HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202100083 Correspondence 2022-06-06L I N E + G R A D E C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G COMMENT RESPONSE LETTER JUNE 6TH. 2022 TO: Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 ATTN: Kevin McCollum Senior Planner I RE: SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic Minor Site Plan Review Comments Mr. McCollum, On behalf of Charlottesville Orthopaedic Center, we offer the following responses and plan revisions to comments dated December 161h, 2021. Our Responses are in bold italic text below each comment. Planning — Kevin McCollum 1. [32.5.2(a)] Please add the application number, SDP202100083, to the project title on Sheet C0.0. The application number has been added to sheet C0.0. 2. [32.5.2(a)] Please amend the Planning History information on Sheet C0.0 to include a reference to minor site plan amendment SDP198900047 and remove the reference to SDP199000093. The cover sheet has been revised as requested. 3. [32.5.2(a)] Please provide additional information to confirm the current owner. Albemarle County GIS lists the property owner as 2275 Seminole Lane LLC at 2043 Thomson Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903. Since the previous submission, the applicant has closed on the sale of the property, and the current applicant/owner information shown on our plans now matches the County's GIS records. See revised cover and applicable plan sheets. 4. [32.5.2(a)] Provide the total number of sheets under the sheet list table. Total number of sheets now provided on the cover sheet. 5. [32.5.2(a)] Add a date of revision to the submittal log. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 4th STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1" Comment Response Letter June 6", 2022 1 Page 2 Submittal log has been updated to reflect the current submission. 6. [4.12.16(c)] It does not appear that the aisle widths are wide enough for the parking spaces fronting the property. The aisle width for 9' x 18' parking spaces must be at least 24'. Revise accordingly. The parking aisle parallel to the property frontage has been revised to be 24' wide, and now all aisles on site are 24' wide. see revised sheet C2.0. 7. [] Please move the landscape legend slightly on Sheet C3.0 so that all landscaping labels are easily seen. The landscape plan has been revised to show the entire property and resolve readability issues. see revised sheet C3.0. 8. [] Make sure all planting labels are correct. It appears there are some butterfly bushes missing a label and an erroneous purple beautyberry label at the entrance to the site. In the upper right corner, there are additional butterfly bushes and purple beautyberry shrubs missing labels. The landscape plan has been substantially revised to correct missing labels and wayward plantings. See revised sheet C3.0. 9. [32.5.2 (s)] Please provide a project narrative on Sheet C0.0 that lists the proposed use and all site changes proposed with this minor amendment. A project narrative is now shown on the cover sheet that lists the proposed use and general scope of site changes. 10. No new easements are shown. Are any new easements proposed? No new easements are proposed. 11. No new outdoor lighting is identified. Are any new outdoor lights proposed? This includes pole lights and wall -mounted lights. Changes to site lighting are now identified on the photometric plan. See new sheet C4.0. 12. [32.7.8 and 4.17] Please identify the proposed locations and types of any new outdoor lighting that will be installed as part of this project. The minor amendment should demonstrate compliance with all applicable site lighting requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. This may include a lighting/photometric plan that identifies footcandle measurements within the property and along the property lines. Changes to site lighting are now identified on the photometric plan. See new sheet C4.0. 13. Provide a schedule of proposed outdoor luminaires that identifies the luminaire type, wattage, lumens, pole heights (if applicable), LLF (use 1.0 for calculations), etc. The lighting schedule can now be found on sheet C4.0. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 1134`" STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1" Comment Response Letter June 6", 2022 1 Page 3 14. [4.17.4 (b)(1)] The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half (%) foot candle. A spillover shall be measured horizontally and vertically at the property line or edge of right-of-way or easement, whichever is closer to the light source. Compliance with County lighting ordinance may now be seen on the photometric plan. See new sheet C4.0. 15. [4.17.4 (b)(2)] All outdoor lighting, regardless of the amount of lumens, shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. Acknowledged, see photometric plan and details on the 4-series sheets. 16. [4.17.4 (a)] All outdoor luminaires emitting 3,000 lumens or greater shall be equipped with a full -cutoff fixture. Acknowledged, see photometric plan and details on the 4-series sheets. 17. If no new outdoor lighting is proposed (this includes pole lights as well as wall -mounted lights on any structures), then state this in the project narrative on Sheet CO.O. Minor revisions to site lighting is proposed. See photometric plan on sheet C4.0. 18. [32.5.2 (k)(1), 32.6.2(g)] Any new easements required for water, sewer, drainage facilities, or any proposed utilities will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. Please submit an easement plat application the County for review. The final site plan will need to be updated so that all easements are shown and labeled identifying easement type, whether it's public or private, a width dimension, and the recorded instrument with deed book and page number. No new utilities are proposed that require easements. All existing easements are now shown on the site plan with associated deed book and page number. 19. [32.5.2(a)] For any adjacent parcels visible on the drawings, please show the property lines and include a label stating the owner name, TMP number, zoning districts, and present uses. The site plan has been revised to show all adjacent properties and required parcel information. See revised sheet C2.0. 20. [ (a)(3)] Please provide a construction detail in plan and profile view of the proposed dumpster enclosure. The detail should identify materials to be used, color, dimensions, etc. Please be aware that walls used for screening must be a minimum of 6' in height. LINE + A detail for the dumpster enclosure can now be found on sheet C2.4. GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 1134" STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1' Comment Response Letter June 61", 2022 1 Page 4 21. [General Comment] Please add the Site Review Committee (SRC) signature panel (attached) to the cover sheet. Signature panel has been added to the cover sheet. 22. [General Comment] Please show and label any existing easements and include their recorded instrument reference (deed book and page number). All existing easements are now labeled with their associated instrument reference. See revised sheet CI.0 and C2.0. 23. [] Please show and label the existing trees and landscaping features on Sheet C3.0. Please provide additional information on the existing vegetation on site. Is this a mix of deciduous, evergreen, or other plant material? Are there trees and shrubs? Please provide caliper sizes of existing trees for trees/groups of trees with calipers greater than 6" diameter at breast height (DBH). Verify the locations, species, and sizes of all existing vegetation that will remain and count toward the canopy. Existing trees encompass a variety of species and shrubs. The surveyed location of each individual tree to be preserved has not been provided, as the amount of preserved trees for exceed canopy coverage requirements and screening requirements (see landscape calculations. Images of the preserved canopy area can be found below. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 O STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1' Comment Response Letter June 61", 2022 1 Page 5 L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 4" STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1" Comment Response Letter June 6", 2022 1 Page 6 24. [] 15,764 sq. ft. of existing canopy will remain and count toward the total site canopy required (as currently stated on Sheet C4.1) the owner will need to sign the Conservation Plan Checklist, and this will need to be added as an exhibit to the Landscape Plan. The signed conservation checklist now appears on sheet C3.1. 25. [General Comment] Ensure to show the extents of the rear property on Sheets C1.0, C2.0, and C3.0. Sheets C1.0, C2.0, and C3.0 have been revised to show the entire property boundary. ARB — Margaret Maliszewski 1. Revise the elevation drawings to include a material/color schedule keyed to the elevations. A material key now appears on the architectural plans. 2. Provide paint samples for the two shades of grey that are proposed. Paint samples will be provided at a later date, once coordinated with owner. 3. Reconsider the proposed colors to be more in keeping with the originally proposed color palette. I 'n\I F See architectural ARB submission package for revisions and design justification narrative. ` I 1 �1 4. Clarify on the drawings where the charcoal grey metal is proposed to be located. GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 1134`" STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1' Comment Response Letter June 6`", 2022 1 Page 7 A material key now appears on the architectural plans. 5. Provide the VLT and VLR of the proposed window glass. Add the standard window glass note to the architectural drawings: Window glass in the Entrance Corridorshould meet the following criteria: Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible Light Reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review. The note has been added to both the architectural and site plans. See architectural package for VLT and VLR of proposed glass. 6. Revise the plan to show the location of mechanical equipment. Show the visibility of the equipment will be eliminated. The site plan now shows all exterior mechanical equipment. Equipment is not visible from the entrance corridor. See revised sheet C2.0. 7. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to both the site and architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. This note has been added to sheet C2.0. 8. Revise the plan to include a dumpster enclosure detail. Show that the dumpster enclosure is compatible with the building design. A dumpster enclosure detail is now shown on the plans. Building elevations now show the dumpster enclosure compatibility with proposed building design. 9. Revise the plans to clearly indicate all light poles to be demolished, relocated, and/or retained. Show all proposed lights. Provide a photometric plan. Show that all new and relocated fixtures meet ordinance requirements. Shift lights and poles to allow for complete rows of shrubs along the parking rows. Clarify and coordinate the notes regarding relocated light poles and relocated power poles. For light poles to be demolished, see revised sheet C1.0. For proposed lighting, see new photometric plan on sheet C4.0. Approach to lighting and pole relocation/demolition has been coordinated throughout the plan set. 10. Increase the planting size of the maples to 3 %" caliper Trees required to meet canopy, parking, and/or street tree requirements are now listed on the planting schedule to be a minimum of 3.5" caliper at planting. 11. Show all utilities and their associated easements on the landscape plan. Resolve utility/landscape conflicts without reducing the quantity of landscaping proposed. All existing utilities and all existing easements are now shown on the plans. Conflicts with required landscaping has been resolved to the greatest degree possible while maintaining the some quantity of landscaping. See revised sheet C3.0. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 O STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1" Comment Response Letter June 6", 2022 1 Page 8 12. Revise the spacing of the Kousa Dogwoods to 20' apart. The landscape plan has been substantially revised, and trees are now spaced appropriately. See revised sheet C3.0. 13. Add shrubs along the north and south parking rows. Shrubs now appear along the north and south parking rows, see revised sheet C3.0. Please note both adjacent parcels have substantial mature screening plantings along both property boundaries. 14. Revise the plant schedule to show shrub planting size as 24" high. Planting schedule has been revised to show shrub plantings at a minimum height of 2. 15. Add the plant health note to the landscape plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height- the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. The note has been added, see sheet C3.1. 16. Limit the number of proposed plants for any one species to a maximum of 25% of the total proposed for that plant type. The planting plan has been revised such that no one species comprises more than 25% of the total number of plantings of that type proposed. 17. Clarify the reason for the offsite shrubs. Provide evidence of an offsite planting easement. Offsite plantings have been removed 18. Revise the site plan to show the sidewalk against the back of curb to allow people to enter the building more easily. The sidewalk on the southwest side has been revised to be at the back of curb. The width has been revised to 6' to eliminate the need for bumper blocks. See revised sheet C2.0. 19. Consider alternative vegetation along the west elevation that better fits the available planting area. The landscape plan has been substantially revised, see sheet C3.0. Building Inspections — Betty Slough 1. Add the following note to the general notes page: All water, sewer, and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 1134`' STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1' Comment Response Letter June 6 ", 2022 1 Page 9 The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department (ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe, and the sprinkler lead-in connection. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s). The Special Inspecto/s report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. These notes have been added to sheet C0.1. Engineering — Matthew Wentland 1. As the disturbance (outside of mill & overlay) is below 10,000 sf, no VSMP plan is required. However, Engineering recommends best practices be followed for erosion control during construction. Acknowledged. Select erosion control measures are shown on the plans along with appropriate details. Disturbance remains below 10,000 sf. Fire and Rescue — Howard Lagomorsino 1. Please provide a note on the plan indicating the ISO calculated needed fire flow for the building. Fire flow calculations are now shown on sheet CO.2. 2. Provide a note on the plan for the available fire flow at the hydrant(s) serving the structure. The available fire flow has been confirmed with a fireflow test of the hydrant at the site frontage. Available fire flow exceeds needed fire flow. See sheet C0.2 for calculations. 3. Hydrants are needed that provide the required fire flow and are spaced as required based on the needed fire flow calculation. The existing fire hydrant shown on the plans at the north corner of the property has been tested and meets the needs for fire flow for this building. See C1.0 for hydrant location and CO.2 for fire flow calculations. 4. If a fire sprinkler system is installed, a hydrant needs to be located within 100 feet of the FDC for the system and arranged so that when in use, it does not obstruct the travel way. No fire sprinkler system is proposed. ACSA — Richard Nelson 1. Provide fixture counts to confirm existing meter is adequately sized. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 0 STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM SDP-2021-00083 Charlottesville Orthopaedic 1" Comment Response Letter June 6tb, 2022 1 Page 10 Fixture counts and meter sizing calculations are now shown on C0.1. 2. Show ACSA utilities on the landscape plan. Any trees should have a minimum of 10-feet of separation from ACSA utilities. ACSA utilities are now shown on the landscape plan. To the greatest extent possible while still meeting County landscape requirements, proposed trees now have adequate separation from utilities. see revised sheet C3.0. VDOT— WillisC. Bedsaul 1. Please submit video inspection downstream before tying into VDOT's drainage structure. The proposed plan no longer proposes any tie-ins to VDOT drainage structures, therefore no video inspection has been performed. 2. Please provide drainage calculations pre and post construction of proposed drainage structure for adequate discharge. Inlet calculations for Pre and Post -development conditions are now shown on sheet C2.2. Existing drainage areas and hydrologic inputs appear on sheet C1.0, and proposed drainage areas and hydrologic inputs appear on sheet C2.1. Please note this plan reduces impervious areas draining to the inlets. 3. Please provide confirmation that there will be no work within existing right of way. As can be seen on the revised plans, the limits of disturbance is contained within the parcel. No work within the right-of-way is anticipated. L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 1134" STREET NE, STE. 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM