HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202200086 Approval - Agencies 2022-06-27VIRGINIA
Protecting You and Your Environment
June 27, 2022
Ben Holt
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Albemarle County Health Department
1138 Rose Hill Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 972-6219 Voice
(434) 972-43 10 Fax
RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsite Sewage
Systems as part of a Boundary Line Adjustment of Tax Map 70-27 located in Albemarle County,
Dear Mr. Holt:
On June 7, 2022 the County of Albemarle initially requested the Virginia Department of Health (via the
Albemarle County Health Department) review the proposed subdivision plat identified above. This letter is to
inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems
in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations,
and local ordinances.
This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of § 32.1-163.5 of the Code of
Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an
Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for
residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's
Regulations by Jason Kyser; Onsite Soil Evaluator Number 1940001357. This subdivision approval is
issued in reliance upon that certification.
Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System
Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically
identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and
unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the
time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage
This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances.
Josh Kirtley
Environmental Health Technical Consultant
Onsite Sewage and Water Programs
Blue Ridge Health District
County of Albemarle
Ben Holt
Senior Planner, Community Development
bholt(ailalbemarle. org
Josh Kirtley and Travis Davis
Virginia Department of Health
1138 Rose Hill Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22906
RE: SUB202200086 Shifflett Boundary Adjustment
Dear Josh and Travis:
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Telephone: 434-296-5832
The County of Albemarle has received application for a Rural Subdivision for TMP 70-27. This project requires
Health Department approval before receiving final County approval. The applicant has provided soils
information for the proposed lot as shown on the plat, which is attached. Please review the proposal for suitable
subsurface drainfields which comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, and Chapter
14, Sections 14-309 and 14-310 of the Albemarle County Code. Should you have any comments please feel
free to contact me.
Ben Holt
Department of Colrupunity Development
Phone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3443
Pagel of
OSE/PE Report for:
Construction PemtitO Certification Letter El Subdivision Approval t'4 '
Propern• Location:
91 [ Address: _ 7G 00 ��ar� �av� City:_
Lot__ Section _ Subdivision
OPIN or Tax Map l:- LHealth Dept IDS
Latitude_ _ Longitude
Applicant or Client Mailing, Address:
State V�7_ip Code
C'in•__--_-- State 1/A____ Zip C'ode�9(r>
PE Name
Address _—__-
Date of Report
OSE/PE Job if
Contents/Index of this
License is
State_ Zip Code
Date of Revision *I
Date of Revision ?2
(c e. Site Fvaluadon Sumrnarv% Soil Profilc ocsa'ipoons. Sit • Sketch, Ab reviated Des.en etc.)
Certification Statement
I hereby cenifi that the evaluations and,'or designs xuained herein acre conducted in accordance aith the Se"aec Handling and
Disposal Reguiations (12 VACS-6t0). the Private Well Reeuladons (12 VAC5.630) and all other applicable lass. regulations and
policies implemented by din Virginia Department of Health. I further ceni - that I Currentl
y y possess any professional license required
b)'the fosrs and _ tuned of the Commonsealth that have bean Gu!y cued by the applicable agency charged with licenstac to
perfnnn the r' conainrd herein.
The sunk attached to this cover pane has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of eneineenna. specifically the
exemption in Coda o' Virgima S ion 5S.1-0O2.A.17
I recommend that a select constnietin omit❑ cerification letter subdivision approval'
be (select one) issued eased ❑.
OSHIPE Signature
yOH C. Onhy
Site and Soil Evaluation Report
(For certification letters and subdivisions)
General information
Date :_ 22County Health Department
Applicant: Ile, 1, J
Telephone Number ,S P— l-37i�_ ♦�'-�-
Address -��SO ��„ �Tgw, pp�� 2z tzd _
Owner'.�f.t-1�ndept..1..,=YtLEf? Address'.27
Location :-Ad�k�f.t- ' l..v
Subdivision BlOCk/Section Lot
Sall Inform Summar
1. Position in landscape satisfactory Yes No Describe
2. Slope-IZ--%
3. Depth to rocklimpervious strata Max. _LD Min. 4.0 None _
4. Fret watt: present No _ Yes _ Range in inches
S. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling ray color)�1—inches
6. Soil percolation rate estimated Yes _ Tcxtttre group pl F]II 1 �IY
No _ Estimated rate So mintin
7. Percolation test performed Yes _ r umber of percolation test holes _
No Depth of percolation test holes_
Average percolation rate _ mpi
Name and tide of evaluator: wK Yr, C.O.D.
S1 atur
Department Use
Site disapproved approved: Drainfield trench bottoms to be placed a; S(inches) depth at site designated on permitlt
Reasons for rejection: (check all that apply)
L _ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation.
2. Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock.
.. Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table.
4. _ Rates of absorption too slow.
S. _ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, andlor Reserve Area.
6. _ Proposed system too close to well.
7. Other (Specify)
OSE rnrm G tpR.I I Revised ,,02r2009
Page 3 of 7
Date of Esaluation _ Z Pruf,lc Descupu: n ail
Propcsy¢i:— ( r-•sylz7 - 7LGo Y4,.k.�oaJ
Where the local health deparmtem conducts the soil evaluation The location ofpm0le holes mey be shount on the schernane dmwsg
w th<ca¢;mcuon permit or dm sketch submitted witM1:M1e appl:uauon Ilsoa evalnmiuns are conducted by a pnet ee foil seierust.
location ofproF,le holes and sketch ofthe area imestigaied includg mall suuaural fearares i.e sewage d¢poal aynems, ••aeFls, etc
mtuin 100 leer of sae (See section+) erd resa:<ziayhail be sho.n oo the reverse side ofthis pole or preoarcd ona sepamx page
and anacha to tbt, far//
- s/
— See apykalion sketch — S. .onsmuuwn Nrmn — S. Sketch un re cssc side or pgc.11schcd to this tors
Hole b Horizon Depth
i finches)
Description of color, texture, etc. i Texture
i Group j
I X-C. _� IL -33
A—•r �rlL..[K< •fir-iCiA�_�e.l,..�—'_�I
'1-s`_Yes/�.$l_�rt��/K S.)�j_G.�,..�w.pst. �•_. i
�—' t
I y zs _fir/i
1G/.W r' `x
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OSE Fonn G tpY'-I Rea•rsed%f02 7009
Design Calculations
Property ID: AJ 1o� LZL--
-I-ype of use �.:rsiAaniai, aa) 1t(r.<rd...,r�
No. of bedrooms: _ Z BR
No. of employees:__.__ W/11
Square rootage of building space:y
Daily flow (peak design) in GPD: ?
Size of septic tank(s): _ Exs±,
Pretreatment required? __yes A
If yes, specify type of treatment
AbSorDton area nesuIn
7l4o pl,,k A, d
Page 11 of 7
Soil Texture Group: = 1 If pump system, enhanced flow, or LI''D t
Reserve area required? io<es _. no calculations here or on.a separate sheet.
50% 100% _ ther (ebeck one) , I (dosing volume, head, pmmp design, etc.)
Specify other lop 1
Describe (bored, drilled):
Distance between septidtank(s) and
well: S'04
Distance between absorption area and
' Information and calculations required forcommercial an&or conditional use applications only
OSk Farm I Rcascd %2-2009
Page S Of Z
Abbreviated Design Form
This Ibrm is for use with gravity, pump to gravity. enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution t l_PDI selvage
system designs and when applying fora certification letter or subdivision approval.
This abbreviated design covers the O primary and reserve area. O only the primary area. o-nly the
reserve area (check one) for _T�,-7O j.v..t22.-. ZG-�.PJ�.l4�Ipropeny In).
Desi-n Basis
'Total length of available area:._, .. (QQTotal width of available area:
Estimated Pere. Rate: SA_ at _34 in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): Bli'_er..3o0 dPA
Conveyance Method : -eer_� 4 Distribution method (specify):
Dispersal system hasis ll�,-s'Y d—f a 2R I_GMl required? (Ye. y.
Effluent quality required: r„ �.•„._ _ It Secondary. Advanced Secondary
3%r� )
Square feet per bedroom: �'('oral trench 6ouum area required: _],�L sl.]{.
tiracin. pump. <iphnn
rEnhanced dm,. ITI). or Drip Dispersed
cable SA of SHDR or identife the GNIP used
Area Calculations
Number of trenches _ ��_ (Note if a pad is taet)
Width of pad or trenches:
Reserve required? -YGS
Total width of absorption area required
Length of pad or trenches: _. _ na:. _
Center to center spacing: _
Percent reserve area required: _j.OG-74--
Total trench bottom area provided: 960
The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of
trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the
length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this orcurs it is
necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not he able to fit the
system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down
the slope. than is required.
OSE Form E Revised 712109
Page -L of Z
System Specifications
Property ID: �r 2, 4600 Pink 4J
Applicant Information
Name &4j Phone _-Tyo _zy1. 373s
I Location Information
Tax Map No. W #,;, l Z7 Property address yjp¢-�
Directionsr . 1,U I Subdivision
t, / .S.n.14c F..�teFk..k 637 SectionBlock____
General Information
System Type _ � _
\'umber of bedrooms ZBc
i (e.g. septic tank, drainfield)
i Daily flow 302 0 (gpd)
iType of property % ' t.al
(e.g. commercial, residential. etc.)
! i
Sewer Line _
Septic Tank—lnlet/OutletStiuct_ure_
Schedule 40 PVC, !" or equivalent
j Capacity: 7sp gallons
(add check or describe equivalent below)
Y`a septic tank _ gallons
Per the 2000 Senage Handling d Disposal
I Regulations, Check which option rhos
Septic tank with inspection port
Septic tank with effluent filter
I' Reduced maintenance iep[ic tank
Conveyance line/force main Information
Distribution box Information
No. of o bxe— I
_ _
(e.g. gravity, pumping, d ing siphon)
If pumping, attach Pump Spec Sheet
i lo. of outlets g
Surge or sputter x required:
Material ,SQL �,.�. y0 Prk _
Yes _ No
Pipe diameter _9 `
of pipe = fe ' (in inches)
Header line Information
Percolation line Information/Absorption
Center to center spacing `L f9. i
1500 pound crush strength Yes _ ;
Minimum slope is ?"/l00 ft. Yes
Required spacing -L (1. 1
Installation depth Jr. inches
Aggregate depth L,i inches
No. of Laterals _ Lateral length L. ft.
Lateral bottom slopePLf inches I
/ _I
Lateral svidth 3& inches I
_ Date
rm 1 N:, rsztl 7t2'20t4
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7 of 7
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