HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197200228 Action Letter 1973-02-28 J j f ~ .' or /~~~ ~ ~ , . ~. . 'I I: , " ., , : \ 'I' , j :i , I , I j , ! I , ...., '.\1r ./ / I . .' '. . C:)"", .~...._,_~.,.~___...o.-~""__"'I,t~~.......A tt1-_ ._.t..__..' . 2-28-13 -I. .=. _.....t.h8 0 ....'ht'lla ~ -. . I;~~ .4431.1: ~ . ,n Virginia, was n , 0' - A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, held on February 28, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the Albemarle County Courthouse, ChQrlottesville Virginia. Present ....ere: an Messrs. Stuart F. Carwile, Gerald E. Fisher, William C. Thacker, Jr./ Cordon L. Wheeler. , ^ I , ~ Absent: Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. and Mr. Lloyd F. Wood, Jr. Officers present: County Exe~utive and County Attorney. ,l 'Ii . I -il ::! At 1:30 P.M., the Chai~an called for a public hearing on a zoning matter as advertised in The Daily Progress on February 7 and Fe~rJary 14, 1973: (1) SP-228. Michie Tavern Corpo~ation has petitioned the Board of Supervisors .~o allo...., gift, craft, and antique shops on la~d zoned A-l As~icultural contain:ng"2.:2 ac~es. Property 1s situated on Route 53 adjacent to "}achie Tavern". Prorer::r is des=ri ted as County Tax Map 7'1, Jeed Eock 344, Page 494 al:d Deed !look 304, Page 577" S~otts\"ill [i: Hagisterial District. . i Mr. Humphrey gave the staff report and stated that the Planning Co~ission reco==ends ,: :il approval with the following conditiolns: -- '- i it '!\ 1. Health Department approval for proper sanitary facilities. 2. All structures are to be designed to fit into the 18th century period. 3. No sale of any product within the individual craft shops. Sales restri=ted to the building housing the country stores. ~. No overhead utilities will be installed. ~. A deceleration lane to be provided at the new entrance to the satisfa=tion of-the Virginm Depart~ent of Highways. All proposed exterior lighting to be shown and reviewed on site plan. No advertisements other than to locate entrances and to identify the fa=ility, limited to the minimu~ requirements of the A-1 Agricultural zone with refe~ence to business signs. All signs are to be in character with the 18th century. Approval conditioned upon review of contract doc~ents (working dra~in~s an1 specifications) by the Pla~~ing Co~~ission prior to issuance of :ui~din5 permits for confor~ity with intent of this facility in the proposed hrsto~ic district. Certificate of Occupancy to be issued only when all cORditio~s (1-10) have been cet. 0 , .( I' i; I' 6. 7. 6. I- I'.; , I 9. Fifty percent of the inventory value in the store be made in the craft shops. 10. Subject to review and renewal every three years. Mr. Brown was present on behalf of the petition. ~o ~ne from the p~blic spc~e for or against the pe:ition. Follo~ing a short discussion, ~otion was offered :y Mr. !hacker to approve this special per=it with the conditions i=posed by the Pla~~ing :o~~ssion and with the further request t~at the site plan coce to this Board before finJ: approval. Hotion was seconded by Mr. Carwi:e and carried ~y ~ following recorded vote: AYES: ~essrs. Carwile, Fisher, Thacke~ and Wheeler_ NAYS: None. lBSEXT: Messrs. Henley and Wood. Mr. Wheeler asked Mr. Batchelor to check with 7udge Berry and the She~iff before hiring guards for the Ai~port. . Hr. Carwile stated that the co~ittee working ror the Levy Opera House ~enovation had met with the architect and had asked for alternatives on the proposed renovation and costs of such alternatives. Hr. Wheeler stated that the Board had now received a report from the a~chit~~t and the expan$ion =o~ittee. It was decided that a hearing date on this report woulj be set at a meeting to be held on next Thursday, March 8, 1~73. Hr. Wheeler stated that the Board had now been 'furnished vith a nroposed s~:~ry eohedulc. He ~~kc~ the C~e:k to i~~it~ ~ll ~~~~ti~.tiry~~l off1cp.rs a~d dCD3r~~c~~ nC3ds to discuss this schedule with the Board, beginning 2~ 3:30 P.M. in the Board Roc~ on Harch 8, 19';3.