HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000004 Correspondence 2020-08-20 28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 BoHLER / Warrenton, VA 20186 '0t-540.349.4500 August 20, 2020 Via Hand Delivery Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Kevin McCollum Re: SDP2020000004 Final Site Plan 1st Review Response Hampton Inn 1628 State Farm Blvd Rivanna Magisterial District Albemarle County, Virginia BE #V172065 Dear Mr. McCollum: Bohler is pleased to submit on behalf of Shamin Hotels, the 2nd Submission Final Site Plan for the Hampton Inn project in Albemarle, Virginia. The following is our comment response letter addressing comments received various departments. Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows: Planning — Kevin McCollum Comment 1: [ZMA201800005 Application Plan and Proffer Statement, and Z.O. 32.5.2. (o)]: The proposed development shown on the initial site plan appears to be in general accord with the Application Plan for ZMA201800005, the following comments must be addressed on the final site plan.: a. Sheet c-301 contains information about the approximately 2.0-acre area in the rear portions of the subject property, which is labeled as "Proposed easement to County..." Please revise and supplement the information as follows: i. This approximately 2.0-acre area in the rear portions of the subject property must be designed as a "Special Lot" that is "reserved for future dedication to the County for public use upon demand." (Definition in Z.O Section 3.0: Special Lot. "Special lot" means a lot created to be used exclusively for public or private street, railroads rights-of-way and railroad lines, public utilities, public owned or operated public facilities, publicly owned or operated parks, publicly or privately owned sited for personal wireless service facilities, central water supplies and central sewage systems as those terms are defined in Chapter 16, stormwater management facilities, cemeteries existing on June 8, 2011, conservation areas, preservation area, open space, and greenways.) This comment has not been addressed. There needs to be a special lot subdivision plat submitted, approved, and recorded prior to final www.BohlerEngineering.com Kevin McCollum BOHLER // Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 1st Review Response August 20, 2020 Page 2 of 6 site plan approval. Once the special lot plat is recorded, please update the plan where applicable so that all noes and labels state the correct deed book and page number of the recorded plat. ii. The location, configuration, size, and boundary locations and dimensions of the approximately 2.0acre area om the rear potions of the subject property must be accurately defined by a licensed surveyor using standard surveying method, and must be depicted and described on the final site plan. This comment has not been addressed. b. Sheets C-301 and C-701 include information about the "proposed landscape wall" along (near) the subject property's frontage on State Farm Boulevard. Please provide the following information: i. Include a landscape wall detail on Sheet C-901 or C-902 (or other detail sheet, as may be applicable.) This comment has not been addressed. The applicant has indicated that the detail will be provided prior to final site plan approval. Response 1: a. i. Special Lot Subdivision Plat shall be submitted under separate cover. ii. Survey Description shall be provided with the Subdivision Plat, submitted under separate cover, and included with the Final Site Plan prior to signature submission. b. I. A landscape wall detail has been provided on Sheet C-902. Comment 2: [Z.O.]: The "Minimum Standards" for"Vehicular Access to Site" require VDOT approval of all proposed entrances onto State Farm Boulevard. Staff acknowledges that VDOT's review comments (dated 10/18/19, received after the SRC meeting on 10/10/19) identify deficiencies with the proposed southern entrance. This issue (identified in VDOT review comment #6) will need to be resolved VDOT's and the County's Agent's satisfaction prior to final site plan approval. VDOT's review is still pending, comments or approval will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. Response 2: VDOT Comments have been addressed with this submission. New Comments Final Site Plan Comment 3: [ZMA201800005 Application Plan and Proffer Statement, and Z.O. 32.3.2]: Staff recommend (but does not require) that sheets 4 and 5 from the application plan be pasted onto Sheet C104. The inclusion of these Building Elevations along with Exhibit 1, which has already been included on Sheet C104, will help to clarify, confirm, and otherwise ensure that the proposed development will be in general accord with the Application Plan for ZMA201800005. Response 3: Acknowledged. www.BohlerEngineering.com • BOHLER / Kevin McCollum Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 1st Review Response August 20, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Comment 4: [Z.O.32.6.2(j) and 32.7.9] The following issues were identified during review of the Landscape Plan and must be addressed and resolved prior to final site plan approval. a. Landscape Note 3 and the Landscape Plan on Sheet C701 indicated that there are seven (7) trees in the VDOT right of way. Z.O. states that If street trees are planted within the public street right-of-way, the trees shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation. Pending VDOT comments, a maintenance agreement might be needed for trees proposed in the right of way. b. Please include the following note on Sheet C701: All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan (Z.O. c. Please include a detail of the proposed 3' landscape wall shown on Sheet C301. Response 4: a. Acknowledged. b. The note has been added to Sheet C-701. c. The detail has been provided on Sheet C-902. Comment 5: [Z.O.32.6.2.(k) and 1.17] Please include the following standard lighting note on Sheet C801: Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle. Response 5: The note has been added to Sheet C-801. Comment 6: [Z.O. and 4.12.19] Please provide a detailed profile view of the trash enclosure. Please indicate the materials used, height, color, etc. Each fence or wall provided as screening shall be a minimum of six feet in height (Z.O. Response 6: A fence detail for the trash enclosure has been provided on Sheet C-901. Comment 7: [Cover Sheet C101] Please clarify the dates under the Zoning Map Amendment on the Contact Information/ References box on Sheet C101. There are currently two dates listed there, A "Dated" and "Revised" date. I would recommend deleting these and simply putting the date of approval: June 19, 2019. Response 7: The dates have been clarified on Sheet C-101. www.BohlerEngineering.com Kevin McCollum BOHLER / Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 1st Review Response August 20, 2020 Page 4 of 6 Engineering Comments-John Anderson Sheet C-105 Comment 1: LS-seal obscures dates; please ensure text is easily readable (April 19, 2018). Response 1: The date has been clarified on Sheet C-107. Comment 2: Ex. 21" RCP to be removed appears in conflict with floor of sediment trap. -Elev. 201" is top of new 24" RCP permanent (and Bypass?) storm pipe = floor of ST. Revise sequence of sediment trap design on VSMP /WPO201900047 to provide sufficient cover between floor of ST and crown of 24" RCP, and to preserve integrity of pipe bedding for 24" RCP. Locating RCP directly beneath active sediment trap may compromise pipe bedding unless ST is equipped with impermeable liner. If proposed 24" is not a bypass and will not be installed until the sediment trap is removed, please clarify via plan notes and sequence/ narrative. For the moment, proposed 24" RCP permanent storm line appears to be a `bypass' as well that permits the 21" Ex. RCP to be removed. If review error /misunderstanding, please notify. (Engineering intends toissue WPO20100047 comments not later than Wed, 19-Feb) Response 2: The proposed sediment trap has been revised to remove the conflict with the proposed 24" RCP bypass pipe. Comment 3: C-201: Note 11 requires slight text edit (references two bypass, a possible error) Response 3: Note 8 describes that the proposed, re-routed 24" RCP bypass pipe must be installed prior to removal of the existing 21" storm bypass pipe. C-301 Comment 4: Label curb types. Response 4: Curb has been clarified beneath the legend on Sheet C-301. Comment 5: Review STM A-30 label/leader line. Response 5: STM A-30 is the downstream manhole from STM A-31 and is located between STM A-40 and A-20. See storm profiles for additional clarification. Comment 6: Provide/label handrail at top of uppermost retaining wall. Response 6: A note referencing the handrail has been added to Sheet C-301 and handrail details are provided in the wall plan. Comment 7: Label CG-12 pedestrian ramp at SW site entrance. Response 7: The CG-12 is labeled on Sheet C-301. Comment 8: C-303: Albemarle defers to VDOT review/approval of Maintenance of Traffic Plan. Response 8: Acknowledged. www.BohlerEngineering.com • Kevin McCollum BOHLER / Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 1st Review Response August 20, 2020 Page 5 of 6 Comment 9: C-304: Note 3. Recommend Bohler Engineering rely on Kimly-Horn Associates design plan elevations (for State Farm boulevard/ South Pantops Drive Sidewalk project: 2016), which are likely more refined and accurate than County GIS. County GIS data layer may not be used as a basis of site plan design. GIS data layers are available to the public for informational purposes only. Response 9: Acknowledged. Field Surveyed elevations have been used for the design of the entrances along State Farm Blvd. Comment 10: C-401: Proposed grading north of curb band gutter on the north side of site creates a channel, and concentrated runoff. Provide ditch label, and design ditch at this location. Response 10:Due to the small drainage area at the referenced location, the flow is anticipated to sheet flow without channelizing. The formation of a channel cannot be confirmed at this time due to lack of field surveyed elevations in this location and a note has been added to Sheet C-401 for the contractor to field verify grades. Comment 11: Engineering recommends revise design to divert dumpster enclosure runoff through a curb-curb to exit without detention / treatment to newly treatment to newly graded slopes south of development. Recommend discharging minor runoff (- 19' x 11' dumpster enclosure) to ground surface to bypass and protect the SWM system from solids, refuse, debris, trash, grease, etc. that may , with current design, be conveyed into subgrade systems and degrade or impeded performance of the detention system. Any obstruction or short-circuiting may be recurrent, persistent, and difficult to address later, yet avoidable at the design stage. Response 11:Grate Inlet A-60 is anticipated to prevent any debris large enough to generate an obstruction in the SWM system from entering the storm pipes. C-502 Comment 12: Note: Storm lines proposed to convey State Farm Blvd. runoff (source: public RW) across the hotel site required public deed of dedication of easement. Complete easement plat application at earliest convenience Response 12:Easement plat shall be submitted under separate cover. Comment 13: Recommend relocate STM A-20 and STM A-30 Labels to more clearly identify structure location. Response 13:STM A-20 and A-30 labels have been adjusted. See storm profiles for additional clarification. www.BohlerEngineering.com Kevin McCollum BOHLER // Hampton Inn Final Site Plan 1st Review Response August 20, 2020 Page 6 of 6 Comment 14: C503/ Re. 10-yr HGL computations: d. At STM A-59, compare outlet WSE 510.28 with 205.50; crown of pipe e. At STM A-60, compare outlet WSE 510.45 with 209.50; crown of pipe f. At STM A-79, compare outlet WSE 510.28 with 509.25' crown of pipe g. At STM A-80, compare outlet WSE 510.46 with 509.55' crown of pipe Design must ensure flow is open channel regime, not pressured, unless design provides notes, specifications, labels etc. to ensure watertight fit (fitting, gaskets, seals etc. from pipe subgrade to rim elevations. 10-yr HGL computations table appeared to indicate pressurized flow. Response 14:While the HGLs rise within the structures due to pipe angles generating losses, the pipes are oversized to provide sufficient capacity and it is not anticipated that the pipes would experience pressurized flow. Comment 15: Show STM A-59 and STM A-79 labels in plan view Response 15:STM A-59 and A-79 labels have been added to plan view on Sheet C-502. Comment 16: 902: provide VDOT IS-1, ST-1, PB-1 detail on plans Response 16:The requested details have been added to Sheet C-902. VDOT -Adam J. Moore, P.E. Land use Comment 1: Please provide auto turn analysis for the 25ft., radius. Response 1: An SU-30 truck turn analysis has been added to Sheets C-302 and C-303. Albemarle County Service Authority - Richard Nelson Comment 1: It looks like the proposed water meter is in conflict with power utilities. The proposed water meter should be 1.5" based on proposed fixture counts. Response 1: Test pits are called out at the proposed water meter location to ensure any potential conflicts are identified. The meter is proposed at 2" based on the sizing form provided on Sheet C-502. Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (540) 349-4500. Sincerely, Bohler Engineering VA, LLC JoC. Wright, P_ .E. 1 JCW/ck . H:\17\V172065'Administrative\Letters\200820 Final Site Plan 1st Review CRL.doc ' www.BohlerEngineering.com