HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800020 Correspondence 2021-08-19John Anderson
From: John Anderson
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 3:03 PM
To: Dustin Greene
Cc: Don Franco; Rick Beyer, David James; Frank Pohl
Subject: RE: Ashcroft Phase 3 [ WPO201300040, SUB200600411 ]
Attachments: WPO201300040 Review Comments Stormwater Management Plan 2013-07-03.pdf,
SUB200600411 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2010-10-28.pdf
Good news.
After further search, we located physical copies of ROAD plan (received 9/9/10), and SWM/ESC plans (each d. 6/5/13), each
with PE -seal (sinned /dated ). These plans are now stamped approved (10/28/10, ROAD; 7/3/13, ESC-SWM), consistent with
CV approval dates. All 3 plans are in queue to be scanned. Once notified plans are scanned, we will send links to digital
files. Again: Clean copies of all three plans (ROAD, ESC, SWM), have been located, are now approved, and will be
scanned. We appreciate your help tracing plan approvals (via CV), and submittal as well as legislative histories. Given that
help, we anticipate we will soon be able to schedule a pre -construction meeting, and accept your offer to update bond
amounts. Once bonds sufficient to cover ROAD plan construction and WPO activities (ESC-SWM) are posted, we should be
positioned to schedule preconstruction. As you point out, the project has an active state permit: VAR107225, with authorized
land disturbance of 2 1. 10 Ac.
• VAR10 project status =Active. (Ref. 9VAC25-870-47; Part IIC, Previously permitted).
• DEQ SWCGP database (permit history) indicates VAR107225 was approved by DEQ, 9/19/14. (Application
complete: 6/2/2014; prior to July 1, 2014)
• Any increase in area of land disturbance above 2 1. 10 Ac. requires Modification of state permit VAR107225, and WPO
plan Amendment (WPO201300040).
• An increase in the rate or volume of storm nmoff above approved WPO201300040 rate /vol. (or point of discharge)
does not appear to automatically forfeit Part IIC eligibility, as is the case with grandfathered projects; rather, it appears
Part IIC persists thm 6/30/24.
• Portions of Ashcroft Phase 3 not under construction by July 1, 2024 will be subject to Part IIB design criteria
(9VAC25-870-47). To avoid this, please ensure all portions of Ashcroft Phase 3 are under active construction (or
temporary stabilization) by 6/30/24.
• Under construction means grading per approved WPO201300040 and SUB200600411 ROAD plans. It also means
adequate and appropriate temporary ESC measures for disturbed areas, and permanent stabilization in areas where
construction is complete.
Engineering will send link to approved ESC, SWM (WPO), and ROAD plans as soon as possible.
9VAC25-870-47, b—gs:Hlis.virginia.gov/c ig bin/legp604.exe?000+reg+9VAC25-870-47
9VAC25-870-47. Applicability of other taws and regulations; time limits on applicability of approved design criteria.
A. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as limiting the applicability of other laws and regulations. including, but not
limited to, the CWA, Virginia Stormwater Management Act, Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, and the
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, except as provided in § 62 1-44 1s:27 K of the Code of Virginia, and all applicable
regulations adopted in accordance with those laws, or the rights of other federal agencies, state agencies, or local
governments to impose more stringent technical criteria or other requirements as allowed by law.
B. Land -disturbing activities that obtain an initial state permit or commence land disturbance prior to July 1, 2014, shall
be conducted in accordance with the Part II C (9VAC25-37Q-93 et seq.) technical criteria of this chapter. Such projects shall
remain subject to the Part II C technical criteria for two additional state permit cycles. After such time, portions of the project
not under construction shall become subject to any new technical criteria adopted by the board.
C. Land -disturbing activities that obtain an initial state permit on or after July 1, 2014, shall be conducted in accordance
with the Part 11 B (9vAc2s-sz -62 et seq.) technical criteria of this chapter, except as provided for in 9VAC25s7o-4-4s. Land -
disturbing activities conducted in accordance with the Part II B technical criteria shall remain subject to the Part II B
technical criteria for two additional state permit cycles. After such time, portions of the project not under construction shall
become subject to any new technical criteria adopted by the board.
D. Nothing in this section shall preclude an operator from constructing to a more stringent standard at his discretion.
Statutory Authority
§§ 62.1-44.16:26 and 62.1-44.15t2$ of the Code of Virginia.
Thanks, take care,
best, J. Anderson
Additional; CV [IMAGES, below]
SUB200600411 (ROAD Plan and comps); please see attached review Memo (Max Greene), d. 28 October 2010 (review of
ROAD Plan submitted 9 Sep, 2010)
SUB200600411 , Add Planning 1
Entered By/Date
Review Coordinator
Site Inspector Date Assigned
Preliminary Plat
Requested Changes
Planner Z&CD
12/11/06 12/27/06 0
Submittal Type
I Date Received
Date Due D
Joel DeNunzio
Preliminary Plat
Requested Changes
Andrew Slack
Preliminary Plat
CDD E911
Requested Changes
James Barber
Preliminary Plat
Fire Rescue
No Objection
01/01/07 1
David Pennock
Preliminary Plat
Planner Z&CD
Requested Changes
03/05/07 1
Allan Schuck
Preliminary Plat
CDD Current Deve
No Objection
03/12/07 I
Joel DeNunzio
Preliminary Plat
Requested Changes
03/12/07 1
unassigned engineer
Waiver, variation orsubstitutio
CDD Current Deve
unassigned engineer
Preliminary Plat
CDD Current Deve
David Pennock
Preliminary Plat
Planner Z&CD
Administrative Approv
Philip Custer
Road Plan and Comps.
CDD Current Deve
Requested Changes
Philip Custer
Road Plan and Comps.
CDD Current Deve
Requested Changes
Joel DeNunzio
Road Plan and Comps.
Bill Fritz
Extension of Plat approval
Planner Z&CD
Philip Custer Road Plan and Comps. CDD Current Deve Requested Changes 03/05/09 1
Philip Custer Road Plan and Comps. CDD Current Deve Requested Changes 09/22/09
Max Greene Road Plan and Comps. CDD CommDev-C (Pending 09/09/10
CV includes attached ROAD plan review Memo that states: `The Road Plan appears to have adequately addressed the Road
plan comments.'
Earlier today, we located a PE -seal clean copy of reference ROAD plans in preliminary plat folder, a copy now stamped
approved, in queue to be scanned.
Add Sub -Application
No Sub -Application Type Selected
Status I
Entered By/Date " 12/12/2006 Entered By/Date Stephanie Mallory — 12/
WP0201300040 —Please see attached email, Jul 3, 2013, Michelle Roberge to Mike Myers, which indicates approval of plans
submitted 6/5/13.
Application NumberVVP0201300040
Add Planning F
Entered By/Date Glenn Brooks
- 06/12/2013
Review Coordinator
Site Inspector Dat;Assigned
Michelle Roberge -F
COMM Review
Michelle Roberge Erosion Control Plan
CDD EngineeriApproved
06/11/13 01
Reviewer Submittal T
Date Received Date Due D
Michelle RobergeErosion Control Wan
"CDD Engineering
Michelle Roberge Stormwater Management Plan CDD Engineering
I Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Il Stormwater Management/BMP Plan
Entered By/Date
Add Sub -Application
Sub Application
By/Date Jennifer Durrer 106
John E. Anderson, PE I Civil Engineer 11
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3069
From: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:38 PM
To: Dustin Greene <DGreene@roudabush.com>
Cc: Don Franco <DFranco@roudabush.com>; Rick Beyer <rick@beyerhomes.com>; John Anderson
Subject: RE: Ashcroft Phase 3
Please direct questions or updates for this project to John Anderson, who is the reviewer on this project and is more up
to speed on the status.
Frank V. Pohl, PE, CFM
County Engineer
Albemarle Countv
434-296-5832 x7914
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Dustin Greene <DGreene@roudabush.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:24 PM
To: Frank Pohl <foohl@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Don Franco <DFranco@roudabush.com>; Rick Beyer <rick@beverhomes.com>
Subject: RE: Ashcroft Phase 3
Vinny Pero is working on getting me an updated regional permit for the impact to state waters at Ashcroft
Phase 3. This is the project that we have gone back and forth on whether the preliminary subdivision plat is still valid
and it is until July 2022. The final subdivision plat has not been approved but we should be able to get the grading
permit after we post bonds. I think I should update the bond estimates for the County to review for E&SC, SWM and
Roads. The active Construction General Permit for this project is VAR107225. Please let me know if you would like to
discuss anything further with this project.
Approved E&S and SWM plans (WPO2013-00040)
Approved Preliminary Plat and Road Plans (SUB2006-00411)
Best Regards,
Dustin Greene, PE
Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc
(o) 434-977-0205 ex - 724
(Direct) 434-328-1069
Physical Address:
999 Second Street SE
Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902
MHrnntunti. A t.
Mailing Address:
435 Merchant Square
Suite 300-159
Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Frank Pohl <foohl@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 20215:49 PM
To: Dustin Greene <DGreene@roudabush.com>
Cc: Don Franco <DFranco@roudabush.com>
Subject: RE: Ashcroft Phase 3
Building to the previously approved plans is allowed, yes. However, since the ACOE permit expired, you'll need to get
another. Then we will need to confirm if bonds are in place before issuing a grading permit. I may have missed
something, but those are the key points I think.
Frank V. Pohl, PE, CFM
County Engineer
Albemarle County
434-296-5832 x7914
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
From: Dustin Greene <DGreene@roudabush.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 20212:35 PM
To: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org>
Cc: Don Franco <DFranco@roudabush.com>
Subject: Ashcroft Phase 3
CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.
I am asking to see if we need to resubmit the amendment WPO plans for Ashcroft Phase 3 or if Rick Beyer can
build the approved WPO plan from 2013. We have determined that the preliminary subdivision plat is still active and
will be until July of next year. Rick's Construction General Permit has never lapsed since 2009 (VAR107225) and is called
out for Meadow Crossing Trail which is associated with the main arterial road for Ashcroft Phase 3. The stormwater
management facility is encroaching on 290 linear feet of stream but a Regional Permit was obtained as shown in the
attached 2009-00185. My only hang up is that the Regional permit seems to have expired January 31, 2011. 1 am not
sure if the approved plan gives any wiggle room for allowing Rick to proceed with building the pond embankment in the
stream but I'd love your opinion before we go to much farther down the road. The pdf I have marked as approved WPO
2013 has a submittal date of 5/20/13 and the approval date says a plan was submitted on 6/5/2013. 1 do not have the
signed copy. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Best Regards,
Dustin Greene, PE
Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc
(o) 434-977-0205 ex - 724
(Direct) 434-328-1069
Physical Address:
999 Second Street SE
Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22902
A A\`lx7A"li$ NK:
,.wo wwwrwa
4A1'10 RMII�lO
Mailing Address:
435 Merchant Square
Suite 300-159
Charlottesville, VA 22902