HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700070 Correspondence Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-06-26 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
OrA1F Department Community Development
:FAir=1®=� Planning Services Division
W,f: 401 McIntire Road North Wing• Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone: (434)296-5823 • Fax: (434)972-4035
From: Paty Saternye Date: 06/26/18
To: ORichard Nelson- ACSA 0
Victoria Fort- RWSA 0
o - Av1/44usu 0
0 0
0 0
JOB #/FILE NAME:SDP-2017-70 HTC Hotel- Comfort Inn - Final Site Plan
We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover
® Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans
❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other
# of Date Description
1 6/25/18 Final Site Plan - HTC Hotel
1 6/25/18 Comment response letter (if one was sent specifically for your review)
W2Vit '117.4.14t4t.rot cot. jitrAvvti,t. itiAt
These are transmitted as checked below:
® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other
Remarks: For your review comments or approval. THANKS :)
Comments are due in City View or email by: 07/09/18 Signaturmi
Department Community Development
Planning Services Division
I erf 40l McIntire Road North Wing• Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone: (434) 296-5823 • Fax: (434)972-4035
From: Paty Saternye Date: 06/26/18
To: ORichard Nelson- ACSA 0
OVictoria Fort- RWSA 0
OFrank Pohl-Eng 0
0 0
0 0
JOB #/FILE NAME:SDP-2017-70 HTC Hotel- Comfort Inn - Final Site Plan
We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover
® Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans
❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other
# of Date Description
13 ' 6/25/18 Final Site Plan - HTC Hotel
6/25H$ Commcnt ne was sent specifically for your-review)-
These are transmitted as checked below:
® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other
Remarks: For your review comments or approval. THANKS :)
Comments are due in City View or email b : 07/09/18 Si.nature: NIPMNINEW
Patricia Saternye
From: Peter Russell <peter@shimp-engineering.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 10:45 AM
To: Patricia Saternye
Subject: HTC submission
Hi Paty,
Hope your week is off to a good start.
Yesterday afternoon I re-submitted the HTC site plan and ARB response.
-Six(6) site plans were submitted with cover letter and comment responses.
-Three(3) site plans with VSMP packets have been delivered to ACSA.
-Two(2) site plans, architectural documents, cover letter, and comment response were provided for ARB review
as requested.
If there are any additional documents I can provide please let me know.
‘ ,
June 25th, 2018
Paty Saternye,
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Regarding: SDP 201700070 HTC Hotel—Comfort Inn—Final Site Plan
Dear Ms. Saternye,
Thank you for your lRB review of the final site plan for HTC Hotel. We have reviewed and revised the plan
per your most recent comments dated June 1, 2018. See below for detailed responses to each of your comments. Comment
response has been shortened by removing addressed comments for your convenience.
2. A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed.See comments below
3.A site plan meeting all the requirements of ZMA 2001-20, its Application Plan, its Code of Development
(C.O.D), and SP2003-30
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See comments below
5. [32.5.1(c), 32.5.2(a) &32.6.1(e)(1)] Address the following:
* Provide the boundary information for all potions of the boundary including all required curve data where
FINAL: Comment not addressed. Provide the parcel boundary information for all potions of the boundary including
all required curve data where appropnate.
All portions of the parcel boundary have been provided, including curve data.
Rev.Comment addressed.
6. FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. -Address the following:
*Provide the approved Proffer document on the site plan.
-Signed proffer provided on C2.
Rev. Comment addressed.
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FINAL: Comment not fully addressed — Address the following:
• Revise the coversheet to show also show the SP number(SP2003-30)
• If SDP201700046 is to remain on the coversheet then specify that it is the Initial Site
Plan project number. However: this would not normally be shown in the"Zoning"area of the coversheet.
-SP number provided on Cover Sheet. Initial Site Plan project number provided under`Zoning' heading
Rev. Comment addressed.
7. [32.5.2(b)]
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed See Zoning comment#1.
• Standalone parking/as currently shown in the adjoining parcels requires an SP.
Either remove all parking in the adjoining parcel or submit an application for an SP to have stand along parking
-Parking on adjoining parcel removed.An exhibit showing improvements on adjoining parcel has been
submitted to the owners.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Portions of two parking spaces still reside on the adjoining parcel. Fully address the
comment stated above.
-Parking area in adjacent parking lot has been removed.
• If the required amount of parking is not to be provided submit the appropriate request and justification for the parking
-Parking waiver is being submitted concurrently with SP submission.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. A request for reduced parking was submitted and was received by zoning. Insufficient
information was provided. See the attached zoning comments.
-Additional information will be provided for reduced parking request. Additional correspondence concerning parking
will be followed up with Zoning.
• If parking is to remain on adjoining parcel address issue specified above about the wording of Article VI of the
declaration previously recorded
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Portions of two parking spaces still reside on the adjoining parcel. Fully address the
comment stated above. Also, address Article VI of the declaration previously recorded if a shared parking agreement is
requested rather than reduced parking.
-Parking has been fully removed from the adjoining parcel.
Parking and declaration issues show this in the site plan. If this is to be done a BLA
Plat will be required under a separate submission and with appropriate fees.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Since portions of two parking spaces still reside on the adjoining parcel this comment
remains until the issue is resolved. Fully address the comment stated above.
-Portions of parking removed from adjacent parcel.
8. [32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(e), 32.5.2(p), 32.6.20)&32.7.9]
FINAL: Comment not yet fully addressed Address the following:
• It appears that the existing trees are included in the calculation for provided canopy count. If they are utilized in the
landscaping calculations then a landscape table for existing trees must be provided.
Existing canopy is not needed to reach canopy requirements and is not being counted toward required canopy.
• Provided leaders between the existing trees and their labels. This should be applied to all existing landscaping
including the landscaping on the adjoining parcel to the south.
Leaders have been provided to existing trees.
FINAL: Comment not addressed.Address the following:
Page 2 of 9
• It does not appear that a conservation checklist has been provided in the site plan Provide a conservation checklist
and conservation details.
Signed Conservation Checklist provided
• Provide leaders between the existing trees and their labels This should be applied to all existing landscaping
including the landscaping on the adjoining parcel to the south
Information on existing trees provided.
FINAL: Comment not addressed. Provide all items required on the conservation checklist including the limits of clearing and
grading and any grade changes requiring tree wells or walls,trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing and
grading Ensure that the limits of clearing and grading is provided in all required sheets including the landscape Plan sheet.
Appropriate requirements on the Conservation Checklist provided. If any questions about Conservation
Checklist arise, I am a Certified Arborist( ID: MA-5996A)and can be called at 434.227.5140 Ext. 5. I am also
available to set up a meeting in person to review any questions concerning the checklist.
-Provide all items required on the conservation check list including the limits of clearing and grading and any grade changes
required tree wells or walls, trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing and grading,
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed.The tree protection fencing line in the landscape plan appears to be directly on top of
the property line and therefore cannot be differentiated from the property line. Also, the tree protection fencing does not
appear to have been provided on any other sheets. Provide tree protection fencing on the grading, landscaping and E&SC
plan sheets and ensure that both the line work and the labels are visible.
-The tree protection fencing line has been bolded to help with visibility. Due to the quantity of utilities along the back
site of Target,the tree protection fencing will be difficult to see. No grading will take place beyond the tree protection
line. Tree protection fencing has been provided on the grading, landscape, and E&SC sheets. Please note the E&SC
is not included in this SP drawing set, but is a part of the VSMP packet. I will be happy to provide an additional tree
protection fencing exhibit if one is needed.
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed.ARB comments will be provided after the 2/12/18 ARB meeting where it will be
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed.ARB comments were provided on 5/30/18 and have been attached to these
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Provide screening shrubs for the islands on the north side of the parking areas to
ensure the parking will not be visible form Timberwood Blvd (32.7 9 5(e)).
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed.Add shrubs to the two islands at the northeast end of the two lines of 13 parking
spaces in the west parking lot to screen the cars from Timberwood Blvd.
-No shrubs were provided in the parking island with the elm tree previously in hopes to provide a higher soil volume
and growing conditions for the tree roots. Shrubs close in proximity to trunk of tree will cause root competition,
roots access to water may be lessened during the establishment of the tree, which may lead to slower growth of the
-Shrubs have been provided as requested.
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed Confirm that Cercis reniformis was intended instead of a Cercis Canadensis.
Reniformis changed to canadensis.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed.Address the following:
• There should be a tree spacing of 30-35' according to the"Streetscape"specification on page 15 of the C.OD. Revise
the landscapeing to address this along the access road to the west side of the parking lot where there is sufficient
room without conflicts.
Tree spacing of 30-35' has been provided at every portion of streetscape where utilities do not interfere.
Page 3 of 9
• There should be perimeter evergreen shrubs and mid-sized trees surrounding parking lots according to the"Parking"
specifications on page 20 of the C.O.D. Revise the landscaping to address these items on the west side and in the
northern parking islands
Perimeter evergreen shrubs are provided.
• In parking lots trees should be interspaced with mid-sized and ornamental trees according to the"Parking"
specification on page 20 of the C O.D Revise the landscaping to address these items on the west side.
Ornamental trees are interspersed around parking area.
• The number parking area trees is specified twice in the calculations and the number is different in the two locations
Revise the calculation to only include it once and ensure the count is correct.
Consistent number of parking area trees provided.
• Move the medium shade tree that is located in the north east corner of the hotel and near the crosswalk, closer to the
sidewalk so that it can be considered a street tree.
Medium shade trees relocated to provide shade for sidewalk.
• Remove from the landscape plan the note under the calculations about the overlap in landscaping betrween the
parking area and roads.
Note removed.
[Rev. 1: NEW COMMENT] Revise the location of the large shade tree (elm) at the southwest corner of the building so that it is
no longer located within the sidewalk.
-Elm has been relocated appropriately.
[Rev. 1: NEW COMMENT] Revise the Proposed Landscape Schedule to not include the canopy of the Taxus baccata
Repandens shrub. It appears that that version of the English yew does not reach 5', which is the minimum height for plants
included in the canopy calculations. Also, ensure that once the canopy total is revised in the chart that it is also revised in the
-Taxus baccata Repandens canopy calculations are based on the County's own Plant Canopy Calculations document
(Plant_Canopy_Calculations_020503.pdf). The'area of canopy' is calculated by the following formula. Total width
in 10 years (6)^2x3.14/4=28, as can be seen in the aforementioned document on page 6.
-The canopy for taxus baccata Repandens was reduced to 0 to satisfy this comment, but please note the discrepancy
between the County's own documentation and the site plan review comment.
-The current canopy provided is more than double the minimum required. If all shrub and ornamental tree
calculations are removed the required canopy will still be met.
9. [32.5.2(d)]
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed.Address the following:
• From the County's GIS it appears that there are two areas of managed slopes within the subject parcel that are not
shown on the site plan. Ensure that all areas of steep slopes are shown in the site plan.Also,ensure all proposed
improvements that impact steep slopes meet the requirements for impacting steep slopes
• Provide a different hatch for steep slopes then for other items. It appears that the same hatch as for riprap is being
utilized for the managed steep slopes.
Managed Slope are on parcel provideed with unique hatch. Imporvements do not affect any steep slopes.
Small area of Managed Slope on parcel is within existing travelway built during Bojangles construction and
will not be altered.
10. [32.5 2(i), (n), 32.6.2(f), &(k)]
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed.Address the following.
• Dimension the centerline radii for the curved access ways near the entrance to the hotel and all of the corner radii of
the landscaping islands.
Centerline radii dimensions for access ways are not customary dimensions. In hopes to not clutter the Site
Plan with additional information,the dimension has not been provided.
• Revise the corner of the island in the southwest parking area that does not have a radii to have sufficient radii for
access to the parking space Removing the parking space may be necessary.
Page 4 of 9
Corner has been adjusted to sufficient radii.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Include in the label for Timberwood Blvd whether it is private or public.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Because the dumpster is angled the dumpster pad does not extend 8' beyond the
enclosure as specified in 4.12.19(b). Revise the layout such that the dumpster pad meets this minimum requirement.
Dumpster pad now meets minimum requirement dimensions.
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed.Address the following.
• Note#3 on the Lighting Plan sheet appears to be written for a previous project. Please edit to be appropriate for this
site plan or remove the note.
Note removed
• Show the outdoor lighting fixtures on the Utility Plan sheet. Ensure that the location of lighting fixtures within existing
and proposed easements will be allowed.
Light fixtures provided on Utility Sheet. Light fixture on adjacent parcel has been in included to in exhibit to
parcel owners.Approval on parcel improvements will be provided when available.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Easements will be required for the light, and the electrical line going to the light, since it
is on an adjoining property. Provide an easement plat and deeds of easement and maintenance agreements that will be
required for the light fixture to be on the adjoining lot. The plat, deed and any legal agreements must be reviewed, approved,
signed and recorded prior to the final site plan approval.
-Acknowledged. An easement and deeds of easement for the mentioned area will include the light fixture and light
maintenance. Documentation will be provided as soon as we receive it from the owner.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Provide information on any proposed service or loading areas.
No service requiring loading space is present. No loading space provide.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. If there is to be any new sign for the proposed use(s), on the final site plan depict and
label the sign location
Separate application will be provided for sign application if proposed.
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed.Address the following.
• Add a label for the handicapped parking signs on the west side of the building.
Handicap signs provided
• Increase the visibility/size of the handicapped parking sign symbol. They are hard to see.
Handicap symbol increased in size
• Show all additional proposed signage for the site plan.
No additional signage provided
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed Show the existing access easements,found in DB 2678 PG 425 and DB2916 PG 22,
on the site plan or provide documentation specifying that they have been removed There is a"30'Access Easement"and
variable width"Cross-Access Easement"shown on the plats.Also, the 70' Cross-Access Easement could conflict with the
building location and must be addressed.
Noted that the easements are very close to the proposed building. DB 2916 PG 22 is a Sewer easement and it
is being relocated as shown. The Cross-Access Easement DB 2678-425 was a temporary access easement to
build the access road behind Target.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. DB 2678 PG 425-436 has been submitted to the County Attorney's office for their
review. The language at the bottom of page 1 states "... a perceptual. Easement"which appears to include the''Drive Lane
Construction and Cross-Access Easement" area shown on the plat. This existing easement may conflict with the building
location. If it does the easement or the building location may need to be revised. It is acknowledged that the"Building
Page 5 of 9
Restriction Area" is not the full width of the"Cross-Access Easement". Therefore, legal interpretation is required.
11. [32.5.2(k)]
FINAL' Comment not fully addressed. The stormwater pipe on the west side of the building appears to be draining away,
instead of towards, the stormwater pond.
Storm water pipes on western side of site has been removed.
Rev. 1: Comment addressed.Although the comment response states that"Storm water pipes on western side of site has been
removed." It does not appear that there has been a change. The storm pipe mentioned in the comments still exists and the
flow arrow shows the water flowing towards, instead of away from, the building. The arrow in question is right by the label that
states"New 15" HDPE". Revise the plan to show the correct direction of flow for the storm pipes.
-I believe we were talking about two separate stormwater pipes. The new 15" HDPE pipe mentioned in the previous
comment was removed as stated. The previous description of the pipe location led to confusion of which pipe was
intended to be altered. The correct pipe has now been modified as suggested, with the flow pointing in the correct
direction. The pipe has also been relocated to place the fire hydrant on the other side of the travelway per ACSA
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Ensure that all proposed easements are shown on the site plan including telephone,
cable,electric, and gas
All easements provided
13.[32.5 2(n)]
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed.Address the following
• Add a label for the handicapped parking signs on the west side of the building.
Label for handicap sign provided
• Increase the visibility/size of the handicapped parking sign symbol. They are hard to see.
Answered above. Question 10, bullet point 8,sub-bullet point 2
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed. HOWEVER, see comments from Keven McDermott for additional pedestrian
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed. Consider a pedestrian connection between the hotel entrance and the Bojangle's
parking lot
Considered. Connection will not be feasible across the parking lot to Bojangles.A connection already exists
along the east side of the parcel.
14. [32.5.2(p)&32 7.9 4(b)]]
FINAL.Comment not fully addressed. Provide all items required on the conservation checklist including the limits of clearing
and grading and any grade changes requiring tree wells or walls, trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of
clearing and grading
Provided signed Conservation Checklist
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed Provide the conservation checklist and all items listed in it. Ensure the checklist is
signed by the owner
See above
15. [Comment]
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed.Address the following:
Page 6 of 9
• Provide a copy of all off-site easements,deeds of easements,or letters of intent to grant them from off-site property owners
It appears that there are improvements proposed in the southwest corner of the site plant on an adjoining parcel. Utilities,
Utility easements, parking,the dumpster and landscaping for this project is currently shown on the adjoining site
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.Address comment. Please note that although the comment response letter states"All easements
provided." It does not appear that any easements have been added to the site plan for any of the offsite improvements, other than
utilities that were shown on the previous submission. No linework, labels or notes appear to address this issue. Address the
comments as previously specified.
-Acknowledged.Additional easements will be provided as soon as they are received from the owner.
• If Boundary Line Adjustment to incorporate that area of the project into the parcel is planned show it on the site plan.
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.Address the comment. Since off-site improvements have not yet been addressed on the site plan
this comment remains.
-No boundary Line Adjustment is proposed. Improvements to adjacent parcel (T.M. 32-41D6) will be provided per an
easement. Easement documentation will be provided from owner as soon as possible.
• It there continues to be improvements, and not just easements, shown on the adjoining parcel include the adjoining
property owner in the owner/developer area of the cover sheet.
Rev. 1: Comment not address the comment or provide the necessary legal documents for the off-site improvements (and their
perpetual maintenance), access across the adjoining parcel, and construction in the adjoining parcel.
-Acknowledged. Necessary legal documents for off-site improvements, access, and construction in the adjoining parcel
will be provided as soon as it is finalized.
• See zoning's comment in reference to the need for tan SP if parking is built on the adjoining parcel prior to a building/use
being built on the site
Currently working with adjoining property owners to allow site improvements.All easements provided.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed.Two parking spaces still appear to be partially on the adjoining property.Adjust the layout
so that no portion of the parking spaces are on the adjoining site or request an SP for stand—alone parking as specified by
-All parking spaces overlapping into adjacent parcels have been removed.
16. [Comment]
FINAL. Comment not fully addressed See the attached comments from most of the other reviewers.ARB comments will be
provided after the February 12, 2018 ARB meeting in which it will be reviewed. Approval of the other reviewers, as well as
planning, is required prior to site plan approval.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. See attached comments. Approval from all SRC reviewers is required prior to site plan
Additional comments for Final Site Plan
17.[Comment]Revise the cover sheet to include the project number SDP201700070.
Rev. 1: Comment Addressed.
18. [Comment]It appears that a note that was on the coversheet for the initial site plan has been removed in
reference to the public water and sewer facilities being dedicated to ACSA Provide information on why this
note was removed or replace it
Note was deleted in error and has been added to cover sheet.
19. [Comment] Revise the layout to show sidewalk extending all of the way to the entrance of the building
There appears to be a gap.
20. [Comment] Revise the linework and hatching within the site plan such that the hatching for the parking lot
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does not obscure the labels and linework of existing items including, but not limited to, utilities and
Hatching has been updated for clarity
21. [Comment] Revise the label and leader for "New FHA" in the southeast comer of the site such that it is
pointing at the object called out in the label.
Label and leader do point to FHA. If you need clarification on the FHA location please contact me at
22. [Comment] If the improvements,for parking,drive aisle, landscaping,dumpster,and utility improvements
continue to be split across two parcels ensure that Tax Map Parcel number and Owners name of the 2nd
parcel is appropnately included in the site plan.
Adjoining parcel improvements are being reviewed by owners.
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. Address the comment or provide appropriate deeds, easements and agreements for off-
site improvements, access and construction.
23. [Comment] If the improvements,for parking,drive aisle,and landscaping continue to be split across two
parcels ensure that all area calculations and lists clearly specify whether value(s)shown are within the
subject parcel or across the two parcels.
Adjoining parcel improvements are being reviewed by owners.
Rev. 1: Comment not addressed.Address comment.
-Additional information I area calculations have been added to the`Impervious Area Schedule' on the Cover Sheet to
provide additional information for the improvements on the adjacent parcel.An additional Landscape Schedule was
added to the Landscape Sheet(C7)which separates the landscape improvements on the adjacent parcel. Landscape
improvements on adjacent property have been removed from main landscape schedule to not include canopy
24. _,omment]Remove note#5 on the Landscape Plan sheet(C7)
Note removed
25. [Comment] The trees specified in note #7 on the Landscape Plan sheet (C7) are extremely hard to count
and interpret in the Landscape Plan. Ensure that there is a symbol accurately placed for all trees and that
the label for each of the trees has a leader arrow pointing at the correct symbol.
Additional leaders have been added to the names and symbols to clarify what is currently planted.
26. [Comment] It appears that one of the door to the building on the west side may be located partially on a
handicapped ramp Revise the layout such that there is no conflict between the door exit and the ramp.
The door opens onto an even surface. Rather than have the door open on a sloping surface, the accessible
pad was extended to accommodate the door. The door leads to a laundry room and will have a lip at the
entrance.The door is not required to be accessible as 50°/0 of the first floor doors are accessible.
27. [Comment] Ensure that the permanent drainage easement(DB 2789 PG 125)will allow the entrance
canopy. If not submit all required proposed easements and/or deeds for review. Provide documentation
that support the entrance canopy over the easement if the easement will not be modified.
Drainage easement has been reviewed,and it does allow for an entrance canopy.
28. [Comment] Revise site plan to contain bumper blocks where parking is adjacent to sidewalks of less than
6 in width
Page 8 of 9
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed.All sidewalks adjacent to parking spaces appear to only be 5' wide. All parking spaces
adjacent to sidewalks that are less than 6' must have bumper blocks. There are 17 spaces in this circumstance in the east
parking lot. There are also 15 parking spaces in the west parking lot that may also be in that circumstance, but there appears to
be errors in linework and hatching that make the width of the sidewalk uncertain. Revise the site plan as specified.
-Bumper blocks have been provided adjacent to all 5' sidewalks. 15 spaces in western parking lot are 6'where sidewalk
widens, bumper blocks were previously provided in the 6 spaces where sidewalk is 5' wide. Linework has been clarified
to prevent confusion.
29. [Rev. 1: NEW COMMENT] Revise the sidewalk on the west side of the building to clearly show the dividing line between the
planting beds and the sidewalk.There appears to be mulch hatching over part of the sidewalk near the crosswalk. Revise the
linework and hatching to clearly define these areas.
-Hatching and linework has been corrected to accurately show sidewalk.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to call me at(434) 227-5140 ext. 5 or email Peter
Russell at petera(�shimp-engineerinq.com and we can discuss any questions that you may have in further detail.
Best Regards,
Peter Us-sell
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
Page 9 of 9
C. '
April 19, 2018
Paty Saternye,
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,VA 22902
Regarding: SDP 201700070 HTC Hotel—Comfort Inn—Final Site Plan
Dear Ms. Saternye,
Thank you for your ARB review of the final site plan for HTC Hotel. We have reviewed and revised the plan
per your most recent comments dated February 12, 2018. See below for detailed responses to each of your
A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval.
1. Revise the window glass note. Ensure that the note is "Visible light transmittance (VLT)shall not
drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance(VLR)shall not exceed30%."
-Provided on architectural drawings
2. Specify the height above the parapet for any rooftop equipment and show the elevator tower
on the elevations. Show rooftop screening for the mechanical equipment and elevator tower
in the building elevations. If a fence is proposed as the means of screening, include a detail in
the drawings. •
-Provided on architectural drawings
3. Ensure that the proposed landscaping does not conflict with the mechanical equipment's location
at the southwest corner of the building.
-Shrubs have been relocated to not conflict with any mechanical equipment
4. Locate loading, service and storage areas on the plans.Show how visibility of these features will be
eliminated. Alternatively, indicate that no such areas are proposed.
-There is no loading space, because there is no need for one.There is no interior restaurant or use that would
require a loading space.
5. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the architectural plans.
-Provided on architectural drawings
Page 1 of 3
6. Provide an offsite planting easement to meet the EC landscape requirements.
-We are currently working on an agreement with the owners to allow improvements on the parcel.See
attached exhibit.
7. Add a tree on the north side of the building. Because of the proximity to the building, a smaller tree
type may be accepted.
-A redbud (Cercis canadensis) provided on the north side of building
8. Provide a signed conservation checklist,and provide tree protection fencing on the grading,
landscaping and E&SC plan sheets at the south edge of the property to protect the trees on
the Target lot.
-Provided.Tree protection fencing provided along newly construction travelway to protect trees.
9. Adjust the labels and symbols for the landscaping in the Target parcel so that the leaders for the
labels point to the symbol they are meant to identify.
-Labels and symbols adjusted along Target for legibility
10. Remove both of the notes that specify that landscape requirements will not be met.They are note
#5 and the note on the interior road and parking area treecounts.
-Note removed
11. Add trees in the two parking islands adjacent to the main entrance and in the middle
parking lot island on the far side of the west parking lot behind the light pole to meet the
interior tree requirement.
12. Limit the number of proposed plants for any one species to 25%of the total proposed for that
plant type (tree, shrub). Reduce the percentage ofsycamores.
13. Revise the proposed landscape schedule so that all trees, including sassafras, have a minimum
caliper of 2%:".
14. Ensure that any loading, service or storage area are screened and integrated into the site with
appropriate landscaping.Alternatively, specify if none are proposed.
-None are proposed
15. Adjust the labels and symbols for the landscaping in the Target lot so that the leaders for the labels
point to the symbol they are meant to identify.
-Provided leaders for Target landscaping
16. Note that a separate sign application will be required.
-Acknowledged.A separate sign will be submitted.
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If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to call me at (434) 227-5140 ext. 5
or email Peter Russell at peter@shimp-engineering.com and we can discuss any questions that you may have in
further detail.
Best Regards,
Peter Russell
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
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April 25th, 2017
Bobby Jocz,
County of Albemarle—CDD Engineering
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Regarding: SDP 201700070 HTC Hotel—Comfort Inn—Final Site Plan
Dear Mr. Jocz,
Thank you for your ARB review of the final site plan for HTC Hotel. We have reviewed and revised the plan per your
most recent comments dated February 12, 2018. See below for detailed responses to each of your comments.
1.VSMP plan approval required prior to Final Site Plan Approval.
-(Rev. 1)Applicant acknowledges; requirements for VSMP approval prior to FSP approval persists.
A VSMP Plan has been submitted to the County.
2. Drainage plan including stormwater calculations should be included in FSP
-(Rev. 1) Not addressed
The Stormwater Management Plan has been included with this submittal.
3. Bumper blocks should be provided for parking abutting 5'sidewalks. Bumper blocks are required for any parking abutting
sidewalk<6' in width.
-(Rev. 1) Not addressed. Bumper blocks required for 30 typ. +3 HC parking spaces fronting hotel and proposed 5'sidewalks.
Bumper blocks have been provided.
4. In the northwestern parking lot,the CG-12 and detectable warning strip should be centered on handicap access isle.
The door opens onto an even surface. Rather than have the door open on a sloping surface, the accessible pad was
extended to accommodate the door. The door leads to a laundry room and will have a lip at the entrance. The door is not
required to be accessible as 50%of the first floor doors are accessible.
-(Rev. 1)Addressed
5. Stop sign should be provided at intersection of two private travelways Stop sign should stop cars traveling northeast to
-(Rev. 1) Partially addressed.; Provide stop signs or stop bars at SW ends of parking aisles, at intersection with private
travelway.Allow thru motion on private travelway with stop required just beyond hotel entrance canopy, and at same location in
47 space parking lot to the NW
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Stop signs have been provided where requested.
6. Ensure all new existing easements are labeled some easement labels are misaligned or conflict with other labels making them
illegible. Please correct
Easement labels were corrected for clarification. If there are additional labels that are obscured please call out specifically.
-(Rev. 1)Addressed
7. Identify/label gutter type to be used along new travelways
CG-2 note provided
-(Rev. 1)Addressed
8. Curb with gutter should be utilized wherever stormwater is to be conveyed.
-(Rev. 1)Addressed
9. Engineering details for curbing (CG-6, CT-3, etc.)should be provided
Provided on sheet c12
-(Rev. 1)Addressed
10.Agreement must be made/provided related to access and construction of private travelways located outside limits of parcel
Acknowledged. Adjoining property owners have been contacted concerning improvements.Approval on improvements will be
forwarded when available.
-(Rev. 1) Not addressed
Acknowledged. Approval on improvements will be forwarded when available.
Comments on Exhibit Dated 12/18/17
1. Scaling is incorrect making it difficult to verify contours/slopes. (Rev. 1) Uncertain if addressed; please provide copy
of revised exhibit.
The scale of the exhibit was 1" =50'.The scale was mislabeled 1" =30'. The scale has been corrected.
2. Entrances must be a max of 4%grade for the first 40 feet from the intersection. (Rev. 1) Uncertain; please provide
The exhibit was provided upon request by planning as a visualization of possible development of the adjacent parcel
in accordance with the ZMA.The exhibit was approved by planning and has not been attached. If the exhibit is still
required please let me know and I can provide it.
New 5/16/18
1. Title Sheet: Recommend revise signature block to read Albemarle County Engineer.
The signature block has been updated to include a line for the Albemarle County Engineer.
Sheet C4
2. Provide VDOT detail for CG-12, 2-ramp configuration (ramps at termini, ped xing paement markings).
The CG-12 detail has been provided on sheet C12 of the Final Site Plan.
3. Provided VDOT ref. to pedestrian crossing pavement marking specifications. Provide detail showing bar width: paint
type, etc. (Note: experience with accelerated wear of pavement markings on Meeting Street lends justification to need
for specifications/detail.)
The PM-3 detail for crosswalk marking has been provided on sheet C12 of the Final Site Plan.
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4. Provide Auto-turn for dumpster. Use typ. Local vendor truck wheelbase. Design cannot be approved unless trucks can
access and service dumpster without 3-point turn. Access must be direct, and cause no damage to curb when truck is
reversing. Current dumpster orientation appears problematic.
The Auto-turn analysis for the dumpster has been provided on Sheet C12.
5. Identify New GV feature, northernmost parking space. Locate any gas appliance outside parking spaces, for safety and
ease of servicing. New GV is inaccessible if a vehicle if a vehicle occupies this parking space.
The GV feature was to be a New Gate Valve, however this proposed location has been moved across the existing
travel way to a location with adequate access to the GV.
6. Reverse direction of flow arrow between storm sewer structure B1 and ST7.
The flow direction arrow for Structure B1 has been reversed.
7. New 10'x 6' water vault will not fit in 5'sidewalk; revise to show proper scale
The proposed sidewalk at this location is 6'wide.
8. Provide bedding detail for HDPE in trafficked conditions; structural backfill should extend (at a minimum)from the top of
the pipe to 6-inch above the pipe.
A pipe bedding detail under travel ways has been provided on Sheet C10.
9. C7: Provide Detail 3 on C7 (dumpster pad concrete slab detail). Detail 3 is ref. on sheet 10.
The detail referenced has been included on sheet C10 and the reference has been revised accordingly.
10. C10: Revise Parking Area Pavement detail. Provide pavement design based on VDOT Pavement Design Guide, rev.
Feb 2014. Provide DT3 DP3 using ADT=200. Note: 3"of SM-9.5A and 8"VDOT 21A base stone would satisfy design
criteria and meet VDOT design guidelines. Other options are also available.
The Parking Area Pavement Detail has been revised to meet the design criteria as you described.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to call me at (434) 227-5140 or
email Michael Chandler at michael@shimp-engineering.com and we can discuss any questions that you may
have in further detail.
Best Regards,
Michael Chandler
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
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June 25T", 2018
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SDP 201700070 HTC Hotel—Comfort Inn—Final Site Plan
Dear Ms. Saternye,
Provided in this revised Site Plan and comment response for SDP 201700070 HTC Hotel.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e-mail at Peter@shimp-engineering.com or Justin
Shimp at Justin@shimp-engineering.com or by telephone at 434-227-5140.
Peter Russell
Shimp Engineering, P.C.