HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202200020 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2022-04-08 (2)�q oe nt 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 c A� County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG Road and Drainage Plan Review Project title: North Pointe Subdivision Section 2 Project file number: SUB-2022-00020 Plan preparer: Townes Site Engineering [Inugent@cctownes.com] Owner or rep.: CWH Properties [david@southern-classic.com] Plan received date: 1 February 2022 Date of comments: 8 April 2022 Reviewer: Matt Wentland Lyndsy, We have reviewed the plans and have the following comments: Engineering 1. Be aware that items outside of the road are not being reviewed on these plans. 2. If the platting and bonding will be divided up like in Section 1, please show phase lines at this time. 3. Label drainage easements as public or private. 4. Show outlet protection on all pipes and include the sizing/design calculations. 5. Label roads as public or private. 6. Provide an exhibit showing the grading for the possible future connection to Pritchett to ensure the 10' temporary construction easements are adequate. 7. Since VDOT no longer allows their standard details on the plans, label the requirements on the plans/profiles or in notes (such as inlet shaping, steps in manholes, etc.). 8. Provide pipe and inlet calculations for the drainage system. 9. Show and label the road name signs and stop signs. Planning - Ben Holt Planning comments are attached to this email. VDOT VDOT comments are attached to this email. ACSA - Richard Nelson The road plans are currently under review with ACSA. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 4 GIS Per site plan dated 1/24/22. Pages 6,10,15 all have two roads labeled Riparian Ct. The one on the south side should be Cliff View Ct. Please update this accordingly. Fire Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino On the submitted Road Plans dated 01/24/2022: 1) Hydrant spacing for structures is dependent on the needed fire flow for the structure, assuming single family residential (generally around 3600 square feet or less), the needed fire flow typically equates to hydrant spacing every 500 feet and arranged so that no structure is further than 250 feet from a hydrant by travelway (note: if needed fire flow exceeds what is normally calculated for a typical single family residence, than spacing is closer): a: Generally the plan does a decent job at meeting the above requirements (assuming typical single family residence), however, Riparian Court (north side (lower side - including lots 155 to 158 area) does not have a hydarnt close enough to meet this requirement (in fact all the homes on the court are outside of the parameters). Please examine and arrange hydrants to address this issue. 2) All structures require a fire apparatus access road that allows access to within 150 ft of all sides of the ground level, from the apparatus on the road. In addition, if the structures are less than 30 ft tall (note- this is not measured to the peak of the roof - generally 3 floors or less fits into this criteria)I , than the required unobstructed width of the travelway is 20 ft and if greater than 30 ft tall, than the required unobstructed width is 26 ft: a. The road cross section apears to indicate all raods will be 36 ft, face of curb to face of curb. If the structures are less than 30 feet tall as described above, then parking is possible on both sides without causing obstruction of the fire appartus access road travelway, so long as the structures do not exceed 30 feet in height as described above: b. If the proposed travelway is less than the 36 feet, street parking will be restricted so as to ensure the travelway is never reduced below 20 ft. width if the structure is less than 30 feet tall as described above, which will require the road plan show placement of no parking signs. c. If the structures are taller than the 30 feet as described above, than the travelway width must be maintained at 26 feet, restricting street parking in those sections so the travelway width is never reduced below 26 feet, which will require the road plan show placement of no parking signs. 3) For planning for site plan submission, the plans will need to contain a note that identifies the needed fire flow for the structures. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 4 4) For planning for site plan submission, the plans will need to show note of the availabale fire flow from the water system. 5) For planning for site plan submission, the plans will need to show the following fire prevention note: During construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please note them on the plan: a) Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. b) Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. c) Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, provide access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather conditions. d) Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code e) An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site. f) Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code g) Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of special; hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code h) Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process: Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 4 After approval, plans will need be bonded. The bonding process begins when the plan is approved, and the applicant submits a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. A plan reviewer will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted to the County, who will record the agreement. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff enters project information in a DEQ database for state application processing, if a DEQ permit is required. DEQ reviews the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter, which must be posted at the construction site. After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants must complete the request for a pre -construction conference form and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre - construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; https://www.al bemarle.org/government/com munity-development/apply-for/engi neering-applications If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either by email (mwentland@albemarle.org) or by phone at 434-296-5832 ext. 3458. Sincerely, Matt Wentland, P.E. Civil Engineer II File: SUB202200020 North Pointe Section 2 road plans review comments 04-08-22.docx