HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202100179 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2022-06-15�q off nig 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG ��BGIN�Q' Road Plan review Project title: Galaxie Farm Subdivision Road and Utility Plan Project file number: SUB2021-00179 Plan preparer: Scott Collins, PE, Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902 scott(&,,collins-engineering. com Owner or rep.: Galaxie Farm Investments, LLC 600 East Water Street, Suite H P.O. Box 5386, Charlottesville, VA 22902 alan(a),,riverbenddev. com Plan received date: 25 Oct 2021 (Rev. 1) 4 Jan 2022 (Rev. 2) 17 Feb 2022 (Rev. 3) 5 May 2022 Date of comments: 14 Dec 2021 (Rev. 1) 12 Jan 2022 (Rev. 2) 10 Mar 2022 (Rev. 3) 15 Jun 2022 Reviewer: John Anderson, PE SUB201-00179; Engineering review comments: 1. Sheet 21, 22 a. Recommend storm culvert profile compaction label/s for pipes or structures mostly or entirely in fill section. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response (letter d. 12/21/21): `Compaction notes have been added to all drainage and utility profile sheets.' b. (Sheet 21) Recommend increase slope slightly, between Str. 42B and 38, which appears possible if INV OUT, Str. 42B, is slightly shallower depth. Reasoning is that HDPE is somewhat flexible, and any error during construction (flatter As -built condition) may require additional hydraulic modeling, or constructive change which may affect or delay bond reduction, or increase project expense. 0.50% is minimum pipe slope, per Drainage Plan review checklist for plan reviewers. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 2. Sheet 19: Engineering defers to VDOT review of (primary entrance) Galaxie Farm Lane culvert headwall /endwall. (Rev. 1) Applicant: `Comment acknowledged.' 3. Sheet 16: Increase diameter (or increase slope), pipe 36 — 34, since total flow is 99% of full flow capacity of pipe. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 4. Sheet 14 a. L Str. 32 appears high. Please check and revise, as needed. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. t, Str. 12 and 14 would appear to be similar but are not. Please check 4 for these structures and revise as needed. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 5. Sheet 10 a. Pavement design: a =1.67, unless h + b > 4.5 inches, ref. p. 34, .PDF document at: htti)s://www.virginiadot.orgibusiness/resources/Materials/Pavement Design Guide for Subdivisi on and SecondaQ� Roads.pdf [ 2018 VDOT Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in VA ] Please revise table, with a =1.67 for Marie Currie Court, and Rubin Vera Place. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 b. Provide section, Galaxie Farm Lane, Sta. 16+82 to end project, Galaxie Farm Lane, Sta. 23+25f. See profile, sheet 18. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant: `Additional cross sections have been shown between Sta. 16+96 to the end of the proposed roadway improvements (Sta. 19+04). The sections in this area are not uniform in widths due to the transition from the proposed roadway to the existing road, but generalized sections have been shown to aid in the construction of the roadway.' 6. Sheet 9 a. Acquire off -site grading easement to construct proposed improvements (including grading) to Galaxie Farm Lane. Neither sheet 5 or 9 clarify how (or ensure that) proposed grading or improvement to off -site portion of Galaxie Farm Lane (located on School Board property) is possible, absent easement. Discussion may help. Please feel free to call (434,296-5832-x3069). (Rev. 1) Applicant: `A letter from the School Board will be acquired and provided to Albemarle County granting temporary construction access for the improvements to Galaxie Farm Lane.' (Rev. 2) Persists. (Rev. 3) Addressed. Executed temporary construction easement d. 3/10/22 sent as e-attachment, April 27, 2022 3:23 PM(simsoonAatlasconstructionmanagement.com ). b. Submit sealed geotechnical retaining wall design at earliest convenience. Appreciate preliminary retaining wall design data provided with this sheet. (Rev. 1) Applicant: `Comment acknowledged. Sealed geotechnical retaining wall design will be provided to Albemarle County for review and approval.' (Rev. 2) Addressed. As follow-uo: Please see item 12 below. No objection to Michael R. Circeo retaining wall 12-sheet plan d. 1/25/22: Walls A, B, C, D, E. (Rev. 3) Partially addressed. As follow-uo: Circeo plan includes Walls, A, B, C, D, E, but Road Plan shows Wall F (at ELS), as well, with portions of Wall F > 4 ft. (474 TW; 469, BW). Please provide retaining wall design for Wall F. c. Provide copy of recorded retaining wall maintenance agreement for walls crossing one or more lot lines. (Rev. 1) Applicant `A copy of the recorded retaining wall maintenance agreement for walls crossing one or more lot lines will be provided to Albemarle County.' (Rev. 2) Persists. (Rev. 3) Applicant response (letter d. April 29, 2022): `A wall maintenance agreement for walls crossing one or more lot lines will be recorded with the final subdivision plat for the development.' Engineering anticipates recordation of wall maintenance agreement with final subdivision plat. d. Please provide retaining wall handrail labels, either with Grading and Drainage plan sheets (8 and 9), or with Site Plan sheets (4 and 5). (Rev. 1) Addressed. 7. Sheet 5 a. Provide street name sign for Vera Rubin Place. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Provide and label speed limit sign/s. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 8. Sheet 4 a. Provide and label speed limit sign/s. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Label Marie Curie Court street name sign. (Rev. 1) Addressed. c. Label Mary Jackson Court street name sign at SW corner of intersection with Galaxie Farm Lane. (Rev. 1) Addressed. d. Coordinate MOT plan with VDOT for work within public right-of-way, state route 20. (Rev. 1) Applicant: `Comment acknowledged.' e. Recommend CG-2 (or CG-6) at north end of Mary Jackson Court, to prevent asphalt pavement degradation. (Rev. 1) Addressed. f. Label Cow Branch, across plan sheets. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 9. Sheet 3 a. Please confirm that Lot 6 buildable area listed in table excludes preserved slopes (see 18-4.2. La.), if not, please revise buildable area listed, and ensure area meets requirements for proposed subdivision. (Rev. 1) Addressed. b. Please delineate buildable area, Lot 6 (provide linework), and label buildable area. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 10. Sheet 1: Please revise SUB202000098 to SUB202100179, since ROAD Plan is assigned this file 4. (Rev. 1) Addressed, 11. New: Please check Mary Jackson Court— Mae Jemison Lane street names (used for the same street). (Rev. 2) Addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 12. New (Rev. 2): Sheet 8 —Please assign labels to inlets behind /above Wall A, and revise sheet 16 inlet/structure tables to include new drainage elements. Please feel free to send .PDFs of revised sheets to Engineering. No need for formal re -submittal or ROAD plan fee. Revisions will not circulate to Planning, ACSA, GIS, ARB, etc. However, given extent of Planning Division review comments, 3/8/22, a series of steps /plan revisions may be needed to align road plan with initial site plan and preliminary plat conditional approval letter, and street cross section shown on sheet 8 of ZNIA201800012 Application plan. A formal ROAD plan submittal with fee may be required, prior to Road plan approval. (Rev. 3) Addressed. Thank you. Please call if any questions — tel. 434.296-5832-x3069, or email 4anderson2&albemarle.org. SUB202100179 Galaxie Farm RP 061522rev3.docx