HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800138 Correspondence 2018-09-13 'A
LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1956
DON FRANCO.P.E. PHONE(434)979-8121 PHONE(434)977-0205 BRIAN D.JAMISON.L.S.
DAVID M.ROBINSON.P.E. FAX(434)979-1681 FAX(434)296-5220 DAVID A.JORDAN.L.S.
September 13,2018
David James,Civil Engineer I
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville,VA 22902
RE: WP0201800061-Scheumann Residence SWM and ESC Plan
Dear David,
Please find attached two(2)copies of the revised plans dated August 3,2017 last revised September 13,
2018 along with two(2)copies of the revised plat. The plans have been revised to address the comments in
accordance with the following:
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)
The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must
contain(1)a PPP,(2)an ESCP,(3)a SWMP,and(4)any TMDL measures necessary.
1. Registration Statement:
a. The latitude and longitude are in reverse order. Should be 37.96397 lat,-78.67519
• Acknowledged.Order has been corrected as requested.
b. Enter in the HUC12 number`020802031201'for section 6.The HUC name is`North
Fork Hardware River'.
• HUC12 information has been added as requested.
c. Please resign and date.
• Form has been resigned and dated according to revisions.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan(PPP)
The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404.
1. Show any proposed clearing/grading activities,paving operations,landscaping operations,
locations on the PPP.
• All operations and proposed activities have been noted on the plans in their locations as necessary.
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C. Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP)
VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a
SWMP. This plan is disapproved,and the reasons are provided in the comments below.The
stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-
1. Cover Sheet:
a. Please add `WP0201800061'to the title on cover sheet.
• WPO number has been added to the cover sheet as requested.
b. Remove approval block;not needed.
• Approval block has been removed as requested.
c. Please add note on the cover sheet: "The SWM Forest and Open Space Easement is
subject to the guidance set forth by DEQ in the Virginia Stormwater Management
Program. The areas will remain undisturbed in a natural, vegetated state,except for
activities as approved by the local program authority,such as forest management,
control of invasive species,replanting and revegetating,passive recreation(e.g.,
trails), and limited bush hogging to maintain desired vegetative community(but no
more than four times a year)."
• A note stating the above has been added to the site data on the cover sheet as requested.
2. Areas of Forest/Open space to be protected as undisturbed space(outside limits of disturbance)& shall
be protected as such in agreements,deed of dedication,and platted within an easement.The buffer area
of stream should be the first area protected,so adjust area to include area of 100'WPO buffer,than
include any excess area outside buffer to be protected.
• Proposed easement has been revised accordingly as requested.A line table has been added to the
easement plat in regards to the new easement lines surrounding the buffer.
3. .Please submit a SWM Deed of
Dedication and Easement once the plat is approved.The deed and plat will need to be recorded prior to
plan approval.Provide deed book/page ref.once recorded.
• Acknowledged. Easement documents will he submitted upon approval.
4. Please contact Ana Kilmer about the SWM maintenance agreement(to be recorded prior to plan
• Acknowledged.We are currently in contact with Ana in regards to this project.
5. Please also analyze area of site runoff(NE corner)so that it meets water quantity. 6=—Show-
ed SWM facility ...7 na
• The total land disturbance was used in evaluating the water quantity requirements.This 2.50 acres
included the NE corner for light berm screen grading.The NE corner also drains to the same creek
used for the water quantity analysis.
7. Show calcs for pre-/post-development runoff.The additional runoff will have to be detained/treated with
detention/RR practice before it leaves site unless it sheet flows.
• Pre and post-development calcs have been shown as requested.The DEQ VRRM spreadsheet was
used to evaluate pre and post-development conditions and back-engineered to calculate the total
number of acreage in open space required to treat the site runoff based on the land cover of the
disturbed area.Detention is obtained by the total disturbed site drainage contributing less than 1%of
what the rear property creek is currently experiencing.The excess runoff from the 1,2,and 10 year
post development storm events accounts for less than two tenths increase across the board.
Furthermore,Bundoran Farm requires LID measures to be used within the proposed house footprint
development in addition to any state requirement.Infiltration pits and rain barrels are a few of the
proposed methods that will be utilized for the roof drain dissipation.This will result in RR methods
and further reduce the already negligible excess runoff.The site will experience sheet flow rather
than concentrated flow leaving the site,once the development in completed and stabilized.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(ESCP)
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP.This plan is
disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content
requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402.
1. Show berm height-can use spot elevations.—DJ
• Berm height has been shown with spot elevations(776.00).
2. Sheet 4: Show PS for area to be lightly graded adjacent to Plank Road.—DJ
• PS has been added to the requested location.
3. Please provide stabilization measure for diversions where channel likely to form w/>2% slope;should
be stabilized in accordance with Spec.3.17,SCC.—DJ
• Blanket matting/matting details has been added to line the diversion channels to prevent scouring.
4. Show rectangular zone next to driveway at least 10'x14' if applicable. {18-4.6.6(b)(d)}DJ
• Acknowledged.The zone is currently shown as approx. 14'wide by 40' long.
5. A culvert design should be used at entrance;otherwise provide VDOT approved entrance. No flow should
run out into travel lanes.DJ
• Acknowledged.The site super has visited the site and determined that there is an existing 15"culvert
already in place at the existing entrance and gate.I have reflected this on the existing conditions and
it will remain in place to convey ditch runoff.
6. Show easement for work outside of property line.—DJ
• Acknowledged.This was an oversight on my part.The limits of berm grading should terminate at the
property line and there will be no work in the VDOT right-of-way.I have corrected the limits of
disturbance to reflect actual conditions.Since the disturbance acreage is negligible,I have left the
higher disturbed acreage in the calculations and plan sheets.
7. .
8. Add Note:Ditches and disturbed areas adjacent to driveway shall be stabilized with appropriate
temporary or permanent vegetation.—DJ
• A note stating the above has been added to the plans.
9. Show ROW line,deed book/reference.—DJ
• Acknowledged.DB/PG has been referenced to the original plat for Bundoran Farm.
10. Add a clean water diversion to protect entrance(recommended).—DJ
• Acknowledged. I have added a clean water diversion to take clean runoff to the existing ditch prior to
disturbance of the driveway entrance into the property.
11. Construction Entrance must extend a minimum of 70 Feet from the end of the VDOT entrance.VDOT
entrance extends from edge of pavement—Plank Road—to edge of ROW easement,VDOT entrance must
be paved per Department of Transportation standards shown on plan.
• Acknowledged.The construction entrance has been moved to extend at least 70' past the
ROW/Property line.The entrance will be paved in accordance to VDOT PE-1 standards as shown on
the plans.
12. Water must be available for a Wash Rack.A pressurized line from the well with a 2-inch minimum hose
and nozzle,or a holding tank and 2 pressure washers shall be on site for use.
• Acknowledged.Irrigation currently exist on the property and a water hydrant is available within
approx.75' to 100'of the proposed entrance.A hose will be ran from the hydrant to the entrance for
the use of pressure washing at the entrance.
13. Show any easements on the property.Deed book and Page.
• All currently known existing easements have been reflected on the plans as necessary along with their
DB/PG references.
14. Show location of any Topsoil/Over Burden Stock Piles along with required controls on the plan sheets.
• Stockpile/staging area has been noted on the plans accordingly.
15. Provide copy of VDOT Entrance Permit.
• We are currently working with Joel Kauppila from VDOT on the entrance permit document.
RE: SUB201800138-Scheumann Residence Easement Plat(David James)
E. Easement Plat Comments
1. Show the zoning classification on the plat.
• Zoning classification has been shown on the plat as requested.
2. Add note: "the stream buffer(s)shown hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle
County Water Protection Ordinance."
• A note stating the above has been added as requested.
3. Add note whether the land is within an Albemarle County and/or City of Charlottesville water supply
watershed or an agricultural-forestal district.
• A note stating the above has been added as requested.
4. Add any notes under section 14-303.
• Additional notes have been added as necessary.
5. The buffer area of stream should be the first area protected,so adjust area to include area of 100'WPO
buffer,than include any excess area outside buffer to be protected.
• The easement has been revised to reflect the protection of the buffer plus additional protected space
around the buffer to achieve an offset of 4.35 acres.
RE: SUB201800138-Scheumann Residence Easement Plat(Andrew Reitelbach)
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced
above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable
reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
1. [14-302(A)15.] Please include the name(s) and address(es) of the owner of record of the
property that is the subject of this easement plat.
• Owner information has been added as requested.
2. [14-302(B)S.] Include the zoning classification of this property on the plat, including any
zoning overlay districts, proffers, special use permits, and variances, if applicable. In
addition,please revise all references to "steep slopes" on the plat to say "critical slopes"
instead. "Critical slopes" is the correct terminology for those slopes that are in the rural
areas of the County.
• Zoning classification has been shown on the plat as requested."Steep slopes"have been revised to
read"critical slopes"as requested.
3. [14-302(B)7.] Include a note indicating whether the property is within a water
supply watershed or an agricultural/forestal district.
• A note stating the above has been added as requested.
4. 114-302(B)10.1 Please include the following note on the plat: "The stream buffer(s) shown
hereon shall be managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Protection
• A note stating the above has been added as requested.
5. [14-303(A)] Please include the following statement on the plat: "The platting or dedication of
the following described land [insert a correct description of the land subdivided] is with the
free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners,proprietors and
trustees,if any."
• A statement stating the above has been added as requested.
6. [14-303(H)] A monument or pin should be shown at the northern comer of the
proposed easement property.
• Irons are shown as being set on the new easement lines.
7. [14-303(0)] Please include signature panels for the property owner(s) and for the agent of
Albemarle County. The signature panel for the owner(s) shall be located immediately below
the statement required by 14-303(A).
• Signature panel has been added as requested.
8. [14-303(P)] Please include notary panels for the notary public to acknowledge the signature of
the owner(s).
• Notary panel has been added as requested.
We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately addresses your comments. However,
please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information.
Jeremy L. Fox