HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202100017 Study 2022-05-11\ TERRA ENGINEERING AND LAND SOLUTIONS, PC 2374 STUARTS DRAFT HIGHWAY, sTUARTS DRAFT, VA 24477 PH. (540) 337-4591 FAX (540) 337-5291 Foster Forge Farm School Albemarle County, VA Turn Lanes Analysis and Study Report May 04, 2022 Revised May 10, 2022 op �'4 TEVEN L. DRIVER NO. 019933 �,SSI0IVAL ��� PLANNING + CML ENGINEERING + LAND SURVEYING W W W.TERRAENGINEERING.NET Trip Generation Report for Foster Forge Farm School Assumptions: 1. 70%of students are coming from the city (northbound in the AM), and 3016am coming from the county (southbound in the AM). There is 30%of the students =18 students southbound to the school using parents vehicles. (right turn) There is 30%of the staff =4 staff persons southbound to the school using vehicles. (right turn) There is 3S%of the students= 21 students northbound to the school using parents vehicles. (left turn) There is 3S%of the students= 21 students northbound to the school using school Bus. (left turn) There is 70%of the staff =10 staff persons northbound to the school using vehicles. ( left tum) Code I land use May-10-2022 #Cf Students School Bus 21 Parents Vehicles 39 Terra Engineering land Salutians, PC 2012-05-10, Trip Generation Rates & Turn lane Analysis for Foster Forge Farm School ReFori Page 1 of 5 Note: ITE Code 522 shows for vehicles only, it doesn't dlfferenate between bus and normal car.Therfore, we assume the bus has 4 trips during peak hours per day, 2 in the morning, and 2 in the evening. 21 FFF school is a private school without large building maintenance and food preparation that makes it unique facility with actual planned pattern of use as shown below. it*] 12 11 30% Terra Engineering Land Solution; PC 2022-0S-10, Trip Generation Rates &Turn Lane Analysis for Foster Forge Farm School Reportdsx Page 2 of 5 Existing Traffic Data Growth factor = 0.8% per year, and AADT 2020= 6000 VPD Using this equation, the estimated AADT at 2025= 6244 VPD ( yGne1 \ 1/t CAGR = 1 V J — 1 t,�n CAGR.w d—wiyrwh— li,.m. =cepinneyeawe I nw =unw in years Viminia Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Division 2020 Annual Averaae Daily Traffic Volume Estimates By Section of !joule Albemarle Maintenance Area Route Length AADT GA 4Tire Bus — --Truck---------- QC K OK Dir AAWDT OW Year 2AAe 3tAxle 1Trail 2Trail Factor Factor gSgj Garth Barracks Rd 1.60 6000 G 97% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% C 0.102 F 0.715 6400 G 2020 Terra Engineering land Solutions, PC 2012-05-10, Trip Generation Rates & Turn lane Analysis for Foster Forge Farm School RepartAsx Page 3 of 5 PM Peak Hour SK 654Traffic Southbound=0.2B5'Peak Hour ADT Nmthbound=0.715*Peak Hour ADT 182 456 VPH Site Traffic Generation Data AM Peak Hour She Traffic SouMbound(right turn) entering Northbound(leh Turn) entering aching Southbound(right turn) exging Norcurrund(leh turn) 1) 10 1 3 PM Peak Hour She Traffic Southbound(right turn) entering Northbound(leh Turn) entering exiling Southbound(right turn) exiting northbound (left turn) 4 T 9 Right Turn Lane Assessment RTL Guidelines for 2-lane Highway AM PHV Approach Total 1 463 lvph =AM Peak Hour SR 654Trafnc Southbound+AM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound)entering) PHV Right Turns 1 T v h = AM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound(entering) PM PHV Approach Total 183 iv,h =PM Peak Hour SR 6" Traffic Southbound+ PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound(entering) PHV Right Turns 1 lvph = PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound(entering) 120 100 O BO 60 40 20 1PM 183 PM PHV APPFOIkCH TOT^C, VEHICLES PER HOUR FIGURE 34b6 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (2- E HIGHWAY) Approprtate Radius required at all Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private). Terra Engineering land Salutians, PC 2022-05-10, Trip Generation Rates & Turn lane Analysis for Foster Forge Farm School Report.xlsx Page 4 of 5 Left Turn Lane Assessment AM Opposing Volume 463 vph LeRTurn Volume ll vph Advancing Volume 199 Ivph %L 9% % PM Opposing Volume 183 vph LeR Turn Volume 4 vph Advansin,Volunnel 460 Ivph %l 1% 1 % 800 _ 7011 600 w soo O CM aoo C9 Z N 300 CL d 200 O 100 AM Peak Hour SR 6S4 Tragic Southbound +AM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound (entering) AM Peak Hour Site Traffic Northbound (entering) AM Peak Hour SR 6S4 Traffic Northbound + AM Peak Hour Site Traffic Northbound (entering) Len Tom Volume/ Advancing Volume PM Peak Hour SR 6" Traffic Southbound + PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Southbound (entering) PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Northbound (entering) PM Peak Hour SR 6"Traffic Northbound + PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Northbound (entering) Lek Tom Volume/ Advancing Volume ..........................................r. wY.........v..w..w.w..o O��iiiowuvwvw...iiii. r o......... r............. . .. ........................... w............ ... ................. ............................ .................. L. ............................ ..................•............................. ................................................ .... ........................... M.�u.........n Y______________ _ \ MIZZMESMIN. .. .. . . CMEN ____________MEEMBECIM r................. •.Y...SO�Q� ...r..............r. ................ MM................r. .. ...ww..........or. ............... ...............Y..............Y. VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-10 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY Nothing required. ot. ov 000u .0 o.00.r�r�00000�. OMOOOMMI,.uonr�.ao.......u... - M. ::o..u.....o.......00.o uo.. ov.00....00...... oou o, .o.u.uououuouuuuuuou .uuu. o.u....00...........o.......... r______ • .....................o. ....... M i� ................... 000..... .0000 ..........�................................... • i ::��:::::::::::®" :mmmm mo::::::::: :::::::::ov::::::::::::::.:.......... o....o o.,v..........00u..u000u.om .................I ......:oeememse�omete�o ............ci..v.......................uuo. .r______ oo.000..............00.. • .r a.......00000..0000......... v ................u.u.uuuuoou t - ................. o.u.uuuuoou .u000uuuo o.uuoo.. N Ve ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-12 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE HIGHWAY Terra Engineering land Solutions, PC =-05-10, Trip Generation Rates & Turn lane Analysis for Foster Forge Farm School Reporl Page 5 of Appendix A Land Use 522 Middle School/Junior High School Description Amiddle or junior high school serves students who have completed elementary school and have not yet entered high school. Both public and private middle schools/junior high schools are included in this land use. Elementary school (Land Use 520), high school (Land Use 530), private school (K-8) (Land Use 534), private school (K-12) (Land Use 536), and charter elementary school (Land Use 537) are related uses. Additional Data The percentage of students at the sites who were transported to school via bus varied considerably. Due to the varied transit and school bus usage at these sites, it is desirable that future studies include additional detail on the percentage of students who were bused to school and the percentage that were dropped off and picked up. Because the ratio of floor space to student population varies widely among the schools surveyed, the number of students may be a more reliable independent variable on which to establish trip generation rates. Time -of -day distribution data for this land use are presented in Appendix A. For the two general urban/suburban sites with data, the overall highest vehicle volumes during the AM and PM on a weekday were counted between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., respectively. The sites were surveyed in the 1990s, the 2000s, and the 2010s in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. Source Numbers 431, 444, 534, 536, 564, 579, 592, 611, 719, 867, 936, 940 26 Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition • Volume 2: Data • Institutional (Land Uses 500-599) it Middle School/Junior High School Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Students On a: Weekday Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 10 Avg. Num. of Students: 1079 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per Student Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 2.13 1.48 - 2.81 0.46 Data Plot and Equation 4,000 -'X 3,000 X X X w X a H 2,000 X X X 1,000 X 00 500 1,000 1,500 X = Number of Students X Study Site Fitted Curve - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.79 Ln(X) + 2.21 R'= 0.73 K Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition - Volume 2: Data o Institutional (Land Uses 500-599) 27 Middle School/Junior High School Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Students On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 22 Avg. Num. of Students: 937 Directional Distribution: 54% entering, 46% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per Student Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.58 0.06 - 1.29 0.32 Data Plot and Equation 1,200 X 1,000 X X, X 800 X X N C X o X X X 600 X X xC X 400 X X XX 200 X X X 00 500 1,000 1,500 X = Number of Students X Study Site - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not Given W=.- 28 Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition • Volume 2: Data • Institutional (Land Uses 500-599) K Middle School/Junior High School Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Students On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 21 Avg. Num. of Students: 1023 Directional Distribution: 49% entering, 51 % exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per Student Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.17 0.06 - 0.51 0.12 Data Plot and Equation 800 X 600 a w a H` H 400 X X 200 X X ,_-� X xX X X X X X X 0 0 500 1,000 1.500 X = Number of Students X Study Site - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not Given W= **** K Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition * Volume 2: Data * Institutional (Land Uses 500-599) 29