HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200050 Checklist 2022-07-11 (2)Albemarle County Engineering
Final Site Plan checklist for plan reviewers
17 Feb 2014 (Use the latest checklist from the Team Services engineering forms site)
A site plan is a zoning document, required according to the Zoning Ordinance, Code Chapter 18 section 32 that
delineates the overall scheme of development of one or more lots.
Reference key;
[Square Brackets] are County Code references, {Curved Brackets) are policy references, and (regular
parenthesis) are explanatory. Links to reference documents are provided where possible.
Title information and overall content:
Project title. Titles should be appropriate. It should be a final site plan, not a stormwater
plan, or erosion control plan, a road plan, etc.
Professional seal, with original signature and date. [18-32.6.1]
Content: The site plan must not contain the erosion control plan, stormwater management
plan, road/street plans, or mitigation plan. These must be separate documents, to be
reviewed and bonded separately, and not part of zoning documents or zoning
enforcement, or zoning letters of revision, or permanent land records, etc. If these are
included, they must be removed.
Existing conditions plan view information: (applicable to any type of plan)
accurate current existing topography at the time of submittal, including all existing site
features, and any recent disturbances, all at a legible scale [ 18-32.6.2]
date and source of the topographic information: [ 18-32.6.2] All topography should be at
least visually field verified by the designer within the last year {see road plan note)
WPO buffer limits; 100' from stream or wetland bank, 200' from reservoirs, or
floodplain limit if greater [17-317]
floodplain limits, including 100yr flood limits for any channel with a drainage area of
50+acres [18-32.6.2d, 18-30.3]
all existing easements (access, drainage, sight, sanitary easements, etc.) with deed book
references, locations and dimensions [18-32.6.2]
all critical slopes (typically shaded) [ 18-32.5.2]
Proposed plan view information: (applicable to final site plans, road and drainage plans)
Grading: [18-32.6.2, 14-303]
proposed topography at minimum 2' contour intervals — tied into existing contours, as
well as all proposed site features. (Sites with less than 6' of grade change should consider
using smaller contour intervals.)
proposed slopes are all 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) or flatter {Design Manual, section 8 )
proposed slopes steeper than 3:1 have low maintenance (not grass) ground cover
specified on the plan {Design Manual, Section 8)
existing critical slopes are not disturbed, unless a waiver or exemption has been granted
for the disturbance. [18-4.2, 14-304]
Retaining walls should be accurately shown on plans, reflecting material thickness and
batter where such measurements may affect layout.
Retaining Wall Plans checklist. Any walls supporting roads or necessary infrastructure
require engineered plans (not generic manufacturer's details) and computations. {Design
Manual, section 8) This will also be required where walls are close to property lines and
there is the danger of affecting neighboring property, either during construction, with
Albemarle County
Engineering Final Site Plan Checklist
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later failures, or with pedestrian or vehicle safety. These concerns can be alleviate with
layout spacing also. In any case, retaining walls will require building permits at
Easements: [Zoning Ordinance 18-32.7.4, Subdivision Ordinance, Article IV, Division 4]
all proposed permanent easements, dimensioned and labeled
Examples of easements are:
sidewalk easements for sidewalks to be maintained with streets outside right-
ofway. It is preferable that sidewalk be inside street right-of-way.
drainage easements for any drainage passing through the site from off -site, or for
drainage crossing proposed property lines.
stormwater management easements over all facilities and associated structures
and access
interparcel access easements
_ intersection or entrance sight easements
all drainage easements are a minimum 20' wide. Required width: 10'+(pipe dia. or
channel width) + 2'+ 2(depth-5'). The pipe, channel or structure must be within the
center third of the easement. {Design Manual, section 61
no structures or trees within drainage easements (Design Manual, section 6)
Entrances and right-of-way improvements: [per VDOT Secondary Street Acceptance
Requirements (SSAR), and VDOT Road and Bridge Standards]
all entrances with a VDOT designation [PE-1, CG-9a, etc)
entrances do not exceed 4% grade for a distance of 40' from the intersected street,
measured anywhere in the entrance [ 18-4.12.17]
unobstructed sight distance lines at entrances, less than 10' x Speed Limit of intersected
streets, measured from a point 10' off the edge of pavement of the intersected street
12.5' minimum radii on entrances (or per VDOT requirements, typically 25'-35') [per
VDOT Access Management Regulations and Standards]
VDOT approval is obtained for any plan affecting public right-of-way
turn and taper lanes with lengths and widths labeled (taper at 12:1 with 12' lane widths)
Parking and circulation: [18-4.12]
100' on -site sight distance is maintained by use of curbed islands a minimum 6' off
building comers or other site obstructions.
curbing on all parking areas and travelways with VDOT designations (CG-2, CG-6)
loading and dumpster areas should be accessible at all times (not behind parking)
parking or loading spaces cannot double as travelways
all parking rows should be protected by curbed islands {Policy)
minimum 3' width of curbed islands {Policy}
all edges of pavement labeled (where there is no curbing)
parking areas do not exceed 5% grade anywhere, in any direction
parking width x depth x aisle width is 9x18x24' or 1 OxI8x20' (where a 2' grass
overhang is possible parking spaces can be 16') [18-4.12.16]
parallel parking spaces are 9'x20' (with a minimum aisle/street width of 20')
loading spaces are 12'x25' (with a minimum aisle width of 24')
travelways without parking are 20' wide measured from curb faces
parking places are separated from entrances and streets (to prevent queuing onto streets) a
minimum 18' from back of the entrance radius [see VDOT Road Design Manual, app.
throat length and corner clearance]
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Engineering Final Site Plan Checklist
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sidewalk abutting parking is 6' wide (exclusive of curb), or bumper blocks are provided
(see reference details in the Design Manual)
sidewalks are a minimum 5' wide, exclusive of curb.
planting strips are a minimum of 6' wide on any street. [14-422]
one-way aisles have a 12' minimum width. (One-way circulation is only permitted when
approved with a preliminary site plan)
dumpster pads are 10'x10' with 8' in front for wheel bearing (total 18' depth)
dumpster pad detail or specification to be a minimum 4" stone base and 6" concrete of
3000psi at 28 days, or stronger, reinforced with a minimum grid of wire reinforcing or 44
bars at 12" on center. (Policy)
Drainage: [18-32.6.2d, 14-305, 311]
Drainage Plans approved. Drainage and stormsewer design can be reviewed with the
site plan, or with the stormwater management plan. Where roads or streets are included,
drainage from the road can be included with those plans.
Roads, Streets, Alleys: [18-32, 14 Art. IV Div.2]
Road Plans approved. Road plans must be a separate stand-alone document, to be
bonded and inspected and as-builts prepared. They should not be part of a site plan set.
Water Protection Ordinance (WPO) Plans: [ 18-32.7]
WPO plans approved. The Water Protection Ordinance (Code Chapter 17) requires A
Virginia Stormwatere Management Program (VSMP) permit, Stormwater Management
Plans, Erosion Control Plans, Pollution Prevention Plans, Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plans, and for stream buffer disturbances a Mitigation Plan. These must be
approved prior to final site plan approval. They have separate procedures and
requirements and should not be part of the site plan set.