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May 2. 197L (R~ular Nighj;l'Ieeti~
Mr. Fisher asked if anyone wanted to make a motion to reconsider the vote. Mr. Dorrier
asked if the Board would consider a density of 10 units per acre instead of 15. Mr. Fisher
- said he did not feel it was appropriate to consider anything that is not formally before the
Board. He asked the County Attorney for a clarification. Mr. St. John said there has been
no case, nor any Attorney General's opinion, on the question. The Board is left with the
language stated in the State Code and there is no prohibition against discussion of such a
consideration. Mr. Dorrier said all of the discussion to this point has been concerned with
density. He felt the Board should discuss the issue while it is before them to avoid the
same discussion at some future date.
Mr. Roudabush said he would like to suggest that the Board consider rezoning only
Parcel 124D to R-3. Mr. Henley suggested that the applicant be questioned as to whether or
not such action would be acceptable. Mr. Perkins said he would have to consult with his
clients. Mr. Fisher said the motion has failed and the only question before the Board is
whether to reconsider the vote. Mr, Roudabush suggested .rezoning only Parcel 124D and not
the total acreage because there is a fairly substantial single-family residence on one of the
other parcels that would probably be kept as a home. He did not feel it would be economically
feasible to tear down this house and replace it with just a few dwellings. Parcel 124D does
not front on Rio Road, so the character of the frontage on Rio Road probably would not be
changed, therefore, there would be no significant changes in the character of the neighborhood.
He said he feels this is a reasonable compromise and this zoning would act as a buffer.
Mr. Henley again asked if the applicants were agreeable, Mr. Perkins said he had three
issues to address. First, although there is considerable 'land in the area already zoned for
R-3 (20 units per acre), the topography of the land would make it impractical to develop same
at that density. Second, rezoning the Carter's land to R-3 would allow this property to act
as a buffer to the B~l on the adjoining property. Third, this rezoning request ha~ been
publicized by the press and by notices to the adjoining property owners, and there have been
no objections.
Mr. Roudabush said for the possibility of exploring the rezoning of only Parcel 124D, he
would offer motion to reconsider the vote. Mr, Dorrier asked what access would be used for
this parcel since it does not have frontage on Rio Road, Mr, Roudabush said since a road
does not have to be zoned, it could come through one of the other parcels. Mr. Dorrier then
seconded the motion. Mr. Fisher said he felt it makes less sense to rezone this parcel since
it does not have frontage on Rio Road and he would not vote for the motion. Roll was called
on the motion, to reconsider and same failed by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Dorrier, Henley and Roudabush.
NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Iachetta and Lindstrom.
At 9:10 P.M., the Board recessed and reconvened at 9:20 P.M.
Mr. Perkins said he had discussed this matter with his clients during the recess. They
would like to make an amended proffer as follows: Rezone Parcels 124C and 124D to R-3 and
delete Parcel 124B from the application, thus leaving the zoning on Parcel 124B as R-2. Mr.
Fisher asked the County Attorney for an opinion on this amended proffer. Mr. St. John said
the petition stands denied at this time. In order for the Board to formally consider the
amended proffer, the Board would have to vote to reconsider the petition and then take the
amendment. He felt that this is allowed under zoning statutes. Mr. Lindstrom said he did
not care whether the Board reconsidered the question, but there were other applications on
the agenda and he felt the Board should proceed with those items first, Mr, Roudabush and
Dr. Iachetta also felt it would be appropriate to move this item to the end of the agenda.
Agenda Item No.6. SP-79-oB. Bennington Limited Partnership. To amend SP-7B-22, in
order to delete the pool and to use the main house as a child and/or adult day (and night)
care facility. Property located west of the city line between Georgetown and Hydraulic Roads
adjacent to Westgate and Solomon Court properties. County Tax Map 61, Parcel 42A, Charlottesville
District. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on April IB and April 25, 1979.)
Mr. Tucker read the following staff report:
"On June 14, 197B, the Board of Supervisors approved SP-7B-22 for a total of 375
dwelling units. The fOllowing statement was in the accompanying
staff report: "There is an existing residence on the site which is slated
to be a clubhouse for the recreational facilities." In sUbsequent planning,
a swimming pool w~s shown adjacent to the house. Since that time, the
following has occurred:
1. The swimming pool and clubhouse in Westgate II will not be lost due
to improvements to Hydraulic Road and therefore the applicant desires
to delete the Mowinckel house as a clubhouse.
2. A day-care center desires to locate in the Mowinckel house either on
the basis of lease or purchase. (While Bennington Limited Partnership
is shown as the applicant in this petition, Sharon Jones would operate
the day-care center,)
3. Bennington Limited Partnership (or Great Eastern Management) has
indicated a possible revision to the overall plan at some future date.
Given these circumstances, it may be easier to address the topics separately:
a. Amendment of SP-78-22 with regard to recreational facilities;
b. Establishment of the day-care facility.
Recreational Facilities: Staff's initial concern was that adequate area
and variety of recreational facilities remain for Barclay Place after the
proposed amendment. The applicant has submitted a schedule of recreational
facilities for Barclay Place and the adjoining Westgate and Solomon Court
development. Staff opinion is that recreational facilities will be adequate
in variety and more than adequate in area.
May 2, 1979 (Regular Night Meeting)
Day Care Center: Mrs. Jones, who would live in the dwelling, expects an
initial enrollment of 45 children with an ultimate enrollment of about 90
children. The facility would be operated under state license. Access is
being requested on a temporary basis through Westgate apartments with
permanent access from Georgetown Road to be provided at a future date
as the Mowinckel tract develops. Proposed hours of operation would be from
7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. The dwelling is currently served by septic system and
public water.
In view of the population is this area, staff finds this an appropriate use
and recommends approval subject to the following conditions:
Amend the approved site plan of August 29, 1978.
County Engineering Department apprpval of adequate on-site and off-site drainage
Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation approval of access facilities
and adequate dedication for a 60-foot right-of-way along Route 656 frontage,
including increasing the pavement depth of the existing Bennington Road to
satisfy Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation specifications from
Inglewood Drive to the end of the existing temporary turnaround.
This site is approved for a total of 375 dwelling units; provided that if
any units are to have access from Bennington Road, they shall be 34 in
number, with lots 1 - 12 developed as single-family detached dwelling units;
the remaining lots developed as single-family detached and two-family
dwelling units with a maximum of seven two-family dwellings whose location
shall be approved by the County Planning Staff. In the alternative, the
area proposed for subdivision as shown on plat (dated 5/30/78 and initialled
"RWT") may be developed in townhouses provided access is only through
Georgetown Road. ,
At such time as access is established to Georgetown Road, permanent access
for the day care center to Georgetown Road shall be provided.
a.) The staff shall approve temporary access, parking and play area for the
day care center. (The following standards shall be used for the temporary
plan: parking - 1 space/2 employees; 1 space/lO children enrolled; 2 spaces
for the dwelling; play area - 75 square feet/child enrolled);
b.) In the event of sale of property on which the day care facility is
located, the County Attorney shall review written agreements insuring site plan .-
The day care center shall be served by both public water and sewer to be
approved by the Albemarle County Service Authority.
Approval of the day care center by appropriate state and local agencies.
Conditions stated are supplem~~J,a~ and nothing contained herein shall be
deemed to preclude applic~~or~equirements and regulations by the
Virginia Department of Welfare or any other agency.
Licensure by the Virginia Department of Welfare as a child care center.
In the event of license expiration, suspension or revocation, the
Zoning Administrator shall refer this petition to the Board of
Supervisors for public hearing after notice pursuant to Section 15.1-431
of the Code of Virginia, as amended. It shall be the responsibility of
the applicant to transmit to the Zoning Administrator a copy of the
original license and all renewals thereafter. Failure to do so shall
be deemed willful non-compliance with the provisions of this special
use permit.
Conditions 1, 6a, 7, 8, and 9 shall be met prior to the opening of the day
care center,
Mr. Tucker said on April 10, 1979, the Planning Commission recommended approval with the
staff's conditions. The public hearing was then opened. Mr. Tom Wagner, representing the
applicant, was present and stated there were no objections to the conditions. It was previou:
thought that the Westgate Clubhouse would be lost by the Hydraulic Road improvements. Howevel
that has changed and there is not a need for another clubhouse.
Mrs. Sharon Jones, the operator of the proposed day care center, said the building is
adequate for a child care center and is in a good location. A need is evident for a facility
of this type in the area.
With, no one else present to speak for or against the petition, the public hearing was
Dr. Iachetta then offered motion to approve SP-79-08 with the conditions as recommended
by the Planning Commission. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion and same carried by the followj
recorded vote:
,. AYES:
/> "
,c.N<J I', NAYS:
I: Agenda Item No.7. SP-79-09. F. Anthony Iachetta. Request for a Home Occupation _
,1 Class B - on 8,30 acres zoned A-I. Property on south side of Route 643, about 1.5 miles
:' southeast of Route 29 North. County Tax Map 46, Parcel 22A. Charlottesville District.
,i (Advertised in the Daily Progress, April 18 and April 25, 1979).
Messrs, Dorrier, Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom and Roudabush,
Ii Dr, Iachetta abstained from the discussion. Mr, Lindstrom also abstained since he had
Ii represented Dr. Iachetta. Mr. Tucker then read the fOllowing staff report: