HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP202100003 Minutes 2022-02-01ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2022 —2:00 P.M.
Board Members: John Shepherd
Marcia Joseph
Ed Robb
Edward (Bo) Carrington, uhsen/
Kurt Burkhart
Staff Members: Bart Svoboda. Zoning Administrator
Francis MacCall, Deputy Zoning Administrator
Lisa Green, Manager of Code Compliance
Leah Brumfield, Senior Planner
Marsha Alley. BZA Clerk and Recorder
County Attorney: Andy I lerrick. Deputy County Attorney
BZA Attorney: James Bowling, IV
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman John Shepherd.
Mr. Shepherd read the following statement into the record: "Good afternoon. As Chair of the Albemarle
County Board of Zoning Appeals, I call the meeting for February 1, 2022 to order. This meeting is being
held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A(16), 'An Ordinance to Ensure the
Continuity of Government During the C'OVID-19 Disaster. The BZA members who are electronically
present at this meeting are: John Shepherd, Edgar Robb, Kurt Burkhart, and Marcia Joseph. The
opportunities for the public to access and participate in the electronic meeting are posted on the Albemarle
County website on the Board ol'Zoning Appeals Iwme page and on the Albemarle County calendar.
Participation will include the opportunity to comment on those matters ibr which comments from the
public will be received."
2. Establish a Quorum
Mr. Shepherd identified those members electronically present as listed and established a quorum noting
that Mr. Carrington was absent.
3. Annual Organizational Meeting_
A. Election of Officers
MOTION: Mr. Shepherd moved to nominate Marcia Joseph for Chair. Mr. Robb seconded the motion,
which passed 4-0.
Ms. Joseph accepted her position as Chair.
MOTION: Mr. Shepherd moved to nominate Bo Carrington for Vice -Chair and noted that Mr.
Carrington had consented to accepting the position if elected. Mr. Burkhart seconded the motion. which
passed 4-0.
MOTION: Ms. Joseph moved to nominate John Shepherd for Secretary. Mr. Robb seconded the motion,
which passed 4-0.
B. Review and Re -Adopt Rules of Procedure
Mr. Burkhart suggested a revision regarding the use of "she and her." as well as "his and her verbiage." in
the Rules of Procedure.
Mr. Bowling advised that the procedures can be amended by a majority vote of the 13ZA at the next
regular meeting following a regular meeting at which notice of the motion to amend is given.
Mr. Herrick concurred and said if it were the consensus of the Board to make that change, staff would edit
the proposed rules accordingly and bring them back for a formal vote at the next meeting.
MOTION: Mr. Shepherd moved that the BZ.A amend the Rules of Procedure to address all non -gender -
neutral passages and bring them back for consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robb and
passed 4-0.
C. Review and Adopt 2022 Meeting Schedule
MOTION: Mr. Robb moved to adopt the 2022 Meeting Schedule as presented. Mr. Shepherd seconded
the motion. which passed 4-0.
4. Public Hearings
A. AP2021-003 Appeal of LOD2021-013 Homestays Ownership Eligibility
Mr. Shimp stated that the applicant was requesting delerral until the following month, as they could not
be present at this meeting.
Ms. Joseph noted that it has to be readvertised and may take more than a month.
Mr. Svoboda said if the BZA defers to a date specific, it would negate the need to readvertise
Mr. Herrick confirmed that there was a meeting scheduled for March 1, 2022.
MOTION: Mr. Burkhart moved to defer AP2021-003 to March 1, 2022. Mr. Shepherd seconded the
motion, which passed 4-0.
5. Approval of Minutes
A. July 6, 2021
Mr. Burkhart said he wanted to clarity that he was absent for adjournment due to technical difficulties in
rejoining the meeting.
Ms. Joseph said the minutes did not need to be verbatim and she would like to see the time of
adjournment included in the minutes.
Mr. Svoboda indicated that staff was working with the transcription service on summarizing.
MOTION: Mr. Burkhart moved to approve the minutes of July 6, 2021 as amended. Mr_ Robb seconded
the motion, which passed 4-0.
6. Old Business
A. BZA Annual Report for 2021 — Submitted to BOS in September 2021 for review at the October
6, 2021 BOS meeting.
The report was received for inforniation.
7. New Business
A. Convene to Closed Session to discuss, consider, or interview prospective candidates for
employment — BZA Legal Services Contract renewal for FY2022-23
MOTION: At 2:34 p.m. Mr. Shepherd moved that the Board of Zoning Appeals go into a closed meeting
pursuant to Section 2.2-371 I(A)(1) of the Code ol' Virginia, Under Subsection 1, to discuss employment
of legal counsel for the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. Robb seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.
B. Reconvene to Open Session — Certify Closed Meeting
MOTION: At 2:55 p.m.. Mr. Shepherd moved that the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals
certify by a recorded vote that, to the best of each member's knowledge, only public business matters
lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and
identified in the motion authorizing the closed session, were heard, discussed. or considered in the closed
session. Mr. Burkhart seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.
C. Take action on business discussed during Closed Session, if applicable
MOTION: Mr. Shepherd moved that the BZA continue its engagement with dames Bowling for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2022 and request that the Board of Supervisors authorize compensation to Mr.
Bowling in the amount of $350 per hour with an annual cap of $5.000. representing a $50 per hour
increase from the previous two years. Mr. Robb seconded the motion, which passed 4-0.
8. Adjournment
MOTION: Mr. Shepherd moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Robb seconded the motion, which passed
The meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.
(Recorded by Marsha Alley and transcribed by Golden Transcription Services)
Respectfully Submitted.
Secretary Board of Zoning Appeals