HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100055 Plan - Approved 2022-05-23ALBENLiRLE COUNTY FINAL PIAN GENEIIA1, NOTES General CODS(1711clioit Notes I. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -sway, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be oblatiued frvru the Virginia Deparrlmeul of Translxrrtativn (VD0'1').'Ilris plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern: 2- All materials and construction -methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted, 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum alto wabte slope is 2 1 (horizontaLvertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are tube achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lincd ditch may he required when in the. opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed Necessary in: order to stabilizea, drainage channel, 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the VirS-iniaManual for Uniforni'l)aftic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 (;l R Part 1926). Genet•arl Constructici>!t Notes: for• Streets (Tars list, is iir.adilhtorr to the. Crcncral Consauctic�n Notes) 1- All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the publiciright-of-way or within easemeuts prior l.o,acceptariue. All drainage, outlall easements are to be cxlea(k d to a boundary l i ne or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified at Lhe Lime of couslrucdou. Additionad guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VDOT(for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When;guardrail is required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from theedge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet.. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9( .. B or Q. 5. Where rural cross sections are installed, ,all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PEA.. 6. Compliance with the riuniumin pavement width, shoulder width and ditch seclious, as shown on the typicat pavement section detail shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subjectto,final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be cull anti void. 8. All sighs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for unirorirs Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Narriing and Property Numbering Ordinance and Ylanuad. 9. Traffic control or other regulato y iigim or barricaacs shall lac installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. `lfie speed limits to be posted on speed limit signs<aire 5 wph below the design speed, or as determined by VI)ur for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross-dr<tins are to be installed under the subbase = material at all cut and lily trausitions .rid grade sat; points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all stone sewers ar>,d culyerts that. v e deented inaccessible to VDOTor County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT"s video camera inspection procedure. General construction notes for Erosion autd Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must he notified.one week prior to ths: pre -construction conference, one week; prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constuet.ed anti inaintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 62542-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing, 4. A_copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all units. 5: Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas mhor than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a suhplenieutary erosion control plan to the owner for review' and alproval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures unecessary to preverrl erosive and sedimentation as deternuned by the plan approving� authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times .during land distrbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved: 8.. During dewalering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device,, 9. 'tire contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be. made immediately. 10_ All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 1. All waste materials shall he taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12, Borrow or waste areas are to be. reclaimed within 1 days of completion per Zoning Ordilr<•utce, src.tion.5,1.28. 11 All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving iodustial-type power equipment sliall be limited to y• the hours of 7:04un to ).OQpm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to rrinirrifze any hazard tapersons: physical damage to adjacent hand and improvements, and damage to any pub[ ic street because o slides, sinking, or collapse_ Ira. The, developer shall reserve the tight to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent sWriliwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control nreasures re(ILdred by this plan regardless of fh � sale any I t: n't � ildr n r other - portion of t property. y , l at4 Iotv. u r ,lu go tl r l_ 7 i he, 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbshtcre, and in the months of September (o February to consist a 50/50 inix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Witmer Rye, or in 1VIarch and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through ,August to consist of German Nlille.t. Straw mulch ir, to he applied at 8OIts/104sf- Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control. inspector, 18. I eunaueut stabilization shall be limead fertilizer. perui<'tuent seeding, and lnulctt. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at90lhs/l000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil.. Fertilizer stiall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a tO-24-10 nutrient nrix. Permanent, seeding shall be,arpplted at 18Wbs/titre acid comist of 93% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-59'c Perennial. Ryograss or Kentucky- llluegrass. Straw: match is to be applied at 801bs1100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All ureasures are to be inspected weekly anal after each rainfall. Any ([image or clogging to stiucturai:measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned % svhen 50,r vl the wet storage volume h filled with sediment,- All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary Lo achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be, reinoved within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 2f. 'Ibis plant shall be void if the owlter (toes no(obtain a permit within 1 year of the dale of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded.7reas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced, (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) Generrd cwrstruction.nutes forStorirtwater ll miageanent phuis 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maxinrlrm dry density anti Z% of optiruuti C V 'i U moisture content. All fill material to be approved b � eotechttical engineer. A �pP s � g geolechacal engineer is to be present currier.cvnslruetiorr of dates. 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertiblrt within stonirwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater [na riagernettt facilities: conversion is not to take plaice until the site is slabili4ed, and perntission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ENGINEER SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONING DISTRICT TAX MAPS/PARCELS ZONING GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david®southern-classic.com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 1 PARK WEST CIR, SUITE 108 MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23114 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM -BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 -PROPOSED TOPO FROM NORTH POINTE SECTION 1 PLANS BY TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING DATED 06/01/2020 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 RIVANNA PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.06 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 l 1 ��iivan>2a Water $i< Sew Authority ri � �'Sz-1 5 Diu a � � � ) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes LastRevised: Febntary2011 1. -All materials and methods of construction shall complywith the later version of the General Water -and Seer Construction Specifications as adopted b the Albemarle CountyService d a Fz 1� y Authorityo on January 13,1998, except as modified below or modified in Special proles. 2. FWSA shall approve aH c onstrue don material sand me ihods of construe6on. Apreconstruciion conference shall be held withRWSA prior to the start ofanywork- 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Nlisz Ulitiol (I-800-752 7001)- 4. R�WSAEngineer(Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext.205) Mall be notified three businessdays prior to the start of construction. 5- Ali work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff- No tie-ins to the exisf,ng sy,stem hill be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilideson weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA. 6. For sanitarysewer lute construction. RWSA mayrequire bypass pumping for fie -ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before connectionismade to the system_ 7. The location of existing utilities as -shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessatiiycomplete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depot of alt existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contrac for shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies behya en plans and field conditions: The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and s€ruc trues from damage at all times, whether shownon the plans or not Damage to anyexisting utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition auto additional cost to the Owner. S_ Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easementwithout special written permission from R1VSA. No grayling shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise byRWSA in writing- 9- No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities witboutwritten permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast: survey maybe required. For blasting within 100fee tofany operative RWSA sewerlines, buss pumping andf or Fie- and post -Cm' maybe required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer staling that the proposed blasting will not damage any 1?WSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition atno additional cost to the Owner. 10. The eontractDr strall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings, When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support siatlbe provided for the existing pipe_ The area of the crossing shall be back -filled with compacted ]7 stone to the springline of the existing pipe. 11. New neater main installations shall be pressure tested,. chlorinated; Ilu.hed and have wafnr samplesapproved prior to making any perma nelit twine Eon to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the . wafersyto s .m- public 12- All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilitiesinto service_ 13- No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement- 1hisincludes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Treesare not permitted in the. RWSA easement_ APPLICANTS NAME: GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 3 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT. WALLS EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A STAMPED ENGINEERED DESIGN WALLS REQUIRE INSPECTIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE USBC. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS ISLES, AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ANSI Al 17.1-09 AND THE 2015 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE. ALL WATERLINES, SEWER LINES, AND FIRE LINES FROM THE MAIN TO THE STRUCTURE LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY MUST HAVE A VISUAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ALL ROOF DRAINS SHALL DISCHARGE IN A MANNER NOT TO CAUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND NOT OVER SIDEWALKS. W ` n � lYw 100 NOT TO SCALE j• 1 ■: I .• j . •• 1 111 • •• 1 /11 : •• YN ..... •• ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO,) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO, 0 PROPOSED MANHOLE (.; EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED - - - 100- - - EXISTING CONTOUR 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR x 100.00 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS + 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS Tz� <T/C - TOP OF CURB) #1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO, VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND SEWER --►-- ---►-- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS n 120400.00 MANHOLE NO, W/ STATION OR 150500.00 C❑ORDINATE LOCATION 11 04 WATER EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE C❑NNECTI❑N GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP REDUCER BORE CR❑SSING ISO CALCULATIONS 01= 0.85 Cl = (1.5)((18(J3800) = 1667 C I = 1750 NFFI = (CI )(01 )([1.0+(0+0)1) NFFI = (1750)(0.85)([1.0(0+0)] = 1487 NFFI = 1500 FIRE FLOW AVAILABLE TO BUILDING IS 2,000 GPM. Know what's Blow. lr before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #**** & #**** CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION CLUBHOUSE IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL ER❑SI❑N CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA ER❑SI❑N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD, & SPEC, PCE 3,02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF 3,05 -X SILT FENCE IP 3,07 INLET PROTECTION 3,09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 M TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 3 0 ' ROCK CHECK DAM LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.3 TEMPORARY SEEDING ePS 3.3 PERMANENT SEEDING MU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL er ISITE I LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' C ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARB DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT Q INDEX TO SHEETS DATE 7.v"LZ SHEET # LATEST REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 01-21-2022 COVER SHEET C-1A 06-08-2021 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1 B 06-08-2021 PLAN LAYOUT C-2 06-08-2021 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 01-21-2022 SITE PLAN AND UTILITY LAYOUT C-4 01-21-2022 GRADING PLAN C-5 01-21-2022 HYDRAULICS C-6 01-21-2022 PROFILES C-7 06-08-2021 DETAILS L1.00 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE NOTES L1.01 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN L1.02 01-21-2022 PLAY EQUIPMENT L2.01 01-21-2022 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN L2.02 01-21-2022 PLANTING SCHEDULE AND CALCULATIONS 1 of 3 01-21-2022 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN 2 of 3 01-21-2022 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN 3 of 31 01-21-2022 1 NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE LIGHTING PLAN T Submittal Yp e Reviewed and Approved by the Community Development Department Date • 'Z-VZZ File#�'' `S jL-- Stgnature milli Q I 3 c v 0 rn �aLT H 0�. ` c O - v BRIAN C. M CHELL v Llc, No, 035724 0112112022 _,4 II k-34100NAL ENG\ CL 2 c 0 U v 0 a°i L GAREVISIONS TE ITEM 11 2J 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 10,10112021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS DATE z 07-31-2020 SCALE � 3 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY o c v 01 .v PROJ.,# 20190267 ° SHEET *9 C - 1 fE Bt� COUNTYOFALUEMARLE Department of community Development 401 M Mike Road, North Wine k'b..a 0J,029it-593Z 14"Z-45% F-f434)M4126 December 4 20J 5 Val.de Lung 321 East Mally St Suite 400 Chairlol­ille VA n902 RE: Lear Mat, 1�ora, On Nov ember 11, 2015 the Board of Supery isors, tem� a,fion on yew Special Use Perm it application to to modify coaditi.. req.iric;.. arched spart ­iag of Flat B..,,h and. Ch�pl. I & Section 303 crib. Z.nirs Ondivarov on TMP� 03200OW002WO and 032000000023OU I. the RNanc. VnsuricL nre $pi.t Use permit isu approved by are frouni's adoption of the artached reachition =it conditions. Pl... b.. adriiti that although the Albemarle C ... ly Board ofS.pervimrs took .,I].. no (be project ..red above, no .- .. the property as pp .... it above only Nnfully begin mitil .11 .pplicable.ppro,lils la... N.. ir,rd�tdi ..it ... ditions b... be'. met. Tills brdlates: conapHatte. ok cluditio.. trike SPECUL USE PERMIT; pp,..l fad ­p1huseeivith SITX PLAN; and plurcreal .(.ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Before b,sirmi.f; se, as allowed by this 4eci.1 rese permit or ify- h­ ticesticar,lailarding the ab­ noted action. please contact fUtbecon Ragsdale at (434) 296-�&32 est. 3226, 01 avd Ce: CWH Properties pnousbip P 0 Boa 5526 Charlottesville Va 22905 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 301"3 NORTH POINTE AUDDLE ENTRANCE AM[ENDMENr Namb,,,WREREAS, CWH Properties Limited liallnership, is the neand ­ CTU Nfp .it Parcel so (132"AX-02000 Pacel 03200-00-00,02301) (rollcclilely� the "Ovmee' and d. "Pmpearty"�, and WHEREAS. ZMA 2000-09 was approved on Aligunt 2,2006, spprvi.g the Nearer Pumbe development, and SP 2007-03 — approved mul .. 6,2001, whieh H.- tire Owner to helL,,u , — sovain croasi-g aithl. the floodplairt ofFla Branch Creek it thereby ealand N"Llsaid. Uylv. to serve 11b; orickil. crarnue. for the North return ourrearmily. WILEREAS, if. 0.rrer filed . application fer,.peciel use pearcit In -and dro ocrulition, of approval for SP 2007-03 Warodify conditions requidst an -hd apart culvert curasing QfFlid anurch C .. k ra fl- two b- cul­% and the Vrilioation I. identified a Spectid Us. Permit 2015-0c,003 Nine, Pointa, faddic, Ecame. Amendment ("SP 2015-03'1; and rja=d mill to provide clinity, and to be cosistra vvith County C.& mir.,kcarami; and WHERFrkt% car Nol.rnbar 11, 2015, the A)be-1. County Board of Surearviscea held a dly -it" Public hilarisig on SP 2015-03. NOW.THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon cormidcrationt oftle, fleiregoing, the staff repont Ineparcd for SP 2015-03 and all ofiL, affachracrus, the irificaustrion preatated at the public heun& 18-33,11,th.AlbamukCictany Bard.11s.pelvisers hort,byplarvieos SP 2015-03,..biaot be, beret. b.lavv, a rattorlar aaecti.& held on _"r I Aye N.,, Mr. Byd X M. Dimusa X Ms. AWIk y M. MKcal Y Ms. Pat." W. Sheffield Federal Elnergency Management Agent�v D.C. CERIIFIED.NIAIL IN IMEPLYREUER JO: RETURN REcEtpr RLQt:k oo oa VA L1902 We uit P-141ol; �in, 14. C-11dill1re Letter OCM�p lCL(X%1R) and Fl-d Role mV CLOMR,pyk.o Direer., NEUPtion ofthe (FENIA) in PhrJA41phia, plrnsyNanl� at (215) 9JI �3o, or il,c ("41X) tel LI J —I,, d 01tr ranch ese V, Pohl, P.E, Clill David a P.F,LFED AP To­s Site A Federal Entiergeney Management Agency DX, CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION oOMMENTOOCUMENT F­ COMMENT a Federal Emergency Management Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION Mi. lk ffv,_-J 11. pwf­ 0. fl-ld S114 iris) 0 ir,' SP-201540003 Nordt Pointe Middle Entrance Amendment Conditions 1. Prior in food fund plan approval, th. ppriceal shall obtain from the Faceal Emelienq Mam,Vmcat Allenci, (FFJv1A) It conditional letter of map revision (CLOIVIR or CLOMA), and prior to food tho affiliescut shaIl ob1mar from FF�NIA a led" of map revisiurt (LOIAR or LOWN)� In accoplar" addition, ". applicant than copy the County F�nflioeer .3 all correspiandem. vvitly FEMA. 2. The imilen und- NottlIside Drive than be in rionetal accord vith the aftbd droning filled "Nard, I'Vinte SP Crossing of Flat Onmell' plepared by Toviucs Site EvesEncerinji; w ish . ­isrfery date o0mly 20, 2015, paga 2 of3 (the "Plart").To be to 3­4 accord vith the Plan, development shal nflcla the son" at=. turstralloccom, and location ftbo l­tU, Madirs,,aiiima tcore plue, which do no; comolot with the elements above Rely be approved sublvot to that review and approval of are County Eilgincer. 31 prior to -loorilrilla approval of dra —4 plays and and sediment .." places fe, Nonle,id, Drive, the applioalat Aall.blahi approval of. lad-p. plan by tire County's Design plarmer .4 the TheLand .. poplanshoubultabo complete, pl-infils; achvd.l. keyed to th. plan and deall tro,ide the foll.vving: a, The --istinstree line Andra-posod oce line that viill —I.. thationits Ofel'.drigaml &J'Adirly, and methods offro. Protection; b. Provide an italurnat plicams, fradsod It. it shrub species and aii­ to compensate for tocrovcd veSetation, and low-gravving plains to stabilim alopw in the areas of proposed aUnfi-9 and Uft eanoval; and C. Provide luV shade uwa on am north, and soutly side ol'Nordidtho Privuatim, din sidewalk and space rvoered the are srlavlilk two and one-half (2y-) incl� caliper minimum at ,riathilt eds. finteerboort offloute 29 North. 4. Design, dlans.fthe ritaitirg "I" including colum. cap dcvign� pi. desiso, auar. apisah'and itruilar dearI&A deatils shall be 51rovily my the mad plans and are subject to mycew and approval oftlo, C9uRy,a Lka;&. PI_. 5. lf the use. structure, or aclivity for WhiCh this special use pexurit is ismed is not commenced by N-verober 11, 2029, the permit shall be and the authority led theoe aabd� than th—pon, Federal Eniergeney INIanagement Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION fCONTINUEO) U.ifk REQUIRED FOR FOLLOMUP LOlbi U 11 ineis Wilt .4 41- Ww IV -ilm lo lbl FIRXI J FIS ep. `U be Acopyef Ili, f ..... A dki.'r-I'laa, - fhadcuoled applicua,u ��,J c�njlle�fi,,a fboul Jiod Wow ujoy if�bL(,r­.�fiu.,4rr­ rhe F"'r,"d If or iii. floods. .4 he I.Pl-ly 2. For..- .oled ­k ­p �how to, d feed. ay Pll.. th,ame A�' .1 se,alvd py of Fliral, the A. IU FIKNt. bw eIh. .1 md b.. llowpLaio .,J A,-faeh pf­ b, ef.11 p;o1eq its .I. the by _t to vin, y I how ill be by y ­hillwil �f 0. b­ a Federal Emerge UCYL Management Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY iNF0RMATiON (CONTINUEP) at REQUIRED FUR orroal pubWhed tl.,d ef 3601 5�40300 �Ioo. that he wle 1ha llood lwrd It aw, flood ie, b­ flood deplinSF I IA4 �YO kil 'f the 90-day appeal ped odw i U be WOW for hiO peoqol appeal 6e 11.4 h'-d or FiWeral Emergency Management Agency 20 11 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) e 613 ch�w,,c PbI1,v10Phi1PA 1910441$4 AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER ST91'EMENT Noirrif POINTE CHARLOTTXS VILLE, LLC ORICINAL RE, ZONING APPLICATION; #ZMA-2000-009, SP -20V�42 ZMA 2013-0001 North Pointe Proffer Amendment Tax Map 32 Parcels: 20, 20A, 20AI, 20A7,2OA3,191,23,23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, and 233. Approximately 229 acres xoned Platrused Developmalut - Mixed Commerwal CIRDMe") With respept to the property described in yawning application #ZMA-2000-09 and SP-2M-72 (the, "Ciriginall ZMAD, CWH Properties Limited Partnership is [be,, fee simple owcof and North Pointo Cluirlottesville, LLC is the contract purchaser of Tax Map 32, Parcels 20,20A, 20A), 20A2,20A3 and 291 (the "Norilb Poiatta P(opicrty'), And Violet Hill Associatus, L.L.C. i's the fais simple owner ofTax Map 32, Pareals 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23P, 2�% 23H and 23J (the "Violet Hill Property)). The rcilpeotive, parties Are rollectivcly referred to herein as the 10wavir", which term shall include any successors in interest This North Palate Property Arld,tht Violet Hill JIToperty Ariz referred to collectively as the "Proporty", all of which is flit subject of zoning mail amendment application number ZMA 2013-OOC47 known as the "ZMA Armanduryerl Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Allimiculle County Zoning Ordinance, Owner hereby voluntary proffels; the conditions filled in this Amended and Restated Proffal Stauiolea% which Shad be applied to t1w North Pointe Property if die ZMA Amendment is ap, )vcd by pa Albemarle County. Those conditions are proffered as part of file Z�41A Amendment and it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA Amendment itself gives if% TO Ole need for the condidetriv and (2) Sault conditions have a reasonable: rclation to the rezoning requested, Tho Original ZMA, together with its assoclticcl proffers dated July 20, 2006 (the 'Original Proffer Slatement"), was approvW by the Albemarle County Board of SupetvNors on August 2, 2006, and also inuluded Tax Map 3Z Parcel 22K (which purel 22K was at (lit: time earn rised oftwo separate parcels 22H and 22X. wbich have sinalp beer) combined into a single I p parcel 22K) which is owned by Neighborhood Properties - NP, LLC (the "NciabborlItiod Investment Proparly"), The changes reflected in (his ZMA Amendment shall not apply to the Neighborhood investment PyoptTly. in all other respects, this ZMA Amendment amends end restates said proffers hi their entirely and flue Amended and Restated Proffer Statement shall rotate to the mold -page application plan entitled "North Pointe CominurrilyP, prepared by Keeney & Co., Are-blitucisr as riavisOd through Julie 13, 2000 and attached beratto as Exhibit A (the"Applicatlan Plan"), and the Albemarle County Code in affect as oftlia draoofthe Original proffer Statement (the "County Carrie"). 'The North Pointe Community shall be refarried to M the 11 THIS SEc7JON INTENTIONALLY DELETED 11. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 2.1 Creation of a 40yjtot Buffer jimle the Entrauce-Corridur. Within six (6) months after the, acceptance by the Virginia Department of Transportation CWDOT� of the Road haprovermaits as dofmod in Section 5.3 that arc. along the noythbound laries of U,S, Route 29, Owner Shrill plant and thalroaftfor maintain at all limits a larldsollpell buffer, including y Owner. The bufflex will hudger9wS, along the Entrance Corridor frontage parcels owned b, consist of minilnum 40-fict wide continuous visual iandscao area that shall be subject to Albemarle County Arulthecturall kevidw, Board �`ARR`j review arl4 approval (the "But I'). The Buffer may ba located partly on the Owiller's property and pard, yon VDOTpruporty. Inthe he fature reduces any portion of the Buffer located on VDOT event VDOT at -any time, in 1 property, the; Owner Shall winponsfam for suoth roduction by extending the Buffier on Owlier's any in order to maintain a minhamn 40-fout Buffilf, even ifsoch compensation sba)i require Prop fliciambivid ofpa�kmg 4djac�cnt to suilb Buffer. 22 Apilestrarme uf..Storni WAicir anagement fSWM`l) Facilities. The, SWM facilities Visible train The Entrimeo Corridor identified on the Application Plan (stornywaillor manotgarient facilities 1, 2, and 10) Shad be shown art a plan and be, Subject to AIW review and approval. SINM I shall be designed such that its 3hape, phiciunivrit, and land forin (groding) transition between the mijacciat coroolvationarea and the adjact;ut harixi colgo of the parking lot and buildings. The plan for SWM I shall be submitted to Oie ARB with the first AR.8 submission for Building 14 or 19 identified on Sheet 13 to the Application Plan (ISbact B"), or any such building that is proposed to be located where Building 14 is lactated on $beat B cast to tho forms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shall have a more structured appectomec than Pon SWM 10 (sea below) and shall be designed such that its shaK placement, and land fault (grading) transition hecen the adjouctit conservation area and the Adjacent hard edge of the parking lot and buildings. TIR: plan far SWM 2 shall be submitted to the ARB with the first d 'ARB submissical far any of Buildings 76 through 3 1. SWM IQ shall be desipla 'such that its shape, placement, and land form (grading) are him6ral with the adjaccal conservation area. The plan for SWM 10 ,W1 be subinittect to tho ARB at the time road plans are submitted to the County and VDOT fair Nordiwest assage. 111. DENSITIES 3.1 TotsilBuilduilL I'he total numburoft1wolling units within the Project ahall not exceed eight hundred nityety-three (�93). Subject to Sctioo 3.2 the building footprints and gross floor areas of commercial, office, and other uses, and III-, bodIng fibutprinis of lifidelf shall not eaccod theist Set forth in the Land Use Breakdown Table on Sheet A to the Appli�atioo Plan 3.2 Ljnjited Adiustatents to the Elements ofthe Application Plan, The gross floor area of the buildings used for conammircial, office, other uses, and hotels shavil on Sheet A may be adjusted within a range of up to ten parcent (10%), provided that the maxiinum gross floor aeach cAtcgory of a= Shown an Bhod A is not exceafled, The fooftirinta ofBitildings; 6, 14 and 36 as shown an Shod A on be Notwithstanding the terms efdais Section 3.2 to the contrary, Building; 14 shall not initially exceed 88,500 Square feet, provided, however. , of Occupancy for Building 14, that *arux two years following the issuance. of the twilificate en rn(I ov.), And if Building 14 is Building 14 may bei adjusted within a range of up to t too"- in the I any such expansion shall be located to the east so that ocadon shown oil Sheol B, ilia additional spalco is located along North Pointe Boralovard, N61midurtainling the forma of this -y, but subject to the Provisions Of Section 8-1, the County inay, Section 3.2 to the contrat authorize Building 21 as shown oil Sheet A to be adjusted by more than ten percent (10%). IV. gropiWATER MANAGENJENT AND STREAMBED CONSERVATION 4,J &09111.1114. Too area of the [00-ym flood plain within the Project ahall remain undisturbed except for read cm, rosizings, and pedestrian sships public utility facilities and their v and hiking trails, and only to the extent suuh exceptions are ptimitted by County Ordinances and ra y Rod prepare the .guladon, Upon the request of the county, owner shall provide A surve necessary docomegaidon, and dedicate the laud within such flood plain to the County. ticeS 42 Plan, Tills mariagamunt pig le ('11IMP") plan for like Pluj�ot shall be pretiored, cold all sitoonwattir manaScriteill; f4pilitles for th charge from Project shall be designed and constructed, to accommodate all clarrent storaiwAter dis Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-00-Go400 (Nortlywoods Mobile Home Fail Development) and fivinn le o4boing developments on the riarthicast and northwwt comers off'roffit Road and U.S.Ruolte 29, spl,%ifically the following parcels shown oil the curicio Albemarle County Edx maps: lux Mop lap 32A,VaxpVIs 2-1, 2-IA,2-IAI.2-13, 2-IC and 2-ID. 3" parcels 38, 39A, 39, und 39A; tax it I 'rho StommitAttir maltag=1011 rarity I facilities Shall mItigsm far storyawater quality and V Impacts, or the Steralwatiex generated both within the Project and for such existing oftsim conditions as described herein, as though the entire uundiumt Dfhe drainage area is doyalvpuld Woodall site: and is being developed to the, existing off -site condidoryu and the an on liters shall Comprise d minimum of thirty-three and proposed un-sim conditions. in addition, 1yof on-Urd puiularit (33 113%) of tile total required payking, lot landscaped areas within the iot oil Shopt 0 of the oilof the Project, as such Commercial Area i3 deline Application Plan (Shedi 0"). 4.3 Erosion and Sediment Coot (a) The owner Shift. to the ,ryaplimum iaxterit practicable, pruyido oil cod 5laic and Local additional appropriate erosion and sedintern control maasont* that eu n ax mum minififurn standards. Ir that is a disfigreernetiL regarding the Standard of - I I Conservation and Recreation Will be eenpracticable" is, satisflpd� tire Virginia Department of provided an opportunity ill rlavitnN and advise: on Such question. The Owner W thc (b) posa-cfuli �01, t imiximum kiXtem pria -mstrucli, dicable, provide post n stnowater BMN that arc designed to I rate of 3()Iy. as published by the Center for achieve an average annual srdimeri Protection in Article 64 of"Ille Practice of Wptursinxi V-p(ectio (2000 edition). blartatall bioNtelulon fiffers and wat retention will include, but Are not limited Streall, Baffer jind Restoration. Upon tht commencement of the applicable 4.4 ty and provide the County with a copy of any comment pariDdl the Owner shall notify the Coul sun disturbarical. In to die U,S, Army Corps of Engineers and/or DEQ for any Site, additioril ifuvcmary, after first lookin on-sim for rilltigstion opportunities available W satisfy the parolittiop, process, the Owner Shall contact the County for a list of off -site Opportunities within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look far such mitigation Opportunities off -site. V. TIUNSFORTATJON 5,1 Internal Street Construction _Stundards. Public strepts, whiph in any event Shall include at least Leake Road, North Pointe Boulevard, Northiside Drive- East. and Northwest passage, spall be (I) coustautad in accord with the illustrative urban design cross aptdons shown on Shout D-1 to the Application Plan ("Slimt D-l") and also inccordance with VDOT design standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between OwneT slid VDOT, and (ii) dedicated for public and Offered for acceptance into tilt: tate hjgbway� system Trees (with a maximum ase, spacing of fifty pll) feet), landsuillying and sidewalks as Shown on Sheet D-1 W1 be installed A VDOT or and maintained by the Owner in Accovidurycle with County or VDOT standards, miles theCqualyffigmigy, Fit lodIg of Completion L . 0 5.2 T, or Internal Street4. f nactup,moy, owner $hall complete that segment of an internal street as s1bown on Sh"et D-I within theProject which serves the building or residence far -which A Quatificato, of occupancy is sought with at terlif the stuar base and all but the final layer otplarit-inix asipholL The filial 13Yer of plant-folix asphalt shall be Installed Within one (1) yea following the issuance of the first cerdficuto of occupancy for a building Or residence Served by the affected Street segment. 5.3 a���R royam4w 3� owner shall design and construct all of the. road referenced in Sections 5.11(a), 5,3.1(b) and 5.3 I(c) below, w icb arc also shown h ad "Extanial on Shed D-I to the Application Pip and on Shulat E to the Application Plan entill (,,Sbeel E") (collectively, life "Road Improvements"), unless such Ruud Iroproverneut Plan" Road Improvements are first constructed or boricied by others, The various phases of the Rudd Improvements arc also show,, far purposes on A cator-codiad copy or steel B. that is attached herelt) an exhibit 13. Owner shalt dadiciam to public use any required right-of-way that it now or hereafter owns in fee simple. Fur purposes of this SmOun 53, the use of the term "tend" as it applic5 to Interval street$ 511�11 also have tile same flicaning as the word ein t1w Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County,Codc) where Applicable. 5,11 Design and Phasing All Road lmprovamcut� Strait be designed slid phased as Design. The Read shall be,.khown on detailed road plans satiuf]yivg faalarl!3; which shall be Eablinitted by ibi; Own" for review and, when VDOT sign st satisfactory, approved by VWf and the County (except for the Road Improventerits to U.3. Route 29, which aball be subject only to VDOT approval) (hereinafter, the "Approved FQad Place). Thia Approved Road Plans shall show the width and hatilth (except its specified in SecdQas and (v) and Section 51.11(b)'(1)(1))l location, type of Section, and gcornititrim or all layne improvements as required by VDOT design Standards. All Of the Road Imprevvinualls shelf be constructed in compliance with the Approved Read Plants. The Road Improvements to U.S. Route 29 shall he basiod on the then -current VDOT design speed and requirements.. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to (116 contrary, in the event that the, imcmal residential street designs as show-) on Sbeat -0-1 are no! accepted by VDOT, the Owner $hall submit daifiled road construction plans for such Streets to the County for lavlaw and, when Satisfactory, approval. suoJect also to the County's approval of private streau under theSubdivishin Ordinance (Ch. 14 oftheAllicinarle CouutyCuds)� Phasing. Ths, Road Improvements shall be constructed and completed in three phasos asset forth below: (a) Phoat I Read fraprovemeng. Prior to approval of the first commercial Shad obtain all associated permits and post subdiVisliets plat or Site plan within the Project, Ow all associated bonds required for file construbuflunitorf the following (collectively, the 'These I Road Improvements"); (1) Southeillmost F _p1lance on U.S. Rogt� (I) U,S. Route 29 Soudibound — correction of Out veltdcall curvallocity flicroadwayjast nvrtb vfthr entrance. Cii) U.S. Room 29 Southbound --construction of a cordinuous 12 foo( Wide flyroUgh lane (Wn Shoulders Or giant tail as required by VD(YI]l starting at a point that is 1000 fed north ofthe southernmost alliranota and tatending south to Airport Road. - construction of dual left turn (W) U.S, Route 29 Southbound fears ith taper at the crossover. (jv) U.S. Route 29 Soutuboutid - construction ofrigJyI turn lano with taller to serve northernmost crurramet: to SH 15 15 - (v) U3. Room 29 Northbound - construction of a continuous be . xical rig 12 fool wide through hme (ividl stouldur; or guard rail as may required by VDOT) e III frorn Proffil (Airport) Road (Route 649) to the Northwest Passage entrance. (vi) U.S. Room 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn Ism, at the Southommost entrance, The geometries of which Will be subjuct (a VDUF approval, (vii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - constriaction of left turn lane with toper into SR 15) 5. (viii) SR 1515 Bastbound - coutractlory and/or lostriping to provide left turn lano with taper, (ix) Installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase timing, video dc(pution and associated intersection improvements at the intersection with U.S. Route 29. (x) . Clozo msting crossover at U.S, Rom -29 and Southernmost Entrance to SR 1515. (xi) Proposed Entrance Road between North Pointe Boullevard am U.S. ROIRC29, (2) North FoW� flogl6ai, Leake Road and Proffit Rnadr (1) LcAc Road and North, Pointe Bouloytird, in accordance with the dusign cium -sections, shown on Sheet D- 1. from Proffit Road to either Noditside Driye, East or, if Norfiiqldt: Drive East has not yet becri constructed to the roundabout at North Pointe Boulovard, North Polinta Boulevar If shall be extended to Northwest Passage. Thu Owner shall provide a fifty (50) foot public light -of -way, along Leac Road and !that] construct a two-lane public Street to be accepted by VDOT and as much of the other improvermorts shown on the crosa-sectiona as possible within the availalile tight -of -way as reasonably determinad by the County Engineer. (ii) Thu iiiioulaboul, or such other improvelarctib us may be a R, approved by VDOT nd the County, at the intersection, of Lellk oad and Proffit Road sho on Sheet B and an additional westbutind light turn here on Proffit Road from Lesko Road to U.S, red far the off� Route 29 as shown on Shoat E ]it addition, for property acquisition that is rcolui site public right-uPway, for oQnstruution of the improvements required by this Setion thc� Owner shall make a cash contribution or provides a letter of credit in is form approved by the County Attorney for such purpose in the amount as dagined necessary far the property acquisition by the Countly Attorney, provided that such amount shall not execeil orle, hundrcil fifty pe%cm (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes. The easily contribution r tailor of credit daicribed in this Section *The total cok 5.3. 1 1) shad 'no Iond to pay fur Ill a total cost of the ligly I of way acti uisiti oil. oi'tha tight ofway acquisition for the off-sitepropery' neCc3sArY 10 construct the required by this Section 5.33(a)(2 (it) shall include the nrmal cum associated with acquiring land, buildings, simulates, castrinents 'old other authorized interests by condemnation or by pUrall3e iliplUdiDg, but net limited to, land acquisition, tryginuoring, suiniltyingl and teaslynable attorneys fees. The cash conixibtiou or the letter of credit shall be provided by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon mlucat by the County. If the property is acquired by purchase, the contribution far the purchase price -.hill) not exceed one hundred fit[ percent �150%) of U �y to County's fair market value appraisal prepared far condemnation purposes without the consent of theowrley� I Way at ornributid, fthC COSt Ofth0light Of qUiSiliOn exceeds the. amount previously r thea the Owner shall reimburse the County all uch excess costs within dirty (30) days upon request by the County. The County Snail refund to the Owner all excess contributions uppyl completion oftbe ]slid aelloisition. (ill) Intentionally Ontitt'd An additional through lane castbound oil Pruffif Road 5vto (iV) U'S. ROUm29 to the roundabout at the intersection ofLakc ROM and Freffit Road. In addition, for property acquisition that is required for the OffsitePublla right-Of-wity for construQ6941ofthe lonproverfulnu required by this Section 5.3.l(aX2)(IV), the Owner "I make a eash critribulion or provide a letter ofcradit in a form approved by the CottrityAttimatly fbr such purpose in the amount as downed nocclisaxy for the. propurty, acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such funountaball not exceed one hundred flitpereent (150PA) offla: County's fisirmarkat value It and condemnation purpuses. The cash contribution or letter of appimisa) prepared for acquisido credit described in this Section 5.3, I(a)(2XIY) SUB he used to pay for the total c(Mt ofthe right of put It way floquUtion, The WW past Of the right Of Way acquisition for the Off -Sit" Pro y occlisory to earistrurt. the improvemantis required by this Suction, !0. 1 (q)(2)(iy) shall include the normal posial artAcebred with acquiring lend, buildings. structures. cascificans: und othier authorized condpirimitiou Or by purchase, hycludinil� but not limited tor, land acquisition, interests by engineering, survayin& and reasonable attryincyll fees. 7be cash contribution or th letter of owner within thirty (30) days upon rollumt by the County. IfIbia credit shall be provided by Ole properly is acquired by prchase, the. cluntribution for the piIi-clusen; priou shall not exceed one ey, percent (15Q!/D) of the County's fair market Value appresad prepared for hundred fu nt of the Owner. If the cost of the light of way condemnation purposes without 1115 calue; acquisition exceeds th, amount previously upwributed, then the Owner Shall reimburse the County all such excess costs vvithin thirty (30) days upon request by the County. 'the county shelf reltrad to the Owner all a-.koess, contributionspoia corripledon Qftho land Acquisition. Ehlise I Bond Improvements. Within fifecri (15) months Completion at th� after the of the first building partedt for a commercial building within the lands subject Ry the first camnurcial subdivision plat or site plan within the Project, or prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Such building, whichever is carli , all of,the Phase I Road all be accepted by VDOT for ppblic usa or bonded fey VDOT's acceplame if Improvements sh such Road Improycmaills an a primary highwayr of Recopied by VDOT for public use Or bonded to the County far VDOT`s acceptance I f such Road Improvempals are a Becculthary bighw, ay� (b.) Phase 11 Road Improvements Prior to approval otthe fir3t site plan that ca as shown on Shod A would authorize die aggregate commercial, Office and hotel gross fluor at within the project to exceed two hundred ninety Ihousand (290,000) square fact, Owner $hall ion of all, obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construct following (collectively, the "Phase 11 Road Improvements"): (1) Middl EntrailLce oil U.S. R110; 29 Wortlyside Drive EssUS i�m (I) U,S. Room 29 Southbumid of a continuous or guard rail as may be required by VDOT) Starting at 12 foot wide durryugly lane (with shoulduts a point that Is 1000 fect north of tho Middle Emnaloo and untlanding to the point where it ucturitnsufaryl to Section connects ith the portion oftho lane conair (it) U,S. Rople 29 Smithbound - construction of dUal left turn lanes with taper. (iii) u.S, Route 29 Soudibriond - construction of, a right Will lane with taper, OV) U�S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of 4 riot blind turn lane at the Middle Entrance, dale geometric$ ofwhich ivill be subject to VDOT approval, (v) U.S. Rout- 29 Northbound - construction of left turn lane with taper. (vi) SR 1570 Eastbomid - constructioto of or testriping oflanes (Vil) Entrance road WcAbound - installation of a traffic iignal with phaso liminE, video defoxtion and associated inferseclion improvements on U.S. Routp2% (viii) Existing crossover at Cyprllss� Drive - construction to close the crossover. Frontage load from Cypress Drive to SR 1570 - (IX construathyn or a puble Street to serve properties currently accessing U.S, Route 29 through Cypress Dr um 29 and North Pini (2) NoTtlyside Drive East between U.S. Ro, shown on Shect D-1. Boulevaid as Cutopletion of the Phase 11 Road Improvements, Within (15) months after the issuancia of the first building pnuit for a building within the lands subject to the first skilodivishm plat or site plan That would authorize tilt: aggregate commercial, afflicts and hotel gross floor area as shown on Shoot A within the Project to cytoted two hundred ninely thousand jior to the imance Ufa vortifical, ofoavupnuy for any building that (2,90,000) square fem, or p causes such gross floor area to exceed two litirldrod ninety thousand (290,000) squRrefitizi, accepted by VDCT for whichever Is earlier, all of die Phage 11 Road Iniptavei cots ha n a ad 11 at a a primary public use or bonded for VDOT'3 acceptance if Ra I rovelile a To high*kry, or accepted by V�OOT, for pubile ust: or bonded to the Cwtuity for VDOTis acceptance ifsuch Road Improvements art a sewittlary highway. (c) Ph4se III Road Initirriements Prior In the earliest of'* (i) the approval Of the first Subdivision plat or site plan that woulif Authorize the uggyvgata number of dwelling units within the Project to exceed five hundred Otirty-fluce (333h (it) the approval of a subdivision plat or site plan for tiny development or the Neighborhood favastment Property or any portion thereof; or (III) the five (5) year anniversary of the ditto of issuunce of the firist certificate or occupancy rr H building, or prernises within [he Project, Owner !;hall btain all associated permits and post all assuciated builds fc(Luiled for the construction of the following road Improvements (001feCtiVel the "Phase III Road Improvements") to the extent arly such Y. road improvements have not already been completed: (1) kjq�nuaost Entrance (opposite Lewis & Clark Drive) for U.S. Roqip29i (I) U.S. Route; 29 Southboarld — commotion of lefl: turn hinte, with laper, (if) Northwest Passaga from U.& Room 29 to North Pointe Boulevard. (Iii) U�S. Route, 29 Northbound — rousinurtitin of a fight hand turn lanci the goinnettics Ofwbicll Will be subject to VD(yfRPPTOvaLL cly) 1171101: already constructed, North Pointe Boulevard between Noldigide Drive East andliforthwest Pasaagei (y) If the traffir AJ&aal to be constructed by others is in pliset; prior to owner commencing work on thivt Northernmost Entrance, aral such traffic signal. only iticifults three lugs, owner shall add the fourth IcS to the signal, which shall include additional - sic's Use must arms, signal heads and arteillary equipment necessary to support Northwest Pass of the intersection. as datermiticd by VDOT, If =6 traffic signal is not in plwe and the vehicular traffic generated by the Project calim the VDOT sipalwarmilts to be metta and VDOT requires that a traffilip t4gad be installed as a condition ofthe entrance permit, Ovicucr she]] install &uDh traffic signal. flor C2) Notwithstanding any other proAskya contained in this Pro Sjyyaynleu� withirl one hundred eighty (180) days after written notice from the County that it intends tu build an elementary School on dia School Lot (as "School Lpr is defined in Section 9.1), the owner hall submit road plans far ale calustructiory of Northwest Passage from North Pointe Boulevard to U3. Route 29 to vDorr and to the County for review, and whon sinhitamicry, approval, rurthrmlisrc� within twelve (12) mourbs after. Issuance, of tbc building permit for construction of the ritmentary school, and if not already completed, Ovillur will agroplem (i) Northwest Passage from -North Pointo Boulevard to. U,S. Runic 29, (Ji) the Improvements wt forth in Section abovor and (iii) North Palate Boulevard train Northilido Drive East to Northwest Passagc� To allow the development of rho School Lot, the IT caress es Owner Shelf grant all temporary CaFXITIV1315 us noodsSATY to all W ingress And for "llic' and equipment grading, file instralvidoll and maintenance of and sediment Quintel structures at measure-, and any other Associated utfustraction casements, as -such temporary casefirems arc shown on the subdivisicia plat or site plan for the School Lot and Irl.Atuallyapeedifibyti�eovj=und the deydoper ofthe Sclubill LiA ComplellUiLof-the b I Road in, rovennints. Within twelve (12) months after the accutWo-a—ce ofthe applicble; event in Section 5.3.1le) which required the Owner icy obtain all associated permits, and post Ad associated bonds requirod for 1hu collstraction of the Phase III Road Improvements, all of the Phase III read improvements 8111111. be accepted by VDOT for public use or banded for VDOT's acceptance if Such Read Improvements are a 'm biolway, or acgepted by VDOT for public use or banded to the County for VDOT's Pry. ary �aqccptamtl . I'sucil Road Improvements are a secondary highway. 5,12 tIpOnToquumA by theCoutity, Owner shall make a ussficontribUtion to the County or OOT for the cost ofa cable or wireless radio system that will link one or more ofthe signals between Lewis and Clark Drive and Alipliq Road; provided, however, that the total cash contribution shall not, exceed thirty-filve thousand doll= (M,000). Subject to million at foroo majenie, if the Couniy does not request the funds, or does request te funds but the: cornsitruction of the system does not begin by the later of Decurabes 31, 20 10 or Oirco (3) ypars, after completion ofall ofth. Road 2aid funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 5.3.3 Prior to dic approval ofphms forimprovements at any U.S, Route 29 intgnectiorl, Owner Shall proide VDOT traffic Signal network timing plans that VDOT finds acceptably Address the impacts of the proposed traffic signals for peak traffic *ads, ITHIS PROMP HAS 53.4 Reeirtual Tranipprtat on Stud 4 Ca BEEN SATISFIED. Upon request by the County, Owner shall makd a cash contribution of one hundred thousand dollars (W0,000) to dic; Cunty for tho ptlypostas of fundiag �a regiorlid transportation study for the Route 29 corliffor', which Includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Rivilaria River. and the Bollynicad Growth Area of whic North Pointe is a parl. The contribution shall be made within thirty (30) days after requested by the County anytime aftor the isapip;oycd. IfIfit) request is not Inadc Within one (1) year zftw thedilitoofoppruvid of site plan for the first commercial building within the Project, this proffer shall he firSt becomr, null and void. If spoh cash contribution is not expanded for the, stated purpose within thres, (3) years from the date the fruits Nvete contributied-to the Cuunty� all unexpeoded funds siiall be, Tolerated to the Ckw�nor. VJ, OPEN SPACE AREAS AND GREENWAY 6.1 Pedestrian Pathway . All pedestrian pathways shall be classified as shown on -he Pedicst0go Path�Nitiy Key On Shoat 6 and, except Jor the pathwaw to be constructed by the county, 5W W -flown or. the subdivision plat or site plan for the underlying or adjacent lands within the project. '11 pathways Shelf be uoinsiracted by Owner as Class A or Class B trails as identified on Ubtict (3, and in accordance With the appiticable design and construction standard in the County's Design �iandbvtls Manual. Stich con5trurtion. shall be in conjunction. with the improvements far the Subdivision plat or situ plan, as the We may be, and bundled with the streeti if the pathays arc it subdivision Improement, or with a performance bond If the puthways are a site plan improvement. The pathway fillown On Shrect G along Flat Bianch north and south of Norlbside Drive East Shelf not continua thrmipli a QuIverl ifa cAliviart. is used for the Strom zluiisiog. The pathway intended far the culvert between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform to the a pil able standards in VDOT's 'Subdivision Street p �c Guidance' and Owner shall maintain dia pathway if it is; not accepted by VDOT for maintenance. like. Upon mortat by the County, Owner shall redicam tithe County tholuke, 6,2 uke . shown on the Applivation Plan for public user provided that Such lake will be available for Use by Owner for stormwatcr inamagewent as dascribed in Shout C to the Application Plan entitled "StoorrawatcrManagmacm and Stream Colivitrvation Plan" ("Shittat C"). VIL TWS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED S PROFFERS VB1, PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIF 8.1 Branch Librar (a) Upon request by the Cmyrity� Owliff shall dedicate to die county the foe simple interest in the land shown on Slice sisting of a 15,000 aquaria foot fully t 8 43 a library. con graded pad riter with utilities, to cleporrafrodom a 12,300 square toot building fbotprint, a fivp foot perimeter qtrl and up to a 25,000 square foot building, together with a nonexplosive IT easerriont to the adjacent clummil arca for ingress, egrassl construction staging and sufficiat County Code required parking, storrylieter dc4cladon and water quality facilities for the location of a Jciferatia-Madisen Regional Library go early other uses that are compatible as determined by The County (die "Library Lot"). with the proposed suryouriding uses, NotwithstarAling (he terms ufthe prieT *comfica to the contrary, ifthe requirements for the library building requirc. a larger building footprint, the. County may authorize the library building footprint to be larger than as fifirmill in the prior semence, provided, however, Lliat the size oftht area shown as Park W, on Sheet B ("Part 111). and/or the size of the, ajacent puking area iturradiallely north of the Libzary Lot on Shout 13 �lhe "Library Parking Lae') shall be adjusted accordingly to accomayodate such larger bly[bling to hyt. The Owner shall not be responsible tpn far any utility lap fees, but Owner shall complete conSiniction of the Library Parking Lot and other parking areas serving the Library Lot. 'rho Owner shall permit the County to use the Library Parking Lot and/or, if not already coll8tonoted, Park H, for Purpose$ Of 001'soactiOn County that it intends to begin stright& Within twelve (12) alonths after written notice frout the construction of the library, the Owner shall make the access roads and the area of tho Library Parking Lot available with at least a fair inob complicated Store: base for use as access and ren3truction attlgbig� Such street access serving the Library Lot and the Library Parking Lot shell be c(auploted and available rot use oo later than tell 00) months littler issuance of the ,It in areas used for building permit for the fibrur I y, provided, hoWttvcy, that ;y2pholt payerre: construction staging by the County shalt fail tyu required to he installed until thirty (30) days (or necessary due to weather conditions) after the County has such longer rualsonxilic (line as Truly be remoed its con2truelloo-rchoad mato"N and equipment. Upoll the toques( offlie County, Park 11 shall also be dedicated to public use, but die Owner shut) not bu respolutilolz for maintaining it Ourr such park. Owner 2hall be responsible for maintenance of tile Library Porkizir, Lot an a parking spamq serving the Library Lot and the County shall have iw obligation Ili be a trituriber The County's iquetl for dedication of the land for the Library Lot Of soy Owner's and Puk 11 shall be tirade within three (3) years following ilia later to occur of (j) issuance ortlic first residential building permit within the pffijay�t (�i) Owner's completion Or tire infrastructure (including but not limited It, stroeis, water, stywer, electric, gas) nquiraill for the use of the Library Lot, or (III) December 31,2016 (which December 31,2016 deadline may be extended by written mutual sigyperriant of the Owner und the County). Its request for Stich dedication is not rustic within three (3) years following the later ofthesis aa(cs, this proiTer will be null and voi& the library building (b) Green oo In the event that 144 lequircrylants for rquire a larger building lomprint, and the County elects to authorize the libru" building foftiritit to be larger flum 14500 liquare fcd pursuant to section 8. I(a) above, and in the further owactiship for it portion of the larger building, Owner event that the building is developed as a condominum and the County requests fix Owner to Shall a_,cept siych ow nership ut a reasonable y6ro upon which the parties may mutually agree, and shall contribute to die County, ofthe portion offiRe library building owned by oil a pro rte basis based on the proper zo V the Owner reledi * to the size of the library build g as a whole, the cost of designing'And ch building, Theic posts may hiplude, ifilesitad by the County, installation of a constructing so and Any additional expenses associated with mciurrally reinforcing the roof a!; necostary to support the grew roof, Wain tell (101 days after receipt of a request fbr payment by tho County that is accompanied by documentation toQppott. the progress payment amount as payload in the construction contract, the. Owner shall submit Bull% payments to the County. Alternatively, in the event thii County clods to design the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Envirouracnild, Design C�LEEIYI) bildli1g, the Owner sball contribute, to the County, Trild, basis based on the proportional Size of tho portion, of the library building owned by on a pig nary build! as 4 wholta, the additional costs of flit Owner relative to the size of the fib Ag uanstructing (be library building to obtain LEED wrtificall" for the building Within ten (10) days after receipt ofa request for payment by the County that is acomptimed by documentation to support th.c progress payment amount as pricividDil, in the construction contract, the Owner shall or iterist utilized to Submit such paympts to the County. The design of the green loof, gia or obtain the LEED owification, as appliable, 3ball be in the County's discicfion� 8.2 Affordbiblellousing. Subject to the terms andcundRions of this Section 82, the Owner shall provide a minhimin of forty (40) "for -sale' residential dwelling units as on at dwelling units as affordable dwelling units, a minimum of sWy-six (66) "for -rent" resold 6 Hease Units (RS CmyTiryp�p House affordable f1wollifig units, and a adaintum of four (4) Carriage Units are 4efintd in Section 9.2(d)), The forty (40) "for-sam" midamiul flweWng units shall be voopliself orthe Following types ofdwulling units: twelve (p from multi-tarally, twelve (12) treat "other' (turisistilig of townhouses, duplexes, attached haoshq� condominiums in the cuilariercial areas laid other unidentified housing typesX and sixteen (16) from single family detached, cacti at the sale prices aad under the lermis and conditions set forth in this Section 8.2, The Owner shall convey the responsibility of constructing the affordable units to thesubjsNuent owners oflots within tho Property. (a) multi-Fami v and 'Other" For -Sale Affordable I)Rits. For Triulti-firmily and "othue, affordable ifvelling units within the Property, such affordable. units shall be asailold5 will, incomes lc8s than elglyty percent oftlic area meditto family g1ford4ble to ho' income (the "Affordable Unit Qaalil�ing Inconia"), �h that tha housing costs consisting of principal, real estate taxes and homenwriers insurance (PITI) do not exceed thridy percent (30%) of the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no: everit Shall ilie. selling price of such affordable unlitis be less than the greater of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($190,400) or sLxly-fiYe percent (65%) of the applicable i 0 home Virginia Housing Dovolopmolif Actilority! ("VHDA") maximum mortgage for Inat-t in buyaTS at I the beginning of the 90-d ay Identification and qualification period reforencod fit Section 82(0. (b) Singigg Fand y Detached -Sale Affordable, Units ("Moderakly-Priced Units"). For singlc family delachad for-liult offlurdable unit s. widifty the property Priced Unite% such Modurately-Priovd Units shall W Affordable. to households with incomes Im than one hundred twenty percent (12011c) of the =a median family income (the "Modexamly-Priced Unit QualifYing Income'll Such that the flowing costs consisting of'PITI 40 at not oxcood thirty Percent Qo%) of the Mod maly-priiced Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no event shall the selling price of Such Moderatoly-priced Units be required to be less than the greater ofTwo Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars ($238,000) or eighty perotant py/g) of Ole applicable VEDA maximino inortgaga for filat-time home buyers at the beginning oftha 90-dayidotificathm and qualificuOuti period referenced in Section 82(f). (c) ltar-Agt Affordable Uni For a period of five; (5) years following the data the corlificate ofacoupancir is issued by the County for each for -lout affordable unit, or luntil the units are sold as low or moderate post units qualifying as Soot under either the Virginia Housing and Urban Development, Deyelopualut Authority, Farmers Home Administration, of Housing Umloo $, whichever points first (flit "Affierdabile Torm"). such Units And be rented to households with itaximea to= than the Affillrdable Unit Quoit ng Income. No for -rent fyi Affordable unit may be counted more than micia towards the number of for -rent affordable dwelling units rquirail by this Section 9.2. (i) Conveyance offlit, All deeds conveying any Interest in the for - rent aFordbible units during the AlTurdable Term shelf contain larl9w9c rclitl'13 that such Owl is subject to the terms oftbb SectIon. 8,2(a), in addition, all contracts pertaining In, it conveyance Of any fay -runt affordable, unit, or any part thereof, duning the Affbidalill: Toym, shall contain a complete and full olhiqlosuro.of Cho roshripti= and controls established by this Section 8.2(c). Prior to the conveyance of any Intel est in any for -Tent affordalble unit during the Affordable Term, the then-curricht, owner AM] notify the County in writing ofthe conveyaricu. and provide the name, address and telephone: number of the potential grantee, and state, that the requirunicala ofthis Scutfiln, have been saligied. (ii), Annual Roulliti During flit: Affordable Tom and ithin ninely (9U) days fiallowhip, the end of each calendar year, the flicti-evirent owner stall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a ccitified annual report ofall foll-reat affordable Units fir the imm r in a fibyrn And substance reasonably aQceptable to the. County edfatialy precedling Yeaall federal, State mid local housi law' Housing Office, Subject to g as and upon reasonable notice during [he Afflardable Tom, the therb-current Owner Shad make available to tile County at the ris, copies uFrautall or lease or than-purrent Own,113 icrultitt4 if rcquested, any repa, ri fro C other data pertaining to rental rates as 010 County may TittAOnablY a it (d) Carrillitut House Un � Carriage House Units Shall meet the.requitriements for a Single family dwelling as defined in thS.Vil'Billill Unilban Statewide Building Code, sb411 be on the Saint parcel as the primafy dwelling unit to whh;ht is accessory, mall shall not be iulldivided from the primary residence V'Carriage House Units"). The sobdivision sball be included on (be plat ctefAing such parcels and be incorporated into each deed convoyin I g title to such parcels. (a) Each subdivision plat and Site plan fur land within the Property which includes affordablo units (which, for this Section 81(o) 5141 irtaludla Wderately-Priced Units) shall designate the lots or undis, as applicuble, that will, subject la, I the Ltraillt said. conditions of ad herel this pirofficir, inoirporatc affordable units as 4escrill it, 'The first such subdivision plat. or site plan shall include a minimum of Ifiralia (3) such affilrdabIti units. Thereafter, and until the total number of affordable dwelling units proffered herewaler shall have bee fulfilled, the c ar Fla Owner shall provide a ininimuny of three (3) such affarduld dwelling units per ye . E h, in subdivision. plat and final site plan, alliv, tiball include a manilIg total of the number and the paiiecruage or affordable units previously provided and proposed to be provided ly subdivision plat or site plan. For Purposes of thi's Scotian 8,21(e), such units sball be; deemed to idea written notico:to the County have been provided when the subsequent owneribudder prov th unit(s) will be lavailabic for Sale, as required by &.6fion Housing offlou or its desigrifte that , o affardablo dwelling units 3.2(f) below. in the event that Olt- Owner provides more than. thice (3, by a Single year, O)c Owner may "carry over" or "bank" credits for such affordable units, Nuoh In` annual ratfulrement may b* that the additional affordable units which exceed the in Iromm II)locatedtowboddit; loniaium nualber of affordable units rurruirad.tcliopmided f6rarayfuture, year. in, ralaxion lot number of affordable units that insty be carried over, or bunked shall not 8.2(e) to the contrary, exceed ev(12) per year. Notwithstanding dit: terms of this Section n the written Tel; of the owner, the Comfy may authorize an alternative process and/or Upo cest schedulta for the provision andlor delivery of such affordable units upon a determination that the request is in geneval,accord with lite purpose antibiterit Df$eptRm 8,2 auditor otherwise hyribors; the goals ofp oviding aMrdable lionsing in file County. (0 All purchasers oftint fibr�lofle affordobi units shall be approved by thil a Albernaric County Housing Office or its designee. Thu Subsequent owncAuilder sliall provide the County or its. designec a period at Idnaty (90) days to identify and prelpaWify an eligible patches" far the atfordable unit. The itiflety (90)-day period shall commence Upon written notice it) be available to:, ule� If the. County or its from the thall-cuaval, owtort'builder that The Unit(s) wi designee does not provide a qualified purchaser who axecolas EL contract Of Purchase during this ninety (90)-day period, the then -current oWlict/builder shall bove the doit to sell the Unit(s) do, on sales price or income. of the pulebreseris), provided, however, that any without belyiesuip sold without Such rest ction shall nevertbulass be. counted toward fill; norriber of unit(s) affordable units rvquircd to be provided pursuant to this temes or this Section a.2. Thd requirements ofthis Section 8.2 Shall apply onlyta oftheaffilrdableunits. (g) 'Me County shut] have the right, from finne to time, on icasurtable notice -;y laws, to inspect the. records of Owner or any successors in all subjOut to all applicable priva interest for the purposet; Qfassurung clurplianoe with this pinfror. Crish Pro, THIS PAOFrER HAS BEEN SATISIULD. Withm Sixty (50) days after the Bow . d or Supervisors approval ofZMA 200"09, the Owne r shall caust. to be contributed three hundred thousand dollars ($300,006) cob to !he county of Albemarle for the Allicnialle Housing initiative Fund or such other similar fund as may be established or athorized by the County, The contribution shall be to food affbifflattle home ownership loan programs within the Project and other areasof Albeinarle County, including thosa provided by nall-proifit I using Agencies such as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Hablitilt no for Humanity, and the Albemarle. Housing improvement Program. If such cash contribution is date the funds were not expended for the stated purpose wittrin five (5) years horry the I, ad funds shall be refliallod to the Owner. contributed to the County, ad unexpeld IX EDUCATIONAL AND OU'ARR PUBLIC FACILFnES 9.1 Elementary School Site Within two hundred seventy (270) days t1lowing request by the County, Owner Shad dedicate to the County the land shown an the App I Plan as "ElcantritAry School 1245 Acres $dbernatic Layout", consisting of appoximately 12.85 acres (or a smidler portion of'such land in &it County's sole discreflon) (the "Schoul Ut!"). Prior to dedication, the School Lot shall be gradol and Compacted by Owner to a,mirt mum of R3% compaction as measured by a standard Proctor test with suitable material for building construction as certified by a professional engineer or as Otherwise approved by the County gradull pad site to accommodate an elementary school. Tho, Eligirrour to establish a fWJY , recreational field improvements shown Or, the Application Plan Shad, be firregradixil and bal soil and will amendments added, and the maint; for mi underground irrigation Sirtern. scirvina, the a , quilvallent to those recreational fields shall be instWIed, such improvernonusshall be mason bly 4 existing at the; recre4ithinal fields at BakesBuder Elementary School, exclusive at any above ground improvelliants, The pedestrian Pathways- as shown oil am porimetir of the School Lot on ad by Owner creating he the Appdcadon Villy, sbidi be reflected on the subdivision plat "ar is graded for the raciestliarit fields, School Lot and the puflywaysi shall be inat4led when the site a iroallydia The Owner shWI provide all utlifties to the School W, The dedication sit, 11 access to and use of Slarin WaIcT Bushes 5 said 10 shown on the across Owmar's ]slid, for lion casements to, allow Storlaywater Basin Appliction. Plan, toethur with A temporary construc firprommattlaw the School Lot storinwater. Tbo 10 to be redesigned and enlarged, ifneconary, to School Lot shall be uflvd as an elementary school site, but if the County dattlimines that the School Let will not be used as an cleaunitiory school site, it shall be used by County for Park am recreational prposes; Serving both the Nostb Point, community and the region, if 6-11 County does not request that the School Lot be dedicanted.by the later. of December 31, 20)6 (which December 3J,2010 deadline may he extended by written mutual agreement ofthe Owner and the Coulay), or three (3) years after the issuance of [W first residential building permit - loot Lot for within the Projot:1, the Owner shall be Linder no forthr obligation to dedicate the Sol the purpose described heroin, but Shall, by Jurfeary 30, 2017, or thirty (30) �by$ after such later date, five hundred thousand dollars (31(g)X0) cash to the County to ba RAW by the County for projects identified in the County"s CIP reasonably related to dic needs of the North Pointe community, and in. such evelat the Schol Lot may be used for Other residential purpoes as approved by the CoOrty after request by Owner for an amendment to the Application Plary, chool or for park And Afiar dedication and before The County uses the School Lot for a s ional porpo5cas, and ifrequesital by the County, Ownerhall maintain the School Lot until racreat ght to exclusive, Use of tile requested by the County to Do lont;er do So, subjtcl to the Olviters rip park u d ripereatiorml purpoicsliall be only School Lot for park and recreational Such n. p a inr inow uses shown on an approved final site Ian or subdivision plat far The area th t lUd4s tile splicul Let. Upon being rtatuaiod by The County, Owner shall coast all w and mainterdynce of the, School Lot and remove all implaventents establisherl'by Owner that tha County requests be rema I ved, The County shall not be obfigatW IQ VAY Owner for any improvements established by A oftledication for the School Lot shall provide that if owner that the county riliairiv. The det, the County aor4pts title to the School Lot and thin does not construct either a park or a. School within twenty (40) years following Ilia date the Board of Supervisors approves the ZMA Atimillfricat, then upon Owner's request title to the School Lot sball he tnualbired to Owner at no ex =O to owner. P 9.2 Bus Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stie ImP yements �znd Bas SjUl-ce. (a) owner Shall payistract ten (10) public bus �tqp unfuloffs as shown on the Application Plary, r odiltrwiso two (2) in the southerialloa r d tial jar esi an four (4) in the, commercial area and four (4) in the other residential areasi each in a location mutually acceptable to Owner and the County. Tho has stop timicifts shall be approved with sucat construction plans for file Project and bonded And coosqueted with the Street& (b) - Upon the request by the County, Owner shall contribute the total sum of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) cash towards the design and cotyatructimi of the above ground bus stop impivoincritistrall as bundles and shelters meeting t�arldards established by ilia Coortly at each bus stop. lfthv County does hot request the, firlds, or re quests I Ova funds but does not construct the bus step improvements by the later of Duccrubor 31, 2015 of threo (3) years aftur complat on of the road network that includes the lyu3i stop mormiffit, then subject to Inaltans i of force mejetlyo, the unexpended funds shelf, in the distcretivil of the, County, either be remmed to Owfw of I ed in d,.a program within applied to a project idendil , County's capital improvements or adjacent to flit Project tiratheriefits the Project. (o) Within tIdqy (30) days after flith introduction of public transportation In the Projcol, OwnurAhall, contribute twoury-fiya thousand dollars ($25,000) cush to the County to a be used for operating expenses related to such service, and shall therisafter annually contrib, to used for oticryofiria Twcaty-Five'llioustand Dollars (S25,000) cash to the County to bi related to such Service for a period of ni (9) additional years, uuch that the total fifulds no cunnibuied to the county pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) shut] net exceed Two Hundred Fifty asanrdl)ollalrs($250,000)� if the introduction of public transportation to the Project does not The ai the Board of Supervisors approymi the ZNAA commence by the later of tell (10) ypari I aft. Anilcodal-itt, orsaven(7)ycars after the date oftlya issuance orthe firstcerfificam ofoecuparicy for the first commercial building within the Protleel, ibis Section 9.2(o) litaill becoltic null and void. X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Dedication of reel 22�. Unless the dudicalkni _Lfth -E;L— ul* public rigin-of-wity alid the consouctiInk of such Street are required it' conjunction with the approval of a bobillivihima plat Levier Mile arle County Code § 14-409 and rclifted or their socressors: 10,2 Access to Tax Mat) 32A� Section 2. Parcel siJeurrent Nurthwoods Mobile Home Park Eropurty). Uniess; the dedicadoo of public right-orf-wa� and tho construction of ill such street are required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat, coder A at County Code § 1"9 and related suctions, or their Succelaigyx Floure Omer gh4l reserve an area in the location labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Dcificalon " al the eastern end of the main purryineyobil salcoss to d a from U.S. Route 29 on Shipel B for access to Tax 1dap,32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 ("TMP 32A-24")� Prior to the issuance of a building penult for Building 6 or Buildings VI thningli V6, each as shown oil the Application Plan, -vivIlicbrver is Owner shall r000rd in the Ctork't; Office of, the Circuit Court of Allyantarle-Cority, a cirrent, irrevocable deed of dedication dediuuting to public. We for road purposes. the area labialtid "50, R.O.W. Rustryed for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges that if it is not part ofs, subdivision plat approved by file County, stich offer of dcolicadifirt must be first ivviewcd uord approved by the Board of Supervisors and occupied by the Board. Such I --hall, have,been dead of dedicalio I shall Include Ilm following conditions: (I) that TMP 32A-1-4 s -cs, there shad have been Oil Ole 'tied; and �ii) that prior 19 its use for road pulpos; Upio far public use or land so dedicated a road approved try the Counlyand accepted by VDOT bonded for VDOT�s peceptainit At file, time or the construction of the roundabout serving Building 0 and Buildings VI throgh V6 it]* owner shall construct the intersection, crh radii and uxtrarl construction of the load for a distance of at least thirty feel beyond the roundabout. The owner shall also place at the and aftimilli extended road, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such right-of-way's thelocationfifa future roarlexterision. Artier dedication and before tbb�- conditions of the dedication have been Satisfied, and lfroquestlad by the Conty, Owner shall rublilitlain the dedicated land Until requested by the County to no [caw do so, subject to the li ght to tOiclsivu lose of the dedicated land for, park, recreational, studior getanspile P61 I being requested by tiR County, Owner . ses, Upon a udi to land and rumoi tstAlhdird by cause 91 use and mairrimustapla of 0 ca . owner 5hali grant temporary construction Owner (ifany) that flit County requests be rearloved, - ----- by the applicable site plan. No dedicated right-of-way, and suall bo established natrut; shall be located Wilhily the temporary construction ermemems until 0 licit of such load lids been completed. XL SIGNATORY 12,1 gLr The urolursigned certify that theY pro the 0131Y evirairs ofthe Property, which Is . the subject of the ZMA Aineolborcrit. -fly and each ritforelym to t2. the owrer� These proffers shall run with,dia Prope these, proffar;; slyall include wit4in its earing, and " be binding upon, Ownr within er's sucoassor(s) in interest and/or dle dovelqper(s) of the Proplorty or any portion of it= own property, (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) This Profflar Statement. may be Signed in counterparts andlur via facsimile wig' the same full forge and effect as itall signatures Wore original and on one document. r3i laturasofc act Purchaser and All OWniffs I44 F VIROINIA. COMMONWEALTH 0 CITY OF cHARLoraEsjLLE d I d N Publ' 'I! and fl the Jurisdiction aforesaid hereby certifies Coal Otary r If Grew Easmal Managermall C . initially, (1a1W% on, er ginia. limittli liability company is signed to furegoingAintaided and Restated Profft x Statement hearing the date 49 of J[y If of, J�d I I the lit o the Steve b4 ort: me in my jurisdiction aforesaid iDii beha liability CoUrpany, day of 013, Givtn uner my hand th my Com W Nuto. Pu lip [SM) in on Ty Date., COMMONWEALTH OF YIRQINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE company is day 9f,A1bVQl`l-UC 2011 Given under my hand III My CL". N t SHAL] 31 2014 r,,& CWH PROF ES LIMITED PAR NERSHIP Fly, -ro , Limited Partnership, Partrier o Gov Alp er Date: its: Car, COMMONWFALT1f OF VIRGINIA COUNJ`YOFALBEMARLE d d N to Publi ani, for olugsdicilmil atiatcsinid hereby ecriffies that. I aI fcTcat Eastern maryagetnard Company, Limitin lartitership, at Partner of CWH Properties Limited partnelshi led to the ft�rltgomg Amended and Restated a Virginia lualted late as of 2013, Acknowledged the same before Too Proffer Statement hearing the � in nrijurisdiction aforesaid on bubelfol'said Primership. his day of Cyw,6l,., .2 13, Given under my hand thi 0 CWMM llwm Keft my com W Ocirm EV. March 31. 2014 (SEALI Nqlary Pu I ic 0 010 co 0 CO .�4 r C V—i Z 11DW -Ri4 E­4 0 co 0 LU cn Q CIO Z Q) Z .,4 A cor) ILL1 LU co -4 V) 0 0 LU 0 04 co C14 % 0 04 0 U 0 41 0 4-J U) 03 :D (D E 9) LT H C > BRIAN C. M , , 0112112022 NAL CL W 0 0 0 9) 0 0 6 0 e .2 2 4) C REVISIONS GA TE ITEM 1112312020 PER COMMENTS 0610812021 PER COMMEN TS W 0 0 CL DATE 07-31-2020 SC SCALE NO SVCAM 0 PROJECT JL4NAGER R' P BRL; !P. 3E C C. MITCHELL, P.E. C DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECAED BY PROf.# 20190267 SHEET # C — 1A -- --1----I -1, - I It � \� � " 11, I,I 11 � 11 ) I I I I . . , � , " \ ", " , 11 , " . 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MITCHELL, P.E. ) .' m (D -a 7---) DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN ( 0 = BY -2 C_CHECKED -) PROJ.# cri G 20190267 (_ = 3: I v SHEET # -1 C - 1B .T = �_ aik --- ----- - - * / % !r / j // %- \ r _ _--------------------------- ' ! - _- -`-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l`• \ ! // , / / T---__ -- --- - — — _ ---- -- -------------- y l*r / / / ! t / j / ! _________________ ______-_- __-_-- -.�- ---__--_-.. -_-__., - -__-- ------------------ - _- `---------_ -- ------ -_-__-__- ___ - ----- -- _- _-----_----"---.___ ------------------ Ir---___-_--- _--_ `--'_------_-_------------- ---- ---_----- --------- ------ __ _"-------___------ --- ------- -.-- _-~- ___~----______-_"'-`--__ - -- f'`rr1I�'i ! /fi� tI 1 r!1�" l 1►'�/1 t!t J J iJ/r 1/' 1i{ 1 I II1 1 i--------------------------- __---------_--_- - - - - - - - - - EX 20' DRA/NAbE l i l ' �/ l l / �\ ! t ! , l l \ i // i / / i !' / i i i i / - -- ----------------------- EASEMENT 1'E,i1 �A /Ap/LE 1 1�{./(1 ______ �F V l t' LINE TABLE LINE# LENGTH DIRECTI❑N L1 255,912 N73° 08' 35,11'E L2 68,084 N36° 57' 46,96'E L3 129,632 N48° 10' 23,81'E L4 60,701 N32° 46' 39,13'W L5 107.950 S36° 12' 54,91'W L6 20,396 S24° 54' 19,16'W L7 52,911 S36° 12' 54,90'W L8 17,705 S49° 54' 19,87'W L9 14,485 S36° 44' 33,25'E CURVE TABLE CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 25,432 830,500 001.7546 C2 101,714 369.500 015.7720 C3 124,663 75,000 095,2352 C4 118.963 645,500 010.5593 C5 37,048 25.000 084,9089 C6 44,481 284.500 008,9580 C7 24.778 284,287 004.9938 l l' 4_---1-""---�.... l ! `/ f / //// I! 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J Ile t — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - ------.---.4,g.S ----- � EX 8" SSWR - -- - — ..__-- — -_ _- ------C__ __-_ L7 SHELTER ..d _ - \ q � 4 4 \ EX R W - __r------"'/ / \ •, [I i \ v .. \iv _ v v \ . 4 v \ v ' a - — �• — — — — —• — — —• — �• — — / �\ \ � I` / I \ �.4`C4 4 v q q G4-aIDEWALK 4 C /RR. EX 1" EX BUS SXP \ v a?�\ d q �? yln ° W / / \ 'Q\ q 4 v o.. 4 ! v d Ul / / / �DER EX8"D.LW/t w--w---p�Ql -- 'W, --w-—w---w- - --w-- ,w---w---w---w— w---w--�w---w---w---wT--w---w---w/--'— — _ / ` EX W _ _ _ w _ - \ ` EX 12" D.I. W/1 �' '- w - -- w ARV _ --, - W , _ 3 /E�XVTIF/R�♦E�T — \ \ i✓k4w \ .\ CLIFF STONE BOULEVARD 35 MPH\,DESIGN SPEED GS-7 - PALIC - 8,000 VPD `\\ `\\ c �►✓ ° \ ! \\ °\ I✓ -T GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40�'\ 40~ IN FEET) / \ 1 inch = 20 iL / r q®.\ r---------------48- (m O �O U Z'.104 -1%9 E-4 O W�02 co v � co V W w •a • z •tw Z a C) -+-' ra rn'n c W pqroco W �.. a t° 2 C� �aN (n `� N •-1 0 cv u U c 0 41 v rn O Q I •; c 0 rn tNLT H OF ,L c O • y v UBRIAN C, MI CHELLI II v Llc. No, 035724 01/21/2022 0 FSS/ONAL ENG\ a C a� a� U REVISIONS DATE ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 0610812021 PER COMMENTS DATE 07-31-2020 •� SCALE 1 " = 20' 3 0 t �' PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL' P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY"---) o c v c •v PROJ.,f 20190267 SHEET ,4 C - 2 �' Is ITE SPECIFIC NOTES: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONNECTION POINTS, RECEIVING PIPE SIZES, INVERTS, AND PIPE MATERIALS FOR UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY UPON FINDING A DIFFERENCE IN FIELD CONDITIONS AND WHAT IS DEPICTED ON THE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE MISS UTILITY OR A PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE TO MARK ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, RELOCATIONS, NEW SERVICES, AND TEMPORARY SERVICES WITH THE UTILITY OWNER PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. MAILBOX LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED WITH UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. IDA NOTES: ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMPS MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DESIGN INFORMATION AND ADA REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS ISLES AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ANSI A117.109 AND THE 2015 VIRGINIA CONSTRUCTION CODE. SITE SUMMARY: USE: CLUBHOUSE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RIVANNA ZONING DISTRICT PD—MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) TAX MAPS/PARCELS 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 2.04 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA — JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE BUILDING: 3,800 SF (TOTAL AREA) 2,600 SF (USEABLE RECREATION AREA) HEIGHT: 27 FT PARKING*: BUILDING: 1 PER 125 SF USEABLE REC. AREA 2600/125 = 21 SPACES SWIMMING POOL: 1 PER 125 SF WATER SURFACE 4545/125 = 36 SPACES 23 SPACES REQUIRED (57 SPACES REDUCED BY 607.) 29 SPACES PROVIDED 27 STANDARD SPACES 2 ADA SPACES *THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR A RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL FACILITY WITHIN A SUBDIVISION SHALL BE REDUCED BY THE PERCENTAGE OF DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION WITHIN ONE —QUARTER MILE OF THE FACILITY. REQUIRED SETBACKS: COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FRONT = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SIDE = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM REAR = 0' MINIMUM NONE MAXIMUM SITE IMPERVIOUS: 0.93 AC / 40,463 SF °O Oo f O O 41 d a HCP HCP r . i / r / \� _ n CG-12 NUN BUMPER RETAINING WALL / / \ a = 4 BLOCK (TYP.) / / 'd. mod. ® A�. \AAIVF .=KIA+C .e _ 'At !`ATML . ..n i r r d 1 -- I C2 r r 7 o0 GATE n d ,r d tl , a "A ,. �n .a .. d. :a .a ., �� _—n —tl.- -d 2---------"_ — f �• .. va / �S ...GATE 4 _ri —� d '" o / -------------------- _�_ 4' VINYL FENCE — — -- _ --- _— —------- — "----—._—.---- _------ _—_ ----- 6„ N. SERMICE C.O. —3 c� 3 I SA a d C.O.— A / 4 �ry�� / A SERVICEW 1 EX 8" SSWR a / /a �� AU BUS EX 8- D.I. WA _ Jw _ _ w w w" tl y 1, GRAPHIC SCALE 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft L5 W L6 L7 SHELTER IL8 3 .-..---"--- dd. - y < a a e q a do v `� a .v: .d v - . ' d. q. a _ — — — — — ^-- — ' a 4 d a A 4 d e d EX .104 tiDEWALK o ; .. c d ;27 °pp p oocpo p d a O v X /RR. EX 1 " EX BUS STOP `"�— - o Q o a a .° / ETER W �`�Qj // v — w— --w—T—w — — —w— — --w-- .w——— w---w — — —w— w——— w---w——— w---w——— w---w---w-- — —w— _w_ —EXp a � EX 12"D.I. W/L w— _ _ _ ARV d p -w_ 3 EX FIRE ~ HYDRANT Al 4 OR ° • — — — — — — — — I VV CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD 35 MPH DESIGN SPEED GS-7 — PUBLIC — 8,000 VPD V mow\ Aj p pp O rn C\2 O co 0 � U O Z pq � 00 W ��o V WCd • • " w • CAS • Z •�w Z a o •�' c uj w ;� 0o OLIJ x �, a� �- � � co o P-4 (0 N � N V! o O N U c 0 U v r4 U) c a� E a� v+ �tp'LT H OF chi v BRIAN C. M CHELL v LIc, No, 035724 E 0112112022 _,4 11 k-St10NAL ENG` a c 0 3 I) II:5 7 O o Q L W ad o 0 Q4 W (� o U o DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 10 01 2021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS DATE 07-31—Z020 +' SCALE I" = 20' 3 m PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn -0BCM/LE, DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY C v PROJ.# c Z0180287 3 v SHEET C — 3 ,V `\ -\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ 1\ \\ ,\ 1\- -- ., 1 1 i I I J 1, / ! • it ! ----- J ">\ i / / / / / ,i-----_-_ _- -- -- \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ `I I ! ' I I I ► I r� `\ ' I I` / I' /' / -- ------------- STORM DRAIN NOTES: `\ \, \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \, \ \ \\ \\ I r j I I ► 1 i I /I - ,/ f / ; ,` /' -_ __-"----------------- 1. ALL PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURE TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE. \ \ \\ \\ \e \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ -- I I 1 / + i I j ! I ' I / 1 I - I ' I j w " ~ - 2. VDOT STANDARD ST-1 STEPS REQUIRED ON ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4' TALL OR HIGHER '\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ ` \ `\-- `' I ' I I ' I ! I r i I l ^�'," J' q, j' ,' r` I ~ - - ~- -' 3. RCP PIPE TO BE CLASS III UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ -7 / I+ ► t I ! 1 1 I , - / \\ ,I / i' i i / I'------ 4. ALL ROOF DRAIN PIPE FROM BUILDING TO RCP STORM SEWER SHALL BE HDPE OR EQUAL \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ ; / I r l � , I J 1 I i I I � � \\ JI ,I I � II ,l , I � ,r-----.______- 4 5. ALL ROOF DRAINS SHALL DISCHARGE IN A MANNER NOT TO CAUSE A PUBLI NUISANCE AND NOT \\ \ \ \ \ \ ° \ \ \ \ � I I 1 / 1 I , i / 1 1 i I ( I / , r - _-_ _ ____ OVER SIDEWALKS \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ I I I It I I 1r 1 I I 1 ' l I / / / / ' / / / r----------_._ _ _ 6. ALL STORM SEWER WITH INVERTS BELOW THE NORMAL POOL OF SWM BASIN TO BE 0-RING PIPE '\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ , .. I I I I ° i I 1 1 I I / / / _ '-- -- ----_. 7. BOOT CONNECTORS REQUIRED FOR ALL PLASTIC PIPE CONNECTIONS INTO STORM STRUCTURES \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r / / + ,' i / � 11 1r /I i/ f II i1 i/ / �`�\ / / li ; `1% I / / �' /'/ I� J'-- _ __--___ \ \ s \ \ \ \ ) I ! 1 / l I I , \\ / / ,/ / , / / / _-------_ __ 8. ANY STRUCTURE PROPOSED TO BE MODIFIED MUST BE REPLACED IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE DURING \, r I I I, I 1 I + l / I I t _ __ i \ I I I / / / / -" \.\ ®\ \\ \\ `\ \\ ) / I , / I I I 1 / I / I , I I I , I `' I \\ / / / I / „ " _-_-- MODIFICATION. \ \ \ \ ? l r I I I + 1 r 4,.. ., I / / J` ---�'7�'- --- _-....._.. \ \ \\ \ I I ' I l l i I / / I /I I / / I / /I // _,,� / , / / / j - _ `\ \\ i r/ 1 II 1 I it I l/+// I I l/ /' I I I / -01 / r r 1 J 1-_ __ _____ - "\ \ I l , 1 1 , I I I , r --.,t i! �..� r 1 r , , J - "~Jr~ - --_.____-----_-- \o l r 1 I ! + / I I I / / / i I' / i r-,--------- "-____------------- -- \\ \ ) l' t' / / / + l l ' r r l I l' I i l r I r' ' 1 ' I � l -� I I / / , / / I / / -_-__ - J y~ - --~- - _ -____ ° v7 / I 1 I I I / / I l I l l rl I l I / / ,i / I r 1r i /I -- / Av / % /I // / ' % /' / I' I ,-, _ - I I i l° / 1 1 1 / i i it l ' � I i / ' I i ' � + ' 11�--- l �, / / / ,l � / i � ,/ / / ,/ i / _ _ _ ______________ _ _ _.-. ____---------- _______.___--- -- -__ _�\\\ \\I ' + i l , 1 ! l l l , j I i / I l i / I I t i �, \ i i / / ' I / / I / / r-----,.-_ ---______--_ - _ _------------------- � ~\ I �ml ,' ,' I I i r° !I l / II / I1 / II / i / / ,I / /I // i I ` 1 / ,r i er //,r/ / i i j/i i r,/r _____ ___ - ___________ - r _ 4 ~ ___- - _ I WS I I I l l I , cj I 1 r I i/ r I 1 r 1 r 1 -_ \`\ Structure Table Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION 1 TOP - 484.500 YDOT DI-5 INV OUT - 481.000 TOP = 484.797 3 INV IN = 480.785 DI-38-72in (6ft) INV OUT = 480.685 TOP = 484.651 5 INV IN = 479.693 DI-3B-72in (6ft) INV OUT = 472.704 TOP = 466.875 7 INV IN = 462.514 MM INV OUT = 462.414 9 TOP - 463.958 EW-1 INV IN = 462.000 Storm Pipe Table STORM PIPE FROM STIR TO STR INV IN INV OUT PIPE SIZE PIPE LENGTH Slope 2 1 3 481.00 480.78 15 IN. CL. III RCP 21.51' 1.00% 4 3 5 480.68 479.69 15 IN. CL. III RCP 99.17' 1.00% 6 5 7 472.70 j 462.51 15 IN. CL. III RCP 67.93' 15.00% 8 7 9 462.41 462.00 15 IN. CL. III RCP 82.79' 0.50% / p i I / I! 7 1 // 11, 1. I + 1 I 11 I ! lJ I I e / J I I / / // I I' // /--- -- I / I l , I l I 1 1 1 I ° \\ l l l 1/ l !' l l ' I 1! t / I' l 11 , ! Ili / / / / ,'//,/% /� /,J,/ /IIJI / / , _���%$ - _ '- r __ - v�� \l , / / 1 1 l 1 I , / I 1 1 I I I , 1 ' + l i l I l 1� �l/ �~`, ,,,/// j// // I/ 1 ---- -- \ 1 t ) l I l I l 1 I l' l! // I 1I 11 I/ I' J/ '/ l l I ! 1/ I l / _ ,__ - - \ 1 + I f l 1 / I ! I 1 \ r I 1 1 1 \ 'I / / lI I I ! ! t I / I l l l / I ! / + / l ' \\\ /' J e I / ,'/ /' I I /' I ,/' j' / I' , _ _�- --_ __-- ____ _____ __ _' - --- r ~ -. \\ I 1 ! I 'i ' / I 1 ' 1 /t I! l I 11 1I I I ! l t ! 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U W w a w Z u ,b.o k 01 r n ►y .--I .. c Ic v o.p � Z E-+ = '? w W w,OPC Ld 0 0_ n W x r�, I— �4%� a cd ,° r_ a coati v/ 0 Q C CIS! 0v p c 0 :p U v a Lio O N W N Q .j C N N rn ' ���pLTH 9i - ` •T 'U Q BRIAN C. MI CHELL v Lic, No, 035724 0 0112112022 ID z oNAL tiN�\ t a O U C . : 3 .11z�Q) t -i-+ 0 7 4111-1 t w � o � Q4 N � . � �^ E q� 4) O , � � �w � 0 0 � Q4 '� q . ~� 61 8! �� � WO IC 0 I•�f V v 0 a i ar C O (DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 01 21 2022 PER COMMENTS N C .01 C w w v c 3 I° O _>, N a 0 a DATE � 07-31-2020 SCALE C 1 3 O a] PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. C .? 0 DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN _.)s CHECKED BY--) -0 C v G �� PROD. j# 20190267 v SHEET # C - 5 ) T .= 501 491 481 471 461 451 STORM1 PROFILE O N co t0 N N ^ �o N� II .4op to Nop II IEI_.T C111 �oZ d D o �. II — ►—O z < O » _— G f04- Do d- � M N II --- I I 00 =21.51 dN f g =t5- 6R-CL S III =1.00% -15"-R P -ELA w m ,L-_ 3 o uOo'!� \ t7 vCA-- ^. i 6 �oZ L=6' .93 _ \ //� 5=1 .00% \ / D=1 RCP CLASS 11 — 8 i L=82.7 - ,50 - ii L RIPRA� TxW=5 xD=2' D=15" CP CLA S III W/ FILTER �ABRIC 3+50 10 00 11+00 12 00 13 00 13 520 515 510 505 500 495 485 [:e 475 74 470 84 LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L - - - - - - - - - EXIST. GROUND AT C/L LINE OF SIGHT PROFILE SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 " = 50' VERTICAL 1 " = 5' 00 in in �a N W � U J � O 0 N U V cn cn W ��0 Q i m 10 z �- Z) Y O , OBJE T 3.5' 5 O.S. 12 ' -� ---YE-3.5' AT EIGHT 0 _ 5' EIGHT 01F _ - �i�l i LiBJEC // II � II u / / 00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10 00 10 50 11+00 11+50 12 00 12 50 13100 13 50 14 00 144 ♦ w ♦ ♦ ° G\ _ 1 =' � —V 0 2' t \ a a \ a \ \ a \ a \\ 0 \\ \ \ \ hh ♦♦ ♦ ♦ 0 SCALE: 1 " = 50, 50 4 O N < c aEi rn H pF c a�tALT ` o v BRIAN C, M CHELL v Llc, No, 035724 E 0112112022 _�� 11 kS0 /O�V-o jj o- m 4-1 c a� �l ► V C O 3 II Ha II IIa�••+-+ DATE REVISIONS ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMENTS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS 0112112022 PER COMMENTS DATE 07-31-2020 SCALE c AS SHOWN c o = -- --) PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY c v c .v PROJ.,# 20190267 SHEET C - 6 GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL LININITIAL BACKFILL , IN a, a"MIN MIN, MIN. 6" BEDDING #68 STONE * STABLE SOIL ROCK SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF #68 STONE. FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION 4'MI 1 INITIAL BACKFILL 4 MI UNSTABLE a" a" a" a" SOIL\ _ MIN. MIN. _ MIN MIN. #68 STONE GRANULAR FILL AS .0,1' ^r,< APPROVED BY ACSA S 8" ...5.. I ' OR CO � STABLE SOIL OR ROCrC NOTE : 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE TRENCH. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. DUCTILE IRON WATER PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING NTS FIG. W-2 TD-2 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS I_CF NOT NO DUAL SERVICE 1' TYPE SOFT COPPER SINGLE SERVICE NOTE: 1) SADDLES SHALL BE USED ON PVC PIPE 1/8 BEND COI SHAPE TO BE BEVELED - - - - - - - - = WITH MORTAR I FL W DO NOT ----.- -- BEVEL B INVERT O - - - - - yFy S -IMPRESSION x 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLING PPROVED EQUAL FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL AND IRRIGATION SERVICES. z' R 1' COMPRESSION x 3/4' MALE PIPE COUPLING OR APPROVED EQUAL FQR USE ON DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE THERE AN IRRIGATION METER IS NOT PROVIDED. IE ERSETTER NtUt»ART TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NOTES: 1. "H" MAY BE REDUCED UNTIL -X" REACHES A MINIMUM OF 4" WHERE ENDWALL WOULD PROTRUDE ABOVE SHOULDER LINE. 6.13EVEL EDGE IS REQUIRED ON THE HEADWALL AT THE INLET END OF THE IN NO CASE SHALL TOP OF ENDWALL PROJECT ABOVE FILL SLOPE, CULVERT (WHERE THE FLOW ENTERS THE CULVERT). DITCH SLOPE, OR SHOULDER. 7. HEADWALL AT THE OUTLET END OF THE CULVERT MAY BE EITHER SQUARE 2. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. EDGE OR BEVEL EDGE. - 3. ALL CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3.FOR PRECAST SEE 8, ON SHALLOW FILLS, WHERE ENDWA.LS ARE 1'OR LESS BELOW SHOULDER SHEET 101.02. LINE,TE TOP OF THE ENDWALL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE 4. RD RE USED WITH STRAIGHT CROSSINGS AND ALL GRADE OF THE ROAD. 45T0 SKEWS(0'TO g 1!4' CHAMFER MAY BE PROVIDED ON ALL EDGES AT MANUFACTURER'S OPTION. 5. HEADWALL TO BE BEVELED W ALL AREAS EXCEPT 'WHERE A CONFLICT WITH INVERT OR W1NG'WA1.LS OCCUR EW-i EW-IA ENDWALL FOR CIRCULAR PIPE DIAMETER OF PIPE CULVERT 12" 1 15" 1 18. 21" OR 24" 7" OR 30' 33" OR 36" A 0'-6" 0'-8" 0'-9" 0'.11'. I'-W' r-o" B 0'-11" V-1'• V-3" Y.V. V-9" 2'-0" C r-4" 1,_7„ r_g. 2,_2" 2,_6" 2,_9„ D r.0" r_3„ 1'-8" 2'-0.. 2'-6" 3'-01• F 0,-g1� O._B.,. O._81. 0'-91. 01_91. '01_91. H 2'-3" V-11" Y-2" 3'-9" 4'-3" 4'-9" L 4'-0" 5'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 10'-O" 12'-0" Q 0'-1I/," 0'-W4" 0'_21 0'-2Yz- O'_31/4' 0`25N, b O'-1" 0'4/4' 1 O'-f/2• 0,_2" O'-2/2" 0'-3" CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE CONC.PIPEI 0.241 1 0.492 1 0.697 1 1.319 1 2.067 1 2.947 C.M. PIPE 1 0.257 1 0,521 10.739 1 1.398 1 2.198 1 3.145 ENDWALL FOR ELLIPTICAL PIPE SIZE OF ELLIPTICAL PIPE CULVERT (SPAN x RISE) 23"x14" W'.19" 34"x22" 38"x24" 42"x27" 451lx29" 49"x32" 531lx34" A 01-8" 01-9" 0'-10" 0'-11" 0'-1r' 1'-0" 1.-0" 11-0" B T.2" V.5" r•6" 1'-8" P_9" r-HY, V-1' 11-11" C r-8" 1'-11" 2'-1" 2'-4" 2'-S" 2'-7" V-8" 2'-9" D 1'-2" V-7" V-10" 2'-0" 2'-3" 2'-5" 2'-8" V-10" F 0'-8.1 0'_811 0.-g„ 0,_9"- O..9.. 01_91. 0'-T. W.9:1 H V-10" 3'-3" 3'-7" 3'-g" A'-D" 4'-2" 4'-5" 4'-7" L 5'-5" 7'-2" 6'-6" 9'-2" 10'-2" 10'-1r' 12'-r' 12'-11" S 1'-1r' 2'-6" 2'-10- 3'-2" 3'-6" 3'-9" 4'-1" 4'-5" a 0'-21/2" 0'-31/4" 0'_3lz O 4" 0' 4%2` W-4)'11' O'-v 0'-5%z" b 0'-2%2- 0'_2�;' 0'_3" 0''3'/2" O'_31(", O'-4" 0'-4y2" CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE CONC.PiPE 1 0.502 1 0.855 1 1.236 1 1.500 1 1.811 1 2.101 1 2.512 1 2.801 �REFERENCEN STANDARD ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS tV ocGE ROAD PPD BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 12" - 36" CIRCULAR AND 23" x 14" - 53" x 34" ELLIPTICAL PIPES 302 REVISION DATE I SHEET 1 OF 1 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 101.0/ 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS NOTES; 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE, 2. CONCRETEIFTO PRERECAST SS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 3. CURB HAVING A((ALONG FACE OF CURB) WILL BE GO � FQORRLAASSS RAIPL CURB. - 4, THE DEPTH OF CURB MAY BE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 3" (15" DEPTH) OR INCREASED AS MUCH AS 3" 121" DEPTH) IN ORDER THAT THE BOTTOM OF CURB WILL COINCIDE WITH THE TOP OF A COURSE OF THE PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE. OTHERWISE, THE DEPTH IS TO BE 18" AS SHOWN. a NO ADJUSTMENT IN THE PRICE BID IS TO BE MADE FOR A DECREASE OR AN INCREASE IN DEPTH. o 5, CG-2 IS TO BE USED ON ROADWAYS MEETING Z THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CG-6 AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF THE VDOT ROAN DESIGN MAMA., IN THE SECTION ON GS URBAN STANDARDS. 2" RADIUS ;a D.o'• iv n Vie•• D. D. SURFi D. .e•'Pe 'tee'• BASE SUBS) 8" 12" ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE IF CURB IS EXTRUDED �2" R D•� I D e . o- D !D 0 A . D!�T D.o • D P'oTP!e�D SURFACE BASE SUBBASE CO-2 .,,Rr Nn, RVN V L7CF1- REFEENCE STANDARD 6" CURB ROAD AM BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION DATE I SHEET 1 OF 1 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS NTS FIG. W-6A TD-10 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS SEE STMOMAD SL-I FOR APPLICABILITY OF SAFETY SLABS STANDARD MH-1 NOTE; FRAME & COVER THE TOP OF MASONRY SUFFICIENTLY LOW TO I T ADJUSTMENT OF COVER T s,l BY THE USE OF BRICKS AS DIRECTED BY SECTION B-B BRICK CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK B EMBEDMENT 8'MIN SPRING LINE O OF PIPE NO. 68 STONE - - REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION -iNTIAL BACKFILL* (6" LIFTS) * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER -HAUNCHING -BEDDING 6" max 4" ruin -FOUNDATION (SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE (ALL PIPE) NOTE : 1.OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. 2. FUR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF N0. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH HALF PLAN VIEW NTS FIG. S-3 TD-34 �I HALF SECTION A -A (WITH FRAME PAID COVER REMOVED) BRICK CONCRETE NOTES; 1. QUM71TES SHOWN ARE FOR MAAIOLE WITHOUT PIPES. THE AMOUNT DISPLACED BY PIPES MUST BE DEDUCTED TO TABLE OF QUANTITIES DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE CONCRETE MANHOLE BRICK I CONCRETE CONCRETE FEET THOUSANDS CU. YARDS CU. YARDS 4 0.5 0.785 1.437 5 0.7 0.785 1.699 6 0.9 0.785 1.961 7 1.0 0.785 2.223 8 1.2 6.785 2.485 9 1.4 0.785 2.747 10 1.6 0.785 3.009 11 1.9 0.970 3.455 12 2.2 0.970 3.817 13 2.5 0.970 4.179 14 2.8 0.970 4.541 15 3.1 0.970 4.903 16 3.4 0.970 5.265 17 4.0 1.173 6.032 INCREMENT 0.45 0.582 OBTAIN TRUE QUANTITIES. 2. COMPUTBASE ING CONC ETNESS OE WANT( IES. USED IN 3. INCREMENTS TO BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FOOT OF DEPTH. 4. MATERIALS MAY BE BRICK,CONCRETE OR APPROVED CONCRETE MANHOLE BLOCK. 5. IF BLOCKS ARE USED THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SAME IS TO BE 5". OTHER THICKNESSES ARE TO CONFORM TO WAIL THICKNESS SHOWN FOR CONCRETE. 6.ALL CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3. 7. WHEN SPECIFIED ON PLANS THE INVERT IS TO BE SHAPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD IS-L THE COST OF FURNISHING AND PLACING ALL MATERIALS INCIDENTAL TO THE SHAPING IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE FOR THE STRUCTURE. SPECIFICATION NVDOT REFERENCE MANHOLE FOR 12" - 48" PIPE CULVERTS ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: REVISION GATE SHEET 1 OF 5 ros.01 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS CC-6 NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM MAY BE PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE. 2. CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A3 IF CAST IN PLACE, 4000 PSI IF PRECAST. 3. COMBINATION CURB I, GUTTER HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 FEET OR LESS (ALONG FACE OF CURB) SHALL BE PAID FOR AS RADIAL COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER. 4. FOR USE WITH STABILIZED OPEN -GRADED DRAINAGE LAYER, THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB & CUTTER SHAH BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES AND TO THE DEPTH OF THE PAVEMENT. 5. ALLOWABLE CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF CO-6 IS BASED ON ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGN SPEED AS SHOWN IN APPENDIX A OF 2' R OTHE GS AD DESIGNAN MANU - IN THE SECTION ' O r'R7• P P A A A G G, P P O O P I W. 2'-0" THIS AREA MAY BE CONCRETE AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB AND GUTTER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE OF SUBBASE COURSES PROVIDED A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 7" IS MAINTAINED. �REFERENCEN NvovT- COMBINATION 61 I CURB AND GUTTER ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 105 REVISION DATE SHEET i OF I 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 201.03 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS SECTION A -A FRAME & COVER (SEE FIG. S-I-D,E) SLOPED AREA STREET SURFACE OR NON -PAVED AREA 1'-0" MAX RUBBER COATED STEEL I STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-0' MIN PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS 12" MIN "0" RING SEALS 4 16" MAX MINIMUM ELEVATION DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" 4'-0" FROM INLET TO OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. CONCRETE DEPTH OF FLOW I FILLETS CHANNEL TO BE VARIES 3/4 DIAMETER OFF CONTRIBUTING SEWER. 4 ° A.. .� 12" A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH "' •! TRANSITION OF FLOW/ BETWEEN INLET & OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING NOTE W/ NO. 68 STONE 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN N.T.S FIG. S-1-A TD-25 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS THE LETTERS V.D.O.T. PRE OPTIONAL. IF USED THE LETTERS ARE TO BE CAST W THE DEPESSIO,N IN TOP OF COVER P' WIDE RAISED 'A" HIGH AS SHOWN. ❑❑❑ \� ❑❑❑❑ A A If ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ �. ®. ®. Ir ❑ LETTERING OPTIONAL O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ / ❑ ❑ ❑ i APPROXIMATE WEIGHT -- CAST IRON TOP FRAME 239 ± 12 LEIS. COVER 137 ± 7 LBS. SECTION B-B BOTTOM \V L701T SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER REFERENCE SHEET 2 OF 5 REVISION DATE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 ros.02 302 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS cc-Iz A 5'MIN 05 DOWELS, 8" LONG PERMISSIBLE t AT 12" C-c corlsTRucnoN JOINT t2:1 MAX, W �, im 4' M 1 \` 12:1 MAX p12:1 MAX WITH BUFFER STRIP RAMP RAMP - f 5 MIN (SEE TABLE) A (SEE TABLE) - t TRUNCATED DOMES 12'1 Mm._ * 4' MIN SEE SHEET 1OF 5 FOR DETALS 5'-0" WAN E I f� SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB BACK OF C R 48 : )MAX WITH BUFFER STRIP u B � 8 E �-- 20'1-` 48 , 1 MAX _ 5' MIN t2a tAAx' 12:1 MAX. z Mw. SECTION A -A Y WITHOUT BUFFER STRIP PERMISSIBLE Y CONSTRUCTION 71 JOINT v$ r I rrvaor'>ax � S o C, SECTION B-B + I �- cuee \ 2,A CROSSWALK fl 'I4` A 4'SOUARE LAG AREA OVIyARRR0E OF IRAYEL'WAY CROSSWALK CURB SRA.L BE FROVOEO FOR NOTES FOR GENERAL NOTES ON THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PERPENDICULAR CROSSWALK SEE SHEET I OF 5. s. NI))IN IRE MARRED Tip. / a CROSSHXK AREA. TARE REQUIRED LENGTH Of A PARALLEL RAMTYPICAL PLACEMENT Y CURB IS LIMITED TO 15 FEET, REGARDLESS OF THE 4'BUFFER STRIP SLOPE. AT INTERSECTION 5-SIDENALK WITHIN CROSSWALK TYPE B PARALLEL APPLICATION ROADWAY GRADE IN PERCENT MINIMUM RAMP LENGTH IN FEET 4" CURB 6" CURB 0 4 6 i 5 7 2 s a 3 5 9 4 8 12 5 0 5 5 14 1 15 LAWAG 48:1WAX. DIAGONAL PLACEMENT SLOPE LANOiNG 404 MM. LAdNNG 484 MAX. SLOPE SLOPE -1- CURD 5 6fiN Z3 CURB o t CROSSWALK r12'1 CROSSWALKGRASS y fn1 Na") n CON BETE CURB II II CURB WITH BUFFER STRIP & WITHOUT BUFFER STRIP ROAD AND BRDOSTANOARDS SPECIFICATION CG-12 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE REFERENCE SHEET 3 OF 5 REVISION DATE TYPE B (PARALLEL) APPLICATION Io5 07/16 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 502 203.07 2016 ROAD & BRIDGE STANDARDS r! •r �rr!.r�!.r! • NOT ro SCALE FACE or AVID �JXW BV b BEm 4' W= RIMm JIM ol--- SEE GEM VE6IL Sw W BpErAM a PM BE 0 -a Aw scw 7 So Fr CA S1,001r DETAIL NOT TD SNGLE a' TYPICAL PAWWC ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION NEW SPACE DETAIL SOLID BOARD GATE SOLID BOARD FENCE Wr To SCALE DUMPS'TER SCREENINC DETAIL Nor IV SCALE AMA A1P SaM LOCAWN HANDICAPPED . ilia SAXWALK *Vi?Y (AW AND PUnER PARKING SLOPECFSUMACV0 4C0(MPEW XS amElls AN1V RQ4D SURFACES Q AI5IEEPER ( fa' // TlJAN 20 NOTE` IWVKAPPED SPACES SNNLL BE XIENIYW BY ADM (MAX WINS AS R30MM FOR PHYSKALLY JVVr. M PERSONS PROVIDE (1) 12- X18- SM AT 15" IMF)OIGIPM PNYOAIC SPACE 00047FD ON 7NE SRE R M S M KL BE NA WM,M (HINTED **W wm CIMN LETTERb AAV WERAIAT1WML W*ELCIM SYMOO. (DEPRESSED WDEIYALK) PROVIDE A 6' X 12' SIGN BELOW THE I11EE7I0MI/i SWA90L SPECFM M VVICAP/!R.4�fP DETAIL �ALIW FOR WO ATTON C(J - / A?B 7W LOWER EWE OF WAIS SI41LIL BE AT LEAST W Np11ES A801E- REGULf1R WT To SCALE H"TICAPPED PA&UNC SIGN 710 RA' U.S7PD rOR ALL S'rOR/r SA'1d'R P/PAPS ASSOCIATLrD JIlTR THIS PROJ917 r . No PRMEOTION tIf PfIt m"OVE GRMND .kW �10P 00,FILL. Too WELL-lopQF F9S . CRSIUMI 114E "_____ ORCUKP,lINE;>� � OR�iI� L.MEs ..�•-.,' Irk T EARTHCA s i � .^ anti D YAtfA11Al; ETIiy Mott 1/1D X, q % H3ELY3R(R 747;p % IO % F"DATION SOFT, YIEL,DW. OR, NORMAL. EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUINDATIQN OTMRWISE' .UNSUITAKE- MATEMAL PPE PRO.IECTIDN ABOVE CROLa 40 L.IINE MIN. : d o . - 66i1i AIS,n D .L9Y_ Ld " a 14N. 0"x tl 1, w , 3 O Tw Dr IF Lit. (QP Off'� L `� ; Lc 1(1p Qr flu, -^ rrrd�rrrr �rrr'r'r'{r'r r 4 r.,dYYD r rr, rrrArKp r 'e _ r r rrrfrr. GJH,dRI(H + rrrrrrfr rrrre,.rrr-GHrI 4P _ mt#�' MOL too a Atl % TI •DGFG7 MTIN� y TF NR 0 r x ry k4L 1IR D . WK yg MA(IFRk9 Ndi IAL 24" FOUNDATION SOFT(YF!•> G1 * . NOWL EMTt FOQNDA'Fi N ROB FOUNDATION OTHEfkW&' UNl QITABLE .M44TERI& 1 CTiCp1 I3Hff'i =H 11] 7GE02 LAE 01114 Fixi PIA�Tb` PPE', Tit LI®T3.OF THE moss I dACwLL MATES "'u BE CLASS Z HACKIAL VT&RI& IN AWQWN#C1', E%T[.1 G i6 st^ MOVE If I(OP' OF. TBE PM'¢+ .WITH CI1CH 30;T OF pT�E t)Ct(5 F�i NOT I t67 KA PF Pft CljL1/FJRT9: Ak1P tt}T +R�� r.(T �{E A.l H n PICC4RD€ T 342 0f l i ' WOAD 'Pdf3 BHiD4E 4DI 5 s� �,��g QE�F� T� it RUN • T(iE v� .251 AIdD,' 1,� hl i'=SE7FOR ,1y;�B >3F Njj�Fy=r INSTALL. Off' PIPE CULVERT MD STORM SEtNE� RAI9 CIRC4 PIPE BEDDING AND BAC`KFII�L - METHOD IIAI` r L , + (�YFSjO�I DA7E VKfi�dA DFJPAlLT7ELlLT Df - riPNtBFCftThTkif+ 107.4f Nor w SCAM c N 03 C O 41 C 3 L_ n 7 Q .0 94 3 ' �+I W ti o Q L w � • --1 (0 O •4J CAI w L. L c O O f� U_ O a L N t REVISIONS DATE ITEM 11 23 2020 PER COMMEN TS 06 08 2021 PER COMMENTS DATE av 7-31-2020 0 SCALE c NO SCALE o 0 PROJECT MANAGER BIRIAN C. MITCHELL, v DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY c v PROd. c 20190267 v SHEET # C - 10 s LEGEND GENERAL -TP TP TP— TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) • • .. PHASE BOUNDARY • . SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY FX-GAS EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS 0HEST EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UHF EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER E PROPOSED BURIED ELECTRIC — — PROPERTY LINE - — — -200— — — — EXISTING CONTOUR M PROPOSED CONTOUR + 572.50 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION SEWER -----------`$�--------- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER Poo SAN — PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SAN— SEWER CONNECTIONS SANQ SEWER CLEANOUT WATER — EXISTING WATERLINE W PROPOSED WATERLINE VALVE ABBREVIATION LIST A ADJ ADJACENT, ADJUSTABLE AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ALT ALTERNATE ALUM ALUMINUM APPROX APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECT(URAL) B BC BOTTOM OF CURB BD BOARD BLDG BUILDING BLKG BLOCKING BRK BRICK BR BOTTOM OF RAMP BS BOTTOM OF STAIR BW BOTTOM OF WALL C CEM CEMENT CIP CAST IN PLACE CJ CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CU FT CUBIC FEET D DID DECK DRAIN DIA DIAMETER DIAG DIAGONAL DIM DIMENSION DN DOWN DS DOWN SPOUT DWG(S) DRAWING(S) E E EAST EA EACH EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC(AL) SYMBOLS DRAWING TITLE DRAWING TITLE* DRAWING DESCRIPTION SCALE: ]:Xo 0 0.5X X 2X 6NE�� DRAWING No./LETTER GRAPHIC BAR SCALE DRAWING LOCATION DRAWING SCALE SECTION/ELEVATION SECTION NUMBER SECTION LOCATION DETAIL KEY DETAIL LETTER DETAIL TITLE # I DETAIL LOCATION AREA TO BE DETAILED MISC CENTERLINE f� PROPERTYLINE 4 ANGLE PERPENDICULAR DIAMETER NORTH ARROW N MATCHLINE �sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINM�>• EQ EQUAL MAX MAXIMUM RL RAIN LEADER EQUIP EQUIPMENT MECH MECHANICAL EXP EXPOSED MED MEDIUM S S SOUTH EXIST EXISTING MFR MANUFACTURER SCHED SCHEDUL(E), (ED) EXT EXTERIOR MIN MINIMUM SD STORM DRAIN MISC MISCELLANEOUS SHT SHEET F FAB FABRIC MO MASONRY OPENING SIM SIMILAR FIN FINISH MTL METAL SQ SQUARE FT FOOT, FEET SS STAINLESS STEEL, SOLID FTG FOOTING N N NORTH SURFACE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT STD STANDARD G GA GUAGE No., # NUMBER STL STEEL GALV GALVANIZED NOM NOMINAL STN STAIN(ED) GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR NTS NOT TO SCALE SUSP SUSPEND(ED) H HDW HARDWARE O OC ON CENTER T TBD TO BE DECIDED HDWD HARDWOOD OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER TC TOP OF CURB HM HOLLOW METAL OPNG OPENING TEL TELEPHONE HOR HORIZONTAL OPP OPPOSITE THK THICKNESS) HT HEIGHT TOM TOP OF MASONRY HVAC HEATING/VENTILATING/ P PERF PERFORAT(E), (ED), (ION) TOS TOP OF STEEL AIR CONDITIONING PL PLATE TS TOP OF STAIR PLYWD PLYWOOD TW TOP OF WALL ID INSIDE DIAMETER PNL PANEL TV TELEVISION INCL INCLUD(E), (ED), (ING) PNT PAINT(ED) TYP TYPICAL INSUL INSULAT(E), (ED), (ING), (ION) PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT INT INTERIOR PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH U UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PT POINT J JT JOINT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING V VERT VERTICAL VIF VERIFY IN FIELD K KO KNOCK OUT R RAD RADIUS RB RUBBER BASE W W WEST, WIDE, WIDTH L L LENGTH RD ROOF DRAIN W/ WITH LT LIGHT RE: REFER TO W/O WITHOUT REINF REINFORC(E), (ED), (ING) WD WOOD M MAS MASONRY REQD REQUIRED WE WATER ELEVATION MATL MATERIAL REV REVISION WT WEIGHT GENERAL NOTES 1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW THE SITE CONDITIONS AND INFORM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS OR EXISTING GRADES THAT ARE NOT DESCRIBED ON THE PLANS BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT ALL WORK MEETS ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND NATIONAL BUILDING AND SAFETY CODES THAT PERTAIN TO THE PROJECT WORK. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN A CODE AND THE CONTENT OF THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONSULT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. 3. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL, OR ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVIEW AND COORDINATE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 4. CONTRACTOR IS TO CREATE A WORK SCHEDULE AND DISTRIBUTE TO OWNER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, AND CIVIL ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. THE SCHEDULE IS TO CLEARLY OUTLINE DATES FOR: A. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES. B. REVIEW OF MATERIAL MOCK-UPS. C. REVIEW OF SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL LAYOUTS. D. CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND SLAB REVIEWS. E. PLANTING SCHEDULE - TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NORMAL PLANTING TIME OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS. F. LANDSCAPE PLANTING TREE LAYOUTS (WITH FLAGS) AND PLANT QUALITY REVIEW (BEFORE PLANTING). G. FINAL PLANTING REVIEW. H. PROJECT COMPLETION, 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION & DEPTHS OF SITE UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF CONFLICTS OCCUR BETWEEN UTILITIES AND PROPOSED ELEMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL NECESSARY UTILITY LOCATIONS WITH THE SERVICE PROVIDER IN CONSULTATION WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGE TO SITE FEATURES TO REMAIN RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN THE AMOUNT OF COST TO REPAIR OR REPLACE. 7. PRIOR TO PROJECT COMPLETION, THE SITE IS TO BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED OF ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, SIGNS ETC. 8. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GROUND AND BOND ALL EXPOSED METAL OBJECTS IN LANDSCAPE. 9. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INCLUDING GRADE CHANGES, SURFACE TREATMENTS OR EXCAVATIONS OF ANY KIND IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE AREA IDENTIFIED ON THESE DRAWINGS AS A TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ). IN ADDITION NO ROOT CUTTING, NO STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR FILL, NO MOVEMENT OR STORAGE OF VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT IS PERMITTED WITHIN THESE AREAS. THE AREA(S) IDENTIFIED AS A TPZ MUST REMAIN UNDISTURBED AT ALL TIMES. 10. CONTRACTORS MUST CLEAN UP ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT THE END OF EACH DAY. LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIAL, PACKAGING, AND OTHER ITEMS MUST BE COVERED OR WEIGHTED DOWN TO PREVENT WIND FROM BLOWING SUCH MATERIALS OFF OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTORS ARE PROHIBITED FROM DUMPING, BURYING, OR BURNING TRASH ANYWHERE ON THE SITE. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THE CONSTRUCTION SITE MUST BE KEPT NEAT AND TIDY TO PREVENT IT FROM BECOMING AN EYESORE FOR THE OWNER. DIRT, MUD, OR OTHER DEBRIS RESULTING FROM ACTIVITY ON SITE MUST BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM SURROUNDING ROADS AND WALKWAYS. 1 l . CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITTING AND ENTITLEMENTS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. LAYOUT NOTES l . DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 2. ALL PLAY AREA DESIGNS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER COORDINATION WITH PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LAYOUT DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD. REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL ANGLES ARE ASSUMED TO BE 900 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THESE DRAWINGS PROPOSED IN THE FIELD FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROMPTLY REPORTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF CONFLICTS IN LAYOUT OF LANDSCAPE FEATURES ARISE DUE TO CHANGES TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 7. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR LAYOUT OF PARKING AREAS, DRIVES, AND CURBS. GRADING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING GRADES IN FIELD AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2. SLOPE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS. 3. PROVIDE VERTICAL CURVES OR ROUNDINGS AT ABRUPT CHANGES IN GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BLEND NEW EARTHWORK SMOOTHLY INTO EXISTING. 4. PITCH EVENLY BETWEEN SPOT GRADES, ALL PAVED AREAS MUST PITCH TO DRAIN AT A MINIMUM OF 1%. ANY DISCREPANCIES NOT ALLOWING THIS TO OCCUR SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONTINUING WORK. 5. ALL EXTERIOR STEPS SHALL HAVE BETWEEN A 1% OR 2% WASH ON THE TREADS. SEE STEP DETAILS FOR SLOPE PERCENTAGE. 6. ONCE GRADING OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE, ALL DISTURBED AREA WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED BY FINE GRADING AND SODDING OR MULCHING AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7. PROVIDE TOPS OF WALLS AND PIERS TO HAVE MIN. 1% WASH TO DRAIN. B� Waterstreetstudio landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 I I � l NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE project name DAVID MITCHELL SOUTHERN CLASSIC client 3891 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, VA 22911 project address 20190267 project phase APRIL 22, 2021 issue date revisions 1 - 01 /21 /2022 - COUNTY COMMENTS LANDSCAPE NOTES sheet title Li 00 • sheet number INI 1 I I S / / i I I• RAIN GARDEN l I l f CIM/IT / f —_— Fw END FENCE —� DI 462.75 TWO DOUBLE WIDE 466.00 / -4--.— / / ���::�/\\\\:: SEAT WALL \ �\ \� \\ 48'-0"_ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ STAINLESS STEEL SLIDES \\ _ \:::: `:::\\\\, DECKING \\ \\ \\\\ \�\\ \\ :\\ \\\\ \\ \\\\\\\ --- -- LOG STUMPS ` \\/\\ �\ \\\ ; `\\ BALANCE BEAM \ \\\\\\ " \\\ / \\\`` `` \�` \ \ TW466.20 ?��c\\ \\ \\\\ •�-\\\ / / / / I I x TW466.20 // / / — —� — / \ \ \ \ `"``\ / `• \ o I \ 464.70 / PLAY AREA HILL CLIMBER ROPE // I 465.20 TW467.00 ' , , n d \ I ``\ NATURE PLAY PATH •1 I sou-..f / °°° \\\\ \\\ .. \\ \\ I 460.20\\ A Y-� r\� o° °° j: \\\ / TIMBER STEPSBS 467.0 • - • /\\ RUBBER MULCH SURFACING ,\ • �\ \\\ \\\ j , .� .. LAWN , • \\ \\\ { 1 1 ON GRADE'\\\ �\\\:%��\\ .;•.%; '' •' ` I l „\\\ \\\ \ \\\\\\ 469 82470.00 1 \ / SWALE WITH `\\\\\� "`\ \ \\\ - ^ ' ' ' ' . , . ' , \\\ \\\ • \ \\\ \\\\\ ,\\\ SPINNER BOWL, I 1 \ STONE CHECK TYP. \\\ ` D�AM\S a \46934\\CONCRETE CURB WALL -SIDEWALK`"\\475.00I \ \ S \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\ \ \ :`J\\\ \\ 470.00N.N.• \\\ 476.00 \\\ \\\ \\\ P.I.P. PLAY SURFACING \ \ \\\\\ d \\\\ `\\\\ `\\\\ \\\ \\\ 475.00 41-011 J\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\, \\, ;ROCK SCRAMBLE \\ \\ �- \T\ \\ \\\\\\\ _�,. \��\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\ VIEWING AREA ..\\\ :n. - -./\ BEGIN FENCE \ �� d 483.00 PLAY AREA \� \ STAIR FROM POOL BENCH, TYP. �\ ��� 1, \`:..`:\ `>r::: `\ ``\ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ DECK W/HANDRAILS \-r—� 480.04 \\\\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\\ `\ BS 476.00 ::: ``` \\\ "\\\ \\\ :�� ```\ a` �k: 483.07 \`\ " \ ' -\ v \ \ y.a^ \ \ n fin. a. _ ^ a a a - :_ n ��,5( / / TS 479. 66 a y _d +,,485 00 �,..- ._ \ \ . _ ( n \ TW 485.0 ` " a n _ CA A d — —14— - PLAY AREA 7900SF DUMPSTER \ A a ` HAMMOCK \ / I \, BENCH, TYP. ¢p _ _ r, : ; \' 484.00 \ \ \ \ \ a-- n !1ea ` \I ����\ _ :\\ ADA ACCESS TO 9i}(\(\` e \\ a. vO/p .v \ \ _ a 4 _ ^ 'Ij IN CLUBHOUSE AND `- `- /,<\) ° A .d ^ .a a.. d{n I ` ��\ PLAY AREA q tc 1. \ \ ` \ 111/// \\ y —^ a a ^ I - d //4 r' ° aa ^ LAWN d ',-^ n as n aay -'� a n (^I raayrrr \\\ i \\\ / \ \ \ \ \ CLUBHOUSE , \\\IN T y a ^ad�l a a UBHOU4 \\\\� PARKING LOT �\\\ +a+ .• • -;f�- � � 4 v \ \ ` ` \ \ \ ` ` , ` \ n BABY POOL ° a - ^ n a \\\\\\ \\ Ay POOL a I •/• a, ` \\\\ `\\\�� ^ °` \ ° y C)I n as . •a - r/ 4 \::: \ d y b l a d `^ a SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,$ _-0 a i1 a - FOR PARKING LAYOUT • \ d SEE CIVIL/ARCH dll a n 17 y \_< / 483.11 \ \ ` ` ` ' ' ' / 4 .ago .O,',; •,;,•\ \ Ull ^ —A — d aa_ a n a a °d PLAY LAWN _^n s o A . a . _. e 521-011 vk` w a t e r s t r e e t s t u d 10 landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 � l NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team da' DRAWINGS FOR POOL 1 a d - PLANT BED, TYP.1-1 A ^ d DECK LAYOUT - A !I a \ \ \ \ n 4 d d a °^°.. ad LANDSCAPE IN n a `\��\\ \\�� \\ •�' NORTH POINTE n ,l LIGHTING, TYP. SEE d LIGHTING PLAN I A d a a a. a \ CLUBHOUSE a I \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ ` ` `p'� / �J project name a ^ d ay d..-^a ° d {{.a .pa a i a ° d _ 4 q va d °°•, `a` aO` _ /,� a a ^a ° d_^ a a s d y\ a ^y II a _n _ a d \ \n as .. n \\\ \\\ d(�/\ \\ \\\.. v\\\\ n\IiQ\ \\\\ \\ \\ d^\\ \\\ _.—.—.—_/� d- ``V vq / DAVIF MITCHELL - ^ a n d y a _ ` n y n d ' i a _ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \`.�` \ `.\ \ \-\--\-R �\ k-\ C �` `c-� \`-,\ \-\- \�-� \� �\ \\\�\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ . - . . • . . • . r • . - . O"c / \ \\\\ `\\\\ `\\\\\ `\\\\\\ \\\\ ```\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\\ `"\\ `\\\ -:`r . / SOUTHERN CLASSIC \\\\\ \6\\\^ \5 \\\�.Q.\\\ \ \\ \\ "\\\ \ `\\\\ `\\\ `\\\\ `\\\ `\\\ \\\\ `\\\ `\\\\ \\\\ `\\\ `\\\ ``\ '. `a r j� / client / 4 , ; < ' ' ' .. , ' ' • ' . , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' w , ' ' , ' ' ' , , , , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' , ` `` ``\\ r . r r . . . . r . r` r`a `. / / / //V I t_'__', '�'; '- •''.'._;'_'"' ;-. 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'', ', ',, ,' ',, '',. ,,�''' ;��'i-,- d -+d r r r a a �,Ja . . . . •a . a .. r a _ _ _ . a r•. r _ \/ - \ I / 4'4 v d ° ° 4. 4 r 4 + v+ r4 + — r r r r ` r ` r r . . ,, - , • . r r . • . - . • • . a rQ \ \ ° a d ° 4 4 °d 4a`a.rr.r`.r`arr I� 20190267 y 4 v.. ° - 4 4 4 v• r r 0 O .J d .. 4 V d v - 4 4 d d \ v 44 \ 4 °: SIDEWALK 4 ° 4 °J \ \ �\ project phase w I w i v �r w w — w w w w w w w w w— CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD w w w ° \ �\ w - -- i w-_____- w \ Ilk ---_ w w / w --- w A P R I L 22 2021 aaoa oyy / w 3 \ issue date a _ ^ IN aso-o a000 w \ IN, ` w / \ IN, V 4 / 4 V° d 4 C 4 \\ revisions 4 4° ' 4 d 4 ° as d °/° a 4 ad I' I 4 4 4 a 4 V 4. d / 4 '1.° 4 d d d v -4 a 4 'v d v a--. \ _ 1 - Ol /21 /2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS q o 4 v a 4 v 4.11 d 1 — — __ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - v d 4 \ _' 4 v V d LANDSCAPE LAYOUT v y v y 0 d ,°' d d 94'. d .V 4' ' 4 ° PLAN _ a 4 o 4 sheet title v. ^ a 4 u NOTES: — — //� //�^`` 0 10 20 40 1. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL GRADING 2. SEE LIGHTING PLANS FOR PROPOSED LANDSCAPE LIGHT FIXTURES \ sheet number vk` w a t e r s t r e e t s t u d 10 landscape architecture I civil engineering 418 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 � l NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team da' DRAWINGS FOR POOL 1 a d - PLANT BED, TYP.1-1 A ^ d DECK LAYOUT - A !I a \ \ \ \ n 4 d d a °^°.. ad LANDSCAPE IN n a `\��\\ \\�� \\ •�' NORTH POINTE n ,l LIGHTING, TYP. SEE d LIGHTING PLAN I A d a a a. a \ CLUBHOUSE a I \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ ` ` `p'� / �J project name a ^ d ay d..-^a ° d {{.a .pa a i a ° d _ 4 q va d °°•, `a` aO` _ /,� a a ^a ° d_^ a a s d y\ a ^y II a _n _ a d \ \n as .. n \\\ \\\ d(�/\ \\ \\\.. v\\\\ n\IiQ\ \\\\ \\ \\ d^\\ \\\ _.—.—.—_/� d- ``V vq / DAVIF MITCHELL - ^ a n d y a _ ` n y n d ' i a _ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \`.�` \ `.\ \ \-\--\-R �\ k-\ C �` `c-� \`-,\ \-\- \�-� \� �\ \\\�\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ . - . . • . . • . r • . - . 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'', ', ',, ,' ',, '',. ,,�''' ;��'i-,- d -+d r r r a a �,Ja . . . . •a . a .. r a _ _ _ . a r•. r _ \/ - \ I / 4'4 v d ° ° 4. 4 r 4 + v+ r4 + — r r r r ` r ` r r . . ,, - , • . r r . • . - . • • . a rQ \ \ ° a d ° 4 4 °d 4a`a.rr.r`.r`arr I� 20190267 y 4 v.. ° - 4 4 4 v• r r 0 O .J d .. 4 V d v - 4 4 d d \ v 44 \ 4 °: SIDEWALK 4 ° 4 °J \ \ �\ project phase w I w i v �r w w — w w w w w w w w w— CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD w w w ° \ �\ w - -- i w-_____- w \ Ilk ---_ w w / w --- w A P R I L 22 2021 aaoa oyy / w 3 \ issue date a _ ^ IN aso-o a000 w \ IN, ` w / \ IN, V 4 / 4 V° d 4 C 4 \\ revisions 4 4° ' 4 d 4 ° as d °/° a 4 ad I' I 4 4 4 a 4 V 4. d / 4 '1.° 4 d d d v -4 a 4 'v d v a--. \ _ 1 - Ol /21 /2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS q o 4 v a 4 v 4.11 d 1 — — __ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - v d 4 \ _' 4 v V d LANDSCAPE LAYOUT v y v y 0 d ,°' d d 94'. d .V 4' ' 4 ° PLAN _ a 4 o 4 sheet title v. ^ a 4 u NOTES: — — //� //�^`` 0 10 20 40 1. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL GRADING 2. SEE LIGHTING PLANS FOR PROPOSED LANDSCAPE LIGHT FIXTURES \ sheet number MR ► oI La -- ------__ _ __ -- , ------------------------- ----- _ ------ ! l I l t -------------------- I ! 1 -------------- _ \�` _ _ wate rst reetst u C� I O \ I l r l r J I l l f I r , ____ — — — — ------------------ I , r , , 1 ! , l , l f l l , , ! � , / / r---------___ ___-- I ! 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P I nr❑n ❑ r :;. - jib CLUBHOUSE In°r' °° 22 STO — I I rrny°a` nnnnni I' - PO°O°D° PARKING LOT J ' ❑° nonooc +,, v!� " /G .°.0000 d ❑non❑ ❑0000 _ r1„ \ FF=485.67 I � �; \ ,/ ❑❑❑0000❑nnn ' h BABY POOL i t__._ r \. I ; ` ❑non nnnannn000000000000 ! - _ POOL I " ° I I I °°° ° d I,_ ♦� I ,'• n❑n�Ln❑❑❑❑nO , j _ _ `)il 485.3 1 I I - r� •� ` \ ' \ ❑c a❑❑0000❑❑❑ / ! / \ no ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑a❑ / J 2 1 0000 x V , V 3 PA on nnn❑❑❑❑C !' O P C I _- ♦ d 2 NS ;- _- n❑❑ ❑.0000.., I d .' . ❑❑❑ ❑❑0000❑/ , °° 487.66 \ _ _-- � , �\ t ❑❑❑ 0000❑❑[, � + - - i, P•PO•POp 'S. I I r j ❑nn 0000❑❑ PPP I 64 O _ _-" �__�''" I I ! - , � d ❑oo ❑n❑❑nr� , • _ - �� , �� ..0000 I 1 \ (1)AF I \ on ❑❑❑nr, +,, - - .UpO.P, p ❑❑ ❑❑❑r, , , - l .0000 0 0 I °°>p°°° 0o,( 000:' 1 o°000P(P000 Pp , / ❑ r / o ° p o•� 1 ° 0000. o0 o�ooc O O i r a / 4 -i 0000 0000?� "' -�- f!I i II I I , Ii wd \ ad v �°°° ,/a , , + • '',' : -_, _ '�� Oopppo°O.oO° op.,Y f op o°ooro oo°ogpo°o f - I Qo o°° 000°,pp°p�. NORTH P O l N T EPAVILION .op000' 0000�,� /� / 00000000000d,(p000r - \ .00ooa ---'" _ I ! I , - G -;. . ' , w - I UOD0000app •__.� 8 MV CLUBHOUSE p° , O°Dn p° O o p °O O ooO P c •/• `4Up. 0 - � \\ ---- " project name SRA po,8 DAVID MITCHELL o 000' o.o o r oop o 0 00 o p o o, o 0 o p o o P o Pp o op o 00 0 0 0 ° oQsip eo pP o pP o o r— \ v °° o° ::� 40 0 0 o 0 o p°c ^° °°o o p v o °o o-?v° o °°o 0 0 0, c o 0 0000 °c c -Y # \ / pogop S�ryr�Yo, n_o _o„ o., o-o c a_Po., c o o_p �, lT Op <; �,+p p o 0o p O� o op pVoo opop p° pvp°Op p°O� (°O op opop p° o p° p 0 opop o� c oo opoo°pPpP .� Pop .0000 oov O, c,( . ,*' \ \ _ ! J / / G •- : a • , \L� i P P p..P .P P p..P ,P p.P,.Pr,P p p..Pr,P P P..Pr,O P P,P O.P P. pr.P P P..Pr,P p P..Pr,P P P..Pr,O. P. p. P,P P_P,.P .P p P..P .P P P.- O P-P.. p,.P P.P-.Pr,P P. P. Pr.P P P.. Q,,P.° p ° -- Up P� P p r.:.P n r P, p„°° Pr°P °h ° ^ P ° p °r, P�PO P O O P p O,. P. Pr, P, , ( P P� P P^ (• °_� T`., - - / SOUTHERN CLASSIC � / • a , p n . � _. _ , �, o ,� P P r ° , r 4 \ client , , o o p o„P, Pr o, v o ,0 P o, m pn°< o0 0 0 , 0 0 o v o o„ u u o, r „ ,, ,� ,,.� ( # ` y ` \ 3CC•,,, ,,,, ',, +, •.+, +, '',, ',, +,, r / ! + .. + . . , ' , + ' . + . �;• � r�- ., •i. `.` `,_,�,->, •s :--==y�` :�-.= - - 3891 Seminole Trail / + ' ' ' i , =� �* a ' ' i ' . ' . a ' . , . . .. L +--.�-r=-y- ` •a.a-ems--.yam.-r i , X ♦ ' y , TURF Charlottesville, VA22911 ' '-- •. + + , , . , - — ` '• ` _ ` , ` ; ` ` : ` . Y r ` Iproject address CP I , � , / ♦ / � ~ ~ - a , , '..ti..- " �- '--,- ' - '�--,+- - —'c - -,--• - �-+=- � i..:�' .: , ' tom.,_.=:. � �, x ` • a . � _`�.. ^ # ` . � . ' +. ; . ,, '*`" " .=..=x. '' w � ++ * '=-1 .+- s` � _ \\ l, / / / / ~ ~ 'd+ 4 a v d - � ~ v .. \ v . 4 v d d \ ' ` s1.,� _. � y'�r" +� .-.a q ` -fL-�, �• '�*. , .a ' , a - , . , / v `� O v \ , s v 4a, - v v4 v '. \ d a v - 4 \' v •a 4 `q` - j :�r,l` d V d Vd i i•,. �' > TURF'.. I + 20190267 146 STO v 4 v d. d `\ av \ i.L.'_,•;,. _ ". `,,, `' I 1 d _ 1i"_ a. + F ` + `,. ! ' S� w9i,_ \ O~ ~ - _ • . . . . . . • . . . . a . , . . . . d 4 a \ a \ v v �'�q,�+i=,+ +' ` p ` ay + { ` /" . ` O d I 1 \ TURF .- .. y. .- .-. y. \ 18 SVD . . \\ - . . . ` `. a\\d v SI EW _d `\ , SEE NORTH POINTE . . . . . -�.\ a o _ \ _ o \\ r _ SUBDIVISION SECTION 1 ROAD d d.V� r 1\\� project hale -s w— w w w w w w w w w— CLIFFSTONE BOULEVARD p 1 p PLANS FOR ROADWAY \ -- - - w . \\ w \, (3J LS ,' O T D TR T EE v -'--- ------ - \\\ • :,: °'° a .,-' w --� \\ `\ \, A P R I L 22, 2021 d w (3) LS \\ \ issue date \ n _ , `\ O .y d I \ `\ ' ;� — w\\ �; t - Ol /21 /2022 -COUNTY COMMENTS I s - S \\ ` 2 - 0 022 - COUNTY COMMENTS LEGEND - GROUNDCOVER 4 13 ❑noon❑❑ VEGETATED SWALE - ❑❑❑noon \ J ❑❑❑❑❑❑N PERENNIAL GARDEN TURF TALL FESCUE o 0000000 oo❑no`\ \ 8 SVD 1 / \ d ' 0000��000 RHUS AROMATICA + ++ --I WOODLAND \ / ,'` " revisions - P P P P r UNDERSTORY W qV ' ~ d oOOOUPo°Oo( � �. i'}'�'.�+�+�, �' GRO-LOW , d4. °° FRAGRANT SUMAC PLANTING ' v7 '\\ \ d - _ CARER _ - - w\I \ _ NOTES: - - - - - - - - - PENSYLVANICA; -------------------- - -'` m'1 __ / / / ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE FIRST _ - - - -_-----'" d — LANDSCAPE ' �. SEDGE o \\\ PLANTING SEASON FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF THE - - - - SURFACING - W 11 ; a �''FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WITHIN THE - MULCH PATH - "-- PLANTING PLAN \ ' a LIRIOPE MUSCARI; DEVELOPMENT, OR A PHASE THEREOF. + - 2. ALL LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING SHALL BE _ LILYTURF __- _ \\ _ ,'' �' _ sheet title o 1......_ d MAINTAINED AS A HEALTHY CONDITION BY THE 1 a r S' \\ o '\ :, :, CURRENT OWNER OF A PROPERTY OWNERPANICUM VIRGATUM - _----- --''� - \ 1 4 PLAY SURFACING _ ---- - �\ 11 j ASSOCIATION, AND REPLACED WITH WHEN NECESSARY. 'SHENANDOAH' -' — _ \ 1 «' , REPLACEMENT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE --' APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN. sheet number 01 0 1 0 z 0 g U Q U 0 z / U w 0 w V) PLANT SCHEDULE Total Tree Canopy QTY. SYMBOL Scientific Name Common Name Size Spacing Root Notes Canopy Per Species* toward Tree Canopy Total Canopy Requirements ** TREES 4 AF Acerx freeman ii 'Jeffersred' Freeman Maple 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street tree 397 1588 3 AS AcerSoccharum 'Legacy' Hardy Sugar Maple 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Street tree 195 585 6 LS Liquidambarstyraciflua 'Ward' CherokeeTM Sweetgum 2.5" Cal, AS SHOWN B&B Street tree - Non -fruiting variety 249 1494 9 BN Bet ula nigra River Birch 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 397 3573 3573 14 C Cerc s can n is A e f H ar s' ast rn e u 8'- Ht. A O N B 'B atc ed p cimen 124 l 6 3 13 CIF Cornus florida 'Appalachian Mist' Flowering Dogwood 8'-9' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Matched specimen, single straight 124 1 1 16 1612 lea 1e 13 HV Hamamels virgin ana Witc hazel 7'-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 113 1469 1469 20 JV Juniperus virginiona Eastern Redcedar 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 16 320 320 4 LT Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 387 1548 1548 8 MV Magnolia virginica Sweetbay Magnolia 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 113 904 904 9 NS Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 2.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B 118 1062 1062 7 PA Platanus x acerifolia ' Bloodgood' London Plane Tree 3.5" Cal. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 368 2576 2576 2 PS Pin us strobus White Pine 7-8' Ht. AS SHOWN B&B 118 236 236 SHRUBS 31 SCS Corn us seriaea Red Twig Dogwood 24" Ht, 3' Q.C. 3 Gal. 72 2232 2232 60 SFG Fothergilla gardenii Witch -alder 24" Ht. 3' O.C. 3 Gal. 3 180 5 SIV Ilex verticillota s pp. Winterberry 36" Ht. 4' O.C. 3 Gal. Include 1 male cultivar for every 10 41 205 female 1000 SRA Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' Gro-Low Sumac 19' Ht. 3' O.C. 3 Gal. 33 33000 238 STO 7huja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Emerald Green Arborvitae 6-7 Ht. AS SHOWN B&B Single straight leader 10 2380 2380 112 SVD Viburnum dentatum `Blue Muffin' Arrowwood Viburnum 3'-4' Ht. 4' O.C. 5 Gal. 31 2356 3472 TURF Tall fescue Seed Mix per the Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Recommendation (except where noted sod or synthetic turf) Total Canopy 21508 60172 * SF based on Plant Canopy Calculations - https://www.albemarle.orq/home/showpublisheddocument/1020/6375511 14418370000 I'Planting exceeding five feet in height at a maturity of ten years after planting; within the gross acreage of developed site property LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS Tree Canopy Requirement: 20% of Total Site Area Total Site Area Square feet Gross Site Area 87,878 Square feet (-J Rec. Areas 7,900 Square feet () Pond Area 0 Square feet (-J Wetland Area 0 Square feet Required; 15,996 Square feet Provided: 21,508 Square feet (+) Tree Save 0 Square feet +) Canopy Bonus 0 Square feet (+J Proposed Trees 'n 21,508 Qualif Shrubs Square feet Street Trees 1 Large Shade Tree (1 112" cal,) per 50 Linear Feet of Requirement: Frontage; Street trees approved as a part of Road Plan - Section i Submittal Street Frontage: 631 Linear Feet Required: 13 Large Shade Trees Provided: 13 Large Shade Trees Interior Parking Lot Trees Requirement: I Large Shade Tree per 10 Parking Spaces Parking Lot # 1 Parking Spaces: 29 Required: 3 Large Shade Trees Provided: 3 Large Shade Trees Interior Parking Lot Landscaping Area Requirement: 5% of Paved Parking and Vehicular Circulation Area shall be Landscaped with Trees and Shrubs Parking Lot Parkin Area: 13,443 Square feet Required: 672 Square feet Provided: 3,505 Square feet Screening Requirement: Additional planting of low street shrubs (12" tall minimum) between the street and the parking area is required. Parking areas consisting of four spaces or more shall be screened from adjacent residential or rural districts. Provided: The parking lot is screened by a hedgerow of 87 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' spaced 36" O.C. w a t e r s t r e e t s t u d 10 landscape architecture I civil engineering 4i8 E Main Street 434.295.8177 Charlottesville, VA 22902 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION professional seal TODD SHALLENBERGER project manager CARLIN TACEY project team NORTH POINTE CLUBHOUSE project name DAVID MITCHELL SOUTHERN CLASSIC client 3891 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, VA 22911 project address 20190267 project phase APRIL 22, 2021 issue date 1 - 01 /21 /2022 - COUNTY COMMENTS 2 - 04/04/2022 - COUNTY COMMENTS revisions PLANTING SCHEDULE AND CALCULATIONS sheet title L29 sheet number IN 9 Introduction The new RSX LED Area family delivers maximum value by providing significant energy savings, long 1 life arid I outstandin .9 p hcitcirnetfic performance at an Specifications affordable price. The RSX1 delivers 7,000 to 17,0W EPA lurnens allowing it to replace 70W to 40OW HID 0,,57 ft' (0,05 rril) lunninaire,5' Length, 21 :8' i55A crn) The RSX features an integral univecial mounting (SPA mQunt) mechanism that allows the luminaire to be mounted width: 13.3"(333 c(n) L on most existing drill hole patterns- This "no -drill" Height- 3.0'47.6 crn) Main Body < 7.12' (1 8A Crn) Arril FQlutiQn pFQYirJe5 significant labor iiavinq5, An easy -access door on the bottom of mounting arm Weight 31 �O lbs, (114,11 kg) allows for vAring vvithout-opening the electrical compartme n-.L A mast arm adaptor, adjustable Integral slipfitter anclother mounting configurations are available- 40K R3 MVOLT SPA DD8XD, 8SX1 LED P11 30K Rr112 1102wile Al'Aw (Immm), SPA pt 40i4 4(09 fl) F)V'3WO MOLT 4347V-4401111 RPA W'u'lJ P*ffW0'9 (Ir 101, fU Wo �Yie V 2, 1. A 419)" W [pill, ria, K Kie F3 50K NVA RUS TYP0514011 F4 R4 11Vv4`v5i4u MA Mmt. aiin -Aptor V65 MWCO Nilanial med 1145 fjpAsholl 120) 2T14 15 Ili 7JR54S1del Mal ;11V 1 110 W li'44t I US TW5' )lioil X, I Rat 49ASC W. I Uwaw idl YJ fdt wAait bat AIR hi'louUe rJull"l, v4dile vd'e fnivrillag AIR890 Autilfrifig iv; AMP Nim4k tit mn i1juWple inounl4j" RiJA pww 'AAVS JvAjusule tit ma vMb iVAJ twka I H5 so tablLpaqa 9) OBW R'llk Pi iN%"Ufllrd bu mil Sly W401) flaidniAltaillwi KX ihimeAlthUAIR71 OWHXD 7014e KR7 5e!v?WAifU Mi5t­lUk Tt!3hgd0m10iuji,%� CE34 corde, ally yrfipf (Qly ej OBOD rwlifedRail SF 51th*firhV20,271,3441 01100 1atwPd.'laIurV1u4w OF Outib5ehgg 1,^�14%4a% I OWHCAD rvAivjqftte SP0201C41 1CttYStwgp11.k IlAhiarda(di 1 : - , FAG PlAtaillkwick Ujilpta 0 i 0 1 E1 ,DUG 6-M&MIT FruFY 85 OW swifs -------- LIARVAMA Or)eLkhelriiaWay Cbjiyer%C3eo(jjia2XjOl2 Phcriet 1-0)-705-SERV(73761 A lAbol-tia RSX1 Ate,� LE Nw-02MMI) 41V1_1r1"0 0 201 840W9 Artity B-oidi UqfitirwA litc; All olghu, icfterved, P;"w I of I UKHT 1JF1is AIMING DETAILS I. J CEDAR HIGHUGHTS -g Accent li&s are suitable fai a variety of mountin applications including ground, wall, tree, sign and architectural accents Suitable for wet bcaflons Available in 80CRI and 90CRI Taper-suie lock 3 60]m LUMEN PACKAGES 1j.Frvjtd Lumem 36Z 31a i7 56 Nou: 5nf"mation 1:.4ivd on 4OWK WiCRI with 1:1 cap acid FLQ larrs 63 &10 1 07-A *0 0101 RI ID El ow'' Taawwafq rro�� 6. rww�atd W V. I 4ry r?PQ I d3lik'Aw% 11 k f 6 V-4 VW, '16 x cii, 2 45*f.,V(llt,�"104�oof7gr;IrIJ4.10�iolo. 'x M I I :.: f : at Jdii,u, AM, 3 W0i pw*wi any The %�hj�ve ftm 347 10,10 14 V'ffkimd4l(Ld.;1j 'zvl M Wol ll�46 k" 4, ks U11 I Awl 4 s-7.a riqurai �21X, VPI v F) PEA1. rq "J4 -Qf4 �U MUM U 01 111,1z alits I liful Xi 4EW 14 %$'*r 6a 4'4-'4d dkh fIRM. 4 Mwiftwil dhil W Ah9vu 110AMnIA, 14 Fkv;ms 6AW A FKU 6 11,q"Ut L-3 'cillod as Ln a=a=rY. 15 M.at ba <f"21 ad Vdill ImAkI Evir;0d tkx.d flfw ffu d�. or. PWN UU1 f4i listoji I H vpiv 4z %1rlrJ Lr X 14A ;sij 4,0 1' R51WAV.1HtXj,1 RM tkl�Mjj 6d4;Ah4i4jA 94M J!O(tr# r(04 4 N4t M-46V* an wvlbbvojvn .4, Vil-Ar kl0q W, AMAA wdtr0i�ilh Wwo kc &xlwy KAM, hifliblijU, K1'X1A*J140.fl(Wjrfi0l1 il *Wresluiviiakv to beipodred,iAth M0,:4w, frdwtd and RAMIMAJO lWirtm 4,10i't M6'JC* W* ill M hilkh%IAAm two "A % R Koo i x4 zvo, iw, im wo, 1%rial up v House Side Shield External Glare Shield External 360 Full Visor 10 m V MOM fir, w v Aetetriaiias indudingloullhoeas, cror.Sarfw; and ottlof adpawrsarie dyad ble undfat the tab atUftnia's Outdoor Pr�144, and Arai': pff)dU,'.t page. 'Clams here to visit Round Tenon Mount - Pole Too Slipfitters lip HAN RHOU ORIENTATION D �r s ES R5X POLE,MILLING T4 rr RSX VANDARD ARM &ADJUSTABLE ARM RVNIA OA.Zlr A1104yrlNla. COMMERCLALOU=011 MAI. I'Pr sm ASI-SDI Asj'soj W.2" 14V WAkip AST15-In ASUSUo wa_ -ISO J025-319 ASUS-M AJF25.4w- 0,1AH LID&M ADS. Ffe Ai11S iYl 0STISD) V IS-110 AIDS-10 R$X1 Lurninaltre EPA Whorvia RSY.1 A�e-p LEP orle 661coia ovary, C�'oyet% Georgla SIM12 'N�6ievia. VZ4M4119Aruit Rev. QVIM210 'Y 09 A CEDAR LED 1 2 NVHYDREL ORDERING INFORMATION CEDAR A Al,jt*w,,m P-1 OR fiid�ln V�: 1111F 676 11, XA it D] JDA Aluininuin,14sox Joe Drcavjl;v J,Sx k6nUictoraf A.Rja CN4 IPny., Aluminimn Rectangula"r twapy CH48R 4' m'�sarGLAjr taaapy, brasi CN5 Round 5' cropy CN58H 5' too nd ampy, beaN5 y1fdr- Will ?1N*LintCwtr VWSA WaIN Nhwril with Splk'ti At; eras IRA A r0ouilloa AhvOilk,"r, mown -ad J-Oox. EXAMPLIEn CEDAR A P1 90CRI 30K 12 l$DEG KM r-LC C2 UK-12' (LOCRI 27K 12, 15C)EG 1 LL X-M FLC "Flio.rcleax "CRI 30K 25 4i 25, 11OR 35K 401DRO 40' nu kls 40K 50K Pkn1,-2ikaP:i JRAS J,74 MI)i Alijenlv.,im mounting rrq�, M�Wi;%4d J-F 5;rap, ;lw�i;W4!R $3, I'Stovn ,ji;h 1 -4 JQ-,�.,Fa pqi akrap SO A" 1.14m JR85 Trier, fjpwnad eAth owonzil ffol. i1vig strjp, iyvililablo with 12", 24' ?M�60A Adjustak'1w Pont tdr'uml 53W 3 sttam Grast; FMOR60A -Prit Adjuitabk jt%trjuil, Branzi: sk*m 81�lsz Fividoc Pant Nl,.:Antovikh Conduit 5--BRI 12" • 24' stems. PMBR60C Past Mwrv., with Cand,.4j', - Brune; Extemian Arms PM600 Pint, hicuntwith Open 6'Lwnl EAR 12" 24*•:; 15r Pto'16R600 Peril Uzjrn with Opin 8tttjm - Brunzt', 9A4 15' - 12" 24 36' M Honwycumb bilxver FA Amber CZ R-_c�_a-sedLefin UL U1116A. T-_XLiR,2d DNA Ndtur3l Ahinimpri ORZ Sjt'".Tl arall Inser"ll lleetuoty Fri GiFvn G3 45*okng�,t! CuL aft 5 B1 Lnzt, 3nia'4th NOS' NdLillill Brunre Smuvth 0 hi�pn4th� Lantl F13D Glee'l0killole STC3 IS t ". 1 (1, w/ NAT Nalurvilb�sN!2 L2 Ljfwa Spr�ad tewi fta L,�fjlvl; bluv DOL blacA Smowh VV vtoddl f��kulvd w.1 satin 0_0 U Sofo�&,ioq Lfdl)S F-M rvfii'lcurf Vapor DOD 8foram VdH Wlv£Au, f'Qojjad POL Ptlitihed BvA�N WHS %Vht9 Sao,)th FMOD M*4iwrrj ali;�y OfcklroiQ Fit R9d r zo"; U'l-jotcoill *Rl.-qj4ed rlekb rq(lu !rod. Qpbv;vf�, for 2 AluziN, ium 915ftdwily tc-ilp4ijableWth N.16L1A, 04W, avid KAY%0. 3 I 4 E,fveridaiianis cumpatUe miWiloldC andYAKA, 5 CV11Y rna, opvk"n cam W spw7i;0. 4 NO$ p7iq t)lro: zpqcaiiilry p9m*nts gp ;v ralual .1prv9ac4rK_-Q tha; mapi;.41 4y fixtirp. NqTE iap6id u"'j fffjtj T'" fi4dfjr 6irl J_ t is to 6e xxm" a d as a v, i tewv�* &rxaqs ir n: Vio d Fw knlrrmaticn crly. it 4-n-, flaqqn1r, insp—tifl 01.4si Y 1 4_'-19931 ht(401i. SPJ-3124 Finish: Black Contemporary Path Light Forever Brigi-vt ww'0 SPECIFICATION FIENWRES Finish: Our naturally etched firdslieswill --rdthritand the test of tifoe,AIJ finishes are individuW1 ytreate cod insuring n5i5tency, Our meticulo-U5 a1}plica4on results in a fixtuic, that truly b(;Qrfle-s "a cinro of a kind. mectricah AlaiLablein 12Vor 120V Labels: ETL Standard Wet Label C-ETL Model#: SPJ-3124 Material., Solid Brass Electrical: 1211 or UGov Engine., FB--,?WREC-TA I 25-2700K lumens. 126 Color Temp; 2700k Mounting: Consult Factory LIED: Nichia vs Wet Listed 0 OROFERING INFORMATION, ModelFinishes Wattage SPJ3124 .......... . ..... . . .. .... 1 2W 2700K 12V - JA tvjcu a 111KA A9 = Aged Orm R = Rusty UN = ltb Uturize VYD?= FIA F*kd RC ftwuww rim = Pliv UW WWW.SPJLIGHTING.COM OR1354 LED 197-0352 (previous product code: 616-1321 — for reference only!) 1/3 Description IP55- Rectissed LED wall lurnhiaira. Shielded light source. Suitable for installation in cavity will construction of concrete pour coflstiuction using optional installation blorkaut. Lumens Color Temp. Electrical �rtatl ley AMK 12 IN 5000K Beam Type Light; ourpe CRI LED-6/6W 350 mA - 30M K 80 Dear Type electronic gear Nominal Luminous Flux (Im) LEO Lurriens LEDs 134-5 Ion 6 Total Lumens 807 IM Tj 85 9c Delivered Lurnans Flux Unri) LED Lumens Total Lumans 85'9 Im 515.5 lin Ta 25 OC Rated Input Power 7.7 W WE-Ef UGffnNG USA LLC 419-0 Kuptuvo 904-a I Wzrandalo PA IF103 I 1.13A, l ful + 1724 742 GEM I N-, + 1124 742 09351 cm I vmwmOxuin 121 04-2Cr21 0155 4AALED QRI' 197-03 52 (previous product code: 616-1321 —for reference only!) 2/3 trrl j ;1 1011 x J OYCIM - Material Specification Body, L e umloair body and lens frame constructed in die cast a --------- - --- ......... Ilbsy 7,10 Lens: Tempered glass lens. HALK04 Black 1= HALIA07 Gfey Metallic RALWI6 While SM RAL8019 hark Orono Quick ship, Quickship features a one week ship time for Stoplights and two week ship time for the rest of our Core products All applicable information must be included for o(dersto be processed and colours must be a M one of our 4 standard firlishfls. A maximum ardpr quantity of 30 pieces applies. Gasket: Silicone rubber gasket Fasteners: PCS plympr coated stainless. Meal Ingress protection' if 66 Impact protection: IK08 Corrosion protectio F, En. Mounting: $ijilla4le for installation In cavity wall costrLiction or concrete pour corlstilwilon using optional installation b1bduut. Listings: EIL listed. SOtable for wet lootlons, Eleotrica I $pecilication Power supply: Integral tEtGI electronic driller 120V-277V. 0-1 OV dimmable, to be specified with cider. Driver f —I&I I -a' 3 _t --liltegrW EG electronic converter Cable: Suitable for t,hf ough wiring. 4100fria LED A0,U013 h ta 2511[810/70) Caritfol gear >59,000 It Ta 2F Mounting Accessories WE-EF UGKnNG USA LLC Fax at 721 74209351v1fu.ww-Wju-afivrn lvA*%w'W-'JLCU1nj2l-04-41'2l 113:66 Mf 1$70: FEDERATED LIGHTING IRGINIA Designer FLVA-BE Date 12.20.21 Scale SEE DRAWING Drawing No. Summary NFC