HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800143 Correspondence 2019-03-26 Andy Reitelbach From: Andy Reitelbach Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 1:12 PM To: 'Kris Winters' Subject: Approval of SUB2018-00143 - Bundoran Farm BLA - Good afternoon Kris, The plat for SUB2018-00143,the Bundoran Farm BLA, has been signed and approved by the Agent.The signed copy is now available at the front desk of CDD for you to pick up at your convenience. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, Andy AvLdrew ReaeZ,bac v Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 areitelbach@albemarle.org 434.296.5832 x3261 1 Pjobi ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC..13 A A.PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION S P LAND SURVEYING. Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SURVEY DEPARTMENT 172 SOUTI I PANTOPS DRIVE,STE.A 914 MONTICELLO ROAD JIM L.TAGGART,P.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22911 CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 WILLIAM J.LEDBE7TER,L.S. DON FRANCO,P.E. PHONE(434)979-8121 PHONE(434)977-0205 BRIAN D.JAMISON,L.S. DAVID M.ROBINSON,P.E. FAX(434)979-1681 FAX(434)296-5220 KRISTOPHER C.WINTERS.L.S. AMMY M.GEORGE,PLA INFO n ROUDABUSI LCOM TO: An drew_.Reitelbach SenicktiP_l nner DATE: 3/22/2019 Community Development JOB#: 8236 Albemarle County PROJ: SUB201800143 Bundoran Farm Lots B10 &B11-BLA X Attached Under separate cover via the following items: #of Copies Date Job # Description 2 3/12/19 Owner Signed and Notarized Plat Copies (3 Sheets) • These are transmitted as checked below: X For Approval/Signature _For your use _Please return —As requested _Resubmitted w/revisions _Review/Comment For Bids due Other REMARKS: RECEIVED SIGNED: Kr itopT'lei' C. W( tom LS COPY TO: If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. MAR 2 2 2019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Andy Reitelbach From: Andy Reitelbach Sent: Thursday, March 14,2019 2:35 PM To: 'Kris Winters' Subject: RE:SUB2018-00143 Bundoran Farm BLA- Second Review Good afternoon Kris, All outstanding comments on this plat now appear to have been addressed. Please submit signed and notarized copies of the final plat to CDD for approval and signature by the Agent of the Board of Supervisors. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Andy Avtdrsw Rettelbach, Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 areitelbach@albemarle.org 434.296.5832 x3261 From: Kris Winters<Kwinters@roudabush.com> Sent:Tuesday, March 12, 2019 11:12 AM To:Andy Reitelbach<mreitelbach@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:SUB2018-00143 Bundoran Farm BLA-Second Review Andy, Thanks for letting us resubmit electronically. Revised plat attached. Kris Kristopher C. Winters, LS Roudabush, Gale and Associates 914 Monticello Road • Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434-977-0205 434-296-5220 fax www.roudabush.corn From:Andy Reitelbach [mailto:mreitelbach@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, March 11,2019 6:34 PM 1 To: Kris Winters<Kwinters@roudabush.com> Subject:SUB2018-00143 Bundoran Farm BLA-Second Review Good afternoon Kris, Please find attached a comment letter for the second review of SUB2018-00143,the Bundoran Farm BLA.There are only a few minor typos that need to be fixed. It would be fine if you emailed me PDFs of the revised plat for the next submittal, rather than submitting hard copies, as the changes are minor. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Best regards, Andy A vti rew Re(t 2i>adv Senior Planner Albemarle County Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 areitelbach@albemarle.org 434.296.5832 x3261 2 Ink ROUDABUSH, GALE &ASSOCIATES, INC. A A PROFESSIONAL.CORPORA'I'ION' g:. p 4.ANDSuRVEYIIVG. Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SURVEY DEPARTMENT 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE,STE.A 914 MONTICELLO ROAD JIM L.TAGGART,P.E. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22911 CHARLOTCESVILLE,VA 22902 WILLIAM J.LEDBETTER,L.S. 434 DON FRANCO,P.E. PHONE(434)979-8121 PHONE(434)977-0205 FAX BRIAN D.JAMISON,L.S. DAVID M.ROBINSON.P.E. ( )979-1681 FAX(434)296-5220 KRISTOPHER C.WINTERS,L.S. AMMY M.GEORGE,PLA INF.O@ROUDABUSH.COM • TO: AndrewReitellbcliSenio""r Plarine, DATE: 1/22/2019 Community Development JOB#: 8236 Albemarle County PROD: SUB201800143 Bundoran Farm Lots B10&B11-BLA X Attached Under separate cover via the following items: #of Copies Date Job # Description 3 12/28/18 Revised Plat Copies (3 Sheets) These are transmitted as checked below: For Approval/Signature _For your use Please return As requested _Resubmitted w/revisions x Review/Comment _For Bids due Other REMARKS: SIGNED: Kr'6stoph.e C. WI/titters; LS COPY TO: If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. PPHON (434)977-0205 E o, FAX(434)296-5220 FAX ROUDABUSH, GALE &ASSOCIATES, INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION LANGINEE SURVEYING UR_YI G Serving Virginia Since 1956 ERINLAND PLANNING 914 MONTICELLO ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA WILLIAM J.LEDBETTER,L.S. 22902 DAVID A.JORDAN,L.S. DAVID M.ROBINSON,P.E. BRIAN D.JAMISON,L.S. AMMY M.GEORGE,L.A. KRISTOPHER C.WINTERS,L.S. TO: DATE: 8/13/2018 Albemarle County JOB#: 8236 Dept of Community Development PROJ: Bundoran Farm Subdivision Lots B10& B11 Boundary Line Adjustment Attached _Under separate cover via the following items: #of Copies Date Job# Description 1 8/13/2018 8236 Subdivision Application 5 7/23/2018 8236 Boundary Adjustment Plat(3 Sheets) 1 8/13/2018 8236 Fee Check These are transmitted as checked below: _For Approval/Signature _For your use _Please return _As requested _Resubmitted w/revisions X Review/Comment _For Bids due Other REMARKS: _ • . • SIGNED: Kristopher C:Winters, LS ;i' COPY TO: If enclosures-are-not"as noted, kindly notify us at once.nr; ua �.(iit,;;,., ;,