HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200036 Correspondence 2022-06-01waterstreetstudio
May 27, 2022
Mr. Cameron Langille
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SDP202100078 2000 Marchant Street Final Site Plan — 1s` Submittal
Dear Cameron,
This letter is to accompany the first Final Site Plan application and serve as response to your December
3, 2022 action letter for approval of the Initial Site Plan. The responses are numbered to match the
numbering of the comments provided.
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Cameron Langille, blangille@albemarle.org —
Required changes prior to final site plan approval:
1. [32.5.2 (a)] The plan identifies the segment of Marchant Street that border the property on the
southwest and southeast/east as a private street, per plat recorded in DB 403 page 592. That plat
notes "Dedicated for street purposes, 50' wide." The County has evidence that the land within the
ROW that is the 50' closest to the property boundaries of TMP 07800-00-00-021 HO is owned by the
County, and improvements are permissible in that area. However, ownership of land that is outside of
that 50' is uncertain. Please address the following:
b. It appears that some re -surfacing of the existing asphalt along Marchant Street falls outside of the
50' limit. See image below. If this is true, then the owner must obtain permission from the owners
of that land to construct the proposed improvements. Rev. 1: Improvements outside of the 50'
limit have been removed. Please be aware that the parallel parking spaces that were
shown on the original plans have now been shifted to perpendicular spaces in a slightly
different location. Additional comments on this change may be forthcoming during final
site plan review as the revised 12/3/2021 has now been reviewed by all members of the
Site Review Committee (SRC).
Response: Awaiting further review with Final Site Plan application.
2. [ (f)] The $448.00 notification fee has not yet been paid. This fee must be paid prior to Friday,
December 3, 2021 in order for the initial site plan to be approved. Rev. 1: Comment addressed, fee
has been paid.
3. [32.5.1] Please verify that the scales used on each sheet are correct. Scales state 1"=40' but it
appears the plans are drawn to 1"=20.' Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. Please make sure all improvements are dimensions, including walkways, exterior building walls,
parking spaces, travelways, etc. Please be aware that prior to final site plan approval, certain
features shown on the plan may need to be revised if they do not meet minimum
Response: Noted. The dimensioning layer was inadvertently frozen on the ISP. It now shows to help
verify minimum standards are met.
4. [32.5.2 (a)] Please label all adjacent parcels with owner name, Tax Map Parcel (TMP number, zoning
district, and recorded instrument number.
Response: Requested information added.
111 3r6 street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
5. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the "proposed use" note on Sheet 1 so that it references
"Manufacturing/processing/assembly/fabrication/recycling and by -right accessory dwelling unit uses in
accordance with Letter of Determination application number LOD201900003."
Response: Reference revised.
6. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the Zoning Overlay note on Sheet 1 so that it states "Managed Steep
Slopes Overlay District."
Response: Note corrected.
7. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the setback note to state parking setbacks as follows:
a. Off-street parking or loading spaces front minimum setback: 10 feet from any public street right-
b. Off-street parking or loading spaces side/rear setbacks: no portion of any off-street parking space
shall be located closer than 30 feet from the district boundary.
Response: Notes corrected.
8. [32.5.2 (b)] Identify gross floor area of each proposed building and provide a note stating total sq.ft.
for each use proposed in a note on the cover sheet.
Response: Note added to Cover Sheet and Layout Sheet. The maker space cottages will be three-story
buildings with two floors dedicated to use and one floor dedicated to the accessory, residential use.
9. [32.5.2(b)] Height. Label the proposed heights of each building.
Response: Building heights specified and labeled on Cover Sheet and Layout Sheet.
10. [32.5.2 (b)] Identify the impervious area proposed.
Response: Noted on the cover sheet.
11. [32.5.2 (a)] On -site dwellings and sleeping quarters accessory to commercial and industrial uses must
meet the supplemental regulations specified by Section 18-5.1.21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Please
add the supplemental regulations from Section 18-5.1.21 to the site plan, preferable on the cover
Response: Added to the cover sheet.
12. [32.5.2 (e)] Per attached Parks & Recreation comments, there are existing trees on site that would be
ideal to retain and not remove through construction. If those trees can/Will be retained, please identify
tree protection measures on the grading plans. Please be aware that retaining existing trees can be
used to count toward the minimum canopy requirements specified by Section 18- See
Planning comment #19a and #19b below.
Response: Tree protection added to grading plan.
13. [32.5.2 (1)] Please clearly label all proposed utility easements. Identify whether they are public or
private. State the easement type and dimensions (e.g. 20' ACSA water easement).
Response: More clarification added to easement labels.
14. [32.5.2 (n)] Travelways and walkways within the project must meet minimum design standards from
Section 4 of the Zoning Ordinance. See Engineering comments for further information.
Response: The frozen dimension layer probably caused this comment. Now the layout plan shows the
intended dimension to show that minimum standards are met. The parking spaces are 10' wide, which
allows for 20' drive aisles in the parking lots.
15. [32.5.2(n)] Any proposed outdoor lighting must be shown on the site plan. A photometric plan and
lighting cut sheets must be provided with the final site plan. Proposed lighting must comply with
requirements of Sec. 32.7.8 & Sec 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. See comment #20 below for further
Response: A lighting plan is being developed and will be included on revised site plan submittals.
111 3'd street se arlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
16. [4.12.13] No loading spaces or dumpster pads are shown on the site plan. Please address the
a. [4.12.13 (c)] One loading space is required for the first 10,000 square feet of industrial floor area
plus one space for each additional 20,000 square feet of industrial floor area. Provide a loading
space calculation on Sheet 1 and show loading space location on the layout drawings.
b. [4.12.18] Loading spaces must meet minimum design standards specified in Section 18-4.12.18.
c. [4.12.13 (e)] Each site plan that depicts a commercial or industrial building of 4,000 gross square
feet or more shall provide a dumpster pad that does not impede any required parking or loading
spaces, nor any pedestrian or vehicular circulation aisles.
d. [4.12.19] Dumpster pad areas must meet design standards specified by Section 18-4.12.19.
e. [4.12.13 (f)] Dumpster pad and loading space requirements may be modified or waived if
requested by the applicant provided that the Zoning Administrator and County Engineer approve
the findings specified in Section 18-4.12.13 (f). If the applicant seeks to waive or modify loading
or dumpster pad requirements, please submit a written request and justification statement with
the final site plan.
Response: The loading space calculation is shown on the Cover Sheet. A dedicated loading space has
not been added to the site plan as the owner requests exception to not provide one. A Special Exception
Request letter is attached. A dumpster pad and enclosure location are shown on the site plans. They are
in a similar location as where trash collection for the property occurs.
17. [32.6] Prior to final site plan approval, final site plan must meet all applicable requirements of Sections
18-32.6, 18-32.7, 18-32.8.
Response: Noted.
18. [] Approval of a VSMP Plan is required prior to final site plan approval. See attached
Engineering review comments for further information.
Response: Noted. VSMP submitted separately at time of FSP application.
19. [32.7.9] Please provide a landscaping plan that complies with all requirements of Section 32.7.9 on
the final site plan.
This includes the following:
a. [] Please identify all existing landscaping on site and label the landscaping by
b. [] Minimum total landscaping canopy for the site area. 10% of the site must be
canopy area. Site area is calculated as described in Section (c). Please provide a
calculation on the landscaping plan identifying the percentage and sq. ft. of required and
proposed canopy area. Any existing landscaping retained per comment #19a above can be
used to count toward the minimum canopy requirement.
c. [ (a)] An area of at least five percent of the paved parking and vehicular circulation
area shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs. Provide a calculation stating the area of
parking and vehicular circulation proposed, and the landscaping area provided. Identify trees
and shrubs being used to meet this requirement.
d. [ (b)] Parking lot tree requirements are one large or medium shade tree per ten
parking spaces or portion thereof. Add a calculation stating the required number of trees and
number of trees proposed.
e. [] Screening for off-street parking or dumpster pad areas.
i. If screening for trash enclosures will be constructed instead of landscaping, a plan
and profile view construction detail of the enclosure must be provided on the final
site plan.
f. Provide landscaping tables identifying the type of landscaping proposed (street tree, parking
lot tree, shrub, etc.), the quantity of each species proposed, size/height at time of installation,
spacing, etc. Include columns identifying the individual canopy area for each species, and the
total canopy proposed for each species based on the quantity provided. These figures can be
obtained from the tables in sub -comment g and h below.
111 3Id street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
g. All proposed landscaping must be species identified on the Albemarle County Approved
Plants List.
h. Canopy areas for specific tree and shrub species can be obtained from the Plant Canopy
Calculations table.
i. [ (a)] Add a note stating "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season
following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development, or a phase
j. [ (c)] Add a note stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a
healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association, and replaced when
necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan."
Response: A landscape plan meeting the requirements of items a-h was included with the Initial Site Plan
and is part of the Final Site Plan set. Notes to address items i-j were added.
20. [32.7.8] If any outdoor lighting is proposed, please provide a lighting plan that addresses the
a. [4.17] Show the location of all outdoor lighting for any luminaries equipped with a lamp which
emits 3,000 or more maximum lumens.
b. [4.17] Provide a luminaire schedule identifying each type of outdoor luminaire proposed.
Include the manufacturer name, model number, lamp type (e.g. LED, incandescent, etc.),
wattage/lumens emitted, and pole/mounting height. Include a column in the schedule that
identifies the symbology used for each fixture on the lighting plan. State the number of each
outdoor luminaire provided by type.
c. [4.17] Provide a table with photometric data for each luminaire type.
d. [4.17] Show photometric measurements within the site and along all property boundaries.
Please be aware that Albemarle County requires photometric plans to use a Light Loss
Factor (LLF) of 1.0 to calculate footcandle measurements on site plans. Please be aware that
the spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural
areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half foot candle.
e. [4.17.4 (a)] Provide manufacturer cut sheets for all outdoor luminaires that will emit 3,000
lumens or greater. Be sure that the cut -sheets identify that these luminaires will be equipped
with full -cutoff fixtures.
f. [4.17.4 (b)(1)] Add a note to the lighting plan stating "The spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one-half foot candle."
g. [4.17.4 (b)(1)] Add a note to the lighting plan stating "All outdoor luminaries emitting 3,000
lumens or greater shall be equipped with a full -cutoff fixture."
h. [4.17.4 (b)(2)] Add a note to the lighting plan stating "All outdoor lighting, regardless of the
amount of lumens, shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining
residential districts and away from adjacent roads'
Response: A lighting plan is being developed and will be included on revised site plan submittals.
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Emily Cox
The 2000 Marchant Initial Site Plan has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments will
need to be addressed before approval:
1. WPO plan meeting VSMP requirements must be submitted and approved before final site
plan can be approved.
Response: Noted. WPO/VSMP submitted separately at time of FSP application.
2. Professional seal should be signed and dated.
Response: Seal signed and dated.
3. Topographic survey should have been completed or field verified within the past year.
Cover Sheet says January 2020.
Response: Survey field verified and updated by Kirk Hughes & Associates on December 15, 2021.
4. Please show top and bottom elevations of the concrete wall. A building permit is required
for walls over aft.
111 3'd street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
Response: Top of wall and bottom of wall elevations added. Wall will be between 3'-4.5' tall. Engineered
wall plans are being prepared.
5. Please provide a detail and cross section of the proposed wall. Ensure the construction can be
completed on site as it is close to the property line.
Response: Engineered wall plans are being prepared to verify wall construction is possible without
needed easement from the neighbor, which is an option. The owner has discussed the possibility of
grading off -site to eliminate the wall with the neighbor. The first option will be to prepare wall plans.
6. Please show sight distance lines and profiles for the entrances.
Response: Sight distance lines and profiles for the two entrances were not added to the plans at this time.
It was difficult to determine what standard to hold to in this situation. Broadway Street and Marchant
Street are very non-standard "streets'. Broadway is posted as 25 MPH but vehicle speeds likely never
exceed 10-15 MPH because in the vicinity of the site the existing street corridor abruptly terminates into
an what appears to be a web of private and commercial driveways (at the intersection of Broadway,
Marchant, and Woolen Mills). At Entrance 1, as labeled on the plan, sight distance to the right good for a
distance. Sight distance to the left is difficult to quantify due to the intersection with Marchant Street which
turns 90 degrees. The Woolen Mills entrance is visible to the left which is where almost all traffic will be
coming from. Very similar conditions exist at Entrance 2 which is essentially an existing entrance that is
being re -used with very similar demand as currently exists. Left turns will be very rare from either of these
entrances and traffic from the left for the right turning vehicles would very light other than from traffic from
the Woolen Mills exit, which is inside the typical sight distance window. Perhaps an on -site investigation
would be more effective way of determining the adequacy and safety of these entrances.
7. Please label the type of VDOT entrances and the radii. Ensure county code 18-4.12.17.b is met
for the grading and landing at the entrance.
Response: The entrances will be VDOT CG-11 commercial entrances. Labels and profiles have been
added to show how they will be constructed. Flexibility of the County guidelines for entrance grade and
landing standards will be required to achieve this development plan as shown. Once again, on -site
investigation and analysis may be necessary.
8. Please clearly label all parking spaces and dimensions and travel widths.
Response: The dimension layer on the ISP was frozen. This has been corrected.
9. Private road must meet county standards in design standards manual for
multifamily/nonresidential, page 19.
Response: In our mind, we are proposing two parking lots serving one property that will not be further
divided. Why the private road standards within these parking lots? Regardless, we feel that both parking
lots would meet the private road standards.
10. Private road with parking must meet county code 18-4.12.
Response: See previous response.
11. Please label the edge of pavement and/or type of curbing that is proposed in all areas.
Some areas are shown.
Response: See revised.
12. Sidewalk should be minimum of 5ft and Eft where adjacent to parking. See the design standards
manual, page 17.
Response: See revised.
Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — Elise Kiewra
Road A and Road B on screenshot provided will each require a road name.
Response: Road A — Henry Court. Road B — Clay Court.
Albemarle County Building Inspections — Betty Slough
Add the following note to the general notes page:
Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in
height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require inspections as outlined in the USBC.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
111 3r6 street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC
ANSI A117.1-09 and the 2015 Virginia Construction Code.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next
upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the
building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures
having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the
public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Add the following to the general notes page:
All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to
apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle
County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects
at 540-562-3580 x131.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any
testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). The Albemarle County Building Inspections
Department(ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water
service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a
Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the
visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building
sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s). The Special
Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department
prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101.
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — Howard Lagomarsino,
1) Buildings require a fire appartus access that provides access all sides of the ground level and the
distance from the fire apparatus access to all sides of the ground level shall not exceed 150 feet.
Response: Note added to Sheet 1-101.Further investigation required to determine if met.
2) Fire apparatus acess shall provide an unobstrcted travelway of no less than 20 it for structures less
than 30 it and 26 it for structures over 30 it tall. Parking is considered an obstruction, so parking needs to
be restricyted by signage or markings at any point the parking would reduce the travel way width below
the required width.
Response: This plan proposes two parking lots to serve proposed and existing buildings with a drive aisle
that meets the County minimum standard of 20'. The site cannot accommodate 26' wide travel aisles. The
proposed maker space cottage buildings will be 30' tall. The larger, existing building on site is 49' tall.
3) Overhead obstructions to fire apparatus access needs to maintained so that it is above 13 ft 6 in.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101. No problem anticipated.
111 3'd street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
4) Apparatus access needs to be able to sustain the weight of fire apparatus in all weather conditions,
which is 85,000 lbs.
Response: Note added to Sheet L101. The proposed pavement section will be sufficient.
5) Please provide a note on the plan deliniating the ISO fire flow calculation
Response: The calculated required fire flow (1,750 gpm) for the buildings is noted on the Utility Plan. The
available fire flow at the two adjacent existing fire hydrants is in excess of 2,000 gpm.
6) Please provide a note on the plan identifying the projected fire flow available at the hydrant per the
water authority
Response: The available fire flow at two existing fire hydrants has been labeled on the Utility Plan. One
hydrant is located in front of the next door building at 1822 Broadway Street and the other is at the corner
of Marchant Street and Pireus Row. The available fire flow at these existing fire hydrants is greater than
2,000 gpm.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — Adam Moore
No objection per October 27, 2021 letter.
Parks and Recreation — Tim Padalino
The plan appears to intend to save a large hickory and large multi -stem hackberry near the Broadway
Street ROW; but it looks like the grading plan for the proposed driveway access would involve serious
impacts to the root systems of those trees. Please consider shifting the driveway so that root systems are
not impacted.
Response: The two trees in question that we are planning to save flank either side of an existing asphalt
driveway that is going to remain. There will be some minor grading around these trees to try to bring the
entrance closer to compliance with County standards. These trees, along with other trees on site, are
important to the owner as they add a lot of character to the site. We are working closely with Van Yahres
Tree Company to study, advise, and monitor the health of these trees during the planning and
construction phase. We would be happy to discuss further.
Please find the attached digital copies of revised plans. Please do not hesitate to call (434) 531-5544 if
you have any questions or need anything additional.
JAL qxL_el�
Alan Franklin, PE
Waterstreet Studio, LLC
111 31" street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
waterstreet idio
May 23, 2022
Mr. Frank Pohl, PE
County Engineer
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: 2000 Marchant Street Loading Space Requirement Waiver Request
Dear Frank,
Pursuant to Section 4.12.13(f), on behalf of the applicant, Virginia Pacific Investments,
we would like to request waiver/modification of the requirement to provide a
dedicated loading space as part of the site plan improvements as required by Section
4.12.13(c) - Loading Areas.
The proposed site plan adds eight (8) small "maker space" cottages to create a mixed -
use, live/work environment on the light industrial (LI) zoned parcel that currently only
serves residential use. The intent of these "maker space" cottages is to provide small,
affordable workshops for 1-2 workers to perform small-scale, hand-crafted
manufacturing of goods with living quarters for the artisan workers above the
Anticipated "maker space" manufacturing activities:
• Creation of glass, wood, clay, metal, plastic, or fabric objects
• Processing of food/foodstuffs
• Assembling finished parts to create completed objects
• Recycling objects into objects with different uses
• Repair of goods
The square footage of each of these workshops will be less than 325 square feet. In
addition to minimizing the cost of rent, the limited workspace size will in turn limit the size
of raw materials delivered and finished goods produced. Given the size constraints of
the workspace and the anticipated goods produced by the artisans on site, the owner
does not anticipate the need for large-scale delivery trucks on site, but rather small
package trucks and sprinter vans intermittently during the day.
A dedicated loading space displace one of the parking spaces in the proposed
parking lots. Site constraints do not easily allow for the additional length/width required
for conversion of one these parking spaces to a loading space within these parking lots.
The parking lots are shared by the "maker space" users and the residents of the on -site
apartment building so we do not anticipate that parking lots will be full or busy with
traffic during normal working/delivery hours which will allow sprinter van/package truck
access as shown on Figure 1.
111 3r6 street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
Figure 1
We feel that Figure 1 depicts a very realistic scenario of day-to-day delivery truck
movements, regardless of the presence of a dedicated loading space
It is our opinion that the site and the neighborhood public health, safety, and welfare
would be better served by the extra parking space as shown on the site plan instead of
a dedicated loading space and that the sketch in Figure 1 shows how the requirements
of Section 4.12.13 - Loading Areas is addressed without a dedicated loading space.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.
OIL qll��
Alan Franklin, PE
Waterstreet Studio, LLC
111 314 street se charlottesville, virginia 22902 434.295.8177 t wate rstreetstud io. net
Service AuthoHydrant Flow
rity Y
Test Report
159 Spo" Road cnanonesv+pe. VA Mull (434)9Hy 11
Date and Time of Test
Minutes of Flow
Pipe Size (Inches)
3/10/2022 12:13:00 PM
Pressure Hydrant 11450
Static Pressure (psi) 116.5
Residual Pressure (psi) 91
J Pressure Zone URBAN RING
Date of Report
C Q20 Looped ❑ Q20 Multiple Inline Hydrants 0 Q20 Single Flow ❑ Sprinkler Test Single Flow
Flow Hydrant #1 E0426 Pitot Pressure #1 (psi) 53.6 Yellow 1 Test Flow 1 1229
Flow Hydrant #2 Pitot Pressure #2 (psi) = Yellow 2 ❑ Test Flow 2 0
Flow Hydrant #3 = Pitot Pressure #3 (psi) = Yellow 3 ❑ Test Flow 3
Total Estimated Flow (gpm) 1229
AWWA Q20 Calculation (gpm) 2521
(No value in Q20 indicates insufficient pressure drop for Q20 OR a sole sprinkler test.)
Hydrants opened all the way
For method of calculating pitot flow with a red Pollard diffuser: see eq. 13, Walski and Lutes article 1990 Journal Management and
Operations AW WA. For yellow Pollard diffusers, a best fit third order polynomial equation of the Pollard flow vs. pitot pressure gauge is
Estimated Consumption (gal) 2458
For use for water audit
Signature of Tester:
�..... 3ND
9�0 3j6 33 \3301 32 /316 CSA
84 36z 6 \ 332 0 CSA Hydrant
3 3�B 36q 360 348 338 32 nService, Ownership
3g 6q 3j? 3g03 g 3?q 37g �,� Not In Service, ACSA Owned
9 6 4
3)0368 3'2 35 6--,? ,?36 0 Not In Service, Pnvate Ownershi
`16y 0 In Service, Private Ownership
In SACSA Owned
� ACSAA Water Seivioe
1750 �y`b 0 u' ACSA Fire Line
CSA Water Mein
380 ACSA
'cl`' ry Private Ownership
SA Water Mein
11800 C. 1820 tufty Type
1906 ��N Potable water
t6p Raw Water
0p a City Water Lines
age 10421 ' 1a1"o7� 133 Parcels
49" gg2 1822 � 2000 `�2s �` �7
0(a T\ / 91 o
A I77S 1145 \ 2010�90 `. Flow Hydrant `�2
2002 1913
Test Hydrant 380 � , 2008 �68 360
,y � "r cp
�j�� l 376 29,9,%00
368 _ - 366 �36.4�, 0
166 0 �� 3so5s
�`S /r� � 1611 � - 1321 zoz2/zozo
37p 378 372 368 366 0 3 t . \ 8
362352 36 1
366 368 368 364 374 37 w �372 352_3g4� J819 340
364 3Y .J r. 3
322 \?� —376 M 1821 0 32q'
360 362 356336 348 b0. 3g2 a 1321� � 328 1817 320 1333
332 \ 3 1184 w
32d M 3 4 WWI �y0 N 1194 t1194 328 308-304 _
Utilities, structures, lot lines, and all appurtenances indicated on this map are intended for general N le'
layout and reference location only. This printout is not intended for any other use Man for preliminary Alberoa�e County
planning and general location puryoses. The utilities shown on Mrs map am believed to be accurate, W E
however, recent utility improvements and/or system changes may have been updated since the _
lime of this popertynesntout. Any or boundaries
of for general rimma0or um,ora n depiction of physical Service Auth6rtt�/
improvements, property lines or b rminudies is for general information only and shall not of physical
for the S
design, modification, or construction of improvements M real property or for flood plain detemrination.
Contact ACSA directly for specific utility locations. 0 90 180 270 360
Aerial Imagery® Commonvwalth of Virginia
Planimetric Data Property of County dAlbemade Feet �yyiry3 �Cen5(YVlfk�
ACSA Staff MM/DD/20W
2000 Marchant
Corner of Broadway Street & Marchant Street
AGF Water Street Studio, LLC
Location: Existing FHA @1822 Broadway Street (Hyd #11450)
Test Hydrant Elevation:
381 ft.
Residual Pressure:
91 psi
Static Pressure:
116.5 psi
1229 gpm
Test Q 20= 2522 gpm
Ex 8"
Pipe Diameter (in)
Pipe "C" Value
Pipe Flow
Pipe Loss/100 FT
Pipe Length (ft)
Total Pipe Loss
Location: Existing FHA @ corner of Marchant St & Pireus Row (Hyd. #10425)
376 ft.
Residual Losses (ft):
20.08 ft
Residual Losses (psi):
8.69 psi
Total Residual Pressure:
84 psi
Total Static Pressure:
119 psi
Proposed 020= 2178 gpm