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August 17, 1994 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 3)
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and
Mr. Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
(The adopted ordinance is set out below:)
ORD. NO. 94-4(2)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 4, Animals and Fowl, Article 2,
Dogs, Division 2, Running at Large, is hereby amended and reor-
dained by amending section 4-19, In certain areas, as follows:
* * * * *
Division 2. Runninq at Larqe.
* * * * *
Sec. 4-19. In certain areas.
* * * * *
(31) Milton Heights Subdivision as platted and recorded in
the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County, in Deed Book 343, page 64.
(32) Shadwell Estates Subdivision as platted and recorded
in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County, in Deed book 339, page 458.
Agenda Item No.8. SP-94-21. Reid or Jessica W. Nagle. Public Hearing
on a request to construct a bridge in the flood plain of an unnamed tributary
of the Doyles River. Located on E sd of Rt 810/Rt 673 inters. TM15,P19.
White Hall Dist. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on August 1 and August 8,
1994. )
Mr. Keeler summarized the staff report which is on file in the Clerk's
office and a part of the permanent record of the Board. Staff reviewed the
request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance and
recommended approval subject to eight conditions. Mr. Keeler said the
Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 26, 1994, unanimously recommended
approval of SP-94-21 subject to the eight conditions suggested by staff.
Mr. Perkins asked why the title for this agenda item mentions states "an
unnamed tributary of the noyles River". Mrs. Thomas said the proposed stream
crossing is a replacement of the crossing of an unnamed tributary. She agreed
that the sentence in the agenda item seemed incorrect. Mr. Perkins said he
was concerned that the language relating to the public hearing was incorrect,
and he wondered if it had any effect on the advertisement. Mr. Davis said the
public hearing was properly advertised.
The Chairman opened the public hearing.
Mr. Steve Driver, of McKee Carson, Inc., said he was present to repre-
sent the applicant. The unnamed tributary is the stream which flows into the
Doyles River across the existing driveway. The watershed area is approxi-
mately 260 to 270 acres. The Nagles have had difficulty getting into and out
of their driveway. In studying the situation, it was determined that the
current driveway is inadequate and will flood under typical thunder storm
conditions. There is a 15 inch pipe currently being used because this is a
low level driveway and the land is flat. To provide an adequate driveway for
ten year storm regulations, a series of large culverts would have to be
installed and the driveway raised about five feet in elevation. Based on the
proximity of neighboring property this measure is not recommended. If an
embankment was created, the adjacent properties would be flooded under extreme
storm conditions. Bridging the noyles River is the most sensible alternative
in terms of safety to neighboring properties. The bridge would have a span of
approximately 35 feet and no work would be done in the stream bed of the
Doyles River. The bridge would cross in the vicinity of Slam Gate Road. Mr.
Driver said he discovered, after talking with some of the residents in the
area, that Route 810 stays above the 100 year flood plain, so it would afford
the neighbors access into and out of their properties.
Mrs. Thomas asked if the Nagle'S driveway was built to any particular
design standards. Mr. Driver said there are no design standards for drive-
ways. He added that with the current driveway, there would be an estimated
eight inches of water crossing it with a two year storm. Even during smaller
storms water crosses the driveway. The Nagles are concerned about the safety
of their young child.
There being no other comments from the public, the public hearing.
August 17, 1994 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 4)
Mrs. Humphris offered motion, seconded by Mrs. Thomas, to approve
SP-94-21 subject to the following conditions:
Virginia Department of Transportation approval of entrance
onto Route 810;
n 4.
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Department of Engineering approval of bridge design;
Department of Engineering approval of hydrologic and hydrau-
lic computations;
Department of Engineering approval of Grading plan;
Department of Engineering approval of Erosion control plan
if greater than 10,000 square feet of area is disturbed;
Water Resource Manager approval of Water Quality Impact
Proof of compliance with applicable Federal and State per-
mitting requirements regulating activities in perennial
streams; and
8. All divisions of Tax Map 15, Parcel 19, shall utilize the
proposed stream crossing.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and
Mr. Bowerman.
NAYS: None.
Not Docketed. At this time several people in the audience informed the
Board that they could not hear the proceedings. After determining that a
large group of people were present for Agenda Item Nos. 9 and 11, the Board
decided to take up Agenda Item No. 10 and then move into the Auditorium for
the remaining agenda items.
Agenda Item No. 10. ZMA-94-11. George Clark. Public Hearing on a
request to amend proffers of ZMA-92-13 to allow realignment of entrance to Rt
712. Property, described as TM87P's 57C&66-76 inclusive and TM99,P's 109-116
inclusive, is located in SE corner of inters of Rt 712 & Rt 760. Zoned VR
with proffers. Site located in designated growth area (Village of North
Garden) and recommended for VR (1 dwelling unit per acre) . (Advertised in the
Daily Progress on August 1 and August 8, 1994.)
Mr. Keeler summarized the staff report which is on file in the Clerk'S
office and a part of the permanent record of the Board. Staff reviewed the
request for compliance with ZMA-92-13 and SP-93-02 and recommended approval of
the request to eliminate proffer #3 of ZMA-92-13. Mr. Keeler said the
Planning Commission, at its meeting on August 9, 1994, unanimously recommended
approval of ZMA-94-11 to delete the existing proffer #3 of ZMA-92-13 and
replace with additional language.
The Chairman opened the public hearing.
Mr. A. L. Yancey represented the applicant. He described how the
original entrance had been just a conceptual plan and later determined that it
was not the best location. After engineering was completed, it was decided
that it would be better for the project if the road was moved about 500 feet.
VDoT has done traffic counts at the proposed entrance to Route 712 and the
results were acceptable. He explained that the fill reduction over the river
will be drastically reduced as will the length of the box culverts.
No one else came forward to speak, so Mr. Perkins closed the public
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Mrs. Thomas said in the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting one
member of the Commission commented that, "What makes this attractive to me is
the fact that it is more sensitive, it goes with the lay of the land and will
contribute to there being less fill in that area." She said that statement
summarizes the situation. Mrs. Thomas then offered motion, seconded by Mr.
Martin, to approve ZMA-94-11 to delete the existing proffer #3 of
ZMA-92-13 and replace it with the following language:
Access to the property shall be limited to a single point on Route
712. Emergency access not limited by the previous sentence.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins, Mrs. Thomas and
Mr. Bowerman.
NAYS: None.