HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197600089 Action Letter ~'l u~ (;0 OF ALBt.::A1A -' .t:r /~AP,? :(~ (,.<.;.T C '.;{F\ ~ ~,. -( "l'.'f-~"""{. . \ rF~A- '.;(: , \.2r :.J\);t'l'" , ~:.....,...~/, .. \ ,,.-tQ'tJ' \ (f / ~;:Q;;1is5i::' P' . D t . "'::J "41 'Ii ."\ r;",1 "t IC.;.hn,ng e.,-d. n1en. 1304/296-51323 414 EAST ?AARIO":-, STREET CHARLO-r."E5VILLE. ViRGINIA 22901 ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. OIREc-rOR OF Pll'.NNING RONALD S. KEELER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING January 7, 1977 MARY JOY SCALA SENIOR PLANNER CARLOS M. MONTENEGRO PLANNER willard E. Hall Route 4, Eox 69 Charlott~svi11e, Virginia Re: BOAPn OF SUPERVISORS ACTION Request for SP-89-76 Dear Mr. Hall: This is to advise you that the Al~(.marle County BOCird of supervisors at its meet~ng January 5, 1977, app.>:-,=,ved your :cequest for SP-89-76 subject to the following conditions: 1. Hours of operation: 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.;. 2. No persons other than members of the fa'nily residing on the premises shall be engaged in this operation; 3. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises or other visible evidence of the conduct of the operation other than one sign not exceeding one square foot in area, non-illuminated; 4. No traffic shall be generated in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking generated by the conduct cf the vper'ation shall be met off the street and other than in a required front yard; 5. No outside stora~le of vehicles, engines, or parts and equipment related to ~his operation. 1\11 work shall 'be conducted within the existing garage st.ructu.ce; 6. No equipment or proc2ss shall be used which creates noise, vibrati-on, glare, fumes, or odors, detectable to the normal senses off the lot. In the case of electrical intc1.[(TencG, ;YJ equip..'E'nt. or process shall be used which created visual or audil>le interferel;co in any radio or television receivers off the premises. Sincerely, (] ':Y?. / / .J --~ ( / j.",(.,.v.,(~.- /," y..:tJ".....t,..../_ L/ Jane Gloeckner Planning Department jg/