HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202200030 VSMP - SWPPP 2022-07-12�h� os .arrJ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Tel. (434) 296-5832 • Fax (434) 972-4126 'Imr}r Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For Construction Activities At: Project Name: S.L. WILLIAMSON ASPHALT PLANT AT RED HILL QUARRY Address: 2691 Red Hill Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Prepared by: Name: Roudabush. Gale & Associates Inc.. Nicole Jamison Prepared for: Name: S.L. Williamson Company Inc.. Blair Williamson SWPPP Preparation Date: April 29, 2022 (This document is to be made publicly available according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section D) Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County CONTENTS: (from Albemarle County Code Sec. 17405) 1. Registration statement 2. Notice of general permit coverage 3. Nature of activity 4. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 5. Stormwater Management Plan 6. Pollution Prevention Plan. 7. Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters. 8. Qualified personnel 9. Signed Certification 10. Delegation of authority. 11. General permit copy 12. Inspection logs 13. Additional Information and Logs Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 1. Registration statement Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT #: GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM PLAN/ID #: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR10) TECHNICAL CRITERIA: 1113 ❑ IIC ❑ REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 Application type. ® NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE (CHOOSE ONE) ❑ MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE ❑ MODIFICATION WITHOUT ACREAGE INCREASE ❑ EXISTING PERMIT RE -ISSUANCE Section I. Operator/Permittee Information. A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. A person with signatory authority for this operator must sign the certification in Section V. (per Part III. K. of the VAR10 Permit). Operator Name: S.L. Williamson Company, Inc. Contact person: Blair Williamson Address: 1230 River Road City, State and Zip Code: Charlottesville VA 22901 Phone Number: 4 4-2 - 1 7 Primary and CC Email: blair slwilliamson.com cc: 'ta artroudabush.com n'amison roudabush.com B. Electronic correspondence. To receive an emailed coverage letter or to pay by credit card, you must choose YES and include a valid email. May we transmit correspondence electronically? YES ❑x NO ❑ Section II. Construction Activity Information. A. Include a site map showing the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances and all waterbodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site. B. Project site location information. Construction Activity Name: S.L. Williamson Asphalt Plat at Red Hill Quarry Address: 2691 Red Hill Road City and/or County and Zip Code: Charlottesville VA 22903 Construction Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or 39.959904,-78.606634 latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude and Longitude 39.959904, -78.606634 (6-digit, decimal degrees format): C. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities to be included under this permit coverage. Report to the nearest one -hundredth of an acre. Total land area of development (include entire area to be disturbed as approved in the 5tormwater Management Plan): 4.4 acres Primary estimated area to be disturbed (include portions with Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approval only): 2.4 acres Off -site estimated area to be disturbed (if applicable): D. Property Owner Status: FEDERAL ❑ STATE ❑ PUBLIC ❑ PRIVATE IN E. Nature of the Construction Activity Description (i.e. commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural, environmental, utility): Industrial F. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) (if the site is discharging to a MS4): G. Estimated Project Dates (MM/DD/YYYY). Start Date: 5/30/2022 Completion Date: 5 31 2024 H. Is this construction activity part of a larger common plan of YES ❑ NO development or sale? Rev 11/2020 PAGE 1 1 6 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 I. 6" Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and Receiving Water Name(s). Include additional areas on a separate page. HUC NAME(S) OF RECEIVING WATERBODY JM46 (020802031201) North Fork Hardware River Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information. List all off -site support activities and excavated material disposal areas being utilized for this project. Include additional areas on a separate page. Off -site Activity Name: Address: City or County: Off -site Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude and Longitude (6-digit, decimal degrees format): Is this off -site activity an excavated material disposal area? YES ❑ NO ❑ If this off -site activity is an excavated material disposal area, list the contents of the excavated fill material: Willa separate VPDES permit cover this off -site activity? YES ❑ NO ❑ Section IV. Other Information. A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting the Registration Statement. By signing the Registration Statement, the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. B. Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been submitted to the VESC Authority for review? YES ❑x NO ❑ Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Approval Date (for the estimated area to be disturbed MM/DD/YYYY): C. Has land -disturbance commenced? YES ❑ NO IN D. Annual Standards and Specifications. If this project is utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attached the completed AS&S Entity Form. AS&S Entity Name (if different from the Operator identified in Section I): E. Billing information (leave blank if same as the Operator identified in Section I. above). This entity will receive Annual Permit Maintenance and Permit Modification Fee invoices (if applicable). Billing Name: Contact Name: Address: City, State and Zip Code: Phone Number: Primary and CC Email: Rev 11/2020 PAGE 2 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 Section V. Certification. A person representing the operator as identified in Section I. A. and meeting the requirements of 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K must physically sign this certification. A typed signature is not acceptable. Please note thal operator is defined in 9VAC25-870-10 as follows: "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (R) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a storm water pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the storm water pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of storm water discharges from Municipal Separate Storm SewerSystems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system. 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K. Signatory Requirements. Registration Statement. All Registration Statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager con ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b. For a partnership orsole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Printed Name: D1ia1l -W 1 kiilartl an Signature (signed in ink): Date Signed: -20 Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send your Registration Statement submittal directly to the locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ. A list of local VSMP Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorities. If DEQ is the VSMP Authority, please send to: If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send to: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400 PO Box 1105 Richmond VA 23218 constructiongp@deq.virginia.gov Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 Rev 11/2020 PAGE 3 16 Section 2. Notice of general permit coverage This notice is to be posted near the main entrance according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, sectionC. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 3. Nature of activity GENERAL SITE INFORMATION: The purpose of the land -disturbing activity is to remove the existing asphalt plant and the installation of a new asphalt plant. The total permitted site is 4.4 acres (extent of site development plan application) and the estimated area to be disturbed is 2.4 acres. The site consists of a working asphalt plant that operates in a leased area within the parcel (TMP 88-18) for the Red Hill Quarry. The existing lease area is a gravel covered area with the existing stockpiles of aggregate that is used in the manufacture of asphalt mix. Adjacent areas include an existing creek to the west that is associated with a 100" stream buffer and floodplain that is located within the development area. Further to the west is a vacant parcel owned by Martin Marietta, the owners of The Quarry. The vacant parcel is currently covered by trees. To the north of the lease area is vacant land located on the Quarry Parcel which has not been disturbed by quarry operations as of this date. To the ease of the lease area is the active quarry operations that supply aggregate to the asphalt plant. To the south of the lease area is Route 708, Red Hill Road. Offsite areas include some grading and construction activities that will be taking place outside the eastern boundary of the lease area. These activities should be coordinated with the quarry operations. SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES: PHASE 1 1. After obtaining all required permits, the contractor shall coordinate a pre -construction meeting, allowing 72 hours for it coordination. 2. Contractor to install construction entrance and tree protection as first step in construction. 3. Clearing and grubbing shall first be limited to area necessary to install perimeter control devices. 4. Install additional environmental controls, such as silt fence, super silt fence, diversion dikes and sediment traps. 5. Begin removal of existing asphalt plant. 6. After removal of exiting plant, grading activities can start to construct the retaining walls around the feed bins. PHASE 2 1. Begin excavation, grading and installation activities for retaining walls 2. Begin new asphalt plant installation. 3. Convert temporary sediment trap to settling basin and install new settling basin. 4. Fine grade site to proposed grades. 5. Pave proposed asphalt areas. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 4. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. (Provide a reduced, I Ix17 copy of the latest Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Do not reference only.) Approved erosion and sediment control plans for S.L. Williamson Asphalt Plant at Red Hill Quarry are incorporated by reference as part of this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Approved plans are included in this SWPPP binder. 1. The purpose of the erosion control measures shown on these plans shall be to preclude the transport of all waterbome sediments resulting from construction activities from entering onto adjacent properties of state waters. If field inspection reveals the inadequacy of the plan to confine sediment to the project site, appropriate modifications will be made to correct any plan deficiencies. In addition to these notes, all provisions of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations shall apply to this project. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and sediment Control Handbook (31 Edition, 1992) and Virginia Regulations 9VAC25-840 Erosion and Sediment control Regulations. The contractor shall be thoroughly familiar with all applicable measures contained therein which may be pertinent to this project. 3. All points of construction ingress and egress shall be protected by a construction entrance to prevent tracking of mud onto public right-of-way. An entrance permit from VDOT is required prior to any construction activities within state rights -of -way. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other measures intended to trap sediment onsite must be constructed as a first step in grading and be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. Earthen structures such as dams, dikes, and diversions must be seeded and mulched immediately after installation. Periodic inspections of the erosion control measures shall be made to assess their condition. Any necessary maintenance of the measures shall be accomplished immediately upon notification by the SWPPP Inspector and shall include the repair of measures damaged by any subcontractor including those of the public utility companies. 6. Sediment traps and sediment basin shall be designed and constructed based upon the total drainage area to be served by the trap or basin. a. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment trap shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area and the trap shall only control drainage areas less than three acres (see sizing table for dimensions). b. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment basin shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area. The outfall system shall, at a minimum, maintain the structural integrity of the basin during a twenty -five-year storm of 24-hour duration. Runoff coefficients used in runoff calculations shall correspond to a bare earth condition or those conditions expected to exist while the sediment basin is utilized. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 8. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during all land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County 9. Sediment control measures may require minor field adjustments at time of construction to ensure their intended purpose is accomplished. Division of code compliance approval will be required for other deviations from the approved plans. 10. Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain structure. 11. The contractor shall place soil stockpiles at the locations shown on the SWPPP plan sheet for each area of construction, or as directed by design engineer. During construction, soil stockpiles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures immediately. Offsite waste or borrow areas shall be approved by the division of code compliance prior to the import of any borrow or export of any waste to or from the project. 12. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, offsite borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 13. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to all denuded areas within 7 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than 14 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization measures include vegetative establishment, mulching and the early application of gravel base material on areas to be paved. Contractor shall establish a stabilized site and not allow any erosion or sediment to exit. 14. If disturbed area stabilization is to be accomplished during the months of November, December, January or February, stabilization shall be accomplished by permanently seeding the area with a seeding mixture that includes the seasonal nurse crop for the Piedmont area, which is Winter Rye. See Table 3.32-D for a list of site -specific seeding mixtures for the Piedmont area. This is in accordance with Specification 3.32 from the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH). The seeding area will also need to be mulched in order to assist the growth of the seeding in the winter months (Specification 3.35 of the VESCH). For temporary seeding stabilization during these months, a 50150 mix of annual ryegrass and winter ryegrass, as well as a mulching cover should be put down according to Specification 3.31 of the VESCH, Table 3.31-B. 15. The term seeding, final vegetative cover or stabilization, on this plan shall mean the successful germination and establishment of a stable grass cover from a properly prepared seedbed containing the specified amounts of seed, lime, and fertilizing in accordance with Specification 3.32, permanent seeding. Irrigation shall be required as necessary to ensure establishment of grass cover. 16. Underground utility lines (water, sewer, power, cable, or gas) shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria. a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. c. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off -site property. d. Material used for back filling trenches shall be properly compacted in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization. e. Re -stabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. f Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. 17. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that re found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is resolved. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County 18. All stone sewer inlets that are made during construction shall be protected so that sediment -laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. 19. Before newly constructed storm water conveyance channels or pipes are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. Structural and Vegetative Practices: The following erosion and sediment control structural and vegetative practices will be incorporated on the project site: 1. Safety Fence (3.01) - A temporary safety fence shall be erected to prohibit public access to the project area and around sensitive areas to protect them from construction traffic. 2. Temporary Construction Entrance (3.02)- A temporary construction entrance shall be installed at the site entrance as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. 3. Road Stabilization (3.03) - Access roads, parking areas and other on -site vehicle transportation routes shall be stabilized with stone immediately after grading. 4. Silt Fence Barrier (3.05) - Silt fence barriers will be installed to filter runoff from sheet flow as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. 5. Super Silt Fence Barrier - Wire -reinforced silt fence barrier will be installed to filter runoff from sheet flow as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. 6. Inlet Protection (3.07) — Inlet protection will be installed at all proposed stone drain inlets installed prior to final stabilization of the site. 7. Culvert Inlet Protection (3.08) — Sediment filter installed to prevent sediment from entering, accumulation in or being transferred by a culvert. 8. Temporary Diversion Dike (3.09) — A system of diversion dikes to direct flow into the sediment trap will be installed as shown on the erosion and sediment control plans. 9. Clean- Water Diversion Dikes — A system of diversion dikes to direct the flow of clean offsite water away from the site will be installed as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. 10. Temporary Sediment Trap (3.13) — A temporary sediment trap is to be constructed in conjunction with culvert inlet protection. Calculations for the sediment trap are shown with the erosion and sediment control details. 11. Temporary Sediment Basin (3.14) — A temporary sediment basin is to be constructed as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. Calculations for the sediment basin are shown with the erosion and sediment control detail for the sediment basin. 12. Stormwater Conveyance channel (3.17) — A series of channels shall be constructed to provide for the conveyance of concentrated runoff to a receiving channel without damage from erosion. Typical ditch sections and calculations area shown on the plan. 13. Outlet Protection (3.18) — Outlet protection will be installed at the end of all stone sewer pipes. Calculations for the outlet protection are shown with the erosion and sediment control details. The riprap should be checked periodically to ensure scouring is not occurring beneath fabric underlining of the riprap layer. 14. Check Dam (3.20) — Rock check dams will be installed in the proposed ditches to reduce the velocity of concentrated flows which will help in the establishment of the grass lining. After the upslope area is stabilized, the check dams may be removed and properly disposed in accordance with VECSH Regulations. 15. Level Spreader (3.21) — Level spreader will be installed at the end of diversions or dikes to convert channelized flow to sheet flow to avoid causing erosion. 16. Turbidity Curtain (3.27) — A floating geotextile material which minimizes sediment transport from a disturbed area adjacent to or within a body of water. 17. Surface Roughening (3.29) — All areas with a grade steeper than 3:1 shall be stair -step graded or grooved (plate 3,29- 4) to aid in grass establishment, increase infiltration, and to slow runoff volumes Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County 18. Topsoiling & Stockpiling (3.30) — Topsoil will be stripped from areas to be graded and stockpiled for later use. Stockpiles are to be stabilized with temporary vegetation or to have silt fence installed along the lower perimeter to protect downstream areas. 19. Temporary Seeding (3.31) — Areas not brought to final grade for a period of more than 14 days shall be stabilized with a temporary seed mixture acceptable for that time of year. Crimping, punch roller -type rollers, or track walking may be used to incorporate straw mulch into the soil on slopes if straw is to be used. 20. Permanent Seeding (3.32) — Areas brought to final grade or those construction areas that will remain dormant for a year or more shall be stabilized with a permanent seed mixture acceptable to that time of year. Prepare surface with approved treatment and additives prior to applying seed. 21. Mulch (3.35) — Plant residues or other suitable materials shall be applied to disturbed surfaces to prevent erosion and reduce overland flow velocities. This practice should be applied to all seeding operations, other planter materials which do not provide adequate soil protection by themselves, and bare areas which cannot be seeded due to the season but which still need protection to prevent soil loss. Crimping, punch roller -type rollers, or track walking may be used to incorporate straw mulch into the soil on slopes if straw is to be used. 22. Erosion Control Blankets (3.36) — Erosion control blankets in conjunction with permanent seeding will be installed on all slope's steeper than 3:1 following grading. Erosion control blankets will also be installed in ditches where potential erosive velocities may exist as determined by engineering calculations. This will protect from rill and gully erosion. 23. Tree Protection (3.38) — The tree fence barrier will be installed to protect the trees outside of the limits of disturbance as shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. 24. Dust Control (3.39) — Dust control methods must be used to reduce the amount of airborne dust during all phases of construction where soil is exposed or disturbed. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County SITE DATA DWID[ WMM YAIRT A WTSUM-S, W P.O. v WO EOIR MITE N, 1EBYB �T PUN[ OPERATOR SL MURYSaN CWPAM rE EROSION CONTROL & �Y.21 STORMWATER MANAGMENT PLAN P1AN PREPAEEM RGARBVSN, GALE a ASSOfiAT6 91q SEOONO ST. Y SUITE t01 "�°' S.L. WILLIAMSON ASPHALT PLANT DUI IMP PARfFl «a OOOW-OD-00-OIEW PAAfEL AEA SA,1] ACRPS APPYG1tlR AEPV }f] ACRES (FXIE7R OE SL1E O[`•uDP+W7a PSNI APPIA'A1pN (SOP) Y1L T iCLLOR E L1Nx OF TIE TE LD}i1FR• SL W111W$DII rAcr AAFA ON TuP Y-1B) 2AMI114` IID00 (PA) OxDBAY (M) WTli4 16011ISC4 FlL[RAL'rIW d y (IM) SIEFP sEAPEs owOAr REN015 APPIICATMLS: Sal OR700D41 9ERAL IRE PpN(T - MOOIWN POP2020D000S FLOOD oF/ElAR1IX1 PmrT - APPRTFD 1/20/2021 SPT0IVOOCOR SPECYt USER PEWM - ARROhD 1/19/2022 SQOZIOJO.X CRIIIOLL RAPE wANFT - APP[IP'® 1/1v/11Y12 sE2D2Ia00A NRlDv6 srtF ralw wAITEP - APPROPFD I/Iv/2V12 ERSIMO USE MOM SOP AAEA ASANLT PIANf PPOPD+':D IH wLIMN SOP ARG ATRYLT PUJIE (SPECML Ll4 PERYOE SP20IP000OR) IIA1aR,V BUMSION' IIWIi: 7V SFWMCt6 100' TROY PANIC RICAlT-OF-WY OR ANY ADJONOF R670EWIYLL OISIRET 2OO' f1NY1 ANY CONB0.'OIIT PROPERTY MIN RE9DEMML 1DI5 lE4 TNAN (M EqW TO 1 ACE OP O=PIED DUFE111Ic YA%IMN LA[ fDA'AAfF: EOi K TOTAL SIZE (] ACIRS) ACIWL lOE COYETPAE PARIOE 1,813 w (0d ACIES) 1RAYEE MT9 117.00] Si (LRP ALIW9) RlW 3 (ON AfAESI IDEAL AFAR 12IJ16 SF (2A2 MYi. ES) YLKi$7EAV.L DmATDr: sALRID. YH1FA SNPYMIEA IM1YGpF]R: TIE OEVElAPYpR Of SL WLL14Y60N AS'PINLT PWIT, NHL OCWR N 11q PNA56 ON SIPMAIE S7AQ9 OP fAIBIPUCIpIL TEN PROJECE Nl1 NHIIE RON-COMCEMWiFA D6CIMROE ro PMIRmAIE CIWPI4 AND f1A00 PIpTL11ON, s101WWTFA RLMOEF RlL BE CAlblm AND CDNYFIFD YM 41EEIRAw. WAIF.A 01YAllIT PRO.B01li AE PROFAEiD IM ORSSRE MUIIRNf �I[ PWQY3L REOAI4)IIO wAIER O11DRY AIMLrss ME W11OR WTw 1c,cE O 0l f LNRAM REIXMELWIS. 1ME WiEA OW1RT POR[N1.5 OF 1M15 PUN NWL E S.16WD 0` i®IETIC 1ME BPpMO15 AIEA RFWmINO 'ALl1Fl1 OIIAIWID' AMALY56 COIPIWEE OP vVAC]S-ela-eel (CIMI.F1 PRDIECIIDR} x ALcamuPr� MIM CMNIIFL PROIDc11Dn sfETIDR a) a YVAC]b--R]D-!! OE Ni0•M 1N1; 110 MIICFNIMIFD PLQEL AIE OE9vfD ro IERIE TIE sllE naWFONE e7o-eR-e s Nn /PPLIUIDIE roInIHICE OF 9MC2SHiO-!!.0 (P1.00J PRoammPI), M PfFERF1RF' M FLOOD PM161gN 4ilNN G1). RD CONCEMMTED FIDWS AE DE3TiED ro IFAVE TE SIIF 1METOE W70-R0� 5 Iqi APPIICYRE cDLwuuICE aP WACD-0TFRR.D (slrtiT t1ARs1: N RERMwCE TO KIEAYD VCUIIIES OE SMT FIOOM SFAI%IN D.) TK SRE 5 BGIOERED BY. AIO OSCINPGES M, A MYPPED FLAN N.W. LAMCGIEA AND USE PAW TL5 PppWi[ LRII E NROAWMALLY 6FNn6lt ro INE WNWIlE ITS£ AMO LAMOCOLOR TWREPOE AT RINIOPT 6 REIAINFLY UIEIMMOED, Hf51G1N1N5 ro DDNM slREul cILY7W1¢s AND ANEA FIIIOD PINS AIE E%PELIm ro E IRYpwIOED As NEIl. W1E1131WD ItlRIX TON IIAPOWARE RNFR 70POptW1l1: AERLLL IOPOORAPYR f11LW %UCEIlM WIEINAIIDIIAI DECEMM 2017 D11111t HOR20NTAL NwA w BflgYWN: AEIWIL TA O WO (SEE 9YWkJ 2 FOR I TOR) fJO11fK 5111PES IFIPYIINE LRRIGL SIAP6 AE LOCAIm WONM TIE SOP APFA A CRIIIGL 9DPF9 WANEW WS BEFIT APPRO.ED 1YI1N $P20190000Y ilA00PWlw SOP NEA 5 LAGIED M FMW % PFA ILW 10-0I-12NP AfPROVFD DN O7/13/2020, f1A00PWM OEV430PMEMf PFRYrt (IlfP2A21100000) WAS APPR019D 0]/2O/21. PARUC fWAUMFII (K (1 SFACE PEA fSMLDYFE 3-6 - A SPA(9.9 AEOIWWD PMMND PPD.'pfp ♦ SP/CF9 PRQIUFD UYIDSCI�PIND: StlWIIlNYO ro E PRONTDED M EIOSlNO lIQf55 AEAIID TIE MSEAI/ PAOPEMY LM Di TYP BR-IB, TIE SIRP R EWSIMG TIEQ VAIRS fAOY la'-W' M Wp1M ro 11E wF51EW1 PISVIXIY 11E M M SICMT d ilE A�+WJ PI/M. L%:MIING AT T19 TOLE NO TOE 1IC111N4 5 PROPO9m MITI TE 911E PLO E SITE LI1.1 5 PROPJSFD AT A LAIEP DAIS 11E LWNIINO 1LRL CCYPLY LO. MITI CWPIFR tp-6.1 J. ourvoaR LIOMRIG SFMIi PACLLIIRS 11� 511E 6 (YAiWNILY SE4.4D MM A NRF MD IIAIE $Y91EY. TME EriS11NG SEPTIC TMPN MIL E E]IOhD Pi1D MEAACED AS NV[E Di 116 PRDAT. TE YEw SrTld MLL ALSO E A PIRi A'O MAIR SYSIFY CLDTEST WTF SOl%Y 5 A ORI IIYORPI.T IMw1ED ON 1Yo OBBW-00-OD-ODRAI, IEM TE NIFRg[.1pN aF M. ?0 AIWI RED HLL SL1pOL R-lU. FXSINf HPFMIG6 AREA W/M EAa AEA - 12}1RR s (29l AC) @ RED HILL QUARRY SAMUEL MILLER MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VA - 1� -1 aP:RE a gl i rr 20 C � TA!I' es-'e r it /F l J -✓Project Area fit. .Sa°Py BEDnCh �'` oT � db 1F f .10,'yOrlh S c ° Z L 1 VICINITY MAP SCALE 1P:2000 FEET PRAE(.T 41E 5 NOT lAOATtD MIIN lE 'NATE161m OP A PYNA: WIEA SUPPLY RESEYOIR PPD EVOEIEE OF A BURML SRE WAIT idA1D MOM 11E SDP/RIAIFAT AIEA TE '-@FAY NWTFA SMOWT MEAN 5 flKED I1WA 1ME APPRO%NIIIE LOG1N)1 ai TILE CFIREWIIE OF ALE FlOS1RF CRFD( IDEATED VN A I1R110MD WS OES'L£ 1NE SIFWAY NIPFEA SHVL E IIYIAfm N IGCOImYME WIM M AIEEMARE OpllNll' WATER PfM1ECIgN OROWYNCE A I WII ,M®IG11gYL DflUOWMTION TOR TYE CEDt HLS PFFN OB[ANED EAOY TIE COIP3 K FNbWFA] OA1FD Wyo. O. wig,NAO_2019-00TI} lIE NEIItluAY R1R1501CROIYL CEIEAYNAlp11 6 RAISED lAi'R lE CPS LOrwnoN a THE �Wtt 1W BR_10 5 NOT IDGT31 NWMN 1Mf NiiCVLTnK-�OfWSfAL 061PILT. TV B la 5 NOT LOCATED MINI TE WATEIAIED OF A Pl6l1C WTEA 91 y RE¢RAWi. APPROVALS PROPOSiD WPFRNIOIh AREA w/1 LFiL4 AIEA - IV14 (LW2 M) p@ARWBITOP Cf1YANRiEYOEVBOPIW3rt MTE .. MAIRRNO/SOMYID ENDNFHMB _ - SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 -COVER SHEET SHEET 2 - OVERALL EXTENTS OF TMP SB-IS SHEET S-EXISTINGCONDITIONS SHEET 4- EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET 5 - EROSION CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 1 SHEET S- EROSION CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 2 SHEET 7 - SETRUNG BASIN PROFILES SHEET 9 - EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE SHEET 9- EROSION CONTROL NOTES B DETAILS SHEET 10 - OVERALL DRAINAGE AREA TO EXISTING CULVERTS SHEET 11 -STREAM BUFFER MMGA71ON PLAN SHEET 12 - STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN, NOTES & DETAILS EROSION CONTROL NOTES I M NAM /PPiP unKwPT YW M NOTFEO aM xrh Pwa 70 MPH-cbSRUCIId GMEGICxcl q+C wRrc NDq E M foYL[rICLYUR OF WD oISTMdxc KTCry uN MR wU- I EP TO ME nHK MSICRYJN S W CROLw .W0 EEAMLM CLMFR M UM W1 K CMTRLL'RD Yb YIFD aR0'YG 10 wNWu >lMA]KM WC SPEJfIG1gN5 Ci ME VMOw. CROSUM1' WD UP." COMPOL W!!V0[M Aro MRML HwJ!pN5 W 6Is_Df-W EP051W um %.. CDMPO: RmuuTLMS .. 41 ERosO. WD ..W LdRRO_ ICASURR M TO H I.. PH:F TO OR AS M M5' s6 IN GURN A cro+ F M Aww+Lo EPDyCn .MD sLMu[M coMRD. PJM1 sxu N wuxruxsc on ME Prz N E PR4R 10O ¢WSNGW WL' bnIA9x4 AC1M110[5 w M[h5 I�.NLI � 6J1YCMh cCn-.a^GM zF:GJw. s nOT LiC . YE 'M 1 E. L 1. lO MEM[P TOWP ME nM x G 11C fMRK'IM 5 RLS�IN. fYl[ TOR IKl/.Tlw un A[dlid:4 (RCSId. ttMP'A ..PT5 NEfi$5Mr 11 NM1KNI EWSW lYP SCnuEMNMx 4 WEI.IHO .1 M P'WI MNNNAL wmoPm '/ KL pSTIPBR+ IAF ML lC UPMN 10 Wn1EA wu U.."" DYM C uGSURC[ Rl �. TYf1 WD LMCS NOkNNE £LLMLLfl E EWwZDTE PHPYH^Ow. NwNMC Y. MEW MET. W.11T OUpH T EFOSwr. [M!P0. NEASVHS PLbO01 TO Np NIEP Gil pIMyT-pRWUCIxL MALL DE NFC c. O PC W C. i0 YVMw 1H LFMNf]i M1 Ti0N CIXi1RJ: CENCET 1 E @ TE' ECYI[ll 1G Nl nLL WrLMA rC H iut(M rRW N: ANASLO OESIOYIEL & M[A I+ .w'.m M1LRu'S swu a lAxu TO APPROvm w•stE NOG Wrl nu sxAu a IxEM rE1N15 MY,rqL a POCIS. sN45. NOIG NCAiv MD Orx[R D[RNS +F YDIdJI OR NKIf MYAS MC lG YE REGWYR M1Nx i NK_ Of CWPIFOM Rq 2dlINL IKb VC[ IIm s1m s EM wRRvu sNu H MAYsxomED n counuxn wnn sscrax II-Io+ F nOE con. n uR[uwL[ I. ME 1. ,ILRIT�YIM9LNNL wnJsIFLI-1WC PLMLw cWIN6xr sIyLL Y INIIfL l0 IS .. M E OP A [ K1NrtY YW: H L(PIWLIED IM A yff YAMMP 1NW WINIMHS 4IIPN WIY.11 AM N.WTN TO M60x5. PIn4CLL MMLL 1C A74CE . WC AxD IWR0.TYGTi, mo D r0 NF PUKK STREET REWSE O WOES, %NKING OP COIII➢$E 16 ME DEVIL VTKL PTITPrt ME kdO TO iY51/:l YNM. RLNTE IXO 1C OSRwV[M cTDquwArL9. MN ;u[M AEVTIET NYSSRE Mq/C/gIL Ny 1. OMMOL u ,L1 P(CwOF-C Rv M5 nl HCAPd IX M SLLE Of Nn LO1 .1 RV: ' OF OMCR llI p ME GRRPn 1FLiPiNM1 SrABLLAA�Cx yWy N ICYROMR. 4LIYx' AN0 WLCMIF E. rv_ lO OE Ai l: ME .i -E. . UE F+rITOrSRIC, OR Iu W}L. ANC AMI'L iC'ONES O% n A,'Y w> µxVLL ONSET n NIMW 1 Ow CV. WY MPOUD,I AUfUST TO E. m �O . .'LG EEl. uULCN rs TE E YOB r�d]Sr IIiEPHAma M1R suYlEn OKD m ME CLNTI E.. CCMPtt IxsPLC1OR wuO swu RL LrC NOD TEMISERDOI . MAVAM[M VEGIN . D ulR:n I LTN GPME UIESTpl S L BE VNYO C 90.85; I WOCP, wCMOMTED IMC ME TO- ._E �CMCS Of 'J RMJZSx s B1 AW'Jm ATIIXgBs/'AE NOO CONEY Or A'E [2. O HVTRICM Y'1RSHEgwWEY OSLLOW. SWU P A EO Al q/y/K'.F .Yp 'pb!r Dr 95T PCMVCRT P r.W C _SS PLHMNYL P'EI.E pO P2MNOO LIJLpU)1 iIRM NAIL IS 1F H ♦ L. 11 ROIHS; ,O]ss 1r 1MS .1 jUEJIl l O AP Rx . W M cdNm "I'll' LEROPO. wsPE' IY wN2NWR K'- WA URC APE M RE 5PE1EC WRRLT ANC AREP G:N MNTM1LL NO LWULL <R EL.xl IO-FJCNVK VSUHS 15 rC RC nuP 1.5Ull ELT'A _ A_ m BE GUNK w CN 50[ OF M K TOML[ O-W' 'C 'fC wrx SCPYCM " 5E_OEC N E Mr[ TO K PEA""LIXC'IM[x x[CLSLIM1 'C APIEVE 11LNpc M1 YUS1 R$ RJxf➢ NIL R(PHW DM(< NNICY NI[ CCLLRTVL IIDW[.YI T. O r HL TURLT I u IEYPoF.W EKSK AVV 5E'] 1,1. O¢AYIRLCX H TO K HUMt .11 X WK P I aNK 5VE nwLLll9n, YNR uGSURr' N2 NC LMGG ELDLC WU Kl +C APNOIK B• M c NY EPOS•M COYT[A IM1 Ms vW YULO W 1a'L , Ix: • fA w[s N CP•w . HRu^ WMlrl 1 rNP y M DATE CO Aa1PO.•AL rvE NfJEcnCn a6DI.T sCL^.r. O1-:Wcf .: ME .1m , .1 P s'w: FIt TKruuO Ox KL CfxuO[L NOL6 wIxIN nwE (9) U. N'OG 1xE OL1I M LN10 VSTIPIPH KTMh LOUNFNCEO M.TR PWIECTNN OHWNCE $ECMIx v 'NfSEPW$ OG Wr 4J.RY0(L 1Ni CaTFN:l. NJN-EVKICH( Ct LOGIIW p IIIWT{5 COMIRA'_'IfY. 15K'. YLP.O:' a Gn_RNCE IW LOGTgI Cr M[ NCN-(MIST[NCC 0• LT_m[5 • ILAST .R MWPS PKV' ip AE CVG"JMRO IFi CgSIP.:LTyM. COMRY:TOP SWIt rgTh u65 I.T. (1-6W-SSi-iWl_1 µD/CIO IYL R TWEL M:T CIURNnES rM EIS wATA TES L nb, RTM INC JBIE CM1RM:r. SNIt TOR T .MYO'A 10 W'•I ME VNOOS VOJPCS LWIC[:, ANO TC K ET P[Yb/1D CR HL'J EMEE CP 1C TTY Is M YL1rMA Or vPJRCIIw .ttT 7OP 10 M H 1..' I V 1NL NET . 0• l 1 R..: IS x01 OIx:TC SP[ 11 '.N.LEI SIA-I C. N11- N•_ w E1 IM1 M NLINM Or E951Y+L 1 .TK M ., PE CC O INL HSPEEOIM �OILmR F'J:ES WO HGVNTI'Jn5 MV COP O IE WC (M HI.EME, OOGTNL OF PTRCI'N'O .THEE SWI: BE OTTM B' LCNIR.LIOR JML51 INCF'/.RC OMEMME CON1IOP 2. IX:At.1L l0 LYAh BWRS SlT_ EC 1., EHI'G Ix MVANLE Lf I? W1TM M NICR rOP IgP:ZMA. WD !OF.a BEV PME 1 ,: uOC,•OR ME NNDLS x.: AWVPF(M In COUPCMLTM OP . wl. B[ WLK£c r05 ODAY3 PES:LTMC OAOM fOWIRKIgYS TN:'JPC m coxllG NOC' coaawrz MA'. Irm11a1 11 LEGEND Ci SL WILLIAMSONON LEASE AREA u— $ EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP O y PR \ / MARTIN MARIETTA & ad t y \ SL WILLIAMSON PARCELS / \ Ji TMP 88-9B 7.28 ACRES Q g ZOHIN Marietta FLO Estate D OVEenls, Inc. i \ ZONING - ARA,N FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY USE -VACANT h ' } 0MM 0.18 ACRES Martin . 4 J ZONIorlella Materials, Inc. ZONING - RA � \ USE -VACANT 110 TMP 88-13 Sett ACRES 6: j / ZONING MoriRkettFLOOD HAAZARDam Construction OVERLAY €` USE - VACANT / _ ( TMP 88-130 35.05 ACRES Martin Morfetto Materials, Inc. ZONING - RA, FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY i USE - VACANT TMP 88-18 579.13 ACRES _ Martin Marietta Materials. Inc. ZONING - RA FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY, NATURAL RESOURCES EXTRACTION OVERLAY USE - INDUSTRIAL LIGHT MANUFACTURE TMP BB -IBA 0.00 ACRES Martin �G M-ri ZONINGRA. NATURAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION 3 \ OVERLAY USE - INDUSTRIAL LIGHT MANUFACTURE P S, WJI'mmsooES Company, Inc. ZONING - RA, FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY, TMP NATURAL RESOURCES EXTRACTION OVERLAY F BB-13B / USE - MISC. FARM BJILOINGS � 1S TMP 88-18 1q TMR l _ \ 9A= TMP 88-9A BB-95 r M. CHAEL h MAR5Hn TAYLOR \ - B 10= TMP 88-10 ° TYF c RED Hfil CHURCH BB-13 EX OUARRY i2= TMP 88-11 DONALD IYCEITE OR DEBRA SWA'GHOtM R �-EX BPROP - - _- 12a=TMP 88-12a ASPHALT PLANT - _ E-ZABETH WET MORE ENGLISH xor 1 _ LOCATION - TMP 86-134 i ,sA• :. "•'lcl]L[IIr.7/, AMERICAA' TELEPHONE b TELEGRAPH OF VA ; TA=TMP 88-17A TERRENCE h JANET WORE -LOLL Avexx L Tyq., , Aasrt . t575 TO RED HILL CHURQS qUP 88-70/ Z ,n 2 I \ 3]120 TO DWELL;VG (TMP 100-24) ig a 1i550 TO OWEr-INS iFMF 88-73) / Z 5 I t]6OG TO OWELLCJG iTMF 88-9AJ for ;g a C- m , F J \ o0 so U) 1 z3 a� Z 8J W TD / / / SJ.LE l-=Aa I f SCq'.L Iv FEE' - I r - , LEGEND u 1wF':OO-i i - •' GROWN ORc1wRL COMPANY r f �+a' - STEEP SLOPES (OVER 25%)• ZON RA USE:IF CFCNARE %<>/� ;/ —, -, I WPO STREAM BUFFER I IkP =--` SOILS 14B � EXISTING TRAVEL WAYS _ -± _ a _ _ 'I %v �� •/•~__• SOILS 4D s 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN l /� ••�� I (FIRM PANEL IY 51003C0405D)- ��. 100-YEAR FLOODPWN ,-• j/f �� r r r ♦.r r r r r r+ r (LOMR 20-03-1246P) D,w ' _ - - ,'per-• Y - - - - - - - • r. r • • EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP - 0•n .,�1 -.. r I a - /�% �•f. nT' bARTIN-MARIETTA ? SOILS LINE 1 • �Y• ��CORP CONSTRUCTION �. z �'!L •>I;'' •� ]L@p zONINA: USE: VACANTI LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRADING 1 f•E *� �l •_-• •�f .10 r • 4D SOILS DESIGNATION qp •AirJ0 z4 <, : : - -. � , • Imo• s�Ruw ARFER _ — — I �`F------ =yyl--------- _ SOIL54D $CµE,+n - �`• _• SOILS 77 •—•�-• i .%r/? �•~�`•—•—•�• `SOILS LINE(fYP) ' Imp W_ACµIJB p ZONING: RA A!''� T���.••�••----.- >, ; USE, VACANT b - - _ s•E .y� •,• _ _'2. _ - I YC MF�rrAa �L_ ��I • r i �•r r ♦41, rs r ♦ -tI"•♦.r - - - _ - _ - i- r_l�rr_ r_ r_ r _r_s _r w•• ir_rza_L Fe..r...m•. uwu w.w -_ -�_i. ^•��- �s �_ _� _'.- w•A•r.- �♦ � ._ �i•. r. - „ e �i% , - 1 - I w' sneEAu avlErw f l SOILS • A,�; / • ` / .�•_ ____-_.�.� SDK`s 6? -�____-_-____- .a � \ice \ •� / I - / .Y� --r• 100• SIRFMf BIdFEF sv J / 1 . SOIl54NEfTVP1 _'�•_ S \ /J ��• f• 0/l few• - ( WILLN SON a/ `_•t. .. // - ,'••!w^�'.� ASPHALT - - - • �_.--�__��_� - - / •1 _ _ PUNT -- ��• _'� f— /�' - - - - LOCATION _ d •�-v"�. �' g i j//.%•�. - 'I -q � w•.Y AT fE. _ _ � .. _ _ ) � ��.�.'f i - I W f 6 wZ c 5 cr 2 - t sr. < w Q ¢ V O �Y rwru saa wes ouro / / Rc Ae a• a 3 Q J i . o ,{ - - - wua , wcnnn A-- �nva•L .Fc ar srorss' T Z J m u v Ir • ~' _ TUP 66-16 _ 4•••¢°'`cwr•E• _ - _ / 0 MARTIN WRIETTA 3 < 0 MATEROIS INC_ 11 zoww.. ,RF 4us E` EN I ,E EA. Si 1 nt e�c OWRRY i _ IN r . L LEGEND �. I• ��__�• —�� 4D •«.......��...... • I • - «. I I • -�� •II«« - - SOILS LINE (TTP ) 10 SOILS 77 fiGLF 1'� SUIF IM iEA ,••J -�_- III-•'� Voft �1.� ♦♦a ---tee•-�..�--�- / SOILS �/ \ r SOILStsEa��� •� /• �.— r ---------------------- `�IIw•«• •— 1 .— v SOILS.LiNE (TYF 1 .1 z i a a F ataanma+.c o'uwn .c ar.aan To 1 Z 5 g w r wg a �15g 3QO65 oOx — 4<¢ 01 Ua m � — E Z 8J Z 2 O O w„ - LEGEND U ` I CRITICAL SLOPES (OVER 25R)'u' _ _ IF t op WPO STREAM BUFFER %IL—J ' I I EXISTING TRAVEL WAYS43 •., ` -. O Uz --'� [ . - 1 't A, ,, 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (FIRM PANEL d 51003CO405D) II U a '�•r•�-- —� /� r 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN^ (LOMR 20-03-1246P) rn 85 f.�rrrfrrr rr r'f EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP Dffa �' '• 0 f •a GRADING p❑ D _�'•�,' - ?UP bb-J3--,-� ! a LIMITS OF CLEARING AND NOTE EXISTING SETTLING BASINS TO BE RELOCATED - AND RECONSTRUCTED PER THE CURRENTLY EXISTING THE NOTED LOCA110NS CONTRACTOR - �+R .40 ,# 0 `� NOTE -CO TRACTOR TO INSTAL�DIVERSION DIKE DIRECttING RUNOFF MARn ONSMU Ti CORP CONSTRU.TION ZONING: RA Use VACANT I CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I ' p�G ^ � '?'•, •"",;,�• DIMENSIONS AT • � TO SEDIMEN TRAP AS II ST SEDIMENT TRAP � ' *' "' •'^ TO PROTECT STREAM FROM ANY POLLUTANTS 'o CURRENTLY WITHIN SETTLING BASINS PUMP IS HAUL P. AM SOON AS ON SITE \ BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAP f r GRADING ALLOWS \ \ _ ' pD DIVERSION DIKE i ' _ti \ ''��� r \ r' ' 1 DUST CONTROL I-, — _ Ew' STRl.1M B4TT£R i 1 p .{, yt------- 1 SF SILT FENCE TMP 89-lie NARRN MARILTTA NZOMNGS INC USE, VAL4N7 SCM.E IN FEET `+• - - - - - -• ' = - - _ b`. _ " • . « s r ... . *lip „ r•"'�~► • �'_ �f ia.: i y. r v • �� Fry tlE. _ — DD - J/.J� a f• I —n DD c T — — SEE NOTE 1 "� \ :vo. ` \ \ '/ r` — — 30"sERE.w 31F1E 583 _DC,, ^- —DC,- =S EE NOTE � I jf • —. — — — — — ,w• srR£AN eusRR —� W `wDC F' ram\ \ / ✓ WILLIAMSON ASPNAiT �.. Yf sueDATOCWD : -� � �• - � •.w 011. =0 4 AC am :a<s nr. Vona CWD , ,''y, ; ..., MAR7,N AEARIEf7X _ _ �, .. . - \ ' — •1y� - } ZONING, zowNc: RA v USE: OUARRr. DA TC WD g i =33 ACIlk S • — 'y EX �j E1) I I ILEGEND , „IifEEP SLOPE AREAS SHOWN HEREON IN THE S.L NOTE: PROPOSED SETTLING BASINS ARE 1 zV r rnV WILLAASON LEISF AREA ARE GENERATED FROM A L pANGEROUS HAZARD. PROCEED WITH 1 STEEP SLOPES (OVER 25%) ^_ TMP TOO-2 T / "l / SLOPE YSIS OF THE AERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC CAUTION AROUND THE BASIN PERIMETER •��yE I CROWN ORCHARG COMPANY /� O // IRE ION. THE EXTENT OF THE CRITICAL SLOPE �` ZONING: RA F/ / �^f' AREAS INCLUDE THE SIDE SLOPES OF STOCKPILES, i PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED By USE: ORCHARD r//� . '' /� SETTUNC BO&IIIS, OVERBURDEN PLACEMENT OR OTHER OWNER r , WPO STREAM BUFFER- /�; A/ MANMADE FEATURES GENERATED FROM THE NORMAL 0---" `• 1 a aow A`// BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF A QUARRY a 1 El EXISTING AND PROPOSED TRAVEL WAYS a TooSETBACK RAWD UPON MSLw[o W' PRMRIMNE Faw FOR KCI 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN HI Rao \ (FIRM PANEL # 51003CO405D) E7145 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINAA (LOMR 20-03-1246P) a.g �j%� / p _ '\ - _ _ _- - - ` • EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDPAlt, a Is - e /t r �fp.A�PTp ' \, MP 6A-13 p LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRADING O __ MARi1N-mARJEM I O CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Q� it � 7 - - - 4T't R .V CORP CONSTRUCTION _ ZONING.' RA T;c 'S USE VACANT I pp DIVERSION DIKE I _ ir/ J DUST CONTROL $F LEN P$ •�� NOTE AFTER PLANT IS INSTALLED B c TP •r / �" '-� TRAVEL WAY IN PLACE, CONTRACTOR SHALL STABILIZE ALL AREAS WHICH DRAIN y TMP 88-138 M� p TO THE SEDIMENT TRAP AND EXCAVATE MARTIN MARIETTA Z THE STILLING BASIN. ONCE STILLING \ MATERIALS INC J ! BASIN 181N PLACE AND STABLE GRASS IB ZONING: RA •-� IN PLACE, REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAP AND USE VACANT 5 xRE-ESTABLIBH BERM TO STILLING BASINSEET W _ tee+ --- - v - - - — PS p. " '_ - - - - - yY � r PS i i // •� ' n ». r — — — — �- PS }+ $ F ' — — — i — — — "S .� — —No $ F — — — — — — r PS 1 E IX Qi�OB. n DI s,pS 1+.n . aVOev wMU:► z f f \T E.rra w ^zrm, P PS a.R.c. o.Exr..aow vv.:aLN+, a V! O E I \ LU a i a � / 0 V o TMP 88-18 MARTIN MARINA _ .\. .._ .il / ✓ V tj a gg A& MAi£RIALS INC USE ZONING' OUARRY / . _ \.._ , /✓ \\ �.// S Z V) 3 _ it f - / \; _ \�•� / \ ` / \ 0 ` 6 8 - — a SETTUNG BASIN COMPARISON SPITING BASINR MMISF1 VMLMEICY_I' SETTIING BASIN0 'MEAISF) VOLUME E315EING SETTLING BASIN p11959.029 4]B17CY PROP05ED5ETILINGBAL4R1 197045SFI 46976CY EXISTINGSETTLINGBASINN2 1450.135F 33624 CV SETTUNG BASIN 42a 1938335E 47B.87CY TOEAL 3409.155F 81451CT _PROPOSED TOTAL ;39G9.16SF 948.63CT I5 I N EXIST114G SETTLING BASIN • 1 PROFILE H1'=20: V1'=10 PROPOSEC SETTLING BASIN *I PROFILE H1'-20 V1'=10' EXISTING SETTLING BASIN N2 PROFILE HV• 20: VV=10 w 1 I PROPOSED SETTLING BASIN 02 PROFILE H1'=20: V:P-10 nc n AND ern mFg pppq u1RDM1)M STANDARDS CONIDNIC' R .II ESTABLEN A 1:AEXE1_ All NOT AVOW NO EROSION WRNw M WE M NN TtQlflll 1L [ [u n ARE. I 1+u+ E WILL BL LC✓.TL, Lk;n[ : uATR4 NOT I6ED FOR ON SITE LRAVINC TO 1B WILLED TC M MrRI"C I' r ilr ADEOVAIE EPOSON C014I301 N EAS NO, YDBIftIT W>w AND Yff URL Nu'+ T1TRIP SENT Snit K OASIlJ:1ED f. A I'M STY n: w, .AY. ✓rl IMYL! e.in'- AN, SHIL BE WT ,N,, KFpE UPSiDPE LAN,. DIT WRANLI UIEC I-LA^E COMIMACLR L [SLNUSI PNIETER DS' AROLT M SATIN ON ON IYE RINSE I [x09p CONTROL PI.A16 M M rRSF SrEI a COMSIRE1LnLN A9 .A'MN MEAS�� SY:t Y YIr.ICE1. CpIIt.NACBp E PMR[E $\TN AS .WR ANC, "eEPTa1 IWELALRB7CA u: A!,INWILL SABLQ[ ALL. CARBON SINUCtlXV5 . aYEDM4Y AFTER WSALLAIRM MMRISNAG IITP[Ci ENDS •iMILIU1OR AD EAOSTDRI CpOROt MMIBIES AFTER FION R11RB'W [Wl1 r yf YCM TIDIED yC• fEDREA•' MSBIt `.'ALL K DOS+: wE, CLN•ilri'..ru UIV: uP.Y. TR lrlttl CFALWti MLA 1. ML'M£. a nrt MAP NA 6Asv TENYOII IRMT IA AM USED AS Aw OF M ET103ON CDR MWS,1IES MR 1N6.r r',1E A' ':BAG• r:MN'- OF A SELNLN, IPA Er,A. BE ICA :YJC TICS = -AA, KEE AN:, ••N TRA SIGH LNG• cp.TFJ, [MANED AREAS ONE, C4 NSrL'ABEi NTaI IY4 r C00P11"4tC 'Jr FLLx IWLy ?Il]FM -,AN 'RP fOlI_ IC INPLE KREs SEA.: BE COMRO.LEEI ,.: "'CO. M ANNMIW WORN,E UPrL:11 w A :UFUNEM BLVN rr'.V :'.&: TILLS NR ACRE 7 DNNRNI AREA 14 O QL, 5r11PlEY A uITINN- AVNINV TIC % MY LFRAA NTFORI OF THE BASIN N 0 A - 4 -EAR =HOLY p iF-\CJR DNATI3N. RJ%O%" CDEFPCC✓BRE USED IA' ' 'µclU . 1;H L, r:wgl.Y'LNc It A MINN. EAI CpWRRON ON THESE i:`TOIS ElPE-TEE rC MST WHILE THE 5 ENE.NT SPIN 4 YRLD:EG SEpYRFT BLWO; ARE NOT DEED AT PAT OF THE EIpHp1 WRRK MEASURES FOR AIN'SNr FipOPE, yyt. ED DESIGNED IPD CENSTR\ICIEC N A UNNtP FIAT M'LL ••••o IZE CR.•iNM S EAES INW AN FGJNE V K EROONC OMSSFAEL• WFrN:N ONE e p PEp1e.IlLif. sURIJ7.101. OlAr K MDAS RT• AMPUDNA SLOPE TA91L•[I::. V eSJFCE 'JNTI. TW FADSLEN 1• C:PRE".,CD rNes APPLIEStO ALL DMINKD AIEAi :Y1INDEI r4N"JT TNKL M1 r_V0 -MICRON CY LF TILL 1. .'PC' 'J N',E55 EGrTIiNfE W THIN IN ADE,lATE ,ENNORARI AIR PI -It HITIIEL. FL'JIAE Ok S:D`E [/MN -11 _1�li�0_- WE kW1 0F, Wu K ,= M RAN -DALE BERN. AND COII TO APRpfD YpVET TRAP. 1111-LF NA:E- <EEPs IRON A SLIM 'ACE, WEGJ.TE DR-N-1E I CIIEe L FROFE :TSI SHUT BE PRDIOM CpRRtCEm SAI PRONDE Ad.OwTE pWRILE OR GIANT PROIEMION If INIS OCCI116 ..71L.M DURI r9IRPV:TION 5114E K ALL LTpV $CXER IN_f'S IFi' 19E coxBICTDiI To GTrAu nWEF N+DIIaiD1I Dx u spa stWER INLFF 1D PREVNn KPORE IRON ONG"ll D IS IRS r ONER NAL, Cp6rR":17. 5:]FL1 WL1EF " A. R gEl' 7E JF FWK_ A. VV:[ OPEN,w.1l A` CHANNEL .' ::G l- FWOf HlI� A , REh Ir^ TryaOaR, :fF PRAAKV, CnWrL iNVRL Y,Ni B! V'fAtli' rr z CJf:LIANCC •`.NVmC. TINE RC:.E�I: Y:. mSTAN}TpLpKgipp i:INSTALL pSAM M, AO/p PERWI,EM AVSURET IDTHE W.fAK CHANNEL FNOOM IM Slpa SEWER SKTGT 6 YOPpNIaML s AHED xIN3vA. w A LNt WATEr:1:= _ _ '_ 'GRAVED PRE. AYrrLNS Ill— Ir RVE1 Tc -N-ERDN2CE NRLRI4 i-LI. BE 1" V E TOP Trp , ocTIr1N JF {NE$WRS PA,^CrGEN'J4= EMTHEI. lI- uAv DE aL1_r •D- :rfY STLIIIJII II : CC B` NUN-EG.J _C MER MAIE11A1 1M% ME NC LNE MTDC VRKS 1THN INE VROTER SIZE. W'HCL I LM WAT_R:OJ0SL Y49 BE :A3SLC F SSTFJCTgI: YEY.q GCS NCNC iNVI "Kf:E IN All, 5!r_Vp:14 1'C"n T. A TEu, lc: c 71 1 L�PNAV C. C .51... OTIJ_TCC :• I. •:-ir'tlB:i VAIEPLI THERE wNO WE,NBNRWp5E5 ROTA, F SITE :< ALL AI•WpB.( ExAK. ]TAN'._ A,la 1,:, - n. 11liAlIINL !D'A.^Mll. CF:ISilll(:L.L NVIERCILBSES Sr'LLL BE V- THERE ARE NO LNE MOGCDUR95 NINTH THE PRPILCI SIZE. .'- NHE DE AI:J RAN!: Y' A xONRC0J4SC SNAIL BC SlPaACCP I."AIELI AFTY 'C JNDEPr NC :ILIJN J\EF SHI:,t K IN$TA.tFC IN Af CORNxCC W1Ti TEE IOLLLW" C VAIERA, 111EV TOP IlAl, LI N TPENC E i BF WJPER .JAR = CE I F V 1 PLCArlIN E RMAW E pW: C 1 1 E11"T" 4l ARP 1 V 5 31B' E III THE ARPJ[ 1J ,l OPEEA1p4 THCLJpNLNATION , SCWEF, T':TERSCC, FIE' JF F.MLY c IIE r C9� C •R L M'f. Y.<. RP-1 i : I C r" -- - "arr-'.. -_r uaavP mkLE-UN + "LFAv PNON $OIL BURD', - Ix I' TVP'_u:l i, 'I I - :r, I. IL, BE 5,,Rf SC E Is I - A ." IN. y AL ARE N_ TI RAIL HS' L! MILE`,.' S♦ ;4 1.1. AB L. I4! ✓-A. PP'V'14W Aw17CT,. TRANS s['JULi1: AND INC M I.Y� -s AMA KSUUnF. TRON GENE "OHNIT[AL •Jr ICMr'ANt VUSJMEF YNL R NWWNEM1 Ap.1Cr 10 RRCnM RUSHER R^S^A RAY' IINLL Jr CONKING A THYE ION CO E SR. AND OBTMN IxSVEttp APPROVA NNp i0 RENIIR-TI. A A.Irr. CONTROL FT/LANT' IN V F TC IE: WZT •$ DA<r,TIL RW LC ^PNrI P•NL K RC [ LO:W !{-JI PO -CF L'ON. LRCrIIN DIY r E J 1T NEE V.tUl ,I '_WE •£lC^ wL `EAR LOP WT C' r XN w1VZ NIN 'I 9,L SBx1L^ YA,O,Rr - JP L'JAtiz:A N A. LCc,:AN;.E WP4 Tp- .I:::W.,v'. -:rDAVC` wCq: - 'CRP a L[rPF/.r IPr'T•RV WATiG P''rSUL LCS':IN.'. / LCI DPNCI:: r " 5Nl'. PC .• 5]IlW-s' ].fI NTL L AE E. , WI 9A CI LIAr-MAID S1 0, r: _HANNEL PFC c Fln ,, ts-sru TOR TTOA 91[S MEN 0.1n:rr I� JI<LHAB: E_ I_, !. "P1 '_•F cICE TrIA S LmM1^jREW L-'TA9lP Y4-•.C.0 L iFr CULT' -: •I[ 011.E N .N- S."'r $ICU. R± v[ur^uNrD E 4.- <' c-wlE.s A..L Pler' FM1A_. bE .'EA11.0 'SING. _TIC:.^�I. CP:ILVM $i:1PV WIT? _rSi,:AG^C' niC C'rf rNII+Lr^w ATI.'L '7CMI-!i`1 :CTI.TCC pI✓, n SWP1= J. .INNER STLT:1rW".A C4 :�I'4.CI < CV _.-. .= E[ PVAI ( Vtll A'.0 I N�t F L'I 3TCY i �_a!NLE C J IRO TLII'.f r xlfY L'I,t Mlr.-,r is THE S.l ",, 4h5TR 4V YR -YF rl•, YW BE I T '.IRAIC INTO 'A Y„!'. ML'. yr. ryA ap Y } TO V C• W FITFRA I 5 ETT'P TRAP 11MMTR T e: 7 TO 1-1 V4E. RFpI'Tl, , IG Ic ., JA F.uvm• . WA'Ew .rzm nl ._ An Aa 0 M1IWFBI <- If • (0 p I m • W PIfBNIAW PNVpI I£. A M PER SITES > 1 ILTL IF. 1 01 FOR TEES 4-1 AGES 1Rpflt Eq Cpgr4x SNAIL 0 B}rwE > 0 lwA WR FWL N .) W B INNIN, ro BE tE55 THw TART m wfw)/FN Onwwl J. I T EF LR "MSC DCY:NECF THE u: HHIiTO L-1101C f"LwNty T AWgT .'F N[ L L L +•L<L••W L ;I.N/C'H E NEN6 T e} 1•:IILWSUV NC TrC !Lr^:-IN!Nt AREA Y}Y'ENT M TWF AAI CK4NC N STEM THAT a K[NRO: rK' t C CMANINIK L� AD, IN L DWHE .AlNI l "IllEl . ITT ILO F-•OKKA ER aDIIuEVAS[ Sr4[u5 N4.M lxF IN IAJL. M H fNI, BE i "AI I N $n41 BE E'DA193r - N COMIRB 1'11 WnN DMR T:RNN,R ERR RWTh se "N r'MWCIp 0 iMf ailt ZE _vAWW1RW cP 2NAlILt 5 fPl' iNAr E ryNa11DI.IYr •. ACLVIMNCF x'n, Ur PFAA. GFJEtnE Ml r E LnE PErm ,iTON IYCVIRWEM$! i 7E lI SHAG 4IF SEE F:CF T; NnVgtl 5i.%WY11F C0':LTYNP:! ` STVS 54-: L BE NE' LCf '9lB)1';;LI T. OOICII SWEL POST Stir ROADS FOR MNr1RUNOx. ER09pN 11 TfDBEM COI,TWL i pNNAcTcB s ALi MAW PpenS ro WpN WRHIN mw mprt-w-Tur (MOr LAND -USE NMRT)- KNDNC " vv R MDW M MN RNRR-a-M. wT K RELURED ro OBIAN M PONY MM I ]. 1p SA{E COppWR DINNER 10 OBTAIN KW RnIIRS. As INVOLVEDW THE M STAI IAJN0IOP LA MAIpEB)IIM OIM11Tr (ODDS 4. C1,00 TO SHINE OBTAIN LAND D6NR9YICE PETBIrt firOY M CWNN p NDNARLE Repro BtaNN11G MEETNGfirl S. i IH` N1QTNc MIX M EiLp1fP, M CN,riIfD LAND p6TlI FEE, Y6PEEINI WY ALSO K KdARfD. N31N TR MpR4 FDA E .I TR�[r�crRIPT DIN n6 PRIER 4 POR M REMOMK M M E 1110 ASPHALT PUMO AND M BISTAIAIOY OF A KW ASNIAT "MR LYOT OF NSIWBYICL 6 2R A065 EXISTING SITE CDNDEDDNS M EX6rND BITE 6 A MYtlpIC ASOIMLT PLMR THAT OPFRAT6 IN A LfATED AREA MO91T M PFMSl FOR THE FED TILL QUARlFn M EMSIINC "PLEA 5 A CkAl'CL CCRERFL AREA, TAROT COME RG TtONOlfS Of AGOKUTE THAT 6 USED IN M HANWI^FIME Of M ASTALT NO. An•IRC N1 A AS to M WEST K M LEASE AREA 6 AN EX6TING CRm'. FIAT 5 Awl0c AI¢ WTN A Im. STREW BITTER MYI FLOOMWN FIAT ARE LOCATED WIOW M DOOCLOP >r AREA FFIRIIER TO M W61 6 A VAfNO PARCEL pMED m MAR', AAKTrA M C101m p M OUN I. M VAANI PARCEL 4 OIRI ' COHERED IN T`FDB M M NpNN OF M LEAS AREA 6 NC.WI WO LOCATED ON M OA PARCEL B WS NET BEEN 06lLWKD m M1ATBr' OPNU1 M OF T16 DATE L M FAST DAM LEAD AREA 6 M ATNE (ARIAS pNBATOA6 INN, 9YPLY AGGREGATE f0 M AYIMLT "ANT TO M F Or M LEASE AREA 6 BORE HOB. RED HILL ROAD. OrT-SRE AREA' BOND pMRD NFD M161M1mYAI MTM1IrI ,TILL K TIMONL PEAL£ 0,150c M CIFTERN BOUIOYfY OF M LEA4 ARb IARSE MBNNNM SHOULD K NORpIMTCD WIRE M pMBR, OPOIllp6 cnll c BB PINT/WYMRr OPVI QNAFER Fp (ANAL. CR@6IONE. A9/p sDNAPPEAREASSIpI[ NAPPED ANONAGE PTXA. OfF W1Ei1 MID SPOLS N:ES. Hf1ONDD1t pry3P-ONREER THE SSAHA£ IAMMR AND pOSON WtMD-IMRYNiD. M F/STNAN ADP[ AEA K,INEDR M T.L 1101,A1RON IEME MU AIO M NIMIN W dfliA OIEAMI 6 M AAFA Or SP01 S ilII. Tr MFIMOI�__SNFW�'A MM2 (0-]SI CBYPIEA Cr K� MEAT HMI- RILL d1 ERN AR $pOF SON NNAY ERARED SOMT AN ,LNM MER MONG F 6 AR 51RFAA5 Pa SLOT ANI p SOUS 6 IANDMODLO , MD AVALAKC WATER GA"ACMn' 6 IRDL RIipF 6 StOW MET EE®OII XATAD LOW. MpO1DpC AEL OPwP B ':TRLCIURAL PRACI^_ES 1 sariE r FENCE MOT) - A 1CYPORAAr $ACTT FNSE S NIL K EKCED TO NONIm PI.NLO Ac, Em TO M PROECI AREA AJD ARCANE) SEIATNC AAFM TO GROIECT TEN Fp.A^1 O]1N51RUC11011 iRAF1C 2 1E31N1IIIY LTA6R1I1DIpN NRTANCE (3.02) - A TNrvWM Cp6'pJCION ENTRANCE TNNL K INSTALLED Al FINE SIR ETRYNCE IS SNOIx OHM ERMR^N AND sEDA00 CONTROL Plrw 3 ROM SAitlUlAllp: (303) - AOEM PONDS. INMO PLEAS. AND ONNT ON -SRC VNpCLE TRN6PoPTATION FOIRES SHALL BE STABIIIEC WITH SIDNE aYEDMTpT ATTB p61NNn 1. yLl ENO, CLAMOR (3.05) -SAT FENCE BMKRS LLL K O6fAL6 m FINIEF 1,,,r r S FLpY AS SMNR ON M FAOSOH ARE sENK1F1 cpOROL FLAN 5 SNI EF ST FENCE ENNIME I - "RE-BEHICRD SL1 FI I MREF ML- K 06TALED TO FENS MMOIF FROM SEEP FLOW AS SHOMN ON M ERJ4rw ANC s4v"ENI OOKPBOL PLAN 6 IN1E1 T9ORLTON (10T1 -RILE! fRO1FLTEN WRL K Y4rAYEl1 AT ALLPROPOSED snXa oRAFN FILETS NSTALLEL INrMF ro FNw mfaiO/•mN v M snE 1 U.LWrt NLET PMORtOp BOB) - SEDNI NT P1LIB METALLED TO "EVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENRMIIF, A'SWIAnNO N m KRO iWMrERED m A MVNr B. IEA"YIART AlTR9p pL6 (IRO) - A S51p1 OF pNILw OMi TO DIRECT FLO* tlRG M Sew" RIP. RILL K N STA A SOWN ON M FAGSON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. 9. CHEW-MTFR pYE1Bp1 COiS - A 5,WEM OF ONDb•JN OIKS 10 DIRECT M FUM' p CIFAN OffYR VAIER AWAY FROM M TRC ML K NSTAIID f5 91uWH OM FINE EBo9p AD SEDIMENT cON1ROL PLAN f0 1dFORART sEDIAEN[ 1NM (313) l L 1EMFpIT PIWE 1RM 6 10 K Cp6pUCRD N COA EMIlhi T CUROSI NLET FPORLMII. pLCIL MAIL fp M SED.EIrt IBM AE sHOMN MN FINE F)+OSNH MO sEmvR T3NRIa CErABs. 11. TNOVRIRY SEDIMENT EARN, (I"ll - A 1FYfCRAm SQYEMI BLSN 4 To K Cp4OxMC1ED AS YIOWII ON M NOTIOII AND SEOMOO OIRRI "AN. CSL XNRS FOR ME SFIMIOO BAIT ARE SN?W LOr M EROSION AND SEDYDO CONTROL ORM FOR INE 4LYLWI SABN 12 SIPOaAIER coNNO NICE CAWwp E3.1)) - A SERFS OF CNVOA3 SALE K LpNSiRK1ED 10 NOAE TON, M CpMYMCE OF pMCQARYED AWNS 1C A KCLVMG GINEl WRNpO DIMGE FROM EROSIN TWK O CH ALOps e GY IoAIIOS AM SONN W M P. ,3 ,TLCI NIpEC (ITS) - OVRE1 MMOTM RN InLL BE p ALLED A M END MOF t TTMY S,WOI RACECf1[IIUTIp6 FOR M 0`J ET NpRC1ON NBC 91pN WHIN M EAKI MD S[NWNA, CCNlRO, DETAILS. M RPO:P SNVIAD K CHECIED P!'RgpGILT I ENSURE WORL 4 NOR UBEIETIN FMNC UNDEIRPNl 0 UP OF THE MPRNP LAYER. 14 N1ECN OW (5.30) - ROUT( CNEO: DAl6 WAL K INSTALLED N M PROPOSED mMS TD INDUCE M VELOp1Y OF CdKiNlWlm rLLWT WR. Nl1 HELP. w M CSA513XYFM Or INC 4N3• UNNL AF1CR M uis ollE AREA 6 SAe uibc. INC pQf]! DNN WT BE REYQ'rn AND NNPERLY DIypYED N A^,CONOANCE WM VECSH REwulDxs 15. ttVw. WMENCIER (3.11) - LpFt $MEAGER WILL BE NSIA LED ATM END OF DNEW510115 OR M6 TO ODRI ClWNE4IID FlOY TO SHEEI RUN TO AMID LY,ANG EROSpH 16 TURBNITY WRIAN (3T) - A FLOATM DEOIIXIIIt WTFNML MRM MINI SEIYud, ,RMSPdIT F ROY a pSRNBm AREA I. -ENT TO OR I41UNN A awll OF WATER, VEGETATIVE PRACTICES 1. TUT6AGE ROIOEIEIc (3 ) - ALL AHEM, WHIN A GRADE SIFIDEERI THAN 31 SWLL K STAIR -STEP GRAD OR, GROp.59 (PLATE 3,A-♦) TO NO N pll4 MAM6NMDIT, INCREASE INCLINATION, AND TO SLDW RUNOFF YELDCRI6. 2 ICPSpJIO a BIONpEBO (IN) - TCPTCI DULL K TIRiPEn F MCAT TO K (ADDED AND SIOLRGED FOR, LATER 16E 311NOT TES ARE ro K STABIADDD W1H FOAFDRARF MGETAION M M NAVE TILT PEKE R6INL0 MINI M LONER ,REMINDED TO PROMELT OOTIIITIMJ:M AREAS. 3. IEYPORNI 5[EDND (32I) -RCA. NOT BROWIT TO FINAL CRNE FOR A PEFOC OF N,R, IWN 14 OAVS ARIL K RABIIDED WIN A ITINFO AT, SEED MATURE ACCEPTABLE rq, IWi FINE OF vEN. CMMPLar. PURCH ROVER -TYPE RVIL75. OR 11,NN WAMNG Wr K NEED TO IHCCIRF RAFE STRAN MULCH NTT M SOL ON ADNs R STRIP 4 TO K CITED. ♦ PBYANP'1 StIDN'i (3.3t -ARCS [NOUGIFr ro f11W AGEING p INDTE Cp6iRMCTIOI IKR IW� RILL 1EAAlN mP1A,rt FDA rENR p YORE SWLL K PREPARED WIN A PERIARflR SEED DEC UEN ICCF➢IA$E B FIAT TITLE N YEAR PaFaAK suRrrrE WIN MRRwED muIRENr MD ADpFN6 Paox TO APwrNc sD. 5. LATISH (325) - PLAT RFSOUET p GMR WITMIL M3EMAS STAIR K AP"IED TO pSRRKC wNICET TO PREl E OTNN MD RE<'YCE M6IFI0 FLLN ALWRCS ,INS MACTI[C SNOVID K APN,ED TO Au TFFDNG OPNUTIIN6. OMEN PLANTER WTWNS WIBD1 DO Nm PROLE AOEOWI[ SDLL PRCrECOON m INNP56VC5, AND ,IRE AREAS "lam CANOT K SEEDED DIE 10 M SEASOR BUT MNIT STIIL NEED P OIFGIGN TO PRIEl sol, LDS. pNANG. "NCH ROLLIA-HERE POL1El6, OR TRA I YM4ATIO WY K USED TO INCORPORATE SIVAW YIA."N INTO M WIL ON SLOPES Y WAIN 6 TO K JSED. 6 EROSION, CCRIROL BrNNETS OJls) - EROSIR CONTROL BLAPPE1S IN CNMLNCIOM WnM F,,,ENT SELNNG WILL K 06IDDED ON ALL AOPES S110EP9R TIWI 3-1 FOLLpWO DRIVING, pOSEN WNpp BLANETT WBL ALSO K BlMED IN DODOS ,I EIE Ip1EI EFEI KLKOET Wr IMST M 01711RIMED IN EMTINEOIPIG CY,CN MCL 1Ns WILL PRDIER FRp1 BILL ARE G LLT EROSION T. TREE PROTECTION (3.38) - M TREE FFIIOE BARRIER ROLL K INSTALIm To PRORCT ME TRFII WISOE OF M LKOS OF 061111NWA[l AS SONN ON M EROSIN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL- ".w. B DUST CONTROL. (3m) - DIM CONTROL. METHODS LANAI K L4CD TO RECLEE M NEOUM I MMpb.E, NM DMW ALL PHASES OF COMWMICIOR MNEK T06 6 ETPOSED p 06TUIRBED. MANAGEMENT STfJIEGIES c COR6IRIECiON WDL K SFnuN.CID so IIIT plMlxc aTFAAn0N6 crM1 KDw MD EHo AT NIEIYY M f4STBlE 2 M d314ONRTICIR [Nm.NIACE AD PO6YEIB pN9p COIOROL uE/SI.RES SUCH M FREE PROIECIMM MO 9LT IFN^S SWL1 K NTW:ID AS M f1R$T STEP K D6T1AiBTNCE 3. TE " TRAPPING MrJ5URF5 SHALL K INSTALLED NnR PERIIEIOR SILT PINKIE PNON I AH GRANDIO AND SNAIL K SEEDED AND MULCHED wEDM,Etr FDuwFNG wsw3AlOx. ♦. M TNA1ADn IBIPS SIALL K MCgD FOR 5EO6E11 PCOIRAAON AIER ENOO RJMOrF PPONJOMC 51011Y EYdT. 5[NYFN, .YOID K ROO.ED WHEN rt RpCx6 ONE-AIAf Or M DESLN MLNC p M WN STORING 5 1EM"YIYN SFR'RL p ORTP 51AKQAlOR YElIKM4. SUCH As B.L4 .1LUiEGI WAIL FELON IUMEDIMI AFTER REACHING FIRM. DP.LfS B AL SEEDED MEAN WBL K CLM(ED REOIARLY TO EMwK I UT A GDOO 51WC 6 LLYTMED, NEAT SMDULD K FFRILEZED ND K-SEEDED AS NEEDED TO MAIM DROMx. I. M JOB TVROBMITAIi DR SMALL K KSPp6RKE FOR M IXSTAIUnM ND YVNIEWIF2 OF NL EMISOR .0 WINNOW CONTROL PmLIM6. e TRAP 7 FAN•OF /M SICE ENT GASITi(LLAMPHIASEDIMENT T ITU PANE/p 10BASMN(TS) ASIANW1HROUNpVT INSf/4IION OF M sOR1 SENIOR B. EPDRWEI AND (11FN15 LI 9 AFTER IEIFF. IqM¢ BY M EROSION MC SEDNPEFFT CONTROL ATWIPIITIIUIfM. M 1CYPAAR, EIOSR)IN AND SEDIMENT CONIC CAN K HEWED UP OR MEEEM MD M MONf!-T TRVS CW K FI I', N AAD SEEDED, FNERBT REDKt1wG DRAINAGE TO M PERWAEM FACOLMES 10 M w A NN ER AYY➢CYEM FK617"6 SN0.5D K CRELIED "EXPALARLY m M AIDYEDAHFE6 ASSp.ATO16 I E16L.gC THAT TEI ARE SMUCOMAL! SOKM AND HAW. Ho• BEEN ONNI W ERCSON. M flIDHRNTC, 5"t1FIAY SAL K CHFDIC. KwuMv w ENSURE IWI m WAIL 6 "EL ESTFS6NEC AND UIO9DN RESISTANT DR/55 ,l K IrD, MONK BFLON A MIND p Is- AD IRE 0.TRE1 SMOJIO K NI[N3D IOM CLIMBING. M ➢W SECTOR SHNI K NfN FREE 0' TWEIM` OR FgES (REFER TO M App11NIL YYTfIW10E sPEpFIUiO16i %EPMANENT STA91J.'ATIC% AL A9FAT 06TNKD W MSIMMION SNAIL K SIA&IfIID rAIH STRAW k SEED IY1EDAlELI iDUDDP1NG fWFSEa GRADE SfBIO SNAIL K DONE WFIN IErT1LICI 3, TAIL iTNE IRO ACNROMlS TO T1rWDYO MO SPECF1G11CR J32. PERYIICO SFIDIAD- K M ygpxµ ppSON Ap TFDBEM CONIODL IWIpBOpI N+r FERIIEiER MD LK APPLEAlO16 SRAl1 K N KDpDYKf WOH spL 161 RCAl3 Nl SFSkS MFAS WILL K SLAW W4ANCE SE PROTEGE AI M RLL EO090R ANO LI II-IM L U MO R D" WILROLL ENWNCE SEED GMCOINNON CRMNG PUHCI O TER-lTN SLOE. IF IRAp WILTING WY K USED TO ry-'ORFNBIA•TE SIMW YIMR INTO M Sp. p AllFp E SIWW 6 10 K IISFD. FR M,,N COHTPCE MAIKTENANCE 1. OIRAL NL FREINA MO SEDNIM CpOPI Yr1raS SL\L K NEDtm W Y NO MER FKH SfNMVAT RYNFAEL M FTB1pWNMG IIYs YBL K MALT® N PARrKYLw: 2 M CpR1-IRUCION GTRNNE SA AL K CNEEN O VIA- TOR MIL BIELDUF M M ENpMAZ KCOYES NSXJ.•N' BIN SOE AND NIT M PRE,EMT IRAI6PNREATIa OF W,L CMO M RIWA'A. KOI OA, STONE. 11EMA"DRR K SHIRE p A WAVE -RAIL WY K RFMARED. 3 %I FOK{ SMALL K INSPECTED 0P14MRN AFIEN FACN RWfNL AND AT LEAST MlT DORNO FROIDNCED RMFAL C=5L ATITRN SILL K PAID TO M KRAIR OF DAPIASO ST FHKE R6I11NG MICA FTO RLI,EF MC UHMICVRIE S OLNU M FIK6C ON A SET FIANCE OEMIINSE p BCCOK IEl'fECIM PRIDA ro M OD OF M p9ECifD IISIFAF WC ANO M BMRFP SM K 4CESSAm. M FApK SAWL BE REA/CED PROIBILI'. SE4YEll1 OGOS6 BNwN K RCIIO'Im NTEB DION STORY EVENT. TEWEM DEPOWS WIMP IF REYW[U Wld DE`C S REI AOPROMRNRT ONE-NVf M NOIXI OF M BLBBEER. NR BEENNE O MPo•i15 REIWNINC IN PLAIE ATfR M S, PERIOD 6 NO LONGER ACpIREO SILAtL BE OK46 IT, CONfONY uTM THE E](ISTND GRAIN. PREPARED. AND SEED. ., pVpsW (AGES SN,, BE INEHCIFD MT[F C,,Il STORY N10 I®MRS WOE TO ME M2 FLD" ENN111. Oww. OR MONEN, TIVPMW EMCM.FT1' AS NEC63Mr ONCE CREW TWO WEEKS. MEATIER A STp1Y VIEW HAS OC41RRID OR NET. IND NEA50K THHL BE NSPE<'IfD N1D REPWNS IIAOE IP MEFOG. DVMOfS fAVSED m EACH wpNK BIMfTC m OM[P ACIYOT YVBf BE REPW/6➢ BQORE M Q1O p' EACH axc pI 5. StPPYWARA WNVE'ANKE CWIRIGS 51 PASS LINED CHANNELS - DURING M AWRY fSIABUSNNIOlE GRASS WED CHWMFLS SHOULD BE REPN DEED N1l(DY1f1Y MO K-fSfA&fi11fD IF MCESS RI, MEB fM4 AILS BELOYE ESTABLISHED. M CIWIIE SHOULD K CHEO® PERIOD"PIIlr TO DETERMINE; F NNE poi 6 W6NSTMgNG FLDN K1A'(IIET NBOUI OYNit IF M pYNH¢ 4 TO K YONED. rt ENOU,D BE DONE H I MANNER THAT N wtl NOT S.2.ARflMwNEO OVNNFLT - RI LOm CAINNI SHOULD K CHEERED VFJBOOCALLY m EMpE M TORTR 6 NO' OCw!BDNG MONTH FABRK LIIRONdAIIIE OF M OPNP LATER M OWMEL SNOI Nb0 K pECOD TO OEIERWB 1NE STORES N6 NOT DISLODGED m IMa rLwS 5.31 SEDIMENT 6 DEPOWED N A WN5-lDm CWNNfL. R EN0;M1O K AINK"I1 NOYTLY TO PRFRIIT ONRME 10 M OPA4. S6NEM DECgER[D N A RnRAIv CHANNEL SINIID K AUCTIONED WTIEN IT RJORICES M f.VACIr, OF M CHANNEL 6 mitc, DY6 SILYl K CNECIEM FOR SFD:KM ARMIUu1ON MT4L EVCm RYNNT PRODA:YO Sd1Y EWI1. SEDafT S,WID K REYWEO Wlq R REAGIEF ONE -HATE p M gOGRW HODM DF M YfMTIPE REWWI INSPf1'IOI6 SILALL K WC( N I GH,RC ME AMNION p : ED ES 4 HE DA ,INN M EDGES ETOSON NONAT W NGN ODIIr ARDIIG M EDfMS o<M OW SIIwED K NIMECIED uWEOT[LY ). TIE FALROEN OWWXMF]IIS SVLL K OTECNED MOIIARLY 10 EI611RE TAT rt 4 51MKTURNII EOVRO NO Htl< Np eEEN pYIOFD m ERosON OR COr4TBt'NON EDUIPYET. B. THE SrpILMATEP YNAGAMENT FKYRES SHOULD K CHOPPED REcuIMLLr m M HOYEOWNfBS ASSOCIATIONS TO E16URE THAT THEr ARE BFRUI:1 1 SDUNO MO NOW NOT BEE.' DAMAGED IN, EROSION 9 THE EYEBGENLY SPI Shh,L K CNEtFED BEwL TO CASINO THAT TN WING 6 W4L MA9,JND AND dOlpl REwwo T. 011I55 SMALL K PLEA MOM BEIM A HEIGHT OF 1S- AND M wT1ET SHOULD K CNEC CD FOR CLUDERRG. 10 THE DW sECNNI s,Yt BE IiPT ,TEE OF SLPJNGS OR ,IfFF3.(REiER TO ME ADOII]WL YYHIEMYN:E TPECFRAlgN$) 11 NL SLECED III WB L BE pECOD ffD L I Y TO ENE M6 THAT A OWD STREET 4 NLA9NINRED A61T SHOULD K FERIIUEFD A11L' RE -SEED AS NEEDED. P ip 1RYCnONut YQINLAA�NL 72 HOURS FORfirsmpOPCN�LnONL ro x CONMAOTOR NSUN, WNSIRUC,ON ENrWlAY AND TREE NORmON AS FOW TIT IN I CVc AND GMIBBNB SINLL FIRST K WLED TO AREA RECESS M II6FN1 PNBYEhA CpnROL KVIN-< 1. INSTAL. ADmONAI NAANOadIA O]Mn01T: SIMN AS SAL fENCE DUPER SILT FENCE OEERN, N DIES a THEDO N, 5. BEEN fl W K EF Nc PLANT " T PVNI e. ARTIER mG, W : OF NOSTRIL FEED BINS, ACIrv1Tl6 CAN STAR, ro NrF51NLICi M RETMNT WNIS MNWD M i® 816. PHASE II. 1. BEEN, QGWMN, PLANT E INSTALLATIONINSTALLATIONKIMRS FOR RLTMNNf WAILS 2 3 KON NLA9 Y AAAT "A11i 11 , ] ,, To . ISMRRI IEVORNN KDBAEM IW iC KTIMHC BLbF YD MTTN1 NEW SETTLING BWN ♦ ATE DAME SHE AVAs PROPOSED CLANGS 5. PAVE PROR4D 1AL1 AREAS A w a w m Q w 3Qo �zJ� C 0) OEMOi K Q ¢ IT eJG Z 0_1 Z N CONSTRUCTION RIVRANCE STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE wHItM rµr[.. paY� r � ♦ � 1yy�%. �N SIDE ELEVATION T �p su � a t.IF y M - A♦e Ii T wE Vs y rmK ru: Kon. a a(M,m "" ftl6` PLAN VIEW N= _J 1v-T•—R�1f..A p NA rl.T EL111 SECTION y_..Af—A KIHNur vwETE' mw. s.ct SECTION B—B rteo:rWQhu lWTw f.rroL.L.rw mEiEE�Clltu ro. i9[ rlk 1p}I --' SILT FENCE C.•ONSTRUCTJON OF A SILT PPIVL, (WITH WIRE SLTPPORT) I � � .Ir a�n r .�. a fINIE � rues re w IeRH m r u A aA""N TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS SEEDING RATES AND DATES FOR THE PIEDMONT AREA SEEDING RATE (PER VISTO 511 TO 911 91' TO SPECIES AC I 4430 11115 DAIS IA —A ASI., iED wP TO to L6 NOT A LESS EELIA M LBS' RYE-SttpA—. 211 IUPn IBIB.1 NOT % F LESS THAN w UB OENNANMLLLET ISA'wm eAlul SE'TBS A ANNUALRYEGNAEB'ILdnn (MOLES % T mBm m, WESTING LO DE— IS IBC A ' IErpour n:rvWEl NORFAM IE6AECEU.' 2`LB6 A % IleawBva NKUIw'eAl ' YAY� USFDPb A IXIVFn EFJv LN111 SGflWICROF '• WY BL UM]f Ab A C(WER CNUv W(X LNNi11 rAOP %MAY BE PUMEO BFMF.EN TXFSE DATEE . NPY AIOT BE PV.NTFL BETWEEN iXESF MTFS TP ; TREE PROTECTION un USE .bNC1M IXML(— - IL.%RAr LAArs BE YD 6FIYIe P.aeh..55e s41MIN. s' :r CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS RELATIVE TO THE LOCATION OF PROTECTED TREES PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURES FOR THE PIEDMONT AREA TOT I LtLs PMI ACIE fC De�npSnyAy '+s.:m ws -AEVIUCFrY SASS, 1F..ALL.fBLL BE 1-1 iMPROVEC K_ ENNIA: RYE GRi66 05, VEN11f.M'PLUEGR♦5$ rA'81 MAM!EWNL� NN ..1 INS _1L(MUOIh.'ONtUR1.TYPE TALL FESCUE IBCti p�LH�PIc��M� O^E O' Oft —`ENTOPGRAFES^.Uf LI LBS REAS0N. ASS :LRC . SfA<ONAI NURSE CRMLA LB6 TOTAL 15C LeS DE t a± LRIAEBCJE Im Les RED TOP CRASS :LtlS BEASEDROA NAL IFIc". CROv ]U LBS .CRONM V[1LM' uuw MENL � ioRs LSE SEASONAL NURSE CROP IN ACCORDANCE LNDI SEEDING OAT E]AE 6TATED BELOW FEEWUARY IFEN 1MOUGX APRIL]JTX ANNUAL RYE M♦Y 1.1 1FN JGNAUGUST ISTX FOTTAIL MILLET AUGJST I6TH TMWGN OCTOBER:I6T ANNULI RYE NOVEMBE R'PT THROUGH FEBRUARY IETN ANNUAL RYF ^5UI6TTTUTE EFRKEA IfSFHhlAfW GRB.WYLICXfASTOF EAe1WNLt VA LNAY ALLU inpOUCyfEn1EL0E11 LOF MU.IBO SFRAZA AIIOTMFA PEPUpI tISE UMMIfOBE AF AIC iLA'RE"amEnWIIIJeIFEEc,INftpE pRMEASETUIETCEOLG.B11 RSECNiIIME Sow . .MOPEM ILN`A* WARA .SEPAY LRBRICS Amer E LaSnTO IN MOPE EK LOW .IAMTbAWEI wr oNmw WwwPSEE¢Nc T•fnnlm Ap[I m x uE IACTrc W MADE (s- j TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP a. 'armS ��'eEE���` 11��F eau; MI,ILOH-ING TABLE JSSA I DaUANIC MULCH MATERIALS AND APP WUTION RATES RATES MULCLLES: Pn Ave Pw lBpO.? R NUTER $.Or thy IN � 2 — Nr.9D IK Era Irm `N`N W Dune (Afiaim.m : m.1., Mun R AIMNomd wm Im SpeAE wire bng A hk—n, rimer 11, bl band Fber SEAI&� M..... 55 IS, W ml Rre IDmulch far ism Ihv .;mer abbb or euriuf bm dry pFnwL• Apph AT Owry. Cam SMILA 4 - 6 USA IM . 315 INS NI m AMNON N 46• k%,NL UaX & [b ml m bm UUF .N.4 App6 r w mWFh hb.er m h hAnd weal On, 4 - E mm 185 - T15 IK Free of LOAIx Imuer Air. &., T,-, rich IE Be wren per Ion Dona L Dm and I. Apph ran maldl blm.er, dep hFdI,,.: IS ' hard. Bart Cblp+ 50 Tl vA 13 4a Idl Flee u: eune .-N. AN TIEy. wind Do BAR Lm in GIN ShINdN BIT MFn. Apph.ilh BETA mukh bi—, wip I Wk•. Sr whmd • WIeA Cher mulch b ITe brh md.bi, mabal dUNm PPFbdL when IUA- world h med Apply AI . STUBL m me of IDBO IIw.IAC. IS 45 RN Ilene NI II Sam«: v, mwc MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (W) REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT TRAP EMBA.'N'K.VE.VTS ACCORDLIVC TO HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT (FEET) SNTa: V. DSWC .eB zB :B .0 .0 1 I — s I_s i.e 2S AS S.0 `.c 51 .3.0 0 A.s a.e ZS n . BAran: AREA ANA wI m:•P. ;AOAN PLAN 3.13-1 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE �ConIPSCIed Satl T- ie BE _ —Piety Sours: Va. DSWC Plate 3.09.1 Section 5. Stormwater Management Plan (Provide a reduced I Ix17 copy of the latest Stormwater management plan. Do not reference only.) The development of S.L. Williamson Asphalt Plant will occur in two phases or separate stages of construction. The completed project will utilize non -concentrated discharge to facilitate channel and flood protection. Stormwater Runoff will be collected and conveyed via sheet flow. Water quality provision are proposed via offsite nutrient credit purchase. Regarding Water Quality Analysis: 9VAC25-870-63, water quality design criteria requirements. offsite nutrient credit purchase. The water quality portions of this plan will be satisfied using Regarding Water Quantity Analysis: Compliance of 9VAC25-870-66-B (Channel Protection): In accordance with channel protection section B of 9VAC25-870-66 of Virginia Law, no concentrated flows are designed to leave the site therefore 870-66-B is not applicable. Compliance of 9VAC-870-66.0 (Flood Protection): In reference to flood protection section C.1, no concentrated flows are designed to leave the site therefore 870-66-C is not applicable. Compliance of 9VAC-870-66. D (Sheet Flows): In reference to increased volumes of sheet flows, section D. This site is bordered by, and discharges to a mapped flood plain. Landcover and use from this project will be fundamentally identical to the current use and landcover therefore as runoff is relatively unchanged implications to downstream channels and area flood plains are expected to be unchanged as well. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County LEGEND SL WILLIAMSONON LEASE AREA u� \ J EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP- rn Q DRAINAGE AREA TO CULVERTS UNDER RT 708 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - 313 ACRES f+1 \ TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO CULVERTS UNDER W. 708 = 707.5 ACRES I OTAL CA = 313 7075 = 044X OF TOTAL DA x �? � LOD/T / I 1 FOR WATER QUANTITY, THE PROJECT SITE/LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IS LESS THAN 1% OF 1 DRAINAGE AREA (9VAC25-970-66.13). THEREFORE S70RUWATER MANAGEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED FOR CHANNEL PROTECTION. IF ANY CONCENTRATED OUTFALL 15 PROVIDED, R ` ` \ WILL BE DISCHARGED WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPWN (9VAC25-a70-56.D) FOR WATER _ ✓ OUA.ITY. OFF -SITE CREDITS WILL BE PURCHASED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS 'C F in Post -Development Project (,Treatment Voiume and Loads) X. DA 707.5 ACRES / Enl<r Total OistuNetlA ea (P eJ } _ R.Devel In ` draws •w .ticu�P 1. 1 ame aseN csan oran ,� j ' 1. mnnMNnnla'1-en.eeeN+art _—_� — _— av I F � I J F."rwPesl LI I �• J n ]f6 � ]JS / Ib ./ \ 3 r TMP - - \ VM-De.elopnPa LaM fNlf alas) ,... E BB-13B,. - � aaW esoa csaa Nsr ,=s TAMP 88-18 aNnaN,.nNey nw�a.r,N. - w TMP - \ T/'P "EEX. QUARRY MWtzlw M Nn.Mr yPlln 88-'3 ASPHALT mmnlMael SPHALT PLANT - —r ••' - LOCATION I Z ° _ g u Qa i W=Q" Sc ti �ancoy J �Npfa Q W r Y s Z a / 8J 4 1 UE 62 Ofa SGLLE P FEEr 10 a. STREAM BUFFER CALCULATIONS - THE INWARD 50 OF THE STREAM BUiSER WILL BE RESTORED AND MORATM M SHOWN NEREGN THE MIBWTION PENNIINES WILL BE PRONIDED FOR ME IMPACTS TO THE LANDWARD SO OF THE SIRENA BUFFER MTFGGQFM AREAS O:RIJNFD HEREW WILL BE RESTORED Bl' REMOYMG ALL UNSURABU MYER4L5, PROVIDING SOIL YENMIENIS WHERE TOPSOIL HAS BEEN REMOVED PRIM TO THE INSTI.IIAnOH 0' THE MmGnGN PUNnNGS $TRFAY B'dFFER MDIC: 11Ou p Aunun IYPAOT MEA 1 AO.J9] YITRAIIM AREA REWIRED - 81,516 SF M TEAFON AREA PRONDED . 45.625 SF (1.05 AC)• (.ALL MEM Ix$IGi THE MWMC OD' STREAM BUFFER HAVE BEEN REPLwNTEO ENCEPT FOR THE TREE-SYE AREAS WITHIN THE Sl W1Wµ1SW LEISE MEA) Y'YFT AZETATRM N TIDY ARFAc REa.RRE'S >a :M(NNER-GROWN-SEEDLING$ PER ACRE MOTEAIIM AREA A 29.592 Sr (0.69 AG) PUNnw REouIREO: ABU PWn1NG PROVIDED MBgATM AREA B N.JTI SF (0 11 AG) PLAHpNG REOOIREO: JJ PIANnNG PROJIOEB: P YITIWl)ON MEA G 10,956 SE (C 25 AG) PLANTING REQUIRED: 176 PUNTING PRONDED: 176 133 TOM xUN15 REWIRED (J]] PWIIS PRONDED) 4N0(We'DP TRltf Ctnlmxlr CN •.4'✓L MYr.r. __. _ NG 1 M4N�(( I~M1 YEW.IN6•IR:µTTW ae F�+0M10 Y O PFRMIG B[ N. REO W •SIT 4W P. xWp!1M'G 411u[ SNPUxS N4NR4l/JIYXNf$ — \'4 NMNW _ @p(IbY((•f\Y YY'�Nf 1C4P UN lIN1 f WruTIM Yfi1Cx NYf_ 4[NRaI➢I •IR.Nq �fD111MA WYMIPt11 LEGEND U CRITICAL SLOPES (OVER 25%) Lj WPO STREAM BUFFER $ ' E°� EXISTING AND PROPOSED TRAVEL WAYS _ STREAM BUFFER IMPACT AREA ® STREAM BUFFER REPLANTING AREA E • W 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN s -' (LOMR 20-03-1246P) _ p EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP _ a . . LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRADING 1� KG E:'-W tf X C w Wl SO L£ IN FFFT TARP T00-2 %%F GROIWV ORGAMRO COMPANY `I� 1 ' • _ ..Y— ' i ' ^ / ' I ZOI R4 ✓, USE: ORCNABO y% ,, r p ♦ - TOO' SERF.\1I BIIFFPR i \ _ _ / •� �./ _ — TMP 88-73 II - ! ` / � 1 • ' >• •.• ♦ RTIN-RIE.RA MAMA • (n - i �/, ft Tw-�� CORD CONSTRUcnO,v ZONING: RA Tu Z USE, VACAW MAR INBMARIETTA 1 MATERMLS INC ZONING: RA S USE. VAC4Nf f _r �s �F�Iv��� �Ii4:E� w�1��1•�•i� ����Idi� f j q*•_*3v pR1A; f'l-1`IIIII:♦i1� i�1�L11s�1��.• p �. �I�� 4 w�i�11� 111�1:11181j ra�D1'11 SAW, -y _• �w.:� _WAITi' op •IIIIIIIIw1►1� •_•_1���b•_ID�_I�•�11.1� 1.1� 1••i•�:��i:�•�ii���`::1•1 f111i �C 1•1••Ii ••7•^••!�• 111� • 111 •I I Icy 1 ••� 1 N•11�1 11 ♦�II�IIr11_I •►•.•�_I•�•-MAN- 111�bl1!_IR��1�1 Rr1 1•�1��•_� A.�1► • 1.11•• 1 • • C• • •1� ••c 1•C •� 1• ♦ �� •'�o� ►I��i�A_i�_�.1111 1•�1 IA.11 11t1•�IIr �i1�••q•Idl�•�••�1•���•�•b1_1��1���_�W._ Ir.•1►1��1�_I�►I.���c���g►-a�a_:i ��t��_�•s•��II'���� �:f1�•11�1•�I/j�1•Id1i� 11 1• •, '�1•11�1••11 ••11 �I.li I E- r r' s cTRFAM BUFFER MTIGATION GENERAL PLANTING NOTES MIA T 6 MECEv^dARY TC MILL OFT AM NVASNE UNOE911ED 5°ECES MAIM HCRBDDCS. 51R PRERM AWN $NSi1N III IN THE RM1 Wm 10 THE TREE PLANI AND SEEDND. UNDESIRED SPECIES MA' INCLUDE MULTIILORA ROBE. NONEYBAICMIL AND OTHER SPECIES DEEMED TO BE I[NASIK M RE VIPIONIA DEPARTMENT Or CM%MATTM AND RECRGnOK T•B WERBICIDE SMZULD BE MPLAU M A LIGERSCD SPRAY 'URA OM LSMC. A NBN-TWIG, BgJEGRADWILE HERBICIDE TC CONTROL UNDESIRABLE KGEI0TIO14 2 RON AREAS IMAI ME E UX ZED WTn EXISTING MAK COVER. MOW AND AERATE MU PRIOR TO PUNTING. J FOR AREAS THAT MC DISTURBED AND HOT STABILIZED " EXISTING GRASS COVER. ARC. SHAWL BE PREPARED IMNG AND ORDERS, BY TILLING OR SCA TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF . TEST SON. PP, THE PH LEVEL WITHIN THE GENERALIZED BOOT ZONE OF STREAM WFEER MITGTgN PLANTINGS SHOULD BE nETED AND SP%QT TO WITHIN A RANCE OF 6D TO 7.0 WE PA ADLIISMENiS CAN BE MAC( LINK POWDERED UME A VEGETATION SHOULD BE PUNTED AS SOON AS ME AMBIENT SOIL TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE AI' F THROUGH MAY 5 PLANTS SHILL REMNN WRIGM DURING THMSMIFFI FORAGE. PLANK STORED ONSIM MUST BE PUNTED WITHIN THREE DAYS OF DELNEIY IN ADDEWN, ME PLANTS SHOULD BE STORED IN A PROTECTED AREA UPON URINAL N ORDER TO SHADE THEM FROM EXPOSURE TO ME SUN AND DRYING WIND. TREES MD/OR SHRUBS TH I CANNOT BE PLNTED IMMEDIATELY UPON DELIVERY SHALL BE N'.EPI WELL SPACED. PROTECTED, AND WATERED ALL DAMAGED PLANTS SMALL K REMOVED MOW STORAGE MHEREUPCM THEY MAY K USED AS MI UNLESS THEY ARC DISEASED 6. ALL PUNTING PATTERNS SHALL BE RANDOM AND MIXED TO MIMIC NATURAL JNIMCAPES 7 HOLES EXCAVATED FOR THE TREES SHUN BE 3-TMES THE CONTAINER DIAMETER OR AT LEAST 6- WIDER THAN THE BARE ROOT DIAMETER ME NO:I MAY BE EXCAVATES ETHEP BY HAND SHOWED OR BY POINU AUGER EXCESS SOIL GUMMED MOW THE EXCAVATORS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF RANDOMLY DVEF ME SITE R. ME PLANTS SHAWL BE 59 AT THE SAME DEPTH THAT THEY WERE MDYM N AND THE TRUNK SHCUID BE STUNTED NEARLY PLUMB 9. AMUD PLANTING SEEDLINGS IN EXTREMELY DRY. HOT OR WINDY CONDITIONS, NEXT AND WREN CAN CUOKLY DRY OUT LOVES AND ROOTS 10 WATER ME SOIL AROUND THE SEEDLINGS IMMEDIATELY VIER PLANTING. 11 AREAS COMPACTED BY FOOT OR KHIC,E TRAFFIC SHALL, BE TILLED OR AERATED PRIOR TO RESEEDING MU AFTER TREES AMC/OR SHRUM HAVE BEEN PLWTE➢ 12 BROADCAST ME SUGGESTED SEED NIX BY HAND OR MACHINE EVENLY OVER ME PLANING AREA AND FOLL.GM WITH A LLCM PRANG OR ROLLING TO ACHIEVE MEMO SEED -TO -SOIL CONTACT COMER MATH A LIGHT LITER OF STRAW MULCH. 13, MO STORAGE OF HERBICIDES OR OTHER AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS SHAWL K PERMIM NEAR ME PUNT STORAGE OR NIID TON AREAS 14 ALL WOODY PLANS AND SEED MIXES SPECIFIED ME NATIVE SPECIES. ANY AND ALL PRAM OR SEEDING SUBSTBLRIONS MUST BE NARK. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAI AM' SUBSTITUTION 15 A MTNE MUNALEMT AND NOT ON ME VNWNIA DEPATMEM OF CONSTERNATION AND RECREATION INVASIVE SPECIES PLANT UST AREA CREEK 'SFl - r I • I AA♦ M I• o M► STREAM -BUFFER MITIGATION MAINTENANCE NOTES WOOD- VPGI7,ATION AREAS 1. VrSUA Y INSPECT RUNNING AREAS OR AN ANNUAL BF55 A RESEED BOLE SPOTS WITH A MIXTURE OF GRASS. PERENNIAL MD/OR WOODY VEGETATION SUDS USE MAINE SPECIES ONLY B. IDENUI WEED PROBLEMS WITHIN THE PLANING AREA A CONTROL WEEDS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE THEY GROW W OR COI a GUNIM, E WEED CONTROL UNTIL WOODY PLANTS ARE FULLY ESTABLISHED IN THE PLANING AREA, NORMALLY 2 TO 3 YEARS AFTER PUNTING, C INSPECT AREA, FOR CADENCE OF RICH OUR BROWSE PRESSURE OR RODENT POPULATIONS a IF THERE IS MCCNCE OF HIGH MOIIIALN RATE. CONSIDER AVMLAB:L OPTONS MR CONIROLLING PEST PROBLEM SUCK AS FENCING, TREE SHELTERS, ANO TREE CAGES TO REPELLENTS, NUUDING IN-SML SYSTEMC TAEUT . MUM SPRAYS OF MANY TYPES AND ACTIN INGRUMENTS D CHECK SURVIVAL N CITE FM AFTER SECOND YEAR TO FSU:BLISH SUIMVA- RATE NORMAL SUINTYAL 6 490 PLAINTS/ACRE OR A M SURMK RATE a E ME SURVNA RATE IS NOT Al WE SPECIFIED MINWJM AND REPLACEMENT PUNONGS ARE WARRANTED PWIIING AREAS SHOULD BE SURVEYED TO TRY TO IDENTIFY ME LIKELY CAUSE OF THE PUNT MORTALITY, SOURCES Cr ME MORTALNY E44WLO BE CONTROLLED AND MITIGATED FOR PRIOR PWITINGS REPLACEMENTS E. NECK FOR MARK REGENERATOR WHERE ABUNDANT. UNTO FURTHER MCMNG UNLESS SITE IS PRONE TO VOILES OR INVASIVE PIANTS, F IF TREE TUBES ARE USED. RECMMLY INSPECT THEY TO MOLE SURE THEY AND NOT G. IN YEARS 3-5. PRUNE ARE THN MILES MD SHRUBS TO ENSURE MEDWTE GROWING SPACE AND OPTIMAL MONTH RAISE. 2 VISUALLY INSPECT PLANTING AREAS AFTER MANOR STORM EVENTS A 1F STORM DAMAGE IS PRESENT, FIX EROSION DAMAGE THEN REPWN MCA AT ME MINIMUM PLANING ANTE FROM ME ORIGINAL PLANING PTµ OR RESEED MANUFACTURES' RECOMMENDED MPUGTION RATE 3 IF POSSIBLE. AMO WARNING IN THE RIPARIAN AREA BETWEEN MRIL 15 AND AUGUST 15 DURINGTHIS ROLE PERIOD DISTURBANCE CAN BE DETRIMENTAL TO A YA IEIY OF WLDum. BECAUSE OF MATING AMID NARY BORN Ml➢UrE. GRASS AND PERENNIAL PLANTING MAR 1 VISUALLY INSPECT PIANRNG AREAS ON AN AWIUK BASIS. A POKED BARE SPOTS WN A LDXNRE OF CRASS MI PERENNIAL SEEDS. USE W.TNE SPECIES ONLY B IDENTIFY WEED PROBEMS WHIN ME PLANTING MM a CONTROL WEEDS AS SOON AS PoSSBIE BEFORE MEN GROA ON OF CONTROr WEED CONTROL METHODS WGL MANY, BUT WAY INCLUDE REMOVAL BY HAND. MOWING, SELECTME USE OF HERBICIDES. MWGHNG, AND OTHER INIEGRAIFC VEGETATION MMMGELEM (AIM) TECHNIQUE. 2. MOM ON M ANNUAL BAS6 TO CONTROL WOODY VEGETATION MUNIN. 3 MSIAN Y INSPECT PLANING AREAS AFTER RAILCAR STORM EVENTS A IF S RM DAMAGE IS PREYM, FIX EROSION DAMAGE THEN REPLANT MCA AT THE MINIMUM PLANTING ANTE FROM THE ORGAN- PVNRING PEN: OR RESEED MANUFACTURESRECOMMENDED ARPUCATON ANTE 4 IF POSSIBLE, AVOID MAKING IN THE PRIAM MCA BETWEEN MOLL 15 AND AUGUST 15. WRING THIS TAME PEROD. DISTURBANCE CM BE DEMMCRM TO A MINIM Or WILDLIFE. BECAUSE Or MATING AND NEWLY BORN WLDLEE Be , ` , TARP 86- IJR MARTIN MARYETFA AIATERMLB INC ZONING: RA - ' USE: VACANT PLANTING AREA B - 4,777 SF Pw,T s_x:P,u S[UPINGAX- LEGEND crA. »Y..>. x.a. LPINaHa M:Iw Yom1.nl CRITICAL SLOPES (OVER 25%) :,_..s'.n far.urMaaee aeon r1Mxi.ervn. rwr a[:e aMar.M:rrue I!➢n wen '_Emx FWNP ORK, n _hY IM.YRrpenMll r � i IM,MK T.aaw.N.: YIAFA�in lu+om `d WPO STREAM BUFFER 'Lp.F�,rv�.,la4n: -±m..x,MmcLU Nriu -- wWrrp NrvD i1MAxpeFSur %MAIr14LL IAY. YeRM. El EXISTING AND PROPOSED TRAVEL WAYS :mf NL�uv.lA rlxnWY qn:} al�rc wa - NM:IMa ixlNrt ! l Y1x FNmsmm�Md Aatqul '°R'EH WTI✓• 4ax1luMrrmpWwxF INrr1 M sP++< iM }VYrwMf Ye2M• %exTANTIxrr M[aN _ i0lpf f[ff Ma ® STREAM BUFFER REPLANTING AREA W5 Mesr�rnrrin ox*'w:me.r n..eH.L.«a rFrmr s:Pe1FM]NrrHaa! w.TeR lreax..a y I W . W 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN (LGMR 20-03-1246P) CRrNY•vdlr�NN..I.v Sn"Mn NRNMTN)VANNVra NMim•ppar➢n Mx ar [eWaaln W EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP W _ ` C ' . , ♦ q pm SCALE t'+W 3a a n. M CLUE W FEET 10, t'W FN.0 �•'V; ♦ 1 ' ` � M LB I • • - A A PLANTING \ i IMT SIp51IA emTEJR� ` / - — — / AREA C i 10,956 SF MI , Z AMP BIB_ I& MARTIN AMNA MCS INC ZONING - _ - - - _ FU ♦' _ USE OU4RRY F°° 57?EMA B;kAzz t ,' , rrc � �J✓�JR'YL � �I LEGEND ti a CROWN ORCHARD COMPANY I,IW /�I CRRICAL SLOPES (OVER 25%)* ZONING: RA •({A w USE, ORCH4RD^7�� `\ `\ `,�I \� r- WPO STREAM BUFFER ,\! ,/ \ �\ ^`~ 20 EXISTING TRAVEL WAYS __---___________ ll:;, A 100-YEAR FLO�ODPLAIN A g �,, 1, ..� _ ,__ ■ICI■ „ _--- r"\ (FlRM PANEL 51003C0405D) g �i z� _- ` `\` "" ...__,- '-,_ 'i� ■ICI■ 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN ai u�o . _ . r _ , \ `. , _ (LOMR 20-03-1246P) o z la ! ♦ EXTENT OF PROPOSED SDP � a _ _ _ LIMBS OF CLEARING AND GRADING 1 lAWh� 0 C 'CORPoN / R _ ZONING: 3 gJ OSCAL __ __ l�if\/ _ USE., YAG4NT _ _ �:' ail i �,_ 30 fip `j _• \ i �i l _ _ _ i �, SFILE IN FEET ,._• �.. ; is ^___, _-_ _ — — -- X "• Iff L r _� _ ,- �\ J00'SIIAEW /I,RFIA— __ ...'\�7 �. c r` /r/ % '�ItJ!\1kil►-rl�`� i ,' // l/ PORTA-JOHNS i 6 •X--__. I /� .• _ _ 7MP 88-IJB =' - ABOVE GROUND MAR7IN MAR/ET7A^- °-``�,!-' ,� _ FUEL CONTAINER MATERALS INC �` - -' j=' �• _ _ �R „ ., 1 �f ey - ICONSTRUCTION TRAILER ZONING: RA a USE YAC4Nr _ =i 11 RAIN GAUGE 3Ag\? It . .. // v��-A►T 1,A'K}fl.i�'�w`1,�,N,M , .... ( ', \. �..:--"•_, i _. , •✓`596 ` � � -; _ .1- i— __ _ 5B L/ \ I ----- n _. DESIGNED 6Y AS --- ---- ------- ------ E CONCREEWASHO UT N` y - sef _ DUMPSTER OF D NEGNEo ar. nG er: ro . -. _ r .P �yee os p I/, ! ` CE IPO' S'II�W 61A'TFR EN. SL 6S6 w / .. �_• : • WILL MSON ASPHALT 59 PLAN% LOU17/0N -, / / Z IIF,S9p a' 598 i Bp° _ .✓� � O �- 6pq _ \ _+� 591_ hgp ( 60f6p6 6p 61061P 61f- �, C a Z 5 q _ _ J 596 f 11MMp11 O,NmIIROI RMA�R j.1 ♦' Six_ I 11 p J /` \\ 599 J \._ l - (�\ `590,) ` \ \ _ ,� i - p / - \ >6Wi — ( `I� 1 6 \M1\ 62 W W a a F } Q Q u ZIM 50a ii\ 9%� �f _ \ / _ 1 i ..ELF PO MGM �, V PWIIRIX _ ,xmlox _ / _ �\ a Q Q Q W W Jj ) / 1 46 1 _ oe �� �� r/ v / - r b / ,/ '_ �/c�61p' 61 /+ }\ \ //� u+ 6 3 O J_ O J/ \ J 60 _6 L ¢ T i(FQ] F ED 6 W xE as Q6 TMP W-ra r 4 IS AMTERLUS_AW' /' __ i i $ I ZONING. RA _ L�/ \ b -� 6 / _ / ���,..G� USE. OWYfrtI �J �! u / °1 ,IS Iad S Y \ i✓ - fit! .B� ! ��� ,!€Of-�/ 1 -.� \ ' fi �. l w _ }, Section 6. Pollution Prevention Plan. (Reference County Code 17-404 and State Regulation 9VAC25-880-70-part II section A.4) A. Plan showing pollution activities and prevention practices (Provide a reduced I lxl7 copy of a site plan on which all of the following activity locations are clearlymarked. Keep this plan up-to-date with ongoing site changes and inspections.) B. Sources of Pollutants, locations, and prevention practices Minimization of exposure to precipitation and stormwater. Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste, and other materials present on the site to precipitation and to stormwater. Material/Chemical Physical Description Stormwater Pollutants Location- Areas where Prevention Practices, used on site Control Measures Clearing, grading, Brown/Black/Gray silt Silt Throughout Follow Erosion and excavating and on- Sediment Control Plan. stabilized areas Dispose of clearing debris at acceptable disposal sites. Seed and mulch, or sod within 7 days of land clearing Dewatering Operations N/A Silt, gasoline, oil, etc. Designated area shown on Water shall be filtered, plan settled or similarly treated prior to discharge as shown on Ian. Vehicle and equipment Silt, gasoline, oil, etc. Designated areas and details To be treated in a washing/Wash waters shown onplan sediment basin or better control as specified on plan. Minimize the discharge of pollutants from equipment and vehicle washing. Provide containment and filtering for allwash waters per the Ian Pesticides (insecticides, Various colored to colorless Chlorinated hydrocarbons, Herbicides used for noxious Follow manufacturer's fungicides, herbicides, liquid powder, pellets or organophosphates, weed control instructions rodenticidesgrains carbamates, arsenic MSDS's attached. Fertilizer Liquid or solid grains Nitrogen, phosphorous Newly seeded area Apply fertilizers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and not during rainfall events Plaster White granules or powder Calcium sulphate, calcium Building Construction Enclose or cover carbonate, sulfuric acid material storage areas. Mix paint indoors in a containment area orin a flat unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Follow manufacturer's instructions Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County MSDS's attached. Cleaning solvents Colorless, blue or yellow- Perchloroethylene, methylene Equipment Cleaning Enclose or cover green liquid chloride, trichloroethylene, material storage areas. petroleum distillates Mix paint indoors in a containment area orin a flat unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Follow manufacturer's instructions MSDS's attached. Asphalt Black solid Oil, petroleum distillates Streets and roofing Cover storm drain inlets and use drip pans and absorbentloil dry for all pavingmachines to limit leaks ands ills Concrete and curing White solid/grey liquid Limestone, sand, pH, Curb and gutter, sidewalk Direct concrete wash compounds chromium and building construction water into a leak- proof container or leak -proof settling basin that is designed so that no overflows can occur. Follow manufacturer's instructions MSDS's attached. Glue, Adhesives White or yellow liquid Polymers, epoxies Building Construction Enclose or cover material storage areas. Mix paint indoors in a containment area orin a flat unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Follow manufacturer's instructions MSDS's attached. Paints Various colored liquid Metal oxides, Stoddard Building Construction Enclose or cover solvent, talc, calcium material storage areas. carbonate, arsenic Mix paint indoors in a containment area orin a flat unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Hydraulic oil/fluids Brown oily petroleum Mineral oil Leaks or broken hoses from Designated areas hydrocarbon equipment for material deliveryand storage. Placed near construction entrances, away from waterways and drainage paths Wood preservatives Clear amber or dark brown Stoddard solvent, petroleum Timber pads and home Enclose or cover liquid distillates, arsenic, copper, construction material storage areas. chromium Mix paint indoors in a containment area orin a flat unpaved area. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Follow manufacturer's instructions MSDS's attached. Gasoline Colorless, pale brown or Benzene, ethyl benzene, Secondary containment/ Designated areas pink petroleum toluene, xylene, MTBE staging area or leaks. for material hydrocarbon Deliveries to site deliveryand storage. Placed near construction entrances, away from waterways and drainage paths Diesel Fuel Clear, Glue -green to yellow Petroleum distillate, oil and Secondary Designated areas liquid grease, naphthalene, xylenes containment/staging area or for material leaks. Deliveries to site, deliveryand storage. Placed near construction entrances, away from waterways and drainage paths Antifreeze/coolant Clear green/yellow liquid Ethylene glycol, propylene, Leaks or broken hoses from Designated areas glycol, heavy metals (copper, equipment and deliveries to for material lead, zinc) site. deliveryand storage. Placed near construction entrances, away from waterways and drainage paths Sanitary Toilets Various colored liquid Bacteria, parasites, and Location shown on plans Convenient and well - viruses maintained portable sanitary facilities will be provided, and located away from waterways or inlets. Such facilities shall be regularly maintained. Solid Waste Disposal Designed container areas Waste collection area shown on plan will not receive a substantial amount of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a waterway. Containers have lids covered before periods of rain, or are in a coveredarea. Scheduled collection to prevent overfilling. MATERIALS NOT TO BE BURIED ON - SITE. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County C. Non-stormwater discharges It is expected that the following non-stonnwater discharges will occur from the site during the construction period. 1. Waters used to wash vehicles or equipment where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. 2. Water used to control dust that has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. 3. Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline flushing's/fire flow analysis. 4. Routine external building wash down where soaps, solvents or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. 5. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (or where all spilled or leaked material has been removed prior to washing); where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used; and where the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. 6. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents. 7. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering, including dewatering of trenches and excavations that have been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. 8. Landscape irrigation. All non-stormwater discharges will be directed to sediment control measures prior to discharge. Keep this CHART up-to-date with ongoing site changes and inspections. Discharge Pollutants or Pollutant Location on Site Constituents Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County D. Persons responsible for pollution prevention practices S.L. Williamson Company, Inc., Blair Williamson 1230 River Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434)295-6137 blair@slwilliamson.com If other than above, site contractor will be added during pre -con meeting; E. Response and reporting practices Detailed response and reporting practices according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section A.4.e. Minimize dischargesfrom spills and leaks. Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemical spill and leak prevention and response procedures as follows. Spill control Practices: In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practices discussed in the previous sections of this plan, the following practices will be followed for spill prevention and cleanup: 1. Manufacturers' recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location of the information and cleanup supplies. 2. Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in the material storage area onsite. Equipment and materials may include but not be limited to brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbent material (e.g., kitty litter, sand, sawdust) and plastic and metal trash containers. 3. All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery. 4. In the event of a spill of a hazardous substance, the spill will be immediately contained and the spill area will be kept well ventilated. Personnel will wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent injury form contact with a hazardous substance during cleanup operation. 5. Spills of toxic or hazardous material will be reported to the appropriate State or local government agency, as required by regulatory standards. Call the agencies listed below to report any spills of toxic or hazardous material: North Garden Fire Department: 434-296-5561 Albemarle County Police Department: 434-977-9041 Albemarle County Health Department: 434-972-6200 VA Department of Conservation & Recreation: 1-804-786-2094 VDEQ Valley Regional Office: M-F, 8:30-4:30 540-574-7800 VA Department of Emergency Services: 1-800-468-8892 Local VSMP Authority: M-F, 8:00-5:00 434-296-5832 Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Spill Procedure 1) Check for hazards (flammable material, noxious fumes, cause of spill) - if flammable liquid, turn off engines and nearby electrical equipment. If serious hazards are present, leave the area and call 911. 2) Make sure the spill area is safe to enter and that it does not pose an immediate threat to health or safety of any person. 3) Stop the spill source. 4) Call co-workers and supervisor for assistance and to make them aware of the spill and potential dangers. 5) If possible, stop spill from entering drains (use absorbent or other material as necessary) 6) Stop spill from spreading (use absorbent or other materials necessary) 7) If spill material has entered a storm sewer or public waters; contact locality's storm sewer water department, locality's VSMP inspector, local VDEQ Office and VA Department of emergency services. 8) Clean up spilled material and do not flush area with water. 9) Properly dispose of cleaning materials and used absorbent material according to manufacturer specifications. **Spill report form and procedure can be found in Section 13. Additional Information and Logs** F. Pollution Prevention Awareness Material Management Practices/Spill Prevention: The following are the materials management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff. (a) Employee Training: Employee training with regard to material management practices is conducted at the site. Training includes discussions of spill response, good housekeeping, and other material management practices. Employee training generally occurs with each new employee once hired by the site contractor. Weekly tailgate training meetings are advised to ensure that as the site evolves and changes employees are up to date on all PPP practices. A training log to document these meetings can be found in Section 13. Additional Information and Logs. (b) Good Housekeeping: The following good housekeeping practices will be followed onsite during the construction project. 1. All materials stored onsite will be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their appropriate containers. Materials which have the potential for contaminating runoff during storm events will be stored in their appropriate watertight containers, stored under a canopy, tarpaulin, shrink wrapped or otherwise precluded from direct exposure of precipitation. 2. Empty containers that may contain chemical residues shall be disposed of in accordance with State and Local regulations. 3. Products, where possible, will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacture's label. 4. Chemical or petroleum products will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Whenever possible, all of a product will be used up before disposing of the container. 6. Manufacturer's recommendations for proper use and disposal will be followed. 7. The site superintendent will inspect daily to ensure proper use and disposal of materials onsite Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Hazardous Products: These practices are used to reduce the risk associated with hazardous materials. Hazardous waste to include oil filters, petroleum products, paint, curing compounds and equipment maintenance fluids. 1. Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not re -sealable. 2. Products will be stored in structurally sound and sealed containers and segregated from other non -waste materials. 3. Original specimen labels and materials safety data sheets will be kept on file; they contain important product information. 4. If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers and/or local and State recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed. Product Specific Practices: The following product specific practices will be followed onsite: (a) Petroleum Products: 1. All onsite vehicles will be monitored for fluid leaks and will receive regular preventive maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. 2. It is recommended that, if practicable, all refueling, repair and changing of equipment and vehicle fluids shall be conducted in a designated area, with the use of either spill buckets and/or fuel spill mats to reduce the potential for contamination. This area will be designed in a manner to reduce the potential for contamination of onsite resources. For refueling, repair and changing of equipment and vehicle fluids outside of the designated areas, care should be taken to avoid activities within +/- 50 feet of wetlands, streams, water bodies, tree preservation areas or any other environmentally sensitive areas. 3. Petroleum products will be stored in tightly sealed containers which are clearly labeled. 4. An area will be designated for the collection and storage of all chemical and storage of all chemical and petroleum -based products and containers for those products. The containers shall be protected from rain events. These areas are identified on the SWPPP/PPP Reference Drawing included with the "Final Construction Plans". 5. Any asphalt substances used onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 6. The project superintendent will regularly inspect the site to ensure proper disposal methods of used antifreeze, oils, filters and other hazardous materials are followed. (b) Fertilizers: Fertilizers used will be applied according to manufacturer's product standards. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable plastic container to avoid spills. (c) Paints, Curing Compounds, Soaps, Solvents, and Detergents: All containers will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use. Excess paint will be properly disposed of according to manufacturers' instructions or State and local regulations. Discharges of soaps, solvents and detergents are prohibited. (d) Concrete Trucks and Wash Water from Construction Materials and Vehicles: Concrete trucks will only wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water at approved locations in accordance with State and local regulations. Wash water must be directed into a leak proof container or leak - Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County proof settling basin that is properly designed. The liquid and hardened concrete must then be handled and disposed of properly and is not to be discharged. Washout areas are identified on the SWPPP/PPP Reference Drawing included with the "Final Construction Plans". An EPA concrete washout factsheet is provided in Appendix I. Water from vehicle wash stations (if needed) is to be directed to the nearest trap as shown on the approved erosion and sediment control plan before discharged. (e) Solid Waste: All waste materials will be collected and disposed of into a metal trash dumpster in the staging area. Dumpsters will have a secure watertight lid, be placed away from stormwater conveyances and drains, and meet all local and state solid -waste management regulations. Only trash and construction debris from the site will be deposited in the dumpsters. All personnel will be instructed, during tailgate training sessions, regarding the correct procedure for disposal of trash and construction debris. Notices that state these practices will be posted in the office trailer and the individual who manages day-to-day site operations will be responsible for seeing that these practices are followed (1) Sanitary Waste: Portable lavatories are located on -site and are serviced on a regular basis by a contractor. They will be located in up -land areas away from direct contact with surface waters. Any spills occurring during servicing will be cleaned up immediately, including any contaminated soils, and disposed of according to all federal, state, and local regulations. (g) Minimization of Exposure to Precipitation and Storm Events In the event that precipitation is predicted onsite, construction activity operator to ensure that all building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, sanitary waste and other materials present onsite is protected from the runoff by the sure of covering tarps that securely fastened to eliminate blow off. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 7. Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters. Name of Receiving Waters: North Fork Hardware River, JM46 (020802031201) Measures for applicable TMDL: DEQ staff has determined that the proposed land -disturbing activity will discharge to a surface water identified as impaired or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of the general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment -related parameter or (ii) nutrients. Therefore, the following general permit (Part I.B.4) and SWPPP requirements (Part II.A.5) must be implemented for the land -disturbing activity: • Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. • Nutrients (e.g., fertilizers) shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient 00management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events. • Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four (4) business days or (ii) at least once every five (5) business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable stone event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. • Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls. **Factsheets can be found in Section 13. Additional Information and Logs** Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 8. Qualified personnel The following personnel are responsible for inspections; Roudabush, Gale & Associates Inc. is responsible for the assisting the facility in developing, implementing, maintaining, inspecting and revising the facility's SWPPP. Below are the qualified personnel for the site; Kent Raine ESIN2027 kraine@roudabush.com Nicole Jamison DIN1114 njamison@roudabush.com Tim Duncan DIN0229 tduncan@roudabush.com All persons listed above can be contacted at 434-977-0205 SWPPP Availability: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, a copy of the VPDES permit, construction plans, and other materials referenced in this plan shall be retained at the project location. SWPPP mailbox found near construction entrance. Contact Roudabush, Gale, and Associates at 434-977-0205 with questions pertaining to the SWPPP. Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 9. Signed Certification Certification according to 9VAC25-870-370 CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Operator Name: blot;( W410imSW% Company: 5•L• �JVII IaY15wY� Title: Signature: Date: C3 3'2022 Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 10. Delegation of authority. Delegation of Authority 1, Blair Williamson (name), hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized representative forthe purpose of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements, including the Construction General Permit at the Asphalt Plant at Red Hill Ouarry construction site. The designee is authorized to sign any reports, stormwater pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit. t MA RQinf ,1`10\f &Wi5 n ��MDUncoo(name of person or position) &xj&1Dtwh,Gale d h5wc. Tnc. (company) 999 Znd St. SE (address) NafloWs-4,11e, VA ZZ102 (City, state, zip) y34- *r7I- 02o15 (phone) By signing this authorization, 1 confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the ConstructionGeneral Permit (CGP), and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly authorized representative". Operator Name: \W 1w \�) dom5uyt Company: 5. L. l>, %Womjon Title: QS�LJ Cn� Signature: Date: 5 3-20Z2 Issued— 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 11. General permit copy Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY General Permit No.: VAR10 Effective Date: July 1, 2019 Expiration Date: June 30, 2024 GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ACT In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and pursuant to the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, operators of construction activities are authorized to discharge to surface waters within the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia, except those specifically named in State Water Control Board regulations that prohibit such discharges. The authorized discharge shall be in accordance with the registration statement filed with the Department of Environmental Quality, this cover page, Part I - Discharge Authorization and Special Conditions, Part II - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and Part III - Conditions Applicable to All VPDES Permits as set forth in this general permit. Construction General Permit Effective July 1, 2019 Page 2 of 26 10M.T 1 DISCHARGE AUTHORIZATION AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Coverage under this general permit. During the period beginning with the date of coverage under this general permit and lasting until the general permit's expiration date, the operator is authorized to discharge stormwater from construction activities. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that: a. The support activity is directly related to the construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. The support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; c. The support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the last construction activity it supports; d. The support activity is identified in the registration statement at the time of general permit coverage; e. Appropriate control measures are identified in a stormwater pollution prevention plan and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and f. All applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. B. Limitations on coverage. 1. Post -construction discharges. This general permit does not authorize stormwater discharges that originate from the site after construction activities have been completed and the site, including any support activity sites covered under the general permit registration, has undergone final stabilization. Post -construction industrial stormwater discharges may need to be covered by a separate VPDES permit. Discharges mixed with nonstormwater. This general permit does not authorize discharges that are mixed with sources of nonstormwater, other than those discharges that are identified in Part I E (Authorized nonstormwater discharges) and are in compliance with this general permit. Discharges covered by another state permit. This general permit does not authorize discharges of stormwater from construction activities that have been covered under an individual permit or required to obtain coverage under an alternative general permit. Page 3 of 26 4. Impaired waters and total maximum daily load (TMDL) limitation. Nutrient and sediment impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment -related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or (ii) nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus) are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in accordance with Part II B 5 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 6 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations, and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Exceptional waters limitation. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities not previously covered under the general permit effective on July 1, 2014, to exceptional waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 7 of this permit and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. 6. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts C. Commingled discharges. Discharges authorized by this general permit may be commingled with other sources of stormwater that are not required to be covered under a state permit, so long as the commingled discharge is in compliance with this general permit. Discharges authorized by a separate state or VPDES permit may be commingled with discharges authorized by this general permit so long as all such discharges comply with all applicable state and VPDES permit requirements. D. Prohibition of nonstormwater discharges. Except as provided in Parts I A 2, 1 C, and I E, all discharges covered by this general permit shall be composed entirely of stormwater associated with construction activities. All other discharges including the following are prohibited: 1. Wastewater from washout of concrete; 2. Wastewater from the washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, and other construction materials; Page 4 of 26 3. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; 4. Oils, toxic substances, or hazardous substances from spills or other releases; and 5. Soaps, solvents, or detergents used in equipment and vehicle washing. E. Authorized nonstormwater discharges. The following nonstormwater discharges from construction activities are authorized by this general permit when discharged in compliance with this general permit: 1. Discharges from firefighting activities; 2. Fire hydrant flushings; 3. Waters used to wash vehicles or equipment where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 4. Water used to control dust that has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 5. Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline flushings, managed in a manner to avoid an instream impact; 6. Routine external building wash down where soaps, solvents or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 7. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (or where all spilled or leaked material has been removed prior to washing); where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used; and where the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 8. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; 9. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water; 10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; 11. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering, including dewatering of trenches and excavations that have been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; and 12. Landscape irrigation. F. Termination of general permit coverage. 1. The operator of the construction activity shall submit a notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60, unless a registration statement was not required to be submitted in accordance with 9VAC25-880-50 A 1 c or A 2 b for single-family detached residential structures, to the VSMP authority after one or more of the following conditions have been met: Page 5 of 26 a. Necessary permanent control measures included in the SWPPP for the site are in place and functioning effectively and final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the operator has operational control. When applicable, long term responsibility and maintenance requirements for permanent control measures shall be recorded in the local land records prior to the submission of a complete and accurate notice of termination and the construction record drawing prepared; b. Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized and obtained coverage for the ongoing discharge; c. Coverage under an alternative VPDES or state permit has been obtained; or d. For individual lots in residential construction only, final stabilization as defined in 9VAC25- 880-1 has been completed, including providing written notification to the homeowner and incorporating a copy of the notification and signed certification statement into the SWPPP, and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. The notice of termination shall be submitted no later than 30 days after one of the above conditions in subdivision 1 of this subsection is met. 3. Termination of authorization to discharge for the conditions set forth in subdivision 1 a of this subsection shall be effective upon notification from the department that the provisions of subdivision 1 a of this subsection have been met or 60 days after submittal of a complete and accurate notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60 C, whichever occurs first. 4. Authorization to discharge terminates at midnight on the date that the notice of termination is submitted for the conditions set forth in subdivisions 1 b through 1 d of this subsection unless otherwise notified by the VSMP authority or department. 5. The notice of termination shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. G. Water quality protection. 1. The operator shall select, install, implement, and maintain control measures as identified in the SWPPP at the construction site that minimize pollutants in the discharge as necessary to ensure that the operator's discharge does not cause or contribute to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard. If it is determined by the department that the operator's discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or are contributing to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the department, in consultation with the VSMP authority, may take appropriate enforcement action and require the operator to: a. Modify or implement additional control measures in accordance with Part II C to adequately address the identified water quality concerns; b. Submit valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or Page 6 of 26 c. Submit an individual permit application in accordance with 9VAC25-870-410 B 3. All written responses required under this chapter shall include a signed certification consistent with Part III K. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN A. Stormwater pollution prevent plan. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) shall be developed prior to the submission of a registration statement and implemented for the construction activity, including any support activity, covered by this general permit. SWPPPs shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices. Construction activities that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale and disturb less than one acre may utilize a SWPPP template provided by the department and need not provide a separate stormwater management plan if one has been prepared and implemented for the larger common plan of development or sale. The SWPPP requirements of this general permit may be fulfilled by incorporating by reference other plans such as a spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan developed for the site under § 311 of the federal Clean Water Act or best management practices (BMP) programs otherwise required for the facility provided that the incorporated plan meets or exceeds the SWPPP requirements of Part II B. All plans incorporated by reference into the SWPPP become enforceable under this general permit. If a plan incorporated by reference does not contain all of the required elements of the SWPPP, the operator shall develop the missing elements and include them in the SWPPP. 3. Any operator that was authorized to discharge under the general permit effective July 1, 2014, and that intends to continue coverage under this general permit, shall update its stormwater pollution prevention plan to comply with the requirements of this general permit no later than 60 days after the date of coverage under this general permit. B. Contents. The SWPPP shall include the following items: 1. General information. a. A signed copy of the registration statement, if required, for coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. Upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities (i.e., notice of coverage letter); c. Upon receipt, a copy of the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; d. A narrative description of the nature of the construction activity, including the function of the project (e.g., low density residential, shopping mall, highway, etc.); e. A legible site plan identifying: Page 7 of 26 (1) Directions of stormwater flow and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities; (2) Limits of land disturbance including steep slopes and natural buffers around surface waters that will not be disturbed; (3) Locations of major structural and nonstructural control measures, including sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other measures intended to filter, settle, or similarly treat sediment, that will be installed between disturbed areas and the undisturbed vegetated areas in order to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration; (4) Locations of surface waters; (5) Locations where concentrated stormwater is discharged; (6) Locations of any support activities, including (i) areas where equipment and vehicle washing, wheel wash water, and other wash water is to occur; (ii) storage areas for chemicals such as acids, fuels, fertilizers, and other lawn care chemicals; (iii) concrete wash out areas; (iv) vehicle fueling and maintenance areas; (v) sanitary waste facilities, including those temporarily placed on the construction site; and (vi) construction waste storage; and (7) When applicable, the location of the on -site rain gauge or the methodology established in consultation with the VSMP authority used to identify measurable storm events for inspection as allowed by Part II G 2 a (1) (ii) or Part II G 2 b (2). Erosion and sediment control plan. a. An erosion and sediment control plan designed and approved in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), an "agreement in lieu of a plan" as defined in 9VAC25-840-10 from the VESCP authority, or an erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. All erosion and sediment control plans shall include a statement describing the maintenance responsibilities required for the erosion and sediment controls used. c. An approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications, implemented to: (1) Control the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff within the site to minimize soil erosion; (2) Control stormwater discharges, including peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion; Page 8 of 26 (3) Minimize the amount of soil exposed during the construction activity; (4) Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes; (5) Minimize sediment discharges from the site in a manner that addresses (i) the amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation; (ii) the nature of resulting stormwater runoff; and (iii) soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes present on the site; (6) Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal, and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible; (7) Minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil; (8) Ensure initiation of stabilization activities, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1, of disturbed areas immediately whenever any clearing, grading, excavating, or other land - disturbing activities have permanently ceased on any portion of the site, or temporarily ceased on any portion of the site and will not resume for a period exceeding 14 days; and (9) Utilize outlet structures that withdraw stormwater from the surface (i.e., above the permanent pool or wet storage water surface elevation), unless infeasible, when discharging from sediment basins or sediment traps. 3. Stormwater management plan. a. Except for those projects identified in Part II B 3 b, a stormwater management plan approved by the VSMP authority as authorized under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulation (9VAC25-870), or an "agreement in lieu of a stormwater management plan" as defined in 9VAC25-870-10 from the VSMP authority, or a stormwater management plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. For any operator meeting the conditions of 9VAC25-870-47 B of the VSMP regulation, an approved stormwater management plan is not required. In lieu of an approved stormwater management plan, the SWPPP shall include a description of, and all necessary calculations supporting, all post -construction stormwater management measures that will be installed prior to the completion of the construction process to control pollutants in stormwater discharges after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the degree possible. Such measures must be designed and installed in accordance with applicable VESCP authority, VSMP authority, state, and federal requirements, and any necessary permits must be obtained. Pollution prevention plan. A pollution prevention plan that addresses potential pollutant - generating activities that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any support activity. The pollution prevention plan shall: a. Identify the potential pollutant -generating activities and the pollutant that is expected to be exposed to stormwater; Page 9 of 26 b. Describe the location where the potential pollutant -generating activities will occur, or if identified on the site plan, reference the site plan; c. Identify all nonstormwater discharges, as authorized in Part I E of this general permit, that are or will be commingled with stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any applicable support activity; d. Identify the person responsible for implementing the pollution prevention practice or practices for each pollutant -generating activity (if other than the person listed as the qualified personnel); e. Describe the pollution prevention practices and procedures that will be implemented to: (1) Prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G; (2) Prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities (e.g., providing secondary containment such as spill berms, decks, spill containment pallets, providing cover where appropriate, and having spill kits readily available); (3) Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds (e.g., providing (i) cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent contact with stormwater; (ii) collection and proper disposal in a manner to prevent contact with stormwater; and (iii) a similarly effective means designed to prevent discharge of these pollutants); (4) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing (e.g., locating activities away from surface waters and stormwater inlets or conveyance and directing wash waters to sediment basins or traps, using filtration devices such as filter bags or sand filters, or using similarly effective controls); (5) Direct concrete wash water into a leak -proof container or leak -proof settling basin. The container or basin shall be designed so that no overflows can occur due to inadequate sizing or precipitation. Hardened concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wastes. Liquid concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wash waters and shall not be discharged to surface waters; (6) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes including (i) building products such as asphalt sealants, copper flashing, roofing materials, adhesives, and concrete admixtures; (ii) pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and landscape Page 10 of 26 materials; and (iii) construction and domestic wastes such as packaging materials, scrap construction materials, masonry products, timber, pipe and electrical cuttings, plastics, Styrofoam, concrete, and other trash or building materials; (7) Prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, waste concrete, and sanitary wastes; (8) Address any other discharge from the potential pollutant -generating activities not addressed above; (9) Minimize the exposure of waste materials to precipitation by closing or covering waste containers during precipitation events and at the end of the business day, or implementing other similarly effective practices. Minimization of exposure is not required in cases where the exposure to precipitation will not result in a discharge of pollutants; and f. Describe procedures for providing pollution prevention awareness of all applicable wastes, including any wash water, disposal practices, and applicable disposal locations of such wastes, to personnel in order to comply with the conditions of this general permit. The operator shall implement the procedures described in the SWPPP. SWPPP requirements for discharges to nutrient and sediment impaired waters. For discharges to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for sediment for a sediment - related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus), the operator shall: a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutants of concern in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. SWPPP requirements for discharges to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. For discharges from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB, the operator shall: Page 11 of 26 a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutant of concern in the SWPPP; b. Implement the approved erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Part II B 2; c. Dispose of waste materials in compliance with applicable state, federal, and local requirements; and d. Implement a modified inspection schedule in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 7. SWPPP requirements for discharges to exceptional waters. For discharges to surface waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c as an exceptional water, the operator shall: a. Identify the exceptional surface waters in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 8. Identification of qualified personnel. The name, phone number, and qualifications of the qualified personnel conducting inspections required by this general permit. 9. Delegation of authority. The individuals or positions with delegated authority, in accordance with Part III K, to sign inspection reports or modify the SWPPP. 10. SWPPP signature. The SWPPP shall be signed and dated in accordance with Part III K. C. SWPPP amendments, modification, and updates. 1. The operator shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters and that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended if, during inspections or investigations by the operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state, or federal officials, it is determined that the existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges from the construction activity. Revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures designed and implemented to correct problems identified. If approval by the VESCP authority, VSMP authority, or department is necessary for the control measure, revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed no later than seven calendar days following approval. Implementation of these additional or modified control measures shall be accomplished as described in Part II H. Page 12 of 26 3. The SWPPP shall clearly identify the contractors that will implement and maintain each control measure identified in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended to identify any new contractor that will implement and maintain a control measure. 4. The operator shall update the SWPPP as soon as possible but no later than seven days following any modification to its implementation. All modifications or updates to the SWPPP shall be noted and shall include the following items: a. A record of dates when: (1) Major grading activities occur; (2) Construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and (3) Stabilization measures are initiated; b. Documentation of replaced or modified controls where periodic inspections or other information have indicated that the controls have been used inappropriately or incorrectly and were modified; c. Areas that have reached final stabilization and where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply; d. All properties that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property; e. The date of any prohibited discharges, the discharge volume released, and what actions were taken to minimize the impact of the release; f. Measures taken to prevent the reoccurrence of any prohibited discharge; and g. Measures taken to address any evidence identified as a result of an inspection required under Part II G. 5. Amendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP shall be signed in accordance with Part III K. D. Public notification. Upon commencement of land disturbance, the operator shall post conspicuously a copy of the notice of coverage letter near the main entrance of the construction activity. For linear projects, the operator shall post the notice of coverage letter at a publicly accessible location near an active part of the construction project (e.g., where a pipeline crosses a public road). The operator shall maintain the posted information until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. E. SWPPP availability. 1. Operators with day-to-day operational control over SWPPP implementation shall have a copy of the SWPPP available at a central location on -site for use by those identified as having responsibilities under the SWPPP whenever they are on the construction site. Page 13 of 26 The operator shall make the SWPPP and all amendments, modifications, and updates available upon request to the department, the VSMP authority, the EPA, the VESCP authority, local government officials, or the operator of a municipal separate storm sewer system receiving discharges from the construction activity. If an on -site location is unavailable to store the SWPPP when no personnel are present, notice of the SWPPP's location shall be posted near the main entrance of the construction site. The operator shall make the SWPPP available for public review in an electronic format or in hard copy. Information for public access to the SWPPP shall be posted and maintained in accordance with Part II D. If not provided electronically, public access to the SWPPP may be arranged upon request at a time and at a publicly accessible location convenient to the operator or his designee but shall be no less than once per month and shall be during normal business hours. Information not required to be contained within the SWPPP by this general permit is not required to be released. F. SWPPP implementation. The operator shall implement the SWPPP and subsequent amendments, modifications, and updates from commencement of land disturbance until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. All control measures shall be properly maintained in effective operating condition in accordance with good engineering practices and, where applicable, manufacturer specifications. If a site inspection required by Part II G identifies a control measure that is not operating effectively, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority, to maintain the continued effectiveness of the control measures. If site inspections required by Part II G identify an existing control measure that needs to be modified or if an additional or alternative control measure is necessary for any reason, implementation shall be completed prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event. If implementation prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event is impracticable, then additional or alternative control measures shall be implemented as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority. G. SWPPP Inspections. 1. Personnel responsible for on -site and off -site inspections. Inspections required by this general permit shall be conducted by the qualified personnel identified by the operator in the SWPPP. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the qualified personnel conduct the inspection. 2. Inspection schedule. a. For construction activities that discharge to a surface water identified in Part 11 B 5 and B 6 as impaired or having an approved TMDL or Part I B 7 as exceptional, the following inspection schedule requirements apply: (1) Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four business days or (ii) at least once every five business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when Page 14 of 26 there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day; and (2) Representative inspections as authorized in Part II G 2 d shall not be allowed. b. Except as specified in Part II G 2 a, inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of: (1) At least once every five business days; or (2) At least once every 10 business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. c. Where areas have been temporarily stabilized or land -disturbing activities will be suspended due to continuous frozen ground conditions and stormwater discharges are unlikely, the inspection frequency described in Part II G 2 a and 2 b may be reduced to once per month. If weather conditions (such as above freezing temperatures or rain or snow events) make discharges likely, the operator shall immediately resume the regular inspection frequency. d. Except as prohibited in Part II G 2 a (2), representative inspections may be utilized for utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities provided that: (1) Temporary or permanent soil stabilization has been installed and vehicle access may compromise the temporary or permanent soil stabilization and potentially cause additional land disturbance increasing the potential for erosion; (2) Inspections occur on the same frequency as other construction activities; (3) Control measures are inspected along the construction site 0.25 miles above and below each access point (i.e., where a roadway, undisturbed right-of-way, or other similar feature intersects the construction activity and access does not compromise temporary or permanent soil stabilization); and (4) Inspection locations are provided in the inspection report required by Part II G. e. If adverse weather causes the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. Any time inspections are delayed due to adverse weather conditions, evidence of the adverse weather conditions shall be included in the SWPPP with the dates of occurrence. 3. Inspection requirements. a. As part of the inspection, the qualified personnel shall: (1) Record the date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; Page 15 of 26 (2) Record the information and a description of any discharges occurring at the time of the inspection or evidence of discharges occurring prior to the inspection; (3) Record any land -disturbing activities that have occurred outside of the approved erosion and sediment control plan; (4) Inspect the following for installation in accordance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan, identification of any maintenance needs, and evaluation of effectiveness in minimizing sediment discharge, including whether the control has been inappropriately or incorrectly used: (a) All perimeter erosion and sediment controls, such as silt fence; (b) Soil stockpiles, when applicable, and borrow areas for stabilization or sediment trapping measures; (c) Completed earthen structures, such as dams, dikes, ditches, and diversions for stabilization and effective impoundment or flow control; (d) Cut and fill slopes; (e) Sediment basins and traps, sediment barriers, and other measures installed to control sediment discharge from stormwater; (f) Temporary or permanent channels, flumes, or other slope drain structures installed to convey concentrated runoff down cut and fill slopes; (g) Storm inlets that have been made operational to ensure that sediment laden stormwater does not enter without first being filtered or similarly treated; and (h) Construction vehicle access routes that intersect or access paved or public roads for minimizing sediment tracking; (5) Inspect areas that have reached final grade or that will remain dormant for more than 14 days to ensure: (a) Initiation of stabilization activities have occurred immediately, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1; and (b) Stabilization activities have been completed within seven days of reaching grade or stopping work; (6) Inspect for evidence that the approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications has not been properly implemented. This includes: Page 16 of 26 (a) Concentrated flows of stormwater in conveyances such as rills, rivulets, or channels that have not been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge, or evidence thereof; (b) Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that have not been filtered or settled to remove sediments prior to discharge; (c) Sediment deposition in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to improper installation, lack of maintenance, or inadequate design are considered unprotected; (d) Sediment deposition on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit; (e) Required stabilization has not been initiated or completed or is not effective on portions of the site; (f) Sediment basins without adequate wet or dry storage volume or sediment basins that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the basin; (g) Sediment traps without adequate wet or dry storage or sediment traps that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the trap; and (h) Land disturbance or sediment deposition outside of the approved area to be disturbed; (7) Inspect pollutant generating activities identified in the pollution prevention plan for the proper implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the procedures and practices; (8) Identify any pollutant generating activities not identified in the pollution prevention plan; and (9) Identify and document the presence of any evidence of the discharge of pollutants prohibited by this general permit. 4. Inspection report. Each inspection report shall include the following items: a. The date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; b. Summarized findings of the inspection; c. The locations of prohibited discharges; d. The locations of control measures that require maintenance; Page 17 of 26 e. The locations of control measures that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate or inappropriate for a particular location; f. The locations where any evidence identified under Part II G 3 a (6) exists; g. The locations where any additional control measure is needed; h. A list of corrective actions required (including any changes to the SWPPP that are necessary) as a result of the inspection or to maintain permit compliance; i. Documentation of any corrective actions required from a previous inspection that have not been implemented; and The date and signature of the qualified personnel and the operator or its duly authorized representative. 5. The inspection report shall be included into the SWPPP no later than four business days after the inspection is complete. The inspection report and any actions taken in accordance with Part II shall be retained by the operator as part of the SWPPP for at least three years from the date that general permit coverage expires or is terminated. The inspection report shall identify any incidents of noncompliance. Where an inspection report does not identify any incidents of noncompliance, the report shall contain a certification that the construction activity is in compliance with the SWPPP and this general permit. The report shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. H. Corrective actions. The operator shall implement the corrective actions identified as a result of an inspection as soon as practicable but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as approved by the VSMP authority. If approval of a corrective action by a regulatory authority (e.g., VSMP authority, VESCP authority, or the department) is necessary, additional control measures shall be implemented to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges until such approvals can be obtained. The operator may be required to remove accumulated sediment deposits located outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit as soon as practicable in order to minimize environmental impacts. The operator shall notify the VSMP authority and the department as well as obtain all applicable federal, state, and local authorizations, approvals, and permits prior to the removal of sediments accumulated in surface waters including wetlands. Page 18 of 26 PART III CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL VPDES PERMITS NOTE: Discharge monitoring is not required for this general permit. If the operator chooses to monitor stormwater discharges or control measures, the operator shall comply with the requirements of subsections A, B, and C, as appropriate. A. Monitoring. 1. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitoring activity. Monitoring shall be conducted according to procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or alternative methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, unless other procedures have been specified in this general permit. Analyses performed according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 shall be performed by an environmental laboratory certified under regulations adopted by the Department of General Services (1 VAC30-45 or 1 VAC30-46). 3. The operator shall periodically calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical instrumentation at intervals that will ensure accuracy of measurements. B. Records. 1. Monitoring records and reports shall include a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The individuals who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The dates and times analyses were performed; d. The individuals who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. 2. The operator shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this general permit, and records of all data used to complete the registration statement for this general permit, for a period of at least three years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or request for coverage. This period of retention shall be extended automatically during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the regulated activity or regarding control standards applicable to the operator, or as requested by the board. C. Reporting monitoring results. Page 19 of 26 1. The operator shall update the SWPPP to include the results of the monitoring as may be performed in accordance with this general permit, unless another reporting schedule is specified elsewhere in this general permit. 2. Monitoring results shall be reported on a discharge monitoring report (DMR); on forms provided, approved or specified by the department; or in any format provided that the date, location, parameter, method, and result of the monitoring activity are included. If the operator monitors any pollutant specifically addressed by this general permit more frequently than required by this general permit using test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or using other test procedures approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or using procedures specified in this general permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR or reporting form specified by the department. 4. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this general permit. D. Duty to provide information. The operator shall furnish, within a reasonable time, any information which the board may request to determine whether cause exists for terminating this general permit coverage or to determine compliance with this general permit. The board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority may require the operator to furnish, upon request, such plans, specifications, and other pertinent information as may be necessary to determine the effect of the wastes from his discharge on the quality of surface waters, or such other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the CWA and the Virginia Stormwater Management Act. The operator shall also furnish to the board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this general permit. E. Compliance schedule reports. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this general permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. F. Unauthorized stormwater discharges. Pursuant to § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, except in compliance with a state permit issued by the department, it shall be unlawful to cause a stormwater discharge from a construction activity. G. Reports of unauthorized discharges. Any operator who discharges or causes or allows a discharge of sewage, industrial waste, other wastes or any noxious or deleterious substance or a hazardous substance or oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, 40 CFR Part 302, or § 62.1-44.34:19 of the Code of Virginia that occurs during a 24-hour period into or upon surface waters or who discharges or causes or allows a discharge that may reasonably be expected to enter surface waters, shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of the discharge immediately upon discovery of the discharge, but in no case later than within 24 hours after said discovery. A written report of the unauthorized discharge shall be submitted to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge. The written report shall contain: 1. A description of the nature and location of the discharge; 2. The cause of the discharge; Page 20 of 26 3. The date on which the discharge occurred; 4. The length of time that the discharge continued; 5. The volume of the discharge; 6. If the discharge is continuing, how long it is expected to continue; 7. If the discharge is continuing, what the expected total volume of the discharge will be; and Any steps planned or taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent a recurrence of the present discharge or any future discharges not authorized by this general permit. Discharges reportable to the department and the VSMP authority under the immediate reporting requirements of other regulations are exempted from this requirement. H. Reports of unusual or extraordinary discharges. If any unusual or extraordinary discharge including a "bypass" or "upset," as defined in this general permit, should occur from a facility and the discharge enters or could be expected to enter surface waters, the operator shall promptly notify, in no case later than within 24 hours, the department and the VSMP authority by telephone after the discovery of the discharge. This notification shall provide all available details of the incident, including any adverse effects on aquatic life and the known number of fish killed. The operator shall reduce the report to writing and shall submit it to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge in accordance with Part III 12. Unusual and extraordinary discharges include any discharge resulting from: 1. Unusual spillage of materials resulting directly or indirectly from processing operations; 2. Breakdown of processing or accessory equipment; 3. Failure or taking out of service of some or all of the facilities; and 4. Flooding or other acts of nature. I. Reports of noncompliance. The operator shall report any noncompliance which may adversely affect surface waters or may endanger public health. An oral report to the department and the VSMP authority shall be provided within 24 hours from the time the operator becomes aware of the circumstances. The following shall be included as information that shall be reported within 24 hours under this subdivision: a. Any unanticipated bypass; and b. Any upset that causes a discharge to surface waters. 2. A written report shall be submitted within five days and shall contain: a. A description of the noncompliance and its cause; Page 21 of 26 b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and c. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The department may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis for reports of noncompliance under Part III I if the oral report has been received within 24 hours and no adverse impact on surface waters has been reported. 3. The operator shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Part III 1 1 or 2 in writing as part of the SWPPP. The reports shall contain the information listed in Part 111 1 2. NOTE: The reports required in Part III G, H and I shall be made to the department and the VSMP authority. Reports may be made by telephone, email, or by fax. For reports outside normal working hours, leaving a recorded message shall fulfill the immediate reporting requirement. For emergencies, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management maintains a 24-hour telephone service at 1-800-468-8892. 4. Where the operator becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts, or submittal of incorrect information in any report, including a registration statement, to the department or the VSMP authority, the operator shall promptly submit such facts or correct information. J. Notice of planned changes. 1. The operator shall give notice to the department and the VSMP authority as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility or activity. Notice is required only when: a. The operator plans an alteration or addition to any building, structure, facility, or installation that may meet one of the criteria for determining whether a facility is a new source in 9VAC25-870-420; b. The operator plans an alteration or addition that would significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutants discharged. This notification applies to pollutants that are not subject to effluent limitations in this general permit; or 2. The operator shall give advance notice to the department and VSMP authority of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance with state permit requirements. K. Signatory requirements. 1. Registration statement. All registration statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the Page 22 of 26 manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. 2. Reports and other information. All reports required by this general permit, including SWPPPs, and other information requested by the board or the department shall be signed by a person described in Part III K 1 or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: a. The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part III K 1; b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the operator. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position); and c. The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP. A copy shall be provided to the department and VSMP authority, if requested. 3. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under Part III K 2 is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the construction activity, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of Part III K 2 shall be submitted to the VSMP authority as the administering entity for the board prior to or together with any reports or information to be signed by an authorized representative. 4. Certification. Any person signing a document under Part III K 1 or 2 shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant Page 23 of 26 penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." L. Duty to comply. The operator shall comply with all conditions of this general permit. Any state permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act, except that noncompliance with certain provisions of this general permit may constitute a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act but not the Clean Water Act. Permit noncompliance is grounds for enforcement action; for state permit coverage, termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a state permit renewal application. The operator shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under § 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions or standards for sewage sludge use or disposal, even if this general permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. M. Duty to reapply. If the operator wishes to continue an activity regulated by this general permit after the expiration date of this general permit, the operator shall submit a new registration statement at least 60 days before the expiration date of the existing general permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the board. The board shall not grant permission for registration statements to be submitted later than the expiration date of the existing general permit. N. Effect of a state permit. This general permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or invasion of personal rights, or any infringement of federal, state or local law or regulations. O. State law. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action under, or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any other state law or regulation or under authority preserved by § 510 of the Clean Water Act. Except as provided in general permit conditions on "bypassing" (Part III U) and "upset' (Part III V), nothing in this general permit shall be construed to relieve the operator from civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance. P. Oil and hazardous substance liability. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the operator is or may be subject under §§ 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the State Water Control Law or § 311 of the Clean Water Act. Q. Proper operation and maintenance. The operator shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances), which are installed or used by the operator to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes effective plant performance, adequate funding, adequate staffing, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, which are installed by the operator only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. R. Disposal of solids or sludges. Solids, sludges or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or management of pollutants shall be disposed of in a manner so as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering surface waters and in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Page 24 of 26 S. Duty to mitigate. The operator shall take all steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this general permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. T. Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not be a defense for an operator in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this general permit. U. Bypass. 1. 'Bypass," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility. The operator may allow any bypass to occur that does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to ensure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of Part III U 2 and 3. 2. Notice. a. Anticipated bypass. If the operator knows in advance of the need for a bypass, the operator shall submit prior notice to the department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. b. Unanticipated bypass. The operator shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in Part III I. 3. Prohibition of bypass. a. Except as provided in Part III U 1, bypass is prohibited, and the board or department may take enforcement action against an operator for bypass unless: (1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities that causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources that can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production; (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass that occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (3) The operator submitted notices as required under Part III U 2. b. The department may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the department determines that it will meet the three conditions listed in Part III U 3 a. Page 25 of 26 V. Upset. 1. An "upset," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the operator. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 2. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations if the requirements of Part III V 4 are met. A determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is not a final administrative action subject to judicial review. 3. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 4. An operator who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: a. An upset occurred and that the operator can identify the cause of the upset; b. The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. The operator submitted notice of the upset as required in Part III I; and d. The operator complied with any remedial measures required under Part III S. 5. In any enforcement proceeding, the operator seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. W. Inspection and entry. The operator shall allow the department as the board's designee, the VSMP authority, EPA, or an authorized representative of either entity (including an authorized contractor), upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law to: 1. Enter upon the operator's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 2. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 3. Inspect and photograph at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this general permit; and 4. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of ensuring state permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act or the Virginia Stormwater Management Act, any substances or parameters at any location. Page 26 of 26 For purposes of this section, the time for inspection shall be deemed reasonable during regular business hours, and whenever the facility is discharging. Nothing contained herein shall make an inspection unreasonable during an emergency. X. State permit actions. State permit coverage may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the operator for a state permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any state permit condition. Y. Transfer of state permit coverage. 1. State permits are not transferable to any person except after notice to the department. Except as provided in Part III Y 2, a state permit may be transferred by the operator to a new operator only if the state permit has been modified or revoked and reissued, or a minor modification made, to identify the new operator and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary under the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act. As an alternative to transfers under Part III Y 1, this state permit may be automatically transferred to a new operator if: a. The current operator notifies the department at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer of the title to the facility or property; b. The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new operators containing a specific date for transfer of state permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between them; and c. The department does not notify the existing operator and the proposed new operator of its intent to modify or revoke and reissue the state permit. If this notice is not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the agreement mentioned in Part III Y 2 b. 3. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of operator, the new operator shall accept and maintain the existing SWPPP, or prepare and implement a new SWPPP prior to taking over operations at the site. Z. Severability. The provisions of this general permit are severable, and if any provision of this general permit or the application of any provision of this state permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this general permit shall not be affected thereby. Section 12. Inspection logs Template for inspections. Requirements are listed in 9VAC25-880-70, Part II, section B and F. Stormwater Construction Site Inspection Report General Information Project Name NPDES Tracking No. Location Date of Inspection Start/End Time Inspector's Name(s) Inspector's Title(s) Inspector's Contact Information Inspector's Qualifications Describe present phase of construction Type of Inspection: ❑ Regular ❑ Pre -storm event ❑ During storm event ❑ Post -storm event Weather Information Has there been a storm event since the last inspection? ❑Yes ❑No Ifyes, provide: Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Approximate Amount of Precipitation (in): Weather at time of this inspection? ❑ Clear ❑Cloudy ❑ Rain ❑ Sleet ❑ Fog ❑ Snowing ❑ High Winds ❑ Other: Temperature: Have any discharges occurred since the last inspection? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, describe: Are there any discharges at the time of inspection? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, describe: Site -specific BMPs • Number the structural and non-structural BMPs identified in your SWPPP on your site map and list them below (add as many BMPs as necessary). Carry a copy of the numbered site map with you during your inspections. This list will ensure that you are inspecting all required BMPs at your site. • Describe corrective actions initiated, date completed, and note the person that completed the work in the Corrective Action Log. BMP BMP Installed? BMP Maintenance Required? Corrective Action Needed and Notes Date Correctiv a Action Taken 1 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 2 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 3 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 4 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 5 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 6 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 7 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 8 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 9 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 10 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County BMp BMP Installed? BMP Maintenance Required? Corrective Action Needed and Notes Date Correctiv a Action Taken 11 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 12 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 13 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 14 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 15 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 16 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 17 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 18 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 19 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No 20 ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No Overall Site Issues Below are some general site issues that should be assessed during inspections. Customize this list as needed for conditions at your site. BMP/activity Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes Required? 1 Are all slopes and ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No disturbed areas not actively being worked properly stabilized? 2 Are natural resource ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No areas (e.g., streams, wetlands, mature trees, etc.) protected with barriers or similar BMPs? 3 Are perimeter controls ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No and sediment barriers adequately installed (keyed into substrate) and maintained? 4 Are discharge points and ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No receiving waters free of any sediment deposits? 5 Are storm drain inlets ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No properly protected? 6 Is the construction exit ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No preventing sediment from being tracked into the street? 7 Is trash/litter from work ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No areas collected and placed in covered dumpsters? 8 Are washout facilities ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No (e.g., paint, stucco, concrete) available, clearly marked, and maintained? Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County BMP/activity Implemented? Maintenance Corrective Action Needed and Notes Re aired? 9 Are vehicle and ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No equipment fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious material? 10 Are materials that are ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No potential stormwater contaminants stored inside or under cover? 11 Are non-stormwater ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No discharges (e.g., wash water, dewatering) properly controlled? 12 (Other) ❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No Describe any incidents of non-compliance not described above: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Print name and title: Signature: Date: Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Section 13. Additional Information and Logs Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Special Conditions Related to TMDL: Fact Sheets for Impaired (Category 4 or S) Waters in 2020 Jaynes River Basin Cause Group Code: H16R-01-BAC Rockfish River Cause Location: Rockfish River from the headwaters downstream to its confluence with Davis Creek. (Start Mile: 29.14 End Mile: 23.36 Total Impaired Size: 5.78 Miles) City / County: Nelson Co. Use(s): Recreation Cause(s) / VA Category: Escherichia coli (E. coli) / 4A This segment is impaired due to exceedances of the a-coli bacteria WOS at station: 2-RKF026.42 (18 exceedances of 71 samples for ecoli) and 2BRKF023.61 (5 exceedances of 11 samples for e-coli.)_ Initial Listing Date: 2006- This segment is included in the EPA Approved Rockfish River Bacteria TMDL Federal TMDL ID # 50828 Cycle TMDL Cause First Dev. Water Assessment Unit / Water Name / Location Desc. Category Cause Name Listed Priority Size VAV-H16R RKF02A00 / Rockfish River / Rockfish River from the 4A Escherichia coli (E. coli) 2006 L 5.77 headwaters downstream to its confluence with Davis Creek. Rockfish River Estuary Reservoir River Recreatlon (Sq. Miles) (Acres) (Miles) Escherichia coli (E. coli) -Total Impaired Size by Water Type: 5.77 Sources: Agriculture Non -Point Source Wildlife Other than Waterfowl Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Grading and Stabilization Activities Log Project Name: Asphalt Plant at Red Hill Quarry SWPPP Contact: Date Grading Activity Initiated Location of Grading Date Grading Activity Ceased (Indicate Temporary or Permanent) Date When Stabilization Measures are Initiated Description of Stabilization Measure and Location Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County SWPPP Amendment Log Project Name: Asphalt Plant at Red Hill Quarry SWPPP Contact: Amendment No. Description of the Amendment Date of Amendment Amendment Prepared by [Name(s) and Titlel Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Pollution Prevention Plan Training Log Date Parties in Attendance Pollution Prevention Items Discussed Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Procedure for Spills of Non -Reportable Quantities Most spills can be cleaned up following manufacturer specifications. Absorbentloil dry, sealable containers, plastic bag and shovels/brooms are suggested minimum spill response items that should be available at this location. 1) Check for hazards (flammable material, noxious fumes, cause of spill)- if flammable liquid, turn off engines and nearby electrical equipment. If serious hazards are present, leave the area and call 911. 2) Make sure the spill area is safe to enter and that it does not pose an immediate threat to health or safety of any person. 3) Stop the spill source. 4) Call co-workers and supervisor for assistance and to make them aware of the spill and potential dangers. 5) If possible, stop spill from entering drains (use absorbent or other material as necessary) 6) Stop spill from spreading (use absorbent or other material) 7) If spill material has entered a storm sewer; contact locality's storm sewer water department and locality's VSMP inspector. 8) Clean up spilled material and do not flush area with water. 9) Properly dispose of cleaning materials and used absorbent material according to manufacturer specifications. Project Type and Location: Date/Time of Spill: Spill Location and Events leading to Spill: Material Spilled: Source of Spill: Amount Spilled: Surface Area of Impacted Media in Sq. ft.: Type of Media (Soil or Pavement): Corrective Action Taken: Spill Report Form Time Incident Contained: Amount Spilled to Waterway: Action Taken to Prevent Future Spills: Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County Agencies Notified: Modifications of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Print Name/Title of Reporter: Signature: Date: Company: Issued — 10/2014 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Albemarle County