HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP197700036 Action Letter ~~'1'l ,,0 ' (') r.,:" !J L f1:'!, t'~>. ,.. ._ K ... ....)ie. F' ,'" ~... '-.i,,14~. /.i'o~~ I.Jj, ~~~ ~~"-~)/,<;':/~"fA~ .. o'~i"~T.1:, " \~V' u . 4 -<"dt.,s. \J l:~'''t ~~J ':;jj;J;;&~l/ Planninrr Depr..rtment 604/29C.5822 414 EAST M,'<f',KET Z'.rm::ET CHARLOTrE~'11LLE. VIRGI:dA 22901 Fl013EFl"f W. TUCKER. JR. PIRK'C'rOR 0,. I-LANNiNG "Of~ALD II. kl:"L"" AIiSIITA"T DIRlECTOH Of' PlA'lrllJlr. July 22, 1977 MAI'tV JOY SCALA SENIO" "LANNF-R CARLOS M, MONTENEG"O ..LANNIlN Shelter Associates Post Office Box 39 Free Union, Virginia Re: REQUEST FOR SP-77-3G BOi\FD OF SUPERV:;:SCI"S ACTION Dea.r Ms. Christld If: This is to advise you tllat the Albemarle COUllty Board of Supervisors at.: its rr.e'2ting July 20, 1977, approved :'I,Qi;r reqlJeC'l. to amFnc1 SP-IOO-76 to add 0.467 acres to the site for a total of ,0.909 acres zoned [,-1 ( County Tax Map 29, Parcel 44, part thereof, White Hall District) subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of appropriate state and local agencies, including the Building Official and Fire Marshal; 2. All woodworking is to take place within the existing warehouse or replacement buildir~g; 3. No out.si.de st.orage of rnateri3.ls; 4. Employees working in the building sh3.l1 be limited to five (5) full-time employees; 5. No retail sales from the premises; 6. A written statement requesting aban.donrnent of S1"-536 by both the applicant and property owner; 7. Site plan approval; 8. In the ever,t the Zoning Administrator determines this use to be a nuisance to the surrounding residential uses, he shall refer this petition to the Planning commission and Baord of ;';upervisors for further review; 9. Removal of inoperative autos and debris to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. Sincerely, d~;!J;tuJ~- , .Tane Gloeckner Planning Department jg/ rl: '"