HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-28 adjApril 28, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle~County,
Virginia, was held on April 28, 1988, at 4:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, County
Office Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This meeting was
adjourned from April 21, 1988.
PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr. (arrived at 4:05 P.M.), and F. R.
Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke (arrived at 4:06 P.M.), Messrs. C. Timothy
Lindstrom (arrived at 4:07 P.M.), Walter F. Perkins (arrived at 4:06 P.M.) and
Peter T. Way.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr.
Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:08 P.M. by the
Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda Item No. 2. 1988-89 County Budget. Mr. Agnor summarized the
budget process and said the Board needed to approve the budget by adopting the
resolution set out below. The actual Appropriations Ordinance will follow at
a later date.
Motion was then offered by Mr. Perkins and seconded by Mr. Bowie to
approve the 1988-89 County Budget by adopting the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the operations budget for the County for the Fiscal
Year beginning July 1~, 1988, be approved as follows:
General Government Administration
Public Works
Public Safety
Human Development
Community Development
Parks, Recreation, Culture
County/City Revenue Sharing
Capital Improvements
Education - Operations
Education - Debt Service
$ 3,113,074
Mr. Way said he listened to the comments made during the public hearing
on the budget and appreciated the perspective of citizens who expressed the
opinion that to hold the current tax rate would be detrimental to the County.
He said he has vacillated on this issue and he did not make up his mind until
last night. He said he knows that Mr. Overstreet and the School Board have
agonized over this budget as much as this Board has. He has thought long and
hard about this decision, he said, and has decided that he will support the
motion. He said he thinks adding $3.5 million to the budget, which is an
increase of 14 percent in the local share, will be enough for County schools
to continue to be good schools. He said it is probably true that the school
systems that spend the most money, such as Chesterfield and Fairfax Counties,
are rated the best in the State, but he believes the County schools are among
the best. He said he thinks it is neither necessary nor reasonable to contin-
ue inflating the Schools budget. He said he thinks the budget presented will
fund the necessities of the County school system, its programs and salaries
for its teachers.
Within the next few years, he said, there may have to be a bond referen-
dum for the many capital needs of the County, not just for schools, but for
other needs, too. How the public will greet Such a referendum will depend on
how well the County's budget has been managed~i~in the past, he said. He said
he thinks it is important to continue funding~the operations of both General
Government and the school system out of the increases in revenue brought by
growth in the County. There will be a reasseSsment next year, he said, as
April 28, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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well as the possibility of a meals tax, which he feels is a potential way to
increase the tax base. When there is a bond referendum, he said, there will
then be a major tax increase and he will probably be willing to support such
an increase, because then it will be clear how the taxes will be used.
Mr. Bain said he still believes as he did last week, that an increase of
only $2.2 million in the School's budget Will have a negative effect on actual
instructional programs. For this reason, he said, he cannot support holding
to the current real estate tax rate of 72 cents per $100. Increasing the real
estate tax rate by four cents would be reasonable and would fund $950,000 of
the school budget. This is what he thinks the Board should do.
Mr. Lindstrom said he has carefully examined the budget proposed by the
School Board and believes it should be cut substantially,~ but not by the
amount required by the resolution. He cannot see how this amount could be cut
without cutting into programs. He said he believes the budget set forth in
the resolution would have a negative impact on some of the educational pro-
grams he thinks are important. He said he believed about $1.5 million could
be cut from the budget proposed by the School Board, but ihe does not want to
assume that, because if the budget can be reduced by thi~ much, it can be
reduced by more. He said he will not support the motion and does support
increasing the tax rate to add $950,000 to the schools b~dget.
Mrs. Cooke said she has also thought long and hard about this budget.
She said she is concerned that some of the expenditures of last year's school
budget did not represent the best uses of the taxpayers' ~dollar. Some of
those expenditures, she continued, had nothing to do witH'education, class-
rooms, programs or teachers' salaries. She said'she believes the Board, as
the steward of the taxpayers' dollar, must check what sh~ considers to be an
improper attitude toward spending on the part of the sch6ols staff. She said
she was disappointed that the Board reduced the tax rate i~last year, because
she feels the County will face horrendous expenses for roads and other capital
projects as it becomes less rural and more urban. Despite her concerns over
last year's school budget, she said, she agrees with Mr. ~Bain and Mr.
Lindstrom that the resolution will jeopardize some educational programs. She
said she supports a tax increase to increase the funding .for the school
system. Nevertheless, she said, she hOpes that the Board?ican convey to the
schools administration that its attitude toward spending ~oncerns the Board
and should be addressed in the future.
Mr. Perkins said he thinks the Board should look at ~hat has happened
throughout the country in the past few years. Those who ~anage private
companies have had to tighten their belts and make their ~ompanies more
efficient, he said, and he thinks the same thing should h~ppen in the school
system and general government. He said everybody, not just the schools staff,
asked for more money this year and he does not think the Board should grant
increases to everybody. He thinks the school administration should manage
their money and personnel better. He said he believes that too much of the
schools budget goes to the administrators and cuts can be ~made here. In
defense of the major increase in the schools budget last ~ear, he said, the
School Board promised that its funding needs would level Qff soon. He said he
does not think the schools turn out a muCh better product3now than they did
five years ago, yet today, they spend about $2000 more pc= student. He said
cuts can be made to the school budget and if they are mad~ in the right
places, the school system will be just as good now as it ~as in the past.
There was no further discussion. Roll was called an~ the motion failed
by the following recorded vote: ~
AYES: Messrs. Bowie, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: Mr. Bain, Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Lindstrom.
If the Board cannot pass a budget, Mr. Way said, Mr. St. John has told
him they will be locked in a room until they do.
Mr. Bain said the Board would have to hold another public hearing if it
were to consider an increase in the tax rate, and then wait a week before a
resolution could be passed. He said this would give the B~ard more time to
think about the proposal he plans to make. ~
April 28, 1988 (AfternoonAdjournedMeeting)
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Mr. Bain offered motion to advertise for a public hearing for May 11,
1988, on raising the real estate tax rate to 76 cents per one hundred dollars
of assessed value, with final action to be taken on May 18, 1988. He said
this increase would add $952,000 to the school budget.
Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll
was called and the motion failed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bain, Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Lindstrom.
NAYS: Messrs. Bowie, Perkins and Way.
Mr. Way suggested that the members of the Board take a five minute recess
to think about the budget~
(Note: The Board recessed at 4:34 P.M. and reconvened at 4:43 P.M.)
Mr. Lindstrom said it was obvious that someone had to give, or there
would be no budget. As he has ~tated before, he said, he has conflicting
feelings about the request of the School Board, but he will support a motion
to reconsider the motion.
Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mr. Bowie to
reconsider the original motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was
called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: Mr. Bain.
Mr. Perkins restated his original motion to adopt the resolution, as set
above, setting the FY 1988-89 County budget totaling $67,955,680.
There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried
by the following recorded vote: ~
AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindst~om, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: Mr. Bain.
Agenda Item No. 2a. Adopt resolution to set 1988 Tax Levy.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Perkins to adopt the
following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of SUpervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, does hereby set the County Levy for the taxable
year 1988 for General County purposes at Seventy-Two Cents (-$0.72) on
every One Hundred Dollars worth of real ~estate; at Four Dollars and
Forty Cents ($4.40) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of assessed
value of personal property; at Four Dollars and Forty Cents ($4.40)
on every One Hundred Dollars worth of assessed value of machinery and
tools; at Seventy-Two Cents ($0.72) on every One Hundred Dollars
worth of assessed value of public service assessments; and
FURTHER orders that the Director of'Finance of Albemarle County
assess and collect on all taxable real estate and all taxable per-
sonal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real
estate, used or employed in a manufacturing business, not taxable by
the State on Capital; including Public S~rvice Corporation property
except the rolling stock of railroads ba~ed upon the assessment fixed
by the State Corporation Commission and Certified by it to the Board
of Supervisors both as to lOcation and valuation; and including all
boats and watercraft under five tons as Set forth in the Code of
Virginia; and vehicles used as mobile ho~es or offices as set forth
in the Virginia Code; except farm machinery, farm tools, farm live-
stock, and household goods as set forth in the Code of Virginia,
Section 58.1-3500 through Section 58.1-3508.
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Mr. Lindstrom said he feels he must support this resolution, but he has a
problem with so doing. He said this year's budget will be funded with
$960,000 in carry-over money, which he thinks should go into the Capital
Improvements budget. He said he thinks the operation of schools and general
government should not be funded with unpredictable sources of money in the
face of the tremendous need for capital improvements in the County.
There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried
by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain and Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item No. 3. Set public hearing on an ordinance to partially
vacate plat of Lots 3-10 as it pertains to Lots 9 and 10 of Northwood Neigh-
Mr. Charles Burgess, Zoning Administrator, presented the following staff
"Proposal: To partially vacate plat as it pertains to lots nine and
ten of the Northwood Subdivision to enable the relocation of the
private road right-of-way. At present, the dwelling~s located on lots
nine and ten do not comply with the front setback requirement of the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The relocation Of the right-of-
way is to be performed in such a manner so as to provide adequate
front setback.
Location: Off the south side of Route 600, approximately two miles
north of Watts. Tax map 33, Parcel 37J and 37K, Rivanna Magisterial
Staff Comment: Single family dwellings have been constructed in the
recent past on lots nine and ten of the Northwood Subdivision and the
certificates of occupancy issued on June 9, 1987, and May 20, 1987,
respectively. The setbacks of each structure were checked by an
Albemarle County Inspector prior to the footings being poured and
said setbacks were thought to be adequate. In December, 1987, the
Zoning Department was informed by an adjacent property owner that the
front setback of both structures did not comply with~'the measurement
required by the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (that requirement
being 75 feet). Upon further review, it was found that the front
setback of the dwellings provided from the private road right-af-way
measures 56 feet for lot nine and 42 feet for lot rem. The Board of
Zoning Appeals denied a request to reduce the front ~etback for both
dwellings on March 8, 1988. An appeal of that decision is pending in
the Albemarle County Circuit Court and is scheduled ~o be heard on
May 3, 1988. !~
In reviewing the history of the Northwood Subdivisio~ it appears that
several errors have been made which have adversely a~fected lots nine
and ten. The original subdivision plat was approved!iin 1979, but
does not show a property building setback line for 16ts nine and ten.
The building setback line is located approximately 46 feet from the
private road right-of-way line on the cul-de-sac. T~is measurement
should be 75 feet. ~
In late 1982 it was recognized by the County Engineering Department
that the location of the cul-de-sac was not constructed in the
location shown on the approved plat. The as-built rdad plan was
requested and provided on March 9, 1983. No subsequ~e~t changes were
made to the road and the road bond held by Albemarle !~ounty was
released on or about June 28, 1983. i!
When the Inspector checked the front setback of the h%w proposed
dwellings, the measurement was made from the right-of, way as con-
structed. This is the error which resulted in said s~etbacks being
deficient. ~
April 28, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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Staff Recommendation: The proposed ordinance represents a means by
which the front setback issue for lots nine and ten of the Northwood
Subdivision could be resolved. The staff recommends approval of the
ordinance to partially vacate the plat of the Northwood Subdivision."
Mr. Lindstrom asked how the setbacks for the houses could be so short of
what the County requires. Mr. St. 3ohn said another mistake compounded the
problem even before the cul-de-sac was built in the wrong place. He said the
surveyor who drew up the plat for lots nine and ten, Mr. R. O. Snow, located
the building line too close to the cul-de-sac, using the ordinary setback line
one would use on a straight street, rather than the special setback required
for cul-de-sacs. Mr. St. 3ohn said the Planning Commission did not see this
mistake and approved the plats, even though the setback lines did not conform
to the Zoning Ordinance. Furthermore, Mr. St. John said, if a setback line
were drawn in accord with the Zoning Ordinance around the cul-de-sac as built,
the houses would not violate this setback either. The only thing these houses
violate, he said, is a setback line that is not, but should have been, shown
on the plats.
Mr. St. John said neither the County nor the builder nor anybody else
caught this mistake until some of the neighbors objected to the setback
violation. In truth, he said, the neighbors complained in reaction to a
dispute about the maintenance of the road. Mr. St. John said this matter is
pending before the circuit court, but he believes the Board should deal with
this independent of that court proceeding.
Mr. St. John said the violation affects'~third parties in both cases. The
owner of the house on lot nine had temporaryilfinancing on his house. Now that
financing has run out, and the owner cannot get permanent financing because
there is a cloud on the title. Lot ten, he Said, is still owned by the
builder, Mr.. William H. Bailey, who had nothing to do with the development of
this property. He said Mr. Bailey had a con~ract on the lot, but the prospec-
tive client wOuld not close on the sale because of the problem.
Despite the fact that this is a technical zoning violation, Mr. St. John
said, he has advised the Zoning Office not to seek an injunction to have these
houses torn down, because no judge would approve such an injunction in this
case. He said an adjoining landowner could ~eek an injunction only if action
in court is begun 15 days after construction ~starts and this deadline is long
past. Mr. St. 3ohn said the houses do violate the Zoning Ordznance, but he
does not think the regulation can be enforced' because of the inequities
involved. He said there are only two ways toi solve the problem: either the
Board can vacate the plat and approve the Pl~ as built or the court can
overturn the decision of the Board of Zoning iAppeals (BZA).
Mr. St. John said he made a mistake at ~he BZA hearing. Several of the
BZA members said they wanted to grant the variance, but did not think they
could, he said. Mr. St. John said he sat there without saying anything and
let what happened happen. The first time the BZA denied the appeal, he said,
was to give the parties more time to come to an agreement. When the appeal
came before the BZA a second time, it was de~ied because BZA members did not
think they had a legal basis for approving the variance. Mr. St. John said
that if one looked at the paperwork in the Circuit Court clerk's office, there
is no violation, nor a cloud on the title. If one looks in the Zoning Ordi-
nance, there is a paper violation.
Mr. Agnor said this item was added to the agenda of today's Board meeting
so that the Board could set a public hearing during the month of May, if it
wished to do so.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to set a public
hearing for May 18, 1988, to consider adopting an ordinance to partially
vacate the plat of lots 3-10 of Northwood Subdivision. There was no further
discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded
AYES: Messrs. Bain and Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
April 28, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion: Appointment Process. Mr. Way asked the
Board members to look over the list of appointments that needed to be made to
various boards and committees.
Mr. Bain asked if the Board as a whole would interview applicants, or if
several Board members would form a committee for the purpose of interviewing.
Mr. Way asked Mrs. Cooke to respond to this question, since she had experience
with both these methods. When the Board interviews as a whole, she said, the
process goes slowly. She said the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman interviewed
the applicants and then made their recommendations to the Board. She said the
process did not go much faster, but it did use less people. Mr. Lindstrom
said he thought interviewing applicants was a fitting office for the Chairman
and Vice-Chairman.
Mr. Way asked if the Vice-Chairman and Chairman recommended one or
several applicants to the Board. Mrs. Cooke said it varied.
Mrs. Cooke said she thought the process would move faster if the Board
were divided into three teams of two, with each team in charge of interviewing
applicants. Mr. Way said he thought this was a sensible suggestion.
As a matter of routine, Mr. Bowie said, he thought the Chairman and the
Vice-Chairman should conduct the interviews. However, he conceded, they might
need some help in this case, since there are many appointments to be made. He
said he would be glad to help but he did not want this procedure to become the
accepted way of doing things.
Agenda Item No. 5. Other Matters.
Mr. Bowie said he has received seven applications from citizens who wish
to serve on the Planning Commission from the Rivann District. He said he will
interview these citizens and should have someone to reco~nend by next week to
replace Mr. Richard Gould.
Mr. St. John said the court date for the Nativity SCene case has been
moved again, from June 22, 1988, to 2:00 P.M., May 12, 1988. He said it is
possible that the case may be moved again, if something else is removed from
the docket.
Agenda Item No. 6. Adjourn. Since there were no mare matters to come
before the Board, the Board adjourned at 5:17 P.M.