairs Office will use various media publications to announce planned lane closures. g. The contractor shall contact Traffic Operations center, (540) 332-9500, when lane closures will be placed and once they are removed. The process to notify the Regional Traffic Operations Center to place lane closure information on the 511 system and VOIS will be: a. Contractor to advise VDOT project inspector and/or Construction Manager of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure. b. Construction Manager to advise Residency Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Ma]nt. Mgr. to have VOIS operator enter data into VOIS and also advise Smart Traffic Cneter. The following is a list of local emergency contact agencies that shall be posted in clear sight in case of emergencies: Virginia State Police (varies by project location), 911 Center - 911, Haz-mat Center (if spill involved) - 911 Procedures to respond to traffic incident that may occur in the work zone: a. Contractor to notify Virginia State Police, VDOT Inspector in Charge and Regional Traffic Operations Center. b. Depending upon severity of incident, contractor may have to cease work. c. Upon arrival on scene, Virginia State Police to determine response necessary to allow traveling public around incident. d. Inspector to notify Construction Manager/Area Construction Engineer of incident and take pictures as necessary, especially pictures of contractor's Work Zone to verify the proper set up. Process of notification of incident to be followed is: Contractor to call: Project Maintenance of Traffic Coordinator (Inspector) TOD (VDOT) Project Manager (Construction Manager) TBD (Site Contractor) Area Construction Engineer TBD (VDOT) Residency Administrator TBD (VDOT) Regional Work Zone Safety Coordinator Forester Wright 540-569-6985 Regional Traffic Engineer Jamison Strasser (VDOT) 540-829-7411 The Virginia State Police report of the incident will be reviewed by the Area Construction Engineer to determine if any modification of the Temporary Traffic Control Plan is necessary. If it is determined that it is necessary to alter the plan, then a meeting will be called with the contractor, VDOT project personnel, VDOT traffic safety representatives and the Virginia State Police (if necessary) to discuss modifications and implementation of any improved traffic control plan. Typical Traffic Control Work Beyond the Shoulder Operation (Figures'-I.1) MOTES Ott dcutoe 1. The n4ai run distance behyeeti dhe sign and work vehicle should be 13000 I506' on Lhi tt d,,Iccess hightia ay'Y' mid 014 all adle.r rouchrgyj 500 =800' wkre the y ova-d -Speedlimit rs greale.r` lhan 45 n aph, wid 350 -.50?` wbere lfle poved speed lln sled is 45 mph or less- Op€ion=. 2- The RO..AD WORK MEAD (W20-1) sign may be repl4l ed, with tarter appropriate sign4 such as the SHOULDER WORK (W21-5) siun_ The SHO[JLDER. WQP_ i siwi may be used for work adjacent to the shoulder. 3, The ROAD WORK AHEAD sign n-iav be omitted where the work space is behind a barrier, more than 4 feet behind vertical. curia (Standard CG-2 and. CQ-6) on urban roadurays, or outside of the el ear zone for all other roadways. For clew zone values see Page A4 of Appendix A. 4, For short-term. short duration or mobile operatiorM, all signs and channelizing devices may be uwd- Sttndard: S. Yehicie hazard warning signals shall riot be used instelad of the vehicle's high -intensity nml�lLr rotating, flashing, oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard warning sigoaU can be used to suppleme©t high -intensity aulber rotating, flashing, er oscillating lights. 6. If the work space: is .in the ntedesan of a di-vided highway, an advance warning ,sign .;;Hall also be placed on the heft side of the directional ro.att'pr*y* Typical Traffic Control .Shoulder aosure aviih Barrier C? eradan Guidance: 1- Sign spacing should be 1340'-1500' for Limited Access higimu s. For a U other rra dwa0s, the sign sppacing shraudd be 500'400' where the posted speexd lirnit is greater than 45 wpfq and 350'-500' }there drepottadspmd limit is 45 mph or kiss Staudmd: 2. On divided highways baring a median wider than Wright and left sign assemblies shall be required. 3. Group 2 Chanaeiivns device spacins shall be at the followinLr: Gala 2 C]aannerrrin Device S acme Lacah�ge pil Speed.l 1 hl $acaiiorx Speed Limit imfahl Las�?ra+tSParrSsE Sped Lunt ; tnhl Traiesiat�ea 2tFt 4tY Tramehhuy 4a' I 69 £ittisiin+s jai s . 2TP 12D 'I! 'Caasw r3 an access do ma laeincreased t.ff is distance. but stW rut eseeed one.:ac=ess per Y. m le. 4. The minSmuan length for a .shoulder taper shall be 360 on Limited Access highways, and %L for all other roadways (see -Note 7 of TTC-5, for values of I )- 5. Alen the barrier transition slope is on a horizontal. alignment, the total offset shall be prorated around the curve in bear of a straight litre slope. b, End treatment of a barrier in order of preference: a. %Vhere guardrail exists, attach to barrier w" appropriate filed object attachment. b. IN -here cut slope easts, bury barrier into cut slope and provide for drainage as needed. c. Eitend end of barrier until it is beyond the established clearzone (see Fi-auure, 1 oa Page A 4 in Appendu A for clear zone values). d. Ltben barrier end is inside the established clear zone, attenuator service Type I or Type 11 shall be used Contact L&D Standards/Special Design Section for approved attentuators, 7. Barrierpauels 3 inches iu stidth and L inches in height shall he placed on top of the concrete barrier and spaced on 40' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 30' centers along the parallel or tangent sections. &llectorized surface shall be fluorescent orange prismatic lens sheering. The light at the beginning of the barrier run and at the breakpoint where the barrier becomes parallel to the roadway shall be a Type B fla*ft- h-ht Ratner delineators shall be installed alone the traffic side of the concrete barriers. Bas^clsa deiinatots.slall tro.aeed oa 211 panels approximately-14 inches up from the roadway surface. ..fins C $ The barrier sbmvn in this topical application is an ggg pre of one method that may be used to close a shoulder of ]ono -tens piqject- 9. The FJGHT SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5aR) sign utay be dinAnated from all raadwa-vs except Limited trees hipnvays_ 6uidatica: 10. If &lnvr-s caimot see a puff-of'araa betrond fits dosed shoulder; h onnadon regarding flag leugd► of die shoulder closure shalt be proridod hi feet or mites, as aWropriale- 11. An amergettcy putt -off area should beprovided per Section {0"13 and Temporary rrayiic ('corral Figure 77C-8- �- 3:1ievniaa 2-9IM019 Typical Traffic Control Lmie Closure opt a Tiara -Lane RoadreaW Using Flaggers 6uidarrca. 1. ,Sign spacing distance should be 3567--500 whaa•e the posted speaad limit is 45 ruph or less,. and 5d10'400' why iha posted speed limit is greatfiT than 45 nTh- 2. Care should beeyerrisedwhen establishing thgGndis offim wvrkzonslo hisuremczrimumppssiblasight distance in admnce of the fla&er station and it uitiot� based on the posto d steed limit and tit latest equal to or greater than MG values tit Table 61r3- Goneraallyspeaking, motorists should have a clear line olsight from ilia graphic flaggerr symbol sigh to the laggaa= 3 err mamttzra cif"icz tirafltlml anfa fhzr>aefrit oat. a iyshlaria.fav aruti tilt ���s�s:.�'�''...l�l���cfn��r�r►t �;�,�cr�;stu; standard- 4. t�l:lu:i 5. Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the sorb space to permit approaching traffic io reduce speed andtor stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient a&tailce fair deeppactin- traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see TableonPage 6H-5.)" 6. Ail flaggers shaft be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when pertorruurg flagging duties (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for. Fla -viers). 7. Cone spocuna shall be bard on the poskd.speetl and the values in Table 613-1 QuPage frH b.1 9. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity anther rotating, flashing, 00 oscillating light shall be parked V L0' in advance of the first work ereig. Option: 8. A 5L (1riLi I V Yp si ` `l Vy be rmuged in thia area to give advance evarning of the opmfim ahead. by slomw apppagghig& traffic prior to reaching the flw per station or queued Gufdarra: 9. 1(('ilia a�rteaa %&off c: reachaF iha.8EPREP,1M TO STOP (14'34) sign there tha sigh€, and il'used the 1y PliS sinonld he rea4usted atgro ater distawes- 10. Mien a htgltxraa� raid crossing fists within or upstream of the trarutitern areu and it is tmtictpated: that queues rLumbing front ilia lane closure might Wend iArough ilia higlaseo-tail grade crossingg the taurporaru fmff,�jc control zone should be extended so that ilia irmzriiion arse praeedes the highway rail crossing (sae Figure TfC: fdfor additional infbnnationan higlnvay-railcro sings): Standard: 11. At night, fla;gee stations shall be illuatunated, except in emergencies (see ;Section 6E.08). Option: 12. Canes maybe eliminated eahen using ayilot vehicle; operation or when the total roadway width is 20 feet or less. 13, For low-vnlrwna situations with short work zones on straight roadways N here the flagFer is visible to road Stamdard:1 14 iyrR 4se , three portable temporary ramble (PTRS) strips shrill be installed across the entire tr.ti' bane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (%W-1) sign, The portable temper r) ruunble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary dung the work shift to ensure proper iacement on the roadway- 1-V'hen the PTRS are lnstalled, the RU-11BLE STRIPS AHEAD (%V20- ,16) sip shall also be utilized. 1: itevt iaa 1-l.9t2415 2 zze, n2-9JIM19 2: xey� 2-9f1Ad@19 1: Revidox 1- 4Mi11a 2: Revi<Ssa:3-9at)G19 UE.MENT NOTE 3 aa' - `120' hvORK VEHICLE Shoulder Clusure ivithBarrier• Operation ('igure'I?k8 +� 3M.+ W20-1 SEE NQTES 2AND 3 r2a-2 t`7} TRAFFIC 6ARRIER HARRIER PANEL SEE rtoiE 7 13ARRIER DELINEATOR f � . TYPE 5 " SVARNING LIGHT /_18ARRIERPANEL sEE NOTE7 $ARRI ER DELINEATOR SARR1ER TRANSITION sLQPE RA710 FOR GROUP 2 OF -VICE SPACINQ - .SEE NOTE 3 ��- TYPE B WARNING LIGHT - - GUARDRAIL SEE NOTE S see NO rE t oval salt FROM 4h! 1.8-VRi OPTIONAL SEE NOTE iQ SEE NOTE 1 7421-5bR SEE NOTE 1 Vy20_1 Lane Closes. a on it Trr u Lane Roadway L'sfug Fhaggers 420.7 N34 tYEl141 W2av2e litem" erzo-1 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ALBEMARLE BUSINESS CAMPUS: BLOCK 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2020. 1 0.05 [INITIAL SDP] REVISION: 2021.07.26 [FINAL SDP] 2021,11.19 [FINAL SDP] 2021.12.20 [ARB] 2022.01.31 [FINAL SDP] 2022.02.24 [ACSA & ARB] 2022.03.02 [FOR APPROVAL] FILE NO. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC DETAILS M� 3I C 17