HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-23 adjJanuary 23, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held jointly with the Albemarle County School Board on
January 23, 1989, at 8:00 A.M., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building,
401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs.
Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom, Walter F. Perkins and
Peter T. Way.
OFFICERS PRF~ENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, and
Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney (arrived at 8:37 A.M).
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at
8:05 A.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda Item No. 2a. Joint Meeting with School Board: Presentation of
Affirmative Action Plan.
SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. Charles S. Armstrong, Clifford W.
Haury, William W. Finley, Charles S. Martin, Charles R. Tolbert, Roger R.
Ward, and Mrs. Sharon Wood (arrived at 8:14 A.M.).
Also present was the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Andy Overstreet.
Dr. Carole Hastings, Director of Personnel, presented a proposed Affirma-
tive Action Plan for approval by the joint Boards. The local government had
not updated its affirmative action plan since the 1970's. As part of its five
year plan, the School Board included the implementation of an affirmative
action plan as one of its goals in 1984. The proposed plan is action ori-
ented, presenting tasks and goals in areas such as recruitment, training,
program monitoring and evaluation, and information and dissemination.
Dr. Hastings said the plan is not based on a quota system, but rather
calls for an analysis of what is currently being done in each school and
department to accomplish equity in the work place. The plan not only ad-
dresses racial imbalance, but imbalances in "~ther areas such as more male
secretaries or more women mn vocational worki!: Each principal and department
head will be provided support in developing a plan to reach this goal. An
aggressive training program will be implemented to assure that all employees
are aware of the principles of equal employment opportunity and affirmative
action. An advisory council comprised of employees from local government and
the school division will be engaged to examine policies and to advise the
County officials and Personnel Director on pertinent issues.
Mr. Bowie said he supported the concept~, but had not had a chance to go
over each part of the package. ~
Mr. Bain said he concurred with Mr. Bowie in that he had not had time to
study each action listed. He was in support'ii:of the concept as well.
Mr. Way said he appreciated the work Dr J Hastings has done on this. The
time schedule had been met exactly as promispd.
Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and !seconded by Mr. Perkins to ap-
prove the Affirmative Action Plan for general government employees as pre-
sented to the Board in a memo dated January ~7, 1989.
Roll was called and the motion carried ~y the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, MessEs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None. ~
A like motion was then adopted by the School Board for its employees.
January 23, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 2b. Discussion: Crozet School Project.
Mr. Agnor said the Board had asked for a comparison of cost estimates of
the Crozet Replacement School and the new Southside Elementary School, includ-
ing comparison of square footage and number of students. Ail of those figures
for the Crozet project were provided; however, specific budget information is
not currently available for Southside Elementary School from the architects.
Those details will be provided as soon as they are available. The Board also
requested the total cost to date of what has been spent on the Crozet School
project and copies of minutes in which the Crozet School Project had been
discussed. Mr. Agnor said these were all given to the Board, along with a
confidential letter from the County Attorney regarding the pKoperty acquisi-
tion issue.
Mr. Bain asked when the figures from the architects could be expected.
Mr. Overstreet said the architects~were unable to break out their number~
in the format requested for today's meeting. They would have them ready in a
week to ten days.
Mr. Tolbert said the architects would be ready to make their submission
to the state within a week or so, depending upon what decisions the Boards
made regarding costs. He said there is also the problem~of getting the school
ready to open. If the school is ready in October, the switch to the new site
could be made without too much difficulty. ~
Mr. Perkins said the problem in delaying is the bidding time. He felt
the longer the delay, the higher the bids could come back, especially if they
were delayed until summer. He said his understanding wa~ that the purpose of
today's meeting was for the Board to make the decision o~ whether or not to
appropriate the funds and the School Board to decide whether or not to pro-
ceed. ].
Mr. Bowie pointed out that when the Crozet School discussions began, the
School Board and the Board of Supervisors all felt a new school was not
needed. Somehow within the next few months the decision!,!from the School Board
was that it would only cost $100,000 to $200,000 more to ~build than to re-
model. Now the figure is $4.5 million. He felt a consemsus from the School
Board as to what the options are is necessary before the!Board takes any
Mr. Lindstrom said he would rather wait for the figures from Hayes, Seay,
Mattern and Mattern before making any decision regarding lappropriation of
funds. He said there had been many changes in this project since the dis-
cussions began, according to copies of the minutes. It appears the cost per
pupil will be thirty percent more than the Southside school. He believes the
cost of development of the site and possibly some design~of the building are
going to be substantial costs. He said he wants to see the architect's
figures before appropriating any additional money from the Capital Improve-
ments Budget. He is concerned that if this project is f~ded beyond what is
budgeted, some other equally important project may be overlooked. Mr.
Lindstrom suggested that the Board consider a plan for a ilbond referendum,
putting Crozet and Southside Schools, along with other p~o3ects having commu-
nity-wide impact, into a bond referendum package.
Mr. Bain said he wondered if something could be don~ at the old site. He
asked that staff obtain information regarding possible u~e of the land beyond
the present school building. He suggested possibly using a portion of the
land from the new site for ball fields and tunneling under the state road for
access to the fields.
Mrs. Cooke said the Board was spending time comparing figures when the
process could be made much simpler by using plans from fUnctioning elementary
schools and adapting them to each site instead of starting from scratch on
each project. Mrs. Cooke feels this should be as much a Ipart of the planning
process as the growth projections, etc.
Mr. Perkins said he felt the Board might as well be ireading about dino-
saurs as to read the past minutes on these discussions, iHe felt that there is
the opportunity this year to go ahead with this project, i' If necessary, the
difference in the CIP could be made up next year. He sa~d at this point no
January 23, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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one knows what the bids are going to be. Other schools have been bid for less
than expected.
Mr. Haury said the Long Range Planning Committee had worked on enrollment
projections for months for the Crozet School. He wanted to dispel any doubts
as to whether there was the need for this school. He said their projection
figures indicated that Crozet School may have spare seats for one year, but
they would be filled quickly by 1992. He said both the Southside and Crozet
schools would help relieve enrollment pressure in surrounding areas such as
Red Hill. He said this committee would have a final report on enrollment by
the end of February.
Mrs. Cooke said she felt the stanardization of school plans should be as
much a part of the overall planning process as the enrollment projections.
Mr. Perkins said he agreed with Mrs. Cooke that it should not be neces-
sary to "re-invent the wheel" on each school project.
Mr. Finley said he had come to the meeting today thinking he would vote
on this issue because considerations regarding the old site had been decided.
If the Board of Supervisors felt they needed more figures, he was not sure it
would be wise for the School Board to make a decision today.
Mr. Tolbert said he understood that bids might actually come in low.
However, he did not think the architects should betold to proceed, hoping t~
cost would work out in the end. He felt the decision regarding the appropri-
ation of the funds had to be made by the Board of Supervisors after looking at
the figures from Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern if that was what they
desired. Then, if the Board of Supervisors felt a modification was necessary,
the School Board would need to take action.
Mr. Lindstrom felt the Board should consider deferring the discussion for
two weeks. This would give time to get the figures needed from the archi-
tects, get some answers regarding the bond neferendum issue, and analyze the
present site at Crozet School during that time.
Mr. Agnor said staff would need a good kontours map and the plans in
fairly final form to analyze the site, and h~ is not sure these are available.
He said by Wednesday of this week he could ascertain whether contours maps
exist and whether staff could analyze the Cr0zet site.
Mr. Perkins said he still thought the Bdard should go ahead with the
project by appropriating the $200,000 to getl~ the land and telling the archi-
tects there is this certain amount of money. They will then find ways to cut
costs. He said Meriwether Lewis and Stone RObinson schools both had to be
reworked after the bids came in. He felt the suggestions being made today
were tactics to delay the project even further.
Mr. Bowie said he thought the project was too far along to consider
looking at the old site. The decision has tO be made before the deadline
which he thought was about two months. The ~roblem is there are more projects
in the budget than there is money. He was d~sappointed that VMDO's response
was to say they were right and everyone else-was wrong. That led him to
believe there might not be any reduction in ~osts. He felt Mrs. Cooke was
right. There has to be some standardization ~in the system.
Mr. Perkins said the decision needed toii~e made by February 1, 1989, in
order to have time to advertise the bids.
Mrs. Cooke said she supported Mr. PerkiqS' remarks.
Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and ,seconded by Mr. Bain to defer
taking action on the Crozet School Project until February 1, 1989, to allow
Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern to present their comparison figures. He said
Mr. Agnor will know by Wednesday whether any comparison can be made of the
present Crozet School site, and this will allow time for Mr. St. John to draft
answers regarding a possible bond referendum. If the Board decides to fund
the entire project, he does not think it will require another meeting with the
School Board, but it will require an amendment of the CIP for this project.
January 23, 1989 (Adjourned Meeting)
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Mr. Perkins said he hopes the Board understands what the results will be
of a comparison of figures between Crozet School and Southside School. He
said the Board should remember that the gym and cafeteria at Crozet School
were designed for 600 students. They have twenty-one acres of land also. He
said he feels the comparison will not be of "apples to apples".
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item No. 2c. Executive Session: Acquisition of Property.
At 9:40 A.M., motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to
adjourn into Executive Session to disCuss land acquisition.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
The Board reconvened into open session at 10:15
Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matters Not Listed on the~?Agenda. There were
no other matters presented at this time.
Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourn to JanuarY 25, 1989, at!il:30 P.M.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Bowie to adjourn to
January 25, 1989, at 1:30 P.M. Roll was called and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.