HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202200045 Approval - County 2022-04-22Zoning Clearance FOR OFFICE USE ONL' Fee Amount: $ 61.36 Application fee $59 +Technology Surchar Receipt #.- Applican Commun ge- $2.36 Clearance Number - Date Paid- Check #- t -Fill out the entire page below and return to- ity Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902 cation By- By-. �~ OF ^ Leg Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing Charlottesville. VA 22902 Phone 434 296 5832 SE4 tj .9,4MµAAJ E=Maill Address: �-�a�iwr a ��6ci ��ri�i� �o•M �-0/S Name: Mailing Address*. �r(�Oci r5�.1 A � C S 0 V1 J�k, c+ #(,(,h 1/4 Phone Tax Map and Parcel number and/or Address of the Business. y3-Z I 0 c�/300 _ dp —DO- 2 too Zoning: Staff will fill out if unknown A RA Parcel owner: )5VX�Z f�C lea C�� ,9ss /,%/C, Owner's Address: 2215, 6)(hoe Id To&� CV11OtZ Check any that applyNew Business F] Change of Use r � Change of Ownership Change of Name Business Names, �_ � � Gctoo,% k et�La�t � ss C I on of T v� Description of Business: Describe the business including use, number o employees, number of shifts, availability of parking, and any additional info �► t 0 ��� � l �f S �c �t Gd �c �' c �" '/Oh cry a /A f*0*0t,it i n c re 9 Sc c4i Previous Business on Sites, f Floor Plan: Please attach either an architectural uses of rooms, the total square � 14 drawing or a sketch footage of the use. and of the proposed business indicating the location of uses, the any additional information Total Square Footage Used for the Business: is the Parcel Zoned L1, HI, or PDIP ?S � n � Yes �No Yes �No Public n Private If yes, fill out a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) If yes. provide Virginia Department of Health approval If on private well, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Will there be food preparation? Is the Parcel on public water or private well? Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic? � Public Septic If on septic, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Will you be putting up any new signage? � n Yes No Yes kr No If yes, obtain appropriate sign permit and list permit #below If yes, obtain appropriate building permit and list permit #below Will there be new construction or renovations? Please list any applicable Building Permit #so. /V/4 Zoning Clearance review cannot begin until the application above is complete and all applicable forms and fees are submitted. This Clearance w location ill only be valid on ,anew Zoning Clearance w the parcel for ill be required, which it is approved. If you change, intensify 'I I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by them. or move the use to a new Signature noto 1i�/3lZ Printed yaq nj 6,1 Y/pi Sf on ing C earance App Iicat ion Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone 434.296 5832 Applicant - If you are not the land owner, please fill out the entire page below confirming that you have either informed or are going to inform the owner of your zoning clearance application. CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application, CLE202245 vot itayll �/C%5 clearance number provided by Staff or business nanf to o x pie, � �a %n the owner Name of landoC6er on record of Tax Map and Parcel Number 3-2 0 q3W —00 - 66,o,, Z 16o TMP number of property by e copy of the application to them in person or bv sending them a copy of t mail. Please check one of the following below) Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date 3/2 ZOO.-, F1 Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date to the following address: ither delivering a e application by (Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this requirement. Please see staff for help determining this information if needed) Signature of Applicant Applicant Name Printed F 9,NMHN Date 1-11/3 /2 y Am For Albemarle County Staff Review Only Proposed Use: MOBILE PWSF Permitted: Yes ❑ No Permitted by Section: 1021 (22) Supplementary Regulations: 10.2.1 (22)&5.1.401 Applicable Special Use Permit (SP): NONE NONE Applicable Rezonings (ZMA): Applicable Site Plans (SDP): NONE Parking: If there is an approved site plan associated with the parcel, the parking requirements will be defined by the SDP. Some parking requirements are determined by a ZMA or by an approved Code of Development. Parking Formula: N/A FDefined 7by.oSite Plan Zoning Ordinance F] CoDExisting Total Square Footage of the Use: N/A Required number of parking spaces: N/A Associated Clearances: CLE2015-00068 N/A N/A AND MULTIPLE OTHERS FOR THE FOXFIELD EVENTS Variances: Violations: Is a site inspection necessary?: Yes � No Site Inspection on (date): N/A to Confirm: N/A Notes: Additional conditions of approval apply to Fireworks and Christmas Trees Conditions of Approval: Approval Information ❑ Approved as proposed ❑ Approved with conditions [:] Denied ❑ Backflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 434.977.4511 ext. 117 F�j No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing site plan. ❑ This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Conditions: Additional Notes: Building Official Date Zoning Official Date Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development . A . .. ♦ • _ I'1 _ _ _� I'1 l_ _ -, _ ai _ - _ ... /� �1 /� /� /� n . _ _ . n I ^ ^ ^ I' ^ #% ^ r - . -- I ^ I ^ `7 ^ .. ^ ^ DIRECTIONS TO SITE: FROM 1831 RADY COURT OFFICE TURN LEFT ON RADY STREET. TURN LEFT ON MAGNOLIAAVENUE. TURN RIGHT ON MECHANICSVILLE TURNPIKE. MERGE ONTO 1.64. CONTINUE 1-64. TAKE EXIT 124 FOR US-250 CHARLOTTESVILLE. TURN RIGHT ONTO US-25DWIRICHMOND ROAD. CONTINUE ONTO US-250W US-29S. TAKE COUNTY ROAD 654rEARRACKS ROAD EXIT. TURN RIGHT ONTO COUNTY ROAD 601/GARTH ROAD. TURN LEFT ONTO FOXFIELD TRACK BEFORE YOU OIG CALL TOLL FREE MISS UTILITY 8-1-1 FOXFIELD COLT SITE ADDRESS: 2215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 VICINITY MAP SCALE 1:2000 SITE,., N r Ile o Pf fY : 00 ' Uat lhl011 � �'v CenMary !I �h� � 1 fl!'AV g 101e ti9 T lair IRE ii S S .1 o 10 yt ONRaygp� 161] At oPPC RWCIfltl IRIi WC US R� / IMCtfCPP55 �p y, _ C.tllCtfNVCR 84 RO 611 CODE COMPLIANCE ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED AND MATERIALS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES: 1. 2009 VIRGINIA UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE. 2.2009 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 3.2009 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE. 3. ANSIIEIA-222-G LIFE SAFETY CODE. 4. 2009INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CC DE. 5. CITY ANDIOR COUNTY ORDINANCES. 6. 2009 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE. 7. NFPA 7D 20D8. B. 2009 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE. 9. LOCAL BUILDING CODE(S). PROJECT DIRECTORY APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS 1831 RACY COURT RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23222 RICHARD DAIGER, PROJECT MANAGER (804) 514-0116 ENGINEER: AZ ENGINEERING 441 PALLETS ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH; VIRGINIA23454 ARIAN ZOTO, PE (757)672-2339 SITE INFORMATION SITE NAME: FOXFIELD COLT SITE ADDRESS: 2215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 SITE OWNER: VERIZON WIRELESS 1831 RADY COURT RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23222 LATITUDE: N 38' 06 52.5' (NAD 83) LONGITUDE: W 78' 33' 09.4" (NAD 83) LAND OWNER: FOXFIELD RACING ASSOCIATION INC. PARCEL ID: 04300-00-00-02100 DEED SOOWPAGE: 93SM41 PARCEL AREA: 145.352 ACRES ZONED: RURAL AREA JURIDISTINCTICN: ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY VERIZON WIRELESS TOWER ON WHEELS, AND ALL ASSOCIATED INSTALLATIONS. SHEETINDEX T-1 TITLE SHEET SP-1 SITE PLAN SP-2 SITE LAYOUT SP-3 TOWER ELEVATION VIEW ved7oon wireless 1831 RADY COURT RICHMOND, VA 23222 DESIGNED FOR: (0 ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 20 S. ROANOKE STREET, PO BOX 619 FINCASTLE, VIRGINIA 24090 540.473.1253 FAX 540.473.1254 DESIGNED BY.' A Z ENGINEERING A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY 441 PALLETS ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23454 PHONE: 757-672-2339 EMAIL: azato@=.net - - �Oa� Epi TH pFLf 0 U� ARIAN ZM Llc. No. 00756 'Oq FEB 18 Z014 O��SSrONAL SITE INFO.: FOXFIELD COLT 2215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 DESIGN: ARIAN ZOTO P.E. PROJECT NUMBER: 14-009 SUBMITTALS SITE PLANS 02/1812014 SHEET NAME: TITLE SHEET SHEET NO.'. T-1 I / I � N . / I I. I / FOXIFIELD PARCEL ID: D4 ASSOCIATION INC / PARCEL OOKI00-00-03W41 DEED B 3.24ACGE:936/241 33.24 ACRES I I 22 I / J/ ---I�i SEE ENLARGED VIEWS L-75'TEMPORARY SHEET SP-2 GUYED TOWER; N 38' 05' 62.5' W 78° 33' 09.4" TIMBERCREEK FAMILY FARM LLC PARCEL ID: 04300-00-00-02200 DEED BOOK/PAGE: 3882/445 128.45ACRES \ KRAMER CHRISTOPHER M — — PARCEL ID' 04300-00-00-018JO \ DEED BOOK/PAGE: 1856/382 _ _ — T\ LAUX, THOMAS J, TRUSTEE 19.69ACRES \ PARCEL ID: 04300-00-00-0E3 18 DEED BOOKIPAGE: 4039/523 OGENS, DAVIOORLOCKEW 5.65 ACRES PARCEL DEED BOOKIPGE4 A:: 4037/290 \ \ \1 BASACRES, �\ \-SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:300 � r60�J FOXFIELD RACING ASSOCIATION INC PARCEL ID: 04300-00-00-02100 DEED BOOK/PAGE: 9361241 145.35 ACRES LEGEND — — PROPOSED LEASE AREA PROPOSED EQUIPMENT — — — — EXISTING PROPERTY LINE — — — — SETBACK REQUIREMENTS —X— EXISTING FENCING EXISTING PHYSICAL FEATURE ,%/. •7/ EXISTING BUILDING NOTE: MAP S PROPERTY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY PROPERTY INFORMATION SYSTEM. MILLER, DIANE E 8 W ILLIAM A PARCEL ID: 0430D-0D-00-01BE7 DEED BOOK/PAGE: 40W728 21.00 ACRES LARNER, JAMES M OR ROXANE ~ PARCEL ID:04300-00-00-01BE2 — t DEED BOOKIPAGE 362Q721 6.35ACRES GARTH G 1 ATE LANE venZo wireless 1831 RADY COURT RICHMOND, VA 23222 DESIGNED FOR: (9, ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 20 S. ROANOKE STREET, PO BOX 619 FINGASTLE, VIRGINIA 24090 540.473.1253 FAX 540.473.1254 DESIGNED BY: A Z ENGINEERING A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY 441 PALLETS ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23454 PHONE 757-672-2339 EMAIL wdo®mx.net ��o�a�,trH op`ro U� ARIAN ZOTO lic. No. W756 FEB 18 2014 o��sSloNaI.EN���� SITE INFO- FOXFIELD COLT 2.215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 DESIGN: ARIANZOTO P.E. PROJECT NUMBER 14-009 SUBMITTALS SITE PLANS 02/11/2014 SHEET NAME: SITE PLAN SHEET N SP-1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES N VERIZON WIRELESS SO-SO SF LEASE AREA. EXISTING ONE-STORY BUILDING VERIZON WIRELESS TEMPORARY ON WHEELS. ITS, SRTOWER MANUFACTURED BY VERIZON WIRELESS COLT. 7 TOWER'S STEEL ANCHOR CABLES, TYP. OF 9. CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCKS, TYP. OF 3. 67 UTILITY STAND. TEMPORARYFENCE. EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD 6 � O 1 i 1 i 111 i 4 i 1 i 0 i 1 i i 50.6 ------ __ 7 1 � 1 SITE LAYOUT SCALE: 1:20 veriLon wireless 1631 RACY COURT RICHMOND, VA 23222 DESIGNED FOR: (o ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 20 S. ROANOKE STREET, PO BOX 619 FINCASTLE, VIRGINIA 24OW 540.473.1253 FAX 540.473.1254 DESIGNED BY: A Z ENGINEERING A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY 441 PALLETS ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23454 PHONE: 757-672-2339 EMAIL: mto@wx mt �Oay��+tTii O�`l �g U ARIAN ZOTO uD. No. W756 FEB 18 2014 O��SSIONAL SITE INFO.: FOXFIELD COLT 2215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 DESIGN: ARIANZOTO P.E. PROJECT NUMBER 14-009 SUBMITTALS SITE PLANS 02/18/2014 SHEET NAME: SITE LAYOUT SHEET NO.: S P-2 NOTE: THIS ELEVATION SHOWS THE INTENDED LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED EQUIPMENT. R DOES NOT INFER THAT A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS HAS BEEN CONDUCTED TO VERIFY THAT THE TOWER CAN SUPPORT THE PROPOSED LOADS. A SEPARATE STRUCTURAL LETTER OR REPORT WILL DETERMINE THE TOWER ABILITY TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED LOADS. TOP OF TEMPORARY TOWER ON WHEELS HEIGHT = 75'1 AGL I STEEL SUPPORT CABLES,-,,,, SEESTRUCTURALREPORT FOR INFORMATION, TYP. OF 9/ / / / EQUIPMENT T�IRUCK� IIIn�- I III CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCK TYP. OF 3 TOWER ELEVATION VIEW SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 7-----'--'--'-- GUYED TOWER, \ \ \ BY ITS, MODEL SR 106 \ \ \ \ PANEL ANTENNAS - (1) PER SECTOR, (2) — - HEIGHT = 6T1 AGL @ RAD Cr PANEL ANTENNAS - (1) PER SECTOR, (2) TOTAL --------------------- HEIGHT = 61-1 AGL @ RAD Cr PANEL ANTENNAS-(1) PER SECTOR, (2) TOTAL __ _ HEIGHT = 55'1 AGL @ RAD C PANEL ANTENNAS - (1) PER SECTOR, (2) TOTAL _ HEIGHT = 49'1 AGL @ RAD C \ v TRAILER veriLon wireless RADY COURT Z31 -MOND, VA 23222 DESIGNED FOR: (0 ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 20 S. ROANOKE STREET, PO BOX fi19 FINCASTLE, VIRGINIA 24090 640.473.1253 FAX 540.473.1254 DESIGNED BY.' A Z ENGINEERING A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY 441 PALLETS ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23454 PHONE: 757-672-2339 EMAIL: 8Z00@=.mt O-�EptTH Op,,f�W UO ARLAN ZOTn Lic. No. M756 r0.p FEB 18 2014 OF�SS�ONALENG`�� SITE INFO.: FOXFIELD COLT 2215 FOXFIELD TRACK CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 DESIGN: ARIAN ZOTO P.E. PROJECT NUMBER- 14-009 SUBMITTALS SITE PLANS 02(182014 SHEET NAME: TOWER ELEVATION VIEW SHEET NO.: S P-3