HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800146 Other 2018-10-22 ''~ '` Zonina:
"L`��. '" � ' EXISTING
,�/ DRAINAGE ,,\�N\ +,.. Street Trees are to be planted along Orchard Dr to achieve the bonus level lot sizes per Albemarle Couny Code Section 14.4.1
■�.■■�► ■■■■■■■■ Required Location and Spacing of Trees(Zoninu):
��ir, I���1111
',,� One(1)large street tree shall be required for every fifty(50)feet of street frontage,or portion thereof,if twenty-five(25)feet or more.
u� • ,."L,'�' WATER Total Frontage=205 ft
■,,,■..■■r■,.■.....1 ,. ��-������� <. �� �..� EASEMENT Number of Large Street Trees Required=205 ft/50 ft=4.1 =>4 Trees
■`^■�■'!"�! '■`• ", ``"` Due to existing stream,fire hydrant,sewer crossing,and existing bamboo stand on the north end of the property, the 4 street trees will be
� �"�m� =�'�` J! �4., • planted in the southern portion of the site.
-4�■mihr■in■■■■■■mg `,<` DRAINAGE Required Street Tree Species:
�` '■11!■11^■■■■■� W EASEMENT
1�..■�■:,!■■■�, � � � Street Trees to be selected and installed according to Albemarle Couny Code Section
► SEWER -�.■■..■■:�■■�
� ■'■�■■■■i■r , `•.\%,., `. EXISTING Street trees shall be selected from a current list of Albemarle County recommended large shade trees:
EASEMENT � �--.� ' `,<<.,,��.,. �
���11�:hi- \.. HYDRANT http://www.albemarle.orglupload/images/forms_center/departments/Community_Development/forms/applications/
4 �� EXISTING 11I1iM`,� +.° > .. ,,,' STREAM Plant_List Approved_Species_04_21_03.pdf
/i ,,i SEWER ;■■:!; I `-`.° ", Street trees shall also be native to Albemarle County:
LOT 2 �i Fes.■ 1 `'' . .' http://www.albemarle.org/NativePlantsIN
38415 SF ��n+ma's
,/ ••�'• All street trees to be planted shall meet the specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen.
►� � .
■■■■= :.� • SEWER
i��� ■■■■� tit r._ ' Street Tree Species List:
EXISTING .�� i ►� ;;;;� �\-",'-X: , , EXISTING �••.,. EASEMENT The following trees have been pre-selected based on the criteria above.
BAMBOO STAND / '■■■'r - '` byg
,` MANHOL= •..� The selections were narrowed further trees thatwill thrive in a drainage swale.
� ilt ,l ">•• •®.. Any of these species may be used.
�� ,�A%��414%lK 00 . ••`a Botanical Name Common name
Ar / ��� �;4 �i Betula nigra"Heritage" "Heritage" River Birch
.r:.,im ��rr �.���;, , EXISTING
%'/��Iel �® r!V Dios ros vir iniana Persimmon
PROPOSED � 1 pi: t • • 1 i/��' �j Fa usY randifgolia American Beech
•/�i��D�.1//.���.��r'� �� i SEWER
SHARED ►I/ irAn M , 9 9
DRIVEWAY !s.■r ,liwr_� ' . '`-. 4 1 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum
\ •ems �.�lbr■�t/�rsl i,
BUILDABLE I;Figg fy �`�� �. ' i.��,..- Nyssa sylvatica Black um
AREA r arvk ►�'. ,<,,. .p Platanus occidentalis American Planetree(Sycamore) ,,
��Ii� ®� !.. ..��� ��► ��. ��.:,.� NEW STREET
EMI l �. ` '�� ' TREES Quercus palustris Pin Oak
I , �,/.,'y■, y/! 1 �,. Quercus phellos Willow Oak
' ,,.',:
�►wain • ,:'�„: .�.,,.t�
.,.. I b . w ,,°Q • Minimum Caliper of Street Trees:
,� .,<
„ , _ ■■ram..,;! 1` _ ` / Large street trees shall be one and three quarters 1 3/4 inches minimum caliper measured six 6 inches above round level when planted.
�0,/fir` �!� ;.,\ ,,
�O"��' , �'.'• ORCHARD DR ROAD EDGE Location and Spacing of Trees(On Site):
f - • A'ea es �i �.,,,�,`' 100'STREAM BUFFER • Street trees to be planted with even spacing in a row within the public street right-of-way.
LOT 1 \ ,,.:k.; 2, •••1,r �,���..'; .. .
• {, .,, a aura: ,, ���� ti Trees are to be centered between the edge of the sewer easement and the edge of the water easement.
15486 SF '':.`' .,•, it g`i'liul► �'° ,:,, ,,,. PROPOSED CULVERT
,;, , . A,a.er i ,,'� ,, The row of trees will be planted on a line 14'East of the centerline of the existing sewer main.
I I I O �a! P.I5 p° -� -,.> KEY • Trees are to be spaced at 36 foot intervals beginning 1 foot.north of the south edge of the site.
_ACCESS ,I. I�: It
4111111kh OiC 4JP4 1
.�►S�si.g K �i Central leader.
�Ir.�'�� pt � '��^�t NEW STREET %�. Top of root ball shall be flush
���g��®�♦ 4�/,I. �� ��;; SEWER EASEMENT 1� 9
NE BUILDABLE m ®�® .�earahlr. x,, �` TREE with finished grade.
�ii�L,:� ` lightly P
■ AREA —,�' _ ������ � ��� i ' Prior to mulching, i htl tam soil around
n•►•.•• , ., Trunk caliper shall meet ANSI Z60 '\la�/;� the root ball in 6"lifts to brace tree. Do
�',.'.' �;.�, ��, LOT LINE ■■ ■. TER EASEMENT �
EXISTING ������� •� • r „.,.,r„►i���; EQ ■■■■■■■ current edition for root ball size. ,\t not over compact.When the planting
„�ior w , ■■■■■■■ DRAINAGE EASEMENT
TREES n,.�.'.c ► ' .. .. \ `` hole has been backfilled,pour water
IIIACIR I I`"";."-;••,,1 Root ball modified as required. around the root ball to settle the soil.
��.•�.■�. � ; ,._ PROPOSED/EXISTING PAVEMENT ,. -
k •' Illile" I p NEW STREET Loosened soil. Dig and turn
Round-topped soil berm 4"`- 4PIPIrSirietilf�� :'. TREEAREA the soil to reduce.compaction
„ ' ,�„' , high x 8 wide above root ball to the area and depth shown.
�� ` , ; � surface shall al constructed 4"layer of mulch. No more than 1"
;`;>w, • SEWER LINES Y
0' 0� ' vr �► �`` ~ r WATER LINES around the root ball. Berm shall 1 of mulch on top of root ball.
IlrSTREAM begin at root ball periphery.
_ 14' ti \ ,-;r.r, , ;„7 r,.;; Finished grade.
C;..p::C: ';YirV Wph:r.
PARCEL BOUNDARIES Existing soil. /- ,' ,•:;:::•'.::• Q
wipplill.rpm- ''1' 4 — — •- : M _ /EASEMENTS
EXISTING ,,r�.; ,.•, Slope sides of loosened soil. :....� ��I f,:.:•
,, ` Bottom of root ball rests on �'
20'SEWER ;,�N ,,;•;,._,•,; .4-
EASEMENT existing or recompacted soil. p
3x. widest dimension o
O Street Tree Landscaping Plan of root ball.
Tree Planting Detail SECTION VIEW o
�OoO �g��� 1„ -- 30-0 Not to Scale o o THE HOUSING LAB a
�� o o Landscaping Plan - Street Trees SCALE:As indicated : ORCHARD COTTAGES8
l \ Owner/Developer: The Housing Lab LLC(Christopher Fuller)
92 Oak Forest Cir
Charlottesville,VA 22901 N
Existing Zoning Summary:
1205 u Parcel IDs:05500-00-00-068CO3 05500-00-00-068D0
�►� Total Site Area: 1.24 Acres
By-right Density:2 DU/Acre* 1.24 Acre=2 Dwelling Units(DU)
' Adjacent neighboring properties are ;;: �:w . . ,'.': ,�mti, Y �- =,_° �t•:,vM1.i �,4. �� �, �-� x � .�
; t : ::ettrees5%,
— t '. 'blq
Sigivr.,. , �A. F` , ,? ,�iv - :'•'r.\ere ',"',-T,,:
er Albemarle Coun Code Section 14.4.1 "
II ` tl'" r++ ,`Y�Y • = ...� -JV'a'S".„• `4. .Y't^ <",:,;'+ '+K''.
►'�-c: .�IGer�►�� '',� � Total Bonus:5/° �•�arwry k.� - _�, ,��'..t ,..�, �� �,v-.,�t;��<
�rG�1-`�`} 4 ;, \ Total Possible Number of Units**: ,. . , ° , �''' � q ,
� I �I� � * - > U same as by-right) t'� z �'�`��� �''�� ��.
���► r,�/� Sp, 1.24 2 1.05 2.6 2 D ( "-) ,..: ,, ': ;,>.-,, - xz�.,:;F.,',�.< m::`,47 ,< .s,., ._,,. �
t S 7 EXISTING WATER LINE ** s edf ., w ,;. p ,.�
�� T \ For reference only, no extra units are being reque t '?°';.¢, .'1� ; , .:.<. Q ;:._ :;, .: " :.;...�
� •'v/ ! ���. a C/F Proposed Development Summary(Zoning): ;Q- f ( AC-IP
�' �� i�"�:`` xy r .1 w;,.�a,.`�}'.u!MY.erDln4t.C'..cry ":r'.'�
OTAL��� � ��� 1 �R\ STREAM Pro osed Zonin No Chan e:R2 Bonus Level -d *, �
ILa,�.1a , _ ' ' .. err<.Sa,.'.�` :3), _ ieedwataiiah..?`.' ' ''r f'�+,r}
'�i.:= ` EXISTING Pro osed Number of Lots:2 �c �� .,� ,p i .-. !
P v
5391 - I,��L_.. PDwellings: >Ifi 3 ,
fir Pro osed Number of 2 IT 1� .,�p j, q � � r%t , " ;
� Proposed Unit Gross Density:211.24= 1.6 DU/Acre i ;, }
tv4twil1/4, EXISTING HYDRANT P tY ; , ;-OL P ` % . ��` LOT 2 \ Minimum Lot Size: 14,520 sq ft(Bonus Level) :' S .t i rA„Y,f Y � , _ 7*_
�.�' � 70 �\ EXISTING Minimum Frontage:70 ft(Bonus Level) �s,ate °"��� " � ° ''Tsk`
1 •� � ,�;� 1�� ; �'_�, 38415 SF �� I 1 g 1,, .-i..a.,ia-„ .s ?--. ,,9 , ,::;2:
�kolf 1��01116 R �\ I ��,;; _�t MANHOLE l �
.��y �� '.'."■'`` ` Proposed Development Summary(Comprehensive Plan):
1+a?� �� �' �1 �'®, Net Developable Area:53900 sq ft-26062 sq ft=27838 sq ft=0.64 acre VICINITY MAP
\ * r°""mliiii -d44k 1, % Proposed Unit Net Density:2/0.64=3.125 DU/Acre
1 � -' 1 Comprehensive Plan Land Use: Neighborhood Density Residential at 3 to 6 DU/Acre***
‘11 - _, —
�`► rr,, ipi
L�',l illiiimitIMINIIP=' �I. ***This proposal is consistent with Albemarle County's Comprehensive.plan.
IR. :1117/311 ' ;.,� =t�: ,;.E� 6��\� _\` ,,�\ iNEW STREETTRE,grog�� *^ ' 'sLr;' _ �'Iy ► N�� inDwelling Unit Yard/Setback Requirements:
:-. ► � g��1 � L Iv .� RAINGARDEN REE
O I [►°���� ��° N Rear:20 ft Side: 10 ft Front:30 ft
►�xiri f � �_�ril '��« �� k �{ .:(�� NEW STREET TREE
I�;. tg � �_ ►�/�l%�1� ►il i�r'/1�---���� _,v �u \ 5/8"WATER METER(1 ERC)
.�� 1 ��� "° `' �� ' Accessory/Porch Setbacks:
''' ��• Vr P' ®`ierik 100'STREAM BUFFER
�� n►� •rw .r: �k1� �����« \ ► 6ft to Lot Lines,vii��►i : .% „ W\ _k , _ �\ !► - - 3 ft to Easements, less than Oft into required yards
�� ` Sa l f�, -`-' a y'4'7 "_ CULVERT
SHARED IV ►s / 1DA►` i20o,�._ �� 4 � a>�� Attached Accessory Units:
FIRE PIT -n . r IMIIIAME11► oti 7,1/III - i `�� 10'DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 1 &2 Each dwelling unit to have an attached accessory dwelling unit(ADU)with less than 35/°of the total floor area of the
Dr&o0. . ub "►mot Gil� ' 1 .J ' SEWER EASEMENT
�� ++ I Hgra Im� 1)►� ► u , d*s 1 �� �,I C structure in compliance with section 5.1.34 of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance.
rg 1. ' � ■11t'.a-dr �� ,e, _— ii �, - .mac%+,m - NEW STREET TREE
10, �4 riR:�c-T-�1j=i���� �'ii a �t��•p �'a1' 12' DRAINAGE EASEMENT r. Topography:Albemarle county GIS:http://gisweb.albemarle.org/
k„0 NE..ii sm m.....-r_3r1 ��`'_tl,.:.,,�I.. 5/8"WATER METER(1 ERC)��� ��� �_- Boundaries: Parcel Boundaries taken from survey recorded in Albemarle County Deed Book 4865 page 387
r1 L��\�i•'�� ,.�;—•;.,���,ups•!Ib. itil
I` :..� .■Tl<artrti►. 1\�� .4%.s' Li !L-_J +��® RAIN GARDEN SWM �'-
-```�-°' " " - ` - ''►'� ►�% ''�� � " "\�� Building Types and Use:Single Family Residential
`�►/j►i1� ►�1G ►12 ►ram .�- ��J� I��,q•� NEW STREET TREE- g Y
�,�► � �� *,ice/' ��r�' ' '< `" KEY Building Height:Building heights of single family homes not to exceed thirty-five(35)feet.
10'BSL I•� I„ , DRIVEW
BUILDABLE AREA � - Utilities:City/County Water and Sewer:Water and Sewer Main are located on the property or in Orchard Dr right of way,
w; BUILDABLE AREA and will be connected to new buildings directly with new meters and taps(one per dwelling unit).All work will be done
EXISTING MANHOLE , Q. according to Albemarle County Service Authority(ASCA)construction specifications and VDOT specifications.
\1193 =�" Floodplain:There is no floodplain or floodway located on this site.
1 Stream Buffer:No permanent buildings are to be located in the stream buffer,though stormwater management devices and
'''- GREENHOUSE I SUNSPACE underground utilities will be located at least 50'from the stream.Existing vegetation will be maintained and native species
introduced back into damaged areas.
WATER LINES Stormwater Management:Stormwater management will be accomplished using"Light Imprint"storm water management
5964 JARMANS PATHS, AND LANDSCAPING ON LOTS<; °;; '' '' S _ _.M tools:http://lightimprint.org/
0' 50' ONLY. ACCESSORY UNITS ARE _ — - — SETBA /EASEMEN�fS Critical Slopes:No critical slopes are on the property z
ATTACHED TO THE MAIN TO DWELLING"::. Vehicle Entrance:Shared driveway access easement will be provided through Lot 1 for access to Lot 2. N
C u Nt 5.1.34 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY Parking:3 spaces will be provided per dwelling unit(6 total)
LA. Preliminary Site Plan SCALE: 1"=50'-0" ORCHARD COTTAGES o