HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB198400130 Staff Report 1985-05-20 STAFF REPORT Page Two
Locust Hill North Esalifat- y Plat (continued)
Staff Report: Locust Hill North Preliixa Plat
School Impact: Planning staff projects school enrollment of an ad-
ditional 2.30 students to Meriwether Lewis Elementary,
Located north of Route 678, approximately 1/2 mile north of U.S. Henley Middle, and Western Albemarle High Schools. The
Route 250, adjacent to the Village of Ivy. Proposal to create 5 lots Education Department projects an additional five students
with an average lot size of 3.65 acres, served by a proposed State- through a different formula.
maintained road. Zoned RA, Rural Areas. Samuel Miller Magisterial
District. Tax Map 58, parcel 84.
.story: On December 31, 1979, Planning staff administratively STAFF COMMENT:
approved the Seig & Trembley Subdivision of parcel 84
in which a 2.344 acre lot was created, now parcel 84G. This is a fairly straightforward final for the preliminary plat re-
viewed by the Planning Commission on July 24, 1984. The concern
After the decision of the Planning Commission was appealed raised in review of the preliminary was that adequate sight distance
on August 13, 1980, the Board of Supervisors approved the be available for this entrance on a curve in Route 678. The recom-
Locust Hill Final Plat on what was formerly part of parcel mendation by Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation to
84. Locust Hill Subdivision created 10 lots with an shift the entrance at least 20 feet closer to the property line to
average size of 1.6 acres. assure the minimum 400 feet sight distance, is reflected on this plat.
The relocation of this entrance would result in the elimination of
Comprehensive Plan Recommendation: This site is just outside on the the sign island that was previously required. Final road plans have
northwest of the Village of Ivy in Rural Area III. not yet been approved by Virginia Department of Highways and Trans-
Topography of Area: Fairly level, with some critical slopes in the giAr.r 16
rear of lots 2 and 3. This subdivision plat meets the requirements of 32 of the
County Code, the Subdivision Ordinance, and staff recommends approval
Watershed Impoundment: South Fork Rivanna Watershed; Ivy Creek sub subject to the following.
watershed; Little Ivy Creek Basin; Turners Mountain sub
basin; tributary to Little Ivy Creek. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL:
Stormwater Detention: Not applicable. Runoff control - not applicable. 1. The final plat can be signed when the following conditions have
Soils: Soils in this area consist of Hiwasee loan, Cullen loam and been met:
Ashe loam. The Hiwasee and Cullen are deep, well-drained a. Issuance of an erosion control permit;
clayey soils on the ridges. The Ashe, located on the b. County Engineer approval of road plans;
steeper slopes, is a very shallow, excessively well-drained
soil with rock at 20". c. Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approval
of road plans;
Type Utilities: This subdivision is within the Authority's jurisdic- d. County Engineer approval of drainage plans and computations;
tional area for public water only. As of February 3, 1984,
the Authority is allowed to provide only (these) five e. Albemarle County Service Authority approval of final water
water connections to this parcel. plans;
Condition of Roads Serving Proposal: This segment of Route 678 averages f. Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approval
of commercial entrance;
1,793 vehicle trips per day, and is considered by Virginia
Department of Highways and Transportation to be intolerable. g. Fire Official approval of building separation, hydrant loca-
tion and fireflow;
Fire Officer: Fireflow requirement is 500 GPM at 20 PSI and the fire- h. Planning staff approval of technical requirements.
flow estimate is +531 GPM at 20 PSI. With this fireflow,
a minimum building separation of 100 feet must be maintained.
This is noted on the plat.