HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD202200004 Other 2022-04-06 (2)To Doed
Myrlel C. Y N rdn
Pee i 2.50
rak •45
Traa i in
Pd. i 3.Y5
br7ba:Qr.� �
Plat of a T7r&" "asd by a7ontagn F. 71't-"a+rdo. sit+.:ated 1 Halo t narth«n st of CLorlattesol:le Rlbenarle County. Virginia, being « pyre of a
trsct of 34.61 acres shdvn an filet re rJod is D. A. 272, p..13 fa the offlc
lof '�7a Clerk cf the Clren:t ooprt of Alba rle c:o- YL. Contatni" i.7D L_ mtg
'or lea'. 3141r, 1752. ,
C. 8. Rhapletan, C. E.
131 Tar, CLEMIS a?Frl Of LLp..DUp.LR CIWX."T C:oR'f, .".3P"7fF,e,il 13, 1`i42_
TLIs deM r..,
errs«ntM to OC in x«/d a!,*ice and vitC c«r;1!i;_-te anaexM
adnitted to record at 11e0L' L. M. .p P7at detached.
wwaaawseee aMesMaawH wwwwe Mw
is D= node than 1ith any of uaptez➢er, 195:, by end 6e Cveop
47K F_ Xcflardo dad Prance ?I=" Ncvlydn, his .ore# of the flrxr, net
7bzrirl C. XeMprdn of t➢A second par_,
Y ITR 711 L; F. rhL
That fur and Sn ceosaderation of uQ-co cash 12 ha O4 paid and
othar ".I=ble Cacslderatlon, receipt of «11 of yolch is hereby eGcpox;adgM
fI-x x3d yu rty of roe secwjd pert t7 said parties of the first part, the said;
Msnta fin R- W_RLrdo and it«nees Planer 7 w,,do do herahy GRa9T, Da%eIF, "n
and t:0]IV -Y into
the said Marie_ C- YSY,:rdv v1 O, ul71EALt.:1nPF..fiTY .7P f1TjE U.e
=fwlw3ng dwr rila.d tract or p,,l of lnryi, to_v1t;
i11 LG:,t certain lot or pareal of ICES aLtatta In tha Cautsty
Of A-Lbelerie n r the :bony po;nt M" and rare particularly desertbed on platIt
Of G. R. :u:piel{C. C- L'., datM Su17 13, i852 uttaeaad to a daed or ",Mae
'dated 5ey1_nber 4, Ls52 hntoccn VLL1La h. PerAt,,. Jr, Trastee, a.ld paMi«r�
Hof tha ..«lest (+e rt cad env 7gvl lanLe Life .tssu,^,nefi $aclety of the Unit"
Gtat«x to to recorded
p) imDaieteiy preeadfag this dein tI
heClerk-% office oT
t I
Ow ClmiIt Court u7 the Co.wy of llhemple. Lein¢ a portion of Uw tr.et if
ib-b{ acre.. Ware, ar le>:., M.Iab vas canvtyed to the said Montagu b. McMurdo
by dead of forts E. MrNurdo d:.ted fteptent>r 5, )vlh, of record In the Clark's
Office of the Clri- It ruurt of Alb m.rla County, Ytrpinia, in D- .9. f70, p. 3w,
tagatntr vith the rlgtt to use, but not an excl..siva use of the riot of vay
granted to ths. said Kaftan E. RcPAlyda by deed of John C_ Ytaoey and vile
dated fecenta•r 1, 1947, of retard In the Cleft's Office arur field In D. B.
276. p. 537, and togetkcr vllb the rigkt to use. but cat to excluelty uz.,
of su h rights la and to Lae road 3tadlrt fr= the property heresy ccnvey,d to
Rey Vest Lana, :.s hcZd by rt-id partlrs of 4ie first pert. This cmycy.nce Li
male .ob).ct to rtghts of vay or record affecting seI0 property.
per.r.rov Is hereby salt tc saki deedL b-id a-pecl.ily the plat
thereto attached far a farther and more complete dasertptIm of the property
pert.`-gr rnnrnJ..i-
1U C1.YE an'I wO EnLP swirl pruptrty, vith a1 and singular the
epee_-tepaneer tr.vrvunia perteintng unto her, the Laid Yurtel C. MtMrrda, her
heirs and tzsigns farerer.
ziiltet to =0 rights of vay afomna ld .'Id Mr.."'. n_ Mc*:.-ao'
covenants U..t t. 1s Le1Lad Lo rco Liapte of the pratety hereby conreyeel List
he poi the void Frances Fl vier McMurdo bete a perf-et rigLt to .-nrrv,y the, Leal;
Lett :aid property to free from mcmbrnce of any kind{ arc t..ati— ell: +raft.
' tier. further a5=amce a: any ne [Kuatlte to rcCtre to the t1C Muriel c.
%'I rdo culet Wrzts Im =4 ti lcte Clloynent thereof,
Witness the follaeing stgnatires Zr seals.
*m Lee. E. Mr3c,rda
Pmnr.a Pirher Mckurd. (Rivy)
..a.G OP Y1FL19il.,
EUJIM ey LU'!2 lRL3, MD WiI:
1, WS11Lm A. perdrL, jr., a eatery Pi:tL'c In end fur G.e
[bunt; aforesaid, In the "•t to of Virattta. hereby cert Lfy tt,4t Mantatn V.
nel ,a. unY Yr..nee> i'1>Ler mami,a.. eb.. once .: re ti{xnad to ttxe rurcxninn
vetting, dated ::Cptenher 13th, 195:, h.v. ecWnuwladgr:d the sews. tx ., m. In
mf C,.mty spore. —Id.
MY eomA-aIn esplrea 011 :.'let day of March, I9Sj-
C1ren Widt•r MY paced tn15 lltn day of fepteabtr, 195:.
Vlllla A. perms, :r., Notary Pub11c.
:A Th6'. 1:1.27 — U?rT(J UP aLfiViAJU t:TRt:I:Tr CDJF.'r, fVPT7-NMM. 13, 195,:
',his deed ,..e.. prerrrtLM to e. I, ..,Nd orflce and .$In t+rtt lira se,« anneard
admlttid to r.rnM >: 11-C) a_ M. t .tip ':tamp ♦rrt..d.