HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-09 683 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 1) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on November 9, 1988, at 9:00 A.M., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Edward H. Bain, Jr., Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom, Walter F. Perkins and Peter T. Way. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney (arrived at 11:04 A.M.); and Mr. John T. P. Horne, Director of Planning and Community Development. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 9:07 A.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Way. Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. Agenda Item No. 4. Consent Agenda. Motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Bowie, to approve Items 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, and to accept the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as information. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote. AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. Item 4.1. Resolution for the addition/abandonment on Route 20. Pursuant to a request from the Highway Department dated October 7, 1988, the following resolution was adopted by the vote shown above: WHEREAS, Primary Route 20, from 0.25 miles south of Route 621 to 0.10 miles south of Route 621, a distance of 0.15 miles, has been altered, and a new road has been constructed and approved by the State Highway Commissioner, which~new road serves the same citizens as the road so altered; and WHEREAS, certain sections of this new road follow new locations, these being shown on the attached sketch titled "Changes in Primary System due to Relocation and Construction of Route 20, Albemarle County, dated at Charlottesville, Virginia, August 31, 1988." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portions of Primary Route 20, i.e. sections 3 and 4 shown in~red on the sketch titled "Changes in Primary System due to Relocation and Construction on Route 20, Project 0020-0002-S18, C501, Albemarle County, dated at Charlottesville, Virginia, August 31, 1988" a total distance of 0.15 miles be and hereby is, added to th, Highways pursuant to Section 33.1-229 of as amended; And further, that the section of olc 1 and 2, shown in blue on the aforementic of 0.15 miles, be, and the same hereby is pursuant to Section 33.1-155 of the Code amended. Item 4.2. Draft letter to Carl Leibl, DJ Communication Tower Strobe Light. As a result Primary System of State Code of Virginia of 1950, location, i.e. sections ned sketch, a total distance , abandoned as a public road of Virginia of 1950, as strict Manager, Centel, re: of complaints to the Board, a letter was drafted by the Staff and approved ~ the Board by the vote shown above. Centel was requested to take measures Go reduce or remove the negative impact the strobe light has on the surrounding community. 684 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 2) Item 4.3. FY 1989-90 Operating Budget Calendar. Mr. Agnor said staff had left just one week for its review of the School Board's budget before incorporating same into the County Budget for presentation to the Board on March 3. The Board requested that the Staff do a complete review of the School Board's proposed budget before presentation to the Board even though that might lengthen the entire budget review process. Item 4.4. Copy of Virginia Department of Transportation's Biennial Report for FY 1986-88 (on file in the Clerk's office); received as informa- tion. Item 4.5. Memorandum dated November 1, 1988, from Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, re: Greenwood Chemical Status Report. Mr. Agnor noted that Mr. Ray Germann from the Environmental Protection Agency has indicated that some of the wells tested showed some contamination, although all were found to be below accepted Federal health standards. Mr. Germann will be scheduling a meeting with Newtown area residents to discuss those test results. Item 4.6. Memorandum dated November 1, 1988, from Judy S. Gough, Depart- ment of Finance, re: Refunds on business and professional licenses, real estate and personal property taxes made during the period beginning July 1, 1988, and ending October 31, 1988; received as information. Item 4.7. Memorandum dated November 2, 1988, from QUY B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, re: Study of Alternative Solid Waste ~isposal Methods. Further review of the report is scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, 1988, in a joint luncheon meeting with City Council and again in a MAt to be determined Board meeting. ~ Item 4.8. Copy of the Albemarle County Service Autl~ority's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1988; received for informat ion. Item 4.9. A copy of the Planning Commission minutes ='for October 26, 1988, was received as information. Item 4.10. Letter dated October 21, 1988, from J. Li~ Morris, Greene County Administrator, re: Resolution requesting the LegiSlature to adopt legislation for distribution of funds to localities from the State Lottery Fund to assist local governments to meet its increasing f~nancial burden due to mandated programs. The Board requested additional information. Agenda Item No. 5. October 3, 1988. Approval of Minutes: June 11 and June 12, 1986; and Mrs. Cooke had read the minutes of June i1, 1986, pagies 1 them to be in order. 17, and found Mr. Way had read the minutes of June 11, 1986, pages 17 them to be in order. end, and found Mr. Lindstrom had read the minutes of June 12, 1986, pages 1 found them to be in order with one typographical error. 10, and Mr. Bowie offered a motion to approve the minutes as .read. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSTAINING: Mr. Bain and Mr. Perkins. 685 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 3) Agenda Item No. 6a. Highway Matters: Millington Bridge' (Route 671), Discussion of Project. Mr. Way said the consensus of the Board on the previous discussions regarding this bridge was that the alignment depicted in green on the plans shown at the October, 19, 1988, meeting was the least objectionable. Mr. Lindstrom said the Board could either persist in its appeal to the Highway Cox~issioner on the grounds that the alignment change is not necessary, or agree to a compromise that is something other than what the Board would prefer. Mr. Perkins said it seems the Virginia Department of Transportation is going to go ahead with this project with the Board's approval or without it. Motion was then offered for the proposed replacement bridge and approaches on Route 671 at the Moormans River by Mr. Perkins and seconded by Mr. Lindstrom to adopt the alignment shown in green and designated as Alignment 4 on the map and chart prepared by the Virginia Department of Transportation and on display at the Board of Supervisors' meeting. The total length of this alignment is approximately 1,200 feet, with an estimated cost of $607,000. Mr. Lindstrom said he felt the Board should reiterate its position that the change in alignment is unnecessary and that the Board still does not agree, but will compromise for the sake of advancing the bridge improvements. The Board should maintain the record of its position. Mr. Perkins asked if the bridge facade ~ould also be discussed at the public hearing. Mr. Roosevelt said if the Bbard had some preferences on that, he would be glad to hear them. If not, he c~uld come back during the preliminary design period with alternatives. Mrs. Cooke said she preferred the exposed aggregate with the wood rail as ~t fit in nicely with the countryside. ~, The consensus of the Board was to reserve the right to comment on the design and specifically asked VDoT to come back to the Board and make a presentation regarding the design. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. ~il Agenda Item No. 6b. Other Highway Matters. Mr. Bain asked what the time frame was f~or the Peyton Drive improvements. Mr. Agnor said it is set for spring construction. Mr. Bain asked if there are firm costs yet. Mr. Home said they would not know until bids are received. Mr. Bain asked if that road is dedicated to public use. Mr. Home said it was dedicated to public use in the 1970's. Mr. Bowie asked the status of Route 758 ~at Boyd's Tavern. Mr. Roosevelt said he believed all the necessary paperwork had been received and signed. He said VDoT is preparing a listing showing the .status of all right-of-way requests as of November 1. He said he would i~forward a copy to the County when that list is complete. / Mr. Bowie asked when the bridge north of. Stony Point is scheduled for improvements. Mr. Roosevelt said the project!'i is tentatively scheduled for a December advertisement. That is one of the p~ojects on hold because of the federal government's cut backs on financing. . Mrs. Cooke asked what the status of the ~top light at the intersection of Rio Road and Northfields Road. Mr. Roosevelt! said he is waiting for the County to advise him that the Branchlands connector road has been opened. At that time, another traffic study will be run at that location. The last study did not warrant a signal in that area. Mrs. Cooke asked when the Branchlands road is due to open. Mr. }Iorne said it has to be officially opened with the opening of the Mariott Motel, which is probably early in the spring. He 686 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 4) said the developer had left the road open, and traffic is using it. Mr. Roosevelt said if it is realistically open and traffic is using it, then VDoT can run the traffic study now. Mr. Way said in the very near future the proposal for the-Keene Transfer Station will be ready for discussion. In preparation for that public hearing, the intersection with Route 20 at Keene will be a controversial item. He said he hoped the staff would discuss with VDoT the potential hazard that may be there. Mr. Bain asked if the drainage system at Canterbury Road in Bellair Subdivision would be replaced this year. Mr. Roosevelt said if that is replaced, there would have to be an allocation of construction funds. Although the water backs'up at that pipe and the water floods into a yard, he said he did not think the problem is at the road. The problem is that the sump pump in the basement of the house at that location empties at the same elevation as the drainage pipe. He said the owners had installed a new sump to outlet in their yard above the location of the other drain pipe. Mr. Roosevelt said that should take care of water damage to their property. Agenda Item No. 7. ZMA-88-15, Mediplex Group, Inc. '(Deferred from October 19, 1988.) ~ Mr. Home said the applicant is requesting deferral ~o have the rezoning request heard at the same time as the Special Use Permit And Site Plan hear- ings. Mr. Horne said the site plan has not been rescheduled at this time because the applicant had to do extensive redesign to take the building off of the 25 percent slopes. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mrs. Cooke to defer further discussion until the special use permit and the ZMA can be heard concurrently. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom~ Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 8. House Joint Resolution 125 - Development Impact Fees. Mr. Agnor said a General Assembly subcommittee would'be meeting on December 7 at the County Office Building to receive comments from the public regarding proposed legislation for impact fees. Staff isirecommending that a Board member make a presentation at that meeting in support of development impact fees as a long term, equitable solution to the pubiic cost of development. ~ It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Way and M~. Bowie make the presentation. Staff is to prepare a draft statement to b~ reviewed by the Board at its meeting on November 16. Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion: Legislative Liaison~ Mr. Agnor said in the discussions in October, it was his understanding that this subject would be brought up before the Planning ~District Commission. Mrs. Nancy O'Brien had said the concept was very interesting to her, and she would like the Planning District Commission to make a proposal to serve this function. Since Mr. Bowie and Mr. Bain had not had the opportuhlity to review this request with the Planning District COmmission, it was agreed to defer this item to December 7, 1988, for a report. 687 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 5) Agenda Item No. 10. Staff report on Vehicle Replacement Policy and vehicle needs of the Sheriff's Department. Ms. Roxanne White, Administrative Assistant to the County Executive, provided an analysis of the operating costs for general government vehicles, a comparative cost analysis on full-size and mid-size cars, and an analysis of the transport function of the Sheriff's department on which a request from the Sheriff for full-size vehicles is based. She gave the following recon~nenda- tions: 2. 3. 4. 5. Replace police patrol vehicles at 80,000 miles. Continue 100,000 mile replacement .policy for administrative vehicles. Continue to purchase mid-size vehicles for non-emergency functions. Mid-size vehicles should not be replaced in the Sheriff's department by full-size cars. The Sheriff's office should begin to compile daily activity records for better documentation of vehicle needs. Mr. Perkins said there are some things that cannot be measured in an analysis. Reliability of the car and the pride of ownership are two of those factors. He said the County needs a policy regarding the replacement of vehicles, and they need to follow that policy. Mr. Agnor said nothing was found in this analysis that indicates a great change in policy. The computerization of the entire vehicle maintenance system will give a data base that will be useful for analysis on an individual basis. Mr. Way said he appreciates the fact-that this report gives numbers to support the current County policy, i. Sheriff Terry Hawkins was present. He isaid he did not have much time to look at this report. He said he did not ha~e much input into the report, and the report contains no recommendations or cdncerns of the Sheriff. He asked the Board to defer action until he could review some of the information. He said he found some inconsistencies in the r~port. He said the report had stated that two deputies are not involved i~itransporting. He wanted to clarify that every deputy in his Department, lincluding the Sheriff, is involved in transporting of prisoners. He said Ms. White was probably looking at the mileage reports that go to the Compensation Board every month. He said those are not an accurate picture, because ~he Compensation Board requested about four years ago that the report be ver~ilgeneral in order to expedite processing the information for reimbursemenfi~ He said about a month ago he implemented a program that addresses the last recommendation to compile daily activity records for better documentation. Me said this is being computer- ized, and next year he would be able to present factual documentation of the daily functions of the Sheriff's office. Sheriff Hawkins said he would like to study the report further. Mr. Bowie said at the Sheriff's requesti he tried out a smaller car for size. When he got in, his knees were just touching the cage. He then tried the full size police car. He said he could not see any difference in leg room or comfort, taking into account that the criminal's legs would be chained together, and the prisoner would be handcuffed. However, Mr. Bowie said he would like to see the statistics on transporting that the Sheriff would be compiling, and he would like to see a comparison in prices of the two sizes of cars. : Mr. Agnor said the report was submitted~by staff at the request of the Board. It was done in anticipation of the budget process which begins this month. He said he does not think the Board should wait until next spring, because the results of this report need to b~ built into the budget. In fairness to Ms. White in terms of Sheriff Hagkins' input to the report, she asked him for information which he said he d~d not have. Ms. White used the only available information, which was the re~orts~ submitted to the State Compensation Board. Mr. Bowie said he could support the policy recommended in the report, he is willing to look at updated information as budget time gets closer. Mr. Lindstrom asked that some consideration be given to replacement costs when the 688 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 6) computer program becomes operational. The true breakeven point has to be based on depreciation and maintenance costs, as well as the cost of putting a new vehicle on the road. That would give an accurate picture. (Note: Mr. Bowie left the meeting at 10:45 A.M.) Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mrs. Cooke to accept the staff's report, noting that the Sheriff's Department had already begun to implement recommendation No. 5. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None ABSENT: Mr. Bowie. The Board recessed at 10:48 A.M. and reconvened at 11:04 A.M. with Mr. St. John and Mr. Bowie in attendance at this time. Agenda Item No. 11. Resolution requesting the General Assembly to remove the Sunset Clause from the Fire Programs Fund. Mr. Agnor said the General Assembly had approved a bill levying a tax on fire insurance policies to establish a Fire Programs FundlI A portion of the tax is sent to counties to be used for equipment and training. The County receives approximately $50,000 annually which is divided i:~ong the volunteer fire companies. The bill has an expiration date of July il, 1990. The State Fire Chief's Association, Virginia State Fireman's Association, and the local Jefferson Country Firefighters Association had requested!that the Board pass a resolution urging the General Assembly to delete the "Su~et Clause" which causes the bill to expire. ~ Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by iMr. Perkins to adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF!~VIRGINIA TO REMOVE THE SUNSET CLAUSE FROM THE FIRE PROGRAMS FUND WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle has greatly benefited from the Fire Programs Fund which has provided as much as $52~000 a year to augment the County's fire protection service, and WHEREAS, the Fire Programs Funding is scheduledl,to expire by operation of a sunset clause in the legislation, WHEREAS, the Virginia Services Board of the Dep~rtment of Fire Programs and numerous Fire Safety Officials and localities through- out the State have called on the General Assembly to~.~remove the sunset clause to enable the continuation of the Fire programs Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the General AssemblM be hereby requested to remove the sunset clause from the Fire Pirograms Fund and provide for the regular continuation of funding under this program by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the various fire depart- ments of the Commonwealth. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Fire ServicesiBoard, Depart- ment of Fire Programs, and to the representatives of this County in the General Assembly of Virginia. Roll was called on the foregoing motion which carried!by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom,!Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. 689 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 7) Agenda Item No. 12. Proposed Agreement, Visitors' Bureau. Mr. Agnor said that the Board had been sent a copy for review of the Visitors' Bureau Agreement as modified at the October 12, 1988, meeting. Mr. Agnor noted a revision in paragraph 7(d) on Page 2, the words "private servic- es'' should be "private sources." Mr. Agnor said the new agreement allows funds raised by the sale of tickets to MontiCello and Michie Tavern, by advertising, and by brochures for restaurants and hotels to be set aside and used for conventions. The money the Bureau generates would be used to off-set their costs. Mrs. Cooke asked if there is any reimbursement from private enterprises to the Bureau for their recommendations or assistance in reservations, etc. She said that is good advertisement and quite a service for private enter- prises. Mr. Agnor said private organizations pay a commission to the Bureau for each room reserved. Mr. Agnor noted that he had summarized for the Board on Attachment A with the Visitors' Bureau Agreement, the results of the formula in the City and County's sales and lodging taxes. Mr. Agnor also said that the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council had both adopted the agreement as previously written. If the Board amended the agreement today, the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce Board would need to reconsider their approval. ~ Mrs. Bobby Cochran said the Bureau Center generated funds are coming from the private sector. The advertisements plac~d in the lobby come from retail stores, shopping centers, and restaurants. She said their programs would be limited and would not be expanded without additional funds. She said they were hoping to expand into a working clearin~ house for meeting planners to find out what is available in this area. Me~ting planners can be attracted through exhibiting the Charlottesville/Albemarle area in the market place or by placing their name in trade magazines. She said that is the type of support the Visitor's Bureau would like to b~ able to give as an arm of a convention operation. Mr. Way said he served on the Visitors' iBureau committee, and the original agreement was a compromise agreement. He said he feels the County needs to take advantage of the tourist industry in this area. He said he was hopeful that the Board would be able to pass !ithe agreement allowing the private sector funds to be used in the generation of more business. The tax money would be used primarily for direct tourist assistance. Mr. Lindstrom said the money coming in f-~om services provided by the Visitors' Center in advertising and referrals~ is available because the facility is a publicly funded effort. When that money is then used to promote conventions, the individual tourist receives ~imited access to what is available in the area. He said there are imp~rtant resources here which should be first and foremost available to individual citizens. Where conventions are heavily promoted he feels tl/~ individual tourist gets second best opportunities. Mrs. Cooke said she agrees with Mr. Lind~trom that attractions can become detractions by overselling, and conventions c~n certainly do that. Motion was offered by Mr. Lindstrom and ~econded by Mr. Bain to approve the agreement as modified and presented todayiand set out below. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the ~notion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. 690 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 8) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~ day of , 1988, by and among the CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "City" herein), the COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, a political subdivision in the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "County" herein), and~the CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE CHAMBER OF CO~4ERCE (the "Chamber" herein), for the purpose of maintaining and operating the Charlottesville-Albemarle Visitors' Bureau (the "Bureau" herein). The purpose of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Visitors' Bureau is to promote the Charlottesville-Albemarle area as a desirable tourism destination; to provide information about the area to visitors who come to the Information Bureau; to provide tourist information to potential visitors; to assist group tour planners in arranging local itineraries; and to provide meeting planners with information on meetings and conference facilities and services within the Charlottesville-Albemarle area. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the following mutual covenants, promises and conditions, the City, Count~ and the Chamber (the "parties" herein) agree as follows: (1) The parties shall operate the Bureau within the Charlottesville and Albemarle area to enhance tourism with the primary purpose to assist the individual tourist. The Bureau shall be an unincorporated association of the parties unde~ the control of a Management Committee composed of the County Executive, the City Manager and the President of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Chamber of Commerce. (2) The Management Committee will supervise the activities of the Bureau through the Bureau's director. The Management Committee shall approve the annual budget of the Bureau before it is trans- mitted to the parties for final funding and shall approve all operation policies including other fund raising. (3) The staff of the Bureau shall be considered City employees and operate under the City's personnel-payroll system and its policies. ~ (4) The Bureau's office and operations shall bl located in the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation building locat~ on Route 20 adjacent to Piedmont Virginia Community College. !i (5) The Management Committee shall rotate the !~hairmanship annually among its three members. The Committee sh~ll meet quar- terly or more often if required. The Committee may,!i~'if it so chooses, adopt bylaws not inconsistent with this agrgement. (6) The Management Committee shall provide the!i parties with an annual accounting of the Bureau's funds and an annual report of the Bureau' s activities :f,~ (7) The funding formulae for the Bureau's annuR1 budget shall be as follows: (a) City and County shall each contribute an amount The based on i~ the formulae spelled out in (c) below which ad~ed to the amount provided by the Chamber shall constitutei!the funds necessary to meet the annual budget requirement~ as approved by City Council, the Board of Supervisors and the gxecutive Board of the Chamber of Commerce. (b) The Chamber of Commerce shall contribute $23,500 the first ~ year, one-third of which shall be used exclusively for market- lng. The amount shall increase each year by three (3) percent over the previous year's contribution. ~ 691 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 9) (c) The City and County contributions are computed as follows: the non-Chamber portion of the approved budget revenue is divided between the City and County by computing a percentage figure based on one-half of the ratio of the sales tax amounts for the previous year plus one-half of the ratio of the transient lodging tax collected for the previous year, based on a two (2) percent collection rate. CITY SALES TAX COLLECTION CITY & COUNTY SALES TAX CITY LODGING TAX COLLECTIONS CITY & COUNTY LODGING TAX CITY PERCENTAGE SHARE COUNTY SALES TAX COLLECTION CITY & COUNTY SALES TAX COLLECTION COUNTY LODGING TAX COLLECTION CITY & COUNTY LODGING TAX COLLECTION COUNTY PERCENTAGE SHARE (d) In addition to the responsibilities of the Bureau recited herein, the Bureau is hereby authorized to take on the added responsibility of attracting group.meetings, conventions, seminars, etc., to the community; arranging facilities for such meetings, seminars, conventions; and providing support ser- vices. The cost of this portion of the Bureau's program shall be borne by funds raised by the Chamber of Commerce and such other private sources as may be available, and by three fourths of the revenues generated by opera~ion of the Bureau. (8) This agreement shall be for a~five-year period beginning July 1, 1989 and renewing each five yea~s thereafter unless one of the parties gives at least six months n~tice prior to any July first that it does not wish to continue. If ~uch notice is given, then this agreement shall expire on June 30t~ of the year proceeding after the six months notice. (9) The parties financial obligations hereunder are subject to annual appropriation by their respectiv~ governing bodies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement~is entered into on behalf of the parties on the date first above written by CITY OF C~LOTTES¥ILLE DATE: BY: COUNTY ."~OF ALBEMARLE DATE: DATE: BY: CHARLOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE i BY: 692 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 10) Agenda Item No. 13. Appropriation Requests. Mr. Agnor said now that the audit is finished the Director of Finance has submitted appropriations and reappropriations for the Board's approval as follows: APPROPRIATION REQUEST: This request covers the reappropriation of unexpended balances on the Capital Improvements projects from FY 87-88. This will leave an unallocated fund balance of $950,000, of which $920,000 was estimated to be needed for FY 88-89. FISCAL YEAR FUND: PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 CAPITAL REAPPROPRIATION OF EXISTING PRO3ECTS FROM FY 87/88. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION INFORMATION SERVICES 1900012200700700 EQUIPMENT-NEW 1900033020600100 1900041000702011 1900041000703011 1900041020702015 1900043000701005 1900043000701009 1900043100701002 1900060623999999 1900060627709999 1900060632709999 1900060633701002 1900060635701002 1900060751300230 1900060771701002 1900071000701011 1900071000701012 1900071000701013 1900071000702010 1900071000702014 1900071000702016 1900071000702017 1900071000702018 1900071000702022 1900071001300212 1900071001999999 1900071002300212 1900071002709000 REGIONAL JAIL ENGINEERING HYDRAULIC ROAD PATHWAY NORTH BERKSHIRE ROAD RT. 678 RELOCATION STAFF SERVICES RE-ROOFING JAILOR'S HOUSE ~ OLD JAILOR'S HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS' ALTERATIONS TO COUNTY OFFICE BLDG. CROZET SCHOOL CONTINGENCY FUNDS MERIWETHER LEWIS SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS STONE ROBINSON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS STONY POINT SCHOOL ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS YANCEY SCHOOL ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS ALBEMARLE HIGH SCHOOL PLANNING AND DESIGN FEES BURLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS PARKS AND RECREATION AMOUNT $29,070.65 537,018.78 30,000.00 3,800.00 37,750.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 156,736.85 127,350.26 921,048.74 931,490.25 173,506.92 118,926.32 37,997.79 575,234.36 MEADOWS COMM. CTR. HANDICAPPED ACCESS 2,277.68 GREENWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER SCOTTSVILLE COMM. CTR H/A CHRIS GREENE LAKE-H/A CROZET PARK IMPROVEMENTS IVY CREEK-TENANT HOUSE RED HILL-BASEBALL FIELD SCOTTSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER MINT SPRINGS VALLEY PARK 1,337.87 650.02 6,923.75 2,211.63 8,323.84 2,230.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 SOUTHERN PARK ENGINEERING FEES, ETC. CONTINGENCY FUNDS 30,000.00 815,989.29 RIVANNA PARK ENGINEERING FEES, ETC. CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 8,824.76 585~660.56 $5,185,360.32 693 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 11) REVENUE 2900019000190208 2900041000410400 2900051000510100 2900024000240000 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SERVICE AUTHORITY $ 3,500.00 LITERARY FUND PROCEEDS 1,178,902.00 APPROPRIATION-FUND BALANCE 3,702,958.32 STATE CATEGORICAL AID 300,000.00 TOTAL $5,185,360.32 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: This request is to reappropriate the unexpended balances on storm drainage projects from FY 87-88. An unallocated fund balance of $45,000 will be retained for future projects. FISCAL YEAR FUND: PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 STORM DRAINAGE REAPPROPRIATION OF EXISTING PROJECTS FROM FY 87/88. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT WINDHAM/JARMAN GAP ROAD 1910041031300700 ADVERTISING $ 124.60 1910041031704000 STORMWATER CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS 10,799.00 1910041033300700 1910041033704000 SMITHFIELD ROAD STORM SEWER ADVERTISING . STORMWATER CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS 150.00 5,011.80 1910041034300212 1910041034300700 1910041034704000 BERKMAR DETENTION BESIN ENGINEERING FEES, ETC. ADVERTISING STORMWATER CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS 167.00 105.20 11,234.01 1910041035300212 1910041035300700 1910041035702000 1910041035704000 FOUR SEASONS BASIN ENGINEERING FEES, ETC. ADVERTISING PURCHASE OF LAND '~ STORMWATER CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS 3,253.00 150.00 6,060.70 51,850.00 1910041036300212 1910041036300700 1910041036702000 1910041036704000 1910041038704000 BIRNAM/WYNRIDGE BASIN ENGINEERING FEES, ETC. ~DVERTISING PURCHASE OF LAND ~ STORMWATER CONTROL ~"-IMPROVEMENTS BERKELEY STORM SEWE~ PHASE I 2 3 85 1 ,248.91 300.00 ,000.00 ,100.00 ,258.62 1910041040704000 BERKELEY SEWER PHASE II 48,180.00 1910041041704000 1910041042704000 1910041043704000 1910041044704000 1910041045704000 1910041046704000 1910041047704000 LYNCHBURG ROAD STORM SEWER SOLOMON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FOUR SEASONS CHANNEl! BENNINGTON CHANNEL RIO HEIGHTS BERKSHIRE ROAD CHANN KING GEORGE CIRCLE ~L 8,000.00 15,000.00 19,000.00 27,179.00 9.70 15,000.00 11,000.00 1910041048704000 KEENE TRANSFER STATION TOTAL 6,070.00 $330,251.54 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2910051000510100 APPROPRIATION-FUND BALANCE OTAL $330~251.54 $330,251.54 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 12) 694 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To approve the FY 88-89 budget for the Duplicating Internal Service Fund which is used to monitor the use and ease of operating the copy machines within the County Office Building. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 DUPLICATING FY 88/89 BUDGET FOR DUPLICATING INTERNAL SERVICE FUND. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COPY CENTER-GENERAL EXPENSES 1191010010700101 MACHINERY & EQUIP-REPLACEMENT $21,000.00 1191010010700105 COPYING EQUIPMENT 14,500.00 1191010020300500 1191010020540104 1191010020800100 COPY CENTER MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE LEASE/RENT - EQUIPMENT 11,000.00 15,000.00 19,500.00 1191010030300500 1191010030540104 COPY CENTER MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 10,000.00 6,000.00 1191010040300500 1191010040301200 1191010040540104 1191010040800100 COUNTY EXECUTIVE MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT CONTRACT SERVICE-OTHER COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE LEASE/RENT - EQUIPMENT 300.00 1,800.00 700.00 300.00 1191010050300500 1191010050540104 FINANCE MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 200.00 1,800.00 1191010060300500 1191010060540104 STAFF SERVICE MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 500.00 300.00 1191010070300408 1191010070300500 1191010070540104 POLICE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE-COPY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIP COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 400.00 400.00 1,200.00 1191010080300500 1191010080540104 1191010090540104 SOCIAL SERVICES MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE INSPECTIONS COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 450.00 750.00 400.00 1191020010300408 1191020010540104 PERSONNEL REPAIR/MAINTENANCE-COPY EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 650.00 1,000.00 1191020040300500 1191020040540104 PLANNING MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 300.00 1,200.00 1191020050300408 1191020050300500 1191020050540104 REAL ESTATE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE-COPY EQUIPMENT MAINT CONTRACT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPY SUPPLIES & EXPENSE TOTAL 350.00 400.00 500.00 $110,900.00 695 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 13) REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2191010020161811 2191010030161811 2191010040161811 2191010050161811 2191010060161811 2191010070161811 2191010080161811 2191010090161811 2191020010161811 2191020040161811 2191020050161811 2191051000510100 COPY CENTER $50,000.00 COPY CENTER 12,000.00 COUNTY EXECUTIVE 2,500.00 FINANCE 3,000.00 STAFF SERVICES 200.00 POLICE 3,000.00 SOCIAL SERVICES 3,000.00 INSPECTIONS 1,500.00 PERSONNEL 5,500.00 PLANNING 4,000.00 REAL ESTATE 1,200.00 APPROPRIATED FROM FUND BALANCE 25~000.00 TOTAL $110,900.00 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: Approval for overexpenditures from FY 87-88. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 VkRIOUS FY 87/88 ADJUSTMENTS AND APPROVAL OF OVEREXPENDITURES. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION GENERAL FUND: GENERAL DISTRICT COURT (Telephone) CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT (State Audit) SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION (Copy Exp.) WATERSHED MANAGEMENT (Workman's Comp.) DISTRICT HOME (Based on ~sage) PRINCIPLES OF TECHNOLOGY GRANT: (overexpenditure covered by revenue) SUMMER SCHOOL FUND: (overexpenditure covered by revenue) COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND: (overexpenditure covered by revenue) JOINT SECURITY COMPLEX: (Workman's Comp. & Health Services) VISITOR CENTER FUND: (Principal and interest covered by revenues) SCHOOL FUND: (overexpenditures covered by transfer) ADMINISTRATION INSTRUCTION-REGULAR DAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND HEALTH SERVICES OPERATION-SCHOOL PLANT FIXED CHARGES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: (overexpenditures relating to asbestos removal) ROSE HILL TOTAL AMOUNT $ 320.81 1,898.96 33.94 783.82 1,496.51 57.58 1,388.05 79,720.18 40,315.94 1,022.48 358.78 31,207.20 2,077.62 47,066.13 (80,709.73) 445.92 $127,484.19 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL FUND BALANCE PRINCIPLES OF TECHNOLOGY GRANT-REVENUE SUMMER SCHOOL REVENUE COMMUNITY EDUCATION REVENUES JOINT SECURITY COMPLEX REVENUES VISITOR CENTER REVENUES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE TOTAL $ 4,534.04 57.58 1,388.05 79,720.18 40,315.94 1,022.48 445.92 $127,484.19 696 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 14) APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To cover purchase orders which were outstanding on June 30, 1988. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 SCHOOL REAPPROPRIATION OF FY 87/88 FUNDS TO COVER OUTSTANDING PURCHASE ORDERS AS OF JUNE 30, 1988. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SCHOOLS: ADMINISTRATION INSTRUCTION-REGULAR DAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE & HEALTH SERVICES PUPIL TRANSPORTATION OPERATION-SCHOOL PLANT ADULT EDUCATION TOTAL $ 561.00 13,351.82 1,025.00 30,000.00 132,112.36 177.83 $177,228.01 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SCHOOL FUND BALANCE $177~228.01 TOTAL $177,228.01 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To cover County's share of a State grant in order to purchase equipment to be used in the event 6f a hazardous materials emergency. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 GENERAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GRANT. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100039000565350 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GRANT $1 ~ 500.00 TOTAL $1,500.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100024000240519 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GRANT $1~500.00 TOTAL $1,500.00 697 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 15) APPROPRIATION REQUEST: Miscellaneous 87-88 reappropriations. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 VARIOUS FY 87/88 REQUEST FOR REAPPROPRIATIONS. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100042040601100 IVY LANDFILL-OPERATING (To cover $46,400.00 FY 87-88 expenses which were not billed by the City on 6/30/88) 1900041000702024 IVY LANDFILL-CAPITAL (County's 38,554.87 share of cost for Cell 3 liner) 1900071002709000 RIVANNA PARK (County's share of 16,984.61 construction of a shelter) 1201063355100204 1201063355200100 1201063355580900 DRUG EDUCATION GRANT (U.S. Drug Awareness Training Grant to be used in the School Division) STIPENDS-CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FICA-EMPLOYER SHARE OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 1,000.00 75.10 5,210.50 1200060120300100 PERSONNEL (Balance due on FY 87/88 Employee Assistance Program) PROFESSIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 1,025.00 1100093010591004 GEN'L FUND TRANSFER TO CAPITAL FUND 55~539.48 TOTAL $164,789.56 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $101,939.48 2900051000512004 CAPITAL TRANSFER FROM GEN'L FUND 55,539.48 2201024000240500 DRUG EDUCATION GRANT 6,285.60 2200051000510100 SCHOOL FUND BALANCE! 1,025.00 iTOTAL $164,789.56 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To cover tax refunds resulting from a determination that a taxpayer should have been classified as a manufacturer for several prior years which will change the assessment on machinery and tools. ~ FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY 88/89 GENERAL TAX REFUND DUE TO OVER ASSESSMENT IN PRIOR YEARS. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100092010580301 TAX REFUNDS $49~067.94 TOTAL $49,067.94 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $49,067.94 TOTAL $49,067.94 698 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 16) APPROPRIATION REQUEST: Funds received from the U.S. Department of Justice resulting from the sale of assets seized in drug arrests. These funds are to be used to supplement existing funds for drug enforcement, education and training. Expenditures will be authorized by the County Executive's staff and reported to the Board. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 GENERAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS RECEIVED FROM SEIZURE OF DRUG ASSETS. EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100031000545010 DRUG SEIZURE ASSETS $32~674.95 TOTAL $ 32,674.95 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $ 1,235.33 2100033000330205 DRUG SEIZURE ASSETS 31~439.62 TOTAL $32,674.95 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To appropriate from the FY 87-88 Carry-over balance the County's share of the start-up costs of the rescue squad dispatching. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY 88/89 JOINT DISPATCH PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR RESCUE SQUAD DISPATCHING. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1410031041700300 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT $50,000.00 1100031040565600 JOINT DISPATCH CENTER-911 25,000.00 TOTAL $75,000.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2410016000160503 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE $25,000.00 2410016000160502 CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE 25,000.00 2100051000510100 APPROPRIATED FROM GEN'L FUND BAL. 25,000.00 TOTAL $75,000.00 699 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 17) APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To fund transportation projects associated with the 29 North Study through Federal and State grant monies. The County matching share of this grant is $3,400.80 of in-kind staff services. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY 88/89 METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FY 88/89 BUDGET FOR METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION PROJECTS. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1120881201100100 1120881201540104 1120881209100100 1120881209100300 1120881209540100 1120881209540104 1120881214300206 1120881215100100 1120881216300206 1120881217100100 COMPENSATION $ 1,930.00 COPY SUPPLIES 70.00 COMPENSATION 1,000.00 COMPENSATION-PART TIME 8,900.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.00 COPY SUPPLIES 50.00 CONSULTANTS 23,946.00 COMPENSATION 2,000.00 CONSULTANTS 4,986.00 COMPENSATION 2,412.00 TOTAL $45,344.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2120824000240500 GRANT REVENUE-STATE $3,400.80 2120833000330001 GRANT REVENUE~FEDERAL 38,542.40 2120851000512004 LOCAL SHARE 3,400.80 TOTAL $45,344.00 APPROPRIATION REQUEST: In June, 1988, the Board authorized renewal of the County's contract with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia, which had an increase in rates beyond the budgeted appropriation. This appropriation allocates money to the various cost centers from the General Fund. FISCAL YEAR FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: 88/89 VARIOUS ADDITIONAL FUNDING OF HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER COST EXPENDITURE COST CENTER/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY EXECUTIVE LEGAL SERVICES DIRECTOR OF FINANCE INFORMATION SERVICES BOARD OF ELECTIONS CIRCUIT COURT CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY POLICE DEPARTMENT SHERIFF INSPECTIONS ANIMAL CONTROL ENGINEERING STAFF SERVICES VPA-ADMINISTRATION FOOD STAMP PROGRAM EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROGRAM PARKS & RECREATION PLANNING REDEVELOPMENT & HOUSING ZONING SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: 1100011010200500 1100012010200500 1100012040200500 1100012140200500 1100012200200500 1100013020200500 1100021010200500 1100021060200500 1100022010200500 1100031010200500 1100031020200500 1100034000200500 1100035010200500 1100041000200500 1100043000200500 1100053010200500 1100053030200500 1100053040200500 1100071000200500 1100081010200500 1100081030200500 1100081040200500 1100082030200500 1100082040200500 AMOUNT $ 332.00 398.00 133.00 2,626.00 829.00 133.00 66.00 597.00 398.00 4,511.00 597.00 1,061.00 199.00 531.00 1,061.00 2,554.00 597.00 66.00 730.00 929.00 199.00 398.00 66.00 66.00 700 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page-18) 1100083000200500 1200060000200500 1200060100200500 1200060110200500 1200060120200500 1200060130200500 1200060131200500 1200060132200500 1200060133200500 1200060134200500 1200060140200500 1200060152200500 1100093010591001 VPI EXTENSION PROGRAMS GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - SCHOOLS SCHOOL BOARD SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - SCHOOLS MAINTENANCE - SCHOOLS TRANSPORTATION - SCHOOLS 66.00 51,237.00 66.00 133.00 597.00 464.00 1,259.00 9,147.00 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY - SCHOOLS 928.00 BUILDING SERVICES - SCHOOLS 4,772.00 INSTRUCTIONAL ADMINISTRATION 2,651.00 FLOW THROUGH FUNDS 122.00 TRANSFER TO SCHOOL FUND 71~376.00 TOTAL $161,895.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION 2100051000510100 APP. FROM GENERAL FUND BALANCE 2200051000512001 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TO SCHOOL FUND TOTAL AMOUNT $90,519.00 71~376.00 $161,895.00 Motion was made by Mr. Bowie and seconded by Mrs. Cooke to appropriate funds as set out above. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 14. Appointments. Motion was off~red by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mr. Bain to reappoint Mr. Mark Reisler as a member of the Jefferson Area Board on Aging with said term to expire on October 20, 1990. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following ~ecorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. (Note: Mr. Lindstrom left at 11:46 A.M.) Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Bowie to reappoint Mr. Ian H. McGregor to the Emergency Medical Services Council with said term to expire on December 31, 1991. There was no discussionl Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom. Motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke and seconded by r~ Bowie to reappoint Mr. Bruce Locker to the Fire Prevention Code Board of ApPeals with said term to expire on November 21, 1993. There was no discussioni!~ Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom. Motion was made by Mr. Bain and seconded by Mr. Bowie to reappoint Mrs. E. A. "Shifty" Sides and Mr. Harry D. Kennedy to the Jordlan Development Corporation Board with said terms to expire on August 13,1i 1989. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded ~ote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and M?. Way. NAYS: None. . ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom. 701 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 19) Not Docketed: Mr. St. JOhn spoke concerning the opinion of Judge James H. Michael, Jr. in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia, Charlottesville Division in case No. 87-0068-C, Rev. William S. Smith versus Timothy Lindstrom, et al. He said he went to the Federal Court this morning and got a copy of the opinion on the nativity scene. The report was 59 pages long, and he had not read its entirety, but the essence was that the Court found that the Nativity scene last year violated the establishment clause, in that it gave the inescapable impression of endorsement by the County of the Christian religion. He said he had not yet determined what implications this ruling would have, if any, on Christmas programs in schools, etc. He said the impression of endorsement by the County could not be dispelled in the court's view by anything short of total elimination of the scene from the County Office Building property. He said there may be implications about other activities now taking place on County property, such as Sunrise Services, Easter music, etc. He said he had not read the report carefully enough, or thought about it long enough, in light of the language in the opinion, to talk to the Board about an appeal. He said if the Board were interested in doing so, they had thirty days from November 9, 1988, to note an appeal. Mr. Way said after Mr. St. John had had time to read and digest the opinion and advise the Board, the matter would be discussed further. At 11:55 A.M., motion was offered by M~. Bowie and seconded by Mr. Bain to adjourn to Executive Session for personnel matters. There was no dis- cussion. Roll was called and the motion ca~ried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Lindstrom. The Board reconvened into open session !at 1:14 P.M. with Mr. Lindstrom present at this time. Mr. St. John left th~ meeting at 1:30 P.M. Agenda Item No. 15. Work Session on Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Lindstrom said that the words "...and discourage the location of public facilities such as Public Sewer and Water, major roads, etc." should be added on Page 75 under Introduction. Mr. Lindstrom noted that mention of thelCamp, Dresser, McKee Report on Alternative Water Supply Sources should be i Watershed Management Planning. It was agreed by the Board that a sugge legislators on December 14, 1988, to look at possible changes to allow local discretion i The Staff was asked to update the Board lserted in the section called ~tion be made to the State State Code requirements for requiring conservation plans. on Loudoun County groundwater studies, and Mr. Lindstrom suggested that th~ Staff determine the feasibility and cost of a county-wide geological survey,~etc. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that a clarification be made to the effect that groundwater resource studies are to be done an a periodic basis to update data used in rezoning and special use permit!~applications. The Board agreed that references to rural and growth area open spaces be segregated for clarity. Agenda Item No. 16. Certificate of Appreciation. Presentation of certificate will be made at a later date smnCe the person to receive the certificate was not present. 702 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 20) Agenda Item No. 17. Presentation: Architects Report on Southside Elementary School (including recreational use of facility). Mr. Way said there had been a committee formed regarding the new Southside School which had been meeting for about five weeks. The committee had met with the architects of the school, with teachers, with community leaders, and with parents in an effort to respond to the needs of the users of the new school. He felt it would be a good idea to allow the architects to come in and give the Board a general idea of their stage of progress so that the Board could give early input into the process. Mr. Tim Jamison, Vice President of Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern, Inc. and the project architect, displayed the earliest schematic drawings of the school. He said the committee of teachers, community leaders and parents, had developed a program of educational needs, and his group had tried to respond to that program. He then pointed out the playground areas, ball fields, pods for grades K-5, library wing, administrative offices, gym, and cafetorium on the site plan. There would be one entrance in the middle of the site, with buses going to the right and parking on the left. Instead of long corridors, they have designed little communities or pods for grades K-5. Each is somewhat separated with the library and administrative offices which are centrally located. He pointed out that the gym can .be cut off from the rest of the school to be used in the evenings for outside activities. He said when he asked the committee what the school should look like to repre- sent this community, the response was they wanted to go back to a traditional looking school. This school was designed with that in mind. Mr. Bain asked how much on-site grading would need to be done for the playing fields. Mr. Jamison said they would be doing a cut and fill balance in creating the flat fields. He said it would be a good!bit of site work. Mr. Lindstrom asked what the preliminary estimates 9re on square foot costs. Mr. Jack Simmons, Project Manager, said they are~!Working with the budget as submitted which is a gross project cost of $5.2~ million. He said they had deleted certain items by request and certain items from their experience and came up with just over $3.8 million. Tha~ equates to an estimated cost of $66 per square foot for 57,000 square feet. He said they feel that is a reasonable budget, and that is what the facility is being designed for. The total acreage is 16.2. Each pod will accommodate 200 students in eight classrooms for a total of 600 students~: Mr. Simmons said they would have to work hard to maintain that budget. T~ere are some cost implications in off-site utilities and grading which the~ are having to watch closely. He said they are ready to go into the preliminary design develop- ment as required by the State Board of Education. They Nave made the prelim- inary site development plan submission to the County. A~i the survey work has been done. They are ready to stake the site for subSUrface work. Mr. Perkins asked if their firm had built this particular design of pods in other communities. Mr. Jamison said they were pioneers in open plan schools, which are similar to this except there are no w~ll partitions between pods. He said they believe this is a very effic~ient way to design a school. He said in the last twenty years his firm has p~;obably built more schools in this 'part of the State than any other firm. Mr. Lindstrom asked if this type of design could be ?dapted for middle or high school use. Mr. Simmons said it could be adapte~', fairly well for middle schools, but high schools have different requirem~hts. Mr. Lindstrom said one of the problems for this Board is that it never !knows what costs are due to the design. A basic plan adaptable to various us~ with modifications is one way the Board could keep better track of costs. ~ said this design looks as though it could have some flexibility. Mr. Sim~Ons said that was a part of the criteria in selecting this design. Each set pf archmtects selected would probably come up w~th a dmfferent desmgn, i~Mr. Jammson samd the intent is to work toward that type of standardizatio~ not to come up with a different design. · 703 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 21) Mr. Lindstrom asked if there is a State requirement or any significant savings for having outside windows for the classrooms. Mr. Jamison said the State does not require that, but there was a desire from the committee for the natural lighting and ventilation and to have each room accessible to the exterior. He said it is aesthetically pleasing without a major difference in cost. Mr. Bowie asked if the estimated price includes the playground and outside equipment. Mr. Simmons said the figure does not include any furnish- ings or playground equipment. The Board requested a topographical map which the architects agreed to bring to the next meeting. Mr. Keith Rittenhouse, a member of the planning committee for the Southside School and a member of the Albemarle County Planning Commission, noted that the architects had received input from parents, teachers, and administrators before developing the plans. This committee had visited Broadus Wood, Meriwether Lewis, Stone Robinson and Rose Hill Schools to get ideas on designs that work. Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks and Recreation, said the architects need direction from the Board on the size of the gym. He said he recommended a gym size of a minimum of 7,100 square feet. He said a larger gym size of 8,900 would accommodate two volleyball or basketball games concurrently and promote community use of recreation facilities in the school. He said with the growth in that area, he thinks it would be wise to consider the full high school size gym if at all possible. Mr. Way said there is a great need for recreation facilities in urban areas, and it makes sense to provide those facilities through schools; thus saving the cost of building a separate recreation facility at a later time. He said a larger gym size is not the request of the school, but it is a desire of the Parks and Recreation Department. He said he feels having a larger recreation facility at the school will save the County money in the long run. Mr. Simmons said 5,000 square feet is a, mandated size for an elementary school gymnasium. He said the present design is for 7,100 square feet. He said the architects do not want to dwarf the-school by the size of the gym. Mr. Lindstrom noted that capital improvements are already over budgeted. He said funds for additional square footage .~o the gym need to be found in other projects; not added as additional funds. He feels the Board needs to think seriously about how this addition wouId impact the budget. Mr. Bowie said he was tired of having projects brought~in at the last minute. Mr. Rittenhouse said the committee had asked that the gym size be investigated separately from the school project as an opportunity to provide community recreation. He said the committee~ recognized that the time frame would be tight, but thought this might be the best time to consider such a facility. He did not want the Board to think this was an effort to "ramrod" something through at the last minute. Mr. L~ndstrom said the Board is having a serious problem dealing with the CIP budge~. Outside of the context of the CIP budget process, he would have a problem adding this as a project. Mr. Way said he thought it was important to plan the school in conjunction with recreation needs. He thought this would be better planning than what had gone on in the past. Mr. Mull~ney said his department sees this as an important project. He said Parks!and Recreation could look at their list of approved projects and possiblylimove some less important project back to be able to fund this project. Mr. B~wie said he would not support adding anything tO the CIP unless some other iproject is deleted. Motion was offered by Mr. Bain and seco~ that the architects go forward with the prell size at 5,000 square feet and alternate plant square feet and 8,900 square feet. Mr. Lind~ could give an idea of the cost for these altE Lded by Mr. Lindstrom requesting .minary plans showing the gym for a gym size of both 7,100 trom asked if the architects ~rnates. Mr. Simmons said he 704 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 22) thought it would be about $2,000 for preliminary plans only. He did want to be sure that the time schedule for presentation to the State Board of Education is not held up. Mr. Lindstrom said there is a policy regarding new plans for schools to obtain a second opinion. He said that needs to be figured into the time table for this school. He said the whole project, including design and figures, should be reviewed by the architects giving the second opinion as soon as enough information for a meaningful review is available. Mr. Simmons said his schedule calls for completion of the preliminary documents within two weeks. Mr. Lindstrom asked what was driving the schedule. Mr. Simmons said it is the opening date for this school. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. ~ (The Board recessed at 3:10 P.M. and reconvened at 3:20 P.M.) Agenda Item No. 19. Public Hearing: Extend the Albemarle County Service Authority service areas boundaries to Tax Map 56, Parcel 67, in Crozet, recognize same in Comprehensive Plan as having w~ter service, and also include for public sewer service. (Advertised on October 25 and November 1, 1988.) Mr. Home said that in his memo dated November 4, i988, to the Board regarding Dr. Schulman's request, the Staff felt that an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan would be necessary to approve this re.quest. Staff feels approval of Dr. Schulman's request would be inconsistent~with the draft Comprehensive Plan. He said the Planning Commission discussed this request extensively with the decision being that an amendment to'~ the Comprehensive Plan would be necessary in this case. Mr. Horne said he discussed this request with Mr. Bill Norris, the Watershed Management Official at the time. It was Mr. Norris' firm conclusion that there is no data. to support the concern over groundwater contamination from the Acme Visible Plant nearby. Mr. Horne cited a memo addressing this subject from Mr. 'Norris, dated October 5, 1988. Mr. Horne said approval of this reque}t would mean extending water and sewer service outside the growth area into a watershed area and onto a vacant parcel to accommodate new development. Mr. Lindstrom said, based on the Board's current approach in these types of requests, it would have to be shown that there is either a shortage of water or a water quality problem affecting public health~ Mr. Home said that has been the pattern of the Board and staff's recom~.endation for the past three years. He said before that, there had been aC varlety of approaches. What staff hopes is that the policy can be ~stablished to follow what is stated in the prOposed Comprehensive Plan. In t~at case, this request would not meet that criteria. The public hearing was opened, and Dr. Martin Schulman came forward to speak. He said the parcel on which he is building a new~;clinic is completely surrounded on all four sides with public water service. ~iHe said the reason the current facility has public water is because there was a failure of the present Well. Dr. SchUlman said since his current facility cannot support expansion and since public water serves his existing dwellings, and since staff refused this request as a slight relocation of an ~xisting business, he is asking the Board to extend public water. He said Acm9 Visible Records closed a lagoon when excessive levels of methylchloride twere discovered. He said trichloroethylene (TCE), a carcinogen, was detectedliat unsafe levels for human consumption in one of Acme's drinking water wells.'~ Since that time, Acme has converted to public water usage. He said he do~s not feel comfort- able with the thought of drinking water from a private w~ll at the new site. This site is downhill from Acme Visible. Dr. Schulman s'Lid he and Mr. Norris viewed the site together. Not only is the site downhill on a natural drain- age point from Acme, but it is downhill on a natural dra_nage point from an old septic system in use for 30 years at ConAgra. He sal.d he does not have the resources or information or time to evaluate groundwltter at the site to determine the degree of the problem. Dr. Schulman said l~e had tried to provide the Board with as much information as he could oi,tain on this issue. 705 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 23) He had contacted Acme's representative on several occasions over the past three months to get a copy of the site plan of their lagoon and wells in relation to his parcel and to determine precisely what organic compounds had been found in their groundwater. Although Acme's representative expressed an interest in providing that information for this meeting today, unfortunately he was instructed by Acme's management not to release that information without their approval. Dr. Schulman said he is asking that continued use of public water be allowed to this site. Regarding waste disposal, Dr. Schulman said the septic drainage field would be limited to human lavatories and hand sinks. Any drainage from kennel wash down would go to a holding tank which would then be pumped out and trucked off site. Dr. Schulman said a more efficient long term handling of the new hospital's drainage would be offered by public sewer hook-up. Currently this property is bordered on two sides by parcels that can access public sewer. He said it is his intention to proffer that usage would be only for hospital use. He said he had a twenty-four hour emergency service which is considered a public service. He takes sick and emergency services without regard for ability to pay and without Federal or State support to help, unlike human emergency services. He asked the Board to consider these factors and to support his request. Mr. Perkins suggested that the requests for water and sewer be consid- ered separately. He said he felt the service area should be extended to provide water to the veterinary clinic. Hel~noted that the Comprehensive Plan allowed extension of the jurisdiction outside the growth area only in cases where the property is very near or adjacent~to existing lines. He said that certainly applies in this case. Mr. Bowie said there seems to be a potential of some contamination. Mr. Perkins said he would not feel comfortable drilling a well there considering the problems that have been associated withAcme Visible's water. Mr. Horne said staff's position is that until actual documentation is shown to substan- tiate contamination on this site, the public's health is not endangered. Mr. Lindstrom said he could appreciate~staff's position, because this would be an exception to a policy having ramifications for other properties. At this point, the record only contains hearsay regarding the public safety issue. He said this is a very close case. !,His feeling is that there will likely be a water problem on this parcel. There are enough unusual circumstances related to this property so t~at it is distinguishable from other possible requests. Mr. Perkins said ~he action that Acme Visible has taken would indicate the possibility of contamination. They have curtailed the use of their well and connected the fac$1ity to public water as well as going to tremendous expense to clean out th~irl, lagoon and haul material away. Motion was then offered by Mr. Perkinsi~and seconded by Mr. Bowie to extend the water service area to include Ta~ Map 56, Parcel 67, for the purpose of serving the Veterinary Clinic only. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vo~e: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Perkins and Mr. Way. NAYS: Mr. Lindstrom. Mr. Lindstrom said he sees no 3ustlf~c~tzon in the Comprehensive Plan for extension of sewer service. He said he ~oes not remember ever extending sewer service outside of a growth area. Mr.~ Bowie said he did not see any reason to extend the service. Mr. Perkins said the only reason he could see for extending the service is because the drainage would flow directly into the Beaver Creek Reservoir. He said, as he has stated a number of times before, he would rather see the houses in this location hooked onto the interceptor line than have effluent go into ~he ground and flow into the reservoir. Mrs. Cooke said she was incline~ito agree with that. Mr. Bain said that same argument could be used for residential development in many of the rural areas. Mr. Lindstrom said the intansification of development that would occur as a result of extending sewer s~rvice outside of a growth area would result in more pollution than a few scattered sites within the watershed thatmight have bad drainfields, t 706 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 24) Mr. Home said the staff would need to look at all growth areas where sewer lines are just outside of the service area to determine how many parcels are in a similar situation. Motion was offered by Mr. Perkins to extend the service area for sewer to include the Crozet Veterinary Clinic. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion was then made by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mr. Bain to deny the application for sewer service to Tax Map 56, Parcel 67. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. NAYS: Mr. Perkins. Agenda Item No. 20. Public Hearing: Extend the Albemarle County Service Authority service area boundaries to Tax Map 45, Parcels 18 through 18N, Rosalyn Ridge Subdivision, to include for public water service. (Adver- tised on October 25 and November 1, 1988.) Mr. Lindstrom said he has heard that some of the property owners were not notified of this public hearing in time to appear. He said he was asked if action could be deferred on this and so those who had~ijust been notified could appear and speak. He thought that was a reasonableirequest. Mr. Way said the Board would begin the public hearing today and extend it if necessary. Mr. Horne said the Planning Commission reviewed thisl as a category of request that should be measured against the proposed strategies in the Comprehensive Plan. In light of that review, the Planning Commission recom- mended that the service area not be extended because it W~uld be inconsistent with the draft Comprehensive Plan. He said staff's opinion was that granting this request would set a broad precedent for the extension of utilities into the rural areas. Mr. Horne said this is a new subdivision, so there has been no demonstration of inadequate water supply, i~ At that time, the meeting was opened for public hearing. Mrs. Sally Thomas of the League of Women Voters said'~approval of this request would put pressure on the other side of the road i~nd would endanger County efforts to protect the reservoir. · There being no others present to speak, motion was Offered by Mr. Lindstrom and seconded by Mr. Bowie to continue the publi~ hearing until December 7, 1988, so that the applicants may have a chanC~ to appear and be heard. There was no further discussion. Roll was calledi! and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. (Mr. Lindstrom left at 4:31 P.M. and returned at 4:39 P.M.) Agenda Item No. 18. Work Session on Comprehensive Plan. The work session began with a discussion of Natural,~Scenic and His- toric Resources on Page 95 of the Comprehensive Plan. On Page 113, in the second paragraph, Mr. Bowie suggested that the word "evaluated" be made clearer. He said it is not clear whether the list of criteria shown would be requirements for open space or no~. Mr. Bain said there should be a differentiation between references to rural and growth area open space on Pages 112 and 113. The title on Page 112 indicates a discussion of growth area open space, but these are several references to open space in rural areas. Mr. Home said ~he intent was to discuss them separately. ~i 707 November 9, 1988 (Regular Day Meeting) (Page 25) Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the "Owner Name" column on the chart on Page 119 showing a listing of historical properties be deleted. He said that information is irrelevant to the Comprehensive Plan and would probably change from time to time anyway. Agenda Item No. 21. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the Board and Public. Mr. Bowie said the Audit Committee had been meeting with staff regarding extension of the contract with the current auditors. On the basis of the recommendation by the Audit Committee, Mr. Bowie offered motion to extend the contract for one year with review and possible extension to a second year, depending on the first year's performance. Mr. Bain seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None. Mr. Bowie mentioned a letter dated November 1, 1988, from N. Andrew Overstreet, Division Superintendent, to Delegate George F. Allen concerning the revised method for distributing state aid to localities. He asked the Staff to keep the Board informed on this matter. Agenda Item No. 22. Adjourn to November 16, 1988. At 4:50 P.M., motion was offered by Mr~:Bain and seconded by Mr. Lindstrom to adjourn to November 16, 1988, at 1:30 P.M. There was no discussion. Roll was called and the motionilcarried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bain, Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, MesSrs. Lindstrom, Perkins and Way. NAYS: None.