HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD202200004 Other 2022-04-06 (3)0 16 143 Retam tar. Tax Map: 06200,W 00-035A0 D. Brock Given, P.sgnire Jones & Cmen, LLP 917 East Jefferson Shttt CJtnriottcaville, V A 22902 Ph7-md by. Payrr R lfodo=, LZP. TMS DL•ED made this 19th day of June, 24X)I, by and betwoat bf IrRI£L C. MC111URDO (also known as MURIEL 'ORBRTT NCMURDO), hetemaRer rtferred to as the Grantor, and ANNA T. JAM, Whpk ad)jJm is: 1924Stour• Poiri Ruji CharlorresvilkC VA 22911; WITNM.SSRTH: 'THAT, FOR AND IN CONSMERATION of the sure of TEN AND MWO UOI.I,AR$ (S 10.00) mot other good and valualik considerstio4 Cash in food pmd, the receipt of which is haobv acknowledged, Otc Cuamor dt%•S hereby GRANT, BARGAIN. SP_LL and CONl SY, with GF:NIiRAL 34ARRANty azd BNGLiSH COVENANTS OF TITLE, onto tftc Gramm the following described property, to-wir: Pamcl One, All tlwt certain lot of gazed of Wt situate in the Cxwnry of Albeauarle nev the Stony Point Road, camirimrig 1.30 acrq more or Icss, and issue patticulrly dtscemf on plat of C_ M Shapl iyh, C.E., dated July 19, i 952, rccordod in &- Circuit Court Clerk's ()ffice of Adbrmarle Cotmty, Virghtia, in Dead Iktak 3rr, page 82: and Paferl. 1'wo' All that ctvtmn kit nr Ivrrd of land sitvated in Allwmrlc County, Virginia, amid containing 1165 acres, more or lest, &% showii and dtscribod on a Pl:t( by Anus* R Sweer, Certified Sun'eyor, dated bray 1, 1963, atrri recorded in said Clerk's Off cc, in Dead Book 388. page 285; Being the $sure pmpetry conveyed W Muriel C. McMurdo by deed frvm Mmrogu Fat. McMurdo and Frmxa Fisher McMwdo, dated Septernbrr 13, 1954 recorded m said Clerk's Offce in Deed Rod: 302, page 82 and by deed fivar MmAagu H. McMurdo and I"Ta CS Fisher McMurdo dated May 24 1963. and recorded in said Cerk's Office in Deed Book 388, paW 283. The property herby owrvefed is sobjW to any and all czeruci a, rrstrim oSE reme ,wions, and conditions captained in duty recorded deeds. pda s and rnhcr instruments combtvtiog constructive notice in the chain of tick to the above dorcribod property which have not expired by a time limitation contained therein or have mot otberwise bcoeme ineRective. WfrNM the folduwing siyAatune and scat OIrcA.�Y lJ'fir� .� 1rwL, (SL•ruf.1 MURIFL CORBETT MCUI J RIX.) 1iY: _ MAR STON LCAVEILSHACKr RD, her attorney-in-faol S7'ATY. OF VIROIhBA CITY OF CHARLO7TESVILiE, to -wit The forcpvmy, insavmwt was ad:krwuwiod)ned before rttc thisay of July, 2003, by Nlu Astm heaven! Shackdfrmt, as atnomey-in-faa for Munrl Corbett McMurdo. :Vutary, Public •~ -- ktCORntp at CLERKS aFFd:E CF My commission eapirs: lO„ l Otc nlwdtentr o% 14VW�Mfts AT 113112 AS qE&ARrO 9v-VwGY Ya coce9ss.t4W aTATE'tat»aIel. LIIIW :rnCLSY WARSKALk eL ;pm( CHteUrT.^. y:�♦P.� �1 �A�a