HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201700070 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2019-01-28 i Patricia Saternye From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Tuesday,January 29, 2019 3:54 PM To: neil patel Cc: Justin Shimp PE Subject: RE: Easement Letter Neil, I have had a conversation with the County Attorneys office on your question. First,the County's Attorney's office does not agree with your attorney. The section your attorney is referring to is a different easement. Second, it is our interpretation that you are putting yourself at risk by building the building on top of this existing, and in our interpretation perpetual, easement. With that being said, because it is a private agreement, although we will comment on it in the next review it will no longer be a comment that will delay your site plan. However, please understand that we will be copying the easement holder on any correspondence and/or comments in reference to this issue. Although the County does not enforce private agreements notification to the parties involved is appropriate under these circumstances. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: Patricia Saternye Sent: Monday,January 28, 2019 11:56 AM To: neil patel<htchotelllc@gmail.com>;Justin Shimp PE<justin@shimp-engineering.com> Subject: RE: Easement Letter Neil, I apologize for not responding sooner. I have received what you sent. However, it has to be reviewed in order to answer your question. I will let you know more once it has been reviewed. Thanks, Paty Saternye Senior Planner 1 • Community Development Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-296-5832 ext.3250 psaternye@albemarle.org www.albemarle.org From: neil patel<htchotelllc@gmail.com> Sent: Monday,January 28, 2019 11:38 AM To: Patricia Saternye<psaternye@albemarle.org>;Justin Shimp PE<iustin@shimp-engineering.com> Subject: Fwd: Easement Letter Svapnil "Neil" Patel Sent from my iPhone. Begin forwarded message: From: neil patel<htchotelllc@gmail.com> Date:January 22, 2019 at 4:34:51 PM EST To: psaternye@albemarle.org,Justin Shimp PE<justin@shimp-engineering.com> Subject: Fwd: Easement Letter Paty, Let me know if this satisfies the request in last round of comments. Svapnil "Neil" Patel Sent from my iPhone. Begin forwarded message: From: Patrick Carollo<pdc@kanejeffries.com> Date:January 22, 2019 at 3:29:32 PM EST To: "HTCHoteILLC@gmail.com"<htchotelllc@gmail.com> Subject: Easement Letter Neil: Please see attached. Let me know if anything more is needed. Kind regards, Patrick D. Carollo 2 Attorney at Law Kane,Jeffries& Carollo,P.C. DB/A KaneJeffries,LLP 1700 Bayberry Court,Suite 103 Richmond,VA 23226 T#(804)288-1672(ext.308) F#(804)285-7365 C#(804)614-8556 42-gG15 TER,, Trusted &Verified. w• a ses hls v 4GEKC KANEJEFFRIES,LLP CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may be protected legal privilege.If you are not the intended recipient,be aware that any disclosure,copying,distribution,or use of this e-mail and any attachment is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,please notify us immediately by returning it to the sender and delete this copy from your system.Thank you for your cooperation. IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE:WE INFORM YOU THAT ANY TAX ADVICE CONTAINED IN THIS COMMUNICATION(OR ATTACHMENT)IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED,AND CANNOT BE USED,FOR THE PURPOSE OF(i)AVOIDING TAX- RELATED PENALTIES UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE,OR(ii)PROMOTING, MARKETING,OR RECOMMENDING TO ANOTHER PARTY ANY TAX-RELATED MATTER(S)ADDRESSED HEREIN. 3 A�F � 'lill COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832441 Date: January 28,2019 14:64 Andy Herrick / p �✓ � County Attorney's Office kr,t44 A / (4444/1 401 McIntire Road A Charlottesville,VA 22902 � &4 1.440 Regarding: -1 •-0 1 14 t Project Name: SDP201700070—HTC Hotel—Final Site Plan Liu-Lc/ 4� 41 Date Submitted: 1/22/19 Dear Mr. Herrick: 147 The applicant has submitted a letter from his lawyer for the above named project. In the review comments, since the first submittal of the final site plan,a have been commenting about a possible conflict between the proposed building location and an existing easement. My questions are: 1. Since this is a private agreement,based upon our recent discussion on other projects,should I be concerned about this issue at all or is it a private matter that I should not have even asked theu;�r,, to address? A04-i v C c.,, i 9 L 4104 u�st GF -"MIS Air 1-5,2. If it is something I should be reviewing and ensuring they address,do you agree with their lawyer , that the Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement will no longer be a restriction once the drive aisle is built. The discussion to date has been: 1. A comment response letter from the applicant stated that the"The Cross-Access Easement"DB 2678-425 was a temporary access easement to build the access road behind Target." 2. On May 31 s"I requested the County Attorney's office to review this issue. Mr. Blair stated that the language at the bottom of page 1 states"... a perpetual,non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for vehicular ingress and egress..."for the"Access Easement"appears to include the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement"area shown on the plat. Therefore,the existing easement conflicts with the proposed building location. In my comments I specified that the applicant needed to either revise the easement or revise the building location. 3. In the next comment response letter from the applicant they stated"The owner's attorney has reviewed the language of the easement, and the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement"will be abandoned with the construction of the travel way on the western side of the HTC Hotel." 4. I responded in my comments that the applicant should provide a letter from their lawyer specifying which part of the document outlines the future abandonment of the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement". 5. That is what is attached for your review. Please let me know of a copy or the most recent submission would be helprui in your review. At this time I only have one marked up hard copy of the most recent submission,but I could have it scanned. At your earliest convenience,please review this document and forward on for signature. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, , i,,,,7, I Paty Saterny o anner County of A emarle 4100 Department of Community Devel.. nt 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 psatemye@albemarle.org (434)296-5832,phone ex.3250 KANEJEFFRIES, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1700 BAYBERRY COURT,SUITE 103 RICHMOND,VIRGINIA 23226-3762 AREA CODE 804 INANE,JEFFRIES a•.CAROLLO,P.C. 288-1672 THOMAS A.COOPER,P.C, WILLIAM L.JEFFRIES,JR. THOMAS A.COOPER ROBERT L.ISANE,JR. FAx 285-7365 PATRICIi D.CAROLLO ROBERT F,MOORMAN,PLC NICOLE A.NIONMMO.NTALTO PDC@KANSJF,FFRIES.CO\i ROBERT F.MOORMAN HOLLY R.PRATT RYAN J.BROWN GARLAND GRAY,III BLARE B. I-IEGEMAN January 22,2019 Albemarle County Community Development Attn: Paty Saternye, Senior Planner 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Cross Access Easement and Construction Agreement(DB 2678,Page 425) (referred to herein as the"Easement") Dear Ms. Saternye: I have reviewed the above referenced Easement, a copy of which is attached. The Easement provides Hollymead Town Center,LLC,the right to construct a variable width roadway in accordance with the requirements of Albemarle County. Once the roadway is completed the construction easement as shown on the plat attached to the Easement shall conditionally cease. This is set forth in the last sentence of section 3 of the easement. Please let me know if additional information is needed or if additional action needs taken. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, I remain patrickyours,(15- 7a D. Ca C Enc. (Contract) Page 1 of 12 , Instrument Control Number 0 O 1 3 U t Commonwealth of Virginia . Land Record Instruments Cover Sheet-Form A l 1111(11[6[ 11111111/11 Doe lo: e00e3e86e012 Tyne: orla(ILSVLR Cover Sheet Agent l.e.88] • Feoordad: 01/29/2984 at 04:NI•46 Pig Artt: $20.20 Pepe 1 of 12_ • A S9aaarle County VA T -1 Date of Instrument: [1/23/2004 j flier 20N0a44-00eaatas9rk olroult Court X R•, fnatrtlrnentType; [OE , 2678�425-436 E • • P I Number of Paroele ( 3] . x Number of Pages [ 10, ti >a City ElCounty Ili' [Albemarle County (Box for Deed Stamp Only) A I First and Second Grantors __ _____ T. L. 14.3at Nan19 ___ 1 _ _First Remo I r Middle Name or inttlal I Suffix [Hurl j[Charles ][Trustee ] Ifl❑ [Fisher j[Shirley ][LV ][Trustee ] First and Second Grantees Last Na l Filet Name Middle Name or inlaid I Suffix® an [I1ollymead Town Center,][ L_.. L1 [ ][ ][ ]( ] Grantee Address (Name) [HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER,LLC [ (Address 1) [care of Regency Realty Group,LLC ] (Address 2) (861 8 Westwood Center Drive-Suite 300 ] (City,State,zip) [Vienna I [VA] [22182 ] Consideration[0.00 ]Existing Debt[0.00 j Assumption Balance[0.00 } Prior Instr.Recorded at:City L County® [Albemarle County ] Percent.In this Jurle. [ 100] Book ( ) Page [ ] Instr.No [ ] Parcel Identification No(PIN) [03200-00-00-042B0,03200-00-00-042D0 ] Tax Map Num. (if different than PIN) (32-42B,32-•42D ] Short Property Description [Hollymead Area B ] Current Property Address(Address 1) [ (Address 2) [ ] (City,State,Zip) [ I[ I[ I Instrument Prepared by [LeClair Ryan ] Recording Paid for by [Commercial Title Group [ Return Recording to (Name) (LeClair Ryan 3 (Address t) [123 E Main 8th Fl ] (Address 2) [ , (City,State,Zip) [Charlottesville I[VA][22902 Customer Case ID [ j [ ][ 1 ''i44;(0*:.ida IV If :;:'li!i:e`' ri,terftMir i +, iir1l' Cover Sheet Page if 1 of 2 't, r ,,,':i if f�,�},,� '� , {'r..C{ Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber: 2004-00001386 Seq: 1 Pape 2 of 12 inetrument Control Number I Commonwealth of Virginia Land Record Instruments Continuation Cover Sheet • Form C ' ELS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.1.651 Ci Date of Instrument, (1/23/2004 J AR' Instrument Type; (DE ) TNumber of Parcels ( 31 o E Number of Pages [ 10J R 2 City❑County[j [Albemarle arle County ] (tlou for need Stamp Dory) Grantora/GranteeelParcel Continuation Form C _Li ; Last Name Fist Name I O®r L Nadia Name or Initial L Suffix _._J [] [Post Office Land Trust i[ II 11❑C ❑ ( i[ II 1[ 1 D7 1[ U❑❑❑ 1 II it 11 1 1I ][ 11 1 Prior Instr.Recorded at:City 0 County® [Albemarle County ] Percent In this Jude. ( 1001 Book [ ] Page I ] Instr.No [ Parcel Identltloation No(PIN) [03200-00-00-042E0,03200-00-00.0430 1 Tax Map Num. (if different than PIN) [32-42E,32-43 1 Short Properly Description [Hollyrnead Area B J Current Property Address(Address 1) ( 1 (Address 2) ( 1 (City,Stain,Zip) [ 11 1 f 1 ) - Prior burr,Recorded et City 0 County® (Albemarle County ) Percent in this Juris, Book [ i Page 1 1 Instr.No ( [ t�1 Parcel Identification No(PIN) [03200.00-00-043A0 [ Tax Map Num. If different than PIN) [32-43 ) Short Property Description [Hollymeed Area B ] ] Current Property Address(Address 1) [ ] (Address 2) [ 1 (City.State,Zip) ( 1 I ]1 1 1 6 f1 ti. r rf,/(1 Cover Sheet Page#2 of 2 Book: 2678 Page; 425 FileNumber:2004-00001386 Seq:2 Page 3 o1 12 j,� (�. Doctmrentmeparcdby: lhivuN9yl�,�li "�ar�tET. i�t,ilU) LeClair Ryan 123 Past Main Street 8'Moor Clw+idtesville,Vhglnla 22902 Tux nip 32,Parcels 4211,421),42E,43 and 43A CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement")is made as of this,Aa.day of January,2004,by and between CHARLES WM.HURT AND SHIRLEY L. FISHER, TRUSTEES OF THE POST OFFICE LAND TRUST ("Post Office") and HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company("Hollymead,"and together, the"Owners"). RECITALS: • It-I, Post Office is the owner of certain real property(the"Post Office Property")located in the Rivanna Magisterial District of Albemarle County,Virginia,depicted as TM 32 Par 41D on plat of Rivanna Engineering & Surveying, PLC, dated September 15, 2003, attached hereto as Exhibit A and recorded herewith(the"Plat"). R-2. Flollymcad is the owner of certain adjacent real property(the"Hollymead Property")upon which Hollymead intends to place a commercial development(the"Project"),which property is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District of Albemarle County, Virginia, and described more particularly on plat of Rivanna Engineering &Surveying, PLC, dated March 7, 2003,last revised December 18, 2003, as Lot F containing 5.16 acres,G containing 5.15 acres,Lot C containing 3.61 acres,Lot D containing 8.38 acres and Lot Fs contenting 2.68 acres,which said plat is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,Virginia,at Deed Book 2672,page 732. A portion of the lollymead Property is depicted on the Plat as TM 32 Per 43. R-3. In conjunction with its development of the Project,Hollymead, its successors,assigns and transferees,intends to construct a truck entrance,road and landscaping on the Post Office Property from U.S. Route 29 southbound for the use and benefit of Hollymead and the Project. WITNESSETH: NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the covenants herein contained and for the mutual benefit of all present and prospective owners of the Hollymead Property,the Owners agree as follows: I. Construction of Entrance aeRoad. Hollytead shall construct or cause to be constructed entirely at its own expense improvements consisting of'an entrance and variable-width roadway located within that certain area described on the Plat as the Entrance Area Construction and Cross-Access Easement, in accordance with the requirements of Albemarle County(the "Hollymead Improvements"). Post Office shall construct or cause to be constructed entirely at its own expense improvements consisting of a variable-width roadway connecting to the Hollymead Improvements and located within that certain area described on the Plat as the Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement(the"Post Office Improvements"). Without in any way limiting Post Office's responsibility for constructing the Post Office Improvements,Hollymead shall also have the right to construct or cause to be constructed all or part of the Post Office Improvements,with such work to be reimbursed by Post Office upon approval by the County of Albemarle of a final site plan for Post Office Property. 2. Access Easerrte g. Post Office does hereby GRANT and CONVEY for the use and enjoyment of Hollymead,its heirs,administrators,personal representatives,successors,assigns,tenants,other occupants and permiltees and their respective employees, agents, sublessees, licensees, contractors and invitees, a perpetual, nose exclusive easement and right-of-way for vehicular ingress and egress, including, Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber:2004-00001386 Seq: 3 Page 4 of n2 Driveway behind Target(F.xhBdl D) without limitation,ingress and egress by delivery(rucks,tractor trailers,trash trucks and semis,to and from U.S. Route 29 — Seminole Trail over and upon the areas depicted on the Plat as the Entrance Area Conshuction and Cross-Access Easement and the Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement(the "Easement Area")for the purpose of providing ingress,egress and other access to the Hollymead Property. 3. Temporary Construction Easement. Post Office does hereby GRANT and CONVEY to Hollymead,its transferees,successors, assigns, agents and contractors,a temporary easement over the Post Office Property to permit Hollymead to construct,install, maintain, repair, alter and replace the Easement Area,including easements as necessary for the proper grading of the site,temporary erosion control measures, landscaping, storage of supplies and equipment and redirection of traffic,which easement shall remain in effect only until such construction is completed,but shall automatically be reinstated during the pendency of any work thereafter performed. 4, fvlaintenance. Hollymead, its successors and assigns,shall maintain, at its expense, the Hollymead Improvements. Post Office, its successors and assigns,shall maintain, at its expense,the Post Office improvements. 'Ike Owners shall keep their respective portions of the Easement Area clear of waste, debris, ice, snow and any obstruction to the unrestricted use of the Easement Area, except such as rosy reasonably be required in connection with performance of maintenance. Without in any way limiting Post Office's responsibility for maintaining its portion of the Easement Area,in the event that Post Office fails to maintain the Post Office Improvements, Hollymead shall then have the right to maintain or cause to be maintained the Post Office Improvements, with such maintenance work to be reimbursed by Post Office promptly upon Hollymead's presentation to Post Office of an invoice for the actual cost of the maintenance performed. Without in any way limiting Hollymead's responsibility for maintaining its portion of the Easement Area,and provided that ingress and egress over the Hollymead Improvements is not materially impaired,in the event that Hollymead fails to maintain the Hollymead Improvements,Post Office shall then have the right to maintain or cause to be maintained the Hollymead Improvements, with such maintenance work to be reimbursed by Hollymoad promptly upon Post Office's presentation to Hollymead of art invoice for the actual cost of the maintenance perfomsed. 5. Easement for Installation and Maintenance of the Off-Site Landscaping. Hollymead, its successors and assigns, shall be solely responsible for the installation, construction and maintenance of landscaping in accord with any requirements of the County of Albemarle within that area designated on the Plat as Off-Site Landscaping Easement(Area 1)(the"Off-Site Landscaping Easement"). Said maintenance responsibility shall continue only until the County of Albemarle releases the bond posted by Hollymead for the work to be performed on the Off-Site Landscaping Easement,at which time said maintenance responsibility shall terminate and Post Office shall then become solely responsible for said maintenance. Post Office does hereby GRANT and CONVEY for the use and enjoyment of Hollymead,its heirs, administrators,personal representatives,successors,assigns, tenants, other occupants and petnuttees and their respective employees, agents, sublessees, licensees, contractors and invitees, a temporary, non-exclusive easement to construct, install, maintain, repair, alter,raze and replace the landscaping within the Off-Site Landscaping Easement during the period Hollymead is responsible for construction and maintenance of the Off-Site Landscaping Easement pursuant to this Paragraph 5. 6. Estoppel Certificates, Within fifteen(15)clays after written request by either party hereto,the other party shall furnish to said requesting party and/or any mortgagee or purchaser of said requesting party an estoppel certificate stating (i) that this Agreement is in full force and effect and has not been modified or amended (or, if so modified or amended, specifying any such modifications or amendments), (ii) that no default exists by the requesting party under this Agreement(or if a default so exists,stating the nature of such default)and(iii)such other matters concerning the status of this Agreement or the obligations of the parties hereunder as shall be reasonably requested. 7. private Rights. Subject to Paragraph 8 hereof,the Easement Area and Off-Site Landscaping Easement are private and shall be maintained exclusively by the Owners. Nothing contained herein shall be 2 Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber: 2004.00001386 Seq: 4 Page 5 of 12 Drtvewey behind Target(Ea hiUlt D) construed as, or deemed to create,any rights for the benefit of the general public in either the Hollymead Property or the Post Office Property. 8, Future Dedication. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prohibit or in any way limit the right of tlx:Owners(provided the Owners agree unanimously)to dedicate any part of the Easement Area as a public road. 9. fvlatters of Record. The conveyances made and rights granted in this Agreement are made subject to all applicable easements,restrictions,covenants and conditions of record in the chain of title to the respective parcels. 10. Nppioes, All invoices and notices required hereunder shall be mailed to the appropriate party as required hereunder by certified mail,postage prepaid,and return receipt requested,or by recognized courier service, such as FedEx or UPS, with delivery reccipted, to the address reflected below, or at such other address(es)as such party may designate,in writing,to the other party: If to Grantor: Charles Wm,Hurt,Trustee of the Post Office Land Trust 195 Riverbend Drive Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 If to Grantee: Hollyntttid'Town Center,LW C/o Regency Realty Group,LLC Attention:Taylor Chess 8618 Westwood Center Drive-Suite 300 Vicuna,Virginia 22182 11, Recordation, This Agreement shall be recorded at the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Albemarle County, Virginia and shall constitute a covenant running with the land to the extent hereinafter provided. Except as otberw:se expressly provided in this Paragraph 11,this Agreement shall be binding upon Post Office and Hollymead and their respective administrators,executors,assigns,heirs and other successors in interest including any owners'association. Notwithstanding the foregoing,during the period in which Hollymead shall retain title to at least ten(10)acres of the Hollymead Property,the grantee or other transferee(and its successors and assigns) of any conveyance or other transfer of the Hollymead Property shall not he liable under this Agreement for either the performance by Hollymead of the maintenance and construction obligations hereunder or the payment by Hollymead of any sams due hereunder(together,the"Hollymead Obligations");instead, Post Office hereby agrees that,during the period in which Hollymead shall retain title to at least ten(10) acres of the Hollymead Property, Post Office shall look solely to Hollymead for payment and performance of the Hollymead Obligations and not to any other grantee or transferee of the Hollymead Property, During the period in which Post Office shall retain title to at least ten (10) acres of the Post Office Property, the grantee or other transferee(and its successors and assigns)of any conveyance or other transfer of the Post Office Property shall not be liable under this Agreement for either the performance by Post Office of the maintenance and construction obligations hereunder or the payment by Post Office of any sums due hereunder(together, the "Post Office Obligations"); instead, Hollymead hereby agrees that,during the period in which Post Office shall retain title to at least ten(10)acres of the Post Office Property,Hollymead shall look solely to Post Office for the payment and performance of the 3 Book: 2678 Page; 425 FileNurnber: 2004-00001388 Seq: 5 Page 6 0112 Driveway behind Targct(Exhibit D) Post Office Obligations and not to any grantee or other transferee of any portion of the Post Office Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if a portion of the Hollymead Property shall hereafter be conveyed to Target Corporation("Target"), and such portion so conveyed shall not exceed twelve(12)acres,and shall not be the Hollymead Triggering Transfer,as herein defined,then Target and its successors and assigns shall have no liability under this Agreement for payment or performance of the Hollymead Obligations; Post Oftie,e hereby agreeing that it shall look solely to Hollymead and any successor owner of the remainder of the Hollymead Properly(subject to the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph 11) excluding the portion thereof conveyed to Target, for payment and performance of the Hollymead Obligations, Upon the occurrence of a conveyance or other transfer by Hollymead of all or a portion of the Hollymead Property, after which conveyance or other transfer the residue of such Hollymead Property retained by Hollymead shall be less than ten(10)acres(the".Hollymead Triggering Transfer"), liability for the performance and payment of the Hollymead Obligations thereafter shall attach to and run with ownership of that portion or portions of the Hollymead Property transferred or conveyed pursuant to the Hollymead Triggering Transfer,as well as ownership of any portion or portions of the Hollymead Property then retained by Hollymead. Upon the occurrence of a conveyance or other transfer by Post Office of all or a portion of the Post Office Property,after which conveyance or other transfer the residue of such Post Office Property retained by Post Office shall be less than ten(10)acres(the"Post Office Triggering Transfer"),liability for the performance and payment of the Post Office Obligations thereafter shall attach to and run with ownership of that portion or portions of the Post Office Property transferred or conveyed pursuant to the Post Office Triggering Transfer, as well as ownership of any portion or portions of the Post Office Property then retained by Post Office. 12. Successors and Assigns. The terms and provisions of this Agreement are deemed to be covenants running with the land that are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the transferees,successors, devisees and assigns of the parties hereto and any person claiming by,through or under them. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11 hereof, upon any transfer or conveyance of all or a portion of the Hollymead Property or the Post Office Property, the grantor or other transferring party shall be automatically released front all further liability and obligations under this Agreement with respect or relating to the property so transferred or conveyed. Any obligations contained herein shall be construed as covenants and not as conditions, and a violation of any said covenants shall not result in a forfeiture or reversion of title to the easements herein granted, 13. Modification.This Agreement shall not be amended,modified or terminated and no waiver of any provision hereof shall be effective unless set forth in a written instrument executed with the same formality as this Agreement, 14. Sevetebility. If any provision of this Agreement shall be unenforceable in whole or in part, such provision shall be limited to the extent necessary to render the same valid,or shall be excised from this Agreement, as circumstances require,and this Agreement shall be construed as if such provision had been incorporated herein as so limited or as if such provision had not been included herein,as the ease may be. 15. Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts,each of which shall constitute an original and all of which taken together shell constitute a fully executed instrument. 16. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 4 Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber: 2004-00001386 Seq: 6 Page 7of12 Driveway behind Target(Exhibit D) WITNESS the following signatures and seals. Charles Wm. Hurt, es Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust Shirley L.Fisher,as Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust /c4 HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company By: Regency Realty Group,Inc.,a Florida corporation ( ageerr By: `� Its: �!a�' C �,..a:�C3 • COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ("Mt/COUNTY OF Fett Ay- tt The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1�7 day of b[,C, fir,1+ 200_by Charles Wm.Hurt,as Trustee for the Post Office Land'trust. ,19-1. n. _ • otary Public My Commission Expires: 3- i_Q G COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ,CITY/COUNTY OF F'At • t2P�►y zf� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ft day of ��.• 200$ by Shirley L.Fisher,as Trustee for the Post Office Land Trust,otary Public • . y Commission Expires: 3-3 t—0 5 Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber:2004-00001386 Seq: 7 Page 8of12 Dri►emy behind Target(Se►Ilrt D) COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/C-ebt•Ffsi OF ,L The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisav?''i day of 200_by.7'o ivtr 0.Cb..k.ess , (.? -471 tk0$.,.,4..Lh, _--of Regency y Group,Manager'ofHOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER,LLC. . 021}tAtA Notary Public My Commission Expires: (a-30-OS' 6 Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber;2004-00081386 Seq:8 Page 9of12 Driveway WWI Thy get(exhibit D) Exhibit A [the Nat] 7 Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber:2004-00001386 Seq:9 Pape 10 of 12 Di4 ee6b4 Tweet MO818 1/1 100 0 100 800 001 SCAR:1 -100 ----- )I( 1 :mom R 111WER> • Fmirnnl `Coeimatlan \ `w`tr„to, r 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 27'491 1T9.1 111 32 Pr 41D \1 \\ Pak Mao UM Trust \ \ ?'SMT DB N81-118 \ \ 7' i oo P-Io fro ' 1 '8 -saes' •* • • • Tk 32 Per 410 �. \ DB 1861-i8 gram OD 18511-233 PM R 00'13'N'C 474.3E ct 1 • ` 80'8ulkOn07 15 Moen '} \\��at-�\ .2 Wee�Uon Ennemenl i: C \ R 1 \ \ 20'Vllhty � � \ \ Eowm.M °ly1,5l\I \ \\ It 1 and \; t4 yy1' '1.''' 1 L j 't eV Boldhe V I-- Ay Ji /'-Stermealr- 1 RwAr ollan T',.., .-9.4, (� Cep R 1 b L '�'� 4''�.. `1 LrrlwaPe I. y EeeMMnt .._J`—''', 3 lki and Nana kw -~s-'?f f 1 gyp• �, qe»-Ac ne ( Eira alnitw 1'. .. ON.SM LondeoolYq 20,San Serer I Wong eaeemenl 4 SI1�WR"1�3'y18'Y �PF dN PLAT E —— -.- ABlIBI1Y TAX OAP 32 PAR0EL9 418 d:43 ROUTE 29 MIME TRAIL HOLLYMEAD TOWN CENTER VARIABLE YAM'RAY MONA OBWOT.AIJEYAIOE WL44TY,1188/11A '. SCALE I'.100' DAL 5EP1ELBER 14 2003 320042.de9 - .. • e7NIM2A MUM 4&WYK PLO PR 1101178Dk a4kao1 E814L E,1A,DO, `:4D411B4.ID 9 PI 431,1184,8023 _ Book: 2678 Page: 425 FileNumber: 2004-00001386 Seq: 10 Page 11 of 12 CONSENT.SUBORDINATION AND PARTIAL RELEASE BY TRUSTEES AND BENEFICIARY J. PETER RICHARDSON and AVID W. KUDRAVI:TZ (the 'Trustees"), and FIRST COMMUNITY BANK,,Die:f nose address is P.O. Box 950, 211 Federal Street, Bluefield,West Virginia 24701 (the"Beneficiary"),are,respectively,the trustees and beneficiary under that certain Deed of Trust from CHARLES WM.HURT AND SHIRLEY L.FISHER, TRUSTEES OF THE POST OFFICE LAND TRUST dated December 11, 1997,and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,Virginia at Deed Book 1661, page 123(the"Deed of Trust"). In consideration of the premises and the intent of the parties to be legally bound, the aforesaid trustees and beneficiary do hereby JOIN IN,RATIFY and CONFIRM the foregoing Cross Access Easement and Construction Agreement ("Deed of Basement") for the express purposes of consenting to such Deed of Easement, subordinating all of their right, title and interest under the Deed of Trust to the operation and effect of the Deed of Easement and releasing from the lien of their Deed of Trust the areas depicted on the Plat as the Entrance Area Construction and Cross-Access Easement, the Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement and the Off-Site Landscaping Easement(Area 1). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustees and Beneficiary have each executed this Consent, Subordination and Partial Release by Trustees and Beneficiary or caused it to be executed on its behalf by their duly authorized representatives,this day of a,,,, ,20.d J.Peter Richardson,Trustee for First Community Bank, .,rr.9 D id W.Kudravetz,Trustee for First Community First Community BankjRc Aw Its: ,.� « _✓f,.r..... Book: 2678 Page: 426 FileNumber, 2004-00001386 Seq: 11 Pogo 12 of 12 1 6__��'We ,THof"giniw -CGTY/COUNTY OF mereer • • Tile foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /61/lday of Janileir , 200 by J.Peter Richardson,Trustee for First C y unit Bank,,Jae-�,,.y, O oFw.se_ NOTARY6veW RITA t.ORA NE PAULEY Fsrcteox,neCommission xueneto,wv:aro, My don ogles bomb,a,sotI COMMONWEALTH O VIRG IA CITY/rY OF CAr-s-GK • • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /9' day of 200 j by David W.Kudravetz,Trustee for FirstCommunity a►nk,Jae:,y;.o Communi B �--' 9,, .4 47/I.4Pc1G14A- Notary Public My Commission Expires; /s/ ei.t oo y COMMONWEALTH L)tAt V im-- i CITY/COUNTY OF The fo oin nnstrume t was acknowled ed before me this day o 1 r�y "' 200A by L. SVI� y � B , Inor.„s-,...7. end L,ernl;nq r First Community Bank, f o AIIY SEAL I l` 01-1\-.1.11..A... �,►►1�ran NOTARY Pt1BL10 1. .• 6tosoFir T inaNA µ. �._,, F iN b1.CARVER Notary Pu tc �+1 F sr. My Commission Expires:O I o� I n t '1 A W'24701 My oosnfesbn WOW*d 7w,2013 ' RECORDED IN CLERKS oFFIOE OF ALBEMARLE ON Jenup►Y 23.2004 AT 4:0e4e PM A$REQUIRED GRANTOR TA)(PD BY VA CODE jga 1 TA .00 LOCAL:$0.06 -8°2 ALE co DC c 21 Book: 2678 Page; 425 FileNumber:2004-00001386 Sag: 12 of fill1 �i: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Date: May 31,2018 John Blair County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Regarding: Project Name: SDP201700070—HTC Hotel—Final Site Plan Date Submitted: 4/20/18 Dear Mr. Blair: The applicant has resubmitted the final site plan (attached),for the above named project. In the first round of review a comment pointed out a possible conflict with an existing easement. With the resubmittal the comment response letter the applicant stated that the easement in question"The Cross-Access Easement"DB 2678-425 was a temporary access easement to build the access road behind Target." It is possible that the intent of the document was not to keep the full width of the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement"in perpetuity as evidenced by the"60' Building Restriction Area"shown on the same plat attached to the recorded document. However, the"Cross Access Easement and Construction Agreement"in section "2. Access Easement"uses the wording"perpetual". In the area of the proposed building the width of the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement"is 70'. Because of a staggering of these easements that would put the"Drive Lane Construction and Cross-Access Easement" 30' into the proposed building even though the building is outside of the"60' Building Restriction Area". Please let me know if a discussion of this issue and my questions would be beneficial. At your earliest convenience,please review this document and forward on for signature. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Pat Sate a or Planner County o bemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 psatemye@albemarle.org (434)296-5832,phone ex.3250