HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202200018 Review Comments Waiver, variation or substitution requirement 2022-07-20y Bf/�. e iq COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 To: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Bart Svoboda, Zoning Administrator Date: June 27, 2022 Re: SE202200018 (4394 Carriage Hill Drive, Earlysville) TMP: 03200-00-00-00100 and 03200-00-00-00200 Magisterial District: White Hall School Districts: Broadus Wood, Jouett, Albemarle Zoning District: RA Rural Areas Summary of Application for Exception: Kindrick Fill Area Pursuant to County Code § 18-5.1.28(d), the applicant has applied for an exception from all requirements of County Code § 18-5.1.28 on Parcels 03200-00-00-00100 and 03200-00-00-00200. Please see Attachment A for full details of staff's analysis and recommendations. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment G) to deny the exception application. Attachments: A. Staff Analysis B. CLE2022-037 Kindrick Fill Area Approved Zoning Clearance C. County Code § 18-5.1.28 - Clean Earth and Inert Waste Fill Activity Regulations D. Location Map E. Special Exception Application and Information F. SE202200018 Proposed Fill Area G. Resolution Attachment A - Staff Analysis STAFF PERSON: Bart Svoboda, Zoning Administrator BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: July 20, 2022 PROJECT: SE202200018 (4394 Carriage Hill Drive, Earlysville) Kindrick Fill Area PROPERTY OWNER: Kindrick, Alan, and Ada Joint Trust C/O Timothy K Kindrick LOCATION: 4394 Carriage Hill Drive TAX MAP PARCEL: 03200-00-00-00100 and 03200-00-00-00200 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Pursuant to County Code § 18-5.1.28(d), the applicant has applied for an exception from all requirements of County Code § 18-5.1.28 on Parcels 03200-00-00-00100 and 03200-00-00-00200. The applicant is currently operating a two -acre clean earth fill activity on each parcel, as allowed by right in County Code § 18-4.3.1, with an approved zoning clearance (Attachment B) issued on May 24, 2022. The activity is required to be compliant with County Code § 18-5.1.28 (Attachment C) and all other applicable requirements. CHARACTER OF THE PROPERTY AND AREA: The property is located at 4394 Carriage Hill Drive, Earlysville (Attachment D). The request involves two parcels (TMP 03200-00-00-00100 and 03200-00-00-00200) that are zoned Rural Areas. One parcel contains 155 +/- acres, and the other is 77 +/- acres. The two parcels are mostly open fields with about 1/3 in trees or brush. The property borders Chris Greene Lake Park on its eastern side. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: The two parcels involved in the request have historically contained agricultural use. No dwelling units are located on the parcels. As of the date of this report, there is no record of any zoning violation on either parcel. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER COMMENTS Notices to abutting property owners were mailed on July 7, 2022. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The property is designated as Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan. This designation includes preservation and protection of agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic, and scenic resources, as discussed in the Rural Area chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recognizes that care must be taken not to overwhelm or negatively affect the resources that make rural Albemarle attractive to residents and tourists. Staff does not believe that this proposal contains sufficient information to determine how it complies with the overall goals of the Comprehensive Plan. ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION FOR EXCEPTION: Special exceptions are subject to County Code § 18-33.5, under which the Board may either approve or deny an application, defer action to allow for changes before final action or refer the application to the Planning Commission. To grant the requested special exception, the Board is required to make both general and specific findings in support of its action. To waive or modify any supplementary zoning regulation generally, County Code § 18-5.1 requires a finding that the applicable requirement "would not forward the purposes of [the Zoning Ordinance] or otherwise serve the public health, safety, or welfare or that a modified regulation would satisfy the purposes of [the Zoning Ordinance] to at least an equivalent degree as the specified requirement." Regarding the Zoning Ordinance's fill requirements specifically, County Code §18-5.1.28(d)(1) provides that a variation or exception from any requirement of this section may be approved upon a finding that any of the following factors are satisfied: (i) the proposed fill activity would further agricultural use of the property, (ii) the variation or exception would allow for a more natural appearance of the site after the fill activity has occurred, (in) a reduction in setback from the entrance corridor is recommended by the Architectural Review Board; (iv) the variation or exception is supported by the abutting owners impacted by the variation or exception; (v) approval of any variation or exception is consistent with an approved and valid initial or preliminary site plan or any other land use decision of the County; (vi) the proposed fill activity will be of limited duration (less than 90 days) and involve not more than 10,000 cubic feet offill within any 12 months. Staff acknowledges that the proposed clean earth fill activity may (i) further the agricultural use of the property and (ii) present a more natural appearance when the fill activity has ceased. However, staff is unable to support a finding under County Code § 18-5.1 that a modified regulation (or in this case, the complete lack of regulation under County Code § 18-5.1.28) would satisfy the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance to at least an equivalent degree as the applicable requirements. No plan has been provided or proposed that outlines the duration of the clean earth fill activity, identifies the finished grades once the project is complete, or ensures that the amount of soil would be limited to 10,000 cubic feet within any 12 months. Also, 40 +/- acres of the proposed fill area (Attachment F) is located along Jacobs Run directly upstream of Chris Greene Lake, potentially negatively impacting those water bodies and downstream properties. Finally, the subject property is under an ACE conservation easement, co -owned by the County, that strictly limits grading, blasting, earth removal, and mining. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached resolution (Attachment G) to deny the application for an exception. ATTACHMENTS A. Staff Analysis B. CLE2022-037 Kindrick Fill Area Approved Zoning Clearance C. County Code § 18-5.1.28 - Clean Earth and Inert Waste Fill Activity Regulations D. Location Map E. Special Exception Application and Information F. SE202200018 Proposed Fill Area G. Resolution Albemarle County Zoning Clearance Application `°�W *Rd.N nor rAdm4e act. enn wei9 cnupumwa vr, xzsm Winne 43129e.51QV FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Clearance Number: CLZ20Z2 —a00a% Fee Amount: S 61.36 Date Paid: 31 2g + S Q By: -r ♦K; ld vi Cr, Application fee: $69 + Technology surcharge: $2.36 Receipt #:$'{ ( %;. Check #: 3 (t o By: Dh<::) Applicant - Fill out the entire page below and return to: Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Name: EaAallAddress: �nnrlh.l_ 1'..ar Mailing Address: / tz Phone A: 4-4-i-t - oi- Tax Map and Parcel number and/or Address of the Business: 032c� oo ,� _ OG �i 0 34 0�1 "C�o —C' — CDO ZOG Zoning: Staff will fllbut 0uNmown Parcel Owner: fv�o — — Owneesliddress: Check any that apply: New Business ❑ Change of use a of Ownership E Change of Name Business Name: Description of Business: Describe the business including use, number of employees, number of shifts, availability of parking, and any additional info. NAr rw.- C- I -met.. �-J . 1 A- 0�� Previous Business on Site: N 1A Floor Plan: Please attach other an architectural drawing or a sketch of the proposed business indicating the location of uses, the uses of rooms, the total square footage of the use, and any additional information. N tek Total Square Footage Used for the Business: Is the Parcel Zoned LI, NI, or PCIP? Yes No n p 6 yes, all out a Cerhfled Enoneer's Report (CER) Will there be food preparations Yes No OrIf yes, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Is the Parcel on public water or private well? Public El PW If on private well, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic? Pudic It on septic, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Will you be putting up any new signage? Yes t+pj If yes, obtain appropriate sign permit and list permit # below Will there be new construction or renovations? a Yes 91 *IN- If yes. obtain appropriate building permit and list permit # below Please list any applicable Building Permit ilk: WIN Zoning Clearance review cannot begin until the application above is complete and all applicable forms and fees are submitted. This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensity, or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by them. Signature lL Date Albam" County Zoning Clearance Application `0�ny0�°� C ftWle. Nanbwho CnMd,M+N. VA 12007 40 Rw 4342e6.5e32 Applicant - If you are not the land owner, please fill out the entire page below confirming that you have either informed or are going to inform the owner of your zoning clearance application. CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER I certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application, dearame number provided by Staff or business name to the owner Name of landowner on record of Tax Map and Parcel Number oby either delivering a TMP number f progeny copy of the application to them in person or by sending them a copy of the application by mail. (Please check one of the following below) ❑ Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on Date to the following address: (Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this requirement. Please see staff for help determining this information if needed) Signature of Applicant Applicant Name Printed Date 3 For Albemarle County Staff Review Only Proposed Use: iaCUWAI EARrA( G/LL fMmltHd: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permitted by Section: !�3•� QUR,$ /'^QX/ pplementary RegulatIons: AppNvbM Special Use Permit (SPY Applkable Razonings (ZMA): Applicable Site Plans (SDP): Parking: --__ If there is an approved site plan associated with the parcal, the parking requirements wall be defined by the SDP. Some parking requirements are determined by a ZMA or by an approved Code of Development. Parking Formula: - Dellned li I ❑Site Plan ❑ Zoning Ordlnanu ❑ coo ❑Existing Total Square Foots" of the Uss: Required number of parking spaces: Associated Clearances: Variances:- — Violations: Is a site Inspection necessary?: as No MOGUL , J Salo Inspection on (date): To CoalMtn: Notes: Conditions of Approval: Additional conddrons Sf approval apply to Fireworks and Christmas Trees Approval Information ❑ Approved as proposed d/ � Approved with conditions ❑ Denied ❑ Backflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 434.977.4511 ext. 117 No physical site Inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, It Is not a determination of compliance with the existing site plan. ❑ This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Conditions: lvio�ty ��sm �w sere /3E 11157aeee7D r //�Y-cr 20WAIMI e. Additional Nobs: I. rE r'Wa -&C- Az)&Wo /.(/ e-54-V' WRAWaooee vi/aima . rev/Mmk-4-/s" Building Zoning >•� C°/J��T%l.Cii/w� Date Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434.296.5832 Fax: 434.972.4126 4 IN A IIl J p�C Natural Resowces Basic Plan Map I V State: Virginia Conservation Service County: Albemarle Assisted by: Jon Lipinski Soil Conservationist Louisa Service Center Thomas Jefferson SWCD Date: 10-26-2017 Producer: T Kin l ir4 0 412.5 825 1.650 2.475 Feet Map e¢watyisfor a fwle of 1:12,000. 1omeduiortgos Miff, 1:8,400 eau when zoomed at larger smile. finch =700 feet N A Backgmund image "Aerial MWograoh- Date: Summer 2013 n, .,,.Y..i•.. taurri maw.. 4apw sup•5 sw>oa scow .f x'.lI. a41 auf1 t y'I CI. pVt't �wf. IunMt n.Y .rot �en.w.elui w+msxry lwntl woN W.IrYYaIW taaYp v�ty'rwl v prc)11uUu. .truaxpr .ayso IMA eey c.rw.. as uoYwYwalu�lnwe 75� Q 0 4 ;L4Y lrlw r:nn. r 44 Y. 6 !2 617/22, 7:49 AM Albemarle County, VA Code of Ordinances Sec. 5.1.28 - Clean earth and inert waste fill activity. a. Each clean earth fill activity or inert waste fill activity not established and operated in conjunction with a permitted use under section 30.4 of this chapter or established and operated in conjunction with an approved site plan or subdivision are subject to the following requirements: 1. Each active fill area shall be shaped and sloped so that no undrained pockets or stagnant pools of water are created to the maximum extent reasonably practicable as determined by the program authority. All undrained pockets and stagnant pools of water resulting from drainage shall be treated as required by the Virginia Department of Health to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes and other insects. Slope may not exceed 3:1. The height of fill may not exceed eight feet above natural grade. 2. No fill area shall be located either within the flood hazard overlay district, except as authorized by section 30.3 of this chapter, or in any stream buffer area as defined by Chapter 17 of the Code of Albemarle or on any hydric soils as identified by the United States Department of Agriculture. 3. Each fill area shall be reclaimed within seven days of completion of the fill activity, or such later time authorized by the program authority for reclamation activities of a seasonal nature. Reclamation shall include, but not be limited to, restoring the area so that it approximates natural contours; shaping and sloping the area to satisfy the requirements of subsection (a)(1); and establishing a permanent vegetative ground cover. 4, Inert waste fill must be topped with clean earth fill to a minimum depth of two feet in order to allow for permanent stabilization and reclamation; and establishing a permanent vegetative ground cover; provided that the program authority may reduce the minimum depth of clean earth fill to one foot if the area is unlikely to be redeveloped. 5. The zoning administrator, or the program authority for those fill areas subject to subsection (b), may require the owner to submit a reasonable performance bond with surety, cash escrow, letter of credit, any combination thereof, or such other legal arrangement acceptable to the county attorney, to ensure that measures could be taken by the county or the program authority at the owner's expense should the owner fail, after notice is given to perform required reclamation work specified in the notice. The amount of the bond or other surety shall be based on unit pricing for new public or private sector construction in Albemarle County, Virginia, and a reasonable allowance for estimated administrative costs and inflation which shall not exceed 25 percent of the estimated cost to initiate and complete the reclamation of the borrow, fill or waste area, and to comply with all other terms and conditions of the plan or narrative required by subsection (b). If reclamation work is required to be taken by the county or the program authority upon the failure of the owner to do so, the county or the program authority may collect the reasonable cost of the work directly from the owner, to the extent that the cost exceeds the unexpended or unobligated amount of the surety. Within 60 days after the reclamation work is completed and inspected and approved by the county engineer, the bondorother surety, or any unexpended or unobligated portion thereof, shall be refunded to the owner. 6. Fill activity (except for access) must be set back a minimum of 150 feet from any entrance corridor street. 7. Fill activity (except for access) must be set back a minimum of 75 feet from all property lines in the Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR), Monticello Historic District (MHD), and residential zoning districts, and from all public street rights of way. Access must be set back 50 feet from property lines and 100 feet from dwellings on adjacent property. No setback is required if adjoining lots are under the same ownership. The access to a fill activity is not subject to the setback from public street right of way. 8. Fill activity must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from all non-residential property lines. No setback is required if adjoining lots are under the same ownership. 9. Minimum lot size for fill activity Is five acres. Multiple parcels under the same ownership and with the same zoning designation may be considered as a single lot for the purpose of achieving the minimum lot size. 10. No fill activity may occur within the drip line of any tree. 11. The maximum area for fill activity on any parcel in existence on September 16, 2020 is two acres. Determining area for fill activity includes all locations used, or designated to be used, for fill, vehicle storage and vehicle maintenance but does not 1/3 617122, 7:49 AM include area used for exclusively for access. Albemarle County, VA Code of Ordinances 12. Notwithstanding section 4.3 of this chapter, trees may be cut, provided a plan as required by subsection (b) is submitted. However, no tree of 36 inches or greater in diameter may be cut. 13. If a private street, shared di iveway or access easement is used, the applicant must demonstrate that the access is adequate for the proposed activity and that the applicant has the right to use the access. In order for access to be deemed adequate, the owner must limit vehicles associated with the fill activity to not more than 56,000 pounds. In addition, the access must meet the standards of section 4.6.6 of this chapter and have a surface adequate to accommodate a vehicle weighing 56,000 pounds. The owner may increase the weight of vehicles associated with the fill activity to a maximum of 80,000 pounds, - provided that the access meets the standards of section 4.6.6 of this chapter and has a surface adequate to accommodate a vehicle weighing 80,000 pounds. 14. No fill activity may occur until the Virginia Department of Transportation has approved the entrance onto the highway. 15. Except for properties zoned Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR) or Monticello Historic District (MHD), tree canopy for area(s) disturbed by fill activity must be established and maintained in compliance with section of this chapter. b. Any fill activity with an aggregate area greater than 2,500 square feet requires a plan or narrative, subject to the prior approval of the program authority, that satisfies the requirements of subsection (a) and the following provisions: 1. All materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. Before a transporting vehicle leaves the parcel or parcels on which the fill area is located, it shall be cleaned so that no materials outside of the vehicle's load -bed can be deposited on a public or private street. 2. The fill area and the access roads thereto shall be treated or maintained to prevent dust or debris from blowing or spreading onto adjacent properties or public streets. 3. Fill activity shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except in cases of a public emergency as determined by the director of emergency services for the county. A. Fill activity shall be conducted in a safe manner that maintains lateral support, in order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because of slides, sinking, or collapse. - 5. The placement of fill shall be completed within one year of its commencement, except for reclamation activities and any other activities associated with the final stabilization of the area. The program authority may extend the date of completion upon the written request of the applicant, demonstrating that factors beyond the control of the applicant prevented the completion within the one-year period. The program authority may then extend the permit for a period of time that, in its sole discretion, is determined adequate to complete the work. 6. In lieu of a plan or narrative, the program authority may accept a contractual agreement between the Virginia Department of Transportation and its contractor for a public road project; provided that the program authority determines that the agreement satisfies at least to an equivalent extent the requirements and intent of this section. c. Inert waste fill activity is not permitted in the Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR) or Monticello. Historic District (MHD) zoning districts without approval of a variation or exception as permitted in section 33.43 of this chapter. d. The Board of Supervisors may approve a variation or exception from any requirement of this section. 1. A variation or exception from any requirement of this section may be approved upon a finding that any of the following factors are satisfied: (i) the proposed fill activity would further agricultural use of the property; (ii) the variation or exception would allow for a more natural appearance of the site after the fill activity has occurred; (III) a reduction in setback from the entrance corridor is recommended by the Architectural Review Board; (iv) the variation or exception is supported by the abutting owners impacted by the variation or exception; (v) approval of any variation or exception is consistent with an approved and valid initial of Preliminary site plan or any other land use decision of the County; (vi) the proposed fill activity will be of limited duration (less than 90 days) and involve not more than 10,000 cubic feet of fill within any 12 months. 2. The agent will provide written notice by first class mail or by hand at least five days before the Board hearing to the owner or owners, their agent or the occupant, of each parcel involved; to the owners, their agent or the occupant, of all abutting 2/3 6f7/22, 7:49 AM Albemarle County, VA Code of Ordinances property and property imm=diately across the street or road from the property affected, including those parcels which lie in other localities of the Commonwealth; and, if any portion of the affected property is within a planned unit development, then to such incorporated property owners associations within the planned unit development that have members owning property located within 2,000 feet of the affected property as may be required by the commission or its agent. 3. A party's actual notice of, or active participation in, the proceedings for which the written notice provided by this section is required waives the right of that party to challenge the validity of the proceeding due to failure of the party to receive the written notice required by this section. (§ 5.1.28, 7-6.83; Ord. 01-18(6), 10-3-01; Crd. 02-18(5)_ 7-3-02; Ord. 20-1 £(3), 9-16-20) 3/3 Attachment C Sec. 5.1.28 Clean earth and inert waste fill activity. a. Each clean earth fill activity or inert waste fill activity not established and operated in conjunction with a permitted use under section 30.4 of this chapter or established and operated in conjunction with an approved site plan or subdivision are subject to the following requirements: 1. Each active fill area shall be shaped and sloped so that no undrained pockets or stagnant pools of water are created to the maximum extent reasonably practicable as determined by the program authority. All undrained pockets and stagnant pools of water resulting from drainage shall be treated as required by the Virginia Department of Health to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes and other insects. Slope may not exceed 3:1. The height of fill may not exceed eight feet above natural grade. 2. No fill area shall be located either within the flood hazard overlay district, except as authorized by section 30.3 of this chapter, or in any stream buffer area as defined by Chapter 17 of the Code of Albemarle or on any hydric soils as identified by the United States Department of Agriculture. 3. Each fill area shall be reclaimed within seven days of completion of the fill activity, or such later time authorized by the program authority for reclamation activities of a seasonal nature. Reclamation shall include, but not be limited to, restoring the area so that it approximates natural contours; shaping and sloping the area to satisfy the requirements of subsection (a)(1); and establishing a permanent vegetative ground cover. 4. Inert waste fill must be topped with clean earth fill to a minimum depth of two feet in order to allow for permanent stabilization and reclamation; and establishing a permanent vegetative ground cover, provided that the program authority may reduce the minimum depth of clean earth fill to one foot if the area is unlikely to be redeveloped. S. The zoning administrator, or the program authority for those fill areas subject to subsection (b), may require the owner to submit a reasonable performance bond with surety, cash escrow, letter of credit, any combination thereof, or such other legal arrangement acceptable to the county attorney, to ensure that measures could be taken by the county or the program authority at the owner's expense should the owner fail, after notice is given to perform required reclamation work specified in the notice. The amount of the bond or other surety shall be based on unit pricing for new public or private sector construction in Albemarle County, Virginia, and a reasonable allowance for estimated administrative costs and inflation which shall not exceed 25 percent of the estimated cost to initiate and complete the reclamation of the borrow, fill or waste area, and to comply with all other terms and conditions of the plan or narrative required by subsection (b). If reclamation work is required to be taken by the county or the program authority upon the failure of the owner to do so, the county or the program authority may collect the reasonable cost of the work directly from the owner, to the extent that the cost exceeds the unexpended or unobligated amount of the surety. Within 60 days after the reclamation work is completed and inspected and approved by the county engineer, the bond or other surety, or any unexpended or unobligated portion thereof, shall be refunded to the owner. 6. Fill activity (except for access) must be set back a minimum of 150 feet from any entrance corridor street. Fill activity (except for access) must be set back a minimum of 75 feet from all property lines in the Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR), Monticello Historic District (MHD), and residential zoning districts, and from all public street rights of way. Access must be set back 50 feet from property lines and 100 feet from dwellings on adjacent property. No setback is required if adjoining lots are under the same ownership. The access to a fill activity is not subject to the setback from public street right of way. (Supp. No. 2, Update 7) Created: 2922-M-21 11:39:28 [EST] Page 1 of 3 Attachment C 8. Fill activity must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from all non-residential property lines. No setback is required if adjoining lots are under the same ownership. 9. Minimum lot size for fill activity is five acres. Multiple parcels under the same ownership and with the same zoning designation may be considered as a single lot for the purpose of achieving the minimum lot size. 10. No fill activity may occur within the drip line of any tree. 11. The maximum area for fill activity on any parcel in existence on September 16, 2020 is two acres. Determining area for fill activity includes all locations used, or designated to be used, for fill, vehicle storage and vehicle maintenance but does not include area used for exclusively for access. 12. Notwithstanding section 4.3 of this chapter, trees may be cut, provided a plan as required by subsection (b) is submitted. However, no tree of 36 inches or greater in diameter may be cut. 13. If a private street, shared driveway or access easement is used, the applicant must demonstrate that the access is adequate for the proposed activity and that the applicant has the right to use the access. In order for access to be deemed adequate, the owner must limit vehicles associated with the fill activity to not more than 56,000 pounds. In addition, the access must meet the standards of section 4.6.6 of this chapter and have a surface adequate to accommodate a vehicle weighing 56,000 pounds. The owner may increase the weight of vehicles associated with the fill activity to a maximum of 80,000 pounds, provided that the access meets the standards of section 4.6.6 of this chapter and has a surface adequate to accommodate a vehicle weighing 80,000 pounds. 14. No fill activity may occur until the Virginia Department of Transportation has approved the entrance onto the highway. 15. Except for properties zoned Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR) or Monticello Historic District (MHD), tree canopy for area(s) disturbed by fill activity must be established and maintained in compliance with section of this chapter. b. Any fill activity with an aggregate area greater than 2,500 square feet requires a plan or narrative, subject to the prior approval of the program authority, that satisfies the requirements of subsection (a) and the following provisions: 1. All materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. Before a transporting vehicle leaves the parcel or parcels on which the fill area is located, it shall be cleaned so that no materials outside of the vehicle's load -bed can be deposited on a public or private street. 2. The fill area and the access roads thereto shall be treated or maintained to prevent dust or debris from blowing or spreading onto adjacent properties or public streets. 3. Fill activity shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except in cases of a public emergency as determined by the director of emergency services for the county. 4. Fill activity shall be conducted in a safe manner that maintains lateral support, in order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because of slides, sinking, or collapse. 5. The placement of fill shall be completed within one year of its commencement, except for reclamation activities and any other activities associated with the final stabilization of the area. The program authority may extend the date of completion upon the written request of the applicant, demonstrating that factors beyond the control of the applicant prevented the completion within the one-year period. The program authority may then extend the permit for a period of time that, in its sole discretion, is determined adequate to complete the work. (Supp. No. 2, Update 7) Created: 2922-M-21 11:39:28 [EST] Page 2 of 3 Attachment C 6. In lieu of a plan or narrative, the program authority may accept a contractual agreement between the Virginia Department of Transportation and its contractor for a public road project; provided that the program authority determines that the agreement satisfies at least to an equivalent extent the requirements and intent of this section. C. Inert waste fill activity is not permitted in the Rural Areas (RA), Village Residential (VR) or Monticello Historic District (MHD) zoning districts without approval of a variation or exception as permitted in section 33.43 of this chapter. d. The Board of Supervisors may approve a variation or exception from any requirement of this section. 1. A variation or exception from any requirement of this section may be approved upon a finding that any of the following factors are satisfied: (i) the proposed fill activity would further agricultural use of the property; (ii) the variation or exception would allow for a more natural appearance of the site after the fill activity has occurred; (iii) a reduction in setback from the entrance corridor is recommended by the Architectural Review Board; (iv) the variation or exception is supported by the abutting owners impacted by the variation or exception; (v) approval of any variation or exception is consistent with an approved and valid initial or preliminary site plan or any other land use decision of the County; (vi) the proposed fill activity will be of limited duration (less than 90 days) and involve not more than 10,000 cubic feet of fill within any 12 months. 2. The agent will provide written notice by first class mail or by hand at least five days before the Board hearing to the owner or owners, their agent or the occupant, of each parcel involved; to the owners, their agent or the occupant, of all abutting property and property immediately across the street or road from the property affected, including those parcels which lie in other localities of the Commonwealth; and, if any portion of the affected property is within a planned unit development, then to such incorporated property owners associations within the planned unit development that have members owning property located within 2,000 feet of the affected property as may be required by the commission or its agent. 3. A party's actual notice of, or active participation in, the proceedings for which the written notice provided by this section is required waives the right of that party to challenge the validity of the proceeding due to failure of the party to receive the written notice required by this section. (4 5.1.28, 7-6-83; Ord. 01-18(6) , 10-3-01; Ord. 02-18(5) , 7-3-02; Ord. 20-18(3) , 9-16-20) (Supp. No. 2, Update 7) Created: 2922-M-21 11:39:28 [EST] Page 3 of 3 Kindrick Property Location Map Attachment D June 27, 2022 it 111 : N ■'t • ' APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION , ))(Request for a waiver, modification, variation or ❑ Variation to a previously approved Planned substitution permitted by Chapter 18 Development rezoning application plan or Code of Development OR ❑ Relief from a condition of approval Provide the following I copy of a written request specifying the section or sections being requested to be waived, modified, varied or substituted, and any other exhibit documents stating the reasons for the request and addressing the applicable findings of the section authorized to be waived, modified, varied or substituted. Provide the following I copy of the existing approved plan illustrating the area where the change is requested or the applicable section(s) or the Code of Development. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. 1 copy of a written request specifying the provision of the plan, code or standard for which the variation is sought, and state the reason for the requested variation. FEE = 523.12 Application $503 + Technology surcharge $20.12 Project Name : K \' r„ �( )L 1�i't Current Assigned Application Number (HS, HO, CLE, SDP, SP or ZMA Tax map and parcel(s): 034oa oo - M--oo tc�o , Q3L926 - cc -Cx'-�--C�O�� Applicant/Contact Person .`ic-- Address l Alta 4`1.6G 1�tt_L City �iy#5� ��� State_J&Zip O93(, �P\�t Daytime Phone# (4J3LJ) NnJ,,�7 Fax# ( ) Email "�kQ �j t�clvy.�,cn Owner of Record M a-s-i F �D w sgs.N��� . _} debt 0/D (. nAt L wa4,•ek Address y�0"41w kA'Vbty�c City State\]A Zip722Z Daytime Phone# (L(3q) lb�6 Zz y Fax# ( ) �J _ Email Akmo f \H �Sj-& County of Albemarle Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 9724126 Revised 7/1/2021 • • APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE If the person signing the application is someone other than the owner of record, then a signed copy of the "CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER" form must be provided in addition to the signing the application below. (page 3) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application, I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner of the subject parcel(s) listed in County Records. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application, 1 am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. I&L Signature �lof Owner s� ))/ Agent / Contract Purchaser 1' Cott-,na rL Pont Name 3�as�zoz z Date q94- L{o9- LzZ Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICATION# E 202 2=S Fee Amount $ 5 • 12. Date Paid' 2 B}'who?Tme+hu KI►7(Vj(Ki Receipt# 3 (I#JS By lb Revised 7/ 1 /202 I APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form must accompany this zoning application if the application is not signed by the owner of the property. I certify that notice of the application for, [Name of the application type & if known the assigned application #] was provided to [Name(s) of the record owners of the parcel] the owner of record of Tax Map and Parcel Number by delivering a copy of the application in the manner identified below: nHand delivery of a copy of the application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] Date aMailing a copy of the application to lName or me recom owner it me recore owner is a person; i the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on to the following address Date [Address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. Signature of Applicant Print Applicant Date Revised 7/1/2021 I am requesting an exception to Albemarle County Virginia Code of Ordinances 5.1.28 - Clean Earth and inert waste fill activity in accordance with paragraph d. 1 of the ordinance as the proposed fill activity would further the agricultural use of the property. :7S�I3�3;TiDL`IB In 2009 my father clean cut 90 acres in order to increase the overall pasture land on the farm which has been in my family since 1737. Following the Department of Forestry best practices we left the stumps in place to decay over time in order to prevent excess erosion. In 2018 after my father passed away I entered into an extensive contract with the USDA/N RCS. This contract was designed to protect the resources of the farm as well as further the agricultural productivity of the land. This contract (EQIP 2014 7433A7180AQ) included stream exclusion fencing, freeze proof watering systems, fertilization, seeding, weed and brush control, and hardened stream crossings amonst other things. One major area was the need to fill ditches ruts and ravines though out the land that had been clear cut and then augment the existing soil. Once this was completed the land would be fertilized and seeded in order to add approximately 50 more acres of manageable pasture land to the farm. This improvement would be invaluable to the continued farming of the piece of land as it would allow the possibility of making hay on the land (currently it is purchased). It would allow the cattle herd to be increased by approximatel 20 head basically doubling the existing herd and the implimentation of rotational grazing. In July 2021 when I finally reached this final step I was informed that a new ordinance had been implimented and I would hav to apply to the county in order to be allowed to continue. As a part of this process the USDA-NRCS District Conservationist Kory Kirkland provided both telephonic and a written email (attached) outlining the project, need for and benefit to the sites existing agricultural use. US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE NRCS-CPA-1202 1012015 CONSERVATION PROGRAM CONTRACT Participant: TIMOTHY K KINDRICK Program and Contract Number: EQIP 2014 7433A7180AQ County and State: Subaccount: ALBEMARLE County, VA Livestock - Farmville (Area III - Farnville) Watershed: This agreement is effective on the date signed by the Natural Jacobs Run -North Fork Rivanna River Resources Conservation Service obligating official unless specified otherwise in the applicable Appendix and extends through 12/31/2021 1. The undersigned participants enter into this contract with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to implement and/or maintain specific conservation practices, as set forth in the Conservation Plan Schedule of Operations (NRCS-CPA-1155) on the property as identified on the plan map. In consideration for the Implementation and/or maintenance of the practices, the NRCS will make payments to the participant(s) in the amount(s) described in the Schedule of Operations as outlined in the Appendix. 2. This agreement is comprised of this Conservation Program Contract form NRCS-CPA-1202. The NRCS-CPA-1202 Appendix and the NRCS-CPA-1155 Plan Schedule of Operations and plan map are hereby fully incorporated into this document and are binding upon the participant(s). The NRCS-CPA-1155 may be modified through execution of a Modification form (NRCS-CPA-1156) by both NRCS and the participant and becomes a part of the contract when both parties have agreed to and signed the Modification. 3. The participant(s) agree: A) to Implement and maintain conservation practices for the life of this agreement in compliance with the plan or schedule of operations and in accordance with the standards, specifications, and other special program criteria obtained from NRCS; B) to forfeit further payments under this agreement and refund the United States, in amounts determined by NRCS, any payments received hereunder upon NRCS determination that participant(s) have violated the material terms of this agreement or accept such payment adjustments as NRCS may deem appropriate if NRCS decides that the participant's violation does not warrant termination of the agreement: and C) to forfeit all rights to further payments under the agreement and refund to the United States, in amounts determined by NRCS, payments received hereunder if the subject land Is transferred to a non -participant during the term of this agreement, unless the third party agrees to assume this agreement, and the NRCS consents to the modification. 4, CONTRACT PARTICIPANTS Name, Address, Telephone SSN or TAX ID if applicable TIMOTHY K KINDRICK "" 1151 4394 CARRIAGE HILL DR EARLYSVILLE, VA 22936 DUNS (non4ndividuals) (434)409-6224 Signature Payment Shares TIMOTHY K KINDRICK 100.00% Date 12121/2017 Signature required for modifications ✓ Yes ❑ No Signature acceptable for payments ✓ Yes > No 5. CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS 2018 1 2019 1 2020 Total $30,035 1 $121,978 1 $24,152 $176.165 $176,165 Page 1 of 2 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NRCS-CPA-1202 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 10/2015 CONSERVATION PROGRAM CONTRACT Participant: Program and Contract Number: TIMOTHY K KINDRICK EQIP 2014 7433A7180AQ 6. NRCS APPROVING OFFICIALS Application Approval KORY KIRKLAND USDA electronic signature; manual signature not required. Contract Obligation KILBY MAJETTE USDA electronic signature; manual signature not required. Date: 1 /9/2018 1 Date: 1 /31 /2018 1 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The following statements are made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.0 522a). Furnishing this information is voluntary; however failure to furnish correct, complete information will result in the withholding or withdrawal of such technical or financial assistance. The information may be furnished to other USDA agencies, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice, or other state or federal law enforcement agencies, or in response to orders of a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal. This information collection is exempted from the Paperwork Reduction Act under 16 U.S.C. 3801 note and 16 U.S.C. 3846. NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: 2rogram.intakeDusda.gov USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. Page 2 of 2 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REVISION OF PLAN / SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS NRCS-CPA-1156 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE OR MODIFICATION OF A CONTRACT 0312019 PARTICIPANT COUNTY AND STATE PROGRAM AND CONTRACT NUMBER SUBACCOUNT TIMOTHY K KINDRICK ALBEMARLE County, VA EQIP 2014 7433A7180AQ Livestock - Farmville (Area III - Farmville) LAND UNITS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION ACRES MODIFICATION EXPIRATION Farm 1643 Tract(s) 3833 160 NUMBERAND DATE DATE 12/3112023 4—N/A Contract Items 1: Water Well(642) Practice Llfespan: 20 years Status: Certified 5/29/2018 Install a well. Fields: Tract 3833 Fields: 2, Contract Item Planned Conservation Treatment Certified Amount Unit Cost Cost Share Rate/Method COMPLETION SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED COST -SHARE OR PAYMENT BY YEAR 2018 $ 2019 $ 2020 $ 2021 $ 2022 $ 1 Is Water Well(642) HU-Ddlled well for consolidated geologic sites with stable rock formations limited casing) 320 no 320 ft $22.7900/ fit PR` 7.293 7,293 Notes: 'Payment rates define the unit cost rate of compensation to be received by the participant. Contract items 2: Pumping Plent(533) Practice Lifespen: 15 years Status: Certified 10/10/2018 Install a pumping facility to transfer water for a need(s). Fields: Tract 3833 Fields: 2; Contract Item Planned Conservation Treatment Certified Amount Unit Cost Cost Share Rate/Method COMPLETION SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED COST -SHARE OR PAYMENT BY YEAR 2018 $ 2019 $ 12020 $ 2021 $ 2022 $ 2 2a Pumping Plant(533) HU-Pump <= 1.5 HP 1 no 1 Ea $2,378 0400 / Ea PR' 2,378 2,378 Notes: 'Payment rates define the unit cost rate of compensation to be received by the participant. Page 1 of 26 RE: [External Err il]RE: Area to be impacted Kirkland, Kory - NRCS, Louisa, VA <kory.kirkland@usda.gov> =ri 11 /5/2021 11.35 AM To. Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemade.org> Cc: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>; Kenny Thacker <kthacker3@albemarle.org>; Timothy Kindrick <timothy-kindrick@hotmail.com> Hello Frank, As a follow-up to our phone call and based on the map that Mr. Kindrick has provided below are some comments: I have been working with Tim Kindrick on a multiyear project to conserve, improve, and protect the natural resources on his farm. This project promotes improved pasture condition and use, permanent/perennial vegetation, and some use exclusion on areas that are most vulnerable. Part of the project area includes the area that Mr. Kindrick has proposed to use clean fill dirt as a land treatment to improve existing condition for continued/improved agricultural use. The predominant soil type at this location is Hayesville loam. Hayesville is generally a good productive soil, but it has limitations due to its vulnerability to surface erosion. Historically many of these soils have been limited through intensity of use. This site reflects that soil condition. Based on existing condition (roughness, uneven grades, lack of positive drainage at highest point) I believe what Mr. Kindrick is proposing can bring benefit to the sites existing agricultural use if done properly. Mr. Kindrick and I have discussed filling and compacting (to mimic a natural soil condition), grading/shaping (to mimic the natural landscape and natural landforms), need for inputs (lime/fertilizer/living roots) to improve condition for commonly occurring agricultural commodities, and the need for mulching and seasonal/temporary cover until a permanent/perennial agricultural solution is applied. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional input. Thankyou Kory Kirkland USDA-NRCS District Conservationist 540-603-3204 From: Frank Pohl <fpohl@albemarle.org> Sent: Friday, November 5, 2021 10:43 AM To: Kirkland, Kory- NRCS, Louisa, VA <kory.kirkland@usda.gov> Cc: Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>; Kenny Thacker <kthacker3@albemarle.org>; Timothy Kindrick <timothy_kindrick@hotmail.com> Subject: [External Email]RE: Area to be impacted )External Email) If this message comes from an unexpected sender or references a vague/unexpected topic; Use caution before clicking links or opening attachments. Please send any concerns or suspicious messages to:;tnam.AbuseCdusda.aov Kory, Once we receive your input in writing, we can move forward. .NIPMns COUNTY GIS Web Selection Q iAeneP/; pan v Build a Spatial Query •.. Taal ID - CMmer Atrei� 1 KINDRICK ALLAN VMS . •• • i KNDRICK ALLAN Lti—may 006 00--00- NA TRUSTC/O 77.26 0` TIMOTHY K . KNDRICK f K� •:N 2 selected I . Es13O:f5 � may' F^1d73�1 -4 2 Wll� j ftlT@ Property Layout /SE202200018 Attachment F June 29, 2022 4 NRCS C011!~i,. SS.... Ati tied by: Jon LpWMW 501 COnaervalloniu Low" Service Cenbr Thomn Jeffason SWCD Basic Flan Map Dale: 10-25-201, 0 4125 825 1.6bo 2.475 18.400 ., ..ar .en..om,.., w Inp, wr 1 inch • 700 reel Stele: vwwii CourHy:Abornara Producer T. Kindrick RESOLUTION TO DENY SE2022-00018 — 4394 CARRIAGE HILL DRIVE (KINDRICK FILL AREA) WHEREAS, upon consideration of the Memorandum prepared in conjunction with the SE202200018, 4394 Carriage Hill Drive (Kindrick Fill Area) application and the attachments thereto, including staffs supporting analysis, any comments received, and all of the factors relevant to the exception in Albemarle County Code § 18-5.1.28 and 18-33.9, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby finds that a modified regulation would not satisfy the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance to at least an equivalent degree as the applicable requirement, and that the proposed exception: 0) would not be consistent with an approved and valid initial or preliminary site plan or any other land use decision of the County; (ii) would not be of limited duration (less than 90 days) and/or would involve more than 10,000 cubic feet of fill within any 12 months, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in association with the SE202200018, 4394 Carriage Hill Drive (Kindrick Fill Area), the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby denies the application for an exception from all requirements of Albemarle County Code § 18-5.1.28. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Clerk, Board of County Supervisors Aye Nay Mr. Gallaway Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Ms. Mallek Ms. McKeel Ms. Palmer Ms. Price