HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200048 Correspondence 2022-06-29SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
June 28, 2022
Claudette Borgersen, Clerk
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Major Site Plan Amendment Number Pending — Regents School of Charlottesville
Request for Central Water Supply and Central Sewerage System Sec. 16-102
Dear Ms. Borgersen,
Chapter 16 Article I of the Albemarle County Code outlines the procedures for the establishment of a
central water supply and central sewerage system. In conjunction with the review of the major site plan
amendment for Regents School of Charlottesville, we, on behalf of Regents School of Charlottesville (the
"applicant") request permission to construct a central water supply on TMP 07600-00-00-01700 (the
"property") and to expand the approved central sewerage system; the approved final site plan for the
Regents School of Charlottesville (SDP2020-00052) proposed the construction of a private school on
TMP 07600-00-00-01700 and a new central sewerage system with 13 total connections. This major site
plan amendment proposes a shift of the site plan to accommodate a larger athletic field, additional school
buildings, and a central water supply to serve the private school use; while the approved final site plan
proposed 11 buildings, the major site plan amendment proposes the construction of 18 buildings (19
buildings with the future building), each to have water and sewer service. Due to this revision, we request
the expansion of the central sewerage system to 19 connections and a central water supply system to
establish one water meter for the school use.
In accordance with Sec. 16-102, please consider this request the required notice for this proposal to
establish a central water supply.
The central water supply will be located on TMP 07600-00-00-01700. The property is located on the
south side of Reservoir Road and are just north of the Route 29/Interstate 64 interchange. The central
water supply on TMP 07600-00-00-01700 would be located centrally on the property, within a shared
open space, Regents Plaza.
The central sewerage system will remain located on TMP 07600-00-00-01700, to the rear of the proposed
building improvements. The private sewer laterals from the proposed buildings would connect to a private
gravity main, ultimately connecting to a private pump station located on the subject property.
Connection Numbers:
The central water supply and central sewerage system would serve up to 19 school buildings.
Statement of Central Sewerage System Proposal and Description:
The central sewerage system would remain on TMP 07600-00-00-01700. From the approved request, this
revision is only limited to the number of connections, expanding service to 19 connections. The following
statement was provided with the approved central sewerage system request and remains as part of this
912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
The central sewerage system proposed consists of a system of sewer laterals from structures on
the Regents property, which would connect to a private pump station on -site, that will move
effluent through a 3 " or 4" sanitary sewer force main to be located on the adjacent Trinity
Church property, to Fontaine Avenue where it will connect to existing public services. A sewer
easement between the properties will be included with the easement plats to be submitted to the
A central sewer request is beingpursued as no public sewer currently exists in Reservoir Road
and there is not a public sewer utility located on a neighboringproperty. Additionally, it is
practical for this site to be served by a pump station given the topography of the site and the
relationship of the site to the nearest public sewer; the public utilityprovider would not want to
maintain the pump station serving this site. The private connections and pump station needed to
serve Regents School would provide necessary sewer functions on -site. As the property is of
commercial/institutional use, maintenance of the central sewer system would fall on the business
owners of the properties. Communications with the Albemarle County Service Authority indicated
that a pump station would not be accepted for single customer. A central sewer request would
serve the Regents School property without placing additional burden on the Albemarle County
Service Authority and its constituents with the maintenance and operation of these facilities.
Statement of Central Water Supply Proposal and Description:
The central water system proposed consists of a system of water service lines from structures on the
Regents property, which would connect to a central water meter on -site. The central water meter would be
served by a new 8" waterline; the new 8" waterline would replace the existing 6" waterline along
Reservoir Road with a parallel install.
A central water system request is being pursued, due to the unique design of the proposed Regents
School. As an undeveloped site of 19.11 acres in Albemarle County, the property presents an exceptional
opportunity of a private school development served by two major regional transportation corridors of
Route 29 and Interstate 64, that integrates the existing wooded areas into the site design. Following the
approval of the special use permit, allowing for a private school use on the property, Regents School
engaged with designers and the study period produced a phased school site mindful of the surrounding
natural context. For the initial phase of development, the architects proposed smaller building footprints
on pier foundations, with elevated decks around the classrooms for circulation. Traditional school layouts
utilize one or few larger building footprints for daily operations and these larger buildings require
extensive site work and land disturbance, whereas the proposed classrooms of Regents School are
predominately 1,200 square feet and require minimal grading. This integrated design creates an
educational framework where students may learn alongside the natural environment. As technology
becomes increasingly entrenched into our daily lives, rises in screen time and associated sedentary
activity is more commonplace, especially in school -age children'. Concurrently, children are becoming
more detached from the natural world, with sedentary lifestyles, changes in the urban development
towards car -centric design, and perceived safety of outdoor play". Continuing to foster relationships
between school -age children and the natural world is vital to thriving childhood development, with
impacts on emotional self -regulation, attention, creativity, social development, and future stewardship"'.
As the students at Regents spend the majority of their day at school, ease of access to engage with the
natural surroundings provides profound benefits in, not only academic success, but also overall wellbeing.
In addition to nature -based site design, the smaller building footprints are significant in allowing for
flexibility in future school design and expansion. The opportunity to adapt and expand to a growing
student body is paramount for school planning, particularly as Albemarle County anticipates future
growth'° and private school attendance would similarly increase with population growth. One central
water meter continues to allow for flexibility in future school design while accommodating the unique site
layout of the new school development. Furthermore, the reality of one owner shouldering the 19 separate
water meter fees is cost -prohibitive. As each water meter connection is approximately $18,000, requiring
19 new connections would create unwarranted burden for the school. The realization of the proposed site
design, financial feasibility, and the ability for future expansion necessitates a central water meter on the
site. Considering that the final site plan amendment would serve as the first phase of school development,
buildings may be added, removed, or consolidated in the future, which would require connections or
disconnections to individual water meters as needed. As Regents School seeks to establish the property as
a long-term school site, the property and the central water meter and service lines would remain under one
ownership for the duration of Regents School operations and a central water meter would not create
undue burden on the County nor the Service Authority.
Justin Shimp
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