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SDP202200040 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-06-06
Product Specifications COMMSGPEO NHH-65C-R2B Multiband Antenna, 698-896 and 2x 1695-2360 MHz, 650 horizontal beamwidth, • internal RETs and internal SBTs. . Interleaved dipole technology providing for attractive, low wind load mechanical package • . Internal SBT on low and high band allow remote RET control from the radio over the RF jumper cable Separate RS-485 RET input/output for low and high band One RET for low band and one RET for both high bands to ensure same tilt level for 4x Rx or 4x MIMO Electrical Specifications Frequency Band, MHz 698-806 806-896 1695-1880 1850-1990 1920-2200 2300-2360 Gain, dBi 16.0 16.1 17.3 17.7 18.3 18.2 Beamwidth, Horizontal, degrees 65 62 74 66 62 59 Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 9.0 7.9 5.6 5.2 4.9 4.5 Beam Tilt, degrees 0-11 0-11 0-7 0-7 0-7 0-7 USLS (First Lobe), dB 21 18 19 20 22 18 Front -to -Back Ratio at 1800, dB 35 31 33 29 29 30 Isolation, dB 25 25 25 25 25 25 Isolation, Intersystem, dB 30 30 30 30 30 30 VSWR I Return Loss, dB 1.5 1 14.0 1.5 1 14.0 1.5 1 14.0 1.5 1 14.0 1.5 1 14.0 1.5 1 14.0 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc -153 -153 -153 -153 -153 -153 Input Power per Port, maximum, watts 400 400 350 350 350 300 Polarization ±450 ±450 f450 f450 f450 f450 Impedance 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm Electrical Specifications, BASTA• Frequency Band, MHz 698-806 806-896 1695-18801850-19901920-22002300-2360 Gain by all Beam Tilts, average, dBi 15.8 15.9 16.9 17.5 18.0 17.9 Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance, dB f0.4 f0.4 f0.4 f0.3 f0.6 f0.4 0°115.9 0°115.8 0°116.9 0°117.4 0°117.9 00117.8 Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi 5 ^ 1 15.9 5 - 1 16.0 4 ^ 1 17.0 4 - 1 17.5 4- 118.0 4 0 1 17.9 11 ° 1 15.5 11- 1 15.7 7 ° 1 16.9 7 ° 1 17.4 7 ° 1 18.0 7 ° 1 17.9 Beamwidth, Horizontal Tolerance, degrees f1.2 t1.6 f5.3 f3.4 f6 f3.1 Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees f0.6 t0.4 f0.3 f0.2 f0.2 f0.2 USLS, beampeak to 200 above beampeak, dB 15 14 17 16 17 15 Front -to -Back Total Power at 1800 f 300r dB 26 24 28 25 25 24 CPR at Boresight, dB 18 26 20 25 20 17 CPR at Sector, dB 15 9 11 10 8 2 * CommScope@ supports NGMN recommendations on Base Station Antenna Standards (BASTA(. To learn more about the benefits of BASTA, download the whitepaper Time to Raise the Bar on BSAs. General Specifications Antenna Type Sector with internal RET and bias tee Band Multiband Brand DualPol@ Operating Frequency Band 1695 - 2360 MHz 1 698 - 896 MHz Performance Note Outdoor usage 02016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks, respectively, of Commscope. page 1 of 3 All specifications are subject to change without notice. See vww.wmmscope.com for the most current information. Revised: July 20, 2016 August 2, 2016 Product Specifications NHH 65C-R2B Mechanical Specifications Color Lightning Protection Radiator Material Radome Material Reflector Material RF Connector Interface RF Connector Location RF Connector Quantity, total Wind Loading, frontal Wind Loading, lateral Wind Loading, rear Wind Speed, maximum Dimensions Depth Length Width Net Weight, without mounting kit Light gray do Ground Copper I Low loss circuit board Fiberglass, UV resistant Aluminum 7-16 DIN Female Bottom 6 875.0 N @ 150 km/h 196.7 Ibf @ 150 km/h 271.0 N @ 150 km/h 60.9 Ibf @ 150 km/h 1028.0 N @ 150 km/h 231.1 Ibf @ 150 km/h 241 km/h 1 150 mph 180.0 mm 1 7.1 in 2438.0 mm 1 96.0 in 301.0 mm 1 11.9 in 23.4 kg 1 51.6 lb Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) Information Input Voltage 10-30 Vdc Internal Bias Tee Port 1 I Port 3 Internal RET High band (1) 1 Low band (1) Power Consumption, idle state, maximum 2.0 W Power Consumption, normal conditions, maximum 13.0 W Protocol 3GPP/AISG 2.0 (Single RET) RET Interface 8-pin DIN Female I 8-pin DIN Male RET Interface, quantity 2 female 1 2 male Packed Dimensions Depth 299.0 mm 1 11.8 in Length 2561.0 mm 1 100.8in Width 409.0 mm 1 16.1 in Shipping Weight 36.1 kg 1 79.6 lb Regulatory Compliance/Certifications COMMSC�-- PE Agency Classification RoHS 2011/65/EU Compliant by Exemption China RoHS SJ/T 11364-2006 Above Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) ISO 9001:2008 Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system 02016 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks, respectively, of Commscope. page 2 of 3 All specifications are subject to change without notice. See www.commscope.com for the most current information. Revised: July 20, 2016 August 2, 2016 i Points of Differentiation Wide Bandwidth With capability to supportup to 2 CC carrier configuration, Samsung C$ald massive MIMO Radio supports 200 MHz bardwidth in the C-Band spectiem. SamsogC-Bandmassive MIMO Radio covers the enure C-Band280 MHz spectrum, sot can meetthe operator's needs in curretlA block andfumre0/C blocks Ceavl speawm suppakd br Mossw MIMO Rollo ra V lllin � lean retie zsetvn anon u Iavn4YfhYA zndrarein Kbbk Enhanced Performance Hard massive MIMO Radio creates sharp beams and extends networks'coverage on the critical mid -hand spectrum using a large number of antenna elements and high output powerto bnostdata speeds. This helps operators reduce their CAPEXas they now need fewer products to cover the some area than before. Furdemnoe. as C-Hardmassive MIMO Radio supports MIJAMB(Mult-sa-MIMO).it enables increased userthroughput by minimizing interference 0 r`a In iMll-MIMO _ a El i Technical Specifications Tech Brad NR n7l MO-3980MHz 7&5d6m(530dBmi25.5dB1) 2B0MHz/20OMHz Pob/Wall Frs4dency Bond EIRP IBW/BBW I shJa' Size/ 16.06 z 35.06 z 5.51 inch 51186EV Weight 'gobs Future Proof Product SamsungC-Band64TB4R Massive MIMO Radio suppnrtsnnt only CPRlhut also eCPRI as front -haul interface. It enables operators to cut down on OP EX/CAPEX by reducing frandaul bandwidth through low layer split and using Ethernet -teased higher efficient line. F- Central Unit MAC/PLC Distributed Unit High-PHY rrord4mi fewer fibers needed (eCPRI) low-PHY Massive MIMO Radio RF Well Matched Design Samsung Hand Massive MIMORodin utilizes 64 antennas, supports up to 2BOMHz bandwidth, and delivers a 2013W output power. 0espdethe ahove advanced performance, the Radio has a compact size of 501 and 79.41hs.This makes it easym install the Radio. It is designed to look solid and cumpactwith a low profile appearance so that when installed harmonizes well with the surrounding envirnnmerrt. S0A I)-79.4lbs SAMSUNG ANT 1 (Bias-T) A HL— J RET UDA LO L1 Note PCS+AWS Dual Band RRH (B2+B66) ANT 3 ANT2 (Bias-T) ANT4 ANT 5 (Bias-T) DC_PWR w/o Finger Guard w/ Finger Guard 2T supported in ANTI and ANT2 for B66 2T supported in ANTS and ANT6 for B2 Note : In 2T4R or 4T4R, 1 CPRI support up to 40MHz OBW and 2nd CPRI is required to support OBW 41-50MHz Item Specification Band Band2 1.9GHz Band66 2.1GHz Frequency DL : 1930-1990MHz DL : 2110-2180MHz UL : 1850-1910MHz UL : 1710-1780MHz IBW 60MHz 70MHz OBW 20MHz 30MHz Carrier Bandwidth 51AH 10MH 15MI-14 20MHz # of carriers 2 carriers r 3 carriers Total # of carriers 5 carriers RF Chain 4T4R, 2T4R, 2T2R (SW configurable) RF Output Power Total : 320W for *OBW 50MHz 4x40Wor2x60WT 4x60Wor2x90W Spectrum Analyzer RX Support Noise Figure Less than 3.0 dB RX Sensitivity Typical :-105dBm @1Rx (25RBs SMHz) Modulation 256QAM support Input Power -48VDC -38VDC to -57VDC Power Consumption About 1,270 Watt @ 100% RF load typical conditions w/ BAS OOBE +TMA/RET Size HD 380 x 380 x 255 mm (15.0" x 15.0" x 10.0") w/ BAS OOBE Volume 36.8 L Weight o Solar Shield & fingerguard) 38.3 kg( 84.41b) Operating Temperature -40°C -40-F - 55°C 131°F(Without solar load Cooling Natural convection Unwanted Emission Ca 3GPP 36.104 te o A 3GPP 36.104 Category B2 : FCC 47 CFR 24.238 1366 : FCC 47 CFR 27.53 h BAS filtering] -30dBm 100KHz@2109.45MHz per port CPRI Cascade Not supported Optic Interface 20km 2 ports 9.8Gb s x 2), SFP single mode Du le Bidi RET & TMA Interface AISG 2.2 Bias-T 4 ports 2 ports per band Max. 49W Mounting Options Pole wall tower, side by side back to back NB-IOT Support PIM Cancellation Su ort # of antenna port 4 4 External Alarm 4 In MR, 1 CPRI is enough to support 50MHz OBW * 15M carrier will be considered as 20M in OBW Calculation for FH capacity © Samsung Electronics. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary. 3 SAMSUNG RET UDA LO L1 ANT 1 ANT2 w/o Finger Guard 700+850MHz Dual Band RRH (B13+B5) ANT 3 ANT4 w/ Finger Guard Note: 2T supported in ANTI and ANT2 Item Specification Band Band13 700MHz Bands 850MHz Frequency DL : 746-756MHz DL:869-894MHz UL:777-787MHz UL:824-849MHz IBW 10MHz 25MHz OBW 10MHz 25MHz Carrier Bandwidth 10MHz 5MHz, 10MHz # of carriers 1 carrier 3C Total # of carriers 4C RF Chain 4T4R 2T4R 2T2R SW confi urable RF Output Power Total : 320W 4x40Wor2x60W T 4x40Wor2x60W Spectrum Analyzer TX/RX Support Noise Figure Less than 3.0 dB RX Sensitivity Typical :-104.5dBm @1 Rx (25RBs 5MHz) Modulation 256QAM support Input Power -48VDC -38VDC to -57VDC Power Consumption About 1,106Watt @ 100% RF load, typical conditions + TMA/RET Size (WHD) 380 x 380 x 207 mm (15.0" x 15.0" x 8.1') Volume 29.9 L Weight (W/o Solar Shield & fingerguard) 31.9 k 70.3 lb) Operating Temperature -40°C -40°F - 55°C 131 °F(Without solar load Cooling Natural convection Unwanted Emission 3GPP 36.104 Category 3GPP 36.104 Category A FCC 47 CFR 27.53 c FCC 47 CFR 22.917 CPRI Cascade Not supported Optic Interface 20km 2 ports 9.8Gb s x 2), SFP single mode Du lex/Bidi RET & TMA Interface AISG 2.2 Bias-T 2 ports Max.49 Mounting Options Pole wall tower, side by side back to back NB-loT Support PIM Cancellation Support # of antenna port 4 External Alarm 4 Additional Spurious Rejection 851 - 861.5 MHz >=20.0dB 806 - 816 MHz >=18.OdB 0 Samsung Electronics. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary. 7 IA L/THON/A L/OHT/NG® catalog Number FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDEDUSE Provides years of maintenance -free general illumination for outdoor use in commercial applications such as retail, education, multi -unit housing and storage. Ideal for lighting building facades, parking areas, walkways, garages, loading areas and any other outdoor space requiring reliable safety and security. CONSTRUCTION Sturdy weather -resistant aluminum housing with a bronze finish, standard unless otherwise noted. A clear polycarbonate lens protects the optics from moisture, dirt and other contaminants. OPTICS 8 high performance LEDs are powered by a multi -volt (120V-277V) LED driver that uses 18 input watts and delivers 1,800 turners. 100,000 hour LED lifespan based on IESNA LM-80-08 results and calculated per IESNA TM-21-11 methodology. ELECTRICAL Rated for outdoor installations, -40°C minimum ambient Adjustable Dusk -to -dawn, multi -volt photocell standard automatically turns light on at dusk and off at dawn for convenience and energy savings. Photocell can be disabled by rotating the photocell cover. 6KV Surface or recessed mount. A universal junction box is included standard. All mounting hardware included. LISTINGS UL Certified to US and Canadian safety standards. Wet location listed for mounting higher than 4 feet off the ground. Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. DesignLights Consortium• (DLC) qualified product Not all versions ofthis product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.oro/OP to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY 5-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/support/customer-support/terms-and-conditions Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end -user environment and application. Specifications subject to change without notice. Notes Type .e 15.t1 4-1/2 11t.51 11-18 128.31 All dimensions are inches (centimeters) unless otherwise indicated. Outdoor General Purpose OLW14 LED WALL PACK E C&U, LISTED For shortest lead times' For shortest lead times, configure product using holded options. Example: OLW14WHproduct using holded options. Example: OLW14WH OLW14 OLW14 1,800 lumen LED wall pack (olmtemperature(CM (blank) 5000K' (blank) MVOLT(120V-277V) (blank) MVOLT photocell included Finish WH White Notes 1 Correlated Color Temperature(M) shown is nominal per ANSI C78,377-2008. IA L////ON/A L/ONTGVO' OLW14 OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way, Conyers, GA 30612 Phone: 1-HO-705-SERV (7378) www.lithDnia.com 0 2011-2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev.10113/20