HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900058 Calculations 2022-04-04 (4)Report of Geotechnical Study Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Albemarle County, Virginia F&R Project No. 71Z0219 Prepared For: Stanley Martin Homes 404 People Place, Suite 303 Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 Prepared By: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, Virginia 23932-3330 Revised March 9, 2022 434.823.5154 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike A Minority -Owned Crozet, VA 22932 Business &R ROB RTSON Engineering Stability Since 1881 Revised March 9, 2022 Mr. Gregg O'Donnell Stanley Martin Homes 404 People Place, Suite 303 Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 Reference: Report of Geotechnical Study Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Albemarle County, Virginia F&R Project No. 71ZO219 Dear Mr. O'Donnell: The purpose of this study is to present the results of the subsurface exploration program and geotechnical engineering evaluation undertaken by Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) in connection with the referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with F&R Proposal No. 2171-0283G rev1 dated October 21, 2021. The attached report presents our understanding of the project, reviews our exploration procedures, describes existing site and general subsurface conditions, and presents our geotechnical evaluations and recommendations. We have enjoyed working with you on this project, and we are prepared to assist you with the recommended quality assurance monitoring and testing services during construction. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Matthew E. DuBois, P.E. Senior Engineer S CLYDE A. SIMMONS, III Uc. No. 037906 k314; S70NAL �� Clyde A. Simmons, III, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer J:\Projects 71Z\71Z0219 (Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert)\GEO Report\Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Report.REV2.docx 434.823.5154 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike A Minority -Owned Crozet, VA 22932 Business F&R TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE & SCOPE OF SERVICES.................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION..............................................................................................2 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................... 2 2.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION............................................................................................. 2 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES........................................................................................2 3.1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION............................................................................................. 2 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING................................................................................................... 4 4.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY & SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS......................................................5 4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY...................................................................................................... 5 4.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS............................................................................................... 5 4.2.1 General.............................................................................................................5 4.2.2 Surficial Materials.............................................................................................6 4.2.3 Alluvial Soils......................................................................................................6 4.2.4 Residual Soils....................................................................................................6 4.2.5 Intermediate Geomaterial................................................................................. 6 4.2.6 Auger Refusal Materials....................................................................................7 4.3 SUBSURFACE WATER..................................................................................................... 7 4.4 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS............................................................................................ 8 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................... 10 5.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................. 10 5.2 DEEP FOUNDATIONS.................................................................................................... 10 5.3 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES........................................................................................... 12 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 13 6.1 SITE PREPARATION...................................................................................................... 13 6.2 EXCAVATION CONDITIONS............................................................................................. 13 6.3 FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION........................................................................................ 13 6.4 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION............................................................... 14 6.5 SURFACE WATER/GROUNDWATER CONTROL..................................................................... 15 6.6 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................. 15 7.0 CONTINUATION OF SERVICES.................................................................................... 16 8.0 LIMITATIONS.............................................................................................................17 Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - i - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 F&R APPENDICES APPENDIX I Site Vicinity Map (Drawing No. 1) Boring Location Plan (Drawing No. 2) APPENDIX II Key to Boring Log Soil Classification Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes Soil Classification Chart Boring Logs Hand Auger Logs Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX III GBA Document "Important Information about Your Geotechnical Engineering Report' APPENDIX IV Calculations Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - ii - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 1.0 PURPOSE & SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed development and provide geotechnical engineering design and construction recommendations that can be used during the design and construction of the proposed structures. F&R's scope of services included the following: • Visited the site to observe existing surface conditions; • Coordinated utility clearance with Miss Utility; • Reviewed readily available geologic and subsurface information relative to the project site; • Completion of three soil test borings to depths of 9.5 feet to 48.3 feet below the existing ground surface; • Preparation of typed Boring Logs and development of a Subsurface Profile; • Performing geotechnical laboratory testing on representative soil samples; • Performing a geotechnical engineering evaluation of the subsurface conditions with regard to their suitability for the proposed construction; • Provided recommendations regarding lateral earth pressure coefficients for the design of below grade walls by others. • Provided recommendations regarding the placement and compaction of fill materials required to achieve site subgrades, including an assessment of the suitability of the on -site soil for re -use as structural fill, and recommendations regarding rock excavation; • Preparation of this geotechnical report by professional engineers. Our scope of services did not include a survey of the boring locations, rock coring, quantity estimates, preparation of plans or specifications, or the identification and evaluation of wetland or other environmental aspects of the project site. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page -1 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Site Description The project site is located on the southwest side of the Pleasant Green Subdivision in Albemarle County, Virginia (See Site Location Plan, Drawing No. 1, Appendix 1). The new connector road is planned to connect the roundabout on Alston Street in the Pleasant Green Subdivision with Orchard Drive to the west. The project corridor is mostly wooded, but clearing has been performed for a sanitary sewer line located to the south of the road. The new road will cross Powells Creek near the midpoint between the two existing roads. The existing grades range from approximately El 708 at Alston Street down to El 687 at Powells Creek and back up to El 710 at Orchard Drive. 2.2 Proposed Construction Project information was provided by email and included the "Pleasant Green Connector Road Plan Set," 11 Sheets, by Collins Engineering, dated 12/8/21, and the "Pleasant Green — Preliminary ConSpan Drawings-11-23-2021.pdf", which included 3 sheets by Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC. We understand that the proposed roadway crossing of Powells Creek is planned to consist of a single span arch culvert. The arch culvert is planned to consist of precast concrete, with an approximate span of 43 feet, approximate length of 72 feet, and an approximate clear rise of 8'-9". The soil cover measured at the middle of the arch will be approximately 5.5 feet or less. The design will also include precast concrete wing walls with a maximum height of approximately 12 feet. As indicated in the provided loading information, vertical loads of 32.4 kips per linear foot and horizontal loads of 23 kips per linear foot are anticipated at the base of the arch culvert. 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 3.1 Subsurface Exploration The exploration program was performed on November 23 and 24, 2021, and consisted of three soil test borings designated TB-01 through TB-03 and two hand auger excavations designated HA- 01 through HA-02. An F&R geotechnical engineer was onsite to monitor drilling, log the borings and perform visual classification of the recovered samples during the exploration program. In January 2021, F&R performed a previous study in this location for evaluation of the triple box culvert stream crossing. Two soil borings, designated B-01 and B-02 were performed as part of that study. The boring logs and laboratory testing performed during that exploration have been incorporated into this report. The borings were drilled to depths of 5.4 feet to 48.3 feet below existing grades. The hand auger excavations were extended to depths of 1 to 1.1 feet below the existing grades before reaching refusal on cobbles. Boring TB-01 encountered auger refusal at 9.5 feet due to auger skewing. An offset boring, TB-01A was drilled approximately 5 feet south Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page-2- Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 n of the original location. Boring TB-01A was extended 10 feet past the auger refusal depth of 27.5 feet with NQ rock coring techniques. The locations of the borings are shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (Drawing No. 2, Appendix 1). The test boring locations were staked in the field by the project surveyor. The elevations shown on the boring logs were copied from those marked on the survey stakes. Given that some minor shifting of pre -staked locations may have occurred during drilling, we recommend that the test boring locations and elevations shown on the attached Boring Location Plans and Boring Logs be considered approximate. The soil test borings were performed in accordance with generally accepted practice using a track -mounted Diedrich D-50 rotary drill rig equipped with an automatic hammer. Hollow -stem augers were advanced to pre -selected depths, the center plug was removed, and representative soil samples were recovered with a standard split -spoon sampler (13/8 in. ID, 2 in. OD) in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, the Standard Penetration Test. For these tests, a weight of 140 pounds was freely dropped from a height of 30 inches to drive the split -spoon sampler into the soil. The number of blows required to drive the split -spoon sampler three consecutive 6-inch increments was recorded, and the blows of the last two increments were summed to obtain the Standard Penetration Resistance (N-value). The N-value provides a general indication of in -situ soil conditions and has been correlated with certain engineering properties of soils. Research has shown that the Standard Penetration Resistance (N-value) determined by automatic hammer is different than the N-value determined by the safety hammer method. Most corrections that are published in technical literature are based on the N-value determined by the safety hammer method. This is commonly termed N6o as the rope and cathead with a safety hammer delivers about 60 percent of the theoretical energy delivered by a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Several researchers have proposed correction factors for the use of hammers other than the safety hammer. The correction is made by the following equation: N60 = Nfield X CE where Nfield is the value recorded in the field, and CE is the drill rod energy ratio for the hammer used. The guidelines provided in the Performance and Use of the Standard Penetration Test in Geotechnical Engineering Practice manual published by the Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University recommend that a correction factor (CE) be used to convert Nfield values to N6o values when using an automatic hammer. We recommend that a correction factor (CE) of 1.3 be used to convert Nfield to N60 values. Plotted N-values reported on Boring Logs are the actual, field -derived blow counts (Nfield). Drilling notes on each Boring Log indicates whether penetration resistances presented on the Boring Log were determined using automatic hammer or conventional hammer systems. Corrected N60 values were used for all analyses. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page - 3 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 n The test borings were advanced through the soil overburden by soil drilling procedures to the auger refusal materials were encountered. Rock coring was performed at boring TB-01 from the auger refusal depth of 27.5 feet to the boring termination depth of 37.5 feet below the existing grades. Rock coring was accomplished in general accordance with ASTM D 2113 using a 2-inch nominal inside diameter diamond -impregnated drill attached to the end of a double -tube core barrel. Rock core specimens were measured for recovery immediately upon retrieval, placed in core boxes for protection, and transported to our laboratory for evaluation by our professional staff. The rock core specimens were measured for Percent Recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) by a member of our professional staff. Percent Recovery is the ratio of the recovered core length to the length of rock drilled, expressed by a percentage. RQD is the ratio of the cumulative length of all pieces of rock greater than or equal to four inches to the total amount drilled, expressed as a percent of the total amount drilled. The RQD value is related to the soundness and quality of the rock mass and has been correlated with engineering properties of rock. Qualitative descriptions of the rock cored were also developed and are included on the boring logs. Subsurface water level readings were taken in each of the borings immediately upon completion of the drilling process. Upon completion of drilling, the boreholes were backfilled with auger cuttings (soil). Periodic observation of the boreholes should be performed to monitor subsidence at the ground surface, as the borehole backfill could settle over time. Borings performed in asphalt or concrete pavement were patched with non -shrink grout or asphalt cold patch. Representative portions of the split -spoon soil samples obtained throughout the exploration program were placed in glass jars and transported to our laboratory. In the laboratory, the soil samples were evaluated by a member of our engineering staff in general accordance with techniques outlined in the visual -manual identification procedure (ASTM D 2488). The soil descriptions and classifications discussed in this report and shown on the attached Boring Logs are based on visual observation and should be considered approximate. A copy of the boring logs are provided and classification procedures are further explained in Appendix II. Split -spoon soil samples recovered on this project will be stored at F&R's office for a period of 60 days. After 60 days, the samples will be discarded unless prior notification is provided to us in writing. 3.2 Laboratory Testing Representative soil samples were subjected to Water Content (ASTM D 2216), Atterberg Limits (ASTM C4318) and #200 Sieve Wash (ASTM D1140) testing to substantiate the visual classifications and assist with the estimation of the soils' pertinent engineering properties. PH and resistivity testing were also performed to estimate the soil's corrosive potential. Test results are provided in Section 4.4 of this report Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 4 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 F&R 4.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY & SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 Regional Geology The project site is located in the upland area of the Piedmont Plateau, at the western edge of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, an area underlain by ancient metamorphic rocks. Information obtained from the Geologic map of Virginia (1993) indicates that the project site is underlain by Charnockite, a Plutonic Rock of Grenville Age. The virgin soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in -place chemical and mechanical weathering of the parent bedrock formation that underlies the site. These materials consist of SILT and CLAY soils near the surface where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by silty SAND and clayey SAND. The boundary between soil and rock is often times not sharply defined. The transitional term "Intermediate Geomaterial" is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. For engineering purposes, IGM is described as broken and partially weathered rock with Standard Penetration Resistance N-values greater than 50 blows per 6 inches. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints and the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the IGM is often quite irregular, even over very short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses, layers, or zones of less resistant or more resistant IGM, and boulders of hard rock within the soil mantle well above the general bedrock level. 4.2 Subsurface Conditions 4.2.1 General The subsurface conditions discussed in the following paragraphs and those shown on the attached Boring Logs and Subsurface Profile represent an estimate of the subsurface conditions based on interpretation of the boring data using normally accepted geotechnical engineering judgments. The transitions between different soil strata are usually less distinct than those shown on the boring logs. Sometimes the relatively small sample obtained in the field is insufficient to definitively describe the origin of the subsurface material. In these cases, we qualify our origin descriptions with "possible" before the word describing the material's origin (i.e. possible fill, etc.). Although individual soil test borings are representative of the subsurface conditions at the boring locations on the dates shown, they are not necessarily indicative of subsurface conditions at other locations or at other times. Data from the specific soil test borings is shown on the attached Boring Logs in Appendix II. Below the existing ground surface, the borings generally encountered surficial materials, alluvial soils, residual soils, intermediate geomaterial, and auger refusal materials. These materials are generally discussed in the following paragraphs. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page - 5 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 4.2.2 Surficial Materials Surficial organic soils were encountered in each of the borings to depths of approximately 2 to 5 inches. Surficial organic soil is typically a dark -colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and is generally unsuitable for engineering purposes. F&R has not performed any laboratory testing to determine the organic content or other horticultural properties of the observed surficial organic soil materials. Therefore, the term surficial organic soil is not intended to indicate a suitability for landscaping and/or other purposes. The surficial organic soil depths provided in this report are based on driller observations and should be considered approximate. We note that the transition from surficial organic soil to underlying materials may be gradual, and therefore the observation and measurement of surficial organic soil depths is subjective. Thicker layers of surficial organics should be expected in wooded areas to account for the presence of root balls. Actual surficial organic soil depths should be expected to vary. 4.2.3 Alluvial Soils Alluvial soils, placed by moving water, were encountered in each boring, below the surficial organics and extended to depths of 5 feet to 9.5 feet below existing grades. Sampled alluvium consisted of Lean CLAY (CL), SILT (ML), clayey SAND (SC), silty SAND (SM), and silty GRAVEL (GM) with varying amounts of sand and gravel. Sampled alluvium was brown, tan brown, light brown and gray in color, with water contents visually characterized as moist to wet. The Standard Penetration Test values (N-values) in the alluvium ranged from 3 bpf to 100+ bpf. The higher N- values obtained in the alluvium layer are attributable to gravel and cobbles deposited within the alluvial soils. 4.2.4 Residual Soils Residual Soils, formed by the in -place weathering of the parent rock, were encountered below the alluvial soils in borings TB-01A, TB-02, TB-03, and B-01 and extended to the intermediate geomaterial layer. At boring TB-03 a layer of residual soils was encountered in the intermediate geomaterial at a depth of 38 to 43 feet below existing grades. The residual soils were generally described as sandy SILT (ML), or silty SAND (SM). The sampled residual soils were brown, light brown, and tan, in color, with moisture contents visually characterized as wet. N-values in the residual soils ranged from 2 bpf to 52 bpf. 4.2.5 Intermediate Geomaterial Intermediate Geomaterial (IGM) is a transitional material between soil and rock which contains the relic structure of the rock with very hard consistencies or very dense densities. IGM materials were encountered in borings TB-01A, TB-02, TB-03, and B-01 below the residual soils at a depth of depths of 18 feet to 38 feet below existing grades and extending to the auger refusal depth as shown in the table in section 4.2.6. At boring TB-03 a less resistant layer of residual soils was encountered within the IGM at a depth of 38 to 43 feet below existing grades. When sampled Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 6 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 F&R IGM was generally described as silty SAND (SM) with varying amounts of gravel. The sampled IGM was brown gray or gray in color with moisture contents visually characterized as wet. The N-values in the IGM ranged from 50/6 to 50/2. 4.2.6 Auger Refusal Materials Auger refusal occurs when materials are encountered that cannot be penetrated by the soil auger and is normally indicative of a very hard or very dense material, such as boulders, rock lenses, rock pinnacles, or the upper surface of rock. Auger refusal was encountered in each of the borings at depths ranging from 5.4 to 48.3 feet below existing grades as indicated in the table below. The auger refusal conditions encountered at boring TB-01, B-02, and B-02A are likely due to alluvial cobbles or boulders and are not expected to be indicative of the bedrock surface. Auger refusal conditions with a Diedrich D-50 drill rig do not necessarily indicate conditions impenetrable to other equipment. Auger refusal conditions will likely vary in unexplored areas of the site. Notes: 4.3 Boring No. Existing Elevation IGM Depth (feet) IGM Elevation Refusal Depth (feet) Refusal Elevation TB-01 690.9 9.5* 681.4 TB-01A 690.9 18 672.9 27.5 663.4 TB-02 689.9 38 651.1 48.3 640.8 TB-03 692.6 28** 664.6 43.2 649.4 B-01 693 22 671 22.2 670.8 B-02 691 5.4 685.6 B-02A 691 5.4 685.6 * Indicates boring terminated due to skewing augers, ** Indicated that a layer of soil was encountered within the IGM at this boring. Subsurface Water The test borings were monitored during and after drilling operations to obtain short-term subsurface water information. Subsurface water was encountered at depths of 1.8 to 7 feet below existing grades as shown in the following table. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 7 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 Boring No. Existing Elevation Subsurface Water Depth (feet) Subsurface Water Elevation TB-01 690.9 1.8 689.1 TB-01A 690.9 1.8 689.1 TB-02 689.9 2.0 687.9 TB-03 692.6 7.0 685.6 B-01 693 5 688 B-02 691 2.5 688.5 It is anticipated that the groundwater elevation should closely match that of the water level in Powells Creek. It should be noted that the location of the subsurface water table could vary by several feet because of seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, evaporation, surface water runoff, local topography, and other factors not immediately apparent at the time of this exploration. Normally, the highest subsurface water levels occur in the late winter and spring and lowest levels occur in the late summer and fall. 4.4 Laboratory Test Results As discussed in Section 3.2, laboratory testing was performed on selected soil samples collected during our subsurface exploration. The results from the laboratory testing are included in the following table. Boring No. Sample Depth (Feet) Natural Water Content (%) Liquid Limit/ Plasticity Index % Passing No. 200 Sieve LISCS Class. B-01 0-2 17.1 -- -- B-01 2-4 23.2 27/7 36.1 SM B-01 4-6 21.1 -- -- B-01 6-8 40.6 B-01 8-10 26.4 B-01 13.5-15 21.1 B-01 18.5-20 30.0 B-02 0-2 19.3 -- -- B-02 2-4 21.7 42/18 52.1 CL B-02 4-6 13.8 -- -- Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 8 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 Boring No. Sample Depth (Feet) Natural Water Content (%) Liquid Limit/ Plasticity Index % Passing No. 200 Sieve LISCS Class. TB-01 0-2 21.0 TB-01 2-4 13.3 TB-01 6-8 21.3 TB-01 13-15 19.8 TB-01 18-20 16.4 TB-02 0-2 15.7 TB-02 2-4 16.9 TB-02 4-6 30.7 TB-02 6-8 26.8 NP/NP 25.0 SM TB-02 13-15 24.7 TB-02 28-30 36.8 TB-02 38-40 25.6 TB-03 0-2 19.1 TB-03 2-4 15.1 TB-03 4-6 10.4 NP/NP 17.3 GM TB-03 6-8 32.0 TB-03 8-10 36.3 TB-03 13-15 31.8 TB-03 18-20 30.2 TB-03 23-25 21.7 TB-03 28-30 16.8 TB-03 33-35 18.1 TB-03 38-40 23.2 HA-01 0-1 12.5 NP/NP 1.3 SP PH and resistivity testing was performed on a composite sample collected at a depth of 4 to 6 feet below existing grades at boring B-01 to evaluate the potential corrosivity of the on -site materials. The pH of the sample was 5.2 and the resistivity was 8,620 ohm -cm. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 9 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General The following evaluations and recommendations are based on our observations at the site, interpretation of the field data obtained during this exploration, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions and projects. Soil penetration data has been used to estimate an allowable bearing pressure and associated settlement using established correlations. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from those encountered. If the structure locations, loadings, or elevations are changed, we should be notified and requested to confirm and, if necessary, re-evaluate our recommendations. Determination of an appropriate foundation system for a given structure is dependent on the proposed structural loads, soil conditions, and construction constraints such as proximityto other structures, etc. The subsurface exploration aids the geotechnical engineer in determining the soil stratum appropriate for structural support. This determination includes considerations with regard to both allowable bearing capacity and compressibility of the soil strata. In addition, since the method of construction greatly affects the soils intended for structural support, consideration must be given to the implementation of suitable methods of site preparation, fill compaction, and other aspects of construction, where applicable. Based on the provided loading, shallow foundations are not feasible for support of the arch culvert foundations. Therefore we recommend the use of driven steel piles and a pile cap for support of the arch culvert. In order to provide consistent support and minimize differential settlement between the culvert and the wing walls, we recommend that the wing walls are also supported by driven steel piles and a pile cap. 5.2 Deep Foundations We understand that the proposed crossing is planned to consist of a precast concrete arch culvert with a span of approximately 43 feet and a clear rise of approximately 8'-9". The culvert will be approximately 72 feet long with concrete wing walls at each end. The wing walls will have heights of up to 12 feet. We recommend that the arch culvert and wing walls be supported by driven steel piles. The recommended pile designs for support of the culvert is presented in the following tables. Factored Substructure Estimated Minimum Tip Pile Type Resistance Unit Tip Elevation Elevation (kips) East HP 12x53 190 651-673 673 Foundation West HP 12x53 190 665-671 671 Foundation Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page -10 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 Max. Max Max Shear Substructure Deflection Fixity Moment Max Shear Unit (in) Depth (ft) Moment Depth (kips) Depth (ft kip) (feet) (feet) Arch Culvert Foundation 0.5 22.0 125 0 24 0 If the allowable lateral load capacities indicated in the above tables are not sufficient to resist the applied lateral loads, then battered piles could be utilized to resist the applied loads. The allowable lateral load of the battered pile can be computed as the horizontal component of the recommended allowable axial compressive capacity based on the geometry of the batter. The piles should have a maximum batter of 1H:3V. The HP 12x53 piles should be ASTM A709 Grade 50 steel piles equipped with pile points. We recommend that the pile locations be predrilled to an elevation of El 680 to penetrate the alluvial soils some of which contain gravels and cobbles that could be difficult to drive the piles though. The piles should have a minimum pile to pile spacing of at least 3 feet. The piles should be driven to a driving resistance of 292.3 kips as determined by the pile driving analyzer testing (PDA). The design factored resistance is based on piles driven to 292.3 kips and an applied resistance factor of 0.65 for PDA tested piles. We recommend a minimum of 1 test pile be performed on either side of Powells Creek. All of the piles should be driven in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications 2020 Section 403. Prior to pile driving, the Contractor should engage a Geotechnical Engineer to perform wave equation analyses in accordance with VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications 2020 to evaluate the suitability of the contractor selected hammer and to establish the initial driving criterion. The Contractor shall provide hammer and cushion data for the proposed pile driving equipment. This analysis should be required prior to mobilizing the hammer and equipment to the job site. The contractor should also engage with a Geotechnical Engineer to provide PDA testing during driving. The following comments are based on the results of the pH and resistivity testing and available references regarding soil corrosion potential. A soil sample from the on -site borrow area was tested for pH and resistivity, with results of 5.3 and 8,620 ohm -cm. The soils tested generally exhibit characteristics associated with low corrosion potential. We note that the project structural and civil designers and/or other applicable parties should also review the soil pH and resistivity test results for their determination of whether any corrective or preventative actions are required to protect foundations and other below -grade materials (such as pipes or other buried steel) from corrosion. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page -11 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 5.3 Lateral Earth Pressures Earth pressures on walls below grade are influenced by structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methods of construction and/or compaction, and the strength of the materials being restrained. The most common conditions assumed for earth retaining wall design are the active and at -rest conditions. Active conditions apply to relatively flexible earth retention structures, such as freestanding walls, where some movement and rotation may occur to mobilize soil shear strength. Walls that are rigidly restrained, such as basement, pit, pool and tunnel walls, should be designed for the structure requiring the use of at -rest earth pressures. A third condition, the passive state, represents the maximum possible pressure when a structure is pushed against the soil, and is used in wall foundation design to help resist active or at -rest pressures. Because significant wall movements are required to develop the passive pressure, the passive earth pressure resistance factor (4)eP) of 0.5 should be used. F&R recommends that VDOT No. 57 Stone be used as below grade wall backfill. The recommended lateral earth pressure coefficients and equivalent fluid pressure parameters for design of below grade walls using these materials are provided in the following table. Lateral Earth Equivalent Fluid Soil Type Base Friction Coefficient Pressure Coefficient (k) Unit Weight (yeq, pcf) At -rest Active At -rest Active Passive VDOT No. 57 Stone 0.34 0.36 0.22 41 25 300 A moist unit weight of 115 pcf for No. 57 Stone should be used for design calculations. The backfill material should be extended a minimum distance of 0.5 times the wall height laterally from the back face of the wall, or for a cantilevered wall, from the heel of the wall footing. Our recommendations were given assuming that the ground surface above the wall is level. The recommended equivalent fluid pressures were provided assuming that constantly functioning drainage systems, consisting of crushed stone blanket drain and slotted 4 inch diameter PVC pipe, are installed between walls and backfill to preventthe accidental buildup of hydrostatic pressures and lateral stresses in excess of those stated. If a functioning drainage system is not installed, then lateral earth pressures should be determined using the buoyant weight of the soil. Hydrostatic pressures calculated with the unit weight of water (62.4 pcf) should be added to these earth pressures to obtain the total stresses for design. Heavy equipment should not operate within 5 feet of below grade walls to prevent lateral pressures in excess of those cited. Adjacent footings or other surcharge loads located a short distance outside below grade walls will also exert appreciable additional lateral pressures. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page -12 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 Surcharge loads should be evaluated using the appropriate active or at -rest pressure coefficients provided above. The effect of surcharge loads should be added to the recommended earth pressures to determine total lateral stresses. 6.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Site Preparation Before proceeding with construction, existing footings, utilities, concrete and crushed stone, and other deleterious non -soil materials (if any) should be stripped or removed from the proposed construction area. Attention should be given to these areas to ensure all unsuitable material is removed prior to continuing with construction. During the site preparation operations, positive surface drainage should be maintained to prevent the accumulation of water. Existing underground utilities should be re-routed to locations a minimum of 10 feet outside of any proposed structure footings or abandoned in place with flowable fill. Prior to fill placement, the subgrades to receive backfill should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer. Additional requirements for earthwork construction is included in Section 303 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications 2020. 6.2 Excavation Conditions Auger refusal conditions were encountered in boring TB-01, B-02, and B-02A at depths of 5.4 to 9.5 feet below existing grades. The shallow auger refusal at these locations are likely attributed to alluvial gravel, cobbles and boulders encountered well above the general bedrock elevation. As such, we anticipate that difficult excavations in alluvial materials, could be encountered, but bedrock is not expected. 6.3 Foundation Construction Excavations for footings should be made in such a way as to provide working surfaces that are firm and free of loose, soft, wet, or otherwise disturbed soils. Foundation concrete should not be placed on frozen or saturated subgrades. If such materials are allowed to remain below foundations, settlements will increase. Foundation excavations should be concreted as soon as practical after they are excavated. If an excavation is left open for an extended period, a thin mat of lean concrete or a layer of VDOT no. 57 stone should be placed over the bottom to minimize damage to the bearing surface from weather or construction activities and to facilitate dewatering. Water should not be allowed to pond in any excavation. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 13 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 6.4 Structural Fill Placement and Compaction Fill materials for may consist of the non -organic on -site soils, or an off -site borrow having a classification of CL or more granular. Controlled structural fill should be free of boulders, organic matter, debris, or other deleterious materials, should have a maximum particle size of no greater than 4 inches, and should have a maximum dry density, as determined by the standard proctor test (VTM-1), of at least 90 pcf. As previously mentioned in Section 5.5, additional restrictions will apply for the backfill materials behind below grade walls. Additional requirements for fill placement and compaction are included in Section 303 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications 2020. Based on our visual classifications and the laboratory test results, we anticipate that the on -site soils should serve satisfactorily as fill provided that the moisture contents can be maintained within acceptable limits. The on -site soils are considered moisture sensitive and may be difficult to work with when they are wet of the optimum moisture content. Based on our visual examination and the laboratory test results, the soil samples were above their anticipated moisture content. Therefore, drying of the on -site soils should be anticipated. Predicated on the boring and laboratory results, and the recommendations provided above, the best time for construction of the structural fills and compacted subgrades would be during the warmer, drier months of the year, such as from late April through early October. During this time frame, on -site soils that are wet of optimum can usually be dried to near optimum levels with relatively little effort. If grading is performed during the colder, wetter months of the year, such as late October through early April, and suitable dry materials are not available on -site, then off - site drier borrow sources will likely be necessary. Fill materials should be placed in horizontal lifts with a maximum loose lift thickness of 8 inches. New fill should be adequately keyed into stripped and scarified subgrade soils. The fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the material's maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor method (VTM-1). In confined areas, portable compaction equipment and thin lifts of 3 to 4 inches may be required to achieve specified degrees of compaction. Excessively wet or dry soils should not be used as fill materials without proper drying or wetting. We recommend a moisture content range of plus or minus 3 percentage points of the material's optimum moisture content. We recommend that the contractor have equipment on site during earthwork for both drying and wetting of fill soils. Where construction traffic or weather has disturbed the subgrade, the upper 8 inches of soils intended for structural support should be scarified and re -compacted. Field density tests to determine the degree of compaction should be performed on each lift of fill, with a minimum of two tests per lift. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page -14- Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 n 6.5 Surface Water/Groundwater Control Subsurface water for the purposes of this report is defined as water encountered below the existing ground surface. Based on the subsurface water readings obtained during our exploration program, we anticipate that subsurface water will be encountered during excavation for the foundation of the single span arch culvert and some dewatering should be anticipated. In addition, the contractor should be prepared to dewater should water levels vary from those encountered during the drilling program. Fluctuations in subsurface water levels and soil moisture can be anticipated with changes in precipitation, runoff, and season. An important aspect to consider during development of this site is surface water control. During the construction, we recommend that steps be taken to enhance surface flow away from any excavations and promote rapid clearing of rainfall and runoff water following rain events. It should be incumbent on the contractor to maintain favorable site drainage during construction to reduce deterioration of otherwise stable subgrades. 6.6 Temporary Excavation Recommendations Mass excavations and other excavations required for construction of this project must be performed in accordance with the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines (29 CFR 1926, Subpart P, Excavations) or other applicable jurisdictional codes for permissible temporary side -slope ratios and/or shoring requirements. The OSHA guidelines require daily inspections of excavations, adjacent areas and protective systems by a "competent person" for evidence of situations that could result in cave- ins, indications of failure of a protective system, or other hazardous conditions. All excavated soils, equipment, building supplies, etc., should be placed away from the edges of the excavation at a distance equaling or exceeding the depth of the excavation. F&R cautions that the actual excavation slopes will need to be evaluated frequently each day by the "competent person" and flatter slopes or the use of shoring may be required to maintain a safe excavation depending upon excavation specific circumstances. The contractor is responsible for providing the "competent person" and all aspects of site excavation safety. F&R can evaluate specific excavation slope situations if we are informed and requested by the owner, designer or contractor's "competent person". Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71Z0219 Page - 15 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 F&R 7.0 CONTINUATION OF SERVICES We recommend that we be given the opportunity to review the foundation plan, grading plan, and project specifications when construction documents approach completion. This review evaluates whether the recommendations and comments provided herein have been understood and properly implemented. We also recommend that Froehling & Robertson, Inc. be retained for professional and construction materials testing services during construction of the project. Our continued involvement on the project helps provide continuity for proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. The Geotechnical Engineer of Record should be retained to monitor and test earthwork activities, and subgrade preparations for foundations, excavations and floor slabs. It should be noted that the actual soil conditions at the various subgrade levels and footing bearing grades will vary across this site and thus the presence of the Geotechnical Engineer and/or his representative during construction will serve to validate the subsurface conditions and recommendations presented in this report. We recommend that F&R be employed to monitor the earthwork and foundation construction, and to report that the recommendations contained in this report are completed in a satisfactory manner. Our involvement on the project will aid in the proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. The following is a recommended scope of services: • Review of project plans and construction specifications to verify that the recommendations presented in this report have been properly interpreted and implemented; • Observe all foundation excavations and footing bearing grades for compliance with the geotechnical recommendations. • Observe and test bedding material and backfill for the box culvert. These services are not included in our current scope of services and can be rendered for an additional cost. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 16 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 8.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Stanley Martin Homes or their agent, for specific application to the Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert project, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. Our evaluations and recommendations are based on design information furnished to us; the data obtained from the previously described subsurface exploration program, and generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. The evaluations and recommendations do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions which could exist intermediate of the boring locations or in unexplored areas of the site. Should such variations become apparent during construction, it will be necessary to re-evaluate our recommendations based upon on -site observations of the conditions. There are important limitations to this and all geotechnical studies. Some of these limitations are discussed in the information prepared by GBA, which is included in Appendix III. We ask that you please review this GBA information. Regardless of the thoroughness of a subsurface exploration, there is the possibility that conditions between borings will differ from those at the boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers, or that the construction process has altered the soil conditions. Therefore, experienced geotechnical engineers should evaluate earthwork, pavement, and foundation construction to verify that the conditions anticipated in design actually exist. Otherwise, we assume no responsibility for construction compliance with the design concepts, specifications, or recommendations. In the event that changes are made in the design or location of the proposed structure, the recommendations presented in the report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed by our firm and conclusions of this report modified and/or verified in writing. If this report is copied or transmitted to a third party, it must be copied or transmitted in its entirety, including text, attachments, and enclosures. Interpretations based on only a part of this report may not be valid. Stanley Martin Homes F&R File No. 71ZO219 Page - 17 - Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Revised March 9, 2022 APPENDIX I FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 IF K 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, Virginia 22932-3330 T 434.823.5154 1 F 434.823.4764 Site Location Plan Client: Stanley Martin Homes Project: Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert F&R Project No. 71Z0219 Date: Dec. 2021 1 Scale: No Scale I Drawing No.: 1 ^,•& MADE LINEN • r I TMP o5600-oo oonl5oo SEE SHEET 8 / RESIDUE LAND F40M TMP o5SC0-oo-oC-oolop 11.854 aC. PLEASANT GREEN PHASE I SUBDIVISION 'o390ac.. i DB 4856, PG 582 PROPOSED 1o'WIDE GREENWAY TO BE COMBINED WITH ,D'B 4,1Cy PG 2 27 / - TRAIL & EASEMENT. SEE SHEET 7 TMP 056A2-oi-oD-026w EXISTING STREA (TYP. 8 FOR REMAINDER OF PROPOSED / GREENWAYTRAIL&EASEMENT. 000 l / 0 000000 00 SM P oSSC TT -Do-a E LLC 00 / 1 TMPo55Co-o3-0o-000A1 00 1.340ac. 0000 . 085117, PG 677 TMP 55C-03-A1 PROPERTY LIMITS �00 EXISTING too -YEAR FLOODPLAIN PER HEC-RAS ANALYSIS COINCIDES WITH PROPOSE O PERFORMED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING IN APRIL 2o19 (TYP.) VARIABLE WIDTH GREENWAY ESMT. o I 7 I/ I 1 0 l PROPOSED aoo-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PER HEC-RAS ANALYSIIS _ 1 0 ` PERFORMED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING IN APRIL 2019(TYP.) r PROPOSEDy WIDECDFgIFTE T[fEWAIX iO PROPOSED VDOTSTD.EC-1, CLASS I RIPRAP WITH A QIINT EDAEDNGOLCM .3-We O 1 NITNIN SVEW TINGMLKRAV.NM O TYPE B INSTALLATION TO BE INSTALLED BETWEE 1 conC soEwuxroconnEa lnro 0 THE PROPOSED WIN�i WALLS FOR INLET PROTECTION PROPOSFllC MDF MLtniIaF SIDFWALk..A I 1 PROPOSED 3e WING WALLS WITH A a- SKEW MEETING MINIMUM VDOT STANDARDS. SEE SHEET SA FOR HA-01 PROPOSE VDOT STD. DIMENSIONS & DETAILS, AND ATTACHED CONTECH DRAWINGS FOR SITE SPECI FIC DESIGN, 1 F PROPOSEDB'MULTI-USE PROPOSED CON7ECN PRECAST CONSPAN rrnNri; T cmcwm K STRUCTURE, WITH WING WALLS, p PROPOSED WITH PLEASANT EN - PHASE I FINAL SITE PLAN EX IS NG 1o0' STREAM BUFFER (TYP. / yyO ,flf/ l' W O 0 J O PR O%GVAWAELF NIDTIGKFNWAYS TRAR. EASEAEFAi f° 00 B END RAMBLING B�DKLANEROAD CONSTRUCTION AT INTERSECTION WITH ALSTON STREET ROUNDABOUT PROPOSED ( % WITH PLEASANT GREEN PHASE I FINAL SITE FLAN. STA\1S+=, ELEV. 7o6.a3 D PUBLIC VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY I1 i PLEASANTGREEN PH(SEI FINAL O 1 I / CONNECT TO CG-6 CURB & GUTTER PROPOSE %WITH PLEASANT GREEN PHASE I FINAL S1TE PI HEET O •mil r- Uu MMU 01 nl O CPROPOSED VDOT SO. ,� �Q- PLANTING - PROPOSED CG-6CURB&GUTTER 000 O ! kF--' 11'�, STOP SIGN _ 7 / B-01 OPOSED SPEED a5'50 1 RO os IT SIG C12 PARKIN ' T { 10+00'y a So C4 1 >4 _ 1a+00 LL 11+ 12+00 a ISOC TB-03 OSEDs UB I , i33 / _ - �" ,DAB PROPOSED-i LANTINGSTRIP ROP I PARK / LIMIT! STREET SIGN L�ROPOSED POSED CG-a] (TYP.) 0 O / O 0 / a O ��- XISTIFIG O r o a IED 5' CONC IDEWALK N� /�Isii . • k . F. - ®1��ri1� / ROPOSED YIELD SIGN B-02 OPOSED 8 MULTI -USE/ / O CONCRETE SIDEWALK / 00 - PROPOSED ID' WING WALLS WITH A n' SKEW MEETING MINIMUM VDOT STANDARDS. SEE SHEET 5A fOR r.TO TIE INTO PROPOSED-,'_ - VDOT STD. DIMENSIONS & DETAILS, AND ATTACHEDCONTECH DRAWINGS FOR SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN. SEE PUBLIC VDOT RJW - i _i0� - ' - PROPOSED VDOT STD. ES-1 BELOW STIR. Cl LI`_ - O / \ FOI 10 SEE SNEETSA FOR DIMENSIONS &DEAI HA-02 - pl 0 0-01 PROPOSED PUBLIC VDOT RIGHT -OF -WA PROPOSED VDOT STD.EC-1, CLASS I RIPRAP WITH A TYPE B INSTALLATIONTO SERVE A Boring Legend OUTLET PROTECTION (L=6o', W=6o', D=a) I W 0" 0 0 STORM EWER PROPOSECPWITH PLEASANTGREEN- PHASE I FINAL SITE PLAN 0'S AM BUFFER (TYP.) j .0 CIO i. 0 PRMSEDVMw — _ C OTMKEASER(NI` -. GRAPHIC 0 BIO-n LTER PROPOSED WITH PLEASANT GREEN-PSE IFINALSITE PLAN O / A O 7 n SIGN Borings performed in January 2021 for MR Project No. 71Z0001 Borings performed in November 2021 for MR Project No. 71ZO219 r I i FA ❑ " In 00 Q� u W J w W N M CT N N Q � > LD N � N M O N V 00 � M Y � CL LL CL N N M (D N s 00 ut � r- M 0 CJ � K Ln 00 Chi G`, C IT3 U 3 t a o c C O u N u O C0 L C m w C N c G T w C U N W C7 Y N �H N O N n O Z N O N N n E a u o o` LL M 0 Drawing No. 2 APPENDIX II KEY TO BORING LOG SOIL CLASSIFICATION Particle Size and Proportion Verbal descriptions are assigned to each soil sample or stratum based on estimates of the particle size of each component of the soil and the percentage of each component of the soil. Particle Size Proportion Descri tive Terms Descriptive Terms Soil Component Particle Size Component Term Percentage Boulder > 12 inch Major Uppercase Letters >50% Cobble 3 — 12 inch (e.g., SAND, CLAY) Gravel -Coarse 1/4 - 3 inch -Fine #4 - 3/4 inch Secondary Adjective 20%-50% Sand -Coarse #10 - #4 (e.g. sandy, clayey) -Medium #40 - # 10 -Fine #200 - 440 Minor Some 15%-25% Silt(non-cohesive)<#200 Little 5%-15% Clay (cohesive) <#200 Trace 0%-5% Notes: 1. Particle size is designated by U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 2. Because of the small size of the split spoon sampler relative to the size of gravel, the true percentage of gravel may not be accurately estimated. Density or Consistency The standard penetration resistance values (N-values are used to describe the density of coarse -grained soils (GRAVEL, SAND) or the consistency of fine-grained soils (SILT, CLAY). Sandy silts of very low plasticity may be assigned a density instead of a consistency. DENSITY CONSISTENCY Term N-Value Term N-Value Very Loose 0-4 Very Soft 0-1 Loose 5 — 10 Soft 2-4 Medium -Dense 11— 30 Medium Stiff 5-8 Dense 31— 50 Stiff 9 — 15 Very Dense > 50 Very Stiff 16 — 30 Hard >30 Notes: 1. The N-value is the number of blows of a 140 lb. hammer freely falling 30 inches required to drive a standard split - spoon sampler (2.0 in. O.D., 1-3/8 in. I.D.) 12 inches into the soil after properly seating the sampler 6 inches. 2. When encountered, gravel may increase the N-value of the standard penetration test and may not accurately represent the in -situ density or consistency of the soil sampled. CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D 2487 (Based on Unified Soil Classification System) Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests" Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name COARSE -GRAINED Gravels Clean Gravels Cu a and 15 Cc53` GW Well graded gravel` SOILS More than 50% Less than 5%fines` Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>3 GP Poorly graded gravel More than 50% coarse fraction Gravels with Fines Fines classify as MIL or MH GM Silty gravel r'1,H retained on No. 200 retaining on No. 4 More than 12 %fines` Fines classify as CL or CH Clayey gravel ' ' GC sieve sieve Sands Clean Sands Cu t 6 and 15 Cc 53 r SW Well -graded sand' 50% or more of Less than 5%fines° Cu<6 and/or 1>Cc>3r SP Poorly graded sand' coarse fraction Sands with Fines Fines classify as MIL or MH SM Siltysand " passes No.4 sieve More than 12%fines° Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand°'"'' FINE-GRAINED SOILS Silts and Clays Inorganic PI> 7 and plots on or above Lean clay' CL 50% or more passes Liquid Limit less than "A" line' the No. 200 sieve 50 PI <4 or plots below "A" line' MIL slit""' Organic Liquid limit- ovendried<0.75 Organic clay"'`'°''" OL Organic silt' ' Liquid limit - not dried Silts and Clays Inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayK "m Liquid Limit 50 or PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic silt""'"' more Organic Liquid limit- ovendried<0.75 Organic clay Liquid limit - not dried OH Organic silt HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in (75 mm) sieve E Cu=D60/010 Cc= (030)�/(010a060) J If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soils is a CL-ML, 8 If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add F If soil contains 2 15% sand, add "with sand" to the silty clay "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. group name K If soil contains 15 to 29%plus No. 200, add "with sand" or C Gravels with 5 to12% fines require dual symbols: G If fines classify as CL-NI use dual symbol GC -GM, or "with gravel," whichever is predominant G W-GM well -graded gravel with silt SC-SM L If soil contains 2 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, GW-GC well -graded gravel with clay H if fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to the add "sandy" to group name GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt group name M If sail contains 2 30%plus Na. 200, predominantly gravel, GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay D Sands with 5 to 12%fines require dual symbols: If soil contains 215%gravel, add "with gravel" to add "gravelly" to group name N SW-SM well -graded sand with silt group name PI 2 4 and plots on or above "A" line SW -SC well -graded sand with clay O PI < 0 or plots below "A"line SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt P PI plots on or above "A" line SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay ° PI plots below "A" line 0 SIEVE ANALYSIS Screen (in) Sieve No. 1.5 % 4 10 10 40 W 100 200 MIMIMM I 10 1 0.1 0.01 Panicle a..1.1 Cu = D60/DIO = (3/0.2) =15 Cc = (D30)'/(D10a060) = (0.62)/(0.2'3) = 0.6 For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse -grained soils: W 50 40 Plasticity Index IN) 30 20 30 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 70 90 90 100 110 Liquid Limit ILL) Equation of "A" line: Horizontal at PI = 4 to LL= 22.5, then PI = 0.73'(IL-20) Equation of "U" line: vertical at ILL =16 to PI = 7, then PI = 0.9'(LL-8) SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL GRAPH LETTER DESCRIPTIONS GRAVEL AND CLEAN GRAVELS I'. .06. 61w.: GW WELL -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELLY SOILS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) oQ° o DOo D O 00 GP POORLY -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION GRAVELS WITH FINES D 3 0 °c 01 D O GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SAND - SILT MIXTURES RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SAND AND CLEAN SANDS SW WELL -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES �: SIP POORLY -GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES LARGER THAN NO. 200SIEVE SIZE SANDY SOILS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) SANDS WITH FINES S.M SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS FINE GRAINED SOILS SILTS AND LIQUID LIMIT CLAYS LESS THAN 50 — — OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS SIZE SILTS AND LIQUID LIMIT CLAYS GREATER THAN 50 CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS EXISTING FILL FILL EXISTING FILL MATERIALS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS Key to Boring Log Rock Classification Classification of rock is based on the following characteristics: color, weathering, discontinuities, attitude, grain size, voids, hardness, strength, density, water conditions, rock type, RQD, and RMR. Weathering Term Symbol Description Fresh -I F Rock fresh, no visible signs of decomposition, or discoloration, crystals are bright. Very Slight VS Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show clay or calcite coating. Slightly WS Slight discoloration inwards from openings. Moderately WM Discoloration throughout. Weaker minerals decomposed. Strength somewhat less than fresh rock but cores cannot be broken by hand or scraped by knife. Texture preserved. Joints may contain clay. Highly WH Most minerals some what decomposed. Specimens can be broken by hand with effort or shaved with knife. Core stones present in rock mass. Texture becoming indistinct but fabric reserved. Completely WC Minerals decomposed to soil but fabric and structure preserved (saprolite). Speciments easily crumbled or penetrated. Residual Soil RS Advanced state of decomposition resulting in plastic soils. Rock Fabric and structure completely destroyed. Discontinuities Spacing Banding, Bedding and Foliation Faults, Joints and Fractures RMR Feet Metric Greater than 6.0 feet Greater than 181cm Very Thick Very Wide 30 2.0 - 6.0 feet 60.4 — 181cm Thick Wide 25 8 - 24 inches 20.3 — 60.4cm Medium Moderately close 20 2.5 - 8 inches 6.3 — 20.3cm Thin Close 10 3/n - 2.5 inches 1.9 — 6.3cm Very Thin Very Close 5 Spacing Lamination, Foliation, or Cleavage %. - 3/a inch 0.5 — 1.9cm Intense Extremely Close 0 Less than''/a inch Less than 0.5cm Very Intense ' Spacing is the perpendicular distance between discontinuities. Type of Discontinuity Term Condition Joint A fracture along which no movement has occurred Bedding Plane A natural plane dividing sedimentary rock layers Shear Plane A fracture along which some movement has occurred Fault A zone of fractured rock containing one or more shear plane and areas of gouge Rock Grain Size Attitude / Influence Term Existing Angle Horizontal 00 - 50 Low Angle 50 - 350 Moderate Angle 350 - 550 High Angle 550 - 850 Vertical 850 - 900 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Coarse Grained Diameter > 5 rum Coarse Grained Diameter > 2 mm Medium Grained limn - 5 mm Medium Grained 0.06 min - 2 min Fine Grained < 1 min Fine Grained 0.002 min - 0.06 min Glassy Grains not visible with unaided eye Very Fine Grained Grains not visible with unaided eye Voids Ground Water Conditions Estimated Density Term Size of Void Pit < 6 min 1/4 inch Vug 6 mm — 50 min (2 inches Cavity 50 min — 0.6 in (2 feet) Cave > 0.6 in (2 feet) General Condition RMR Completely Dry 10 Moist 7 Water Under Moderate Pressure 4 Severe Water Pressure 0 Field Test Definition Description Very High D > 25 kN/m3 High 23.5 <— D < 25 kN/m3 Moderate 22 < D < 23.5 kN/m3 (range of concrete) Low 20.5 <— D < 22 kN/m3 Very Low D < 20.5 kN/m3 behaves like soil Hardness Field Test Description Strength RMR Material crumbles under moderate Moldable by hand; can be gouged with PSI = < 500 Very Soft blow with sharp end of pick and knife blade, unconfined compressive mn/mz = ( < 1.25) 0 can be peeled with a knife. strength: . < 5 MPa behaves like soil Can just be scraped or peeled with Geological hammer makes craters, can be PSI = 500 to 1,500 Soft knife. cut with knife blade, unconfined mn/mz = 1.25 — 5.0 1 compressive strength: 5 <— q, < 20 MPa Moderately Grooves to 5mm can be excavated Geological hammer makes dents' can be PSI = 1,500 to 3,500 Hard with sharp blow of geologist pick. scratched with knife blade; unconfined mn/mz = 5.0 — 12.5 2 coin ressive strength: 20 <— � < 50 MPa Cannot be scraped or peeled with Geological hammer makes pits; cannot be PSI = 3,500 to 7,250 4 Hard knife, hand-held specimen can be scratched with knife blade, unconfined mn/m2 = 12.5 — 50 broken with single moderate blow compressive strength: 50 <— q, < 100 MPa with pick. PSI = 7,250 to 14,500 7 mn/mz = 50 — 100 Hand-held specimen breaks with Geological hammer rebounds, can be PSI = 14,500 to 29,000 12 Very Hard hammer end of pick under more chipped with heavy hammer blows, mn/mz = 100 — 200 than one blow. unconfined compressive strength: >100 MPa Extremely Many blows with a geologic PSI => 29,000 Hard hammer required to break intact mn/mz = > 200 15 specimen. Rock Ouality Designation (ROD) Rock Quality Designation', Rock Mass Description 90 - 100 Excellent 20 75 - 90 Good 17 50 - 75 Fair 13 25-50 Poor 8 < 25 Very Poor 3 Rock Mass Rating Class Description of Rock Mass RMR Sum of Rating Increments I Very Good Rock 81 - 100 I1 Good Rock 60 - 80 III Fair Rock 41 - 60 IV Poor Rock 21 - 40 V Very Poor Rock 0-20 RQD is the ratio of the cumulative length of all pieces of rock greater than or equal to four inches to the total length drilled, expressed as a percentage. Rock Mass Rating for Increments for Joint Conditions Description RMR Very rough surface of limited extent, hard wall rock 25 Slightly rough surfaces: aperture less than lmm, hard wall rock 20 Slightly rough surfaces: aperture less than Imm' soft wall rock 12 Smooth surfaces, OR gouge filling 1-5mm thick, OR aperture of 1-5mm, joints extend more than several meters 6 Open joints filled with more than 5mm of gouge, OR open more than 5mm; joints extend more than several meters 0 F: geoword/xgeo... /April/ Rock Classification with RMR PROJECT #: 71 ZO219 TB-01 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 1 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 12+80 OFFSET: 35' L Vor urIa F' apag4mentl fTian=-ti don LATITUDE: 38.0707980 N LONGITUDE: 78.707584° W SURFACE ELEVATION: 690.9 It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/24/21 - 11/24/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic e DIP A _ W J _ W Other Test(s): z W o Z W J Zffi o W Driller: H. Roberts o z 0� z < . F °o o w ¢ w a w J w x ¢ K a m it GROUND WATER w y~� < ¢ w 03 Ow I-ii a F W= O p 2 STABILIZED AT 1.8 fi AFTER 2 HOURS b a U 2 FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI Q: 690 2 2 55 0.0 / 690.9 Sulficial Organics TOPSOIL 21.0 2 4 2 22. 0.2 / 690.7 688 3 6 25 Alluvium, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Little Gravel, 13.3 8 4 Very Loose, Moist SM 4. 686 1231 38 2.0 / 688.9 1314 Alluvium, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Little Gravel, 3 6 Loose, Wet SM 684 4 69 4.0 / Same, Dense 21.3 6.0 / 684.9 7.1 50/3 5 3 7.75 50/4 63 X 8 Alluvium, Light Brown, Fine to Medium, CLAYEY SAND, Some 682 B 8.Gravel, Medium Dense, Wet SC 8.0 / Same, Dense Auger Refusal at 9.5 Feet due to Skewing REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE 1 OF 1 TB-01 Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT #: 71ZO219 TB-01 A LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 1 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 12+80 OFFSET: 30' L VorSurIa F' apag4mentl fTian=-ti don LATITUDE: 38.0707940 N LONGITUDE: 78.7075800 W SURFACE ELEVATION: 690.9 It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/24/21 - 11/24/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic e DIP A _ W J _ W Other Test(s): z W o Z W J Zffi o W Driller: H. Roberts o z 0� z < . F °o o w ¢ w a w J w x ¢ K a GROUNDWATER w y~� < ¢ 03 Ow I-ii a F W= O w p 2 STABILIZED AT 1.8 it AFTER 2 HOURS b a FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI 0.0 / 690.9 690 Auger Probe to 13 Feet 2 4 6 685 8 10 680 12 6 1416 13 13.0 / 677.9 14 75 Residuum, Brown, Fine, SILTY SAND, Medium Dense, Wet 19.8 23 15 SM 16 675 18 13 23 73 18 16.4 ` ° 18.0 / 672.9 50/6 1e 5 IGM, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Very Dense, Wet 20 SM 670 22 27 50/2 71 24 223 3.7 26 665 '£ 28 27.5 27.5 / 663.4 ' Bedrock, Moderately weathered, Hard, Light Brown, CHARNOCKITE, Highly Fractured GNS 30 76 55 660 32 32.5 32.5 / 658.4 34 Bedrock, Moderately to Highly weathered, Hard, Light Brown, CHARNOCKITE, Highly to Very Highly Fractured GNS 55 8 i 36 655 37.5 Boring Terminated at 37.5 Feet REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE 1 OF 1 TB-01 A Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT #: 71 ZO219 TB-02 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 2 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 12+75 OFFSET: 35'R VurpurIa Fuapag4mentl f Tialn='1i?.don LATITUDE: 38.0706450 N LONGITUDE: 78.707433° W SURFACE ELEVATION: 689.1 It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/23/21 - 11/23/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic �? o D,1K,0 A W Z Other Test(s): Z W o Z Z W W o w Driller: H. Roberts Z o o �Z F Logger: M. DuBois w Z Q f J t x� a a aGROUND o ❑ w z O WATER w ww< owa W= O a w p❑ 2 STABILIZED AT 2.0 ft AFTER 2 HOURS i5 m Z a LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI 5 0.0 / 689.1 4 35 Surficial Organics, TOPSOIL 15.7 2 I IF 1p8 8 2 0.5/688.6 12 40 Alluvium, Brown, Fine, SANDY SILT, Little Gravel, Stiff, 16,9 4 685 12 19 a Moist MIL 2.0 / 687.1 Alluvium, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Little 34 7 Sp �z. 30.7 6 2 a 6 Gravel, Medium Dense, Wet SM 2 4 70 5.0 / 684.1 26.8 25.0 8 6 8 + RESIDUUM, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, 2 1 Trace Gravel, Medium Dense, Wet SM 680 1 85 : �� 6.0 / Same, Loose 10 1 10 Td. 8.0 / Same, Very Loose 12 3 5 13� ` 13.0 / Same, Medium Dense ' 14 675 g 75 24.7 13 is 16 18 4 18 670 9 18 70 20 22 20 si 22 3 15 23.0 / Same, Dense 24 665 75 t 26 25 26 28 4 7 28 28.0 / Same, Medium Dense 660 11 100 36.8 30 10 30 32 14242g 33 `''' 33.0 / Same, Very Dense 34 655 90 29 38 36 38 27 50/4 75 38 25.6 " 38.0 / 651.1 650 38.8 IGM, Gray, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Trace Gravel, 40 REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE I OF 2 TB-02 Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT #: 71 ZO219 TB-02 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 2 OF 2 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 12+75 OFFSET: 35'R VrpurIa fiv": 0ofimnrtoll nV lialn='1i?.don LATITUDE: 38.0706450 N LONGITUDE: 78.707433° W SURFACE ELEVATION: 689.1 It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/23/21 - 11/23/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic �? o DIPe W W Z Other Test(s): Z W Z Z w W o SODriller: H. Roberts Z o o �Zx� Logger: M. DuBois w ❑ J F oi aF aoGROUND aF o ga wZ z Ot WATER w ww< ow W= O w a p❑ 2 STABILIZED AT 2.0 ft AFTER 2 HOURS (5 m Z a LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI Very Dense, Wet SM 42 44 50/3 86, 44 645 46 48 50/3 67 S 48 Auger Refusal at 48.3 Feet 48.3 REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE 2 OF 2 TB-02 Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT #: 71 ZO219 TB-03 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 2 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 13+45 OFFSET: 0' VorpurIa T:an=:tiE.don LATITUDE: 38.7080290 N LONGITUDE: 78.707388° W SURFACE ELEVATION: 692.6It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/23/21 - 11/23/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic �? o DIP e W W Z Other Test(s): Z W o Z Z W W o W Driller: H. Roberts Z o oi �Zx� Logger: M. DuBois w ❑ J F aF oGROUND aF o ga wZ z Ot WATER w ww< w W= O ao p ❑ 2 STABILIZED AT 7.0 8 AFTER 2 HOURS i5 m Z a LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI 1 0.0 / 692.6 2 60 Sulficial Organics TOPSOIL 19.1 2 690 6 6 16 2 0.4 / 6921 2333 50 Alluvium, Brown, Fine, SANDY SILT (ML), Soft, Moist 15.1 4 7 4 ML Alluvium, Brown, SILTY GRAVEL, Some Sand, Dense, 23 t14 39 10.4 17.3 6 1 5.68 Wet GM 6.0 / 686.6 2 1 100 ? 32.0 8 685 5 8 Residuum, Light Brown, Fine, SILTY SAND, Very Loose, 2 2'x` Wet SM 2 100 36.3 10 3 10 12 680 2 13 13.0 / 679.6 14 3 3 100 RESIDUUM, Brown, Fine, SANDY SILT, Firm, Wet ML 31.8 8 15 16 18 675 4 6 18 18.0 / 674.6 10 75 Residuum, Brown, Fine, SILTY SAND, Little Gravel, 30.2 20 13 20 Medium Dense, Wet SM 22 ? g 670 3 24 8 14 80 21.7 21 25 26 28 665 50/5 50 E 28 28.4 16.8 28.0 / 664.6 ' IGM, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Very Dense, 30 Wet SM 32 660 12 50/3 63 3 18.1 34 8 36 c$ 38 655 9 1511 38 ,., 38.0 / 654.6 55 Residuum, Brown, Fine, SILTY SAND, Medium Dense, 23.2 40 1 41 REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE I OF 2 TB-03 Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT #: 71 ZO219 TB-03 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 2 OF 2 VDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: CULVERT 13+45 OFFSET: 0' VorpurIa T:an=:ti don LATITUDE: 38.7080290 N LONGITUDE: 78.707388° W SURFACE ELEVATION: 692.6It COORD. DATUM: NAD 83 FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 11/23/21 - 11/23/21 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): HSA SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic �? o DIP e W Z Other Test(s): z W z o Z W W W o wo Driller: H. Roberts z o ' ZQ FLogger: M. DuBois w ❑ J F J x� aF oa o wZ O zm GROUND WATER w ww< Ow a W = O a p ❑ 2 STABILIZED AT 7.0 fl AFTER 2 HOURS (5 Z a LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA ILL PI Wet SM 42 650 50/2 43 E 43.0 / 649.6 43.2 IGM, Brown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Trace Gravel, Very Dense, Wet SM Auger Refusal at 43.2 Feet REMARKS: Rig Type: D50. PAGE 2 OF 2 TB-03 Copyright M1, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECT M 71Z0001 B-01 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 1 V XYDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: BOX CULVERT STA 13+28 OFFSET: 55 right la Daparurlent oPTranaporfa8on NORTHING: ft Easting: It SURFACE ELEVATION: 693.0 It COORD. DATUM: FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 1/7/2021 - 1/7/2021 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): Hollow Stem Auger SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic Hammer �? o DIP Z Z Other Test(s): Z z z o Z z ¢ W A o w Driller: SDS o z z > ja a m J Logger: E. McTa art 99 99 ❑ U ° w ❑ > J ZQw F o > it pz 0 a X o F p ❑ - 3 W z o GROUND WATER W X w W 2 m M Q W c p W V FIRST ENCOUNTERED AT 5.0 ft DEPTH a W= J s a �❑ a W a o LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI 2„ z. 0.0 / 693.0 1 Surficel Organics TOPSOIL 171 0.3 / 692.7 2 2 1 2 AlluviumBrown, Fir1e, SILTY SAND, Trace Gravel, Very 2 Loose, Moist (SM) SM 690 1 50/2 27 7 23.2 36.1 2.0 / 691.0 5.17 AlluviumBrown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Little 4 4 Gravel, Very Loose, Wet (SM) SM 3.0/690.0 9 1212 AI/uviumBrown, SILTY GRAVEL, Little Sand, Very 21.1 50/1 542 Dense, Wet (GM) GM 4.0 / 689.0 g 6 - 2 p. AlluviumBrown, Fine to Medium, SILTY SAND, Some 1 Gravel, Very Dense, Moist (SM) SM 40.6 6.0 / 687.0 1 „ 8 685 2ResiduumBrown, Fine, SILTY SAND, Trace Gravel, 6 Loose, Moist (SM) SM 2 26.4 8.0 / 685.0 4 ResiduumBrown and Tan, Fine, SILTY SAND, Very 10 4 10 Loose, Wet (SM) SM 12 680 14 3 13.5 Same, Medium Dense 6 21.1 12 15 16 18 675 2 16.5 Same, Loose 1 30.0 20 3 20 22 50/2 22H 22.17 22.0 / 671.0 /GMGray, Fine, SILTY GRAVEL, contains sand, Very Dense, Wet (GM) GM Auger Refusal at 2.2.2 Feet REMARKS: Rig Type: Diedrich D50. PAGE 1 OF 1 B-01 Copyright 2021, Commonwealth l Virginia PROJECTM 71Z0001 B_02 LOCATION: Albemarle County, Virginia PAGE 1 OF 1 V XYDOTSTATION: STRUCTURE: BOX CULVERT STA 13+35 OFFSET: 38 left la Dapadnlent oPTranaporfation NORTHING: ft Easting: It SURFACE ELEVATION: 691.0 It COORD. DATUM: FIELD DATA Date(s) Drilled: 1/7-1/7 LAB DATA Drilling Method(s): Hollow Stem Auger SOIL ROCK SPT Method: Automatic Hammer �? o DIP Z Z Other Test(s): Z z z o Z z ¢ W A o w Driller: SDS o z z _ <om > ? > > ja < m J Logger: E. McTa art 99 99 ❑ U ° w ❑ > J ZQw F 2 ° 2 it oz a � o� F 0 ❑ - 3 W � z o GROUND WATER W to W 2 < < w 003 O W Y FIRST ENCOUNTERED AT 2.5 ft DEPTH a W= x s W X❑ a W a o 2 LL FIELD DESCRIPTION OF STRATA LL PI 0.5 2 0.0 / 691.0 1.0 690 2 Surftcal Organics TOPSOIL 19.3 0.3 / 690.7 1.5 2 2 2 AlluviumTan Brown, Fine, SANDY SILT,Soft, Moist (ML) 2. 2 ML 2.0 / 689.0 3.0 688 42 18 21.7 52.1 3.5 3 AlluviumTan Brown, Fine, SANDY LEAN CLAY, Firm, 4.0 5 a Wet (CL) CL 4.0 / 687.0 4.5 5 5.0 686 1012 AlluviumGray, SILTY GRAVEL, Medium Dense, Wet 13.8 (GM) GM Auger Refusal at 5.4 Feet 13 6 REMARKS: Rig Type: Diedrich D50. PAGE 1 OF 1 B-02 Copynght M1, Commonwealth l Virginia M Hand Auger Logs Hand Auger HA-01 0-1.2 feet Brown, Wet, Poorly Graded SAND (SP) with Gravel and Trace Silt 1.2 feet Hand auger refusal due to cobbles and sloughing material Two other attempts were made to advance the hand auger excavation, but reached refusal at approximately the same depth. Test Pit TP-02 0-1 feet Brown, Wet, Poorly Graded SAND (SP) with Gravel and Trace Silt 1 foot Hand auger refusal due to cobbles and sloughing material Two other attempts were made to advance the hand auger excavation, but reached refusal at approximately the same depth. Hand augers performed on 11/23/2021 by M. DuBois. r roO&Robertson, Inc. Crozet rozet zel Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: 11710 Plaza America Drive Reston, VA 20190 Material Test Report Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S02 Issue No: 1 Project: 9 Pleasant Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 12/10/2021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S02 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location TB-02 (6.0'-8.0') Particle Size Distribution � ira.q }}T w{ 1°t r A} n: at , sf R 91 P2a SM COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES (27.4%) ° Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay (0.0%) (0.0%) (2.0%) (7.8/0) (24.5/0) (38.3/°) Sample Descripti Brown, Silty SAND with Trace Gravel Grading: ASTM D 6913 Date Tested: 12/7/2021 Tested By: Khaterzai Ahmad R Sieve Size %Passing Limits Sin 100 2'/in 100 tin 100 1'/yin 100 tin 100 '/.in 100 ''/in 100 3/8in 100 No.4 98 No.B 92 No.10 90 No.16 84 No.30 72 No.40 66 No.50 58 No. 100 40 No.200 27 Finer 75pm 25.0 D85: 1.2885 D60: 0.3273 D50: 0.2205 D30: 0.0880 D15: N/A D10: N/A Form No: 1e909, Report No: NIAT:7121-10122502 02000-2021 QESTLab by SpeclydQEST rom Page 1 of 2 �/� A Crozet Off &Robertson, Inc. `xJCK Crozet Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Material Test Report Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S02 11710 Plaza America Drive Issue No: t Reston, VA 20190 n Project: 9 Pleasant Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 1211012021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S02 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location TB-02 (6.0'-8.0') Other Test Results Description Method Result Limits Water Content (°/n) ASTM D 2216 26.8 Method B Tested By Khaterzai Ahmad R Date Tested 12/7/2021 Method ASTM D 6913 Sample Obtained While Oven -Dried Group Name Group Symbol Composite Sieving Used No Dispersion Method Dispersant by hand Prior Testing mm N/A The results provided herein relate only to the items inspected anNor tested. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval of F&R. Form No: 18909, Report No: IMT:7121-10122-S02 p 2000-2021 QESTLab by SpectmQEST rom Page 2 of 2 r roO&Robertson, Inc. Crozet rozet zel Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: 11710 Plaza America Drive Reston, VA 20190 Material Test Report Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S03 Issue No: 1 Project: 9 Pleasant Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 12/10/2021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S03 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location TB-03 (4.0'-6.0') Particle Size Distribution � ira.q r a. e• x� P2a R 91 era COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES (17.8%) ° Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay (0.0%) (76.4/0) (35.2/0) (9.2/0) (12.7/0) (8.9/0) Sample Description: Brown, Silty GRAVEL with Sand Grading: ASTM D 6913 Date Tested: 12/7/2021 Tested By: Khaterzai Ahmad R Sieve Size %Passing Limits Sin 100 2'/in 100 tin 100 1'/yin 100 tin 84 '/.in 84 ''/in 68 3/8in 62 No.4 48 No.B 41 No.10 39 No.16 34 No.30 29 No.40 26 No.50 24 No. 100 24 No.200 18 Finer 75pm 17.3 D85: 25.6416 D60: 8.6044 D50: 5.2444 D30: 0.6869 D15: N/A D10: N/A Form No: 1e909, Report No: NIAT:7121-10122503 02000-2021 QESTLab by SpeclydQEST rom Page 1 of 2 �/� A Crozet Off &Robertson, Inc. `xJCK Crozet Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Material Test Report Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S03 11710 Plaza America Drive Issue No: t Reston, VA 20190 Project: 9 n Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Pleasant Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 1211012021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S03 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location TB-03 (4.0'-6.0') Other Test Results Description Method Result Limits Water Content (°/n) ASTM D 2216 10.4 Method B Tested By Khaterzai Ahmad R Date Tested 12/7/2021 Method ASTM D 6913 Method A Sample Obtained While Oven -Dried Group Name Brown, silty GRAVEL Group Symbol GM Composite Sieving Used No Dispersion Method Dispersant by hand Prior Testing mm N/A The results provided herein relate only to the items inspected anNor tested. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval of F&R. Form No: 18909, Report No: IMT:7121-10122-S03 02000-2021 QESTLab by SpectmQEST rom Page 2 of 2 r roO&Robertson, Inc. Crozet rozet zel Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Material Test Report Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S01 11710 Plaza America Drive Issue No: t Reston, VA 20190 n Project: 9 Pleasant Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 12/8/2021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S01 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location HA-01 (0-1.0') Particle Size Distribution � ira.q T i 1 , sf 2 a R A P l er1a COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES (1.6%) o Coarse Fine Coarse Medi um Fine Silt Clay (0.0%) (71.2/0) (22.6/0) (18.5/0) (32.9/0) (13.3/0) Sample Descripti Brown, Poorly Graded SAND with Gravel and Trace Silt Grading: ASTM D 6913 Date Tested: 12/7/2021 Tested By: Khaterzai Ahmad R Sieve Size %Passing Limits Sin 100 2'/in 100 tin 100 1'/yin 100 tin 93 '/.in 89 ''/in 82 3/8in 77 No.4 66 No.B 52 No.10 48 No.16 36 No.30 21 No.40 15 No.50 9 No. 100 3 No.200 2 Finer 75pm 1.3 D85: 14.9569 D60: 3.5197 D50: 2.1726 D30:0.9003 D15: 0.4250 D10: 0.3179 Cu: 11.07 Cc: 0.72 Form No: 1e909, Report No: MAT:7121-10122501 p 2000-2021 QESTLab by SpeclydQEST rom Page 1 of 2 �/� A Crozet Off &Robertson, Inc. `xJCK Crozet Office 6185 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: 434.823.5154 www.FandR.com Material Test Report Client: Stanley Martin Homes CC: Report No: MAT:7121-10122-S01 11710 Plaza America Drive Issue No: t Reston, VA 20190 Project: 9 n Pleasant Green Connector Road Culvert Pleasant Alston Street Reviewed By: DuBois Matthew E Crozet, VA 22932 Review Date: 12/8/2021 Sample Details Sample ID 7121-10122-S01 Date Sampled 11/24/2021 Specification Full Set of Sieves Location HA-01 (0-1.0') Other Test Results Description Method Result Limits Water Content (°/n) ASTM D 2216 12.5 Method B Tested By Khaterzai Ahmad R Date Tested 12/7/2021 Method ASTM D 6913 Method A Sample Obtained While Oven -Dried Group Name Brown, well -graded SAND with some gravel Group Symbol SW Composite Sieving Used No Dispersion Method Dispersant by hand Prior Testing mm N/A The results provided herein relate only to the items inspected anNor tested. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the prior written approval of F&R. Form No: 18909, Report No: IMT:7121-10122-S01 p 2000-2021 QESTLab by SpectmQEST rom Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX III — Geolechnicol-Engineeping Report —, The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) has prepared this advisory to help you - assumedly a client representative - interpret and apply this geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, clients can benefit from a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems that, for decades, have been a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. If you have questions or want more information about any of the issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Active involvement in the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil - works constructor or even a different civil engineer. Because each geotechnical-engineering study is unique, each geotechnical- engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. Those who rely on a geotechnical-engineering report prepared for a different client can be seriously misled. No one except authorized client representatives should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one - not even you - should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read this Report in Full Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- engineering report did not read it in its entirety. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Read this report in full. You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer about Change Your geotechnical engineer considered unique, project -specific factors when designing the study behind this report and developing the confirmation -dependent recommendations the report conveys. A few typical factors include: • the client's goals, objectives, budget, schedule, and risk -management preferences; • the general nature of the structure involved, its size, configuration, and performance criteria; • the structure's location and orientation on the site; and • other planned or existing site improvements, such as retaining walls, access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include those that affect: • the site's size or shape; • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light -industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure; • the composition of the design team; or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes - even minor ones - and request an assessment of their impact. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise would have considered. This Report May Not Be Reliable Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: • for a different client; • for a different project; • for a different site (that may or may not include all or a portion of the original site); or • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent to it; e.g., man-made events like construction or environmental remediation, or natural events like floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Note, too, that it could be unwise to rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose reliability may have been affected by the passage of time, because of factors like changed subsurface conditions; new or modified codes, standards, or regulations; or new techniques or tools. If your geotechnical engineer has not indicated an apply -by" date on the report, ask what it should be, and, in general, if you are the least bit uncertain about the continued reliability of this report, contact your geotechnical engineer before applying it. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis - if any is required at all - could prevent major problems. Most of the "Findings" Related in This Report Are Professional Opinions Before construction begins, geotechnical engineers explore a site's subsurface through various sampling and testing procedures. Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at those specific locations where sampling and testing were performed. The data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your geotechnical engineer, who then applied professional judgment to form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ - maybe significantly - from those indicated in this report. Confront that risk by retaining your geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team from project start to project finish, so the individual can provide informed guidance quickly, whenever needed. This Report's Recommendations Are Confirmation -Dependent The recommendations included in this report - including any options or alternatives - are confirmation -dependent. In other words, they are not final, because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied heavily on judgment and opinion to do so. Your geotechnical engineer can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. If through observation your geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist actually do exist, the recommendations can be relied upon, assuming no other changes have occurred. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot assume responsibility or liabilityfor confirmation - dependent recommendations if you fail to retain that engineer to perform construction observation. This Report Could Be Misinterpreted Other design professionals' misinterpretation of geotechnical- engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a full-time member of the design team, to: • confer with other design -team members, • help develop specifications, • review pertinent elements of other design professionals' plans and specifications, and • be on hand quickly whenever geotechnical-engineering guidance is needed. You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this report. Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction observation. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift unanticipated -subsurface -conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent the costly, contentious problems this practice has caused, include the complete geotechnical-engineering report, along with any attachments or appendices, with your contract documents, but be certain to note conspicuously that you've included the material for informational purposes only. To avoid misunderstanding, you may also want to note that "informational purposes" means constructors have no right to rely on the interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in the report, but they may rely on the factual data relative to the specific times, locations, and depths/elevations referenced. Be certain that constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, including options selected from the report, only from the design drawings and specifications. Remind constructors that they may perform their own studies if they want to, and be sure to allow enough time to permit them to do so. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Conducting prebid and preconstruction conferences can also be valuable in this respect. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some client representatives, design professionals, and constructors do not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. That lack of understanding has nurtured unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments, delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. To confront that risk, geotedmical engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations;' many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The personnel, equipment, and techniques used to perform an environmental study - e.g., a "phase -one" or "phase -two" environmental site assessment - differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical-engineering study. For that reason, a geotechnical- engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk -management guidance. As a general rule, do not rely on an environmental report prepared for a different client, site, or project, or that is more than six months old. Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture Infiltration and Mold While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, water infiltration, or similar issues in this report, none of the engineer's services were designed, conducted, or intended to prevent uncontrolled migration of moisture - including water vapor - from the soil through building slabs and walls and into the building interior, where it can cause mold growth and material -performance deficiencies. Accordingly, proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's recommendations will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration. Confront the risk of moisture infiltration by including building -envelope or mold specialists on the design team. Geotechnical engineers are not building - envelope or mold specialists. GEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS &RA ASSOCIATION Telephone: 301/565-2733 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2016 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with Gags specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written pern Isom ofGBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element ofa report of any kind. Any other for, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent APPENDIX IV 71ZO219 Pleasant Green Culvert Calculations SINCE ®r@ FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering • Environmental 9 Geotechnical lost jGt/rir a 5 Lrza r �oY -;/ _02SIAFT NO. OF JOB D[AT�E r� Porte No. 502 ' Revised 05/2008 SINCE 6�j� FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC }V(r� Engineering • Environmental a Geotechnical feel 0 SHEET NO. OF JOB/Q�s C fiT%p F DATE COMPUTATIONS FOR 211W12 BY CHID) Forth No. 502 Revised 0&2008 1 upstream HP12X53.ap7o APILE for Windows, Version 2015.7.7 Serial Number : 293783516 A Program for Analyzing the Axial Capacity and Short-term Settlement of Driven Piles under Axial Loading. (c) Copyright ENSOFT, Inc., 1987-2015 All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Richmond, Virginia Path to file locations C:\Users\CWang\Desktop\Pedestrian Bridge Cabarrus Cc\ Name of input data file upstream HP12X53.ap7d Name of output file upstream HP12X53.ap7o Name of plot output file upstream HP12X53.ap7p Time and Date of Analysis Date: January 19, 2022 Time: 09:12:07 ********************* * INPUT INFORMATION ********************* Pleasant Green Culvert Upstream HP 12X53 DESIGNER : CW JOB NUMBER : 71ZG219 METHOD FOR UNIT LOAD TRANSFERS : - FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Unfactored Unit Side Friction and Unit Side Resistance are used. COMPUTATION METHOD(S) FOR PILE CAPACITY - FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) TYPE OF LOADING - COMPRESSION PILE TYPE : H-Pile/Steel Pile Page 1 upstream HP12X53.ap7o DATA FOR AXIAL STIFFNESS : MODULUS OF ELASTICITY = 0.300E+08 PSI CROSS SECTION AREA = 15.50 IN2 NONCIRCULAR PILE PROPERTIES - TOTAL PILE LENGTH, TL = 22.00 FT. - PILE STICKUP LENGTH, PSL = 0.00 FT. - ZERO FRICTION LENGTH, ZFL = 0.00 FT. - PERIMETER OF PILE = 48.00 IN. - TIP AREA OF PILE = 15.50 IN2 - INCREMENT OF PILE LENGTH USED IN COMPUTATION = 1.00 FT. SOIL INFORMATIONS : LATERAL EFFECTIVE FRICTION BEARING SOIL EARTH UNIT ANGLE CAPACITY DEPTH TYPE PRESSURE WEIGHT DEGREES FACTOR FT. LB/CF 0.00 SAND 0.00 53.00 29.00 0.00 4.00 SAND 0.00 53.00 29.00 0.00 4.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 32.00 0.00 12.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 32.00 0.00 12.00 SAND 0.00 100.00 42.00 0.00 30.00 SAND 0.00 100.00 42.00 0.00 MAXIMUM MAXIMUM UNDISTURB REMOLDED UNIT UNIT SHEAR SHEAR BLOW UNIT SKIN UNIT END FRICTION BEARING STRENGTH STRENGTH COUNT FRICTION BEARING KSF KSF KSF KSF KSF KSF 0.10E+0S* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * MAXIMUM UNIT FRICTION AND/OR MAXIMUM UNIT BEARING WERE SET TO BE 0.10E+08 BECAUSE THE USER DOES NOT PLAN TO LIMIT THE COMPUTED DATA. LRFD FACTOR LRFD FACTOR ON UNIT ON UNIT DEPTH FRICTION BEARING FT. 0.00 1.000 1.000 4.00 1.000 1.000 4.00 1.000 1.000 12.00 1.000 1.000 12.00 1.000 1.000 30.00 1.000 1.000 1 Page 2 upstream HP12X53.ap7o * COMPUTATION RESULT * * FED. HWY. METHOD * PILE TOTAL SKIN END ULTIMATE PENETRATION FRICTION BEARING CAPACITY FT. KIP KIP KIP 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.00 0.1 0.2 0.3 3.00 0.3 0.3 0.6 4.00 0.5 0.5 1.0 5.00 0.8 0.7 1.5 6.00 1.2 0.9 2.1 7.00 1.7 1.1 2.8 8.00 2.3 1.2 3.5 9.00 3.0 1.4 4.4 10.00 3.8 1.5 5.3 11.00 4.6 4.7 9.3 -1 .00 5.5 8.7 14.2 0 77.1 13.1 20.3 14.00 9.6 17.8 27.4 15.00 12.3 19.8 32.1 16.00 15.3 21.9 37.2 17.00 18.6 23.9 42.5 18.00 22.3 25.9 48.2 19.00 26.2 28.0 54.1 20.00 30.4 30.0 60.4 21.00 34.9 32.0 66.9 22.00 39.6 34.1 73.7 NOTES: - AN ASTERISK IS PLACED IN THE END -BEARING COLUMN IF THE TIP RESISTANCE IS CONTROLLED BY THE FRICTION OF SOIL PLUG INSIDE AN OPEN-ENDED PIPE PILE. Page 3 WEAP Parameter Calculation Bent #: Pleasant Green Upstream Toe Quake Shaft Quake Pile Type: HP 12X53 0.10 1 0.10 Subsurface Conditions: I Loose/Softor Submerged La er # Top Bottom Navg Soil Type Shaft Damping 1 684.5 680.0 4 Sand 0.20 2 680.0 672.0 17 Sand 0.18 3 Sand 4 Sand 5 Sand 6 Sand 7 8 Toe Damping 0.19 0.15 Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Upstream HP12X53 i JVV L 400 1 300 1 _r- 200 f 8 r� 100 4 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Blow Count (bl/ft) r7 u 6 2 Y 0 rn I I 19-Jan-2022 GRLWEAP Version 2010 DELMAAGG^D 12232_T Ram Weight 2.82 kips Efficiency 0.800 Pressure 1640 (100%) psi Helmet Weight 1.90 kips Hammer Cushion 60155 kips/in COR of H.C. 0.800 Skin Quake 0.100 in Toe Quake 0.100 in Skin Damping 0.100 sec/ft Toe Damping 0.150 sec/ft Pile Length 15.00 ft Pile Penetration 13.00 ft Pile Top Area 15.50 in2 Skin Friction Pile Model Distribution Res. Shaft = 2 % (Proportional) Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Upstream HP12X53 19-Jan-2022 GRLWEAP Version 2010 Maximum Maximum Ultimate Compression Tension Blow Capacity Stress Stress Count Stroke . Energy kips ksi ksi bl/ft ft kips-ft 50.0 17.41 0.05 6.9 5.37 15.17 100.0 21.70 0.06 16.2 6.64 13.09 150.0 26.34 0.08 27.5 7.57 12.33 200.0 31.68 0.10 39.7 8.11 11.95 250.0 35.87 0.21 51.8 8.53 11.89 300.0 39.23 0.38 6 8.92 12.01 OA C-0.47 0.43 c 3.4 �/ 9.01 12.05 8 0.50 83.7 9.29 12.37 400.0 46.80 0.58 103.2 9.72 12.82 450.0 50.04 1.27 125.4 10.21 13.39 Froehling & Robertson, Inc. North End 10 7) 100 80 .y v 60 U) 0 N 40 i i 20 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Blow Count (bl/ft) C 11 .i. 2 $ 0 DELMAG D 12-32 Ram Weight Efficiency Pressure Helmet Weight Hammer Cushion COR of H.C. Skin Quake Toe Quake Skin Damping Toe Damping Pile Length Pile Penetration Pile Top Area Pile Model 19-Jan-2022 GRLWEAP Version 2010 2.82 kips 0.800 1640 (100%) psi 1.90 kips 60155 kips/in 0.800 0.100 in 0.100 in 0.190 sec/ft ----O:'t5Q-sec%ft 15.00 It 13.00 ft 15.50 in2 Skin Friction Distribution Res. Shaft = 2 % (Proportional) Froehling & Robertson, Inc. North End 19-Jan-2022 GRLWEAP Version 2010 Maximum Maximum Ultimate Compression Tension Blow Capacity Stress Stress Count Stroke Energy kips ksi ksi bl/ft ft kips-ft 100.0 21.74 0.06 16.3 6.65 13.09 150.0 26.33 0.08 27.6 7.58 12.36 200.0 31.71 0.10 40.1 8.12 11.91 250.0 35.81 0.21 52.2 8.54 11.87 300.0 39.11 0.38 66.5 8.93 12.04 320.0 40.51 c¢S 0.44 -,7 1 9.02 12.08 350.0 -TZ798 0.51 84.9 9.29 12.32 400.0 46.63 0.60 104.5 9.72 12.80 450.0 49.79 1.30 127.4 10.21 13.35 500.0 52.86 2.37 157.0 10.64 13.87 SINCE F& FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 6Engineering* Environmental • Geotechnical OO IBBI JOB/Plof/iL'1: U"rcyit COMPUTATIONS FOR SHEET NO. OF DATE BY CHI® wwww"M■■■■■■■■■■■E■■_■ ---- wwww■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■w■ii■■■■■■■ ■■■..�..�..■■■■■■■■■■■ww■■■■C■ISH ■ ■■w■w■w■ww� MONNEIONION '■ir i■�■ ■■� a:�■■e■ i■c ■m ■ri■■■ ■■■■ ■■ w■wm■■■■ ■ ii■�ii�r■i�w=i'■�iwiWj�ii MW wj = A EN 0 V12 rip M 9 101 OWN ENS on, MEM MERMENWRE Names MR ■■■■r�■ I ■wwww wwww■w�■■■■■', i�-wwww ■ ■ wwww■■■ ■�■ o 11MMEMAN mini MEIN ■■■ ■■■_■ ■w■■rirr ■ ■ ■■ ���ii�lil��'w�ifii��■■■■■■ ■NONE ■■■■C■■■■..■■. 'IMMOMMOM::::::::MH :::: ■��■�■■�■■■■■■■■ ME wwww■■ 0����EMMMOMMMMMOM■■■ MOMEMEMEMMEMMINNIMMEMEM ..5:NE■■::: :::�::::::C ■...■.....C:..■.....■■■■■■■■■■ i Form No. 502 Revised 05I2008 1 downstream HP12X53.ap7o APILE for Windows, Version 2015.7.7 Serial Number : 293783516 A Program for Analyzing the Axial Capacity and Short-term Settlement of Driven Piles under Axial Loading. (c) Copyright ENSOFT, Inc., 1987-2015 All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Richmond, Virginia Path to file locations C:\Users\CWang\Desktop\Pedestrian Bridge Cabarrus Cc\ Name of input data file downstream HP12X53.ap7d Name of output file downstream HP12X53.ap7o Name of plot output file downstream HP12X53.ap7p Time and Date of Analysis ------------------------------------------- Date: January 20, 2022 Time: 09:04:39 * INPUT INFORMATION Pleasant Green Culvert Downstream DESIGNER CW JOB NUMBER 71ZO219 METHOD FOR UNIT LOAD TRANSFERS : - FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Unfactored Unit Side Friction and Unit Side Resistance are used. COMPUTATION METHOD(S) FOR PILE CAPACITY - FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) TYPE OF LOADING - COMPRESSION PILE TYPE : H-Pile/Steel Pile Page 1 downstream HP12X53.ap7o DATA FOR AXIAL STIFFNESS : MODULUS OF ELASTICITY = 0.300E+08 PSI CROSS SECTION AREA = 15.50 IN2 NONCIRCULAR PILE PROPERTIES : - TOTAL PILE LENGTH, TL = 34.00 FT. - PILE STICKUP LENGTH, PSL = 0.00 FT. - ZERO FRICTION LENGTH, ZFL = 0.00 FT. - PERIMETER OF PILE = 48.00 IN. - TIP AREA OF PILE = 15.50 IN2 - INCREMENT OF PILE LENGTH USED IN COMPUTATION = 1.00 FT. SOIL INFORMATIONS : LATERAL EFFECTIVE FRICTION BEARING SOIL EARTH UNIT ANGLE CAPACITY DEPTH TYPE PRESSURE WEIGHT DEGREES FACTOR FT. LB/CF 0.00 SAND 0.06 63.00 36.00 6.00 1.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 36.00 0.00 1.00 SAND 0.00 53.00 29.00 0.00 8.00 SAND 0.00 53.00 29.00 0.00 8.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 31.00 0.00 13.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 31.00 0.00 13.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 35.00 0.00 18.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 35.00 0.00 18.00 SAND 0.00 63.60 39.00 0.00 23.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 39.00 0.00 23.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 32.00 0.00 28.00 SAND 0.00 58.00 32.00 0.00 28.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 41.00 0.00 33.00 SAND 0.00 63.00 41.00 0.00 33.00 SAND 0.00 100.00 42.00 0.00 40.00 SAND 0.00 100.00 42.00 0.00 MAXIMUM MAXIMUM UNDISTURB REMOLDED UNIT UNIT SHEAR SHEAR BLOW UNIT SKIN UNIT END FRICTION BEARING STRENGTH STRENGTH COUNT FRICTION BEARING KSF KSF KSF KSF KSF KSF 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* B.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.B0 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10E+08* 0.10E+08* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 2 downstream HP12X53.ap7o * MAXIMUM UNIT FRICTION AND/OR MAXIMUM UNIT BEARING WERE SET TO BE 0.10E+08 BECAUSE THE USER DOES NOT PLAN TO LIMIT THE COMPUTED DATA. LRFD FACTOR LRFD FACTOR ON UNIT ON UNIT DEPTH FRICTION BEARING FT. 0.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.06 1.000 1.000 8.00 1.000 1.000 8.00 1.000 1.000 13.00 1.000 1.000 13.00 1.600 1.000 18.00 1.000 1.000 18.00 1.000 1.000 23.00 1.000 1.000 23.00 1.000 1.000 28.00 1.000 1.000 28.00 1.000 1.000 33.00 1.000 1.000 33.00 1.000 1.000 40.00 1.000 1.000 * COMPUTATION RESULT * FED. HWY. METHOD PILE TOTAL SKIN END ULTIMATE PENETRATION FRICTION BEARING CAPACITY FT. KIP KIP KIP 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.00 0.1 0.1 0.2 2.00 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.00 0.4 0.3 0.6 4.00 0.6 0.4 0.9 5.00 0.8 0.4 1.3 6.00 1.2 0.5 1.7 7.00 1.6 0.7 2.3 8.00 2.0 0.9 2.9 9.00 2.6 1.1 3.7 10.00 3.3 - 1.3 4.5 11.00 4.0 1.4 5.4 12.00 4.9 2.0 6.8 13.00 5.8 2.6 8.4 14.00 7.0 3.3 10.3 15.00 8.4 4.0 12.4 16.00 10.0 4.3 14.3 17.00 11.7 6.1 17.8 18.00 13.6 8.2 21.7 19.00 16.0 10.4 26.3 20.00 19.0 12.5 31.5 21.00 22.2 13.2 35.3 22.00 25.5 11.1 36.7 23.00 29.0 8.7 37.7 Page 3 downstream HP12X53.ap7o 24.00 31.8 6.1 37.9 25.00 33.9 3.6 37.5 26.00 36.0 3.6 39.6 27.00 38.3 9.3 47.6 28.00 40.6 15.9 56.5 29.00 44.2 22.8 67.0 30.00 49.3 29.3 78.6 31.00 54.6 30.4 84.9 33.3 93.3 C 36.6 102.2 34.00 71.5 40.2 111.7 NOTES: - AN ASTERISK IS PLACED IN THE END -BEARING COLUMN IF THE TIP RESISTANCE IS CONTROLLED BY THE FRICTION OF SOIL PLUG INSIDE AN OPEN-ENDED PIPE PILE. * COMPUTE LOAD -DISTRIBUTION AND LOAD -SETTLEMENT * CURVES FOR AXIAL LOADING Page 4 WEAP Parameter Calculation Bent #: Pleasant Green Downstream Toe Quake Shaft Quake Pile Type: HP 12X53 0.10 1 0.10 Subsurface Conditions: I Loose/Softor Submerged Layer # Top Bottom Navg Soil Type Shaft Damping 1 683.0 676.0 4 Sand 0.20 2 676.0 671.0 13 Sand 0.18 3 671.0 666.0 27 Sand 0.15 4 666.0 661.0 42 Sand 0.12 5 661.0 1 656.0 18 1 Sand 0.18 6 656.0 651.0 52 Sand 0.10 7 8 Toe Damping 0.16 0.15 Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 19-Jan-2022 Downstream GRLWEAP Version 2010 50 ELMAG D 12-32 50 Ram Weight 2.82 kips Efficiency 0.800 Pressure 1640 (100%) psi Y 40 40 y lq Helmet Weight 1.90 kips y Hammer Cushion 60155 kips/in m COR of H.C. 0.800 Skin Quake 0.100 in m 30 '- 30 U) m w Toe Quake 0.100 in E Skin Damping 0.160 sec/ft Toe Damping 0.150 sec/ft 20 o 20 U j Pile Length 35.00 ft Pile Penetration 33.00 ft Pile Top Area 15.50 in2 10 10 Skin Friction Pile Model Distribution 0 0 1000 — 20 800 a 16 Y U � a 600 12 Y 0 E 400 8 i 200 4 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Res. Shaft = 19 % Blow Count (bl/ft) (Proportional) SINCE �w FROENLING Rt RMSERTSON, INC. �VG� Engineering® Environmental • Geotechnical Iasi za SHEET NO. OF JOB WE COAIPUTRIOHSFOR Plalf/l,cf /swry /.z//drtrC BY CHI® Forth No. 502 Revised 05/2008 a up 9i'"e' 14F G?,;x:53 ' a ;p Qom; LPile for Windows, Version 2018-10.003 Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading Using the p-y Method 0 1985-2018 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy of LPile is being used by: fnr fnr Serial Number of Security Device: 293783516 This copy of LPile is licensed for exclusive use by: Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric Use of this program by any entity other than Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric is a violation of the software license agreement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Used for Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path to file locations: \Users\cwang\71Z-0219\Lpile\ Name of input data file: Lateral Loads Upstream.lpl0 Name of output report file: Lateral Loads Upstream.1pl0 Name of plot output file: Lateral Loads Upstream.1pl0 Name of runtime message file: Lateral Loads Upstream.lpl0 Date and Time of Analysis Date: January 20, 2022 Problem Title ------------------------------------ Project Name: Pleasant Green Culvert Job Number: 71ZO219 Client: Stanley Martin Homes Engineer: CW ------------------------------ Time: 10:56:34 Description: Lateral North Side HP12X53 ______________________________________________ ________ Program Options and Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computational Options: - Use unfactored loads in computations (conventional analysis) Engineering Units Used for Data Input and Computations: - US Customary System Units (pounds, feet, inches) Analysis Control Options: - Maximum number of iterations allowed = 500 - Deflection tolerance for convergence = 1.0000E-05 in - Maximum allowable deflection = 100.0000 in - Number of pile increments = 100 Loading Type and Number of Cycles of Loading: - Static loading specified Use of p-y modification factors for p-y curves not selected Analysis uses layering correction (Method of Georgiadis) No distributed lateral loads are entered Loading by lateral soil movements acting on pile not selected Input of shear resistance at the pile tip not selected Computation of pile -head foundation stiffness matrix not selected Push -over analysis of pile not selected Buckling analysis of pile not selected Output Options: - Output files use decimal points to denote decimal symbols. - Values of pile -head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. - Printing Increment (nodal spacing of output points) = 1 - No p-y curves to be computed and reported for user -specified depths - Print using wide report formats Pile Structural Properties and Geometry Number of pile sections defined = 1 Total length of pile = 13.000 ft Depth of ground surface below top of pile = 0.0000 ft Pile diameters used for p-y curve computations are defined using 2 points. p-y curves are computed using pile diameter values interpolated with depth over the length of the pile. A summary of values of pile diameter vs. depth follows. Depth Below Pile Point Pile Head Diameter No. feet inches __i__ ______ 00 -� 12.0450 2 133.0000 12.0450 Input Structural Propertieg for Pile Sections: Pile Section No. 1: Section 1 is an elastic pile Cross -sectional Shape Length of section Flange Width Section Depth Flange Thickness Web Thickness Section Area Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus = Strong H-Pile 13.000000 ft 12.045000 in 11.780000 in 0.435000 in 0.435000 in 15.225000 sq. in 384.429664 in-4 = 30000000. psi ---------------------------------------------------------- Ground Slope and Pile Batter Angles ---------------------------------------------------------- Ground Slope Angle = 0.000 degrees 0.000 radians Pile Batter Angle = 0.000 degrees 0.000 radians ----------------------------------------------------------------- Soil and Rock Layering Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- The soil profile is modelled using 3 layers Layer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 0.0000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 4.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 53.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 53.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 29.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 29.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 20.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 20.000000 pci Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 4.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 12.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 32.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 32.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 3 is stiff clay with water -induced erosion Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 12.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 30.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 100.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 100.000000 pcf Undrained cohesion at top of layer = 5000. psf Undrained cohesion at bottom of layer = 5000. psf Epsilon-50 at top of layer = 0.004000 Epsilon-50 at bottom of layer = 0.004000 Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci (Depth of the lowest soil layer extends 17.000 ft below the pile tip) Summary of Input Soil Properties Layer Soil Type Layer Layer Name Depth Num. (p-y Curve Type) ft 1 Sand 0.00 (Reese, et al.) 4.0000 2 Sand 4.0000 (Reese, et al.) 12.0000 3 Stiff Clay 12.0000 with Free Water 30.0000 Effective Undrained Angle of E50 Unit Wt. Cohesion Friction or kpy pcf psf deg. krm pci 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Loading Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static loading criteria were used when computing p-y curves for all analyses. --__-____-________________________________________ Pile -head Loading and Pile -head Fixity Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------------- Number of loads specified = 1 Load Load Condition Condition Axial Thrust No. Type 1 2 Force, lbs ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 V = 20000. lbs S = 0.0000 in/in 190000. V = shear force applied normal to pile axis M = bending moment applied to pile head y = lateral deflection normal to pile axis S = pile slope relative to original pile batter angle R = rotational stiffness applied to pile head Values of top y vs. pile lengths can be computed only for load types with specified shear loading (Load Types 1, 2, and 3). Thrust force is assumed to be acting axially for all pile batter angles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Computations of Nominal Moment Capacity and Nonlinear Bending Stiffness Axial thrust force values were determined from pile -head loading conditions Number of Pile Sections Analyzed = 1 Pile Section No. 1: ------------------- Moment -curvature properties were derived from elastic section properties --------------------------------------------------------------------- Layering Correction Equivalent Depths of Soil & Rock Layers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute Top y vs. Pile Length --------------- No Top of Equivalent Layer Top Depth Same Layer Layer is F0 F1 Layer Below Below Type As Rock or Integral Integral No. Pile Head Grnd Surf Layer is Below for Layer for Layer ft ft Above Rock Layer lbs lbs 0.00 0.00 N.A. No 0.00 3585. 4.0000 3.5709 Yes No 3585. 64813. 12.0000 166.1070 No No 68398. N.A. Notes: The F0 integral of Layer n+1 equals the sum of the F0 and F1 integrals for Layer n. Layering correction equivalent depths are computed only for soil types with both shallow -depth and deep -depth expressions for peak lateral load transfer. These soil types are soft and stiff clays, non -liquefied sands, and cemented c-phi soil. Computed Values of Pile Loading and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load Case Number 1 Pile -head conditions are Shear and Pile -head Rotation (Loading Type 2) Shear force at pile head = 20000.0 lbs Rotation of pile head = 0.000E+00 radians Axial load at pile head = 190000.0 lbs (Zero slope for this load indicates fixed -head conditions) Depth Deflect. Bending Shear Slope Total Bending Soil Res. Soil Spr. Distrib. X y Moment Force S Stress Stiffness p Es*h Lat. Load feet inches - o/ 1__ ________ lbs radians _ _____ psi* __________ _ in-lb-2 Winch _________ Winch __________ Winch __________ _.____�._____ 0100 0.4813 1 578. 20000. 0.00 33982. 1.15E+10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1300 01 -1341350. 19997. -1.84E-04 33493. 1.15E+10 -4.3599 14.1370 0.00 0.2600 0.4807 -1310090. 19986. -3.63E-04 33003. 1.15E+10 -9.1228 29.6070 0.00 0.3900 0.4800 -1279779. 19968. -5.38E-04 32513. 1.15E+10 -14.2177 46.2096 0.00 0.5200 0.4790 -1247461. 19942. -7.09E-04 32022. 1.15E+10 -19.5678 63.7277 0.00 0.6500 0.4778 -1216141. 19907. -8.75E-04 31532. 1.15E+10 -25.0570 81.8159 0.00 0.7800 0.4763 -1184833. 19863. -0.00104 31041. 1.15E+10 -30.6349 100.3426 0.00 0.9100 0.4745 -1153552. 19811. -0.00120 30551. 1.15E+10 -36.2264 119.0935 0.00 1.0400 0.4725 -1122313. 19750. -0.00135 30062. 1.15E+10 -41.7855 137.9467 0.00 1.1700 0.4703 -1091132. 19681. -0.00150 29573. 1.15E+10 -47.3074 156.9147 0.00 1.3000 0.4679 -1060020. 19603. -0.00165 29086. 1.15E+10 -52.6589 175.5816 0.00 1.4300 0.4652 -1028995. 19517. -0.00179 28600. 1.15E+10 -57.7691 193.7295 0.00 1.5600 0.4623 -998069. 19423. -0.00192 28115. 1.15E+10 -62.8424 212.0628 0.00 1.6900 0.4592 -967257. 19321. -0.00206 27633. 1.15E+10 -68.0371 231.1453 0.00 1.8200 0.4559 -936570. 19211. -0.00219 27152. 1.15E+10 -72.9602 249.6704 0.00 1.9500 0.4524 -906024. 19093. -0.00231 26673. 1.15E+10 -77.5548 267.4511 0.00 2.0800 0.4487 -875631. 18969. -0.00243 26197. 1.15E+10 -81.7218 284.1446 0.00 2.2100 0.4448 -845401. 18938. -0.00255 25724. 1.15E+10 -85.5898 300.1920 0.00 2.3400 0.4407 -815345. 18702. -0.00266 25253. 1.15E+10 -88.9930 315.0048 0.00 2.4700 0.4365 -785473. 18561. -0.00277 24785. 1.15E+10 -91.8828 328.3887 0.00 2.6000 0.4321 -755794. 18415. -0.00287 24320. 1.15E+10 -95.3427 344.2242 0.00 2.7300 0.4275 -726316. 18264. -0.00297 23858. 1.15E+10 -98.8996 360.8373 0.00 2.8600 0.4228 -697050. 18107. -0.00307 23400. 1.15E+10 -102.0292 376.4427 0.00 2.9900 0.4180 -668004. 17946. -0.00316 22944. 1.15E+10 -104.7233 390.8754 0.00 3,1200 0.4130 -639186. 17779. -0.00325 22493. 1.15E+10 -108.9741 411.6665 0.00 3.2500 0.4078 -610608. 17605. -0.00333 22045. 1.15E+10 -113.3878 433.7338 0.00 3.3800 0.4026 -582281. 17425. -0.00341 21602. 1.15E+10 -117.5621 455.5823 0.00 3.5100 0.3972 -554217. 17239. -0.00349 21162. 1.15E+10 -121.4682 477.1040 0.00 3.6400 0.3917 -526426. 17047. -0.00356 20727. 1.15E+10 -125.0768 498.1820 0.00 3.7700 0.3860 -498919. 16849. -0.00363 20296. 1.15E+10 -128.3585 518.6895 0.00 3.9000 0.3803 -471704. 16646. -0.00370 19869. 1.15E+10 -131.2837 538.4896 0.00 4.0300 0.3745 -444789. 16425. -0.00376 19448. 1.15E+10 -151.9953 633.1313 0.00 4.1600 0.3686 -418227. 16185. -0.00382 19031. 1.15E+10 -156.4248 662.0365 0.00 4.2900 0.3626 -392029. 15938. -0.00387 18621. 1.15E+10 -160.3859 690.0376 0.00 4.4200 0.3565 -366205. 15685. -0.00393 18216. 1.15E+10 -163.8366 716.9145 0.00 4.5500 0.3503 -340765. 15424. -0.00397 17818. 1.15E+10 -170.1921 757.8235 0.00 4.6800 0.3441 -315726. 15153. -0.00402 17426. 1.15E+10 -177.2051 803.3456 0.00 4.8100 0.3378 -291105, 14872. -0.00406 17040. 1.15E+10 -184.1161 850.2443 0.00 4.9400 0.3314 -266920. 14579. -0.00410 16661. 1.15E+10 -190.9062 898.5228 0.00 5.0700 0.3250 -243190. 14276. -0.00413 16289. 1.15E+10 -197.5564 948.1839 0.00 5.2000 0.3186 -219931. 13963. -0.00416 15925. 1.15E+10 -204.0477 999.2299 0.00 5.3300 0.3120 -197159. 13640. -0.00419 15568. 1.15E+10 -210.3612 1052. 0.00 5.4600 0.3055 -174891. 13307. -0.00422 15219. 1.15E+10 -216.5811 1106. 0.00 5.5900 0.2989 -153144. 12963. -0.00424 14879. 1.15E+10 -223.6542 1167. 0.00 5.7200 0.2923 -131934. 12609. -0.00426 14546. 1.15E+10 -230.6289 1231. 0.00 5.8500 0.2856 -111281. 12244. -0.00427 14223. 1.15E+10 -237.4941 1297. 0.00 5.9800 0.2789 -91201. 11868. -0.00429 13908. 1.15E+10 -244.2391 1366. 0.00 6.1100 0.2722 -71712. 11482. -0.00430 13603. 1.15E+10 -250.8532 1437. 0.00 6.2400 0.2655 -52830. 11085. -0.00431 13307. 1.15E+10 -257.3264 1512. 0.00 6.3700 0.2588 -34572. 10679. -0.00431 13021. 1.15E+10 -263.6487 1589. 0.00 6.5000 0.2521 -16955. 10263. -0.00432 12745. 1.15E+10 -269.8105 1670. 0.00 6.6300 0.2453 6.3153 9837. -0.00432 12480. 1.15E+10 -275.8026 1754. 0.00 6.7600 0.2386 16296. 9403. -0.00432 12735. 1.15E+10 -281.6159 1841. 0.00 6.8900 0.2319 31901. 8959. -0.00431 12979. 1.15E+10 -287.2418 1933. 0.00 7.0200 0.2251 46805. 8506. -0.00431 13213. 1.15E+10 -292.6719 2028. 0.00 7.1500 0.2184 60994. 8046. -0.00430 13435. 1.15E+10 -297.8981 2128. 0.00 7.2800 0.2117 74457. 7577. -0.00429 13646. 1.15E+10 -302.9126 2232. 0.00 7.4100 0.2050 87179. 7101. -0.00428 13845. 1.15E+10 -307.7078 2341. 0.00 7.5400 0.1984 99149. 6617. -0.00427 14033. 1.15E+10 -312.2713 2456. 0.00 7.6700 0.1917 110355. 6127. -0.00425 14208. 1.15E+10 -316.5319 2576. 0.00 7.8000 0.1851 120796. 5630. -0.00424 14372. 1.15E+10 -320.4540 2701. 0.00 7.9300 0.1785 130432. 5127. -0.00422 14523. 1.15E+10 -324.0179 2832. 0.00 8.0600 0.1719 139285. 4619. -0.00420 14662. 1.15E+10 -327.2032 2969. 0.00 8.1900 0.1654 147336. 4107. -0.00418 14788. 1.15E+10 -329.9883 3113. 0.00 8.3200 0.1589 154578. 3590. -0.00416 14901. 1.15E+10 -332.3508 3263. 0.00 8.4500 0.1524 161005. 3070. -0.00414 15002. 1.15E+10 -334.2670 3422. 0.00 8.5800 0.1460 166612. 2548. -0.00412 15090. 1.15E+10 -335.7120 3588. 0.00 8.7100 0.1396 171395. 2023. -0.00410 15165. 1.15E+10 -336.6592 3763. 0.00 8.8400 0.1332 175352. 1498. -0.00407 15227. 1.15E+10 -337.0801 3948. 0.00 8.9700 0.1268 178482. 971.8881 -0.00405 15276. 1.15E+10 -336.9444 4144. 0.00 9.1000 0.1205 180785. 446.8205 -0.00402 15312. 1.15E+10 -336.2192 4351. 0.00 9.2300 0.1143 182262. -76.6283 -0.00400 15335. 1.15E+10 -334.8689 4571. 0.00 9.3600 0.1081 182917. -597.4525 -0.00398 15345. 1.15E+10 -332.8544 4805. 0.00 9.4900 0.1019 192754. -1115. -0.00395 15343. 1.15E+10 -330.1329 5055. 0.00 9.6200 0.09574 181781. -1627. -0.00393 15327. 1.15E+10 -326.6567 5322. 0.00 9.7500 0.08964 180006. -2133. -0.00390 15299. 1.15E+10 -322.3727 5610. 0.00 9.8800 0.08357 177439. -2632. -0.00388 15259. 1.15E+10 -317.2209 5922. 0.00 10.0100 0.07754 174092. -3122. -0.00385 15207. 1.15E+10 -311.1331 6260. 0.00 10.1400 0.07155 169982, -3602. -0.00383 15142. 1.15E+10 -304.0306 6629. 0.00 10.2700 0.06559 165125. -4070. -0.00381 15066. 1.15E+10 -295.8218 7036. 0.00 10.4000 0.05967 159541. -4524. -0.00379 14979. 1.15E+10 -286.3981 7488. 0.00 10.5300 0.05378 153254. -4962. -0.00376 14880. 1.15E+10 -275.6289 7995. 0.00 10.6600 0.04792 146290. -5393. -0.00374 14771. 1.15E+10 -263.3538 8573. 0.00 10.7900 0.04210 138680. -5783. -0.00372 14652. 1.15E+10 -249.3707 9241. 0.00 10.9200 0.03630 130456. -6159. -0.00371 14523. 1.15E+10 -233.4168 10031. 0.00 11.0500 0.03053 121660. -6509. -0.00369 14385. 1.15E+10 -215.1366 10992. 0.00 11.1800 0.02479 112335. -6828. -0.00367 14239. 1.15E+10 -194.0220 12210. 0.00 11.3100 0.01907 102534. -7101. -0.00366 14096. 1.15E+10 -155.2894 12703. 0.00 11.4400 0.01337 92350. -7308. -0.00365 13926. 1.15E+10 -110.1436 12849. 0.00 11.5700 0.00769 81895. -7444. -0.00363 13762. 1.15E+10 -64.0935 12995. 0.00 11.7000 0.00203 71280. -7507. -0.00362 13596. 1.15E+10 -17.1261 13141. 0.00 11.8300 -0.00361 60621. -7496. -0.00362 13429. 1.15E+10 30.7730 13287. 0.00 11.9600 -0.00925 50035. -7410. -0.00361 13263. 1.15E+10 79.6188 13433. 0.00 12.0900 -0.01487 39640. -7138. -0.00360 13100. 1.15E+10 269.6400 28291. 0.00 12.2200 -0.02048 29899. -6635. -0.00360 12948. 1.15E+10 375.4470 28595. 0.00 12.3500 -0.02609 21072. -5965. -0.00359 12810. 1.15E+10 483.3267 28899. 0.00 12.4800 -0.03169 13419. -5125. -0.00359 12690. 1.15E+10 593.3102 29203. 0.00 12.6100 -0.03729 7210. -4112. -0.00359 12592. 1.15E+10 705.4254 29507. 0.00 12.7400 -0.04289 2718. -2922. -0.00359 12522. 1.15E+10 819.6958 29812. 0.00 12.8700 -0.04849 219.7341 -1553. -0.00359 12483. 1.15E+10 936.1388 30116. 0.00 13.0000 -0.05409 0.00 0.00 -0.00359 12479. 1.15E+10 1055. 15210. 0.00 * The above values of total stress are combined axial and bending stresses. Output Summary for Load Case No. 1: Pile -head deflection = Computed slope at pile head = Maximum bending moment = Maximum shear force = Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force = Number of iterations = Number of zero deflection points = 0.48125472 inches 0.000000 radians -1372578. inch-lbs 20000. lbs 0.000000 feet below pile head 0.000000 feet below pile head 12 1 Summary of Pile -head Responses for Conventional Analyses Definitions of Pile -head Loading Conditions: Load Type 1: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 2: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Type 3: Load i = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Rot. Stiffness, R, in-lbs/rad. Load Type 4: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 5: Load i = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Load Load Axial Pile -head Pile -head Max Shear Max Moment Case Type Pile -head Type Pile -head Loading Deflection Rotation in Pile in Pile No. 1 Load 1 2 Load 2 lbs inches radians lbs in-lbs _-__ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 v, lb 20000. S, rad 0.00 190000. 0.4813 0.00 20000. 1372578. -2-ok Maximum pile- ei}-ddeflection = 0.4812547241 inches Maximum pile -head rotation =-0.0000000000 radians =-0.000000 deg. The analysis ended normally. LPile for Windows, Version 2018-10.003 Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading Using the p-y Method 0 1985-2018 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy of LPile is being used by: fnr fnr Serial Number of Security Device: 293783516 This copy of LPile is licensed for exclusive use by: Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric Use of this program by any entity other than Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric is a violation of the software license agreement. --------------------------------------------------- Files Used for Analysis Path to file locations: \Users\cwang\71Z-0219\Lpile\ Name of input data file: Lateral Loads Upstream.1pl0 Name of output report file: Lateral Loads Upstream.lpl0 Name of plot output file: Lateral Loads Upstream.lpl0 Name of runtime message file: Lateral Loads Upstream.1pl0 --------------------------- ____________-______ Date and Time of Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------- Date: January 20, 2022 Time: 10:59:24 ---------------------------------------------- Problem Title ---------------------------------------------- Project Name: Pleasant Green Culvert Job Number: 71ZO219 Client: Stanley Martin Homes Engineer: CW Description: Lateral North Side HP12X53 Program Options and Settings ------------------------------------------------------ Computational Options: - Use unfactored loads in computations (conventional analysis) Engineering Units Used for Data Input and Computations: - US Customary System Units (pounds, feet, inches) Analysis Control Options: - Maximum number of iterations allowed = 500 - Deflection tolerance for convergence = 1.0000E-05 in - Maximum allowable deflection = 100.0000 in - Number of pile increments = 100 Loading Type and Number of Cycles of Loading: - Static loading specified - Use of p-y modification factors for p-y curves not selected - Analysis uses layering correction (Method of Georgiadis) - No distributed lateral loads are entered - Loading by lateral soil movements acting on pile not selected - Input of shear resistance at the pile tip not selected - Computation of pile -head foundation stiffness matrix not selected - Push -over analysis of pile not selected - Buckling analysis of pile not selected Output Options: - Output files use decimal points to denote decimal symbols. - Values of pile -head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. - Printing Increment (nodal spacing of output points) = 1 - No p-y curves to be computed and reported for user -specified depths - Print using wide report formats ------------------------------------------------------ — -- Pile Structural Properties and Geometry ------------------------------------------------------------ Number of pile sections defined = 1 Total length of pile = 13.000 ft Depth of ground surface below top of pile = 0.0000 ft Pile diameters used for p-y curve computations are defined using 2 points. p-y curves are computed using pile diameter values interpolated with depth over the length of the pile. A summary of values of pile diameter vs. depth follows. Depth Below Pile Point Pile Head Diameter No. feet inches ----- 1 ------------- 0.000 ------------- 11.7800 2 13.000 11.7800 Input Structural Properties for Pile Sections: ---------------------------------------------- Pile Section No. 1: Section 1 is an elastic pile Cross -sectional Shape Length of section Flange Width Section Depth Flange Thickness Web Thickness Section Area Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus = Weak H-Pile = 13.000000 ft = 12.045000 in = 11.780000 in = 0.435000 in = 0.435000 in = 15.225000 sq. in = 126.769528 in-4 30000000. psi Ground Slope and Pile Batter Angles Ground Slope Angle = 0.000 degrees = 0.000 radians Pile Batter Angle = 0.000 degrees = 0.000 radians -------------------------------------------- -_--------- Soil and Rock Layering Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The soil profile is modelled using 3 layers Layer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 0.0000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 4.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 53.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 53.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 29.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 29.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 20.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 20.000000 pci Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 4.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 12.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 32.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 32.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 3 is stiff clay with water -induced erosion Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 12.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 30.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 100.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 100.000000 pcf Undrained cohesion at top of layer = 5000. psf Undrained cohesion at bottom of layer = 5000. psf Epsilon-50 at top of layer = 0.004000 Epsilon-50 at bottom of layer = 0.004000 Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci (Depth of the lowest soil layer extends 17.000 ft below the pile tip) Summary of Input Soil Properties Layer Soil Type Layer Effective Undrained Angle of E50 Layer Name Depth Unit Wt. Cohesion Friction or kpy Num. (p-y Curve Type) ft pcf psf deg. krm pci ---------- ----- 1 ------------------- Sand ---------- 0.00 ---------- 53.0000 ---------- -- ---------- 29.0000 ---------- -- 20.0000 (Reese, et al.) 4.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 2 Sand 4.0000 58.0000 -- 32,0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 12.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 3 Stiff Clay 12.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 with Free Water 30.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Loading Type Static loading criteria were used when computing p-y curves for all analyses. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pile-head Loading and Pile -head Fixity Conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------- Number of loads specified = 1 Load Load Condition Condition Axial Thrust Compute Top y No. Type 1 2 Force, lbs vs. Pile Length ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 V = 13000. lbs S = 0.0000 in/in 190000. No V = shear force applied normal to pile axis M = bending moment applied to pile head y = lateral deflection normal to pile axis S = pile slope relative to original pile batter angle R = rotational stiffness applied to pile head Values of top y vs. pile lengths can be computed only for load types with specified shear loading (Load Types 1, 2, and 3). Thrust force is assumed to be acting axially for all pile batter angles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computations of Nominal Moment Capacity and Nonlinear Bending Stiffness ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axial thrust force values were determined from pile -head loading conditions Number of Pile Sections Analyzed = 1 Pile Section No. 1: ------------------- Moment-curvature properties were derived from elastic section properties ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Layering Correction Equivalent Depths of Soil & Rock Layers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Top of Equivalent Layer Top Depth Same Layer Layer is F0 F1 Layer Below Below Type As Rock or Integral Integral No. Pile Head Grnd Surf Layer is Below for Layer for Layer ft ft Above Rock Layer lbs lbs ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.00 0.00 N.A. No 0.00 3506. 2 4.0000 3.5732 Yes No 3506. 64647. 3 12.0000 167.6634 No No 68153. N.A. Notes: The F0 integral of Layer n+1 equals the sum of the F0 and F1 integrals for Layer n. Layering correction equivalent depths are computed only for soil types with both shallow -depth and deep -depth expressions for peak lateral load transfer. These soil types are soft and stiff clays, non -liquefied sands, and cemented c-phi soil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computed Values of Pile Loading and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load Case Number 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pile-head conditions are Shear and Pile -head Rotation (Loading Type 2) Shear force at pile head = 13000.0 lbs Rotation of pile head = 0.000E+00 radians Axial load at pile head = 190000.0 lbs (Zero slope for this load indicates fixed -head conditions) Depth Deflect. Bending Shear Slope X y Moment Force S feet inches in-lbs lbs radians ------- 0.00 -------------------- 0.4631 ---------- -689290. 13000. ---------- 0.00 0.1300 0.4629 -668968. 12997. -2.79E-04 0.2600 0.4622 -648575. 12986. -5.49E-04 0.3900 0.4612 -628125. 12969. -8.11E-04 0.5200 0.4597 -607633. 12943. -0.00106 0.6500 0.4578 -587113. 12909. -0.00131 0.7800 0.4556 -566582. 12866. -0.00155 0.9100 0.4530 -546055. 12815. -0.00177 1.0400 0.4501 -525548. 12755. -0.00199 1.1700 0.4468 -505077. 12687. -0.00221 1.3000 0.4432 -484657. 12611. -0.00241 1.4300 0.4393 -464303. 12527. -0.00260 1.5600 0.4351 -444030. 12435. -0.00279 1.6900 0.4306 -423851. 12337. -0.00297 1.8200 0.4258 -403780. 12231. -0.00314 1.9500 0.4208 -383831. 12119. -0.00330 2.0800 0.4155 -364014. 12001. -0.00345 2.2100 0.4100 -344341. 11878. -0.00360 2.3400 0.4043 -324823. 11749. -0.00373 2.4700 0.3984 -305470. 11617. -0.00386 2.6000 0.3923 -286288. 11480. -0.00398 2.7300 0.3859 -267289. 11338. -0.00410 2.8600 0.3795 -248483. 11193. -0.00420 2.9900 0.3728 -229876. 11043. -0.00430 3.1200 0.3660 -211478. 10888. -0.00439 3.2500 0.3591 -193300. 10728. -0.00448 3.3800 0.3521 -175352. 10563. -0.00455 3.5100 0.3449 -157645. 10393. -0.00462 3.6400 0.3377 -140188. 10219. -0.00468 3.7700 0.3303 -122988. 10041. -0.00473 3.9000 0.3229 -106053. 9861. -0.00478 4.0300 0.3154 -89387. 9665. -0.00482 Total Bending Soil Res. Soil Spr. Distrib. Stress Stiffness p Es*h Lat. Load psi* in-lb-2 Winch Winch ---------- Winch ---------- 44505. ---------- 3.80E+09 ---------- 0.00 0.00 ---------- 0.00 43561. 3.80E+09 -4.2687 14.3865 0.00 42614. 3.80E+09 -8.9388 30.1681 0.00 41664. 3.80E+09 -13.9377 47.1477 0.00 40711. 3.80E+09 -19.1835 65.0998 0.00 39758. 3.80E+09 -24.5640 83.6961 0.00 38804. 3.80E+09 -30.0247 102.8029 0.00 37850. 3.80E+09 -35.4890 122.2077 0.00 36898. 3.80E+09 -40.9270 141.8551 0.00 35946. 3.80E+09 -46.3008 161.6585 0.00 34998. 3.80E+09 -51.4899 181.2371 0.00 34052. 3.80E+09 -56.2641 199.8050 0.00 33110. 3.80E+09 -61.0032 218.7302 0.00 32173. 3.80E+09 -65.6261 237.7609 0.00 31240. 3.80E+09 -69.8815 256.0107 0.00 30313. 3.80E+09 -73.7103 273.2605 0.00 29392. 3.80E+09 -77.4561 290.7877 0.00 28478. 3.80E+09 -80.7942 307.3889 0.00 27572. 3.80E+09 -83.6351 322.7002 0.00 26672. 3.80E+09 -86.1074 337.1846 0.00 25781. 3.80E+09 -89.3698 355.4238 0.00 24898. 3.80E+09 -92.2133 372.7263 0.00 24025. 3.80E+09 -94.5990 388.8979 0.00 23160. 3.80E+09 -97.2510 406.9186 0.00 22305. 3.80E+09 -100.9971 430.4263 0.00 21461. 3.80E+09 -104.4558 453.7451 0.00 20627. 3.80E+09 -107.5956 476.7349 0.00 19804. 3.80E+09 -110.3847 499.2405 0.00 18993. 3.80E+09 -112.7916 521.0899 0.00 18194. 3.80E+09 -114.7845 542.0916 0.00 17407. 3.80E+09 -116.3318 562.0336 0.00 16633. 3.80E+09 -135.5043 670.2155 0.00 4.1600 0.3079 -73041. 9451. -0.00486 15873. 3.80E+09 -139.1766 700.1955 0.00 4.2900 0.3003 -57022. 9234. -0.00488 15129. 3.80E+09 -140.2626 728.7508 0.00 4.4200 0.2926 -41337. 9012. -0.00490 14400. 3.80E+09 -143.8325 766.7941 0.00 4.5500 0.2850 -25998. 8784. -0.00492 13687. 3.80E+09 -149.1397 816.4616 0.00 4.6800 0.2773 -11018. 8547. -0.00492 12991. 3.80E+09 -154.2709 867.9351 0.00 4.8100 0.2696 3588. 8303. -0.00492 12646. 3.80E+09 -159.2084 921.2435 0.00 4.9400 0.2619 17806. 8051. -0.00492 13307. 3.80E+09 -163.9351 976.4154 0.00 5.0700 0.2542 31622. 7791. -0.00491 13949. 3.80E+09 -169.4344 1033. 0.00 5.2000 0.2466 45025. 7525. -0.00489 14571. 3.80E+09 -172.6903 1092. 0.00 5.3300 0.2390 58002. 7253. -0.00487 15174. 3.80E+09 -176.6874 1153. 0.00 5.4600 0.2314 70543. 6973. -0.00485 15757. 3.80E+09 -181.6014 1224. 0.00 5.5900 0.2239 82632. 6686. -0.00482 16319. 3.80E+09 -186.4228 1299. 0.00 5.7200 0.2164 94258. 6392. -0.00478 16859. 3.80E+09 -191.0996 1378. 0.00 5.8500 0.2089 105408. 6090. -0.00474 17377. 3.80E+09 -195.6272 1461. 0.00 5.9800 0.2016 116068. 5781. -0.00469 17872. 3.80E+09 -200.0019 1548. 0.00 6.1100 0.1943 126228. 5466. -0.00464 18344. 3.80E+09 -204.2178 1640. 0.00 6.2400 0.1871 135875. 5144. -0.00459 18793. 3.80E+09 -208.2228 1736. 0.00 6.3700 0.1800 144999. 4817. -0.00453 19216. 3.80E+09 -211.9885 1837. 0.00 6.5000 0.1730 153590. 4483. -0.00447 19616. 3.80E+09 -215.5037 1944. 0.00 6.6300 0.1660 161637. 4145. -0.00441 19990. 3.80E+09 -218.7572 2055. 0.00 6.7600 0.1592 169133. 3801. -0.00434 20338. 3.80E+09 -221.7383 2173. 0.00 6.8900 0.1525 176068. 3453. -0.00427 20660. 3.80E+09 -224.4365 2296. 0.00 7.0200 0.1459 182436. 3101. -0.00419 20956. 3.80E+09 -226.8415 2426. 0.00 7.1500 0.1394 188229. 2745. -0.00412 21225. 3.80E+09 -228.9435 2562. 0.00 7.2800 0.1330 193443. 2387. -0.00404 21467. 3.80E+09 -230.7327 2705. 0.00 7.4100 0.1268 198071. 2026. -0.00396 21682. 3.80E+09 -232.1995 2857. 0.00 7.5400 0.1207 202110. 1663. -0.00398 21870. 3.80E+09 -233.3345 3016. 0.00 7.6700 0.1147 205557. 1298. -0.00379 22030. 3.80E+09 -234.1283 3184. 0.00 7.8000 0.1089 208409. 932.4606 -0.00371 22163. 3.80E+09 -234.5715 3362. 0.00 7.9300 0.1031 210665. 566.4642 -0.00362 22267. 3.80E+09 -234.6546 3549. 0.00 8.0600 0.09755 212324. 200.6266 -0.00354 22345. 3.80E+09 -234.3680 3748. 0.00 8.1900 0.09210 213387. -164.4676 -0.00345 22394. 3.80E+09 -233.7015 3958. 0.00 8.3200 0.08679 213855. -528.2178 -0.00336 22416. 3.80E+09 -232.6448 4182. 0.00 S.4500 0.08161 213732. -890.0063 -0.00327 22410. 3.80E+09 -231.1866 4419. 0.06 8.5800 0.07658 213019. -1249. -0.00319 22377. 3.80E+09 -229.3149 4672. 0.00 8.7100 0.07167 211723. -1605. -0.00310 22317. 3.80E+09 -227.0165 4941. 0.00 8.8400 0.06691 209848. -1957. -0.00301 22229. 3.80E+09 -224.2767 5229. 0.00 8.9700 0.06228 207402. -2305. -0.00293 22116. 3.80E+09 -221.0791 5538. 0.00 9.1000 0.05778 204393. -2647. -0.00284 21976. 3.80E+09 -217.4048 5870. 0.00 9.2300 0.05341 200830. -2982. -0.00276 21810. 3.80E+09 -213.2323 6228. 0.00 9.3600 0.04917 196723. -3311. -0.00268 21620. 3.80E+09 -208.5361 6616. 0.00 9.4900 0.04505 192086. -3633. -0.00260 21404. 3.80E+09 -203.2863 7039. 0.00 9.6200 0.04106 186930. -3945. -0.00252 21165. 3.80E+09 -197.4472 7501. 0.00 9.7500 0.03719 181270. -4248. -0.00244 20902. 3.80E+09 -190.9757 8011. 0.00 9.8800 0.03343 175125. -4541. -0.00237 20616. 3.80E+09 -183.8187 8577. 0.00 10.0100 0.02979 169510. -4821. -0.00230 20309. 3.80E+09 -175.9106 9212. 0.00 10.1400 0.02626 161447. -5089. -0.00223 19981. 3.80E+09 -167.1682 9933. 0.00 10.2700 0.02282 153957. -5342. -0.00217 19633. 3.80E+09 -157.4841 10765. 0.00 10.4000 0.01949 146066. -5579. -0.00211 19266. 3.80E+09 -145.9298 11681. 0.00 10.5300 0.01625 137801. -5789. -0.00205 18882. 3.80E+09 -123.1853 11827. 0.00 10.6600 0.01310 129220. -5963. -0.00199 18483. 3.80E+09 -100.5111 11973. 0.00 10.7900 0.01003 120379. -6102. -0.00194 18073. 3.80E+09 -77.8891 12119. 0.00 10.9200 0.00703 111333. -6206. -0.00190 17652. 3.80E+09 -55.2982 12265. 0.00 11.0500 0.00411 102140. -6275. -0.00185 17225. 3.80E+09 -32.7138 12411. 0.00 11.1800 0.00126 92854. -6308. -0.00181 16794. 3.80E+09 -10.1086 12557. 0.00 11.3100 -0.00154 83532. -6306. -0.00178 16361. 3.80E+09 12.5474 12703. 0.00 11.4400 -0.00428 74231. -6269. -0.00174 15928. 3.80E+09 35.2866 12849. 0.00 11.5700 -0.00698 65007. -6196. -0.00171 15500. 3.80E+09 58.1437 12995. 0.00 11.7000 -0.00963 55916. -6087. -0.00169 15077. 3.80E+09 81.1549 13141. 0.00 11.8300 -0.01225 47016. -5943. -0.00167 14664. 3.80E+09 104.3582 13287. 0.00 11.9600 -0.01484 38364. -5762. -0.00165 14262. 3.80E+09 127.7926 13433. 0.00 12.0900 -0.01740 30029. -5416. -0.00164 13874. 3.80E+09 315.6205 28291. 0.00 12.2200 -0.01995 22438. -4884. -0.00163 13522. 3.80E+09 365.6541 28595. 0.00 12.3500 -0.02248 15744. -4274. -0.00162 13211. 3.80E+09 416.4141 28899. 0.00 12.4800 -0.02500 10062. -3584. -0.00161 12947. 3.80E+09 467.9722 29203. 0.00 12.6100 -0.02751 5517. -2814. -0.00161 12736. 3.80E+09 520.3913 29507. 0.00 12.7400 -0.03002 2238. -1960. -0.00161 12583. 3.80E+09 573.7232 29812. 0.00 12.8700 -0.03253 354.8006 -1023. -0.00161 12496. 3.80E+09 628.0065 30116. 0.00 13.0000 -0.03504 0.00 0.00 -0.00161 12479. 3.80E+09 683.2636 15210. 0.00 * The above values of total stress are combined axial and bending stresses. Output Summary for Load Case No. 1: Pile -head deflection = Computed slope at pile head = Maximum bending moment = Maximum shear force = Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force = Number of iterations = Number of zero deflection points = 0.46309772 inches 0.000000 radians -689290. inch-lbs 13000. lbs 0.000000 feet below pile head 0.000000 feet below pile head 12 1 ____________________________________________________________________ Summary of Pile -head Responses for Conventional Analyses ____________________________________________________________________ Definitions of Pile -head Loading Conditions: Load Type 1: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 2: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Type 3: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Rot. Stiffness, R, in-lbs/rad. Load Type 4: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 5: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Load Load Axial Pile -head Pile -head Max Shear Max Moment Case Type Pile -head Type Pile -head Loading Deflection Rotation in Pile in Pile No. 1 Load 1 2 Load 2 lbs inches radians lbs in-lbs ___ ______ __________ ---------- ---------- ---------- __________ 1 V, lb 000. S, red 0.00 190000. 0.4631 0.00 13000. -689290. Maximum pile -head deflection = @ .4630977185 inches /p Maximum pile -head rotation = 0.0000000000 radians = 0.000000 deg.' The analysis ended normally. SINCE 0 FR®EHLIMG & R®®ERTSOM9 INC. Engineering o Environmental a Geotechnical lees Z"'Wa G SHEET NO. OF JOB P<oj/i (jYeerWE COMPUTATIONS FOR 5;' �; oo i ! lit1414e " BY CHKp Form No, 502 Revised 0512008 LPile for Windows, Version 2018-10.003 Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading Using the p-y Method 0 1985-2018 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved __________________________________________________ This copy of LPile is being used by: fnr fnr Serial Number of Security Device: 293783516 This copy of -Pile is licensed for exclusive use by: Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric Use of this program by any entity other than Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric is a violation of the software license agreement. __-_______-_ _________________ Files Used for Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path to file locations: \Users\cwang\71Z-0219\Lpile\ Name of input data file: Lateral Loads downstream.1pl0 Name of output report file: Lateral Loads downstream.lpl0 Name of plot output file: Lateral Loads downstream.1pl0 Name of runtime message file: Lateral Loads downstream.1pl0 ------------------------------------------------------- _ Date and Time of Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: January 20, 2022 Time: 11:54:03 __________________________________ _______-______ Problem Title Project Name: Pleasant Green Culvert Job Number: 71ZO219 Client: Stanley Martin Homes Engineer: CW Description: Lateral Downstream Strong Axis Program Options and Settings Computational Options: - Use unfactored loads in computations (conventional analysis) Engineering Units Used for Data Input and Computations: - US Customary System Units (pounds, feet, inches) Analysis Control Options: - Maximum number of iterations allowed = 500 - Deflection tolerance for convergence = 1.0000E-05 in - Maximum allowable deflection = 100.0000 in - Number of pile increments = 100 Loading Type and Number of Cycles of Loading: - Static loading specified - Use of p-y modification factors for P-y curves not selected - Analysis uses layering correction (Method of Georgiadis) - No distributed lateral loads are entered - Loading by lateral soil movements acting on pile not selected - Input of shear resistance at the pile tip not selected - Computation of pile -head foundation stiffness matrix not selected - Push -over analysis of pile not selected - Buckling analysis of pile not selected Output Options: - Output files use decimal points to denote decimal symbols. - Values of pile -head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. - Printing Increment (nodal spacing of output points) = 1 - No p-y curves to be computed and reported for user -specified depths - Print using wide report formats ----------------------------------------------------------- Pile Structural Properties and Geometry ----------------------------------------------------------- Number of pile sections defined = 1 Total length of pile = 23.000 ft Depth of ground surface below top of pile = 0.0000 ft Pile diameters used for p-y curve computations are defined using 2 points. p-y curves are computed using pile diameter values interpolated with depth over the length of the pile. A summary of values of pile diameter vs. depth follows. Depth Below Pile Point Pile Head Diameter No. feet inches ----- 1 ------------- 0.000 ----------- 12.0450 2 23.000 12.0450 Input Structural Properties for Pile Sections: ---------------------------------------------- Pile Section No. 1: Section 1 is an elastic pile Cross -sectional Shape Length of section Flange width Section Depth Flange Thickness Web Thickness Section Area Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus = Strong H-Pile = 23.000000 ft 12.045000 in = 11.780000 in 0.435000 in 0.435000 in 15.225000 sq. in 384.429664 inA4 30000000. psi Ground Slope and Pile Batter Angles Ground Slope Angle = 0.000 degrees 0.000 radians Pile Batter Angle = 0.000 degrees 0.000 radians -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soil and Rock Layering Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The soil profile is modelled using 8 layers Layer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 0.0000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 1.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 36.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 36.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 1.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 8.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 53.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 53.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 29.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 29.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 20.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 20.000000 pci Layer 3 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 8.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 13.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 31.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 31.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 4 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 13.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 18.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 35.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 35.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 5 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 18.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 23.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 39.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 39.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci Layer 6 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 23.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 28.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 32.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 32.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 7 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 28.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 33.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 41.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 41.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci Layer 8 is stiff clay with water -induced erosion Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 33.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 40.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 100.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 100.000000 pcf Undrained cohesion at top of layer = 5000. psf Undrained cohesion at bottom of layer = 5000. psf Epsilon-50 at top of layer = 0.004000 Epsilon-50 at bottom of layer = 0.004000 Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci (Depth of the lowest soil layer extends 17.000 ft below the pile tip) -------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Input Soil Properties Layer Soil Type Layer Effective Undrained Angle of E50 Layer Name Depth Unit Wt. Cohesion Friction or kpy Num. __ (p-y Curve Type) _ ft ---------- pcf psf deg. krm pci 1 Sand 0.00 63.0000 __________ -- __________ 36.0000 __________ -- ---------- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 1.0000 63.0000 -- 36.0000 -- 60.0000 2 Sand 1.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 (Reese, et al.) 8.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 3 Sand 8.0000 58.0000 -- 31.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 13.0000 58.0000 -- 31.0000 -- 60.0000 4 Sand 13.0000 63.0000 -- 35.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 18.0000 63.0000 -- 35.0000 -- 60.0000 5 Sand 18.0000 63.0000 -- 39.0000 -- 125.0000 (Reese, et al.) 23.0000 63.0000 -- 39.0000 -- 125.0000 6 Sand 23.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 28.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 7 Sand 28.0000 63.0000 -- 41.0000 -- 125.0000 (Reese, et al.) 33.0000 63.0000 -- 41.0000 -- 125.0000 8 Stiff Clay 33.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 with Free Water 40.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 Static Loading Type Static loading criteria were used when computing p-y curves for all analyses. ----------------------------------------- Pile -head Loading and Pile -head Fixity Conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------- Number of loads specified = 1 Load Load Condition Condition Axial Thrust Compute Top y No. Type 1 2 Force, lbs vs. Pile Length ----- ---- ------ ----------------------- __ ___________---- 1 2 V = 24000. lbs 5 = 0.0000 in/in 190000. No V = shear force applied normal to pile axis M = bending moment applied to pile head y = lateral deflection normal to pile axis S = pile slope relative to original pile batter angle R = rotational stiffness applied to pile head Values of top y vs. pile lengths can be computed only for load types with specified shear loading (Load Types 1, 2, and 3). Thrust force is assumed to be acting axially for all pile batter angles. __________________ __-_--_----_______ Computations of Nominal Moment Capacity and Nonlinear Bending Stiffness ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axial thrust force values were determined from pile -head loading conditions Number of Pile Sections Analyzed = 1 Pile Section No. 1: ------------------- Moment-curvature properties were derived from elastic section properties --------------------------------------------------- Layering Correction Equivalent Depths of Soil & Rock Layers Top of Equivalent Layer Top Depth Same Layer Layer is F0 F1 Layer Below Below Type As Rock or Integral Integral No. Pile Head Grnd Surf Layer is Below for Layer for Layer ft ft Above Rock Layer lbs lbs ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.00 0.00 N.A. No 0.00 417.4679 2 1.0000 1.2343 Yes No 417.4679 20533. 3 8.0000 7.8063 Yes No 20951. 62025. 4 13.0000 11.3384 Yes No 82976. 156023. 5 18.0000 14.4239 Yes No 238999. 331600. 6 23.0000 23.0000 No No 570599. 0.00 7 28.0000 28.0000 No No 0.00 0.00 8 33.0000 33.0000 No No 0.00 N.A. Notes: The F0 integral of Layer n+1 equals the sum of the F0 and F1 integrals for Layer n. Layering correction equivalent depths are computed only for soil types with both shallow -depth and deep -depth expressions for peak lateral load transfer. These soil types are soft and stiff clays, non -liquefied sands, and cemented c-phi soil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computed Values of Pile Loading and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load Case Number 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pile-head conditions are Shear and Pile -head Rotation (Loading Type 2) Shear force at pile head = 24000.0 lbs Rotation of pile head = 0.000E+00 radians Axial load at pile head = 190000.0 lbs (Zero slope for this load indicates fixed -head conditions) Depth Deflect. Bending Shear Slope Total Bending Soil Res. Soil Spr. Distrib. X y Moment Force S Stress Stiffness p Es*h Lat. Load feet inches in-lbs lbs radians psi* in-lb^2 lb/inch lb/inch lb/inch ------- 0.00 ---------- 0.4623 ---------- -1484719. ---------- 24000. ---------- 0.00 ---------- 35739. ---------- 1.15E+10 ---------- 0.00 ---------- 0.00 ---------- 0.00 0.2300 0.4618 -1418386. 23981. -3.47E-04 34700. 1.15E+10 -14.0283 83.8347 0.00 0.4600 0.4604 -1351982. 23919. -6.79E-04 33660. 1.15E+10 -30.8919 195.1957 0.00 0.6900 0.4581 -1285643. 23808. -9.94E-04 32620. 1.15E+10 -49.5651 299.6295 0.00 0.9200 0.4549 -1219521. 23644. -0.00129 31585. 1.15E+10 -69.1266 419.3890 0.00 1.1500 0.4509 -1153772. 23459. -0.00158 30555. 1.15E+10 -65.1420 398.6982 0.00 1.3800 0.4462 -1088374. 23267. -0.00185 29530. 1.15E+10 -73.4832 454.5247 0.00 1.6100 0.4408 -1023400. 23053. -0.00210 28512. 1.15E+10 -81.4729 510.1828 0.00 1.8400 0.4346 -958918. 22819. -0.00234 27502. 1.15E+10 -88.4158 561.4703 0.00 2.0700 0.4279 -894989. 22566. -0.00256 26500. 1.15E+10 -94.5335 609.8115 0.00 2.3000 0.4205 -831668. 22299. -0.00276 25508. 1.15E+10 -99.3534 652.1158 0.00 2.5300 0.4126 -768999. 22016. -0.00296 24527. 1.15E+10 -105.2980 704.3765 0.00 2.7600 0.4042 -707036. 21720. -0.00313 23556. 1.15E+10 -109.8793 750.3226 0.00 2.9900 0.3953 -645822. 21406. -0.00329 22597. 1.15E+10 -117.2677 818.7652 0.00 3.2200 0.3860 -585419. 21073. -0.00344 21651. 1.15E+10 -124.1764 887.9074 0.00 3.4500 0.3763 -525889. 20722. -0.00358 20718. 1.15E+10 -130.1312 954.4562 0.00 3.6800 0.3663 -467284. 20356. -0.00369 19800. 1.15E+10 -134.9682 1017. 0.60 3.9100 0.3559 -409649. 19974. -0.00380 18897. 1.15E+10 -142.0049 1101. 0.00 4.1400 0.3453 -353044. 19569. -0.00389 18010. 1.15E+10 -151.2633 1209. 0.00 4.3700 0.3344 -297547. 19139. -0.00397 17141. 1.15E+10 -160.2153 1322. 0.00 4.6000 0.3234 -243233. 18685. -0.00403 16290. 1.15E+10 -168.7886 1441. 0.00 4.8300 0.3122 -190174. 18208. -0.00408 15459. 1.15E+10 -177.2198 1567. 0.00 5.0600 0.3008 -138442. 17706. -0.00412 14648. 1.15E+10 -186.5616 1712. 0.00 5.2900 0.2894 -88113. 17178. -0.00415 13860. 1.15E+10 -195.6475 1866. 0.00 5.5200 0.2779 -39264. 16626. -0.00417 13095. 1.15E+10 -204.4425 2030. 0.00 5.7500 0.2664 8033. 16050. -0.00417 12605. 1.15E+10 -212.9152 2206. 0.00 5.9800 0.2549 53707. 15451. -0.00416 13321. 1.15E+10 -221.0380 2393. 6.2100 0.2434 97691. 14831. -0.00414 14010. 1.15E+10 -228.7872 2594. 6.4400 0.2320 139919. 14189. -0.00412 14671. 1.15E+10 -236.1432 2809. 6.6700 0.2207 180331. 13528. -0.00408 15305. 1.15E+10 -243.0908 3040. 6.9000 0.2095 218869. 12848. -0.00403 15908. 1.15E+10 -249.6189 3288. 7.1300 0.1985 255478, 12150. -0.00397 16482. 1.15E+10 -255.7168 3556. 7.3600 0.1876 290107, 11437. -0.00391 17024. 1.15E+10 -261.2503 3844. 7.5900 0.1769 322709. 10709. -0.00383 17535. 1.15E+10 -266.1290 4152. 7.8200 0.1664 353243. 9969. -0.00375 18013. 1.15E+10 -270.3191 4483. 8.0500 0.1562 381674. 9191. -0.00367 18459. 1.15E+10 -293.1799 5181. 8.2800 0.1462 407824. 8376. -0.00357 18868. 1.15E+10 -297.6838 5620. 8.5100 0.1365 431655. 7549. -0.00347 19242. 1.15E+10 -301.3045 6094. 8.7400 0.1270 453136. 6714. -0.00337 19578. 1.15E+10 -304.0079 6606. 8.9700 0.1179 472245. 5872. -0.00325 19878. 1.15E+10 -305.7632 7159. 9.2000 0.1091 488965. 5027. -0.00314 20140. 1.15E+10 -306.5435 7758. 9.4300 0.1006 503289. 4182. -0.00302 20364. 1.15E+10 -306.3249 8408. 9.6600 0.09239 515217. 3338. -0.00290 20551. 1.15E+10 -305.0873 9114. 9.8900 0.08456 524755. 2499. -0.00277 20700. 1.15E+10 -302.8138 9894. 10.1200 0.07707 531921. 1668. -0.00265 20813. 1.15E+10 -299.4911 10725. 10.3500 0.06994 536739. 847.3547 -0.00252 20988. 1.15E+10 -295.1085 11646. 10.5800 0.06316 539241. 40.3766 -0.00239 20927. 1.15E+10 -289.6582 12657. 10.8100 0.05674 539470. -750.0774 -0.00226 20931. 1.15E+10 -283.1346 13772. 11.0400 0.05067 537474. -1521. -0.00213 20900. 1.15E+10 -275.5337 15007. 11.2700 0.04496 533311. -2270. -0.00201 20834. 1.15E+10 -266.8521 16380. 11.5000 0.03961 527049. -2993. -0.00188 20736. 1.15E+10 -257.0859 17915. 11.7300 0.03460 518762. -3687. -0.00175 20606. 1.15E+10 -246.2290 19643. 11.9600 0.02993 508534. -4350. -0.00163 20446. 1.15E+10 -234.2707 21604. 12.1900 0.02560 496458. -4979. -0.00151 20257. 1.15E+10 -221.1922 23849. 12.4200 0.02159 482635. -5551. -0.00139 20040. 1.15E+10 -193.1079 24681. 12.6500 0.01791 467280. -6042. -0.00128 19800. 1.15E+10 -163.1242 25138. 12.8800 0.01453 450624. -6453. -0.00117 19539. 1.15E+10 -134.7823 25595. 13.1100 0.01146 432985. -6788. -0.00106 19261. 1.15E+10 -109,1319 26052. 13.3400 0.00866 414268. -7052. -9.62E-04 18969. 1.15E+10 -83.2081 26509. 13.5700 0.00614 394964. -7250. -8.65E-04 18667. 1.15E+10 -60,0329 26966. 13.8000 0.00389 375154. -7386. -7.73E-04 18357. 1.15E+10 -38.6156 27423. 14.0300 0.00188 355003. -7466. -6.86E-04 18041. 1.15E+10 -18.9535 27880. 14.2600 1.01E-04 334663. -7493. -6.03E-04 17722. 1.15E+10 -1.0332 28337. 14.4900 -0.00145 314273. -7474. -5.26E-04 17403. 1.15E+10 15.1690 28795. 14.7200 -0.00280 293959. -7412. -4.53E-04 17085. 1.15E+10 29.6861 29252. 14.9500 -0.00395 273834. -7312. -3.85E-04 16769. 1.15E+10 42.5594 29709. 15.1800 -0.00493 253999, -7179. -3.22E-04 16459. 1.15E+10 53.8377 30166. 15.4100 -0.00573 234542. -7017. -2.63E-04 16154. 1.15E+10 63.5765 30623. 15.6400 -0.00638 215540. -6830. -2.09E-04 15856. 1.15E+10 71.8371 31080. 15.8700 -0.00689 197059. -6623. -1.60E-04 15567. 1.15E+10 78.6860 31537. 16.1000 -0.00726 179152. -6398. -1.15E-04 15286. 1.15E+10 84.1941 31994. 16.3300 -0.00752 161864. -6160. -7.43E-05 15015. 1.15E+10 88.4356 32451. 16.5600 -0.00767 145229. -5911. -3.75E-05 14755. 1.15E+10 91.4880 32908. 16.7900 -0.00773 129273. -5656. -4.68E-06 14505. 1.15E+10 93.4309 33365. 17.0200 -0.00770 114012. -5397. 2.44E-05 14266. 1.15E+10 94.3459 33822. 17.2500 -0.00759 99456. -5137. 5.00E-05 14038. 1.15E+10 94.3158 34279. 17.4800 -0.00742 85606. -4878. 7.21E-05 13821. 1.15E+10 93.4241 34736. 17.7100 -0.00720 72457. -4622. 9.10E-05 13615. 1.15E+10 91.7548 35193. 17.9400 -0.00692 59997. -4372. 1.07E-04 13419. 1.15E+10 89.3920 35650. 18.1700 -0.00661 48211. -4000. 1.20E-04 13235. 1.15E+10 180.0411 75224. 18.4000 -0.00626 37791. -3513. 1.30E-04 13072. 1.15E+10 172.7527 76176. 18.6300 -0.00589 28681. -3048. 1.38E-04 12929. 1.15E+10 164.5275 77128. 18.8600 -0.00550 20822. -2606. 1.44E-04 12806. 1.15E+10 155.5100 78080. 19.0900 -0.00509 14144. -2190. 1.48E-04 12701. 1.15E+10 145.8292 79033. 19.3200 -0.00468 8575. -1802. 1.51E-04 12614. 1.15E+10 135.5987 79985. 19.5500 -0.00426 4039. -1442. 1.52E-04 12543. 1.15E+10 124.9167 80937. 19.7800 -0.00384 452.9974 -1113. 1.53E-04 12487. 1.15E+10 113.8662 81889. 20.0100 -0.00342 -2265. -814.3520 1.53E-04 12515. 1.15E+10 102.5155 82841. 20.2400 -0.00299 -4202. -547.4125 1.52E-04 12545. 1.15E+10 90.9189 83794. 20.4700 -0.00258 -5446. -312.7625 1.51E-04 12565. 1.15E+10 79.1173 84746. 20.7000 -0.00216 -6087. -110.9291 1.49E-04 12575. 1.15E+10 67.1388 85698. 20.9300 -0.00175 -6215. 57.6235 1.48E-04 12577. 1.15E+10 55.0007 86650. 21.1600 -0.00135 -5924. 192.4638 1.46E-04 12572. 1.15E+10 42.7097 87602. 21.3900 -9.43E-04 -5307. 293.1674 1.45E-04 12563. 1.15E+10 30.2639 88555. 21.6200 -5.44E-04 -4458. 359.2944 1.44E-04 12549. 1.15E+10 17.6542 89507. 21.8500 -1.48E-04 -3474. 390.3718 1.43E-04 12534. 1.15E+10 4.8657 90459. 0.00 22.0800 2.45E-04 -2453. 385.8810 1.42E-04 12518. 1.15E+10 -8.1199 91411. 0.00 22.3100 6.37E-04 -1494, 345.2498 1.42E-04 12503. 1.15E+10 -21.3229 92363. 0.00 22.5400 0.00103 -696.2070 267.8511 1.42E-04 12490. 1.15E+10 -34.7631 93316. 0.00 22.7700 0.00142 -163.5495 153.0070 1.41E-04 12482. 1.15E+10 -48.4573 94268. 0.00 23.0000 0.00181 0.00 0.00 1.41E-04 12479. 1.15E+10 -62.4173 47610. 0.00 * The above values of total stress are combined axial and bending stresses. Output Summary for Load Case No. 1: Pile -head deflection = Computed slope at pile head = Maximum bending moment = Maximum shear force = Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force = Number of iterations = Number of zero deflection points = 0.46232920 inches 0.000000 radians -1484719. inch-lbs 24000. lbs 0.000000 feet below pile head 0.000000 feet below pile head 10 2 _______________________________________________ Summary of Pile -head Responses for Conventional Analyses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions of Pile -head Loading Conditions: Load Type 1: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 2: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Type 3: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Rot. Stiffness, R, in-lbs/rad. Load Type 4: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 5: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Slope, 5, radians Load Load Load Axial Pile -head Pile -head Max Shear Max Moment Case Type Pile -head Type Pile -head Loading Deflection Rotation in Pile in Pile No. 1 Load 1 2 Load 2 lbs inches radians lbs in-lbs ___ _ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 1 V, lb 24000. S, rad 0.00 190000. 0.4623 0.00 24000. 1484719. Maximum pile -head deflection = 0.4623292043 inches Maximum pile -head rotation =-0.0000000000 radians =-0.000000 deg. The analysis ended normally. -Pile for Windows, Version 2018-10.003 Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading Using the p-y Method 0 1985-2018 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy of -Pile is being used by: fnr fnr Serial Number of Security Device: 293783516 This copy of LPile is licensed for exclusive use by: Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric Use of this program by any entity other than Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Ric is a violation of the software license agreement. --------------------------------------------------- Files Used for Analysis Path to file locations: \Users\cwang\71Z-0219\Lpile\ Name of input data file: Lateral Loads downstream weak axis.1pl0 Name of output report file: Lateral Loads downstream weak axis.1pl0 Name of plot output file: Lateral Loads downstream weak axis.1pl0 Name of runtime message file: Lateral Loads downstream weak axis.lpl0 Date and Time of Analysis ----------------------------------------------------- Date: January 20, 2022 Time: 12:12:45 ----------------------------------------------- Problem Title ----------------------------------------------- Project Name: Pleasant Green Culvert Job Number: 71ZO219 Client: Stanley Martin Homes Engineer: CW Description: Lateral Downstream Weak Axis Program Options and Settings Computational Options: - Use unfactored loads in computations (conventional analysis) Engineering Units Used for Data Input and Computations: - US Customary System Units (pounds, feet, inches) Analysis Control Options: - Maximum number of iterations allowed = 500 - Deflection tolerance for convergence = 1.0000E-05 in - Maximum allowable deflection = 100.0000 in - Number of pile increments = 100 Loading Type and Number of Cycles of Loading: - Static loading specified - Use of p-y modification factors for p-y curves not selected - Analysis uses layering correction (Method of Georgiadis) - No distributed lateral loads are entered - Loading by lateral soil movements acting on pile not selected - Input of shear resistance at the pile tip not selected - Computation of pile -head foundation stiffness matrix not selected - Push -over analysis of pile not selected - Buckling analysis of pile not selected Output Options: - Output files use decimal points to denote decimal symbols. - Values of pile -head deflection, bending moment, shear force, and soil reaction are printed for full length of pile. - Printing Increment (nodal spacing of output points) = 1 - No p-y curves to be computed and reported for user -specified depths - Print using wide report formats ----------------------------------------------------------- Pile Structural Properties and Geometry ----------------------------------------------------------- Number of pile sections defined = 1 Total length of pile = 21.000 ft Depth of ground surface below top of pile = 0.0000 ft Pile diameters used for p-y curve computations are defined using 2 points. p-y curves are computed using pile diameter values interpolated with depth over the length of the pile. A summary of values of pile diameter vs. depth follows. Depth Below Pile Point Pile Head Diameter No. feet inches ----- 1 _____________ 0.000 ---___---_- 11.7800 2 21.000 11.7800 Input Structural Properties for Pile Sections: ---------------------------------------------- Pile Section No. 1: Section 1 is an elastic pile Cross -sectional Shape Length of section Flange Width Section Depth Flange Thickness Web Thickness Section Area Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus = Weak H-Pile = 21.000000 ft = 12.045000 in = 11.780000 in = 0.435000 in 0.435000 in 15.225000 sq. in 126.769528 in^4 = 30000000. psi Ground Slope and Pile Batter Angles ---------------------------------------------------------- Ground Slope Angle = 0.000 degrees 0.000 radians Pile Batter Angle = 0.000 degrees = 0.000 radians -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soil and Rock Layering Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The soil profile is modelled using 8 layers Layer 1 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 0.0000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 1.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 36.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 36.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 2 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 1.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 8.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 53.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 53.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 29.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 29.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 20.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 20.000000 pci Layer 3 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 8.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 13.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 31.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 31.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 4 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 13.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 18.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 35.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 35.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 5 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 18.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 23.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 39.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 39.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci Layer 6 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 23.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 29.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 58.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 58.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 32.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 32.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 60.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 60.000000 pci Layer 7 is sand, p-y criteria by Reese et al., 1974 Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 28.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 33.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 63.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 63.000000 pcf Friction angle at top of layer = 41.000000 deg. Friction angle at bottom of layer = 41.000000 deg. Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci Layer 8 is stiff clay with water -induced erosion Distance from top of pile to top of layer = 33.000000 ft Distance from top of pile to bottom of layer = 40.000000 ft Effective unit weight at top of layer = 100.000000 pcf Effective unit weight at bottom of layer = 100.000000 pcf Undrained cohesion at top of layer = 5000. psf Undrained cohesion at bottom of layer = 5000. psf Epsilon -SO at top of layer = 0.004000 Epsilon-50 at bottom of layer = 0.004000 Subgrade k at top of layer = 125.000000 pci Subgrade k at bottom of layer = 125.000000 pci (Depth of the lowest soil layer extends 19.000 ft below the pile tip) Summary of Input Soil Properties Layer Soil Type Layer Effective Undrained Angle of E50 Layer Name Depth Unit Wt. Cohesion Friction or kpy Num. (p-y Curve Type) ft pcf ---------- psf deg. krm pci ----- 1 ------------------- Sand ---------- 0.00 63.0000 ---------- -- ---------- 36.0000 ---------- -- ---------- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 1.0000 63.0000 -- 36.0000 -- 60.0000 2 Sand 1.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 (Reese, et al.) 8.0000 53.0000 -- 29.0000 -- 20.0000 3 Sand 8.0000 58.0000 -- 31.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 13.0000 58.0000 -- 31.0000 -- 60.0000 4 Sand 13.0000 63.0000 -- 35.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 18.0000 63.0000 -- 35.0000 -- 60.0000 5 Sand 18.0000 63.0000 -- 39.0000 -- 125.0000 (Reese, et al.) 23.0000 63.0000 -- 39.0000 -- 125.0000 6 Sand 23.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 (Reese, et al.) 28.0000 58.0000 -- 32.0000 -- 60.0000 7 Sand 28.0000 63.0000 -- 41.0000 -- 125.0000 (Reese, et al.) 33.0000 63.0000 -- 41.0000 -- 125.0000 8 Stiff Clay 33.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 with Free Water 40.0000 100.0000 5000. -- 0.00400 125.0000 Static Loading Type Static loading criteria were used when computing p-y curves for all analyses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pile-head Loading and Pile -head Fixity Conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of loads specified = 1 Load Load Condition Condition Axial Thrust Compute Top y No. Type 1 2 Force, lbs vs. Pile Length 1 2 V = 13000. lbs S = 0.0000 in/in 190000. No V = shear force applied normal to pile axis M = bending moment applied to pile head y = lateral deflection normal to pile axis S = pile slope relative to original pile batter angle R = rotational stiffness applied to pile head Values of top y vs. pile lengths can be computed only for load types with specified shear loading (Load Types 1, 2, and 3). Thrust force is assumed to be acting axially for all pile batter angles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Computations of Nominal Moment Capacity and Nonlinear Bending Stiffness ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Axial thrust force values were determined from pile -head loading conditions Number of Pile Sections Analyzed = 1 Pile Section No. 1: ------------------- Moment-curvature properties were derived from elastic section properties ----------------------------------------------------------- Layering Correction Equivalent Depths of Soil & Rock Layers Top of Equivalent Layer Top Depth Same Layer Layer is F0 F1 Layer Below Below Type As Rock or Integral Integral No. Pile Head Grnd Surf Layer is Below for Layer for Layer ft ft Above Rock Layer lbs lbs ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.00 0.00 N.A. No 0.00 409.5781 2 1.0000 1.2353 Yes No 409.5781 20393. 3 8.0000 7.8076 Yes No 20802. 61884. 4 13.0000 11.3403 Yes No 82687. 155804. 5 18.0000 14.4261 Yes No 238490. 175080. 6 23.0000 23.0000 No No 413570. 0.00 7 28.0000 28.0000 No No 0.00 0.00 8 33.0000 33.0000 No No 0.00 N.A. Notes: The F0 integral of Layer n+1 equals the sum of the F0 and F1 integrals for Layer n. Layering correction equivalent depths are computed only for soil types with both shallow -depth and deep -depth expressions for peak lateral load transfer. These soil types are soft and stiff clays, non -liquefied sands, and cemented c-phi soil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computed Values of Pile Loading and Deflection for Lateral Loading for Load Case Number 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pile-head conditions are Shear and Pile -head Rotation (Loading Type 2) Shear force at pile head = 13000.0 lbs Rotation of pile head = 0.000E+00 radians Axial load at pile head = 190000.0 lbs (Zero slope for this load indicates fixed -head conditions) Depth Deflect. Bending Shear X y Moment Force feet inches in-lbs lbs ------- 0.00 -------------------- 0.4143 ---------- -657321. 13000. 0.2100 0.4137 -624457. 12985. 0.4200 0.4121 -591472. 12936. 0.6300 0.4096 -558466. 12850. 0.8400 0.4060 -525552. 12723. 1.0500 0.4017 -492843. 12576. 1.2660 0.3964 -460343. 12423. 1.4700 0.3905 -428104. 12252. 1.6800 0.3838 -396182. 12066. 1.8900 0.3764 -364624. 11864. 2.1000 0.3684 -333474. 11651. 2.3100 0.3599 -302771. 11427. 2.5200 0.3509 -272548. 11193. 2.7300 0.3414 -242841. 10950. 2.9400 0.3315 -213681. 10695. 3.1500 0.3213 -185111. 10428. 3.3600 0.3107 -157169. 10151. 3.5700 0.2999 -129888. 9866. 3.7800 0.2889 -103293. 9573. 3.9900 0.2777 -77415. 9267. 4.2000 0.2663 -52303. 8946. 4.4100 0.2549 -28002. 8611. 4.6200 0.2434 -4554. 8262. 4.8300 0.2319 18000. 7900. 5.0400 0.2205 39620. 7524. 5.2500 0.2091 60260. 7134. Slope Total Bending Soil Res. Soil Spr. Distrib. S Stress Stiffness p Es*h Lat. Load radians ---------- psi* in-lb^2 ---------- Winch ---------- Winch Winch ---------- 0.00 43020. 3.80E+09 0.00 ---------- 0.00 ---------- 0.00 -4.25E-04 41493. 3.80E+09 -12.0769 73.5605 0.00 -8.28E-04 39961. 3.80E+09 -26.4252 161.5777 0.00 -0.00121 38427. 3.80E+09 -42.2395 259.9012 0.00 -0.00157 36898. 3.80E+09 -58.7328 364.5110 0.00 -0.00191 35379. 3.80E+09 -57.3649 359.9119 0.00 -0.00222 33868. 3.80E+09 -64.2195 408.2153 0.00 -0.00252 32370. 3.80E+09 -71.1755 459.3621 0.00 -0.00279 30887. 3.80E+09 -77.1544 506.6374 0.00 -0.00304 29421. 3.80E+09 -82.5388 552.5879 0.00 -0.00327 27973. 3.80E+09 -86.8699 594.1591 0.00 -0.00348 26547. 3.80E+09 -90.8359 635.9970 0.00 -0.00367 25143. 3.80E+09 -94.9449 681.8714 0.00 -0.00384 23762. 3.80E+09 -98.1614 724.5545 0.00 -0.00400 22408. 3.80E+09 -103.6012 787.5183 0.00 -0.00413 21080. 3.80E+09 -108.2181 848.8482 0.00 -0.00424 19782. 3.80E+09 -111.8802 907.3844 0.00 -0.00434 18514. 3.80E+09 -114.4554 961.7539 0.00 -0.00441 17279. 3.80E+09 -118.1502 1031. 0.00 -0.00447 16076. 3.80E+09 -124.4351 1129. 0.00 -0.00452 14910. 3.80E+09 -130.3383 1233. 0.00 -0.00454 13781. 3.80E+09 -135.8067 1343. 0.00 -0.00455 12691. 3.80E+09 -140.7901 1457. 0.00 -0.00455 13316. 3.80E+09 -146.4452 1591. 0.00 -0.00453 14320. 3.80E+09 -152.1870 1739. 0.00 -0.00450 15279. 3.80E+09 -157.6270 1899. 0.00 5.4600 0.1978 79880. 6730. -0.00445 16191. 3.80E+09 -162.7525 2073. 0.00 5.6700 0.1867 98441. 6314. -0.00439 17053. 3.80E+09 -167.5042 2261. 0.00 5.8800 0.1757 115907. 5886. -0.00432 17865. 3.80E+09 -171.7759 2464. 0.00 6.0900 0.1649 132246. 5449. -0.00424 18624. 3.80E+09 -175.5333 2682. 0.00 6.3000 0.1543 147428. 5002. -0.00415 19329. 3.80E+09 -178.7453 2918. 0.00 6.5100 0.1440 161428. 4549. -0.00404 19980. 3.80E+09 -181.3831 3174. 0.00 6.7200 0.1340 174225. 4089. -0.00393 20574. 3.80E+09 -183.4205 3450. 0.00 6.9300 0.1242 185902. 3625. -0.00381 21112. 3.80E+09 -184.8337 3750. 0.00 7.1400 0.1148 196146. 3158. -0.00369 21593. 3.80E+09 -185.6012 4076. 0.00 7.3500 0.1056 205249. 2690. -0.00355 22016. 3.80E+09 -185.7046 4430. 0.00 7.5600 0.09685 213108. 2235. -0.00341 22381. 3.80E+09 -175.7305 4572. 0.00 7.7700 0.08843 219783. 1806. -0.00327 22691. 3.80E+09 -164.8994 4699. 0.00 7.9800 0.08037 225342. 1404. -0.00312 22949. 3.80E+09 -153.9219 4826. 0.00 8.1900 0.07269 229851. 967.6190 -0.00297 23159. 3.80E+09 -192.5493 6676. 0.00 8.4000 0.06539 233065. 485.8736 -0.00282 23308. 3.80E+09 -189.7883 7314. 0.00 8.6100 0.05848 235000. 12.1623 -0.00266 23398. 3.80E+09 -186.1731 8023. 0.00 8.8200 0.05196 235677. -451.3536 -0.00251 23430. 3.80E+09 -181.6967 8812. 0.00 9.0300 0.04584 235127. -902.4969 -0.00235 23404. 3.80E+09 -176.3536 9696. 0.00 9.2400 0.04011 233381. -1339. -0.00220 23323. 3.80E+09 -170.1388 10690. 0.00 9.4500 0.03476 230481. -1759. -0.00204 23188. 3.80E+09 -163.0466 11819. 0.00 9.6600 0.02981 226473. -2160. -0.00189 23002. 3.80E+09 -155.0684 13110. 0.00 9.8700 0.02523 221408. -2539. -0.00174 22767. 3.80E+09 -146.1897 14602. 0.00 10.0800 0.02102 215344. -2895. -0.00160 22485. 3.80E+09 -136.3857 16350. 0.00 10.2900 0.01717 208346. -3225. -0.00146 22160. 3.80E+09 -125.6138 18434. 0.00 10.5000 0.01367 200485. -3514. -0.00132 21794. 3.80E+09 -103.3510 19051. 0.00 10.7100 0.01050 191903. -3746. -0.00119 21396. 3.80E+09 -81.0016 19432. 0.00 10.9200 0.00766 182746. -3924. -0.00107 20970. 3.80E+09 -60.2141 19813. 0.00 11.1300 0.00512 173149. -4052. -9.51E-04 20524. 3.80E+09 -41.0113 20194. 0.00 11.3400 0.00287 163236. -4133. -8.39E-04 20064. 3.80E+09 -23.4009 20575. 0.00 11.5500 8.87E-04 153123. -4172. -7.35E-04 19594. 3.80E+09 -7.3762 20956. 0.00 11.7600 -8.36E-04 142914. -4172. -6.37E-04 19120. 3.80E+09 7.0820 21337. 0.00 11.9700 -0.00232 132705. -4138. -5.45E-04 18645. 3.80E+09 20.0047 21718. 0.00 12.1800 -0.00358 122581. -4073. -4.61E-04 18175. 3.80E+09 31.4330 22099. 0.00 12.3900 -0.00464 112618. -3981. -3.83E-04 17712. 3.80E+09 41.4175 22480. 0.00 12.6000 -0.00551 102882. -3866. -3.11E-04 17260. 3.80E+09 50.0160 22861. 0.00 12.8100 -0.00621 93431. -3731. -2.46E-04 16820. 3.80E+09 57.2932 23242. 0.00 13.0200 -0.00675 84314. -3579. -1.87E-04 16397. 3.80E+09 63.3192 23623. 0.00 13.2300 -0.00716 75573. -3413. -1.34E-04 15991. 3.80E+09 68.1682 24005. 0.00 13.4400 -0.00743 67240. -3237. -8.71E-05 15604. 3.80E+09 71.9176 24386. 0.06 13.6500 -0.00760 59343. -3052. -4.52E-05 15237. 3.80E+09 74.6469 24767. 0.00 13.8600 -0.00766 51901. -2862. -8.31E-06 14891. 3.80E+09 76.4367 25148. 0.00 14.0700 -0.00764 44928. -2668. 2.38E-05 14567. 3.80E+09 77.3680 25529. 0.00 14.2800 -6.00754 38432. -2473. 5.14E-05 14265. 3.80E+09 77.5213 25910. 0.00 14.4900 -0.00738 32416. -2278. 7.49E-05 13986. 3.80E+09 76.9755 26291. 0.00 14.7000 -0.00716 26879. -2086. 9.45E-05 13728. 3.80E+09 75.8080 26672. 0.00 14.9100 -0.00690 21814. -1897. 1.11E-04 13493. 3.80E+09 74.0934 27053. 0.00 15.1200 -0.00660 17214. -1713. 1.24E-04 13279. 3.80E+09 71.9035 27434. 0.00 15.3300 -0.00628 13064. -1535. 1.34E-04 13086. 3.80E+09 69.3065 27815. 0.00 15.5400 -0.00593 9350. -1364. 1.41E-04 12914. 3.80E+09 66.3669 28196. 0.00 15.7500 -0.00557 6055. -1201. 1.46E-04 12761. 3.80E+09 63.1452 28577. 0.00 15.9600 -0.00520 3159. -1046. 1.49E-04 12626. 3.80E+09 59.6975 28958. 0.00 16.1700 -0.00482 640.8946 -900.0186 1.50E-04 12509. 3.80E+09 56.0754 29339. 0.00 16.3800 -0.00444 -1521. -763.4325 1.50E-04 12550. 3.80E+09 52.3263 29720. 0.00 16.5960 -0,00406 -3351. -636.4007 1.49E-04 12635. 3.80E+09 48.4926 30101. 0.00 16.8000 -0.00369 -4871. -519.0879 1.46E-04 12706. 3.80E+09 44.6127 30482. 0.00 17.0100 -0,00332 -6106. -411.5688 1.42E-04 12763. 3.80E+09 40.7200 30863. 0.00 17.2200 -0.00297 -7081. -313.8385 1.38E-04 12808. 3.80E+09 36.8438 31244. 0.00 17.4300 -0.00263 -7820. -225.8237 1.33E-04 12843. 3.80E+09 33.0092 31625. 0.00 17.6400 -0.00230 -8347. -147.3932 1.28E-04 12867. 3.80E+09 29.2372 32006. 0.00 17.8500 -0.00199 -8685. -78.3674 1.22E-04 12883. 3.80E+09 25.5451 32387. 0.00 18.0600 -0.00169 -8858. 11.4291 1.16E-04 12891. 3.80E+09 45.7219 68267. 0.00 18.2700 -0.00140 -8739. 117.4748 1.10E-04 12885. 3.80E+09 38.4413 69061. 0.00 18.4800 -0.00113 -8372. 205.4567 1.05E-04 12868. 3.80E+09 31.3856 69854. 0.00 18.6900 -8.76E-04 -7803. 275.9373 9.92E-05 12842. 3.80E+09 24.5514 70648. 0.00 18.9000 -6.32E-04 -7076. 329.4574 9.43E-05 12808. 3.80E+09 17.9249 71442. 0.00 19.1100 -4.01E-04 -6233. 366.5125 8.99E-05 12769. 3.80E+09 11.4839 72236. 0.00 19.3200 -1.79E-04 -5315. 387.5322 8.60E-05 12726. 3.80E+09 5.1984 73030. 0.00 19.5300 3.30E-05 -4362. 392.8646 8.28E-05 12682. 3.80E+09 -0.9664 73823. 0.00 19.7400 2.38E-04 -3414. 382.7649 8.03E-05 12638. 3.80E+09 -7.0493 74617. 0.00 19.9500 4.37E-04 -2510. 357.3894 7.83E-05 12596. 3.80E+09 -13.0908 75411. 0.DO 20.1600 6.33E-04 -1688. 316.7888 7.69E-05 12558. 3.80E+09 -19.1312 76205. 0.00 20.3700 8.25E-04 -987.0176 260.9210 7.60E-05 12525. 3.80E+09 -25.2084 76999. 0.00 20.5800 0.00102 -445.7760 189.6499 7.55E-05 12500. 3.80E+09 -31.3559 77792. 0.00 20.7900 0.00121 -103.5157 102.7650 7.54E-05 12484. 3.80E+09 -37.6004 78586. 0.00 21.0000 0.00140 0.00 0.00 7.53E-05 12479. 3.80E+09 -43.9591 39690. 0.00 * The above values of total stress are combined axial and bending stresses. Output Summary for Load Case No. 1: Pile -head deflection = Computed slope at pile head = Maximum bending moment = Maximum shear force = Depth of maximum bending moment = Depth of maximum shear force = Number of iterations = Number of zero deflection points = 0.41427299 inches 0.000000 radians -657321. inch-lbs 13000. lbs 0.000000 feet below pile head 0.000000 feet below pile head 10 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Pile -head Responses for Conventional Analyses -------------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions of Pile -head Loading Conditions: Load Type 1: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 2: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Type 3: Load 1 = Shear, V, lbs, and Load 2 = Rot. Stiffness, R, in-lbs/rad. Load Type 4: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Moment, M, in-lbs Load Type 5: Load 1 = Top Deflection, y, inches, and Load 2 = Slope, S, radians Load Load Load Axial Pile -head Pile -head Max Shear Max Moment Case Type Pile -head Type Pile -head Loading Deflection Rotation in Pile in Pile No. 1 Load 1 2 Load 2 lbs inches radians lbs in-lbs 1 V, 1b 13000 S, rad 0.00 190000. 0.4143 0.00 13000.-657321. Maximum pile -head deflection G 4J1�427 898 inches Gl1.� i�- Maximum pile -head rotation = . 00000 radians = 0.000000 deg. The analysis ended normally.