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November .2, 1988 (Afternoon Ad~
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on November 2, 1988, at 1:30 P.M., Meeting Rooms 5/6,
County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This
meeting was adjourned from October 31, 1988,
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. Edward H. Bain, Jr , F. R. Bowie,
C. Timothy Lindstrom (arrived at 1:39 P.M.), Walter F. Perkins and Peter T.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Patricia H, Cooke.
OFFICERS PRESFR%T: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R.'
St. John, County Attorney (Mr. St. John left at 1:41 P.M.); and Mr. John T. P.
Horne, Director of Planning and Community Development.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at
1:39 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way.
Agenda ItemNo. 2. Work Session: Comprehensive Plan. T~ following
comments were made regarding changes to the Comprehensive Plan in the first .
work session.
For the entire plan, it was suggested that Goals, Objectives, and Strate-
gies be formatted in such a way to make them visually separated. Also,
throughout the Plan, when sections are parenthetically cited, page numbers
should be inserted.
In Chapter 1, Table 2 on Page 5, the number of employees shown for the
University of Virginia should be rechecked and compared to figures on Table 6,
Page 9, under Gover~mmnt.
Mr. Perkins and Mr. Bowie suggested that Page 11, "Nonbasic SectOr" be
clarified to read, "The nonbasic sector includes retail trade, local and state
government serving the local population .... "
On Page 13, Table 7, the Board agreed that there should be a note at the
heading indicating that significant changes in land use or employment not
anticipated here would be reflected in annual updates,
Mr. Bain suggested that the total of gross productivity ~.or other than
service industries, particularly manufacturing and agricultural/forestal
be included on Page 19.
On Pages 20-21 under Population, the Board agreed that Tables 16 and 18
shou3d' .be recon.ciled to reflect figures useful for County plarming regarding
popu±atxon growth as well as for informational purposes. It should reflect
the most accurate picture possible, including enrollment at the University of
Virginia and migration figures. This reconcilation should be reflected also
in the language of the second paragraph unde~ "Population Growth", with a note
that population data is difficult to generate~ because of the University of
Virginia. Table 17 should be corrected usin~ population fi~g~es researched by
the Department of Planning and deleting Taylde Murphy Institune estimates.
Mr. Lindstrom suggested that for Table ~9, on Page 22, a separate head-
ing, "UVA Student Population" be included wi~h an explanation of their effect
on different areas of growth.
On Page 26 under "Mobility", Mr. Bowie uggested that the annual growth
figures for permanent residents be shown.
Mr. Bain noted that on Page 29, Table 2~, the bottom line of the
"% Total" should be moved to the left.
Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the median i!cost for single family dwelling
units be included in Table 26 on Page 32.
The Board felt that the "Findings" on Page 36 did not reflect an accurate
picture. Mr. Lindstrom-had heard that 44 perDent is being used as a national
average of housing cost to income standard. Mr. Home said there were no
November 2, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
Page (2)
figures available for county averages. It was agreed that the words, "Assum-
ing t_hat a 25 percent (or some other percentage) standard is used .... "should
be inserted at the beginning of Finding No. 3. It should be presented in a
way that readers will know this is theoretical, not actual.
On Page 37, under "How Planning and Policy Influences the Market", the
second paragraph should be changed to read, "Albemarle COunty's housing marke~
is influenced by several factors that affect its ability to meet needs within
the above mentioned categories. The area's attractive living environment and
high quality of life have increased its popularity as a place to live, result-
ing in an increased value for many residential properties. A relatively high
standard of living for a significant segment of the County's population has
also influenced housing prices, making higher prices affordable to many County
residents. The buildlnE of higher cost housing has absorbed the interest of
the building industry. Land prices have been influencedl by the County's
growth manageanent policy which controls the extent and location of develop-
ment, thus limiting land available to meet residential market demands and
increasing the price of available land. At the opposite!end of the spectrum,
analysis indicates a significant number of lower income individuals who have
been priced out of much of the County's housing market. Some are homeless and
others live in unsafe, substandard housing in need of rehabilitation."
Mr. Lindstrom suggested that for continuity in reading, the last objec-
tive on Page 40 should be moved to the top of Page 41. Also on Page 40, the
first objective states, "Fol~n a Housing Co~nittee for the County to assess
housing needs and issues and identify mechanisms to addrgss market deficien-
cies.'' The Board agreed this objective should be reworded to make the forma-
tion of a housing committee the strategy implementing this objective.
On Pages 44 and 45, there are no commms in the million dollar figures.
Also there should be totals at the end of the "Current Funding" col,-nns.
In Chapter 2, Page 52, under "Area", the first paragraph states,
"Albemarle, the fifth largest county in the state, contains 740~.square miles
of land area of which six square miles are water. Within this area is the
town of Scottsville which contains about one quarter squ~,remile. The City
Charlottesville contains approximately ten square miles. I Albemarle County is
shown in Map 1." Mr. Lindstrom said it should be made c~ear that
Charlottesville is not a part of the 740 square miles, b~t Scottsville is.
Mr. Linds,trom said that Map 1 on Page 53 should do more than delineate
the City of Charlottesville. ~
The Board was concerned that the figures in Table 2~
current. Mr. Home said it is very difficult to get up-~
agricultural economy. He said the Planning Commission i~
most recent figures available at the time of printing in
Board agreed that the figures in the last line, "Index"
Mr. Perkins said that the reference to USDA Forestr
on Page 58 are not
o-date data on the
tends to include the
Table 29. Also, the
n Table 29 should be
Service in the
fourth paragraph on Page 60 which states, "Forestry' is al ~o important to the
local economy. In 1986, the USDA Forestry Service classffied 275,629 acres ox
58 percent of the total county....", should be ".. .USDA Forest Service. ..."
On Page 62, the first paragraph, sixth sentence which states, "Logging
activities, partic,,]mrly clear cutting, and use of loggin~g roads during
logging operations .... ", should read, "Logging activities~, particularly the
use of logging roads and skid .trails during logging oper~ions, cause most of
the erosion problems." !'i
Mr. Bowie said that for clarity of reading, Table 3111 on Page 65 should
have acreage decimals rounded down to the nearest acre. ~i
Mr. Perkins corrected Page 67, Strategy 2, which re~ds, "Encourage best
management practices through the U. S. Forestry Service.-i~-" to say, "Encour-
age best management practices through the Virginia Depar~t of Forestry...
Strategy 4, the last l~ne which reads, Informatmon shou~ be provided throug~
Soil Conservation Service, Virginia Cooperative Extensio~i Service, and appro-
priate County agencies." should say "Information should b~ provided through
November 2, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 3)
Soil Conservation Service, Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, and appro-
priate County and State agencies".
Mr. Bowie said that Strategy 1 on Page 74 which says, "Create a local
advisory committee on the Agricultural and Forestal Industry to analyze
marketing needs and develop programs supporting .... ", should be changed to
indicate that this committee is responsible for coming up with a plan of
action. The strategy should read, "...to analyze marketing needs and develop
and recommend programs .... "
On Page 75 after the first paragraph of the "Introduction", the following
statement should be added, "Albemarle has since 1972 enacted and enforced
measures to protect the watersheds of the public water ~mpoundments within the
County and has successfully defended these measures in litigation. The policy
of protecting the environmental integrity ofi these watersheds will continue to
be an important component of this Comprehensive Plan."
Mr. Be~'~su. suggested that the RockfiSh River be added to the list of
rivers on the bottom of Page 77 and included on the map on Page 78.
(The Board recessed at 3:29 P.M. and reconvened at 3:38 P.M.)
Not Docketed: Cockerille Estate. Mr. Agnor said there was a local
emergency having to do with hazardous chemicals found on thm Cockerille Estate
in Greenwood. It was inspected today by officials from the Virginia Depart-
ment of Waste Management. In order to procegd with disposing of the chemi-
cals, the Board would need to approve a declaration of local emergency.
Mr. Tucker said this declaration would initiate State involvement and
Environmental Protection Agency involvement... Fortunately, most of the chemi-
cals are labeled and in relatively small quahtities. There are five dwellings
within about five hundred feet.
Mr. St. John concurred that this declaration was appropriate action for
the County to take. The State Health Depart~hent would then issue orders which
the County would not have the authority to db. Clean-up would then be done by
state and federal agencies. ~
Mr. Lindstrommade a motion that the BoArd adopt the following resolution
declaring a local emergency. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called
and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Messrs. Bain, Bowie, Lindstrom, Perkins and Way.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mrs. Cooke.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle
does hereby find:
That due to the existence of hazardous chemicals in an exposed
location on the property of the estate ~f Frances L. Cockerille, Tax
Map 54, Parcel 43, Tax Map 54, Parcel 4~ and Tax Mmp 54, Parcel 50,
the County of Albemarle is facing a potentmal threat to neighboring
That the continued presence of theje chemicals on this site
creates a condition of extreme peril to~.~ilife and property that
necessitates the proclamation of an emergency;
That response to this situation is ~outside the capability of
the County of Albemarle;
Now therefore, it is proclaimed thJt an emergency now exists in
the County of Albemarle; and
It is further proclaimed and requested that during the exis-
tence of said emergency the Virginia Department of Waste Management
and Vmrg~nma Department of Emergency Servmces do everything wmth~n
its powers to mitigate the effects of said emergency.
November 2, 1988 (Afternoon Adjourned Meeting)
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Agenda Item No. 3. Adjourn. The Board meeting was adjourned at 4:30
P.M. The next work session for the Comprehensive Plan was scheduled for the
afternoon of November 9, 1988, beginning on Page 75.